World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

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Directorio Mundial de Oficinas y Corresponsalías de Agencias de Noticias

Catalogue Mondial des Bureaux et Correspondants d’Agences de Presse

Catálogo Mundial de Sucursais e Praças de Agências de Notícias

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents 2017 compiled by Pedro Aguiar

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

WORLD DIRECTORY OF NEWS AGENCIES OFFICES AND CORRESPONDENTS Directorio Mundial de Oficinas y Corresponsalías de Agencias de Noticias Catalogue Mondial des Bureaux et Correspondants d’Agences de Presse Catálogo Mundial de Sucursais e Praças de Agências de Notícias


compiled by Pedro Aguiar PhD candidate State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction / Foreword


Directory Bureaux listed by news agency News Agencies from Western Europe


News Agencies from Eurasia and Eastern/Central Europe


News Agencies from North America


News Agencies from Latin America and the Caribbean


News Agencies from the Middle East and Northern Africa


News Agencies from Asia-Pacific


News Agencies from Subsaharan Africa


Bureaux listed by region and country where they are






This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit WORLD DIRECTORY OF NEWS AGENCIES OFFICES AND CORRESPONDENTS 2017 compiled by Pedro Aguiar Rio de Janeiro, Brazil self-published by the author some rights reserved DISCLAIMER The logos of the news agencies displayed on the maps are used here under the fair use principle. I do not own the trademarks for these logos. Any news agency or parent institution who wishes to request their logos to be removed from this work may do so by contacting the author at <>. All information compiled here is expected to be accurate and updated as of March 2017. The responsibility over them lies with the companies and institutions that provided the sources consulted for this work, as listed on the last pages. 2

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

FOREWORD This document is the result of ten months of lonely research, conducted between May 2016 and March 2017, in multiple sources available. The main goal was to locate correspondents and bureaux (or offices) of news agencies around the world, in order to build maps that show how uneven is the distribution of the information networks of most wire services. In total, 3,468 bureaux or correspondent offices are listed in this directory. Only bureaux and correspondents of news agencies specifically are listed here. In spite of being sometimes (erroneously) called “news agencies” in English and other languages, big media companies such as CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera, RFI or RT are international broadcasters, not news agencies. By “news agency”, we stick to the canon definition of an information wholesaler, a company dedicated to gather information (the raw material for journalistic labor, that turns it into news per se), edit and distribute it to clients, most of which are not media outlets, but non-media entities such as banks, factories, corporations in other industries, government organs, diplomatic delegations (embassies or consulates), military, and others. Not to mention the fact that in many of the major wire services, most revenues come not from general news, but specialized information, above all financial data, brought from stock markets in ever shorter time to the screens of paying customers. Therefore, this directory lists companies like Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, TASS, Xinhua, DPA, ANSA, EFE, but also Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Nikkei, Jiji Press, Platts and others in the field of financial information. On the other hand, private companies like Russia’s Interfax, Germany’s EPD, Azerbaijan’s Trend, Turkey’s DHA, IHA and Cihan, Ireland’s Storyful or India’s IANS are showing a noticeable expansion in the last few years. The majority of news agencies displayed here are national agencies either owned by the State (sometimes the government itself, sometimes the parliament, others by a state-run broadcaster) or by a client-owners joint-venture gathering the major media groups in each country. The latter is the case of Kyodo, ANSA, DPA, PTI, Canadian Press, Lusa, Yonhap, AAP, PA, SDA-ATS, CANA, and many others, in what is usually called “the cooperative model”. The former, full-state ownership, is the case of EFE, TASS, Xinhua, and also most of news agencies in emerging or developing countries – the huge Global South –, some of which have been building up large networks of correspondents and bureaux. This is the case of Anadolu (Turkey), TTXVN 3

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

(Vietnam), MAP (Morocco), KUNA (Kuwait), Bernama (Malaysia), Antara (Indonesia), Notimex (Mexico), SPA (Saudi Arabia) and BTA (Bulgaria), to name a few which swiftly expanded in the recent years. Last, but not the least, a few large alternative or photographic news agencies were also included, such as IPS, Panos, EPA and Pressenza.

Sources Most locations, addresses, and contact data displayed here were compiled from official sources, that is, the news agencies and their institutional websites. For the purpose of this survey, ‘official’ sources were privileged over unofficial ones. By official sources we refer to information provided by the news agencies about themselves, either in their respective websites or by answering to requests sent by the author through the contact means available. The main source for the information compiled here were the news agencies themselves. Most of the major global news agencies, such as Reuters, the Associated Press and AFP (FrancePresse), as well as EFE, ANSA and DPA, provide the contact details for their offices on their respective websites, usually with address, phone, fax and e-mail. A few of the big agencies do not show the list of their bureaux or correspondents online. Among these are TASS from Russia, Kyodo from Japan, Xinhua from China and the IPS (Inter Press Service), a non-profit news agency headquartered in Rome and dedicated to cover the developing world since the 1960s. They have not answered requests of information sent by the author. For these, supplemental sources had to be used, but the list of bureaux presented here for them is consciously incomplete. On the other hand, some smaller agencies were so kind to provide this information as requested by the author, either via e-mail or Facebook contacts. These were: AAP (Australian Associated Press), ANA (African News Agency), Notimex, AGN (Agencia Guatemalteca de Noticias), MIA (Makedonska Informativna Agencija), CANA News (Caribbean News Agency), TT (Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå), PNA (Philippines News Agency), LETA (Latvijas Telegrāfa Aģentūru), Inforpress (Cape Verde), Kabar (Kazakhstan), ABP (Benin), and AIB (Burkina Faso). However, supplemental sources were also employed to fulfill blanks and missing information, and checked whenever possible. Among these, there are lists of accredited correspondents provided by national governments through their Ministries of Information or 4

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Foreign Affairs; lists of members in press clubs and correspondents associations in several cities (many major metropolitan areas around the world); lists of clients of content providers or media equipment rental, such as camera and studios; media guides compiled by third parties, especially in Latin America; and lists publicly provided by official press offices. The most important unofficial sources were the webpages of foreign correspondents associations and press clubs. In many cases, they provide free access to their membership listings, including contact details such as phone number, e-mail address and, often, mailing address. In a few cases, the lists are closed to members themselves and previously accredited PR officers, but at least a few members could be extracted from the names of board members (chairpersons, vice-chairpersons, treasurers, etc.). A comprehensive list of these entities is listed at the end of this section. Two specific books, although a bit outdated as of 2017, also provided at least initial clues that were followed to locate many bureaux in poorer nations or kept by smaller agencies: the World Press Encyclopedia - A Survey of Press Systems Worldwide by Amanda Quick (2002), in two volumes, and the Europa World Year Book (latest edition available: 2004, with data from the late 1990s), published by Taylor & Francis, a very detailed almanac that used to bring addresses and phone numbers of news agencies bureaux in most countries of the world. They provide details such as mailing address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail, and the names of bureau chiefs, whenever available. However, their main setback is being outdated: the latest available editions with this information were issued in 2004, but using data certainly compiled in as early as the 1990s, as they include news agencies which ceased to exist after then, as well as typical Cold War bureaux distributions such as several Eastern Europe correspondents placed in Havana, Cuba. Therefore, the information extracted from these books were used in a very careful manner. Since their information was more than 15 years old, everything found in them was double-checked before being compiled into this directory. The more recent editions of Europa World Year Book, such as in 2014, no longer include the foreign bureaux. Social networks such as LinkedIn and Twitter, used by many of these professionals, were searched to confirm and to find names of correspondents, as well as sometimes their contact details. Also, in spite of its superficial lack of verifiability, searches on Google Maps provided a rich amount of addresses and telephone/fax numbers. As a last resource, the online collaborative encyclopedia, Wikipedia, was consulted not as a source of direct information, but 5

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

as a starting point to refer and check information in a primary source. Data obtained on Wikipedia was used very parcimoniously, and was double-checked with the other available sources. It was useful, however, to compile lists of cities where a few important agencies had correspondents or stringers, which are difficult to track.

Method This survey was developed by a single author, in three stages. The first stage was consulting, collecting and compiling information about news agencies offices and correspondents in the sources mentioned above. At first, only the survey included foreign bureaux. Later, it was extended to comprehend also domestic bureaux, even to contrast the proportion of each type (foreign/domestic) in the various news agencies. As stated above, the primary body of data included on the database came from directories of bureaus and correspondents published by the news agencies on their respective websites. Additionally, lists and contact books issued by those press clubs and correspondents associations were checked, name by name, to look for journalists working for news agencies (handpicked from those employed by mass media). Whenever references were found to locations that were not listed in the news agencies’ official directories, searches were made on the respective agency’s website with the names (bylines) or locations, in order to confirm if those professionals actually worked for those organizations, and if they did so in a recent time span (that is, the latter two years, at least). After gathering information from this vast array of sources, the second stage of this survey consisted of organizing the names, contacts and locations into a database, which allowed to note what data was lacking and what else needed to be located. It was also useful to filter duplicates and inconsistent data, mostly two different addresses for one single bureau, as well as names of correspondents who no longer work in a particular office. The database itself is larger than the resulting document, since it contains other fields that were not included here. The third stage was to format all this data into a readable document, this very one, by means of which the information could be visually presented and useful for future research. It was sorted mostly in alphabetical order of country, city and news agency, although in a few cases the sorting was deliberately altered to display first the largest news agencies and their 6

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

busiest hubs. Some geographical grouping was also tried, to the expense of the alphabet. In order to widen the potential audience of the results, they were translated into English (from the original in Portuguese). For the purpose of this directory, a “correspondent” is defined as a reporter who is hired on a full-time basis by that news agency and placed in a city as a permanent newsgatherer professional, having a whole country or supranational regional under their coverage responsibility. A “stringer”, one the other hand, is a reporter based in a city who works as a free-lancer to one or more news agencies, or to a news agency and media outlets, both abroad and domestic, with no employment bonds. A stringer is called by the news agency whenever there are newsworthy events happening in the area where they are based, and serve as a relevant contact for a news agency willing to cover an area in a non-continuous flow. Although not permanent employees of that agency, stringers are here considered to be part of their newsgathering structure, and therefore are included in this directory. The bureaux or offices were categorized into six types: “regional office”, “foreign bureau”, “correspondent”, “domestic bureau”, “domestic correspondent”, and “stringer”. The latter category refers to journalists who work part time as correspondents to some news agency, with no permanent contract or labor bonds, but also work for other outlets or media. A “bureau” was considered either when self-declared by the news agency itself or when more than one correspondent was located as working in that particular city on a permanent basis for the same news agency. In French and Spanish, these are called “delegations”. A “correspondent” denotes a journalist working alone (eventually hiring assistants of fixers). A “regional office” is a hub for the dispatches and pictures sent by the correspondents, which gets the feed from the central newsroom and tailors the service to customers in its respective area (providing translation, context, changes in style, customized coverage, etc.). It goes without saying that the variant “foreign” or “domestic” depends on the location within or outside the borders of the home country of the news agency. For the sake of this directory, in the final version, only news agencies that have more than one office or correspondent, other than its own headquarters, were included. Those that operate exclusively from their central newsroom were excluded from the final document, although data about them is preserved in the original database.


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Conclusions and follow-up It was the initial hypothesis of this research, later confirmed, that coverage of news agencies remains geographically concentrated in the wealthiest regions of the world, namely Western Europe, North America and Japan, while vast areas of the Global South are scarcely covered by much fewer offices and journalists. While in the North many countries get at least one correspondent for every major city, in Africa, Asia and Latin America the rule is to send one correspondent to cover several countries, in very uneven scales of assignment and responsibility – which inevitably results in less detail and less following of everyday events, giving rise to news from the South only when they are shocking, bizarre or exotic. The scattering of correspondents and bureaux over the map follow more lines of wealth than demographics. Richer countries get more attention than poorer countries, arguably because in the first group there are more clients and paying public to be served. The data gathered here clearly shows that, as verified by Oliver Boyd-Barrett almost 40 years ago, “business beguins at home”, since most major news agencies dedicate more resources to feed media outlets in their own home country, leaving the peripheral countries of the world mostly aside. This document is authored by Pedro Aguiar, a PhD candidate (as of 2017) at the State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is a partial result of my doctoral research carried on at the same institution. It was partly funded by FAPERJ (Fundação Carlos Chagas de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, the Carlos Chagas Foundation for Supporting Research in the State of Rio de Janeiro), through public funding as a scholarship grant. This directory is part of a larger research conducted by the author about the news agencies of the Global South, that is, the developing countries of Africa, the Middle East, AsiaPacific, Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, plus the so-called emerging countries as Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The information in this directory was compiled until March, 2017, and is expected to be updated until then. Corrections and updates are welcome and may be sent directly to the author, who is available for contact at <>. Pedro Aguiar Rio de Janeiro, Brazil April, 2017


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

NEWS AGENCIES FROM WESTERN EUROPE E-mail:,,,,, 30 South Colonnade - Canary Wharf London E14 5EP United Kingdom Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7250 1122 (English)

United Kingdom Reuters website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: Thomson-Reuters (Thomson/Brydson Family (via Woodbridge Fund) + Royal Bank of Canada, IG, Jarislowsky Fraser, Parnassus, Vanguard, Invesco, Hartford, Merrill Lynch...) languages: English active since: 1851 headquarters: London Twitter: @Reuters Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, WindowsPhone services: text, photo, video, archive, financial info, customized content, mobile news alert affiliation: NAWC

Reuters - Newcastle (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Michael Turner E-mail: unavailable 377-377A Stamfordham Rd. Newcastle upon Tyne NE5 2LH Tel.: (+44) 191 243-7000 (English) Reuters - Nottingham (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Chapel Bar - Nottingham NG1 6HQ United Kingdom Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7542-4300 (English)

Domestic: Reuters - Edinburgh (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Elisabeth O'Leary Twitter: @olearyliz Commercial Quay - Dock St. Edinburgh EH6 6LL Tel.: (+44) 131 555-9700 (English)

Reuters - HEADQUARTERS (United Kingdom) E-mail: unavailable 30 S Colonnade Canary Wharf London E14 5EP - London Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - London (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau - Elizabeth Piper, Deepa Babington, Alessandra Galloni, Kylie MacLellan, Rachel Armstrong, Keith Weir, Jeremy Gaunt, Alasdair Pal, Claire Milhench, William Schomberg, William James, Raissa Kasolowsky, David Milliken, Paola Totaro, Dasha Afanasieva‌

Reuters - Mytholmroyd (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable The Hatchery - Hall Bank Lane, Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire HX7 5HQ United Kingdom Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7542-5295 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


Thomasson, Karolos Grohmann (sport), Vicki Bryan (airline) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English, German)

Reuters - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent - Shadia Nasralla, François Murphy, Heinz-Peter Bader (photo) E-mail: unavailable Boersegasse 11 - Wien A1010 Tel.: (+43) 1 531-120 (English, German)

Reuters - Hamburg (Germany) Type: stringer - Fabian Bimmer (photo) E-mail: unavailable Alsterufer 33 - 20354 Hamburg Tel.: unavailable (English, German)

Reuters - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Alastair Macdonald (bureau chief), Robert-Jan Bartunek, Francesco Guarascio, Ben Deighton, Robin Emmott, Jan Strupczewski, Justyna Pawlak E-mail:,, Rue de Treves 61 - Brussels B-1040 Tel.: (+32) 2 287-6611 / (+32) 2 287-6839, Cel. 0477 628208 (English, French, Dutch)

Reuters - Munich (Germany) Type: stringer - Joern Poltz E-mail: unavailable Barthstrasse 4 - Muenchen 80339 Germany Tel.: (+49) 89 547560 (English, German) Reuters - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Christoph Steitz, Eric Auchard, John O'Donnell, Georgina Prodhan, Harro Ten Wolde E-mail: unavailable Messeturm Friedrich Ebert Anlage 49 - Frankfurt 60327 Deutschland Tel.: (+46) 69 697-5650 (English, German)

Reuters - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: foreign bureau - Sabina Zawadzki, Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, Ethan Bilby E-mail:, Meldahlsgade 5, 4 mf, 1613 Copenhagen V Denmark Tel.: (+45) 3396-9696, 3396-9650 / Cel.: (+45) 20548685 (English, Danish)

Reuters - Stuttgart (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Schwabstraße 55 - 70197 Stuttgart - Deutschland Tel.: (+49) 711-618120 (English, German)

Reuters - Helsinki (Finland) Type: foreign bureau - Jussi Rosendahl, Tuomas Forsell E-mail: Urho Kekkosen katu 5, 00100 Tel.: (+358) 9 680-501 / Cel.: (+358) 4 08406248 (English, Finnish)

Reuters - Düsseldorf (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Königsallee 66 - 40212 Düsseldorf - Deutschland Tel.: (+49) 211-38820 (English, German)

Reuters - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - John Irish, Yves Clarisse, Marine Pennetier, Andrew Callus, Sybille de La Hamaide, Bate Felix, Gilles Guillaume, Ingrid Melander, Julien Ponthus, Michel Rose, Paul Taylor, Dominique Vidalon, Geert De Clercq, Tom Heneghan (religion) E-mail: 6-8 Blvd Hausmann - Paris 75009 Tel.: (+33) 1 4949-5000 / (+33) 1 4949-5342, 4949-5373 (English, French) Reuters - Lamontjoie (France) Type: stringer - Ian Geoghegan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English, French)

Reuters - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Lefteris Karagiannopoulos, Theodora Arvanitidou, Yannis Behrakis, Phoebe Fronista, Renee Maltezou, Alkis Konstantinidis (photo), Stamoulis Prousalis (video) E-mail:,,,,, 1 Kolokotroni Square & Stadiou Avenue 7th Floor 10562 Athina Tel.: (+30) 210 331-1800 / Fax: (+30) 210 331-1830, 331-1837, 331-1838, (+30) 210 337-6473, Cel.: (+30) 697 432-9430 (Stamoulis) (English, Greek)

Reuters - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Joseph Nasr, Alexandra Hudson, Noah Barkin, Caroline Copley, René Wagner, Emma

Reuters - Dublin (Ireland) Type: foreign bureau - Padraic Halpin, Conor Humphries, Carmel Crimmins 10

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:, 12/13 Exchange Place IFSC Tel.: (+353) 1 500-1500 (English)

Dronning Eufemias gate 16 - 0191 Oslo Tel.: (+47) 23 316-591, 23 316-440 / Fax: 22 420-018, Cel.: 9027-6699 (English, Norwegian) Reuters - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: foreign bureau - Axel Bugge, Daniel Alvarenga, Sérgio Gonçalves, José Manuel Ribeiro E-mail:,, Avenida Liberdade 190 - 2º andar - Lisboa 1250-147 Tel.: (+351) 21 350-9200 / Cel.: (+351) 916624263 (Daniel) (English)

Reuters - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Gavin Jones, Steve Scherer, Antonio Denti, Cristiano Corvino, Crispian Balmer, Philip Pullella, Isla Binnie E-mail:, Corso Italia 39 Roma 00198 Tel.: (+39) 06 8522-4358, 06-8540506 / Fax: (+39) 06 8540568 (English)

Reuters - Valladolid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Fiona Maharg Bravo E-mail: C/ General Solchaga No 3, Plot No 48 - Valladolid 47008 Spain Tel.: (+34) 98 345-7038 / Cel.: 600-544-166 (English)

Reuters - Milan (Italy) Type: correspondent - Danilo Masoni E-mail: unavailable Via Santa Margherita, 1/A 20121 Tel.: (+39) 02 661291 (English, Italian) Reuters - Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Type: correspondent - Douwe Miedema E-mail: unavailable 40, Avenue Monterey - Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 475-1511 (English)

Reuters - Barcelona (Spain) Type: correspondent - Megan Rowling E-mail: unavailable Calle Provenza 398 Calle Napoles 249 Barcelona 08025 Spain Tel.: (+34) 93 459-2220 (English)

Reuters - Pietà (Malta) Type: correspondent - Darrin Zammit Lupi E-mail: unavailable Triq Mountbatten, Il-Ħamrun - The Parklane Building 2nd Floor HAMRUN HMR 08 Tel.: (+356) 21 250951 (English)

Reuters - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Julien Toyer, Sarah Morris, Sarah White, Angus Berwick, Sonya Dowsett, Anna Fernanda Valderrama (video), Paul Day, Rodrigo de Miguel Roncal, Tomás González Cobos, Paul Hanna, Robert Hetz, José Elias Rodríguez Cañas E-mail:,,,,, Pº de la Castellana, 36-38 - 28046 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 585-2151 / 2159 / Cel.: 650-591-662 (English)

Reuters - Monte Carlo (Monaco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 13 Boulevard Princesse Charlotte, Le Victoria Palace 98000 Tel.: (+33) 93 9325-0159 (English, French) Reuters - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Escritt, Anthony Deutsch, Svebor Kranjc, Toby Sterling E-mail:,, Antonio Vivaldistraat 50, 1083 HP Tel.: (+31) 20 504-5045 (English, Dutch)

Reuters - Pamplona (Spain) Type: correspondent - Gudrun Greunke E-mail: Camino de Galar 15 - Navarra 31190 Spain Tel.: (+34) 94 829-7297 (English)

Reuters - Oslo (Norway) Type: foreign bureau - Nerijus Adomaitis, Alister Doyle, Balazs Koranyi, Gwladys Fouché E-mail:,,,

Reuters - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau - Alistair Scrutton (bureau chief), Ilze Filks, Daniel Dickson E-mail: Kungsgatan 15 - 111 43 - Stockholm Sweden Tel.: (+46) 8 700-1000, 8 700-1070 / Cel.: (+46) 707 211-070 (English) 11

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: stringer - David Mardiste Twitter: @dmardiste Vana-Viru 3 - Tallinn 10111 Tel.: (+37 262 77272 (English, Estonian)

