Digital Resources for HE

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open to learn Pearson’s Suite of Digital Teaching and Learning Resources for Higher Education

About us We believe in learning. All kinds of learning for all kinds of people, delivered in a personal style. We believe in its power to change lives, to open doors, to break down barriers, build societies, and offer hope and possibility. Because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.

Pearson is the world’s leading education company, offering collaborative teaching and learning solutions for on-campus, online, and blended learning environments. Pearson knows that different regions need different learning tools, and has therefore created a suite of e-learning products that will assist both teachers and learners throughout the Arab world.


At Pearson, we understand that you want the very best and very latest in innovative, dynamic and reliable educational software. Our range of products reflect our customers’ changing needs and have been developed in close conjunction with students and teachers in higher education institutions across the globe. Take for example our Arab World Publishing Program – a range of new and adapted titles developed especially for students studying in the Arab region. The Arab World Edition of one of Pearson’s most widely respected textbooks, Robbins and Coulter’s Management, forms part of this collection, and incorporates examples from Arab companies including the Lebanese Canadian Bank, Rotana Hotels, Air Arabia and Dubai Customs. With its revised language and interviews with local managers, the Arab World Edition of Robbins and Coulter’s Management ensures relevant and contextualized learning for Arab management students. This book, like the other titles in the Arab World series, is supported by a host of leading technological features such as MyManagementLab and applications for iPads and iPhones.


Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

MyLabs: feedback & Assessment specific to your needs A MyLab is an online Homework and Tutorial resource that helps students to practice and gives instructors the flexibility to create homework and tests!

Ask yOuRsELf… Are you able to give students feedback on their homework? Do you have enough resources to support each student’s needs? Do students demand a lot of your time? WOuLD yOu LikE TO…. set more regular homework for students as long as it does not impact on your time? Give students more feedback on their individual performance? see how your class is performing and be able to address issues more quickly?


The results show that the sections that did not use the online homework assignment did not score as well as the sections that were using MyMathLab. There was a difference of 10% between the average score on the common final exam. Maya Mitkova, Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

At Pearson we have developed a range of innovative products and services to enable you, as a lecturer, to support your students. Pearson technology represents our range of solutions and services that go beyond the textbook and make learning personal to each and every student.

The exibility of the software was something that all of my students were positive about...they like the idea that they are capable of doing homework assignments at any time Dr Haitham Solh, American University in Dubai, Dubai

Our solutions are targeted at those lecturers who teach introductory subjects, anything from: Accounting, Maths, Finance, Physics, Chemistry, Statistics or IT. If you teach an introductory subject within Higher Education then our solutions are aimed at you. Lets have a look at one product which is proven to produce better grades for students, MyMathLab.

Homework and tutorial exercises allow students to practice on their own time anywhere!

The system automatically grades the homework and you can track the students’ results in the gradebook


Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

BRAnD nEW fEATuREs TO MyLABs Track Learning Outcomes Lecturers are able to structure their course assignments around, and run reporting based on accreditation, or your institution’s desired learning outcomes. Allowing for greater visibility, and measurement of student progress. ■

“Ask the Publisher” Link in “Ask My instructor” Email Instructors can easily notify the content team of any irregularities with specific questions by using the “Ask the Publisher” functionality in the “Ask My Instructor” emails they receive from students. ■

Mobile Dashboard This mobile app allows students to log in and review information whilst on the go from their MyLab dashboard, including: announcements, assignments, results, and progress bars for completed work. This app has been designed for iPhones, iPads and Android phones to help promote effective study habits. ■



I would recommend this technology to a fellow lecturer who was planning to teach this course because it can motivate students and enable richer assessment. Teaching resources can be used for more non-routine assessment tasks.




Results of the last two final exams were positive. The number of low-performers was lower than in the corresponding exams a year ago…


I’d recommend this technology to anyone. It’s effective, easy to use, diverse and very flexible. MyEconLab tackles the problem of growing student numbers, students’ diverse backgrounds and encourages students to apply their knowledge to a variety of practical areas. Students can work at their own pace in their own time and it provides them with the practice and feedback that they need, which may not be possible to give on a one-to-one basis.


Jouko Karjalainen, Aalto University, Finland.


With so many students, an online resource that marks the assignments and gives feedback is invaluable. It’s impossible for me to keep track of 800 students, but by having the ability to monitor student progress online, I can gauge the level of understanding of the majority of the students and I am more able to discover which areas need further explanation and practice.




I set a homework and test every week – one for each chapter – which are automatically marked. I tend to use the homework as a revision guide and as a way of preparing the students for the test and for the final exam. It provides a brilliant method of feedback and practice.


Elizabeth Jones, University of Exeter, United Kingdom.

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

innOvATivE OnLinE HOMEWORk AnD TuTORiAL PROGRAM MyMathLab provides instructors with a rich and flexible set of course materials, along with course-management tools that make it easy to deliver all or a portion of your course online. Since 2006 over eight million students, in 1600 universities and colleges have enrolled in MyMathLab.

