Caribbean Schools Primary Catalogue

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shaped around you RESOURCES FOR CARIBBEAN schools


If you thought learning was confined to the classroom, think again. If you assumed it was always found in a book, open your mind. It’s not simply the business of childhood, nor is it the property of intellectuals or institutions. It’s living and breathing in every one of us.

For decades, Pearson has addressed the needs of educational institutions, teachers, and learners across the English-speaking Caribbean. From printbased publishing and the development of digital resources for schools and universities, to academic services, we actively meet local Caribbean curriculum requirements through dedicated resources, as well as serve those following UK and US curriculums. At Pearson, the “always learning” mentality ensures a constantly evolving portfolio of solutions for teachers and learners from early childhood through to CSEC® and CAPE®, higher education, and adult education. Facilitating the use of our resources and services in the Caribbean, we rely on an articulated team of sales and marketing professionals distributed across the breadth of the region.

At your fingertips A showcase of our New Products and Key Titles


Literacy and Language Arts Pages 7 - 23

SOCIAL STUDIES Pages 24 - 25

atlases Pages 26 - 27

religious education Pages 27

SPANISH Pages 28

This catalogue is designed to save you time and make choosing the right materials for your classroom easier. You will find ISBNs for our most popular products from traditional print-based books and workbooks to digital products - as well as links to further information and resources online. Don’t forget, your local sales representative is always happy to help and is just a phone call or email away! If you are unsure who to contact please email

What do the icons mean? DVD-ROM CD-ROM


igital disc components d Audio CD, CD-ROM ONLINE





online resources are just a click away ONLINE






For more information on Pearson in the Caribbean visit:


1, 2, 3, You and Me Visual activities for the play-based learning of crucial early numeracy concepts Highlights of this NEW complete package of materials for early childhood numeracy education in the Caribbean: • Activity books, flashcards and numeracy manipulatives bring variety to the learning environment, stimulating learners and helping to support them in the transition into primary education. • Suggested activities and ways of using the materials can be found in the Teacher’s Guide providing guidance for the delivery of this less formal teaching approach. • All resources have been developed in conjunction with local experts and Caribbean early childhood specialists.


Audio CD

Authors: Lorna Thompson Weida Whitbourne Cathryn O’Sullivan Rebecca Tortello

• Information is presented in relevant and familiar Caribbean-specific contexts, encouraging pupils to relate to what they are learning.






• Ideal stepping stone to Caribbean Primary Mathematics (see page 3). What’s in the Pack? - 2 Activity Books (also available separately) - 4 sets of flashcards - a number frieze - an audio CD - 4 board games - counter stickers - a parrot puppet - 100 unifix cubes - reward stickers - dice - 2 sets of tangrams - a carefully designed Teacher’s Guide

Expert consultant: Cathryn O’Sullivan

We’d love you to see young learners’ response to the Pack. Visit to see the video.

1, 2, 3, You and Me Pack 1, 2, 3, You and Me Top-up Pack 1, 2, 3, You and Me Activity Book 1 1, 2, 3, You and Me Activity Book 2

Top-up Pack contains: - 4 sets of board games - counter stickers


978 1 408 27986 1 978 1 408 27985 4 978 1 408 27775 1 978 1 408 27776 8


Caribbean Primary Mathematics The most popular primary maths course in the region! This much-loved course has been recently updated and refreshed, whilst keeping the features that make it the most popular course in the Caribbean: • well-researched, modern methodology which links the skills taught in school to mathematics in everyday life • carefully structured content designed to enhance understanding of key concepts, teach new skills and reinforce what has already been taught • practical examples and hands-on activities to inspire students • challenging ‘Talk about’ points to encourage critical thinking and develop problem-solving skills • assessment sections to help monitor progress • teacher support materials to assist with planning, teaching and assessment.

Pupil Books These new editions include improvements based on feedback from teachers. • The progression from Kindergarten through to Level 3 has been improved. • The later levels, 5 and 6, include more challenging material to stretch higher-achieving pupils. • More problem-solving questions have been added to challenge pupils.

Teacher’s Guides The Teacher’s Guides support each level of Caribbean Primary Mathematics and include: • teaching and learning materials, including additional activities for students and group work ideas, along with instructions for teachers on how to facilitate the group work • photocopiable resource sheets to use in the classroom • lesson-by-lesson teaching ideas • a curriculum coverage grid and other helpful planning tools.

Workbooks These brand new Workbooks for levels 3 to 6 of Caribbean Primary Mathematics are closely linked to the Pupil Books and provide: • an easy-to-use source of extra practice questions • reinforcement of key skills and concepts.