Reuters - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Robert J. Evans, Thomas Miles, Stephanie Nebehay Ulmer, Agnieszka Flak, Laurence Frost, Stephanie Nebehay, Denis Balibouse (photo) E-mail:,, 153 Route De Thonon - Geneva 1245 Switzerland Tel.: (+41) 58 306-2828 (English, French)

Reuters - Tbilisi (Georgia) Type: correspondent - Margarita Antidze E-mail: unavailable 3a Chitadze Street - Tbilisi 38008 Tel.: (+995) 8832 999-370 (English, Georgian)

Reuters - Zurich (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Michael Shields, John Miller, Katharina Bart, John Revill E-mail: Neuhofstrasses 1-Baar - Zug 6340 Switzerland Tel.: (+41) 41 709-0444 (English, German)

Reuters - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent - Mitya New E-mail: unavailable Rakoczi útca 1-3 Budapest H-1088 Tel.: (+361) 327-4600 / (+361) 266-2030 (English) Reuters - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: correspondent - Olzhas Auyezov E-mail: unavailable 100-G Furmanov str. 2nd floor - Almaty 480092 Tel.: (+7) 327 250-8500 (English, Kazakh, Russian)

Reuters - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent - Benet Koleka E-mail: unavailable 1 Nikolla Tupe Street 2nd Floor Tel.: (+355) 4 229-824 (English, Albanian)

Reuters - Vilnius (Lithuania) Type: correspondent - Andrius Sytas E-mail: unavailable Rudninku 18/2 - 2001 Vilnius LT-2001 Tel.: (+370) 5266-1370 (English, Lithuanian)

Reuters - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: correspondent - Nailia Bagirova E-mail: unavailable 3 Murtuz Mukhtarova str., 7 flat - Baku 370001 Tel.: (+994) 12 497-2075 (English, Azeri)

Reuters - Chișinău (Moldova) Type: stringer - Matthias Williams E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English, Romanian)

Reuters - Minsk (Belarus) Type: correspondent - Andrei Makhovsky, Katya Golubkova E-mail: unavailable Voronianskogo 7A, Office 904 - Minsk 220039 Tel.: (+375) 17 228-1279 (English, Belarussian)

Reuters - Warsaw (Poland) Type: stringer - Lidia Kelly Twitter: @LidKelly aleja Jana Pawła II 23 - 00-854 Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 22 653-9700 (English, Polish)

Reuters - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: correspondent - Daria Sito-Sucic E-mail: unavailable Fra Anđela Zvizdovida 1 - Sarajevo 71000 Tel.: (+387) 33 663-864 (English, Serbo-Croatian)

Reuters - Gdynia (Poland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 23/25 Śląska Street, Gdynia 81319 Poland Tel.: (+48) 58 699-4600 (English, Polish)

Reuters - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: 16 Ivan Vazov Street - Sofia 1000 Tel.: (+359) 2 9399 700 (English, Bulgatian)

Reuters - Bucharest (Romania) Type: foreign bureau - Luiza Ilie, Radu Sigheti E-mail: unavailable 15 Calea Victoriei - Bucharest Financial Plazza, Entrance E, 3rd Floor Bucharest 3rd District 704111 Tel.: (+40) 21 315-8772 (English, Romanian)

Reuters - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: stringer - Igor Ilid E-mail: unavailable Kaptol 25 - Zagreb 10000 Tel.: (+385) 1 481-1905, 481-1822 / Fax: (+385) 1 4800904 (English, Serbo-Croatian)

Reuters - Moscow (Russia)

Reuters - Tallinn (Estonia) 12

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Christian Lowe, Andrew Osborn, Jack Stubbs, Andrey Ostroukh, Maria Kiselyova, Svetlana Reiter E-mail:, Petrovka ul. 5 Moscow 107031 Tel.: (+8) 495 775-1242, 961-0100 / Fax: (+8) 495 9610137 (English, Russian)

Type: foreign bureau - Allison Lampert E-mail: unavailable 75 Rue Queen - Montreal, Quebec H3C 2N6 Canada Tel.: (+1) 514 842-3937 (English) Reuters - Calgary (Canada) Type: stringer - Nia Williams E-mail: unavailable 407 2 St SW. Calgary - AB T2P 2Y3 Tel.: (+1) 403-531-1620 (English)

Reuters - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: correspondent - Ivana Sekularac E-mail: unavailable Vladmira Popovida 6 Apt B 37, 30 - Beograd 11070 Tel.: (+381) 11 222-4254 (English, Serbo-Croatian)

Reuters - Winnipeg (Canada) Type: stringer - Rod Nickel E-mail: unavailable 167 Lombard Ave. Winnipeg - MB R3B 0V3 Tel.: (+1) 204-947-3548 (English)

Reuters - Pristina (Serbia) Type: stringer - Fatos Bytyci Twitter: @BytyciFatos [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English, Albanian)

Reuters - Halifax (Canada) Type: stringer - Eric Martyn E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Bratislava (Slovakia) Type: stringer - Tatiana Jancarikovรก Twitter: @tatanicka Plynarenskรก 1 - Bratislava 821 09 Tel.: (+421 2 53418400 (English, Slovak)

Reuters - Ottawa (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - David Ljunggren, Leah Schnurr E-mail: 165 Sparks St. Ottawa - ON K1P 5B9 Tel.: (+1) 613-235-6745 (English)

Reuters - Ljubljana (Slovenia) Type: correspondent - Marja Novak E-mail: unavailable Trg republike 3 - Ljubljana 1000 Tel.: (+386) 1 470-0500 (English, Slovene)

Reuters - New York (United States) Type: regional office - Daniel Bases, Timothy Aeppel, Saqib Ahmed, Louis Charbonneau E-mail:, 3 Times Square - New York, New York 10036 United States Tel.: (+1) 646 223-4000, 223-6131 / Cel: (+1) 917 2739954 (English)

Reuters - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent - Alessandra Prentice E-mail: unavailable ulitsa Bogdana Khmelnitskovo 8-16 Room 112-115 Kiev 6 252006 Tel.: (+380) 44 244 91 50 (English, Ukranian)

Reuters - New York 5th Avenue (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Ned Parker (UN), Michelle Nichols, William M. Reilly, David Henry, Reginald Chua, Jennifer Ablan, Bill Berkrot, Angela Moon, Sebastien Malo, Rodrigo Campos, Rob Cox, Charles Mikolajczak, Megan Davies, Howard Goller, Anna Irrera, Arlyn Gajilan, E-mail: 530 Fifth Avenue - New York, New York 10036 United States Tel.: (+1) 212 922-1920 / Fax: (+1) 212 355-0143, Cel: (646) 775-5943 (English)

Reuters - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Muhammadsharif Mamatkulov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English, Uzbek) Reuters - Toronto (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - Amran Abocar, Chris Helgren, Swetha Gopinath, Solarina Ho, Anna Mehler Paperny, Corrine Perkins, Alastair Sharp, Susan Taylor, John Tilak, Steve Keating (sport), Frank Pingue (sport), David Lucas (photo) E-mail: unavailable 333 Bay Street - Toronto, Ontario M5H 2R2 Canada Tel.: (+1) 416 687-7500 (English)

Reuters - Los Angeles (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Dan Whitcomb, Lisa Baertlein, Deena Beasley, Lisa Girion, Steve Gorman, Nichola Groom, Ben Gruber, Mary Milliken, Tim Reid, Lisa Richwine, Jill Serjeant, Piya Sinha-Roy, Brian

Reuters - Montreal (Canada) 13

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Thevenot, Bob Tourtellotte, Lucy Nicholson (photo), Fred Prouser (photo), Twitter: @DanWhitcomb 633 West 5th St. Suite 2300 Burbank - California 90071 Tel.: unavailable (English)

100 SE 1st Ave # 1300 Miami FL 33131 Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - New Orleans (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Astrid Zweynert, Jonathan Kaminsky E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Kieran Murray, Jeff Mason, Yasmeen Abutaleb, Timothy Ahmann, Steve Holland, David Alexander, Amanda Becker, Kevin Drawbaugh, Joan Biskupic, Susan Heavey, Idrees Ali, Arshad Mohammed, Ginger Gibson, Peter Eisler, David Morgan, JoAnne Allen, James Oliphant, E-mail:,,,, 1100 13th St NW, Washington DC 20005 Tel.: (+1) 202 572 1997 (English)

Reuters - Houston (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Gary McWilliams (bureau chief), Ruthy Munoz, Ernest Scheyder, Amy Stevens E-mail: 500 Dallas St # 3010 - Houston TX 77002 Tel.: (+1) 713-654-2108 (English) Reuters - Santa Fe (United States) Type: stringer - Rob Basler E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Sunnyvale (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 800 West California Avenue - Sunnyvale, California 94086 United States Tel.: (+1) 408 524-4600 (English)

Reuters - Salmon (United States) Type: stringer - Laura Zuckerman E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - San Francisco (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Peter Henderson (bureau chief), Jim Christie, Liana Baker, Emmett Berg, Rory Carroll, Ronnie Cohen, Kristina Cooke, Jeffrey Dastin, David Ingram, Dan Levine, Julia Love, Joseph Menn, Stephen Nellis, Robin Respaut, Noel Randewich, Ann Saphir, E-mail:, 50 California Street - San Francisco, California 94111 United States Tel.: (+1) 415 344-6000 (English)

Reuters - Seattle (United States) Type: stringer - Alwyn Scott E-mail: unavailable 600 University St. Ste 2008 - Seattle WA 98101 Tel.: (+1) 206 386-4848 (English) Reuters - Baltimore (United States) Type: correspondent - Linda So (TV) E-mail: unavailable 1445 & 1455 Research Boulevard - Rockville, Maryland 20850 United States Tel.: (+1) 301 545-4000 (English)

Reuters - Sacramento (United States) Type: stringer - Sharon Bernstein E-mail: unavailable 9131 W Stockton Blvd. Elk Grove CA 95758 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Hoboken (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 121 River Street - Hoboken, New Jersey 07030 United States Tel.: (+1) 201 356-6260 (English)

Reuters - San Diego (United States) Type: stringer - Mike Blake (photo) E-mail: unavailable 411 14th St P8 - Ramona CA 92065 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Nutley (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 492 River Road - Nutley, New Jersey 07110 United States Tel.: (+1) 973 662-3070 (English)

Reuters - Miami (United States) Type: foreign bureau - David Adams, Pascal Fletcher, Zachary Fagenson, Jane Sutton E-mail:,

Reuters - Salem (United States) 14

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: stringer - Colleen Jenkins E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Type: foreign bureau - Nandita Bose, Nick Carey, Lou Carlozo, Meredith Davis, P.J. Huffstutter, Susan Kelly, David McKinney, Tiffany Wu, Fiona Ortiz, Tom Polansek, Lisa Shumaker, Andrew Stern, Julie Steenhuysen (health), Mark Miller (column) E-mail:, One North Dearborn Street - Chicago, Illinois 60602 United States Tel.: (+1) 312 873-6800 (English)

Reuters - Charleston (United States) Type: stringer - Phil Noble E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Hartford (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Chris Kaufman, Frank Tantillo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Portage (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 510|524 East Milham Avenue - Portage, Michigan 49002 United States Tel.: (+1) 269 567-2900 (English)

Reuters - Huntsville (United States) Type: stringer - James Saft E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Ann Arbor (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Paul Lienert E-mail: unavailable 880 Technology Drive, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 United States Tel.: (+1) 800 607-5100 (English)

Reuters - Hauppauge (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 88 Parkway Drive South - Hauppauge, New York 11788 United States Tel.: (+1) 631 233-6600 (English)

Reuters - Bingham Farms (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Ben Klayman, Joe White, Bernie Woodall, E-mail: unavailable 30200 Telegraph Road, Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025 United States Tel.: (+1) 248 352-5810 (English)

Reuters - Rochester, NY (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 50 Broad Street E - Rochester, New York 14694 Tel.: (+1) 212 367-6300 (English)

Reuters - Dexter (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 7322 Newman Boulevard - Dexter, Michigan 48130 United States Tel.: (+1) 800 968-8900 (English)

Reuters - Valhalla (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 117 E Stevens Avenue - Valhalla, New York 10595 United States Tel.: (+1) 800 431-9025 (English)

Reuters - Brookfield (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 350 North Sunny Slope Road - Brookfield, Wisconsin 53005 United States Tel.: (+1) 800 238-2797 (English)

Reuters - Harrisburg (United States) Type: stringer - David DeKok E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Eagan (United States) Type: correspondent - Tim Nixon E-mail: unavailable 610 Opperman Drive - Eagan, Minnesota 55123 United States Tel.: (+1) 651 687-7000 (English)

Reuters - Philadelphia (United States) Type: correspondent - Tom Hals E-mail: unavailable 1500 Spring Garden - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130 United States Tel.: (+1) 215 386-0100 (English)

Reuters - St. Louis 1 (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable

Reuters - Chicago (United States) 15

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

717 Office Parkway - St. Louis, Missouri 63141 United States Tel.: (+1) 314 468-1000 (English)

Tel.: (+54) 11 4383-8387 / Fax: (+54) 11 4318-0698 (English) Reuters - Hamilton (Bermuda) Type: stringer - Sam Strangeways E-mail: unavailable 10 Queens Street - Gibbons Building - Hamilton Bermuda Tel.: (+1 441) 295-5014 (English)

Reuters - Stamford (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 1 Station Place - Stamford, Connecticut 06902 United States Tel.: (+1) 203 539-8000 (English)

Reuters - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Silvio Cascione, Stephen Eisenhammer, Alonso Soto, Anthony Boadle E-mail:, SRTVS Edifício Centro Empresarial Brasília, bl.A/sl.723 70340-907 Tel.: (+55) 61 3218-5120 / Fax: 3218-5111 (English)

Reuters - Boston (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Scott Malone (bureau chief), Richard Valdmanis (bureau chief), Ross Kerber, Renee Dudley, Nate Raymond, Jim Finkle (tech), Brian Snyder (photo) E-mail: unavailable 22 Thomson Place - Boston, Massachusetts 02210 United States Tel.: (+1) 617 856-2000 (English)

Reuters - Juiz de Fora (Brazil) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Rua Moraes e Castro 366, Pisos 1 a 3, Alto dos Passos, Juiz de Fora MG Tel.: (+55) 32 4009-2900 (English)

Reuters - Carrollton (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 2395 Midway Road - Carrollton, Texas 75006 United States Tel.: (+1) 800 327-8829 (English)

Reuters - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Brad Brooks (bureau chief), Jeb Blount, Shasta Darlington, Leandra Camera, Chris Arsenault, Tim Hart (sport) E-mail:,, Rua Sete de Setembro 99 / 4º andar Centro - Rio de Janeiro 20050-005 Tel.: (+55) 21 2223-7126 / Fax: 2223-7139 (English)

Reuters - Albuquerque (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 4401 Masthead NE, Suite 100 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109 United States Tel.: (+1) 505 353-4001 (English) Reuters - Buenos Aires Madero (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Hugh Bronstein, Nicolás Misculin, Eliana Raszewski, Maximiliano Rizzi, Caroline Stauffer, Sandra Bernard E-mail:,,,,,, Av. Eduardo Madero 940 - 25º piso - C1106ACW Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4318-0600 / Fax: (+54) 11 4318-0698 (English)

Reuters - Campinas (Brazil) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Rua Conceição 233 sala 604 Centro - Campinas SP Tel.: (+55) 19 3344-9200 (English) Reuters - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Todd Benson (bureau chief), Brad Haynes, Guillermo Parra-Bernal, Aluisio Alves, Walter Brandimarte, Alexandre Caverni, Andrew Downie E-mail: Av. Paulista 1776 - 11 Andar, Cerqueira Cesar - São Paulo, SP Tel.: (+55) 11 2159-0500 (English)

Reuters - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Richard Lough E-mail: Calle Tucumán 1471 - A1050 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires

Reuters - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Rosalba O'Brien, Antonio De la Jara, Fabián Andrés Cambero Twitter: @ReutersChile 16

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

33 calle Nueva York 11o Piso - Santiago Tel.: (+54) 11 5554-7306 (English)

E-mail: unavailable Calle Elvira Mendez y Via Espana - Edificio Banco de Boston 5to Piso, Oficina No. 504 Panama 9A Tel.: (+54) 11 5554-7327 (English)

Reuters - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Anastasia Moloney E-mail: Calle 94a No. 13-34, Piso 4 - Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 634-4090 / (+57) 1 610-7944 (English)

Reuters - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: stringer - Serafín Soto E-mail: Iturbe 774 esquina Luis A. de Herrera y Fulgencio R. Moreno - Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 494-324 / Cel.: (0971)235-990 (English)

Reuters - Lagunilla (Costa Rica) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Teresa Céspedes, Marco Aquino, Mitra F. Taj, Mariana Bazo (photo) E-mail: Calle Los Sauces No 374 Oficinas 901-902 San Isidro Lima 27 Tel.: (+511) 221-2130, 221-2129 (English)

Reuters - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Marc Frank, Sarah Marsh, Anett Rios Jauregui, Alexandre Meneghini, Mario Andrés Fuentes Domínguez, Nelson Marcos Acosta Bustillo E-mail: , @msfcuba1 Linea No 5 Piso 9 - Edificio Sommeillan Chico, Vedado La Habana Tel.: (+537) 833-3145 / Cel.: 05280-1161, 204-1277 (English)

Reuters - San Juan (Puerto Rico) Type: stringer - Nick Brown E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Quito (Ecuador) Type: foreign bureau - Mario Naranjo, Carlos Andrade E-mail: unavailable Av. Amazonas 3655 y Juan Pablo Sanz Edif. Antisana 1 Piso 2 - Quito Tel.: (+54) 11 5554-7394 (English)

Reuters - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: stringer - Malena Castaldi E-mail: unavailable Plaza Independencia 831 oficinas 907 y 908 Montevideo 11100 Tel.: (+54) 11 5554-7332 (English)

Reuters - Georgetown (Guyana) Type: stringer - Neil Marks E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Alexandra Ulmer, Andrew Cawthorne, Eyanir Chinea González E-mail:,, Av. Eugenio Mendoza con Av Jose Angel Lamas - Edf Torre La Castellana piso 4 Caracas D.F. 1060 Tel.: (+58) 212 277-2700, 277-2651 / Fax: (0212) 277 2664 (English)

Reuters - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Type: stringer - Joseph Guyler Delva Twitter: @guylercdelva [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Simon Gardner (bureau chief), Andrew Hurst, Dave Graham, Alex Alper, Frank Daniel, Christine Murray, Claudia Daut (photo) E-mail:,, Bulevar Manuel Avila Camacho 36 Piso 19 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec 11000 Mexico DF Tel.: (+54) 11 5554 7322 / Fax: 5540-30-01, 52-82-7171 (English)

Reuters - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: foreign bureau - Atiqul Alam, Serajul Quadir, Ruma Paul, Andrew Biraj (photo) E-mail: Dhaka Sheraton Hotel, Minto Road - Dhaka 1000 Tel.: (+880) 2 861-1858, 861-4088 / Fax: (+880 2) 8312976, Cel.: 728-6529 (English) Reuters - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: correspondent - Prak Chan Thul E-mail: unavailable Ground Floor - 216 Narodom Boulevard, Sangkat Tonle Bassax, Khan Chamkamon - Phnom Penh

Reuters - Panama City (Panamá) Type: stringer - Elida Moreno 17

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+855) 23 216-977 (English)

E-mail:,, B-23 Sector 58 - Noida 201301 India Tel.: (+91) 120 666-8000 (English)

Reuters - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Philip Wen, Michael Martina, Josephine Mason, Kathy Chen, Koh Gui Qing, Norihiko Shirouzu, Jake Spring, Lucy Hornby, Petar KujundĹžid (photo), Tom Peter (photo) E-mail: unavailable No 1 Info Centre (BLK 1 Zhongguancun) Beijing 100193 China Tel.: (+86) 10 6267-4112 (English)

Reuters - Bangalore (India) Type: foreign bureau - Arnab Paul, Narottam Medhora, Nivedita Bhattacharjee, Tanya Agrawal Supantha Mukherjee, Gokul Chandrasekar, Sayantani Ghosh, Subrat Patnaik, Sruthi Ramakrishnan, Sanjeeban Sarkar, Hezron Selvi, Nallur Sethuraman, Sangameswaran Sriram, Mathew Veedon E-mail: Tower A, RMZ Infinity, Old Madras Road, Bangalore 560093 India Tel.: (+91) 80 6677-4990 (English)

Reuters - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau - Peter Thal Larsen, Pamela Ambier, James Pomfret, Elzio Barreto, Saikat Chatterjee, Sumeet Chatterjee, Michelle Chen, Lisa Jucca, Michelle Price, Pete Sweeney, Peter Thal Larsen, Greg Torode, Frances Yoon, Julie Zhu, Una Galani (column) E-mail: unavailable Cityplaza Three - 14 Tai Koo Wan Road, Quarry Bay Tel.: (+852) 2843-6363 (English)

Reuters - Mumbai (India) Type: foreign bureau - Euan Rocha (bureau chief), Promit Mukherjee, Divya Chowdhury, Shilpa Jamkhandikar, Devidutta Tripathy, Sudipto Ganguly (sport), Danish Siddiqui (photo) E-mail: unavailable Piramal Towers, B Wing 4th Floor, Peninsula Corporate Park - Ganpatrao Rao Kadam Marg, Lower Parel (W) Mumbai 400013 India Tel.: (+91) 22 6180-7001 (English)

