Revit model audit report

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DMA Revit model audit report This document summarises the results of the audit BIMSC conducted on the Revit model provided by Bouygues UK.

1. Audit Procedure The audit evaluates BIM related modelling processes for accurate documentation production and quantity analysis. We conducted the audit as follows: 1) Control Points identification 2) Control Points analysis a. Problems b. Actions c. Risks 3) Audit results 4) Comments and recommendations

2. Control Points Identification Category 1. Project Settings 2. External Information 3. Standard 2D Settings 4. Structural settings (if applicable)

4. MEP Settings (if applicable)

Instance Project Information, Units, Project parameters, Shared parameters, Location and Coordinates, Project / True North, Object Styles, Materials Naming Convention, AutoCAD Imports and Links, Revit Links, Conversion to AutoCAD, Point clouds (if applicable) Fill Patterns, Line Styles, Line Weights, Line Patterns, Underlay, Callout tags, Elevation tags, Section tags, Arrowheads, Detail Level, Dimensions, Spot elevations, Text types, Symbols Automatic checks, Tolerances, Member support checks, Analytical consistency checks, Analytical model visibility Hidden Lines, Duct Settings, Default duct settings, Rise and drop Symbol, Sizes, Pipe Settings, Conversion / Main / Branch, Rise / Drop, Sizes, Fluids Hidden Lines, Wiring, Cable tray Settings, Rise / Drop, Sizes, Conduit Settings, Rise and Drop, Sizes, Load Classifications, Demand Factors, Building / Spaces Types settings MEP Systems, Panels Schedule Template

4. Energy settings (if applicable)

7. Modelling definition

Common parameters, Detailed model, Energy model, Energy model - building services Browser organisation, Naming Convention, Floor Plans, Elevations, Sections, Detail views, 3D views, Schedules, Sheets, Titleblocks, Revisions, Filters, View templates Worksets definition, Worksets Management, Warnings management, Phases (if applicable), Design options (if applicable) Family naming convention, Family construction

8. Modelling practice

Modelling practice

5. Views and Sheets 6. Modelling management

3. Content description of this audit report To facilitate the understanding of the results, we have organised the document as follows: 1) Audit results, comments and summary of recommendations 2) Appendix: Detailed analysis for each Control Point

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Audit results RISK RATINGS Maximum

Very high




Very low

4. General comments Important information like Revit files or CAD files is missing. This information would have been needed to complete the model audit. Based on our analysis, some effort has been made to create standards but it is unfortunately unclear how the system was created and if it respects the general company standards. The naming convention is unclear and could cause problems to users on the project. Users could select the wrong standards and obtain false information. Visibility control tools should be introduced to allow for more effective and faster modelling and documentation processes.

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5. Summary of recommendations Our recommendations focus on creating best practices, enchasing workflows, and creating an environment that allows the users to minimize errors. Unless you can quickly and accurately identify and verify the data and information that has been put into the model, developing BOQs, sheets, and any other type of information extraction becomes an exhausting and time-consuming task. We recommend organizing the whole project with company standards and clear naming conventions. This will avoid possible confusion when manipulating the model and creating the documentation. The model geometry needs to be reviewed and corrected as it could lead to wrong information being extracted from the model. Using worksets would make sure the project is organised consistently and would allow for a limited file size.

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Appendix: Detailed analysis A rating from 1 to 5 Warning symbols ( associated:

) is given to every point of control to evaluate the level of risk

Low risk Medium risk High risk Very high risk Maximum risk

1. Projects Settings 1.1. Project Information Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Limited Project information has been inserted. Actions Input standard project information into the standard template. Input project/submission specific information into the model. Risks Impact on documentation. Titleblocks information on sheets is obtained from the project information. Having wrong project information could lead to a large amount of editing work of the final drawings.

1.2. Units Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems It was not possible to verify the consistency of the information provided. Actions Check that all units are correct according to project and localisation requirements. This includes common units and disciplines specific ones. Risks Impact on documentation. Dimensions styles are reading directly the unit settings. Impact on external references. Possible issues with the scales of imported and or linked ACAD and Revit files.

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1.3. Project parameters Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems A lot of project parameters were created. Many of them appear to be unnecessary. Parameters are not organized. Actions Develop standard shared parameters and project specific parameters. Develop naming system for parameters. Risks Impact on users: Users can become confused as these project parameters will show in elements properties dialog. It needs to be clear to the users which items need to be filled out for each element so that the elements are properly documented. Impact on documentation: If users are making mistakes and inputting information in the wrong parameter fields this will lead to filters working inappropriately and result in a display issues on drawings and incorrect information in schedules and Bill of Quantities.

1.4. Shared Parameters Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No shared parameters were found. Actions Develop standard shared parameters and project specific parameters. Develop naming system for parameters. Risks Impact on users: Without shared parameters it is necessary to define parameters for each project.