Level 1 Fiction Kindergarten Pack (A and B Pupil Book and Kindergarten CD-ROM) Level 1 Pack (Pupil Book 1A and 1B and Level 1 CD-ROM) Level 2 Pack (Pupil Book 2A and 2B and Level 2 CD-ROM) Pupil Book & CD-ROM Level 3 Pupil Book & CD-ROM Level 4 Pupil Book & CD-ROM Level 5 Pupil Book & CD-ROM Level 6




978 0 602 26970 8 978 0 602 26971 5 978 0 602 26972 2 978 0 602 26979 1 978 0 602 26980 7 978 0 602 26981 4 978 0 602 26982 1

Teacher’s Guides Teacher’s Guide Kindergarten Teacher’s Guide 1 Teacher’s Guide 2 Teacher’s Guide 3 Teacher’s Guide 4 Teacher’s Guide 5 Teacher’s Guide 6

978 0 602 26983 8 978 0 602 26986 9 978 0 602 26987 6 978 0 602 26988 3 978 0 602 26990 6 978 0 602 26991 3 978 0 602 26992 0

Wookbooks Wookbook Level 3 Wookbook Level 4 Wookbook Level 5 Wookbook Level 6

978 0 602 31379 1 978 0 602 31380 7 978 0 602 31381 4 978 0 602 31382 1

Revision Guide

978 1 408 26699 1

Revision Guide The Eastern Caribbean Primary Revision Guide (with CD-ROM) for Mathematics (see page 6) is the ideal preparation for the Eastern Caribbean end-of-primary examinations, to revisit topics covered in the Caribbean Primary Mathematics series.



How does this course structure work in practice? The below grids demonstrates how Caribbean Primary Mathematics components cover the curricula across the Caribbean.



Pupil Book

Teacher’s Guide

Revision Guide

Kindergarten Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6

Caribbean Primary Mathematics Title





St Lucia

Trinadad and Tobago







Infant 1

Level 1

Year 1

Infant A

Grade 1

Grade 1

Grade 1

Infant 2

Level 2

Year 2

Infant B

Grade 2

Grade 2

Grade 2

Standard 1

Level 3

Year 3

Class 1

Grade 3

Grade 3

Grade 3

Standard 2

Level 4

Year 4

Class 2

Grade 4

Grade 4

Grade 4

Standard 3

Level 5

Year 5

Class 3

Grade 5

Grade 5

Grade 5

Standard 4

Level 6

Year 6

Class 4

Grade 6

Grade 6

Grade 6

Standard 5

Revision Guide

Provides study skills, revision excercises and examination preparation and sample questions

*OECS includes the following territories: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines.


Highlights of all three series: • • • • •

problem-solving opportunities challenge children to think about the concepts they have learned helps pupils actively explore mathematics through practical, hands-on activities encourages children to make links and connections between maths and the real world with points for discussion helps develop reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through specially developed activities assessment pages and teacher support.


Caribbean Primary Mathematics has been adapted for curriculums in Belize, Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago

Primary Mathematics for Belize Developed by a team of educators from Belize to meet the specific needs of the Belizean curriculum There is a Pupil Book for each of the three terms in the year, from Infant Year 1 through to Standard 2. Each book is supported by a Teacher’s Guide. Infant Year 1, Term 1 Pupil Book Infant Year 1, Term 2 Pupil Book Infant Year 1, Term 3 Pupil Book Infant Year 2, Term 1 Pupil Book Infant Year 2, Term 2 Pupil Book Infant Year 2, Term 3 Pupil Book

978 0 602 31539 9 978 0 602 31540 5 978 0 602 31541 2 978 0 602 31542 9 978 0 602 31543 6 978 0 602 31544 3

Standard 1, Term 1 Pupil Book Standard 1, Term 2 Pupil Book Standard 1, Term 3 Pupil Book Standard 2, Term 1 Pupil Book Standard 2, Term 2 Pupil Book Standard 2, Term 3 Pupil Book

978 0 602 31545 0 978 0 602 31546 7 978 0 602 31547 4 978 0 602 31548 1 978 0 602 31549 8 978 0 602 31550 4

Infant Year 1 Teacher’s Guide Infant Year 2 Teacher’s Guide Standard 1 Teacher’s Guide Standard 2 Teacher’s Guide

978 0 602 31552 8 978 0 602 31553 5 978 0 602 31554 2 978 0 602 31555 9

Primary Mathematics for Jamaica Developed by a team of dedicated educators from Jamaica to meet the specific needs of the integrated Jamaican curriculum Each Grade includes a colourful Workbook (Grades 1 to 3) or Pupil Book (Grade 4 to 6) using familiar examples from daily Jamaican life. Each book is supported by a Teacher’s Guide. Workbook 1 Workbook 2 Workbook 3 Pupil Book 4 Pupil Book 5 Pupil Book 6