Reuters - Macao (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Rua da Alfândega 69 - Macau Tel.: 345888 / Fax: 930076 (English) Reuters - Shanghai (China) Type: foreign bureau - John Ruwitch, Brenda Goh, Lu Jianxin, Alexandra Harney, Denny Thomas E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Chennai (India) Type: correspondent - Sudarshan Varadhan E-mail: unavailable No. 148, DR Radhakrishna Road - Chennai 600 004 India Tel.: (+91) 44 6630-3030 (English) Reuters - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: stringer - Shihar Aneez, Ranga Sirilal E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Hyderabad (India) Type: correspondent - Shafiq Mohammed E-mail: unavailable Divyasree Solitaire 14 - Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh 500081 India Tel.: (+91) 40 6714-0000 (English)

Reuters - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - John Chalmers (bureau chief), Nick Owen, Kanupriya Kapoor E-mail: unavailable Jl. Merdeka Selatan 17 - Wisma Antara 6th Floor 10110 Jakarta Tel.: (+62) 21 2384-6364 (English)

Reuters - Gujarat (India) Type: correspondent - Satarupa Bhattacharjya E-mail: unavailable 2F, Parshwanth Esquare Building - Corporate Road, Prahlad Nagar Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380015 India Tel.: (+91) 22 6180-7001 (English)

Reuters - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - William Sposato, Tim Kelly, Lisa Twaronite, Malcolm Foster, William Mallard, Kenneth Maxwell, Ritsuko Ando, Tetsushi Kajimoto, Leika Kihara, Nathan Layne, Izumi Nakagawa E-mail: unavailable 5-2-20 Akasaka, Minato-ku - Tokyo 107-6119 Japan Tel.: (+81) 3 4589-3100 (English)

Reuters - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Paritosh Bansal (bureau chief), Tom Lasseter, Krishna Das, Douglas Busvine, Tommy Reggiori Wilkes, Sankalp Phartiyal, Manoj Kumar, Adnan Abidi, Sanjeev Miglani, Nita Bhalla, Mayank Bhardwaj, Aditya Kalra, Rajesh Kumar Singh, Tony Tharakan, 18

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

8 and 20 Upper McKinley Road - Taguig 1634 Philippines Tel.: (+632) 459-1000 (English)

Reuters - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: foreign bureau - Mirwais Harooni, Hamid Shalizi, Josh Smith, Maria Golovnina E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Jeremy J. Laurence, Aradhana Aravindan, Ahmed Assar, Nick Macfie, Robert Birsel, Randy Fabi, Patrick Fok, Jeremy Wagstaff, Gavin Maguire, Anna McIntosh, Vidya Ranganathan, Nichola Saminather, Daniel Stanton, Sebastian Tong, Jean Yoon, Julie Noce (video) E-mail: unavailable One Raffles Quay (North Tower) # 28-01 - 048583 Singapore Tel.: (+65) 6403-5557 (English)

Reuters - Putrajaya (Malaysia) Type: stringer - Bazuki Muhammad (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau - Rozanna Latiff, A. Ananthalakshmi, Emily Chow E-mail: unavailable Level 32 Petronas Tower 2 Kuala Lumpur City Centre 50088 Tel.: (+60) 3 206-2323 (English)

Reuters - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau - Tony Munroe, James Pearson, Lee Chang-ho E-mail: 14th Floor Kwanghwamoon Building 64-8 Taepyungro 1 Ka, Chungku - Seoul - South Korea 100-101 Tel.: (+82) 2 3704-5500 (English)

Reuters - Ulaanbataar (Mongolia) Type: stringer - Terrence Edwards Twitter: @TerrTogii [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent - Faith Hung E-mail: unavailable 196 Chien Kuo North Road, Section 2, 10th Floor Taipei Tel.: (+886) 2 2503-3034 (English)

Reuters - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer - Timothy McLaughlin, Thin Lei Win E-mail: 145 Seikkanthar St. (5th floor) Lower Middle Block Kyauktada - Yangon Tel.: (+95) 01-240066 / 09-5000328, 09-73048718 (English)

Reuters - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Andrew Marshall, Patpicha Tanakasempipat, Pairat Temphairojana E-mail: U Chu Liang Building - 968 Rama IV Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand Tel.: (+66) 2 648-9001 (English)

Reuters - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Kay Johnson, Drazen Jorgic, Saad Sayeed, Mehreen Zahra-Malik, Asad Hashim, Katharine Houreld E-mail: unavailable 2nd Floor, Saudi Pak Tower - Jinnah Avenue - Islamabad Tel.: (+92) 51 280-0155, 280-0156 / Fax: (+92) 51 2800157 (English)

Reuters - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - My Pham E-mail: unavailable 8 Tran Hung Dao 4th Floor Tel.: (+84) 4 824-9819 (English)

Reuters - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Javed Faruqi, Simon Denyer E-mail: unavailable 239/1 Staff lines - Somerset Street, behind Hotel Mehran - Karachi Tel.: (+92) 21 568-5814, 568-5815 / Fax: 568-6390 (English)

Reuters - Algiers (Algeria) Type: stringer - Lamine Chikhi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Manama (Bahrain) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Bahrain Financial Harbour 10th Floor, West Tower PO BOX 1030 - Manama | UGB Building 6th Floor, Diplomatic Area - Manama

Reuters - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau - Martin Petty (bureau chief), Ezra Acayan, Karen Lema, Damir Sagolj (photo) E-mail: unavailable 19

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+973) 1 750-2020 / (+973) 1 753-8111 (English) Reuters - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau - Tom Perry, Ayat Basma E-mail: unavailable place Riad El Solh - Immeuble Hibat El Maarad 3rd Floor - Bayrut 2011 4810 Tel.: (+96) 11 983-839 (English)

Reuters - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent - Michele Kambas E-mail: 36 Grivas Dighenis Avenue, George & Thelma Paraskevaides Foundation Building - Nicosia 1386 Tel.: (+357) 2266-5087 (English)

Reuters - Rabat (Morocco) Type: stringer - Samia Errazzouki E-mail: unavailable Bab El Had - Avenue Hassan II - Rabat 10000 Tel.: (+212) 5377-20065 (English)

Reuters - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau - Mohamed Yaheea, Asma Alsharif, Ahmed Aboulenein, Lin Noueihed, Mostafa Hashem, Stephen Grey, Tom Pfeiffer E-mail: unavailable 153 Mohamed Farid Street 21st Floor Banque Misr Tower - Cairo Tel.: (+202) 577-7150 (English)

Reuters - Casablanca (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 17 Rue El Ouaraibi Jilali - 20000 Casablanca Tel.: (+212) 522 486648 (English)

Reuters - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent - Stephen Kalin E-mail: unavailable House No.8 Zuqaq 75 Mahalla 903 - Hay al-Karada Baghdad Tel.: (+961) 1 719-1843 (English)

Reuters - Doha (Qatar) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Finn, Nasim Bani Hvel E-mail: unavailable The Gate - 7th Floor Unit 704 PO BOX 14023 - Doha Tel.: (+974) 4020-6660 (English)

Reuters - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Crispian Balmer, Luke Baker, Dan Williams E-mail: unavailable 38 Hamasger Street - Tel Aviv 67211 Tel.: (+972) 3 537-2211 (English)

Reuters - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent - Katie Paul E-mail: Olaya Thalateen & Dhabaab Street 2nd floor Al Thalateen Commercial Centre PO BOX 62422 - Riyadh Tel.: (+966) 1 464-1480 (English)

Reuters - Tel-Aviv (Israel) Type: stringer - Tova Cohen E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent - Tarek Amara E-mail: unavailable 3 Rue Ibn Rachiq 1002 Tunis-Belvedere Tel.: (+216) 7178-7711 (English)

Reuters - Gaza (Palestine) Type: stringer - Nidal al-Mughrabi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Ankara (Turkey) Type: stringer - Ibon Villelabeitia, Parisa Hafezi Twitter: @ibonv [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Amman (Jordan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Bldg No 1 Mahmoud Al Abidi St, Radwan/Zahran area Jabal Amman 11118 Tel.: (+962) 662-3776 (English)

Reuters - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Paul Fredrik De Bendern, Alexandra M. Hudson, Daren Ian Butler, Thomas Galen Grove, Humeyra Pamuk, Ayla Jean Yackley (TV) E-mail:,, Is Kuleleri Kule 2 Kat: 1-2 Levent - Istanbul 80620 4 Tel.: (+90) 212 350-7000 / Fax: (+90) 212 350-7001, 350-7005 (English)

Reuters - Sharq (Kuwait) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Sharq Mubarak Al Kabeer Street - Kuwait Stock Exchange Building, 4th Floor Safat 13057 Tel.: (+965) 2 243-1920 (English)

Reuters - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) 20

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent - Stanley Carvalho E-mail: unavailable Abu Dhabi Mall - Trade Center Tower - West Tower Office 4, 7th floor - PO Box 7872 - Abu Dhabi Tel.: (+971) 2 644-4431, (+971) 2 632-8000 / (+971) 2 645-5631 (English)

Type: foreign bureau - Edmund Blair (bureau chief), William MacLean, Maina Ignatius Katasi, Katy Migiro, Linda Njoki Muriuki, George Obulutsa E-mail: unavailable Loita Street, Finance House 12th Floor - Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 20 330-261, 20 499-1100 (English)

Reuters - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Sylvia Westall, Hadeel AlSayegh, Aziz El Yaakoubi, Tom Arnold, Saeed Azhar, Davide Barbuscia, Shane McGinley, Bozorgmehr Sharafedin (Iran), Megha Merani E-mail: Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai Media City - Reuters Building, 5th Floor, Office 501 Tel.: (+971) 4 391-8300 / (+971) 4 453-6768 (English)

Reuters - Port Louis (Mauritius) Type: correspondent - Jean Paul Arrouf E-mail: unavailable Sir William Newton Street - Happy World House, Level 7 - Port Louis Tel.: (+230) 211-9555 (English) Reuters - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: foreign bureau - Alexis Akwagyiram E-mail: unavailable 2nd Floor, Bookshop House 50-52 Broad Street Lagos | KPMG Towers - Bishop Aboyade Cole Street - Lagos Tel.: (+234) 1 263-1772 / (+234) 1 700-7302 (English)

Reuters - Luanda (Angola) Type: stringer - Henrique Almeida E-mail: unavailable Centro de Imprensa Aníbal de Melo - Rua Cerqueira Lukoki 124 - Luanda Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Dakar (Senegal) Type: foreign bureau - Tim Cocks, Emma Farge, Edward McAllister, David Lewis E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+221) 33 8645076 / (+221) 77 569-1703 (English)

Reuters - Porto-Novo (Benin) Type: stringer - Samuel Elijah E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9506-4899 (English)

Reuters - Cape Town 1 (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Ted Botha, Roelf Wendell, Nick Said (sport) E-mail: A4 Arden Grove Office Park - Racecourse Road, Cape Town 7441 South Africa Tel.: (+27) 21 551-6531, 405-6440, 461-3523 / Fax: 011 775-3132 (English)

Reuters - Kinshasa (Congo DR) Type: stringer - Aaron Ross E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: stringer - Aaron Maasho E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Conakry (Guinea) Type: stringer - Samb Saliou E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+224) 6438-2405 (English)

Reuters - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Edward Cropley (bureau chief), James Macharia (bureau chief), Joe Brock, Tiisetso Motsoeneng, Olivia Kumwenda-Mtambo, Wendell Roelf, Ed Stoddard E-mail:, 138 West Street Sandton - Johannesburg 2196 South Africa Tel.: (+27) 11 775-3000, 775-3148, Cel.: 076 4124423 / Fax: 011 775-3132 (English)

Reuters - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: stringer - Joe Bavier E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+225) 2244-6554 / (+225) 2244-9954 (English)

Reuters - Lomé (Togo) Type: stringer - John Zodzi E-mail: BP 81213 Lomé Tel.: (+228) 904-3204 / Fax: (+228) 226-1370 (English)

Reuters - Nairobi (Kenya)

Reuters - Zambia (Zambia) Type: correspondent - Chris Mfula 21

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable Cairo Road - Woodgate House 3rd Floor - Lusaka 222689 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Type: foreign bureau - Jane Wardell (bureau chief), Phil Smith, Jonathan Barrett, Stephen Coates, Marijana Domazet, Jamie Freed, Peter Hirschberg, Stuart McDill, Swati Pandey, Bernardo Vizcaino, Daniel Munoz (photo), Jason Reed (photo) E-mail:,, 60 Margaret Street Tel.: (+61) 0 2 9373-1854 (English)

Reuters - Harare (Zimbabwe) Type: foreign bureau - MacDonald Dzirutwe, Tonderayi Mukeredzi E-mail: unavailable Rooms 751 752 and 753 - Meikles Hotel - Harare Tel.: (+263) 4 369110 (English)

Reuters - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: foreign bureau - Rebecca Howard, Charlotte Greenfield E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Reuters - Bamako (Mali) Type: stringer - Joe Penney E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Abuja (Nigeria) Type: stringer - Paul Carsten E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PA - Press Association website: category: national agency ownership: British newspapers (Guardian, Daily Mail, The Telegraph, News UK, UBM Group, DC Thomson, Trinity Mirror, Archant, MNA, Johnston Press + 15) languages: English active since: 1868 headquarters: 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, SW1V 1AE London phone: (+44) (0)20 7963 7000 fax: +44 (0)20 7963 7090 Twitter: @pressassoc YouTube: affiliation: NAWC, EANA, MINDS

Reuters - Freetown (Sierra Leone) Type: stringer - Umaru Fofana E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Reuters - Mogadishu (Somalia) Type: stringer - Feisal Omar, Ben Makori (video) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PA - HEADQUARTERS (United Kingdom) E-mail: unavailable 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road SW1V 1AE - London Tel.: (+44) (0)20 7963 7000 / +44 (0)20 7963 7090 (English)

Reuters - Kampala (Uganda) Type: foreign bureau - Elias Biryabarema, Andrew Green E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PA - Bristol (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1 Temple Way - Bristol BS2 0BY Tel.: (+44) (0)20 7219-4282 (English)

Reuters - Melbourne (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Sonali Paul E-mail: unavailable 565 Bourke Street Tel.: (+61) 0 3 8684-2000 (English)

PA - Howden (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Bridgegate - Howden - East Yorkshire DN14 7AE Tel.: (+44) (0)20 7963-7000 (English)

Reuters - Pyrmont (Australia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 19 Harris Street Tel.: (+61) 0 2 8587-7398 (English)

PA - Westminster (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Press Gallery House of Commons - Westminster London SW1A 0AA

Reuters - Sydney (Australia)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+44) (0)20 7219-4282 (English)

Tel.: unavailable (English)

PA - Nottingham (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Pearl House - Friar Lane - Nottingham NG1 6BT Tel.: (+44) (0)115 844-7447 (English)

Panos - Oxford (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Tom Pilston (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PA - Edinburgh (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Media Tower - Scottish Parliament - Holyrood Edinburgh EH99 1SP Tel.: (+44) (0)87 0124-4188 (English)

Panos - West Yorkshire (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Tim Smith (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Glasgow (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Kieran Dodds (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PA - Glasgow (United Kingdom) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1 Central Quay - Glasgow G3 8DA Tel.: (+44) (0)20 7963-7000 (English)

Panos - Brussels (Belgium) Type: stringer - Justin Jin, Stephan Vanfleteren, Tim Dirven, Dieter Telemans, Teun Voeten (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos Pictures website: category: photo agency ownership: Adrian Evans staff: Andrew Testa, Abbie Trayler-Smith, Heidi Bradner, Julio Etchart, Steve Forrest, Adam Hinton, Crispin Hughes, Paul Lowe, Jenny Matthews, James Morgan, Seamus Murphy, David Rose, Marcus Rose, Marc Schlossman, Robert Wallis, George Georgiou (photo) languages: English active since: 1986 headquarters: Unit K, Reliance Wharf, Hertford Road London N1 5EW phone: +44 (0) 20 3322-8382 fax: unavailable Twitter: @panospictures YouTube: affiliation: N/A

Panos - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: stringer - Mads Nissen, Christian Als, Mikkel Ostergaard (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Bayonne (France) Type: stringer - Markel Redondo (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Paris (France) Type: stringer - William Daniels, JB Russell (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - HEADQUARTERS (United Kingdom) E-mail: unavailable Unit K, Reliance Wharf, Hertford Road - London N1 5EW Tel.: +44 (0) 20 3322-8382 (English) Panos - Manchester (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Sean Sutton (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Berlin (Germany) Type: stringer - Stefan Boness, Andrea Gjestvang, Aubrey Wade (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Newcastle (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Dean Chapman (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Panos - DĂźsseldorf (Germany) Type: stringer - Nyani Quarmyne (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 23

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Utrecht (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Jan Banning, Rob Huibers (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Athens (Greece) Type: stringer - Georgios Makkas (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Oslo (Norway) Type: stringer - Espen Rasmussen, Jan Johannessen, Fredrik Naumann (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Dublin (Ireland) Type: stringer - Adam Patterson (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Bologna (Italy) Type: stringer - Rhodri Jones (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Barcelona (Spain) Type: stringer - Joan Bardeletti, Xavier Cervera, Fernando Moleres (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Milan (Italy) Type: stringer - Francesco Cito (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Girona (Spain) Type: stringer - Samuel Aranda (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Florence (Italy) Type: stringer - Giacomo Pirozzi (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Madrid (Spain) Type: stringer - Alfredo Caliz, Matias Costa, Carlos Spottorno (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Palermo (Italy) Type: stringer - Alfredo D'Amato (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: stringer - Heldur Netocny (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Chris de Bode, Jeroen Oerlemans (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: stringer - Mark Henley E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Delft (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Martin Roemers (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Lausanne (Switzerland) Type: stringer - Alban Kakulya (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Maastricht (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Chris Keulen (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Zurich (Switzerland) Type: stringer - Georg Gerster (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Panos - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: stringer - Bjoern Steinz, Iva Zimovรก (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Chicago (United States) Type: stringer - Hossein Fatemi (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Gdynia (Poland) Type: stringer - Kacper Kowalski (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Boston (United States) Type: stringer - Shiho Fukada, Jacob Silberberg (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Warsaw (Poland) Type: stringer - Piotr Malecki (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Dallas (United States) Type: stringer - Kael Alford (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Bucharest (Romania) Type: stringer - Petrut Calinescu (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: stringer - Eduardo Martino, Lianne Milton (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Moscow (Russia) Type: stringer - Elena Chernyshova, Oleg Klimov (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Medellin (Colombia) Type: stringer - Paul Smith (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - St Petersburg (Russia) Type: stringer - Sergey Maximishin (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Quito (Ecuador) Type: stringer - Karla Gachet (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Toronto (Canada) Type: stringer - Lana Slezic (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: stringer - GMB Akash (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Los Angeles (United States) Type: stringer - Ivan Kashinsky (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Beijing (China) Type: stringer - Adam Dean (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - San Francisco (United States) Type: stringer - Zackary Canepari (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Shanghai (China) Type: stringer - Qilai Shen (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Washington DC (United States) Type: stringer - Dermot Tatlow (photo) E-mail: unavailable 25

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Panos - Delhi (India) Type: stringer - Sanjit Das, Stuart Freedman (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Type: stringer - Vlad Sokhin (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: stringer - Ahikam Seri (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Mumbai (India) Type: stringer - Atul Loke (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: stringer - Andrew McConnell (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: stringer - Kemal Jufri (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: stringer - Aytunc Akad, Guy Martin, Chryssa Panoussiadou, Ivor Prickett (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Tokyo (Japan) Type: stringer - Noriko Hayashi, Eric Rechsteiner (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Porto-Novo (Benin) Type: correspondent - Hippolyte Djiwan E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9798-1469 (English)

Panos - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: stringer - Suzanne Lee, Ian Teh (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: stringer - Petterik Wiggers (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer - Minzayar Oo (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: stringer - Sven Torfinn, Piers Benatar (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: stringer - Brian Sokol (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: stringer - Andrew Esiebo, George Osodi (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: stringer - Chris Stowers (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Cape Town (South Africa) Type: stringer - Eric Miller (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: stringer - Patrick Brown, Nic Dunlop, Jeremy Horner (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Panos - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: stringer - James Oatway, Marc Shoul, Graeme Williams (photo)

Panos - Chiang Mai (Thailand) 26

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AFP - Agence France-Presse website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: private law body sui generis (it has no shareholders, but the French state subsidizes 40% of the revenues through subscriptions by public organs) languages: French active since: 1944 headquarters: 11-13, Place de Ia Bourse, F - 75002, PARIS (2ème) - Paris phone: (+33) (0)1 4041-4646 fax: +33 1 40414592 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @AFP Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS services: text, photo, video, infographics, multimedia packs, archive, mobile news alert affiliation: NAWC, EANA, MINDS, AMAN

Panos - Kampala (Uganda) Type: stringer - Tommy Trenchard (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Sydney (Australia) Type: stringer - Frederic Courbet (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Panos - Auckland (New Zealand) Type: stringer - Jocelyn Carlin (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Caters - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Nicolai Frederik Bonnén Rossen E-mail: Studiestræde 7A - DK-1415 København K Tel.: (+45) 2072-9972 / +44 (0) 7583 635453 (English)

Domestic: AFP - HEADQUARTERS (France) David Williams (chief editor, English), Hazel Ward, Denis Teyssou, Shaun Tandon, Karim Talbi, Katy Lee E-mail:,, 11-13 Place de Ia Bourse F - 75002 PARIS (2ème) - Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4041-4646 / +33 1 40414592 (French)

Newspress - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AFP - Metz (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 21 En Chaplerue 57000 - Metz



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+33) 3 8774-1918 / Fax: (+33 3) 8776-1722 (French)

AFP - Tours (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 5 place Jean Jaurès, 4ème étage 37000 - Tours Tel.: (+33) 2 4766-2603 (French)