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1.5. Location / Coordinates Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No specific location was inserted. Actions Verify that incoming models are sharing the same location settings so that the “shared coordinates� option can be used when linking/importing. Risks Impact on modelling. As modelling is essentially based on external references, problems with model coordinates will lead to spatial inaccuracies in model and object being placed in the wrong spot.

1.6. Project / True North Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No problem found. Actions N/A Risks N/A

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1.7. Object styles Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems The same value 1 has been used for almost all categories. Actions Input standard project styles into the standard template. Risks Impact on documentation. Lines will not display correctly when the final documentation is produced.

1.8. Materials Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems There is no standard in the material library. Actions Verify the difference between nbl and DMA in materials. A naming convention should be introduced with a standardized prefix. Risks Impact on users: Users can become confused when they choose materials. Impact on documentation: Difficulty to review future changes. Problems with the schedules and quantities, inconsistent information. Difficulty to control the rendering process.

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2. External Information 2.1. Naming convention Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Naming standard is unclear. Possible duplicated name. No way to identify what type of model this is from an outsider point of view. Actions Develop file naming standard. Typical identities in the standard are job number, job name, discipline, and revisions. Risks Impact on documentation. Confusion between multiple models in project. Confusion with team members unfamiliar with the model regarding model contents.

2.2. AutoCAD Imports and Links Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Referenced CAD drawings were not provided. It is not clear what is contained in these files. Name convention is not clear. Actions Verify the existence of the referenced CAD files. Link the CAD files setting to “current view only” and “origin to origin”. Risks Impact on coordination and documentation if CAD files aren´t linked correctly. Impact on computing speed.

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2.3. Revit Links Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Referenced models were not provided. It is not clear what is contained in these models. Actions Verify the existence and purpose of the external Revit models. Verify that external models are inserted correctly and in the proper orientation. Risks Impact on coordination and documentation if models are not included or inserted incorrectly.

2.4. Conversion to AutoCAD Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Different export setups existing. No clear system. Actions Create company standards. Risks Documentation not complying with company standards.

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3. Standard 2D Settings 3.1. Fill Patterns Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Filled patterns have been updated but it is unclear which ones are company standards and which ones are out-of-the-box. Actions Filled patterns should be verified to match CAD hatch patterns. Create filled pattern naming standard. Risks Impact on documentation, objects not showing up with the correct hatching. There can be duplicated names.

3.2. Line Styles Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Line styles aren´t defined. There is no criterion according to company standards. Actions Delete all unnecessary line styles. Create all required line styles to comply with company standards including setting up line weights, colours and line patterns. Risks Impact on documentation. Impact on modelling and annotating. Confusion for new users on which standard line styles to apply and use.

3.3. Line Weights Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Line weights appear to have been updated. Actions Verify line weights are correct compared to CAD 2D prints. Note that the line weight thicknesses may need to be altered depending on the scale. Risks Impact on documentation, line weight is critical for the final display of the printout documentation.

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3.4. Line Patterns Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Line styles appear to be unmanaged and non-standardized. A large number of lines styles were imported from Autocad. Actions Remove all unnecessary line patterns. Set up standard line patterns (use content of Autocad line file for references. Risks High risk of software crash. Impact on documentation, hidden lines not visible because not defined properly. User unable to identify which line type to use.

3.5. Underlay Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems It seems that the default underlay setting is used. Actions Define it according company standards. Risks Impact on documentation. Poor control of visibility options.

3.6. Callout Tags Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Naming convention existing but unclear. Actions Define it according company standards. Standardize naming. Generate callout head families as per company standard. Risks Impact on documentation. Callout tags not displaying properly.

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3.7. Elevation Tags Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Defined but the naming convention isn’t clear. Actions Define it according company standards. Standardize naming. Generate callout head families as per company standard. Risks Impact on documentation. Elevation tags not displaying properly.

3.8. Section Tags Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Defined but the naming convention isn’t clear. Actions Define it according company standards. Standardize naming. Generate callout head families as per company standard. Risks Impact on documentation. Section tags not displaying properly.

3.9. Arrowheads Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Multiple arrowhead types present. Actions Create standard company arrowheads and delete unused styles. Risks Arrowheads have an impact on the display of dimensions, spot elevations and leaders.

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3.10. Detail Level Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Detail Levels not set properly. Actions Set up all scales according to company standards. Check standard view templates. Risks Slowing down the users by having to change the level of detail every time a new view is created.

3.11. Dimensions Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No sheet provided. Actions Provide sheets. Risks N/A

3.12. Spot elevations Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Spot elevations don’t work correctly. Actions Review spot elevation family. Standardize it according to company standards. Risks Impact on documentation. Hard to maintain consistency in drawing presentation.