978 0 435 08023 5 978 0 435 08022 8 978 0 435 99005 3 978 0 435 08024 2 978 0 435 08028 0 978 0 435 08029 7

Teacher’s Guide 1 Teacher’s Guide 2 Teacher’s Guide 3 Teacher’s Guide 4 Teacher’s Guide 5 Teacher’s Guide 6

978 0 435 08030 3 978 0 435 08031 0 978 0 435 08034 1 978 0 435 08035 8 978 0 435 08032 7 978 0 435 08033 4

Trinidad and Tobago Primary Mathematics Developed by a team of educators in Trinidad and Tobago to meet the needs of the integrated curriculum The series covers standards 1 to 5 with an engaging colourful Pupil Book for each level drawing on familiar examples from daily Caribbean life. Infant Year 1 Infant Year 2 Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standards 4 & 5

978 0 435 99006 0 978 0 435 99007 7 978 0 435 99000 8 978 0 435 99001 5 978 0 435 99002 2 978 0 435 99003 9



Eastern Caribbean Primary Revision Guide – Mathematics Written and developed with local specialists, a one-of-a-kind complete revision package for the Eastern Caribbean end-of-primary examinations in mathematics This fun, easy-to-work-through Revision Guide and CD-ROM package will help students gain the knowledge and skills needed for exam success. It makes revision effective and less daunting by: • presenting crucial content in student-friendly, manageable portions with in-text questions and activities, hints and tips • providing practice papers to familiarise students with the exam format, minimising stress on the day DVD-ROM


Advisors: Colin Cumberbatch, Experienced educator, Barbados






• enhancing learning through interactive activities and additional practice opportunities found on the CD-ROM.

Authors: Dr. Jeffrey Blaize

Eastern Caribbean Primary Revision Guide: Mathematics

• injecting fun into the revision process and offering support to parents, teachers and students through essential and accessible revision material


978 1 408 26699 1

Written and developed with local specialists, a one-of-a-kind complete revision package for the Eastern Caribbean end-of-primary examinations in English

Literacy and Language Arts

Eastern Caribbean Primary Revision Guide – English This fun, easy-to-work-through Revision Guide and CD-ROM package will help students gain the knowledge and skills needed for exam success. It makes revision effective and less daunting by: • presenting crucial content in student-friendly, manageable portions with in-text questions and activities, hints and tips • providing practice papers to familiarise students with the exam format, minimising stress on the day • injecting fun into the revision process and offering support to parents, teachers and students through essential and accessible revision material DVD-ROM


Authors: Nick Coates






• enhancing learning through interactive activities and additional practice opportunities found on the CD-ROM.

Advisors: Colin Cumberbatch, Experienced educator, Barbados

Eastern Caribbean Primary Revision Guide: English

978 1 408 26326 6


Literacy and Language Arts

The Students’ Companion

Bestseller updated Much loved since its first publication in 1958, this bestseller has now been fully updated to ensure it is still the only reference book you need Full of ‘did you knows…?’ and answers to those questions you’ve always pondered – this brand new edition of a Caribbean bestseller is a must-have for every home and classroom! This handy pocket-sized reference book is perfect for learning, reading, sharing, and accessing a wide range of Caribbean-specific information on everyday topics, and more besides.

The best bits • A NEW striking full-colour design. • CARICOM flags inside the back cover. • Content revised, updated and with sections of greater Caribbean importance and relevance. • IT-related sections including text messaging language. DVD-ROM

Authors: New edition updated by: Ken Jaikaransingh Original edition author: Wilfred D. Best

The Students’ Companion, Caribbean Edition – Bestseller updated








• Brand NEW companion website with additional resources.

978 1 408 28065 2

This is a valuable resource for practice and extended learning, at home and in the classroom For use in conjunction with The Students’ Companion, Caribbean Edition this complementary write-in Practice Book provides opportunities for testing knowledge and understanding of content found in The Students’ Companion, with the assistance of four fun, friendly characters.

Literacy and Language Arts

The Students’ Companion Practice Book

The best bits • Full-colour design. • Builds on higher level thinking to gain the best possible learning results through a range of exercises and question types. • Encourages creativity, critical thinking and problem solving while testing knowledge.

Authors: Nick Coates

The Students’ Companion Practice Book

978 1 408 27668 6

Graded Assessment Tests Written for students aged 7-11 to provide extra practice either in the classroom or at home The books are divided into papers covering a variety of different topics, including many new exercises to ensure students gain a thorough grounding in the basic skills of English. Graded Assessment Tests are also available for mathematics.