AFP - Strasbourg (France) Type: domestic bureau - Yann Ollivier E-mail: unavailable Immeuble Maison Rouge - 24 Place Kléber 5e Et - Porte 505 67000 - Strasbourg Tel.: (+33) 3 8815 0488 / Fax: (+33 3) 8815-0489 (French)

AFP - Ajaccio (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 26 Cours Napoléon 20000 - Ajaccio Tel.: (+33) 4 9521-4096 / Fax: (+33 4) 9521 2450 (French)

AFP - Bordeaux (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 29 rue Esprit Des Lois 33000 - Bordeaux Tel.: (+33) 5 5600-6500 / Fax: (+33 5) 5600-6509 (French)

AFP - Lille (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 36 rue de l'hôpital Militaire 7e étage 59800 - Lille Tel.: (+33) 3 2074-6500 / Fax: (+33 3) 2074 6501 (French)

AFP - Clermont-Ferrand (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 3 rue Eugène Gilbert 63000 - Clermont-Ferrand Tel.: (+33) 4 7335-7208 (French)

AFP - Paris (France) Type: sede central E-mail: unavailable 13 Place de la Bourse 75002 - Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4041-4351 (French)

AFP - Grenoble (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1 rue Beyle-Stendhal 38000 Grenoble Tel.: (+33) 4 7687-0424 (French)

AFP - Nantes (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 11 rue Boileau 44000 - Nantes Tel.: (+33) 2 4047-5414 (French)

AFP - Lyon (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 10 Rue Stella 6ème étage 69002 Lyon Tel.: (+33) 4 7838-7340 / Fax: (+33 4) 7837-2934 (French)

AFP - Caen (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 9 quai de la Londe 14000 - Caen Tel.: (+33) 2 3144-0848 (French)

AFP - Brest (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 20, quai Malbert 29200 - Brest Tel.: (+33) 2 9844-5800 (French)

AFP - Marseille (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 19 rue Vacon 13001 - Marseille Tel.: (+33) 4 9133-6300 / Fax: (+33 4) 9154 3537 (French)

AFP - Rennes (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 24 avenue Des Francais Libres Les Jardins St Helier 35000 - Rennes Tel.: (+33) 2 9930-3804 / Fax: (+33 2) 9930 3382 (French)

AFP - Montpellier (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 12bureau bld Victor Hugo 3ème Etage Gauche 34000 Montpellier Tel.: (+33) 4 6758-9070 / Fax: (+33 4) 6758 1093 (French)

AFP - Dijon (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 15 place Grangier 21000 - Dijon Tel.: (+33) 3 8030-5482 / Fax: (+33 3) 8030 5828 (French)

AFP - Toulouse (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 28

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

9 rue Ritay Immeuble Le Ritay 31000 - Toulouse Tel.: (+33) 5 6230-3040 / Fax: (+33 5) 6123 5106 (French)

Tel.: (+46) 69 2443-3060 / Fax: (+49 69) 2199 8902 (French) AFP - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Eleni Colliopoulou, John Hadoulis, Marina Rafenberg, Louisa Gouliamaki (photo), Angelos Tzortzinis (photo) E-mail:,,,,,, Merlin 10 10671 - Athens | 5 Milioni str. - 106 73 Athens Tel.: (+30) 210 363-3646, 363-3388 / Fax: (+30) 210 361-4457, Cel.: (+30) 694 612-6316, (+30) 693 4219128 (Angelos) (French)

AFP - Nice (France) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 31 avenue Jean Medecin 06000 - Nice Tel.: (+33) 4 9388-0475 / Fax: (+33) 4 9388 0160 (French) Abroad: AFP - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau - Sophie Makris E-mail: unavailable Laimgrubengasse 10/3 1060 - Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 269 6300 / Fax: (+43 1) 269 63 00 21 (French)

AFP - Thessaloniki (Greece) Type: stringer - Sakis Mitrolidis (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

AFP - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Danny Kemp, Martin Trauth, Mirjam Moll E-mail:, 22 - 28 avenue d'Auderghem 1040 - Brussels Tel.: (+32) 2 230-8394 / Fax: (+32 2) 230 2304 (French)

AFP - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Fanny Carrier, Sonia LogreGrezzi, Ljubomir Milasin, Olivier Baube, Angus MacKinnon, Gabriel Bouyis (photo), Sonia Logre (video), Marc Henri Maisonhaute (stringer) E-mail: Piazza Santi Apostoli, 66 00187 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 6793-588 / Fax: (+39) 06 6793 623 (French)

AFP - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Sören Billing, Gäel Branchereau E-mail:, International Press Centre - Skindergade 7 - 1159 København Tel.: (+45) 3397-4292 / Fax: (+45) 3313-2331, Cel.: (+46) 702 520120 (Gäel) (French)

AFP - Milan (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Via San Gregorio 6 - 20124 - Milan Tel.: (+39) 02 6710-1283 (French)

AFP - Helsinki (Finland) Type: foreign bureau - Rebecca Libermann, Anne Kauranen E-mail:, STT/FNB Malminkatu 16 00100 - Helsinki Tel.: (+358) 9 6874-6546 / Cel.: 040 728-9143 (French)

AFP - Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable BP 2401 L-1024 - Luxembourg Tel.: (+352) 021 245 103 / Fax: (+352) 481 537 (French)

AFP - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Coralie Febvre, Deborah Cole, Yacine Le Forestier, Eloi Rouyer, Damien Stroka, Frank Zeller E-mail: unavailable Unter den Linden 21 10117 - Berlin Tel.: (+49) 30 308-760 (French)

AFP - The Hague (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Joanna Biddle (Jo Biddle), Jan Hennop, Maude Brulard E-mail:,, Cornelis de Wittlaan 39 2582 AB Den Haag - Den Haag Tel.: (+31) 70 350-0978 / Fax: (+31 70) 350 5091 (French)

AFP - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: correspondent - Benoît Toussaint E-mail: unavailable Gervinusstr. 15 D-60322 - Frankfurt am Main

AFP - Oslo (Norway) Type: correspondent - Pierre-Henry Deshayes 29

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: Klingenberggaten 5, 5ème étage - 0161 Oslo (Norges Internasjonale Pressesenter) Tel.: (+47) 22 832-922 / Cel.: 9589-4086 (French)

Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable ATS / SDA Sihlquai 253 8005 - Zurich Tel.: (+41) 43 960-6900 / Fax: (+41 43) 960 6901 (French)

AFP - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: foreign bureau - Olivier Devos, Tomás Schmitt Cabral, Brigitte Hagemann, Francisco Leong (photo) E-mail:,,, Rua Rosa Araujo 34 - 3° andar - Lisboa 1250-195 Tel.: (+351) 21 355-6939, 355-6504 / Fax: (+351) 21) 352 0866 (French)

AFP - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Florence Biedermann, Naomi O'Leary, Rosie Scammell, Emily Ford, Patrice Novotny, Roland Jackson, Alice Doré, Laura Mannering, Katherine Haddon, Julien Girault, Tom Williams (sport), Adrian Dennis (photo) E-mail: unavailable 200 Aldersgate Street, 15th floor EC1A 4HD - London Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7776-2740 / Fax: (+44 207) 776 2741 (French)

AFP - Barcelona (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Daniel Bosque Homs, Emmanuelle Michel, Diego Urdaneta Peñaherrera, Álvaro Villalobos López E-mail:,,, Rambla de Catalunya 14 08007 - Barcelona Tel.: (+34) 93 443-6092 / Fax: (+34 93) 318 4370 (French)

AFP - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent - Briseida Mema E-mail: unavailable Muhamet Gjollesha P 69 - Tirana Tel.: (+355) 4 227-426 (French) AFP - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: correspondent - Rusmir Smajilhodžid E-mail: unavailable Kosevo 5 71000 - Sarajevo Tel.: (+387) 33 202-279 / Fax: (+387 33) 202 331 (French)

AFP - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Patrick Rahir, Jean Decotte, Katell Abiven, Pierre Philippe Marcou, Daniel Velhinho Silva, Gabriel Rubio Girón, Micaela Cancela Kieffer, Marianne Barriaux, Kieran Canning (sport) E-mail:,,, Calle Prim 19, 3° piso 28004 - Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 435-8740, 395-8100 / Fax: (+34 91) 575 5380 (French)

AFP - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau - Vessela Sergueva E-mail: unavailable Boulevard Yanko Sakazov 19 BG - 1504 - Sofia Tel.: (+359) 2 944-1078 / Fax: (+359 2) 463 463 (French) AFP - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Petrideva 5 - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: (+385) 1 487-2805, 487-2806 / Fax: (+385 1) 5580989, 455-6575 (French)

AFP - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau - Hugues Honoré, Pia Ohlin, Jonathan Nackstrand (photo) E-mail: unavailable Birger Jarlsgatan 8, 5tr S-114 34 - Stockholm Tel.: (+46) 8 5455-2550 (French)

AFP - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent - René Pascal Biagi E-mail: Ječná 547/15 12000 Praha 2 Tel.: (+42) 0 221 511-480 / Fax: (+420 221) 511 487 (French)

AFP - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Eugénie Larson, Nina Larson, Agnès Pedrero, Marie Noëlle Blessig, Jonathan Fowler, Pierre Taillefer E-mail:,,, 14 Palais Des Nations 1211 - Genève Tel.: (+41) 22 919-7979 / Fax: (+41 22) 919 7961 (French)

AFP - Tbilisi (Georgia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Griboedov 23 0108 - Tbilisi Tel.: (+995) 32 293-2516 (French)

AFP - Zurich (Switzerland)

AFP - Budapest (Hungary) 30

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Eszter Szamadó E-mail: Bajcsy-Zsilinszky útca 10-12 / room 611 - 1051 Budapest Tel.: (+361) 266-0619 / Fax: (+36 1) 266 07 27 (French)

Type: foreign bureau - Marc Braibant E-mail: 180 blvd. Rene-Levesque, Est - Suite 200 - Montreal Tel.: (+1) 514 288-2777 (French) AFP - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent - Jocelyne Zablit, Frankie Taggart, Robyn Beck, Rob Woollard (sport), Greg Heakes (sport) Twitter: @Jzablit 6430 Sunset Blvd Suite #702 Hollywood CA 90028 - Los Angeles Tel.: (+1) 323 463-0675 / Fax: (+1 323) 463 4877 (French)

AFP - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 43 Avenue Dostyk 050000 - Almaty Tel.: (+7) 727 293-8983 / Fax: (+7 727) 293 8970 (French) AFP - Warsaw (Poland) Type: foreign bureau - Michel Viatteau, Bernard Osser, Damien Simonart, Zofia Stępioska, Maria Czarnecka, Michał Mrozioski, Jan Skarżyoski, Piotr Ufnal, Stanisław Waszak, Mary Siberski E-mail:,,,,,,, ul. Marszalkowska 76 pietro 3 - 00517 Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 22 556-6900 / Fax: (+48) 22 622-3499, 5566900, Cel.: 888 899-413 (French)

AFP - San Francisco (United States) Type: stringer - Glenn Chapman Twitter: @gchapmanpress [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) AFP - Washington (United States) Type: regional office - David Millikin, Chris Lefkow, Laurent Lozano, Carlos Hamann, Hervé Rouach, Andrew Beatty, Emma Charlton, Thomas Watkins, Christophe Vogt, Nicolas Revise, Jean-Louis Santini, Robert MacPherson, Jim Mannion, Rob Lever (sport), Paul Richards (photo) E-mail: unavailable Southern Railway Building, 1500 K Street, NW, Suite 600 20005 - Washington Tel.: (+1) 202 414 0600 (French)

AFP - Bucharest (Romania) Type: foreign bureau - Isabelle Le Page, Mihaela Rodina E-mail: unavailable 22 B Muzeul Zambaccian 011874 - București Tel.: (+40) 21 231-2002 / Fax: (+40 21) 230 0178 (French)

AFP - Miami (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Juan Castro Olivera, Paula Bustamante, Kerry Sheridan (science) E-mail:, New World Tower 100 N. Biscayne Blvd Suite 3035 FL 33132 - Miami Tel.: (+1) 305 679-9965 / Fax: (+1 305) 579 2328 (French)

AFP - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Nikolya Miletich, Antoine Lambroschini, Karim Talbi, Naira Davlashyan (video) E-mail: "Dolgoroukovskaya ul. 4 стр.3 , 127006 - Moscow" Tel.: (+8) 495 726-5969 / Fax: (+8) 495 931-9585 (French) AFP - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau - Nicolas Gaudichet, Jovan Matid Twitter: @ngaudich Trg Nikole Pašida 2 11000 - Beograd Tel.: (+381) 11 303-0245 / Fax: (+381 11) 334 5501 (French)

AFP - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Catherine Triomphe, Carole Landry, Andre Viollaz, Jennie Matthew, Luc Olinga, John Biers E-mail:, 747 Third Avenue Floor 35 NY 10017 - New York Tel.: (+1) 212 755-1750 / Fax: (+1) 212 755 1928 (French)

AFP - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent - Ania Tsoukanova, Dmitry Zaks E-mail: unavailable 15 Khreschatyk St, 4ème étage apt. 25 01001 - Kiev Tel.: (+380) 44 494 4461 / Fax: (+38 044) 279 3948 (French)

AFP - Chicago (United States) Type: correspondent - Mira Oberman E-mail: unavailable 922 Davis Street, Evanston IL 60202 - Chicago Tel.: (+1) 312) 690 9033 (French)

AFP - Montreal (Canada) 31

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+56) 2 2699-0241 (French) AFP - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Alexandre Peyrille, Paula Bustamante E-mail:,, Av. de Mayo 560 pisos 5° y 6° - Ofs 44 y 48 C1084AAN Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 5544 4050 / Fax: (+54) 11 4393-9912 (French)

AFP - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: foreign bureau - Florence Panoussian, Lissy de Abreu E-mail: unavailable Carrera 13 No 82-49 Oficina 303 - 110221 Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 744-3355, 611-5425, 611-5899 / Fax: (+57) 1 6113934 (French) AFP - San José (Costa Rica) Type: correspondent - Marc Burleigh, Marco Sibaja E-mail: unavailable Barrio Escalante Del Farolito 175 M Al Este - casa 3361 Apartado 5276-1000 - San José Tel.: (+506) 2280-1773 / Fax: (+506) 2280 1755 (French)

AFP - Bridgetown (Barbados) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

AFP - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Alexandre Grosbois, Adalberto Roque Velázquez, Carlos Alexis Batista Moreno, Rigoberto Díaz Sánchez, Yamil Lage Acosta, Maylin Alonso Chiong, Héctor Velasco E-mail: Lamparilla N°2 La Lonja del Comercio Oficina 5J - 10400 La Habana Tel.: (+537) 862-4508, 862-4512 / Cel.: 05268-0173 (French)

AFP - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Edificio Mariscal de Ayacucho Piso 11 - Of. 1113 Calle Loayza Nº 233 Esq. Av. Camacho 3147 - La Paz Tel.: (+591) 2 233-3390 / Fax: (+591) 2 231 5877 (French) AFP - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable SRTV/S Quadra 701 Bloco A - Sala 711 Edificio Centro Empresarial Brasilia CEP 70340 - 907 - Brasilia Tel.: (+55) 61 3322 6835 / Fax: (+55 61) 3226 4068 (French)

AFP - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: foreign bureau - Jean-Michel Caroit, Erika Santelices (photo) E-mail: unavailable Calle Roberto Pastoriza 22O Ensanche Naco - Santo Domingo Tel.: (+1809) 696-4675 (French)

AFP - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Pierre Ausseill, Laura Bonilla, Claire de Oliveira E-mail:,, Av. Almirante Barroso, N°52 Sala 1002 - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 2217-0025 / Fax: (+55) 21 2262 2399 (French)

AFP - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Héctor Velasco E-mail: unavailable Avenida de los Shyris N35-174 y Suecia Edificio Renazzo Plaza octavo piso, oficina 805 170505 - Quito Tel.: (+593) 2 333 11 33 (French)

AFP - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Natalia Ramos, Johannes Myburgh (video) E-mail: unavailable Alameda Campinas 728 - cj. 94 CEP.: 01404-001 - São Paulo Tel.: (+55 11) 3147 3093 / Fax: (+55 11) 3253 7255 (French)

AFP - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent - José Cabezas (photo) E-mail: unavailable Colonia Escalón 3era etapa 83 Av. Sur, Pasaje A Condominio Aventura, Edificio A Nivel 3, Apart 6A San Salvador Tel.: (+503) 2263 0735 / Fax: (+503) 2263 1697 (French) AFP - Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) Type: stringer - Dannick Zandronis E-mail: unavailable Pointe-à-Pitre Tel.: unavailable (French)

AFP - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Paulina Abrahamovic Twitter: @pauafp Avenida Bernardo O'Higgins 1316 Piso 9 Dpto 92 8320000 - Santiago 32

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AFP - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: correspondent - Johan Ordonez (photo) E-mail: unavailable 13 calle 3-40, Zona 10, Edificio Atlantis 3er nivel, Of. 51 - Guatemala City Tel.: (+502) 2367 2177 / Fax: (+502) 2367 2177 (French)

Edificio Plaza Mayor Plaza Independencia 831 Ofs 701/704 11100 - Montevideo Tel.: (+598) 2 900-5095 / Fax: (+598) 2 902 2524 (French) AFP - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Maria Isabel Sánchez, Beatriz Lecumberri E-mail:,, Avenida Francisco de Miranda, Torre Provincial, Torre A Piso 14 Of. 14-1 Chacao 1060 - Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 264-4745 / Fax: (+58 0212) 267 7797 (French)

AFP - Georgetown (Guyana) Type: stringer - Denis Chabrol E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) AFP - Petionville (Haiti) Type: stringer - Hector Retamal (photo) E-mail: unavailable angle rues Darguin et Clerveaux - Pétion-Ville - Haïti Tel.: (+509) 2245-7222 / Fax: (+509) 2245-5836 (French)

AFP - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: foreign bureau - Anuj Chopra, Sarah Titterton, Usman Sharifi, Mushtaq Mojaddidi, Guillaume Decamme, Rateb Noori (video), Noorullah Shirzada (photo), Emmanuel Duparcq, Damon Wake E-mail:,, @AFPAfPak House 322 Street 10 Wazir Akbar Kham PO BOX 710 Kabul Tel.: (+93) 75 2023 157 (French)

AFP - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Carola Solé Casas, André Birukoff, Laurent Thomet, Omar Torres (photo) E-mail: Calle Durango No 183 Colonia Roma Norte Delegación Cuauhtémoc 06700 - Mexico City Tel.: (+52) 55 5128 1100 / Fax: (+52) 55 10-4564, 55212124 (French)

AFP - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent - Shafiqul Alam (bureau chief), Golam Tahaboor, Sam Jahan, Kamrul Hasan Khan E-mail:, Shilpa Bank Building 5/F 8 Rajuk Avenue 1000 - Dhaka Tel.: (+880) 2 955-5701 / Fax: (+880 2) 956-2007 (French)

AFP - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Mansión Teodolinda 3C al lago, Edificio La Nerced, Piso 3, Módulo 3 - Managua Tel.: (+505) 222-3985/2228 1192 / Fax: (+505) 2222 3985 (French)

AFP - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: correspondent - Philippe Lopez E-mail: 118 Room C1 Norodom Blvd - 12207 Phnom Penh Tel.: (+855) 23 218-412 / Fax: (+855 23) 218 424 (French)

AFP - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent - Hugo Ruiz Olazar E-mail:, Herrera 195 - Edificio Interexpress piso 5 Of 501 Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 443-725 (French)

AFP - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Patrick Lescot, Sebastien Berger, Benjamin Carlson, Joanna Chiu, Fred Dufour (photo) E-mail: unavailable Room 903, China Life Tower No. 16, Chao Yang Men Wai Street 100020 - Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 8525 1757 / Fax: (+86 10) 8525 1771 (French)

AFP - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Marie Sanz, Luis Jaime Cisneros, Roberto Cortijo, Moisés Ávila, Cristóbal Bouroncle (photo) E-mail: Calle Mártir Olaya N° 129 Oficina 501 - Miraflores Lima 18 - Lima Tel.: (+511) 200-4300 / Fax: (+511) 717 3713 (French)

AFP - Hong Kong (China) Type: regional office - Eric Wishart, Michael Patterson, Prashant Rao, Ammu Kannampilly, Simon Martin, Kate Bartlett, Cat Barton, Allison Jackson, Elaine Yu, Philippe Lopez (photo), Tengku Bahar (photo) E-mail:,

AFP - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: regional office - Roland Lloyd Parry, Lucía Lacurcia E-mail: unavailable 33

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

6201 Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road Wanchai - Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2829 6200 / Fax: (+852) 2829 6256 (French)

AFP - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau - Dan Martin, Satish Cheney, M. Jegathesan E-mail: unavailable Unit 24-03 Level 24 Menara Dion 27 Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 - Kuala Lumpur Tel.: (+60) 3 2028-5000 / Fax: (+603) 2070 3031 (French)

AFP - Shanghai (China) Type: foreign bureau - Bill Savadove, Fred Dufour (photo) E-mail: unavailable Room 2602 Summit Center 1088 Yan'an West Road 200052 - Shanghai Tel.: (+86) 21 6248 7677 / Fax: (+86 21) 6259 3975 (French)

AFP - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer - Yè Aung Thu E-mail: 310 Anawrahta Rd. - Room 304, 3rd floor - Win Shwe War Tower - Lanmadaw | 224/4 Yan Nyein 2nd Lane - Ward (6) Yankin - Yangon Tel.: (+95) 01-211830 / 09-450043534, 09-448019991 (French)

AFP - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Claire Cozens, Emily Ford, Nick Perry, Christian Otton, Penelope MacRae, Abhaya Srivastava, Money Sharma, Claire Cozens, Annie Banerji, Megha Bahree, Prakash Singh (photo), Alex Ogle (photo), Agnès Bun (video), Anna Zieminski (video) E-mail: 56 Janpath 3rd floor 110001 - New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2373-8700 / Fax: (+91) 11 2331 1105 (French)

