BIM Competency Assessment Report 1. Overall summary Company is a very dynamic structural engineering firm which has been using BIM and the Autodesk Revit Application for a number of years now. Company used a 2 step strategy in their BIM implementation with a first phase focusing on the implementation of new technology and methodology in order to increase internal efficiency. In a second phase Company is now looking at proposing added value to their core services to other actors within the construction industry. As a result the development of their BIM process is quite rapid and is evolving at a fast pace. This poses a potential risk in the overall quality management of their BIM operations should they be integrated with an external partner such as Client. Topics
BIM practices are still evolving rapidly within Company
Ability to adapt to Client’s additional requirements
Longer project setup phase as well as a risk of maintaining the model for a longer project
BIM procedures still focused on delivering high quality documentation
Facilitate the design management work on the Client’s side
Need to be carefully though should other application of the models become enabled (methods, procurement)
LOD and model quality
Good management of library and information storage mechanism
LOD may need to be increased should the model be transferred to the detailer and or to the methods team
Collaboration with other consultants
Proactive on past projects and are willing to do more
No experience yet in performing a global BIM Manager role and managing other consultants
2. Team assessment 1 Title Attendee Review
Session with Design Team Chris -
Extensive experience of the Revit software and good ability to troubleshoot issues as well as develop solutions and workarounds to achieve the results wanted The modelling techniques are still very much driven by the graphical results and display of the elements on drawings. As a result of this, it is aware that sometimes certain elements are modelled not always using the corresponding categories (e.g. some beams are modelled as floor elements Display issues of elements on drawings are resolved by modelling with a higher level of detail (e.g. precast beams). This gives more trust and credential to the model and its further use by external parties A visual check of the model is performed every time a new reference is brought in (e.g. a new architectural model) Some smart techniques have been implemented to maintain the integrity of the models (e.g. the grids are placed in design options to prevent anyone from accidentally moving them, printing macro and other changes) Model organisation is clear and functional; however it may be difficult for an outsider to navigate the different view without knowing the browser organisation settings Knowledge sharing is achieved by weekly workshops internal to Company. This combined with the reasonably small size of the team can assure a good consistency within the team and across all the models produced by this office Modeling techniques and procedures are evolving constantly which can cause a minor risk working with a contractor on a project for an extended period of time
3. Team assessment 2 Title Attendee Review
Session with Management Team John -
The process in use to receive architectural information in order to create a model and perform the first round of analysis is solid. A series of packages are used during this process and the knowledge about interoperability and interfaces is accurate At this point of time the life cycle of the models terminate at the end of the design. No transfer to detailing, and or to site have been experimented From an engineering point of view the models offer a better guaranty in regards to the overall coordination of the documentation and in particular with the rebar drawings The coordination process with other consultants and project partners is managed internally and are potentially at risk should the same level of coordination not take place within the other project partner’s offices The model is used to vehicle information internally to the office. The concept model is created and analysed, then transferred for detail analysis and finally for documentation. This process proves efficient, with limited information lost during these exchanges