Authors: C. Gray D. Newton

English 1 English 2 English 3 English 4

978 0 582 05023 5 978 0 582 05024 2 978 0 582 05025 9 978 0 582 05026 6

D. Smith


Literacy and Language Arts

A, B, C, You and Me As children take their first literacy steps we aim to nurture in them a love of reading which will last a lifetime whilst developing crucial early literacy and language arts concepts A, B, C, You and Me provides opportunities for children to play games, engage in role play, sing songs, perform action rhymes and generally develop their language arts and literacy skills in a stimulating and enjoyable way. • All resources have been developed in conjunction with Caribbean specialists and the whole programme is based on the themes suggested by the early childhood curricula of the Caribbean.


Audio CD





• Information is presented in relevant and familiar Caribbean-specific contexts, encouraging pupils to relate to what they are learning.

Expert consultants: Cathryn O’Sullivan Charlene Quamina-Ross

978 1 447 90696 4 978 1 447 92530 9 978 1 447 92531 6 978 1 408 29726 1 978 1 408 29727 8

Student Top-up Pack contains: 10 sets of student flashcards Teacher Top-up Pack contains 1 set of teacher flash cards



• Suggested activities and ways of using the materials in the Teacher Guide’s provide guidance for the delivery of this less formal teaching approach.

Authors: Anne Worrall Tanya Banks

A, B, C, You and Me Pack A, B, C, You and Me Student Top-up Pack A, B, C, You and Me Teacher Top-up Pack A, B, C, You and Me Activity Book 1 A, B, C, You and Me Activity Book 2

• Individual whiteboards included in the Pack are a versatile resource which can be used in many ways to supplement virtually all activities. They can be used with the whole class, with groups or with individual children at any level of ability.

What’s in the Pack? - 2 Activity Books (also available separately) - a parrot puppet - an audio CD-ROM - an alphabet frieze - 1 set of teacher flashcards - 10 sets of student flashcards - 1 storyboard - 1 set of consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) cards - 10 individual whiteboards + 20 pens - a carefully designed Teacher’s Guide - 4 sets of story cards (see example below)

Literacy and Language Arts A sneak peek inside A, B, C, You and Me Activity Book 1.


Literacy and Language Arts

New Junior English Revised New Caribbean edition

More than 50 years since its first publication, New Junior English Revised remains the must-have reference and revision resource for English Language in the Caribbean; at home, in the classroom and now online too! Sections have been expanded, added and developed to ensure support is provided for teachers and learners alike.

The best bits • A striking full-colour design with brand new illustrations. • Additional comprehension passages and new topics based on current regional curricula, including writing, book reviews, figures of speech and poetry. • A companion website includes answers to all activities in the book, plus additional activities, audio and more: DVD-ROM



Authors: New edition: Dr. Pamela Mordecai

New Junior English Revised – New Caribbean Edition


978 1 408 28259 5





Small steps to big success!

A primary literacy and language arts ng, writing, course for the Caribbean, developing skills in readi listening. and ing spelling, comprehension, grammar, speak

Student Books



Teacher Handbooks

Stepping Stones is a unique mix of 79 full-colour components, designed by experts to appeal to both boys and girls and to raise literacy standards in your schools. Find out more overleaf

For Students

Did you kn ow...? Stepping S tones

authors an contributo d rs are litera cy experts varying sp with ecialisms, from the U and across K the Caribb ean, in Barbados, Jamaica, Tr cluding: Tobago, St inidad, Lucia an and the Gre d St. Vincent nadines.

For levels K and 1 • Full colour, write-in workbooks. • Penmanship skills are developed through write and trace activities.

For levels 2 to 6 • Each unit of the student books follow a tried and tested international

literacy pedagogy which begins with speaking and listening activities, moves on to reading practice, and culminates in the student creating a piece of original writing. This ensures that all areas of literacy receive equal practice and are reinforced with every new unit that is taught.

60 readers • divided into 6 finely graded levels, for K to 3 reading ability. • A variety of non-fiction, fiction, and phonics titles, each carefully selected

for their appeal to both boys and girls and their relevance to the Caribbean.

• Each level has strictly controlled vocabulary and grammatical structures to

enable students to build up their reading skills gradually and progressively.

• COMING SOON… in eBook format with a turn on, turn–off audio and

additional comprehension questions.

3 anthologies • For levels 4 to 6. • Reading practice for confident readers. • A mix of non-fiction and fiction material, and a variety of genres including

poetry, instructional material, excerpts from novels, and factual guides.

• Contributions from well-known Caribbean and international authors.

Log-on to the student and teacher website now

For Teachers A Teacher Handbook for every level


View samples of co components onlin urse e. Visit /pearsoncaribbea n

Each handbook: • underpins all of the course components and provides sample lesson plans and advice on integrating the additional reading components into lessons. • contains reduced annotated version of the Student Book pages, with reduced annotated student book pages so only one resource is needed for teaching and planning. • includes guidance on recommended Creole teaching strategies to use in the classroom at all levels, which have been developed in accordance with published language policies across the region.