AFP - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: foreign bureau - Ammu Kannampilly E-mail: unavailable Bhote Bahal South GPO Box 402 - Kathmandu Tel.: (+977) 1 253 861 / Fax: (+977 1) 222 998 (French) AFP - Pyongyang (North Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

AFP - Srinagar (India) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable 3/ Exchange Road First Floor Fem Shoppe Complex Kashmir - 190001 - Srinagar Tel.: (+91) 194 481-758 / Fax: (+91) 194 455 632 (French) AFP - Mumbai (India) Type: correspondent - Indranil Mukherjee (photo) E-mail: unavailable 311 Maker Chambers V Nariman Point 400 021 Mumbai Tel.: (+91) 22 2204-0715 / Fax: (+91 22) 2204 0732 (French)

AFP - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Amélie Herenstein, Issam Ahmed, Gohar Abbas, Masroor Gilani, Jean Hervé Deiller, Danny Kemp, Rana Jawad, Samiul Haq Zuberi, Sajjad Tarakzai, Diane Desobeau (video) Twitter: @aher5 @IssamAhmed @DDesobeau House No. 90 Ataturk Avenue G-6/3 - Islamabad | House n.9 A Street 24 F-7/2 - Islamabad Tel.: (+92) 51 11 123-7475 / Fax: (+92 51) 260 9280 (French)

AFP - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - Sam Reeves E-mail: unavailable 17/F Deutsche Bank Building 80 Jl. Imam Bonjol 10310 Jakarta Tel.: (+62) 21 2355-0283 / Fax: (+62) 21 380-9186 (French)

AFP - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: stringer - Ashraf Khan, Hasan Mansoor E-mail: unavailable 124 1St Floor Sidco Avenue Centre - Stretchen Road Karachi Tel.: (+92) 21 3568-0719 / Fax: (+92 21) 3568 0762 (French)

AFP - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Ursula Hyzy, Philippe Ries E-mail: unavailable 9F Jiji Press Building 5-15-8 Ginza - Chuo-ku 104-0061 Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 3545-3061 / Fax: (+81 3) 3546 2594 (French)

AFP - Manila (Philippines) Type: correspondent - Karl Malakunas (bureau chief), Ayee Macaraig E-mail: unavailable 5/F King's Court II Bldg 2129 Pasong Tamo Avenue Makati, Metro Manila - Manila Tel.: (+632) 791-5700 (French)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AFP - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Roberto Coloma (bureau chief), Elizabeth Law E-mail: unavailable 28 Maxwell Road #03-06 Red Dot Traffic Building 069120 - Singapore Tel.: (+65) 6590-3788 (French)

Tel.: (+357) 2239-1391 / Fax: (+357 22) 391 589 (French) AFP - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Haitham Tabei, Jay Deshmukh, Patrick Baz (photo) E-mail: unavailable 10 ‫ال م ساحة م يدان‬, Ad Doqi, Giza Tel.: (+202) 3573-8720 / Fax: (+202) 3336-0641 (French)

AFP - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau - Giles Hewitt, Jung Ha-won E-mail: unavailable 18th Floor, Kyobo Building, 1 Jongno, Jongno-gu 110714 - Seoul Tel.: (+82) 2 3703-3800 / Fax: (+82 2) 737 6598 (French)

AFP - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau - Arthur MacMillan, Eric Randolph E-mail: unavailable Khaled Islamboli avenue 131 - Shiraz Bldg. 2nd floor 15139 Tehran Tel.: (+98 21) 872-3382 / Fax: (+98 21) 872-3386 (French)

AFP - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: correspondent - Ishara S Kodikara (photo) E-mail: unavailable 100 Barnes Place 7 - Colombo Tel.: (+94) 12 695-097 / Fax: (+94 1) 2694 385 (French)

AFP - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau - Jean-Marc Mojon (bureau chief), William Dunlop E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+964) 0 770 442-5681 / Cel.: +964 (0) 7 704-425681 (Jean-Marc) (French)

AFP - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent - Michelle Yun E-mail: unavailable Rm 617, 209 Sungkiang Road. Taipei Tel.: (+886) 2 2501 6395 / Fax: (+886 2) 2501 1881 (French) AFP - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Delphine Thouvenot, Thanaporn Promyamyai, Jerome Taylor, Christophe Archambault (photo) E-mail: unavailable 18th Floor, Alma Link Building 25 Soi Chidlom, Ploenchit Lumpini, Patumwan 10330 - Bangkok Tel.: (+66) 2 650-3230 / Fax: (+66 2) 650 3234 (French)

AFP - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Cox, Laurent Lozano, Said Khatib E-mail: 206 Jaffa road - 91014 Jerusalem POB 1507 Tel.: (+972) 2 644-0900 / Fax: (+972 2) 644 0927 (French) AFP - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent - Randa Habib E-mail: POBox 6845 - Amman 11181 Tel.: (+962) 6 464-4978 / Fax: (+962 6) 465-4680 (French)

AFP - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - Jenny Vaughan E-mail: unavailable 76 rue Ngo Quyen - Hanoi Tel.: (+84) 4 3943-9045 / Fax: (+84 4) 3943 6032 (French)

AFP - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+965) 257-0211 (French)

AFP - Algiers (Algeria) Type: foreign bureau - Amer Ouali, Marc Pondaven E-mail: unavailable 6 rue Abd al-Karim el-Khettabi - Algiers Tel.: (+213) 2163-0780, 2163-0781 / Fax: (+213) 21632204 (French)

AFP - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau - Rana Moussaoui, Sara Hussein E-mail: Immeuble Najjar, rue de Rome - Bayrut Tel.: (+96) 11 73-0162 / Fax: (+961 1) 350 318 (French)

AFP - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: regional office - Emmanuel Giroud, Daniel Rook E-mail: Pindarou 27 (Pindarou & Vikella Corner) Alpha Business Center Building, 2nd floor 1060 - Nicosia

AFP - Tripoli (Libya) Type: correspondent - Mohamad Ali Harissi 35

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

Type: foreign bureau - Ezzedine Saïd (bureau chief), Stuart Williams, Nicolas J. F. Cheviron, Sonia Logre, Bulent Kilic (photo) E-mail: Hüsrev Gerede Cad. Tanin Apt. NO: 88 D:5.K2 TESVIKIYE 34365 - İstanbul Tel.: (+90) 212 393-8444, 292-2648, 292-2649 / Fax: (+90) 212 292-2649, Cel.: 0 532 684-7310 (Nicolas) (French)

AFP - Rabat (Morocco) Type: foreign bureau - Jalal Al Makhfi, Stéphanie Wenger E-mail: unavailable 2 Bis Zankat Al-Kahira - Rabat Tel.: (+212) 537-706785 / Fax: (+212 537) 700-357 (French)

AFP - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent - René Slama, Ali Khalil E-mail: unavailable 1st floor, Villa 12 Boutique Offices, Knowledge Village Media City P.O. Box 502108 - Dubai Tel.: (+971) 4 366-4567 / Fax: (+971 4) 366 4566 (French)|

AFP - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: stringer - Mai Yaghi, Mohammed (Abed) Al-Baba (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+972) 8 282-1533 / Fax: (+972 8) 282 3512 (French)

AFP - Luanda (Angola) Type: stringer - Estelle Maussion E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

AFP - Doha (Qatar) Type: foreign bureau - Victoria Baux, David Harding E-mail: unavailable 15, Commercial Bank Plaza Tower - Doha Tel.: (+974) 4452-8034 / Fax: (+974) 4452 8181 (French)

AFP - Porto-Novo (Benin) Type: stringer - Fiacre Vidjingninou E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+229) 21 374805 / Cel.: 9585-6160, 9709-7006 (French)

AFP - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau - Ian Timberlake (bureau chief) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+966) 1 2933 686 / Fax: (+966 1) 2933 597 (French)

AFP - Kinshasa (Congo DR) Type: correspondent - Marc Jourdier E-mail: unavailable 10 Avenue Batetela - Kinshasa Tel.: (+243) 81 520-2057 (French)

AFP - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent - Bab al-Hadid E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+963) 11 231-8200 / Fax: (+963 11) 231 2691 (French)

AFP - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: correspondent - Karim Lebhour, Peter Martell E-mail: unavailable ENAT Tower Office number 806-2 8th Floor P.O.B. 3537 - Addis Ababa Tel.: (+251) 153-1430 / Fax: (+251) 151 1006 (French)

AFP - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau - Guillaume Klein, Inès Bel Aïba E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+216) 7124-9071 / Fax: (+216 71) 352 414 (French)

AFP - Libreville (Gabon) Type: foreign bureau - Jean Rovis Dabany (TV), Marco Longari (photo) E-mail: unavailable Rue Ange M'Ba, Immeuble Forestiers, 8ème étage 7.8D26 BP788 - Libreville Tel.: (+241) 0176-1436 / Fax: (+241) 0172 4135 (French)

AFP - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Sinan Fişek E-mail: And Sokak 8/13 Cankaya - 06680 - Ankara Tel.: (+90) 312 468-9680 / Fax: (+90 312) 468 9683 (French)

AFP - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 18 avenue du Docteur Crozet 01 BP 726 - Abidjan

AFP - Istanbul (Turkey)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+225) 2021-9017, 2021-2822 / Fax: (+225) 20211036 (French)

E-mail: BP 3620 Lomé Tel.: (+228) 226-5982 / Cel.: (+228) 904-1964 (French)

AFP - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Anthony Morland, Aude Genet, Aymeric Vincenot, Celine Clery, Peter Martell, Raphael Andende Ambasu, Tristan McConnell (photo), Cyril Belaud, Carl de Souza, Aileen Jelagat Kimutai, Anthony Karumba Wangondu, Simon Maina E-mail: unavailable Lenana Plaza, 4th floor 197 Lenana Rd PO Box 30671 00100 - Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 20 296-0000 (French)

AFP - Harare (Zimbabwe) Type: correspondent - Fanuel Jongwe E-mail: unavailable 2 Albany Court 27 Fife Avenue - Harare Tel.: (+263) 4 701 603/4 / Fax: (+263 4) 701 602 (French) AFP - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent - Barry Parker, Glenda Kwek E-mail: Level 8 50 Margaret Street N.S.W. 2000 - Sydney Tel.: (+61) 2 9251-1544 / Fax: (+61 2) 9251 5230 (French)

AFP - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: foreign bureau - Phil Hazlewood (bureau chief), Chris Stein E-mail: unavailable Ademola Adetokumbo Crescent Wuse Zone 2 - Fanaha Business Suits - Lagos Tel.: (+234) 9 523-7822 (French)

AFP - Nouméa (New Caledonia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 15 Rue de Dr. Guégan Quartier Latin - Nouméa Tel.: (+687) 263-033 / Fax: (+687) 278 699 (French)

AFP - Kigali (Rwanda) Type: stringer - Stéphanie Aglietti Twitter: @stephaglietti [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

AFP - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: correspondent - Neil Sands E-mail: unavailable Payroll House 93 Boulcott Street Level 1 - Wellington Tel.: (+64) 4 498-4486 / Fax: (+644) 473 8472 (French)

AFP - Dakar (Senegal) Type: correspondent - Selim Saheb Ettaba, Jennifer O'Mahony E-mail:,,,, 2 Place de l'Indépendance - Dakar Tel.: (+221) 33 823-0817 / Fax: (+221) 33 823 16 07 (French)

Riva Press - HEADQUARTERS (France) ownership: Lionel Préau, Vincent Capman, Vincent Boisot, Vincent Wartner E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 6 6812-8377, 8411-8555, 0705-9977 / +33 7 6412-4750 (French)

AFP - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Philippe Alfroy, Susan Njanji, Christophe Beaudufe, Ben Sheppard, Sibongile Khumalo, Lawrence Bartlett, Gianluigi Guercia (photo) E-mail: 37 Keyes Avenue Rosebank PO Box 952 - Parklands 2121 2196 - Johannesburg Tel.: (+27) 11 530-9900 / Fax: (+27 11) 880 9987 (French)

Riva Press - Toulouse (France) Type: stringer - Vincent Nguyen E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 6 6203-2370 (French) Riva Press - Spain (Spain) Type: stringer - Pierre-Yves Marzin (photo) E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+34) 656-639-207 (French)

AFP - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: foreign bureau - Jay Deshmukh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

Riva Press - Antananarivo (Madagascar) Type: stringer - Rijasolo E-mail:

AFP - Lomé (Togo) Type: stringer - Emile Kouton 37

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: (+261) 33 298-6153 (French)

1.5% for each one), including ZDF, N24, Axel Springer, Gruner+Jahr, Main-Post, NDR, WDR, Radio/Tele FFH, Der Kölnischen Zeitung, PresseDruck, Schwäbischer Verlag etc. languages: German (main), English, Spanish, Arabic active since: 1949 previous names sede era em Hamburgo até 2010, quando foi mudada para Berlim headquarters: Markgrafenstrasse 20, , Bezirk Mitte 10969 - P.O. 110332 - Berlim phone: (+49) 30 2852 31472 | +49 40 4113-32310 fax: +49 30 2852 31479 e-mails:, (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @dpa_intl Facebook: YouTube:

SIPApress - HEADQUARTERS (France) ownership: Rex Features + Isopix E-mail: 59 Boulevard Exelmans - 75016 Paris Tel.: (+33) (0)1 4743-4743 (+33) (0)1 4743-4744 (French) SIPApress - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Grzegorz Galazka E-mail: Via Innocenzo XI, 44 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 638-4224, Cel.: 348-3889085 (French) SIPApress - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: correspondent - Jorge Núñez

E-mail: Av. Puente de Alvarado 74 bis-6, Col. Tabacalera, 06030 México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 5705-4802 / Fax: 5705-4802 (French)

mobile: Android (fechado) services: text, photo, infographics, multimedia packs, mobile news alert other services: Insight EU affiliation: NAWC, EANA, MINDS cooperation: APA, SDA, AsiaNewsNetwork

SIPApress - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Heidi Levine E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

DPA - HEADQUARTERS (Germany) E-mail:,,,,,,,,,, Markgrafenstrasse 20 Bezirk Mitte 10969 - P.O. 110332 - Berlim Tel.: (+49) 30 2852-31472 / +49 30 2852-31479 (German)

Germany DPA - Deutsche Presse-Agentur website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: 190 German newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, publishers and outlets (maximum of

Domestic: 38

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

DPA - Augsburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Alte Reichsstraße 28 - 86356 Neusäß - Bayern Tel.: (+49) 821 343392 1 / Fax: +49 821 343392 2 (German)

DPA - Frankfurt Oder (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kellenspring 6 - 15230 Frankfurt/Oder - Berlin Tel.: (+49) 335 50493 0 / Fax: +49 335 50493 1 (German)

DPA - Bamberg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Postfach 110119 - 96029 Bamberg - Bayern Tel.: (+49) 951 5090067 0 / Fax: +49 951 5090067 1 (German)

DPA - Potsdam (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Friedrich-Engels-Straße 24 - 14473 Potsdam Brandenburg Tel.: (+49) 331 979-160 / Fax: +49 331 97916 50 (German)

DPA - Upper Bavaria (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Lüftiger Hof 19 - 83607 Holzkirchen - Bayern Tel.: (+49) 8024 478181 / Fax: +49 8024 478 182 (German)

DPA - Hanover (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, Stiftstraße 3/4 - 30159, Postfach 1509, 30015 Hannover - Niedersachen Tel.: (+49) 511 124-050 / 3515 2 (photo) / Fax: +49 511 124 05 35147 / 3515 9 (photo) (German)

DPA - Munich (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Martin Moravec E-mail:, Herzog-Wilhelm-Straße 18 - 80331 München - Bayern | Postfach 20 01 62 - 80001 München Tel.: (+49) 89 523940 / 943863 0 (photo) / Fax: +49 89 523 94 38110 / 38639 (photo) (German)

DPA - Darmstadt (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Mathildenplatz 9 - 64283 Darmstadt - Hessen Tel.: (+49) 6151 10113 22 / Fax: +49 6151 10113 23 (German)

DPA - Nuremberg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Klaus Tscharnke E-mail: Frauentorgraben 43/II - 90443 Nürnberg - Bayern Tel.: (+49) 911 23072 0 / Fax: +49 911 23072 22 (German)

DPA - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:,, 60327 Frankfurt am Main - Hessen, Postfach 100656 60006 Frankfurt Tel.: (+49) 69 27160 / 34292 (Sportreport) / 3426 0 (photo) / 27160 / Fax: +49 69 2716 34129 / 3429 3 (Sportreport) / 3426 9 (photo) / 34219 (German)

DPA - Regensburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Donaustaufer Straße 135a - 93059 Regensburg - Bayern Tel.: (+49) 941 297999 55 / Fax: +49 941 297999 56 (German)

DPA - Fulda (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Postfach 809 - 36008 Fulda - Hessen Tel.: (+49) 661 952709 0 / Fax: +49 661 952709 8 (German)

DPA - Würzburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Plattnerstraße 14 - 97070 Würzburg - Bayern Tel.: (+49) 931 573113 / Fax: +49 931 57311 5 (German)

DPA - Gießen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dienheimer Pfad 2 - 61169 Friedberg - Hessen Tel.: (+49) 6031 6844 629 / Fax: +49 6031 6844 641 (German)

DPA - Cottbus (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Straße der Jugend 54 - 03050 Cottbus - Brandenburg Tel.: (+49) 355 47379 3 / Fax: +49 355 47379 4 (German)

DPA - Kassel (Germany) 39

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 48 - 34117 Kassel - Hessen Tel.: (+49) 561 72828 0 / Fax: +49 561 72828 20 (German)

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Rumpener Straße 95 - 52134 Herzogenrath Nordrhein-Westfalen Tel.: (+49) 2407-9120 0 / Fax: +49 2407-9120 1 (German)

DPA - Wiesbaden (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Grabenstraße 5 - 65183 Wiesbaden - Hessen Tel.: (+49) 611 99975 0 / Fax: +49 611 99975 15 (German)

DPA - Bielefeld (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Niedernstraße 27 - 33602 Bielefeld - NordrheinWestfalen Tel.: (+49) 521 62511 / Fax: +49 521 625 01 (German)

DPA - Bremen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Martinistraße 43 - 28195 Bremen Tel.: (+49) 421 340-760 / Fax: +49 421 34076 90 (German)

DPA - Cologne (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Stolkgasse 25–45 - 50667 Köln - Nordrhein-Westfalen (Postfach 100854 - 50448 Köln) Tel.: (+49) 221 912745 0 / Fax: +49 221 912745 9 (German)

DPA - Brunswick (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Hintern Brüdern 23 - 38100 Braunschweig Niedersachen Tel.: (+49) 531 681-285 / Fax: +49 531 68128 7 (German)

DPA - Dortmund (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Silberstraße 21 - 44137 Dortmund - NordrheinWestfalen Tel.: (+49) 23157 9218 / Fax: +49 23157 8671 (German)

DPA - Emden (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Postfach 1363 - 26693 Emden - Niedersachen Tel.: (+49) 492 158-6423 / Fax: +49 4921 58642 4 (German)

DPA - Düsseldorf (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, Graf-Adolf-Platz 6 - 40213 Düsseldorf - NordrheinWestfalen (Postfach 10 21 41 - 40012 Düsseldorf) Tel.: (+49) 211 3803 0 / 391 42 (photo) / Fax: +49 211 3803 39120 / 391 48 (photo) (German)

DPA - Göttingen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Postfach 2810 - 37018 Göttingen - Niedersachen Tel.: (+49) 551 3057 819 / Fax: +49 551 3057 825 (German)

DPA - Essen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dritter Hagen 31 - 45127 Essen - Nordrhein-Westfalen Tel.: (+49) 201 189270 / Fax: +49 201 231935 (German)

DPA - Luneburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Uelzener Straße 2 - 21335 Lüneburg - Niedersachen Tel.: (+49) 4131 246 1287 / Fax: +49 4131 246 0996 (German)

DPA - Münster (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Soester Straße 13 - 48155 Münster - NordrheinWestfalen Tel.: (+49) 251 609540 / Fax: +49 251 524066 (German)

DPA - Osnabrück (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Uhlhornstraße 16 - 49080 Osnabrück - Niedersachen Tel.: (+49) 541 506-2460 / Fax: +49 541 50624 59 (German)

DPA - South Westphalia (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Im Bodmen 51 - 59581 Warstein - Nordrhein-Westfalen Tel.: (+49) 2902 978851 0 / Fax: +49 2902 978851 4 (German)

DPA - Aachen (Germany) 40

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Carolastraße 4–6 - 09111 Chemnitz - Sachsen Tel.: (+49) 371 666-4075 / Fax: +49 371 666-4076 (German)

DPA - Greifswald (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dreizehnhausener Straße 10 - 17498 Wackerow Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Tel.: (+49) 3834 899-490 / Fax: +49 3834 89 7970 (German)

DPA - Dresden (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Martin Fischer E-mail: Könneritzstr. 7 - 01067 Dresden - Sachsen Tel.: (+49) 351 867-590 / Fax: +49 351 86759 25 (German)

DPA - Rostock (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Richard-Wagner-Straße 1a - 18055 Rostock Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Tel.: (+49) 381 491370 / Fax: +49 381 49137 13 (German)

DPA - Halle/Saale (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Franckestraße 1 - 06110 Halle - Sachsen-Anhalt Tel.: (+49) 345 290-1051 / Fax: +49 345 290-2917 (German)

DPA - Schwerin (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Klöresgang 1 - 19053 Schwerin (Postfach 110254) Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Tel.: (+49) 385 591-830 / Fax: +49 385 59183 30 (German)