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3.13. Text types Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Defined to be but naming convention unclear. Actions Review standards according to the company criteria. Organize naming to give more efficiency when annotating. Risks Impact on documentation. Hard to maintain consistency in drawing presentation.

3.14. Symbols Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No symbols loaded in the project. Actions Create company symbols. Risks Slowing down the users by having to create 2D symbols for every project.

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4. Views and Sheets 4.1. Browser organisation Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Different project browser organisations existing, but unclear from an external user point of view. Actions Name them following a criterion and company standards. Risks Slowing down users by having to understand what is the correct project browser organisation.

4.2. Naming Convention Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Naming convention is unclear. Views are organized by scale and name. Actions Create Work/Plot view types. Create a name convention according to company standards. Risks Impact on performance. Having temporary folders for temporary views can allow the model manager to delete on a regular basis old or unused view and improve the overall performance of the model. It also makes it clear to the user which views are intended to be documented.

4.3. Floor Plans Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Callout settings seem to be standardized. Name convention is unclear. Actions Review naming convention according to company standards. Risks Impact on documentation: display problem when creating part plans or callouts.

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4.4. Elevations Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No elevation provided. Actions Provide elevations. Risks N/A

4.5. Sections Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No section provided. Actions Provide sections. Risks N/A

4.6. Detail Views Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Detail types not created for all disciplines. Detail tags without standardized naming. Actions Create a details view type for every discipline. Apply standard company callout and section tags to section types. Risks Impact on documentation: Display issues with section marks in plans and elevations. Filtering of discipline specific details impossible if not differentiated by type name.

4.7. 3D Views Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No 3D view provided. Actions Define 3D View template. Risks Uncontrolled 3D View settings. Display issues with topographical surfaces. Page 16 of 23 BUK0002-T001-01 REVIT MODEL AUDIT REPORT


4.8. Schedules Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No schedule provided. Actions Provide schedules. Risks N/A

4.9. Sheets Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No sheet provided. Actions Provide sheets. Risks N/A

4.10. Titleblocks Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No titleblock provided. Actions Provide titleblocks. Risks N/A

4.11. Revisions Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No sheets provided. Impossible to verify revisions. Actions Provide sheets. Risks N/A

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4.12. Filters Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No filters. Actions Define filters to control visibility options automatically. Risks Slowing down the users by having to define visibility option in each view by their own criteria.

4.13. View templates Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Long list of view templates, many of them not used. Naming is unclear. Actions Delete all unused view templates. Create a naming convention according to company standards. Risks Having a long list of unused view templates generates a negative impact for users because it easy to be confused. It slows down the documentation process.

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5. Modeling management 5.1. Worksets definition Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No workset present in model. Actions Create worksets to organise the model and reduce file size. Risks Larger file size and slower model. Unorganized work.

5.2. Worksets management Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems No workset present in model. Actions After creating specific worksets, attribute elements to these. Risks Larger file size and slower model. Unorganized work.

5.3. Warnings management Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Extensive list of warnings. Actions Reduce the amount of warnings by solving them. Risks Larger file size. Problem between elements.

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6. Modelling Definition 6.1. Family naming convention Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Naming convention unclear. Actions Create naming convention according to company standards. Risks Schedules containing confusing information. Difficulty when managing the families.

6.2. Family construction Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Custom parameters present. Actions Define needed parameters for this project. Risks Slow models. Information not being used properly. Long time necessary to filter the information in schedules.

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7. Modelling practice 7.1. Modelling Issue 1 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Some walls joins are unconnected. Actions Review walls geometry. Risks Hard to maintain consistency in drawing presentation. Impact in schedules and documentation.

7.2. Modelling Issue 2 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Some unaligned walls. Actions Review walls geometry. Risks Hard to maintain consistency in drawing presentation. Impact in schedules and documentation.

7.3. Modelling Issue 3 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Boundaries not consistent. Actions Review boundaries and close spaces. Risks Hard to maintain consistency in drawing presentation. Impact in schedules and documentation. Problems computing areas and volumes.

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7.4. Modelling Issue 4 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Duplicated elements. Actions Check for duplicated elements and erase them. Risks Impact in quantities and schedules. Problems when creating sections.

7.5. Modelling Issue 5 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Wall limits not well defined . Actions Verify walls limits. Risks Impact in the drawing presentation. Impact in schedules. Problems when creating sections.

7.6. Modelling Issue 6 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Unresolved geometry. Actions Verify general geometry. Risks Impact in the drawing presentation. Impact in schedules. Problems when creating sections.

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7.7. Modelling Issue 7 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Wall geometry incorrect. Actions Attach walls to floors and verify connexions. Risks Impact in the drawing presentation. Impact in schedules. Problems when creating sections.

7.8. Modelling Issue 8 Current Situation


Risk Rating

Problems Incoherent windows-walls joints. Actions Verify the window position in walls. Risks Impact in the drawing presentation. Problems when creating sections.

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