See how this course could work in your classroom Stepping Stones Student Book

Stepping Stones Reading Support


Trinidad and Tobago



Red and Orange level readers



Infant 1



Yellow and Green level readers

Infant A

Grade 1

Infant 2

Grade 1


Blue and Purple level readers

Infant B

Grade 2

Standard 1

Grade 2


Anthology One

Class 1

Grade 3

Standard 2

Grade 3


Anthology Two

Class 2

Grade 4

Standard 3

Grade 4


Anthology Three

Class 3

Grade 5

Standard 4

Grade 5


Anthology Four

Class 4

Grade 6

Standard 5

Grade 6


* OECS includes the following territories: Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St Kitts & Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent & the Grenadines.


The course components

Student Book

Teacher Handbooks

Readers Level


Student Book K

Teacher Handbook K



Student Book 1

Teacher Handbook 1



Student Book 2

Teacher Handbook 2



Student Book 3

Teacher Handbook 3

Anthology 1

Student Book 4

Teacher Handbook 4

Anthology 2

Student Book 5

Teacher Handbook 5

Anthology 3

Student Book 6

Teacher Handbook 6

Anthology 4

Contact your local Pearson Sales Representative for more information or visit

A literacy teaching methodology text written for Caribbean classroom teachers, teachers in training and those interested in literacy development

Literacy and Language Arts

The Complete Caribbean Teacher: Literacy This textbook with supporting website presents the unique challenges surrounding literacy development that are faced in the region whilst at the same time outlining best-practice approaches and strategies for the classroom.

Why you need this book Teachers in training: the book will provide you with guidelines and examples to help develop your craft as literacy practitioners. DVD-ROM



Authors: S. Joel Warrican

Practising teachers: the publication will provide you with alternatives for developing literacy skills in your classrooms by introducing you to non-traditional approaches and strategies to enhance your repertoire, while at the same time emphasising best practice with traditional approaches.





Institutions: universities, teacher-training colleges, schools and libraries will find this an invaluable reference resource. “A complete instructional guide and companion for Caribbean teachers in teacher-training institutions and practitioners in educational settings from Early Childhood to college and university levels. It educates, instructs and empowers all literacy practitioners and takes them to the threshold for leadership and advocacy for literacy development in the Caribbean that is informed by classroom-evidence based research.” Dr Paulette Feraria, Lecturer, Language & Literature Education Advocate and Activist for Social Literacy in School and Community, Mona School of Education, University of the West Indies.

The Complete Caribbean Teacher: Literacy

The best bits • Helpful guidelines for translating theory into practice in the classroom. • Accessible and informal tone, full-colour, easy to read. • Web support for practising teachers, trainee teachers and lecturers:

978 1 408 27677 8


Literacy and Language Arts

Pre-reader 978 0 602269 60 9 Reader 1 978 0 602269 61 6 Reader 2 978 0 602269 62 3 Reader 3A 978 0 602269 63 0 Reader 3B 978 0 602269 64 7 Workbook 1 978 0 602268 40 4 Workbook 2 978 0 602268 41 1 Workbook 3 978 0 602268 42 8

Reader 1 (Ages 6–7) 978 0 602226 73 2 Reader 2 (Ages 7–8) 978 0 602226 74 9 Reader 3 (Ages 8–9) 978 0 602226 75 6 Reader 4 (Ages 9–10) 978 0 602226 76 3 Reader 5 (Ages 10–12) 978 0 602226 77 0 Workbook 1 978 0 602252 27 4 Workbook 2 978 0 602252 28 1 Workbook 3 978 0 602252 29 8 Workbook 4 978 0 602226 78 7 Workbook 5 978 0 602226 79 4 Teacher’s Guide 1 978 0 602269 65 4 Teacher’s Guide 2 978 0 602269 66 1 Teacher’s Guide 3 978 0 602269 67 8 Teacher’s Guide 4 978 0 602269 68 5 Teacher’s Guide 5 978 0 602269 69 2

New Caribbean Infant Readers A systematic introduction to reading • The Pre-reader provides activities to develop visual and cognitive skills. • Readers 1, 2, 3a and 3b include extensive, improved notes for teachers. • The Workbooks link to the Readers and offer training in phonics, comprehension and other important reading skills.

New Caribbean Junior Readers Building on infant foundations to develop reading skills Books 1 to 4 continue to develop the reading and language skills needed by 7 to 11 year olds. Book 5 consolidates and reinforces these skills for their final year of primary school. All books include: • extracts on environmental, technological and historical topics supporting an integrated approach to learning, develop comprehension and critical thinking skills in students • a variety of extracts from the Caribbean and beyond including fiction, poetry and non-fiction to broaden students understanding • teacher’s notes that provide guidance to get the most out of lessons.