DPA - Hamburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Fabian Wegener, Peer Körner E-mail:,, Mittelweg 38 - 20148 Hamburg | Postfach 130282 20102 Hamburg Tel.: (+49) 40 4113 32104, 40 4113 0 / 32121 (photo) / Fax: +49 40 4113 32305 / 32939 (photo) (German)

DPA - Coblenz (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Hochstraße 59 - 56179 Niederwerth - Rheinland-Pfalz Tel.: (+49) 261 914878 44 / Fax: +49 261 914878 45 (German)

DPA - Leipzig (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Löhrstraße 17 - 04105 Leipzig - Sachsen Tel.: (+49) 341 710-0740 / Fax: +49 341 71007 70 (German)

DPA - Mainz (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Nathalie Bockelt E-mail: Neubrunnenstraße 3 - 55116 Mainz - Rheinland-Pfalz Tel.: (+49) 6131 280046 / Fax: +49 6131 2800 47 (German)

DPA - Magdeburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Große Klosterstraße 1 - 39104 Magdeburg - SachsenAnhalt Tel.: (+49) 391 59747 0 / Fax: +49 391 59747 19 (German)

DPA - Mannheim/Ludwigshafen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Goethestraße 18 - 68161 Mannheim - Rheinland-Pfalz Tel.: (+49) 621 15670 168 (Mannheim), +49 621 15670 165 (Ludwigshafen) / Fax: +49 621 86251059 (German)

DPA - Flensburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 461 4030 741 3 / Fax: +49 461 4030641 6 (German)

DPA - Treves (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Trimmelter Weg 13 - 54295 Trier - Rheinland-Pfalz Tel.: (+49) 651 561137 6 / Fax: +49 651 561137 8 (German)

DPA - Kiel (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Alter Markt 14 - 24103 Kiel - Schleswig-Holstein Tel.: (+49) 431 881000 / Fax: +49 431 88100 88 (German)

DPA - Chemnitz (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:

DPA - Lübeck (Germany) 41

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Breite Straße 6-8 - 23552 Lübeck - Schleswig-Holstein Tel.: (+49) 451 796476 / Fax: +49 451 796097 (German)

DPA - Gera (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Johannisstraße 4 - 07545 Gera - Thüringen Tel.: (+49) 365 71289745 / Fax: +49 365 21475442 (German)

DPA - St. Peter-Ording (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Möwenstieg 3 - 25826 St. Peter-Ording - SchleswigHolstein Tel.: (+49) 4863 950756 / Fax: +49 4863 950776 (German)

Abroad: DPA - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Laimgrubengasse 10 - 1060 Vienna Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Freiburg/Breisgau (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Postfach 5364 - 79020 Freiburg - Baden-Württemberg Tel.: (+49) 761 49618 01 / Fax: +49 761 49618 09 (German)

DPA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Martina Herzog, Helen Maguire, Verena Schmitt-Roschmann, Ansgar Haase, Alkimos Sartoros, Joachim Weidemann, Emoke Bebiak E-mail:,,, 1 blvd Charlemagne, bte 17, 1041 Brussels Tel.: (+32) 2 230-3691 / Fax: (+32) 2 230-9896 (German)

DPA - Karlsruhe (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kriegsstraße 164 - 76133 Karlsruhe - BadenWürttemberg Tel.: (+49) 721 91285 0 / Fax: +49 721 91285 30 (German)

DPA - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Konstanz (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Karlstraße 16 - 88212 Ravensburg - BadenWürttemberg Tel.: (+49) 751 29551530 / Fax: +49 751 29551539 (German)

DPA - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Borchert, Julia Wäschenbach E-mail:, Store Kongensgade 14 DK 1264 Copenhagen Tel.: (+45) 3314-2219 / Fax: (+45) 3314-6672 (German)

DPA - Stuttgart (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, Königstraße 18 - 70173 Stuttgart - Baden-Württemberg Tel.: (+49) 711 162620 / 37530 / Fax: +49 711 16262 37800 (German)

DPA - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Ulm (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Gaisenbergstraße 29 - 89073 Ulm - BadenWürttemberg Tel.: (+49) 731 147738 0 / Fax: +49 731 147738 1 (German)

DPA - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Jessica Camille Aguirre E-mail: unavailable 30 rue Saint Augustin - 75002 Paris Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Erfurt (Germany) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Johannesstraße 1 - 99084 Erfurt - Thüringen Tel.: (+49) 361 55071 0 / Fax: +49 361 55071 13 (German)

DPA - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Christine Pirovolakis, Takis Tsafos E-mail:,, Agiou Dimitriou Oplon 54 - 10445 Athens 42

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+30) 210 831-5381 / Fax: (+30) 210 854-1034 (German)

P.O.Box 17343 - 1001 JH Amsterdam Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Reykjavik (Iceland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Oslo (Norway) Type: correspondent - Sigrid Harms E-mail: Tyriveien 8 - 1555 Son Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9005-9206 (German)

DPA - Dublin (Ireland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Rua Dom José de Avilez 141 C-4DT - 2750-398 Cascais Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Miriam Schmidt, Alvise Armellini, Carola Frentzen E-mail:, Piazza Mastai 9 - 900153 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 588-1379, Cel.: 389-5556221 / Fax: (+39) 06 97658887 (German)

DPA - Madrid (Spain) Type: regional office - Estéban Bayer, Sara Barderas, Ana Lázaro Verde, Theo Peters, Carola Frentzen, Romina López La Rosa E-mail:,,,,, Calle Orense 36, 1º derecha - 28020 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 567-2600 / 2602 / Fax: (+34) 91 567-0565 (German)

DPA - Vaduz (Liechtenstein) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Mbabane (Swaziland) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Lodvägen 12, 2 Sollentuna - 19259 Stockholm Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Malta (Malta) Type: stringer - Herman Grech E-mail: , @Earthling70 [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Basel (Switzerland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Postpassage 2 - 4002 Basel Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - La Valetta (Malta) Type: stringer - Herman Grech E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Burmeister E-mail: Palais des Nations, Büro 84 - 1211 Geneva Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Monte Carlo (Monaco) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 30 Old Queen Street - London SW1H 9HP Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Annette Birschel E-mail:

DPA - Tirana (Albania) 43

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

Bokreta útca 10 - 1094 Budapest Tel.: unavailable (German) DPA - Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Yerevan (Armenia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Riga (Latvia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Daugavgrivas iela 136-78 - LV-1055 Riga Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Minsk (Belarus) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Skopje (Macedonia ) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Montenegro (Montenegro) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Mladost-1 Block 13 A Entrance B Apartment 17 - 1750 Sofia Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Warsaw (Poland) Type: foreign bureau - Eva Krafczyk E-mail: ul. Krakowskie Przedmieście 65 m 10 - 00–071 Warszawa | ul. Saska 7a 03-968 - Warszawa Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Trg Marka Marulida 16 - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: 1 4829-910 / Fax: (+385) 1 482-9904 (German)

DPA - Bucharest (Romania) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Bulevard Lascar Catargiu Nr. 24–26 scara C etaj 4 apartment 38 - București Sector 1 Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Slovinská 31 - 10100 Prague 101 Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Friedemann Kohler E-mail: Kutuzovskiy pr-t d.7/4 korp.1 kv.210 Tel.: (+8) 499 243-9790 / Fax: (+8) 499 243-1446 (German)

DPA - Talinn (Estonia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) DPA - Georgia (Georgia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Brey, Boris Babid E-mail: Flore Sends 5 - 11040 Beograd | Mihaila Avramovida 36a - 11000 Beograd Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Budapest (Hungary) Type: foreign bureau - Gregor Mayer E-mail: unavailable

DPA - Bratislava (Slovakia) Type: foreign bureau 44

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable Stromová 46 - SK-83101 Bratislava Tel.: unavailable (German)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) DPA - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: regional office - Hendrik Groth, Cecilia Caminos, Juan Garff, Juan Ignacio Pereyra, Marianela Mayer E-mail:,,,,, Av. Corrientes 222 piso 16º - C1043AAP Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4314-1570, 4311-5311 / Fax: (+54) 11 4894-0742 (German)

DPA - Ljubljana (Slovenia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) DPA - Montreal (Canada) Type: correspondent - Paul Logothetis E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: foreign bureau - Mario Roque Cayoja, Gustavo Ondarza E-mail: unavailable Edificio Esperanza 9º Of.3 - Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 2150 - Casilla 13885, La Paz Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) DPA - San Francisco (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 1519 Arch Street - 94708 Berkeley CA Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Georg Ismar, Diana Renée Brajterman E-mail:, - @georg_ismar Rua Almirante Gonçalves 4 Copacabana - Rio de Janeiro RJ 22060-040 | Av. das Américas 700 / bl.2 sl.332 (Città America) Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 3449-5537, 3803-7723 / Fax: 3803-7721, Cel.: 97277-2808 (German)

DPA - Washington (United States) Type: regional office - Gretel Johnston, Anne Walters Custer E-mail: 1112 National Press Building 529 14th Street NW suite 1112 - Washington D.C. 20045 Tel.: (+1) 202 662-1220 / Fax: (+1) 202 662-1270 (German)

DPA - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Rua Marechal Deodoro 135 Parque dos Cisnes - Edificio Dourado 04738-000 São Paulo SP Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Miami (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent - Mauricio Weibel Twitter: @mauricioweibel Calle Jorge Washington 411 Ñuñoa - Santiago, Región Metropolitana | Huérfanos 1373 Oficina 404 8340615 Santiago de Chile Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Johannes Schmitt-Tegge, Emoke Bebiak, Christina Horsten, Chris Melzer E-mail:,,,, 405 East 42nd Street, Room S-319 United Nations New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 646 797-2852 / Cel: (607) 379-0356, (917) 574-1993, Cel: (+1) 917 971-1960 (German)

DPA - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Rodrigo Ruiz-Tovar, Sandra Parra, Francisco Plata E-mail: unavailable Carrera 15 no. 85-29 OFC. 309 - Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 4660536 / Fax: (+57) 1 466-0554 (German)

DPA - Boston (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable

DPA - San José (Costa Rica) Type: correspondent - Ernesto Ramírez 45

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable Edif. 152 piso 3º Calle 11 Avdas 1 y 3 Apdo 7156 - San José Tel.: unavailable (German)

Tel.: (+52) 5578-4829, 5761-2435 / Fax: 5761-0762 (German) DPA - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Vicente Poveda, Victorio Copa, Guillermo Díaz Nova Twitter: @bitacoranova Calle Paseo 201 apto. 81 Vedado - La Habana | Calle 19 No. 407 entre F Y G, Vedado - La Habana Tel.: (+537) 835-3107, 830- 6340, 836-4758 (German)

DPA - Panama City (Panamá) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Calle Oliva 309 - Edif. Segesa Of. 705 - Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 450-329 / Fax: (+595) 21 448-116 (German)

DPA - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Jorge Ortíz, Silvana Larrea, Camilo Larrea E-mail: unavailable Edif. Atrium Of. 5-7 - Calle González Suárez 894 y Gonnessiat - Quito Tel.: (+593) 2 256-8986 (German)

DPA - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Gonzalo Ruiz Tovar, Rosmary Cueva Sáenz, Flor Ruiz (photo) E-mail:,,, Calle Schell 343 Of. 707 Miraflores - Lima 18 Tel.: (+511) 444-3775 / Fax: (+511) 444-1437 (German)

DPA - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent - Juan José Dalton E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - San Juan (Puerto Rico) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 5ª Calle 4-30 Zona 1 Apdo 2333 - Ciudad de Guatemala Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: foreign bureau - María Isabel Rivero de Los Campos E-mail: Gualeguay 3362 Apto. 607 - Montevideo Tel.: unavailable / (+598) 2 902-2662 (German)

DPA - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Néstor Rojas E-mail: Edificio El Universal - Piso 5, Oficina 5-A-1, Avenida Urdaneta esquina con Ánimas a Plaza España Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 561-9776, 564-0848 / Fax: (0212) 562 9017 (German)

DPA - Tegucigalpa (Honduras) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) DPA - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Klaus Blume, María Andrea Sosa Cabrios, Nelson Keiman E-mail: Av. Paseo de la Reforma 362-601 Colonia Juárez 06600 - Mexico D.F.

DPA - Kabul (Afghanistan ) Type: stringer - Hafiz Ahmadi, Qadir Sediqi, Subel Bhandari Twitter: @qadir_sediqi 46

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Qala-e-Fatullah - Kabul Tel.: unavailable (German)

Type: foreign bureau - Lars Nicolaysen E-mail: unavailable 1-7-2 Higashi Shimbashi Shiodome Media Tower Annex 402 Minato-ku - Tokyo 105-0021 Tel.: (+81) 3 3580-6629 / Fax: (+81) 3 3593-7888 (German)

DPA - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: stringer - Nazrul Islam E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+880) 2 831-1513 (German)

DPA - Vientiane (Laos) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Thimphu (Bhutan) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: correspondent - John Grafilo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - MalĂŠ (Maldives) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: correspondent - Joe Cochrane E-mail: unavailable 5e rue 178 - Phnom Penh Tel.: (+855) 23 427-846 / Fax: (+855) 23 427-846 (German)

DPA - Ulaanbataar (Mongolia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Joanna Chiu, Ao Lun E-mail: , @aolun Ban Gong Lou, Apt 1-31 - San Li Tun Diplomatic Compound 100600 Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-1473 / Fax: (+86) 10 6532-1615 (German)

DPA - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Dili (East Timor) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Stefan Mauer, Siddhartha Kumar, Harish Tyagi (video) E-mail: First Floor 56 Janpath - New Delhi 110001 Tel.: (+91) 11 2461-7792 / Fax: (+91) 11 2463-5772 (German)

DPA - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: correspondent - Farrukh Azeem Malik, Sajjad Malik E-mail: unavailable House n.21, St. 35 Sector F-6/1 - Islamabad Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: stringer - Ahmad Pathoni Twitter: @apathoni [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Manila (Philippines) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Tokyo (Japan)

DPA - Singapore (Singapore) 47

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Kirsten Han E-mail: unavailable 9 Shelford Road Shelford Green#04-07 - Singapore 288352 Tel.: unavailable (German)

Tel.: (+202) 2795-6842 / Fax: (+202) 2795-6318 (German) DPA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 243 Niavaran Avenue, Apt. 19 - 19356 Tehran Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau - Dirk Godder E-mail: unavailable Hae-Yung Bldg. 10th floor 148 Angug-Dong Jongno-gu Seoul 240-110 Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent - Najhat Kotani E-mail: unavailable POB 5699 Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Maher Abukhater E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent - Yu-Tzu Chiu E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Sara Lemel, Ofira Koopmans E-mail: unavailable Leonardo da Vinci 9 Kaplan 12 - 64733 Tel Aviv | Beit Amot Mishpat 8 Shaul Hamelech Blvd. - Tel Aviv 64733 Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: regional office - Christiane Oelrich, Bill Bredesen, Siraphob Knight, John Hail, Ivonne Marschall E-mail: unavailable 29 Soi Sukhumvit 63 (Ekkamai), Unit 1304, 13th Floor Bangkok Business Center Building - Sukhumvit Road Bangkok 10110 Tel.: (+66) 2 714-2073 / Fax: (+66) 2 714-2071 (German)

DPA - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent - Taylor Luck E-mail: unavailable POB 35111 - Amman Tel.: (+962) 6 562-3907 (German)

DPA - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 11 Alley 95/33 Vu Xuan Theiu Street Sa Dong Ward Long Bien District - Hanoi Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Manama (Bahrain ) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable POBox 26695 Tel.: (+973) 1 716-655 / (+973) 714-119 (German)

DPA - Tripoli (Libya) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: regional office - Mokhtar Gmati, Nehal Sherif E-mail: 20 Gamal El Din Abu Al Mahasin, Garden City - Cairo

DPA - Bamako (Mali) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 48

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (German)

Sofyali Sokak 2 Kat 3 Daire 1 Asmali Mescit Mh. Beyoğlu - 34430 Istanbul Tel.: (+90) 212 393 82 10 / Fax: (+90) 212 252-1690, Cel.: 0 539 989-6248 (Carsten) (German)

DPA - Nouakchott (Mauritania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Morocco (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: stringer - Amal Al-Yarisi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Muscat (Oman) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Yaoundé (Cameroon) Type: stringer - Ngala Killian Chimtom E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Tareq Alshiekh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Moroni (Comoros) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent - Abdullah al-Shirhri E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+966) 1 05542-6448 (German)

DPA - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: correspondent - Ghion Hagos, Carola Frentzen E-mail: unavailable P.O. Box 100515 Tel.: (+251) 1 510-687 (German)

DPA - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Accra (Ghana) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 2 Adjoate street - Accra Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: stringer - Selay Marius Kouassi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Shabtai Gold, Can Merey E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Jason Patinkin E-mail: CVS Plaza - Lenana Road 00100 Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 0 7297-27256 (German)

DPA - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Mirjam Schmitt, Anne Beatrice Clasmann, Carsten Klaus Hoffmann, Amjad Aburamadan, Jan-Michael Kuhlmann E-mail:,,

DPA - Maseru (Lesotho) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 49

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (German)

Tel.: (+27) 21 794-3188, 072 333-1667 / Fax: 021 794 3188 (German)

DPA - Monrovia (Liberia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Juergen Baetz, Shabtai Gold E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 073 290 4909 (German)

DPA - Antananarivo (Madagascar) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Maputo (Mozambique) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Dar es-Salaam (Tanzania) Type: stringer - Peter Nyanje E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Windhoek (Namibia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - LomĂŠ (Togo) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Abuja (Nigeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Kampala (Uganda) Type: stringer - Henry Wasswa E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Rwanda (Rwanda) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Lusaka (Zambia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Mogadishu (Somalia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Harare (Zimbabwe) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Cape Town (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Kristin Palitza E-mail:, Rhine Road, Seapoint 8050 - Cape Town Tel.: (+27) 72 287-2202 (German)

DPA - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent - Alexander Hofman, Subel Bhandari E-mail: 36 Heath St Mona Vale NSW 2103 | 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW (AAP News Centre - 6th Floor) Tel.: (+61) 2 9979-8253 / Fax: (+61) 2 9997-3154 (German)

DPA - Cape Town Constantia (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Laszlo Trankovits E-mail:, 28 Hillcrest Road, Constantia 7806 - Cape Town

DPA - Suva (Fiji) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 50

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

Type: correspondent - Olivier Hoslet (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: correspondent - Cheryl Norrie E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+64) 4 971 3493 (German)

EPA - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Ian Spencer Langsdon, Yoan Valat (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

DPA - Samoa (Samoa) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Marseille (France) Type: correspondent - Guillaume Horcajuelo (photo) E-mail: unavailable

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - European Pressphoto Agency website: category: agĂŞncia fotogrĂĄfica ownership: languages: active since: N/A headquarters: Am Hauptbahnhof 16 - 60329 Frankfurt am Main - Frankfurt phone: (+49) 69 244 321 800 fax: +49 69 244 321 809 e-mails: (general), (newsroom), (sales) services: photo

EPA - Nice (France) Type: correspondent - Sebastien Nogier (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) EPA - Athens (Greece) Type: stringer - Yannis Kolesidis (photo) E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 645-6544 / (+30) 210 645-2940, Cel.: (+30) 697 735-7248 (German)

EPA - HEADQUARTERS (Germany) E-mail: Am Hauptbahnhof 16 - 60329 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (+49) 69 244 321 800 / +49 69 244 321 809 (German)

EPA - Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Type: correspondent - Julien Warnand (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Brussels (Belgium)

EPA - Madrid (Spain) 51

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent - Amel Pain (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) EPA - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Roman Pilipey, Sergei Chirikov, Sergei Ilnitsky, Yuri Kochetkov (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Andy Rain, Facundo Arrizabalaga (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: correspondent - Srdjan Suki (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent - Armando Babani (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Pristina (Serbia) Type: correspondent - Valdrin Xhemaj (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Minsk (Belarus) Type: correspondent - Tatyana Zenkovich (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent - Sergey Dolzhenko (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Type: correspondent - Fehim Demir (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Los Angeles (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Paul Buck, Michael Nelson (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent - Vassil Donev (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - San Francisco (United States) Type: correspondent - John Mabanglo (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent - Antonio Bat (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Jim Lo Scalzo, Michael Reynolds, Shawn Thew (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent - Filip Singer (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) EPA - Skopje (Macedonia) Type: correspondent - Georgi Licovski (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Andrew Gombert, Jason Szenes, Justin Lane (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Bucharest (Romania) Type: correspondent - Robert Ghement (photo) E-mail: unavailable

EPA - Chicago (United States) Type: correspondent - Tannen Maury (photo) 52

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German) EPA - Mumbai (India) Type: correspondent - Divyakant Solanki (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Wichita (United States) Type: correspondent - Larry W. Smith (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Amritsar (India) Type: correspondent - Raminder Pal Singh (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Boston (United States) Type: foreign bureau - C.J. Gunther, Matt Campbell (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - Mast Irham (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Atlanta (United States) Type: correspondent - Erik S. Lesser (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Everett Kennedy Brown, Franck Robichon, Kimimasa Mayama (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent - Abir Abdullah (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: correspondent - Fazry Ismail (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: correspondent - Mak Remissa (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: foreign bureau - Lynn Bo Bo, Nyein Chan Naing (photo) E-mail: 160 Aung Zeyar St. - Ward (2) Mayangone - Yangon Tel.: (+95) 09-5175816 (German)

EPA - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - How Hwee Young, Rolex dela PeĂąa (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: correspondent - Narendra Shrestha (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Calcutta (India) Type: correspondent - Piyal Adhikary (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Manila (Philippines) Type: correspondent - Francis Malasig (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Harish Tyagi (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Seoul (South Korea) Type: correspondent - Jeon Heon-Kyun (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

