The Daughter’s Friend By Percivall T. Edgewater, II
It was the post-college graduation reunion and Vanessa was traveling back to her hometown to visit her high school gang, “The Ten”. There were ten girls that had know each other since middle school, and all had been away at college for the past four years. This was the first time the whole gang had been together in over a year. For Vanessa, it was the first time she will have seen her friends in over two years. They met, as they always did, at Stacey’s house. Her parents, the Watsons, had finished their basement at the beginning of middle school, and that was almost always where the parties, and after-party parties, were, especially the sleepovers. Stacey’s parents were very cool about the noise and activity level. Her mom always made sure that there was sufficient food, and her dad made sure that nothing got out of hand. All through middle and high school they had had co-ed parties there, but there had never been an issue with smoking or drinking. Stacey’s parents were very clear about that, and in all the years that boys had been involved, there had never been an incident. Stacey’s dad wasn’t exactly intimidating, at 5’ 6” and 150 lbs, but for whatever reason, none of the boys ever challenged his authority, and the parties were great. Vanessa was especially excited to see Stacey’s parents, as she had always felt a special bond with them; like they were her second parents. Stacey’s mother was always interested in hearing about Vanessa’s life, and her dad was just always warm and friendly. It made her feel good to go to their house.