Teacher’s Guides Invaluable time-saving lesson plans and resources, developed by experts in primary language arts and reading are provided in the corresponding Teacher’s Guides, including: • additional activities suggesting fun ways of introducing topics to engage learners • guidance on delivery to fully engage the class, including ideas for class and group activities to inspire and support learning • opportunities for cross-curricular work to make reading relevant.

Workbooks Full-colour write-in Workbooks provide comprehension activities to accompany every Reader including: • self assessment and reading record pages as well as a full matching grid outlining how each Workbook integrates with the Reader for that level • information for teachers and parents about developing reading skills, as well as additional activity resources • a balanced range of activities incorporating the four main areas of language comprehension: literal, inferential, deductive and evaluative as well as opportunities for creative writing and visual literacy development.

Introductory Book (Ages 6–7) 978 0 602252 44 1 Book 1 (Ages 7–8) 978 0 602252 40 3 Book 2 (Ages 8–9) 978 0 602252 41 0 Book 3 (Ages 9–10) 978 0 602252 42 7 Book 4 (Ages 10–12) 978 0 602252 43 4

New Caribbean Junior English An integrated approach to language arts This popular course features cross-curricular material reflecting life in the Caribbean, reinforcing learning across a range of subjects. • A wide range of activities help students develop their reading and writing skills. • Clearly laid out pages make the books more accessible and easy-to-use whilst engaging, full-colour illustrations by Caribbean artists capture the reader’s imagination. • A great variety of stimulating texts encourage independent learning.


Literacy and Language Arts

What levels are covered by these courses? Ages

New Caribbean Junior English

New Caribbean Junior Readers


Introductory Book

Reader 1

Workbook 1

Teacher’s Guide 1


Book 1

Reader 2

Workbook 2

Teacher’s Guide 2


Book 2

Reader 3

Workbook 3

Teacher’s Guide 3


Book 3

Reader 4

Workbook 4

Teacher’s Guide 4


Book 4

Reader 5

Workbook 5

Teacher’s Guide 5


Literacy and Language Arts

Preserving Our Heritage A colourful and exciting language arts series The series uses the culture and heritage of The Bahamas to deliver key skills in language and literacy. Suitable for use throughout the Caribbean, the series: • covers the language arts requirements for primary-level • contains poems, stories, factual accounts and other text extracts to interest and motivate children • uses a systematic approach to develop skills in reading, writing, grammar and critical thinking • includes a variety of activities to reinforce knowledge and test understanding.

Preserving Our Heritage Part 1 Part 2

Level 1 978 0 435 98472 4 978 0 435 98473 1

Level 2 978 0 435 98475 5 978 0 435 98476 2

Level 3 978 0 435 98480 9 978 0 435 98481 6

HIV/AIDS Readers A series of 24 story and information books for all school levels: • providing basic knowledge, life-skills and values at the heart of HIV/AIDS education • can be used on their own or to supplement another HIV/AIDS programme • ideal for health, social studies and life skills classes, libraries and youth programmes outside school. The HIV/AIDS readers cover the 10 themes central to HIV/AIDS education. • Life skills • Gender, power and human rights • Stigma and discrimination • Normalisation and disclosure • Care and support • Orphans and vulnerable children • Death, loss and grief • Feelings • Information about HIV/AIDS • Prevention

Ask your Sales Representative for more information.


Literacy and Language Arts

Once a Week Comprehension International edition Aimed at developing students’ reading ability, this series offers clearly explained exercises that test every aspect of a student’s literacy development whilst offering a clear route of progression for the student. Book 1 978 0 435 99672 7

Once a Week Comprehension

Book 2 978 0 435 99673 4

Book 3 978 0 435 99674 1

Book 4 978 0 435 99675 8

Better English International 2nd edition A complete primary-level course, this series of books is focused on a self-teaching method, smoothing the way to self-expression in writing. Fully illustrated and updated, this successful series aims for readers to ‘learn while doing’. Book 1 978 0 435 99677 2

Better English

Book 2 978043599678 9

Book 3 978 0 435 99679 6

Book 4 978 0 435 99680 2

Authors: Ronald Ridout

Word Perfect Spelling International edition A 9-book series perfect for students wanting to improve their word power Focusing on expanding the understanding of words as well as improving and perfecting spelling, this series and accompanying word reference book (Book 8) reinforces the key rules and procedures behind spelling and the use of words. Word Perfect Spelling Book 1 Word Perfect Spelling Book 2 Word Perfect Spelling Book 3 Word Perfect Spelling Book 4

978 0 435 99664 2 978 0 435 99665 9 978 0 435 99666 6 978 0 435 99667 3

Word Perfect Spelling Book 5 Word Perfect Spelling Book 6 Word Perfect Spelling Book 7 Word Perfect Spelling Book 8