EPA - Srinagar (India) Type: correspondent - Farooq Khan (photo) E-mail: unavailable 53

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Douma (Syria) Type: correspondent - Mohammed Badra (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Barbara Walton, Diego Azubel, Narong Sangnak, Rungroj Yongrit (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent - Mohamed Messara (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - Luong Thai Linh (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Tolga Bozoglu, Kerim Şevket Ökten (photo) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 212 244 68 49 / Cel.: 0 533 636-3911 (German)

EPA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Khaled Elfiqi (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent - Ali Haider (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent - Abedin Taherkenareh (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: correspondent - Yahya Arhab (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Abir Sultan, Jim Hollander (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Daniel Irungu Mwangi, Daisuke Kurokawa (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Atef Safadi (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Cape Town (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Nic Bothma (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent - Oliver Weiken (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Kim Ludbrook (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPA - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: correspondent - Mohammed Saber (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

EPD - Munich (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Christiane Ried, Susanne Schröder E-mail: Birkerstraße 22 - 80636 München Tel.: (+49) 89 1217-2145 / Fax: (+49) (089) 12172-304 (German)

EPD - Evangelischer Pressedienst website: category: religious agency ownership: Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau languages: German active since: 1908 headquarters: Frankfurt e-mail:

EPD - Nuremberg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Jutta Olschewski E-mail: Egidienplatz 35-37 - 90403 Nürnberg Tel.: (+49) 911 224556 / Fax: (+49) (0911) 24 13 36 (German)

EPD - HEADQUARTERS (Germany) Emil-von-Behring-Straße 3 - 60439 Frankfurt am Main (Postfach 500550) Tel.: (+49) 069 58098-129 (+49) 069 58098-122 (German)

EPD - Regensburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Gabriele Ingenthron E-mail: Am Ölberg 2 - 93047 Regensburg Tel.: (+49) 941 583-9911 / Fax: (+49) 0941/ 5 83 99-12 (German)

EPD - Frankfurt (Germany) ownership: Dieter Schneberger, Jens Bayer-Gimm, Gabriela Reff E-mail: Emil-von-Behring-Straße 3 - 60439 Frankfurt am Main | Rechneigrabenstraße 10 - 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (+49) 69 9210-7447 / Fax: (+49) (069) 9 21 07-466 (German)

EPD - Würzburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Daniel Staffen-Quandt E-mail: Friedrich-Ebert-Ring 30 - 97072 Würzburg Tel.: (+49) 931 83073 / Fax: (+49) (0931) 8 31 12 (German)

EPD - Augsburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Andreas Jalsovec E-mail: Im Annahof 4 - 86150 Augsburg Tel.: (+49) 821 1587-3334 / Fax: (+49) (0821) 51 63 89 (German)

EPD - Berlin (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Jens Büttner, Christine Xuân Müller, Markus Geiler, Lukas Philippi, Janine Romey E-mail: Pressehaus - 1109 Schiffbauerdamm 40 - 10117 Berlin Tel.: (+49) 30 283-03931 / Fax: (+49) 030 / 283 039-13 (German)

EPD - Bayreuth (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Wolfgang Lammel E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 921 150-2367 / Fax: (+49) 0921 / 1 50 36 52 (German)

EPD - Potsdam (Germany) 55

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau - Yvonne Jennerjahn E-mail: Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 135 - 14482 Potsdam Tel.: (+49) 331 704-2773 / Fax: (+49) 0331 / 70 42-774 (German)

E-mail: Mars-la-Tour-Str. 4 - 26121 Oldenburg Tel.: (+49) 441 885469 / Fax: (+49) (0441) 866 01 (German) EPD - Osnabrück (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Martina Schwager E-mail: Am Armenholz 11 - 49082 Osnabrück Tel.: (+49) 541 54908 (German)

EPD - Hannover (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Ulrike Millhahn, Karen Miether, Michael Grau, Björn Schlüter E-mail: Knochenhauerstr. 38-40 - 30159 Hannover Tel.: (+49) 511 124-1703 / 1704 / Fax: (+49) (0511) 32 33 13 (German)

EPD - Bielefeld (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Holger Spierig, Katrin Nordwald E-mail: Cansteinstraße 1 - 33647 Bielefeld Tel.: (+49) 521 944-0177 / 0178 / Fax: (0521) 94 40175 (German)

EPD - Gießen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Stefanie Walter E-mail: Lonystraße 13 - 35390 Gießen Tel.: (+49) 641 794-9650 / Fax: (+49) (0641) 7 94 96 59 (German)

EPD - Düsseldorf (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Gabriele Fritz, Esther Soth, Jasmin Maxwell E-mail: Kaiserswerther Straße 450 - 40474 Düsseldorf Tel.: (+49) 211 239-553 / 513/ 514 / 516 / Fax: (0211) 23 95 5322 (German)

EPD - Kurhessen-Waldeck (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Christian Prüfer E-mail: Heinrich-Wimmer-Straße - 434131 Kassel Tel.: (+49) 561 930-7129 / Fax: (+49) (0561) 93 07-155 (German)

EPD - Greifswald (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Nicole Kiesewetter E-mail: Domstaße 23/24 - 17489 Greifswald Tel.: (+49) 3834 776-9996 / Cel.: (0173) 706-2379 (German)

EPD - Wiesbaden (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Gerhard Kneier E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 6131 21 2927 / Fax: (+49) (06131) 21 29 26 (German)

EPD - Schwerin (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Anne-Dorle Hoffgaard E-mail: Schliemannstraße 12a - 19055 Schwerin Tel.: (+49) 385 207-9851 / Fax: (+49) (0385) 20 79 852, Cel.: (0177) 777-7507 (Anne-Dorle) (German)

EPD - Bremen (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Dieter Sell E-mail: Franziuseck 2-4 - 28199 Bremen Tel.: (+49) 421 559-7231 / Fax: (+49) (0421) 559 72 30 (German)

EPD - Mainz (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Karsten Packeiser E-mail: Kaiserstraße 37 - 55116 Mainz Tel.: (+49) 6131 212925 / Fax: (+49) (06131) 21 29 26 (German)

EPD - Braunschweig (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Charlotte Morgenthal E-mail:, Jasperallee 14 - 38102 Braunschweig Tel.: (+49) 531 380 81105, (0511) 12 41-706 / (German)

EPD - Speyer (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Klaus Koch, Alexander Lang (photo) E-mail: Beethovenstraße 4 - 67346 Speyer Tel.: (+49) 6232 132325 / Fax: (+49) (06232) 13 23-24 (German)

EPD - Lüneburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Karen Miether E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 511 1241-702 / (German) EPD - Oldenburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Jörg Nielsen

EPD - Saarbrücken (Germany) 56

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau - Marc Patzwald E-mail: Talstraße 44 - 66119 Saarbrücken Tel.: (+49) 681 53937 / Fax: (0681) 5 95 9430 (German)

Type: domestic bureau - Christine Süß-Demuth E-mail: Stephanienstraße 30 - 76133 Karlsruhe Tel.: (+49) 721 1 8313-9910 / 9911 / Fax: (+49) (0721) 1 83 13 9912 (German)

EPD - Dresden (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Katharina Rögner E-mail: Bautzener Straße 22 - 01099 Dresden Tel.: (+49) 351 320-15665 / Fax: (+49) 0351 / 320 15699 (German)

EPD - Stuttgart (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Marcus Mockler, Judith Kubitscheck E-mail: Augustenstraße 124 - 70197 Stuttgart Tel.: (+49) 711 4690-8831 / 8834 / Fax: (+49) (0711) 46 90 8833 (German)

EPD - Hamburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Klaus Merhof, Thomas Morell, Julia Fischer E-mail: Schillerstraße 44 A - 22767 Hamburg Tel.: (+49) 40 7097-5233 / Fax: (+49) (040) 70 975-249 (German)

EPD - Erfurt (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Dirk Löhr E-mail: Zentralstraße 10 - 99094 Erfurt Tel.: (+49) 0172 / 797 0060 (German)

EPD - Leipzig (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Johannes Süßmann, Luise Poschmann E-mail: Blumenstraße 76 - 04155 Leipzig Tel.: (+49) 341 711-4190 (German)

EPD - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Isabel Guzmán, Phillipp Saure E-mail: 166 Rue Joseph II - 1000 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 234-3870, 473 483-344 / Fax: (+32) 2 2343879 (German)

EPD - Magdeburg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Romy Richter E-mail: Brandenburger Straße 9 - 39104 Magdeburg Tel.: (+49) 0177 / 749 2190 (German)

EPD - Madrid (Spain) Type: stringer - Hans-Günter Kellner E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+34) 91 494-2817 / Cel.: 669-566-818 (German)

EPD - Wittenberg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Christina Özlem Geisler E-mail: Altes Rathaus - 3. OG Markt 26 - 06886 Wittenberg Tel.: (+49) 3491 459-4012 (German)

EPD - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: stringer - Jan Dirk Herbermann E-mail: Avenue de la Paix 8-14 - CH-1211 Genf 10 Tel.: (+41) 22 917-3337 / Fax: (+41) 22 733-3316 (German)

EPD - Kiel (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Hartmut Schulz E-mail: Gartenstraße 20 - 24103 Kiel Tel.: (+49) 431 5577-9232 / Fax: (+49) (0431) 55 779291 (German)

EPD - London (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Christiane Link Twitter: @Christiane [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

EPD - Forchtenberg (Germany) Type: domestic bureau - Susanne Müller E-mail: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 28 - 74670 Forchtenberg Tel.: (+49) (07947) 940010 / Fax: (+49) (07947) 94 0019 (German)

EPD - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: stringer - Jürgen Vogt (photo) E-mail: Bucarelli 2160 piso 1º B Tel.: (+54) 11 4521-1668 / Cel. 15 5994-5145 (German)

EPD - Karlsruhe (Germany)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Focus - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: stringer - Agata Maria Skowronek (photo) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 0 536 567-6773 (German)

KNA Katholik - Lima (Peru) Type: correspondent - Hildegard Willer E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+511) 445-8594 / Cel.: 975525532 (German)

KNA - Katholische Nachrichten-Agentur

KNA Katholik - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Ulrich Sahm E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

website: category: religious agency ownership: languages: German (main), English, French, Spanish, Italian active since: 1952 headquarters: Heinrich-BrĂźning-Str. 9 - 53113 - Bonn phone: (+49) 228 260000 fax: +49 (228) 26000196 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom) YouTube: services: video

KNA Katholik - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: correspondent - Don Bosco Ochieng Onyalla E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)


KNA Katholic - HEADQUARTERS (Germany) E-mail: Heinrich-BrĂźning-Str. 9 - 53113 Tel.: (+49) 228 260000 / 26000196 (German)

ANSA - Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: Corriere della Sera, La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore languages: Italian (main), English, Spanish, Portuguese active since: 1945 headquarters: Via della Dataria, 94 - 00187 - Roma phone: (+39) 06 6774500 | +39 06 6774415 fax: +39 06 6791472 e-mails: (management),, (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @Agenzia_Ansa Facebook: YouTube:

KNA Katholik - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Franziska Broich E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 280-4200 / Fax: (+32) 2 280-4208 (German) KNA Katholik - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Johannes Schidelko E-mail: Via delle Fornaci 29 00165 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 3937-9496 - 0639379641 / Fax: (+39) 06 39379709 (German) 58

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, audio, archive, crĂ´nicas, features, interview, op-ed, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, advertising, corporate communication, mobile news alert other services: Foto (ANSA Photo), Video, Cronaca, Magazine, Speciali, Meteo, Borsa, Cinema, Lotterie, Mobile, DEA - Archivio ANSA, ANSAmed, ANSAFLASH (sĂł Brasil), Entrevistas/Especiais, ANSA Outdoor TV desks: Politica, Business, Mondo, Culture, Sport, Technology, Environment & Energy, Motor, Ocean, Regions, Arts, Books, Music, Film, Theatre, TV, Fashion, Health & Welfare, Lifestyle, Travel, Earth & Taste, Real Estate, Law, Small Business affiliation: EANA, MINDS, AMAN

E-mail: Via Parmeggiani, 8 - 40131 Bologna Tel.: (+39) 051 522525 / Fax: (+39) 051 522651 (Italian) ANSA - Trieste (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Viale Miramare, N 3 3 Piano - 34135 TRIESTE Tel.: (+39) 040 415181 - 040 414482 / Fax: (+39) 040 4528832 (Italian) ANSA - Udine (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Via Poscolle, 11 4 - 33100 Udine Tel.: (+39) 0432 512109 / Fax: (+39) 0432 512109 (Italian)

Domestic: ANSA - HEADQUARTERS (Italy) E-mail:,,, Via della Dataria 94 - 00187 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 6774500 / +39 06 6791472 (Italian)

ANSA - Genova (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Viale IV Novembre 6 C - 16121 Genova Tel.: (+39) 010 561440 - 561597 / Fax: (+39) 010 593852 (Italian)

ANSA - Pescara (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Piazza Della Rinascita, 49 - 65100 PESCARA Tel.: (+39) 085 378100 / Fax: (+39) 085 378189 (Italian)

ANSA - Milano (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Generale Gustavo Fara N. 28 - 20124 MILANO Tel.: (+39) 02 398011 / Fax: (+39) 02 39801501 (Italian)

ANSA - Roma (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Della Dataria, 94 - 00187 ROMA Tel.: (+39) 06 6774310 / Fax: (+39) 06 6774498 (Italian)

ANSA - Torino (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Camillo Benso Di Cavour, 1 - 10123 TORINO Tel.: (+39) 011 5066011 (Italian)

ANSA - Ancona (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Lungomare Vanvitelli, 6 - 60121 Ancona Tel.: (+39) 071 52205 / Fax: (+39) 071 205517 (Italian)

ANSA - Trento (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Paradisi, 15 5 - 38100 Trento Tel.: (+39) 0461 232369 / Fax: (+39) 0461 983459 (Italian)

ANSA - Perugia (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Piazza Danti, 28 - 06100 Perugia Tel.: (+39) 075 5724882 / Fax: (+39) 075 5723994 (Italian)

ANSA - Firenze (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Tornabuoni, 1 - 50123 Firenze Tel.: (+39) 055 26774101 / Fax: (+39) 055 216005 (Italian)

ANSA - Aosta (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Croix de Ville, 56 - 11100 AOSTA Tel.: (+39) 0165 33343 / Fax: (+39) 0165 33344 (Italian)

ANSA - Bolzano (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Piazza Delle Erbe, 9 - 39100 BOLZANO Tel.: (+39) 0471 981360 / Fax: (+39) 0471 301027 (Italian)

ANSA - Bologna (Italy) Type: domestic bureau 59

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ANSA - Vienna (Austria) Type: regional office E-mail: Franziskaner Platz 5/14 - Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 512-8833 / Fax: (+43-1-5128833-14 (Italian)

ANSA - Venezia (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Andrea Costa 20 E - 30172 Mestre Ve Tel.: (+39) 041 2388711 / Fax: (+39) 041 959668 (Italian)

ANSA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Enrico Tibuzzi, Patrizia Antonini, Marcello Campo, Chiara De Felice, Marco Galdi, Patrizia Lenzarini, Isabella Pucci, Lucia Sali E-mail:,,,,,,,, Boulevard Charlemagne 1 (Boite 7) 1000 Bruxelles Belgio Tel.: (+32) 2 230-8192 / Fax: (+32) 2 230-6082 (Italian)

ANSA - Bari (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Roberto da Bari, 119 - 70122 BARI Tel.: (+39) 080 5211188 / Fax: (+39) 080 5232149 (Italian) ANSA - Potenza (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Scafarelli, 34 - 85100 Potenza Tel.: (+39) 0971 411333 / Fax: (+39) 0971 410991 (Italian)

ANSA - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Daniela Romiti E-mail: Vestergade 2 - 1456 København K Tel.: (+45) 3332-0359 / Fax: 06/69197383 (Italian)

ANSA - Catanzaro (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Piazza Serravalle, 9 - 88100 Catanzaro Tel.: (+39) 0961 701080 / Fax: (+39) 0961 741292 (Italian)

ANSA - Strasbourg (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+322) 2308192 / Fax: (+322/2306082 (Italian)

ANSA - Napoli (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Largo Francesco Torraca N. 71 – 80133 Napoli Tel.: (+39) 081 7042111 / Fax: (+39) 081 5528028 (Italian)

ANSA - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: 14 rue Charles V - 75004 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4265-5516 (Italian)

ANSA - Cagliari (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Mameli, 133 - 09123 Cagliari Tel.: (+39) 070 678301 / Fax: (+39) 070 653324 (Italian)

ANSA - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Rosa Giovanna Pugliese E-mail: Pressehaus 6109, Schiffbauerdamm 40 10117 Berlino Germania Tel.: (+49) 30 72626-2500 / Fax: (+4930/726262525 (Italian)

ANSA - Catania (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Oderico da Pordenone, 50 - 95126 CATANIA Tel.: (+39) 095 580552 / Fax: (+39) 095 333005 (Italian)

ANSA - Athens (Greece) Type: regional office - Demetrio Manolitsakis E-mail:,, Odos Kanari 9 (piano 5, int.3) 10671 Athens Tel.: (+30) 210 360-5285 / Fax: (+30 210 363-5367, Cel.: (+30) 693 825-4146 (Italian)

ANSA - Palermo (Italy) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Emerico Amari, 8 - 90139 Palermo Tel.: (+39) 091 333833-32839 / Fax: (+39) 091 331567 (Italian)

ANSA - Dublin (Ireland) Type: correspondent E-mail:



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+44207/2405518 (Italian)

ANSA - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

ANSA - La Valletta (Malta) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: 06/69197383 (Italian)

ANSA - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+43-1-5128833-14 (Italian)

ANSA - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+349) 1 5488867 / Fax: (+349 1/5488989 (Italian)

ANSA - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent - Gaetano Alimenti E-mail: Vadász útca 31 - 1054 Budapest Tel.: (+361) 332-3556 / Fax: (+431) 51288-3314 (Italian)

ANSA - San Marino (San Marino) Type: correspondent E-mail: Via Parmeggiani Amedeo, 8 40131 Bologna Italia Tel.: (+39) 051 522525 / Fax: 051/522651 (Italian)

ANSA - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+43-1-5128833-14 (Italian)

ANSA - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Mónica Uriel, Francesco Cerri, Pierre Philippe Marcou E-mail:,,, Calle Vergara 3 - 1. D 28013 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 548-8867, 60910-2449 / Fax: (+34) 91 5488989, Cel.: 667-425-999 (Francesco) (Italian)

ANSA - Bucharest (Romania) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+43-1-5128833-14 (Italian)

ANSA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Silvana Bassetti Chevallier E-mail:, Palais des Nations/Salle de Presse, 1 8-14 Avenue de la Paix 1211 Ginevra 10 Svizzera Tel.: (+41) 22 733-4872, 733-5184 / Fax: (+4122/7345900 (Italian)

ANSA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Mattia Bernardo Bagnoli E-mail:, Kutuzovskiy pr-t d.13 kv.22 Korp. 1 (apt.14) - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 495 786-6455 / Fax: (+8) 786-6459, Cel.: (+8) 926 121-6960 (Italian) ANSA - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: regional office E-mail: Brade Jugovida 5 11000 Beograd Tel.: (+381) 16 323-9244 / Fax: (+381) 11 328-1609 (Italian)

ANSA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Fifth Floor, Minerva House, 26-27 Hatton Gardner, London EC1N 8BR Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7841-5270 (Italian)

ANSA - Pristina (Serbia) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

ANSA - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent E-mail: Rruga Dibres 370 - Tirana (c/o Gazeta Shqiptare) Tel.: (+355) 4 426-2646 / Fax: (+355/4257933 (Italian)

ANSA - Ljubljana (Slovenia) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

ANSA - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) 61

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ANSA - Ottawa (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: 150 Wellington St. Press Gallery - Rm 703 - Ottawa ON K1P 5A4 Tel.: (+1) 202 628-3317 / Fax: (+1202/6381792 (Italian)

SIG Q.02 / Lote 340 Ed. Edilson Brasília Tel.: (+55) 61 3342-1167 / Fax: (+55) 61 3343-1065 (Italian) ANSA - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: correspondent E-mail: Rua Sete de Setembro 99 / 2001 Centro - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 2507-1892 / Fax: (+55) 21 2507-2248 (Italian)

ANSA - San Francisco (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 202 628-3317 / Fax: (+1202/6381792 (Italian)

ANSA - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Pablo Giuliano E-mail: Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros 750 - 10º andar conj.105 Cep. 04530-001 - São Paulo - SP BRASIL Tel.: (+55) 11 3168-9474 (Italian)

ANSA - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: National Press Building (Suite 1285) 529 14th Street Washington D.C. 20045 Tel.: (+1) 202 662-7195 / Fax: (+1202/6381792 (Italian)

ANSA - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent - Margarita Bastías E-mail: Moneda 1040 (of 702) - Santiago Chile Tel.: (+56) 2 2698-5811 (Italian)

ANSA - Miami (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 202 628-3317 / Fax: (+1202/6381792 (Italian)

ANSA - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Alberto Rojas Morales E-mail:, Carrera 4 A No. 67 - 30 P.4 - Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 212-5409 (Italian)

ANSA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Alessandra Baldini, Serena Di Ronza, Ugo Caltagirone, Valeria Robecco E-mail:,,, 21 W 46th St. 14th Floor, Suite 1406 New York, NY 10036 Tel.: (+1) 646 568-1257, 917 306-2854, 212-319-6802 / Fax: (+1 646-568-1268, Cel: 646-318-9478 (Italian)

ANSA - San José (Costa Rica) Type: stringer - Luis Cartín E-mail: Diario La República - Barrio Tournón, Guadalupe, Apdo 545 - 1200 San José Tel.: (+506) 2231-1140 / Fax: (+506) 2231-1140 (Italian)