The homework is easier for me now...the study plan makes it simpler for me revising for’s easier than revising through books or worksheets

Results from current users of MyMathLab suggest students experience an increase in their marks, drop out rates fall and there is an overall improvement in student understanding. (Making the Grade V.4.1 – MyMathLab represents Pearson teaching and learning solutions. By building on our successful textbook offering with new and innovative products and services Pearson Education are able to provide effective solutions.

Yousef F A A A. Behbahani, Student at Gulf University of Science and Technology, Kuwait


Allow departments to quickly and efficiently enroll all students into courses and sections and be ready to start class on the first day

Analyze and monitor performance across multiple courses or disciplines

NEW! Single sign on with BlackBoard and Moodle now available*

*MyManagementLab, MyMarketingLab and MyITLab available in early 2012.


MyAccountingLab MyFinanceLab

■ ■

MyEconLab MyITLab

■ ■

MyPsychLab MyStrategyLab

■ ■

MyCompLab MyReadingLab

MyWritingLab …and many more!

To find out more about Pearson’s digital solutions please go to and click on Products 7

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

Mastering: Assessment & problem solving at your own pace! Harness the power of the world’s most advanced, educationally effective and widely used homework and tutorial system. Like MyLabs, the Mastering products are a valuable companion for both instructors and students, ideal for use in science and Engineering introductory level courses. As An insTRuCTOR, yOu CAn: ■

Access valuable data to hone your teaching to best suit your students’ needs

Electronically assign homework at just the right level, covering both concepts and quantitative methods

Incorporate a wide variety of answer types encouraging students to work through in-depth solutions and make cheating difficult

Create assignments of the right length as all questions are based on actual data from students

Check study behavior and student performance with built-in teaching diagnostics

Couple educational innovations with larger questions in education, such as quantitative models of learning

As A sTuDEnT yOu CAn:


Use animations to help you visualize tough topics

Prepare for exams through self study quizzes

Use interactive eText to highlight text, add your own study notes and review your instructor’s notes

MasteringPhysics is a very efficient way to motivate students to learn physics, to practice physics and submit assignments regularly

Stephen McVitie, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK.

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

Many students said they enjoyed the freedom of being able to tackle the assignments from home without the pressure of a scheduled class and without interference from teaching staff Tim Richardson, Department of Physics and Anatomy, The University of Sheffield, UK.

i wanted something that would save time for me and my teaching assistants and (Mastering) has done that…it also encourages students to come to class Dr Ashraf Zaher, University of Kuwait, Kuwait


Make your own Learning Outcomes or generate Learning Outcomes based on key course terms

View your class’ performance against course Learning Outcomes

Create assignments to match course Learning Outcomes

Export class results to spreadsheets for further customization

To hear how Pearson’s Mastering programs are positively affecting teaching and learning, go to and click Proven Results 9

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

MyLabsPlus: Measure student progress across multiple courses! institutions across the world are reporting increased homework completion, higher pass and retention rates and elevated student satisfaction with courses that employ an online component versus a traditional lecture course.

MyLabPlus resources offer greater visibility into student performance metrics to help educators follow class progress and needs.

Pearson’s MyLabsPlus immerses students in interactive learning scenarios at a style and pace that best suits their needs – offering self-paced, customizable and adaptable instruction for each student’s level of knowledge. MyLabsPlus delivers fully-collaborative, interactive learning labs for multiple disciplines and online resources that students enjoy. These resources give students greater variety in learning opportunities.

AnALyzE AnD MOniTOR sTuDEnT PERfORMAnCE Advanced reporting in MyLabPlus resources allows instructors and administrators to review and analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses by tracking their performance on tests, assignments and tutorials. The integrated gradebook helps them manage results, calculate grades and plan remediation strategies. Administrators can review grades and assignments across the curriculum.

EnHAnCED suPPORT sERviCEs The Pearson Services and Support teams provide assistance to students, instructors, and administrators through every stage of your program. Services include:


24/7 technical support by e-mail for students and instructors.

Course-development assistance and support.

Enhanced instructor training to establish best practices in teaching with MyLabsPlus.

Department administrator planning and support to meet your unique operational and strategic needs.