978 0 435 99668 0 978 0 435 99669 7 978 0 435 99670 3 978 0 435 99671 0

Word Perfect Spelling Introductory Book 978 0 435 99663 5

Authors: Ronald Ridout

Comprehension Skills for the Caribbean This series of four books has been designed specifically for use in the Caribbean primary school. It provides careful practice in all English topics covered by 8–12 year olds. Book 4 provides systematic practice for the end-of-primary English examination. Book 1 978 0 602 22517 9

Book 2 978 0 602 22518 6

Book 3 978 0 602 22562 9

Authors: Roy Narinesingh

Book 4 978 0 602 22626 8

Selection Examination English Tests Planned after careful study of examination papers, this book contains 30 complete tests divided into sections covering comprehension, composition, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, sentence construction, punctuation, figures of speech, and more. Selection English Examination Tests

978 0 602 20860 8



Rigby Star The reading resources that outshine the rest! This tried and tested reading programme provides phonics, independent, guided and shared Readers from foundation-level that can be carried through into lower primary, covering the ages of 4 to 7 years. • Proven to help raise reading standards. • Clear progression throughout the scheme with coloured bands. • Fully-annotated teacher’s version to accompany every title. • Fiction and non-fiction Readers.

Rigby Navigator Encouraging enjoyment in reading • Engaging, richly illustrated poetry and plays capture readers’ imaginations. • Original fiction and cross curricular non-fiction enable children to develop an understanding of narrative structure and character development. • Rigby Navigator Max provides high interest short stories, plays and graphic novels to support lower ability children. • Teaching Guides help to save preparation time and help deliver effective and creative lessons.

Jamboree Storytime Give young children the best start in learning standard English Helps pre-school children to have confidence in understanding, reading, writing and speaking standard English. Level A (for 3 to 4 year olds) and Level B (for 4 to 5 year olds) each comprise: • Little Books - for individual learning x6 • Big Books - for shared reading x6 • Activity Book – interactive learning with games and puzzles x1 • Activity Guide - structured activities, photocopiables and flashcard templates x1 • Puppet - engage learners through role play x1 DVD-ROM

Audio CD


• Audio CD with stories, rhymes and chants read aloud x1 MOBILE PHONE




The reading materials on this page are published for the UK curriculum.

Fast forward to reading success A collection of must-have stories for struggling or reluctant readers. Independent research has shown that using Rapid, struggling readers can achieve more than twice the normal rate of progress.

Literacy and Language Arts


Storyworlds The structured way to deliver early reading success With carefully levelled texts, Storyworlds supports young readers from the ages of 4 to 7 years, with a reading scheme that can be started at early childhood and followed through into lower primary. • Finely levelled fiction texts ensure a steady progression of reading skills. • Fact World non-fiction brings learning to life. • Comprehensive Teacher Guides make lesson planning quicker and easier.

Heinemann English Readers Appealing cross-curricular readers to help raise reading standards Fast-paced fiction, fascinating non-fiction and informative science Readers appeal to the whole class.

The reading materials on this page are published for the UK curriculum.




Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas 2nd edition Developed in association with the Ministry of Education Written by a team of experienced Bahamian teachers and teacher educators, this second edition retains the popular style and approach to Social Studies from the highly successful first edition, while adding some great new features.

What’s new?




• Full curriculum coverage and the inclusion of new themes that have become part of the cultural and social awareness over recent years.





• A lively, activity-based approach, alongside a striking new design and artwork, ensures success and enjoyment while learning. • A key word glossary supports learning and helps develop new vocabulary. • A brand new companion website offers interactive learning support for students, teachers and parents. Don’t miss it!

Also available for use with this course is the School Atlas for the Commonwealth of The Bahamas (see page 26). Primary Social Studies and Tourism Education for The Bahamas, 2nd edition Student Book 1 Student Book 2 Student Book 3 Student Book 4 Student Book 5 Student Book 6


978 1 405 86271 4 978 1 405 86272 1 978 1 405 86273 8 978 1 405 86274 5 978 1 405 86275 2 978 1 405 86276 9


Caribbean Social Studies – Infant levels The perfect introduction to social studies for children who have just begun to interpret the written word Topics in the infant curriculum are enlivened through a variety of activities, photographs, drawings and clear maps. The course is written in very accessible English, the presentation is fun and easy-to-follow, and the content is relevant to children everywhere in the Caribbean, ages 5 to 7.

Book 1 Our Family, Home and School Book 2 Our Neighbourhood

978 0 435 04324 7 978 0 435 04325 4

Authors: M. Albertin M. Brathwaite C. Glean

Caribbean Primary Social Studies Revised and updated to reflect social, economic and environmental issues This popular course includes oral activities to encourage students to express their ideas and work together, while stimulating illustrations relate to students’ experiences. Books 1 and 2 are in full colour.

Book 1 – Our Local Community Book 2 – Our Country Community Book 3 – Our Caribbean Community Book 4 – Our World Community

978 0 435 92390 7 978 0 435 92391 4 978 0 435 92392 1 978 0 435 92393 8

Authors: M. Albertin M. Brathwaite



School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas Revised edition

Revised and updated in association with the Ministry of Education • Includes more full-colour images, current data from the Department of Statistics and up-to-date maps including new physical maps for all continents.

Editorial Advisor: Mike Morrissey Ministry of Education Advisor: Sharon Poitier Senior Education Officer (social studies)

School Atlas for The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, Revised edition


• Supports the teaching and learning of current social issues being addressed in the Bahamian educational system. • Provides resource material for the Primary Social Studies and Tourism for The Bahamas series (see page 24).

978 1 408 25827 9


Longman Caribbean School Atlas 4th edition Supporting social studies and geography courses at upper primary and lower secondary levels throughout the Caribbean Includes: • detailed coverage of the Caribbean region with in-depth geographical and environmental information on Trinidad and Jamaica

Authors: Mike Morrissey

• recent geographical trends and events in the region • information on countries of the world and world facts and figures • strong emphasis on skills practice with graphs, tables and data for interpretation and study. Longman Caribbean School Atlas

978 1 405 86505 0

Longman Caribbean School Atlas Workbook 4th edition An essential tool for developing atlas skills Accompanying the Longman Caribbean School Atlas, this workbook provides: • comprehensive coverage of each individual country or territory under various themes (e.g. environment) • skills practice such as the analysis and interpretation of maps, graphs and tables

Authors: Mike Morrissey

• tests and puzzles at the end of each section that help to consolidate learning while a glossary of relevant words and terms helps understanding. A four-page pull out answer section for teachers is also included. 978 1 405 86506 7

Caribbean School Hymn Book Revised edition A revised and refreshed edition of this popular hymn book It contains a wide range of traditional and newer hymns enjoyed by children as part of worship in schools, as well as national anthems and songs of the Caribbean territories. This new edition has been enhanced with fifteen additional popular hymns. Caribbean School Hymn Book

978 1 408 23045 9

Editor: Noel Dexter


Longman Caribbean School Atlas Skills Workbook



Chispas The Caribbean Primary Spanish course This course, comprising four levels for ages 7 to 11, has been developed and written specifically for the Caribbean, and matched to the Caribbean primary Spanish syllabus. • Introduces children to Spanish using songs, activities and reinforcement exercises. • Develops speaking and listening skills through the use of simple audio texts with visuals. • Grammar boxes and new word boxes consolidate learning.






• Four lively and colourful Pupils’ Books plus Workbooks for Levels 3 and 4 develop reading and writing skills in Spanish. MP3 AUDIO IWB IWB


Easy to use by specialist and non-specialist teachers, each Pupil’s Book is supported by a Teacher’s Guide with an accompanying CD providing step-by-step advice on ways to fully exploit each task and offering suggestions for further practice tasks. Only a basic knowledge of Spanish is assumed on the part of the teachers, enabling them to use the course confidently even if their own level of Spanish is limited. (Full recording transcripts are provided, as well as answer keys to all the tasks.)

Pupil’s Book Workbook Teacher’s Guide with CD

Level 1 978 0 435 98482 3 978 0 435 98488 5

Level 2 978 0 435 98483 0 978 0 435 98489 2

Level 3 978 0 435 98484 7 978 0 435 98486 1 978 0 435 98490 8

¡Preparados, Listos, Ya! A 5-level Spanish course for the Caribbean, for all students aged 7 to 11 • Games and puzzles to make learning fun, as well as thoroughly tried and tested teaching techniques. • Audio CD with songs performed by children, to help them learn the correct pronunciations. • Pronunciation based on Latin-American Spanish.

Each level has the following components: • full colour Workbook • audio CD of songs and pronunciation exercises DVD-ROM

Audio CD



Authors: Esperanza Luengo, Spain Marjorie Mora, Venezuela Ruth Albornoz, Venezuela





• plus: a free Teacher’s Guide to cover all five levels.

Workbook 1 and Audio CD Workbook 2 and Audio CD Workbook 3 and Audio CD Workbook 4 and Audio CD Workbook 5 and Audio CD Teacher’s Guide 1–5

978 1 405 82779 9 978 1 405 82780 5 978 1 405 82781 2 978 1 405 82782 9 978 1 405 82783 6 978 1 405 82778 2

Level 4 978 0 435 98485 4 978 0 435 98487 8 978 0 435 98491 5

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