What’s the Plus? ■

Proven MyLab instruction and assessment models

Automated batch student enrolment

Diagnostic tools for students

Greater visibility into student performance

24/7 technical support by phone, chat and e-mail

To learn more, visit

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

Mobile: Access your work anywhere! it’s a new way to experience MyLab and Mastering – personal, unique and powerful. Pearson is committed to providing you and your students with the most up-to-date innovations in education technology. Pearson’s educational technology keeps pace with even the most technologically savvy students and professors. MyDAsHBOARD Access your grades, upcoming assignments and important announcements on MyLab right from your mobile phone with this new Pearson innovation. Easy and quick to use – you will always be connected to information essential to your academic success.

eTExT APPLiCATiOn fOR APPLE’s iPAD With the new Pearson eText application for the Apple iPad, instructors and students can now experience MyLab and Mastering on the go – anywhere, any time. Book content is displayed with the highest quality fidelity to the print and online versions of the book. The application provides you with many of the features available to browser-based eText subscribers – full text search, highlights, notes, bookmarks, support for multi media content and glossaries – all with the advanced capabilities of Apple’s powerful device that is poised to change the learning landscape.

for more on the latest in Pearson technology check out: 11

Homework, Tutorial and Assessment

Teaching with e-Learning: A lecturer’s story At Pearson, because we have been working on developing technological resources for higher education for the last 20 years, we have learned a lot about what factors lead to successful use of technology in a learning environment. But, lecturers know best how to teach and those who have successful integrated technology into their courses have much to teach the rest of us.

Here, Dr Maya Mitkova, Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at Gulf University for Science and Technology, Kuwait, an avid user of the MyMathLab product shares her experiences of implementing and teaching using the resources.

Gulf university of science and Technology, kuwait submitted by Maya Mitkova, Department of Mathematics and natural science Courses:

College Algebra, Basic Calculus and Basic Business statistics

Type of data collected:

final exam scores, pass rates, student survey

During which period:


MyMathLab course structure Course design I use MyMathLab and MyStatLab on three courses: College Algebra, Basic Calculus and Basic Business Statistics. Each course consists of three lectures per week. In the past the College Algebra course included one tutorial hour per week which required a teaching assistant.

Assessment Final written exam. Assigned homework was collected and graded by the instructor upon completion of a chapter.

implementation By implementing MyMathLab we no longer needed the university computer labs and we were able to decrease the number of teaching assistants. Now the homework and the ‘labs’ are assigned through the MyMathLab resource. We advise the students to use MyMathLab for their homework, highlighting the advantage of the online tutoring system and the fact that the online access code is included in the book. I am able to set around 20 homework assignments per semester and control the due date for completing them; this gives me the additional


tools to boost the motivation of the students. Labs are assigned at the end of each chapter. In the case of coordinated course (i.e., supported by a teaching assistant), the coordinator assigns a particular time for the students to take the online lab, which is usually available for one day (it can even be set for one hour if you wish to do so). After completing each chapter, students submit their homework folder which contains a printout of the online homework assignments, together with their workings. This prepares the students for the final exam by emphasizing the need to show workings for each problem.

MyMathLab course results The results show that the section of the class that did not use the online homework assignments did not score as well as the student using MyMathLab. There was a difference of 10% between the average score on the common final exam. In addition, all students who spent an average of 1.5 hours on homework assignments during the semester were able to pass the course. In a survey, several students reported that the online assessment improved their skill in using computers and that they enjoyed using the online assignments. When asked if they would prefer to do the homework from the book or on MyMathLab they voted in favor of the online homework.

English Language Teaching

invEsT in yOuR fuTuRE inTERACTiviTy • fLExiBiLiTy • AffORDABiLiTy ■

Online professional development anytime, anywhere

instruction from worldrenowned ELT professionals

internationally recognized TEsL/TEfL Certification

Engaging video-based instruction from ELT experts to optimize the learning experience

Authentic classroom demonstrations that show best practices

Interactive practice and ongoing assessment

Personalized, self-paced learning

Easy-to-use learning management system which enables collaboration among participants

Teacher Development interactive PLus Teacher Development interactive PLus is a version of TDi (online) delivered through a powerful learning management system called The Learning studio. The Learning studio allows large institutions to exercise centralized administrative and curriculum control throughout particular geographical regions. it also offers powerful online communication tools as well as an easy–to-use system for instructors or administrators to author and publish supplementary content. Teacher Development Interactive PLUS is an online version of TDI that provides a suite of communication tools for facilitating the course. Instructors and administrators can develop and easily add supplementary content to TDI PLUS for enriching the learning experience. This version also enables institutions to maintain centralized administrative control of their TDI PLUS courses.


English Language Teaching

Longman English interactive Longman English interactive is a four-level, videobased integrated skills program that includes more than 100 hours of instruction per level. To improve the language skills of teachers, LEi provides instruction and practice in grammar, speaking, listening, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing. LEi includes a customizable course syllabus, extensive formative and summative assessments to track teachers’ progress, and e-portfolios to monitor and assess students’ progress on written assignments.

LEI can also be delivered as a blended course when used with LEI student coursebooks, The LEI Communication Companion and The LEI Student Activity Book.

Longman English interactive Plus Longman English interactive Plus (LEi Plus) is an online version of LEi that provides a suite of communication tools for facilitating the course. instructors and administrators can develop and easily add supplementary content to LEi Plus for enriching the learning experience.


This version also enables institutions to maintain centralized administrative control of their LEI Plus courses.

MyLabs MyLabs Plus

Mastering Teacher Development interactive

Longman English interactive

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