ANSA - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: regional office - Francesca Ambrogetti, Martino Rigacci E-mail:,, Calle San Martín 320 piso 6° - 1004 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4394-7568 / Fax: (+54) 11 4394-5214 (Italian)

ANSA - Havana (Cuba) Type: foreign bureau - Francisco Forteza Martín E-mail: Edificio Fomeillan/Linea 5 Dpt 12 Vedado/Municipio Plaza - La Habana - Cuba Tel.: (+537) 833-3542 (Italian) ANSA - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent - Humber Andrés Suazo E-mail: Calle Leopoldo Navarro 79 piso 3º sala 17 Apdo 20324 Huanca - Santo Domingo DN Tel.: 685-8765 / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian)

ANSA - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian)

ANSA - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Lucila Donoso E-mail: Calle Venezuela 1013 y Mejía - Of.26 - Quito Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian)

ANSA - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Humberto Giannini E-mail: 62

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ANSA - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian)

Calle Florida 1408 - Montevideo Tel.: (+598) 2 901-1032 / Fax: (+598) 2 908-1950 (Italian) ANSA - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: correspondent - Roberto Romanelli E-mail:,, Centro Financiero Latino - Piso 10 Oficina 8 esquina de Ánimas y Avenida Urdaneta - Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 564-2059 / Fax: (+58) 212 564-3739 (Italian)

ANSA - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: correspondent E-mail: Torre Norte Edif. Géminis 10 Of.805 - 12ª Calle 1-25 Zona 10 - Ciudad de Guatemala Tel.: (+502) 2335-3039 / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian) ANSA - Tegucigalpa (Honduras) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian)

ANSA - Beijing (China) Type: regional office - Beniamino Natale E-mail: Ban-Gong Lou 1-11, San Li Tun - Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 65323651 / Fax: (+8610/65321954 (Italian)

ANSA - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Antonio Cavallari E-mail: Calle Emerson 150 (p.2) Col. Chapultepec Morales 11570 Mexico D.F. - Messico Tel.: (+52) 52 553609, 2553696 / Fax: (+52) 55 3018 (Italian)

ANSA - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-3651 / Fax: (+8610/65321954 (Italian)

ANSA - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+54114/3945214 (Italian)

ANSA - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Nello Del Gatto E-mail: B 2/7 f.f. Vasant Vihar - 110057 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 4610-3421 / Fax: (+91) 11 46103419 (Italian)

ANSA - Panama City (Panamá) Type: correspondent E-mail: Vía España 601 - Edif. Banco de Boston 17º piso Panamá Tel.: (+507) 260-6166 (Italian)

ANSA - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Alberto Zanconato E-mail: Shiodome Media Tower 7F 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku 105-7201 Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 6274-6647 / Fax: (+81) 03-6274-6648 (Italian)

ANSA - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent - Rubén Céspedes E-mail:, Yegros 745 - Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 415-1312, 415-1313 / Cel.: (0971)200590 (Italian)

ANSA - Singapore (Singapore) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+65) 6677-4233 / Fax: 06/69197383 (Italian)

ANSA - Lima (Peru) Type: correspondent - Gloria Granda Gayoso E-mail:,, Avda. General Córdoba 2594 Lince - Lima 14 Tel.: (+511) 98563-7316 / Fax: (+511) 422-9087 (Italian)

ANSA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: regional office - Carlo di Renzo E-mail: 28 Chemin du Parc Gatlif Alger Centre - Algiers Tel.: (+213) 2123-9079 / Fax: (+213/21239188 (Italian)

ANSA - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: correspondent - Juan Atella E-mail:

ANSA - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent - Vittorio Frenquellucci


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:, 10 Katsonis st. - Ayii Omoloyites - Nicosia Tel.: (+357) 2249-1699 / Fax: (+357) 2249-2732 (Italian)

ANSA - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 21239079 / Fax: (+213/21239188 (Italian)

ANSA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: regional office E-mail: 8 Rostom Street, Garden City - Il Cairo - R.A.E. Tel.: (+202) 2795-8245 / Fax: (+202) 2795-8310 (Italian)

ANSA - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+972) 3 629-9319 / Fax: (+9723 (Italian)

ANSA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: 2794 Vali Asr.North of Chamran Highway North of Mahmoudieh St. - Tehran Tel.: (+98 21) 2266-6265 / Fax: (+9821/22666183 (Italian)

ANSA - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

ANSA - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+961) 1 398620-1-2 / Fax: (+961) 1 422003 (Italian)

ANSA - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent E-mail: "Espace Tunis Entreè (Bloc) ""H"" - 2eme etage - Rue 8002 Montplaisirs" Tel.: (+213) 2123-9079 / Fax: (+213/21239188 (Italian)

ANSA - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: correspondent - Francesco Cerri E-mail: 9 Lloyd George st. - 93110 Jerusalem Tel.: (+972) 3 629-9319 / Fax: (+9723/5250302 (Italian)

ANSA - Muğla (Turkey) Type: stringer - Lucio Attilio Leante E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

ANSA - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Massimo Lomonaco, Aldo Baquis E-mail: 30 Dizengoff Street - 64332 Tel Aviv Tel.: (+972) 3 629-9319 / Fax: (+9723/5250302 (Italian)

ANSA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Furio Morroni E-mail:, Kirlangic Sok. 15/2, G.O.P. 07600 Ankara Tel.: (+90) 312 468-7918, 468-7919 / Fax: (+90) 312 4687920, Cel.: 0 506 870 50 95 (Italian)

ANSA - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent - Mohammad Benhussein E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+96) 11 3986-2012 / Fax: (+9611/422003 (Italian)

ANSA - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+96) 11 398620-1-2 / Fax: (+9611/422003 (Italian)

ANSA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: regional office E-mail: Immeuble Sodeco Square, Block B, 6e étage. Achrafiyeh - Bayrut Tel.: (+96) 11 39-8620, 139-8621, 139-8622 / Fax: (+9611/422003 (Italian)

ANSA - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: correspondent - Brahame Ghebrezghi-Abiher E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+254) 20 4183565 (Italian) ANSA - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: regional office E-mail: L.R. Number 214/412 - Muthaiga Close - Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 20 418-3159 (Italian)

ANSA - Tripoli (Libya) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: 06/69197383 (Italian) 64

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ANSA - Mogadishu (Somalia) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+254) 20 418-3565 (Italian)

IPS - HEADQUARTERS (Italy) E-mail: Via Panisperna 207 00184 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 485692 / (+39) 6 4817877 (Italian) IPS - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Peter Dhondt, Maarten Messiaen E-mail:, Vlasfabriekstraat 11 - B-1060 Brussel / 21 Inquisitiestraat - 1000 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 732-6916 / Fax: (+32) 2 536-1934, 7352089 (Italian)

ANSA - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: correspondent E-mail: 20, Aesha El Taymoureya, Garden City Il Cairo Egitto Tel.: (+202) 795-8310 / Fax: (+202/7958310 (Italian) ANSA - Kampala (Uganda) Type: correspondent E-mail:

IPS - Helsinki (Finland)

[address not available] Tel.: (+254) 20 418-3565 (Italian)

Type: correspondent E-mail: Vilhonvuorenkatu 11 C - 00500 Helsinki Tel.: (+358) 4 0930-2086 (Italian)

ANSA - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent - Claudio Marcello E-mail: Unit 4, 2 Grosvenor Street Bondi Junction New South Wales 2020 Sydney Tel.: (+61) 2 9369-1427 / Fax: (+612/93694351 (Italian)

IPS - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Ramesh Jaura E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 1 4549-8162 (Italian)

IPS - InterPress Service

IPS - Berlin (Germany) Type: regional office E-mail: Marienstraße 19/20 - D-10117 Berlin Tel.: (+49) 30 5481-4531 / Fax: (+49) 30 5482-2625 (Italian)

website: category: alternative agency ownership: Roberto Savio languages: inglês active since: 1964 headquarters: Via Panisperna 207, 00184 - Roma Twitter: @ipsnews Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: notícias por celular

IPS - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent - Apostolos Fotiadis E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) 65

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable Edificio Esperanza 6º Of.6 - Av. Mariscal Santa Cruz 2150 - Casilla 4313 - La Paz Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Groningen (Netherlands) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Mario Osava E-mail: Rua Alvaro Alvim 21 / 16º andar Centro - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 2262-5547 / Fax: 2262-6454 (Italian)

IPS - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Tito Drago E-mail:,, c/ Real 33 Portal15 1 A - 28250 Torrelodones - Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 859-1604 (Italian)

IPS - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent - Marianela Jarroud Twitter: @ManeJarroud [address not available] Tel.: (+56) 2 2380-0525 (Italian)

IPS - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau - Ida Karlsson E-mail: Ringvägen 80 baksidan - 118 60 Stockholm Tel.: (+46) 8 211280 (Italian)

IPS - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: stringer - María Isabel García Navarrete E-mail: unavailable Calle 19 No.3-50 Of.602 Apdo Aéreo 7739 - Santa Fe de Bogotá DC Tel.: 341-8841 / 334-2249 (Italian)

IPS - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Isolda Agazzi, Gustavo Capdevila E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - San José (Costa Rica) Type: correspondent - Diego Arguedas Ortiz E-mail: unavailable Calle 11 entre Avenidas 1 y 3 No.152 - Paseo de los Estudiantes Apdo 70 - 1002 San José Tel.: 255-3861 / 233-8583 (Italian)

IPS - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Jim Lobe E-mail: unavailable National Press Building Leasing, 529 14th St NW #1293, Washington DC 20045 Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Elsa Methol, Patricia Grogg Teppa, Jorge Luis Baños Hernández, Ivet González Lemes E-mail: unavailable Calle 28 No. 108 apto. 2 entre 1ra y 3ra. Miramar Tel.: 206-6814 / 203-3182 (Italian)

IPS - New York (United States) Type: regional office - Thalif Deen, Lyndal Margaret Rowlands E-mail:, United Nations Room S-407 - New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 212 751-3255, (718) 667-3984 / Cel: (+1) 347431-6457 (Italian)

IPS - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: stringer - Vianco Martínez E-mail: unavailable Calle Cambronal 4-1 Ciudad Nueva - Santo Domingo DN Tel.: 593-5153 (Italian)

IPS - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Ramón M. Gorriarán E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+54) 11 4394-0829 (Italian)

IPS - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Kintto Lucas E-mail: Urbanización Los Arrayanes Manzanas 20 casa 15 Calle León Pontón y Pasaje E - Casilla 17-01-1284 Quito Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Bridgetown (Barbados) Type: correspondent - Desmond Brown, Marva Cossy E-mail: unavailable POBox 697 Tel.: (+1 246) 426-4474 (Italian)

IPS - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent - Edgardo Ayala E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

IPS - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: foreign bureau - Franz Reynaldo Chávez 66

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Type: foreign bureau - Estrella Gutiérrez, Rául Limaco E-mail:,,, Edificio El Universal - Piso 5, Oficina 5-A2, Esquina de Ánimas, Avenida Urdaneta - Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 564-6374 (Italian)

IPS - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: foreign bureau - Louisa Reynolds, Danilo Valladares E-mail: unavailable Edif. El Centro 3º Of.13 - 7ª Avenida 8-56 Zona 1 Ciudad de Guatemala Tel.: (+502) 253-8837 / Fax: (+502) 251-4736 (Italian)

IPS - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent - A.K.M. Tabibul Islam E-mail: unavailable c/o Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha 68/2 Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 Tel.: (+880) 2 235-036 (Italian)

IPS - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Type: stringer - Ives-Marie Chanel E-mail:, 16 Rue Malval, Turgeau - Port-au-Prince Tel.: (+509) 2260-5512 / Fax: (+509) 2260-5513 (Italian)

IPS - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Wang Xiao-ying E-mail: 15 Fuxing Lu, Beijing 100038 Tel.: (+86) 10 6851-4046 / Fax: (+86) 10 6851-8210 (Italian)

IPS - Kingston (Jamaica) Type: foreign bureau - Aruna Dutt, Zadie Neufville E-mail: unavailable Suite 1G, 2-6 Melmac Avenue - Kingston 5 Tel.: (+1 876) 960-0604 / (+1 876) 929-6889 (Italian)

IPS - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Ranjit Devraj E-mail: 49 (F.F.) Defence Colony Market - 110024 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2433-3489 / Fax: (+91) 11 2433-3133 (Italian)

IPS - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Diego Cevallos, Pilar Franco E-mail: Av. Cuauhtémoc 16-403, Col. Doctores, 06720 México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 5578-0417 / Fax: 5578-0099 (Italian)

IPS - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Kafil Yamin, Sandra Siagian E-mail: unavailable Jl. Kebon Sirih 34 Jakarta 10110 (Gedung Dewan Pers 4th Floor) Tel.: (+62) 21 2345-3131 (Italian)

IPS - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent - Natalia Ruiz Diaz E-mail: unavailable Calle Oliva 393 y Alberdi - Edif. Segesa 3º piso Of. 5 Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 446-350 (Italian)

IPS - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - Suvendrini Karuchi E-mail: unavailable 1-15-19 Ishikawa-machi, Otaku - Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 3726-7944 / Fax: 3 7726-7896 (Italian)

IPS - Lima (Peru) Type: stringer - Abraham Lama E-mail: unavailable Daniel Olaechea y Olaechea 285 - Lima 11 Tel.: (+511) 463-1021 (Italian)

IPS - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: correspondent - Naresh Newar E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Paramaribo (Suriname) Type: stringer - Eric Karwofodi E-mail: unavailable Malebatrumstraat 1-5 POB 5065 - Paramaribo Tel.: (+597) 471-818 (Italian)

IPS - Peshawar (Pakistan) Type: correspondent - Ashfaq Yusufzai E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: regional office - Dario Montero E-mail:, Calle Juan Carlos Gómez 1445 Of.102 piso 1º - 11000 Montevideo Tel.: (+598) 2 916-4397 / (+598) 2 916-3598 (Italian)

IPS - Manila (Philippines) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

IPS - Caracas (Venezuela) 67

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Kampala (Uganda) Type: stringer - Henry Wasswa E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: regional office - Simba Shani Kamaria Russeau E-mail: Ratchathewee 10401 - Bangkok Tel.: (+66) 2 261-8330 (Italian)

IPS - Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) Type: correspondent - Busani Bafana E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Casablanca (Morocco) Type: correspondent - Abderrahim El Ouali E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 775-6869 (Italian)

IPS - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent - Neena Bhandari E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Luanda (Angola) Type: correspondent - Chris Simpson E-mail: unavailable Centro de Imprensa Aníbal de Melo - Rua Cerqueira Lukoki 124 - Luanda Tel.: (+244) 2 334-895 (Italian)

Pressenza website: category: alternative agency ownership: languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German active since: 2009 headquarters: Quito, Ecuador e-mails: (general), (management), (sales)

IPS - Porto-Novo (Benin) Type: correspondent - Rosine Nana Ngangou E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+229) 21 330940 (Italian) IPS - Yaoundé (Cameroon) Type: stringer - Ngala Killian Chimtom E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - HEADQUARTERS (Ecuador) E-mail:; Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Mindelo (Cape Verde) Type: stringer - Juan Coloma E-mail: unavailable CP 14 - Mindelo, Ilha de São Vicente Tel.: 314-550 (Italian)

Pressenza - Vienna (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Marita Simon, Sabine Kroesen E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: correspondent - Friday Phiri E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Domenico Musella, Ricardo Arias, Catherine Masoda, Didier Gay, Elizabeth BattDiaz, Marie Laurence Chanut E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

IPS - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: regional office - Kudzai Makombe E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+27) 11 047-6366 (Italian) IPS - Banjul (The Gambia) Type: correspondent - Saikou Jammeh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Munich (Germany) Type: correspondent - Monica Freyer E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) 68

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Pressenza - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Silvia Swinden E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Johanna Heuveling, Reto Thumiger E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Budapest (Hungary) Type: foreign bureau - Tony Robinson, Lorenzo Molinari E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Marianella Kloka, Olga Pateraki, Vasiliki Mitsiniotou E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - David Andersson E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Rome (Italy) Type: sede - Darío Lo Scalzo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Mariano Quiroga, Iván Novotny, Patricia Lacolla (photo) E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Milan (Italy) Type: domestic bureau - Anna Polo, Valerio Marinai E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Paulo Genovese E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Florence (Italy) Type: domestic bureau - Luca Cellini E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Pía Figueroa, Francisco RuizTagle E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Oporto (Portugal) Type: stringer - Luis Filipe Guerra E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) Pressenza - Barcelona (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Antonia Utrera, Sasha Volkoff E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Quito (Ecuador) Type: foreign bureau - Nelsy Lizarazo, Walker Vizcarra (photo) E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Miguel Ángel Invarato, Gabriela Amaya E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Fernando Torres, José Rivadeneyra E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) 69

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+32) 2 230.05.52 (Italian) Pressenza - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent - Tony Henderson E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

AISE - SĂŁo Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Giancarlo Palmesi, Venceslao Soligo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Pressenza - Maputo (Mozambique) Type: stringer - Djamila Andrade E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian)

Radiocor - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Antonio Pollio Salimbeni E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 231 50 55 (Italian)

APcom - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Lorenzo Consoli E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 473 746-651 (Italian)

VITA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Joshua Massarenti, Eva Donelli E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 893-2476, 893-2477 / Cel. 0488 577613 (Joshua), 0487 212553 (Eva) (Italian)

APcom - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: stringer - Marta Federica Ottaviani E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 0 538 587-9251 (Italian) ASCA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Lorenzo Consoli E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 0473 74.66.51 (Italian) ASKA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Cristina Giuliano E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) Adnkronos - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Giovanni Maria Del Re, Tommaso Gallavotti E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Italian) Agenzia Nova - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Riccardo Fraddosio E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+39) 3495044375 (Italian) AGI - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Francesca Venturi, Emanuele Bonini E-mail:, [address not available] 70

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


EFE - Granada (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Belén Ortiz E-mail: Plaza de Carretas, 5 18009 GRANADA Tel.: (+34) 95 822-8984 / Fax: (+34) 958 22-0497 (Spanish)

EFE - Agencia EFE website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (100% stocks) – Spanish state languages: Spanish (main), English, Portuguese, Arabic active since: 1939 headquarters: Calle Espronceda 32, E 28003 - Madrid phone: (+34) 91 3467400-100 | +34 91 346 73 95 fax: +34 91 3467158, 3467503 e-mails:, (management), (sales) Twitter: @EFEnoticias YouTube: mobile: Android services: audio, weather forecast, corporate communication, mobile news alert other services: EFE Radio, EFEempresas, EFEAgro, EFETur, EFESalud, EFEMotor, EFEEstilo, EFE Verde, EFE Escuela, EFEFuturo, EuroEFE affiliation: NAWC, EANA, MINDS, AMAN

EFE - Málaga (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Salvador Ruiz E-mail: Avda. de la Aurora, 38 29002 MALAGA Tel.: (+34) 95 227-0936 / Fax: (+34) 95 228-9898 (Spanish) EFE - Oviedo (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Gorka Vega E-mail: Milicias Nacionales, 5, 1.º dcha. 33003 OVIEDO (ASTURIAS) Tel.: (+34) 98 521-9614 / Fax: (+34) 98 521-0303 (Spanish) EFE - Mallorca (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Miguel Frau Rovira E-mail: General Riera, 1, 4.º C 07003 PALMA DE MALLORCA (ILLES BALEARS) Tel.: (+34) 97 129-5608 / Fax: (+34) 971 29-9519 (Spanish)

Domestic: EFE - HEADQUARTERS (Spain) E-mail:,,, Calle Espronceda 32 E 28003 - Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 346-7400-100 / +34 91 3467158, 3467503 (Spanish)

EFE - Bilbao (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - José María Villate E-mail: Licenciado Poza, 15, 5.º 48011 BILBAO (BIZKAIA) Tel.: (+34) 94 416-5499 / Fax: (+34) 94 416-4636 (Spanish)

EFE - Córdoba (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Luis Ortega E-mail: Góngora, 3 14002 CORDOBA Tel.: (+34) 95 747-2442 / Fax: (+34) 957 48-5484 (Spanish) 71

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

EFE - San Sebastián (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Rafael Herrero E-mail: Paseo de los Fueros, 2 20005 DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁN (GIPUZKOA) Tel.: (+34) 94 342-9940 / Fax: (+34) 943 42-2242 (Spanish)

Tel.: (+34) 96 822-1111 / Fax: (+34) 968 21-6128 (Spanish) EFE - Pamplona (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Mercedes Luz E-mail: Calle San Fermín 10 - 1.º izq 31004 PAMPLONA (NAVARRA) Tel.: (+34) 94 824-0104 / Fax: (+34) 948 24-1464 (Spanish)

EFE - Canarias (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - José María Rodríguez E-mail: Luis Doreste Silva, 105, 1.º 35004 LAS PALMAS DE GRAN CANARIA (LAS PALMAS) Tel.: (+34) 92 823-2255 / Fax: (+34) 928 24-1131 (Spanish)

EFE - Ceuta (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Rafael Peña E-mail: Parador Hotel La Muralla. Galería Comercial, local nº 1. Plaza de África, 15 51001 CEUTA Tel.: (+34) 95 651-7550 / Fax: (+34) 956 51-6639 (Spanish)

EFE - Tenerife (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Rosario Prieto E-mail: P.º Milicias de Garachico, 7. Edif. Hamilton, Ofic. 58 38002 SANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE Tel.: (+34) 92 224-2179 / Fax: (+34) 922 24-6673 (Spanish)

EFE - Melilla (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Teniente Aguilar de Mera, 1. Edif. Monumental, 1.º local 9 52001 MELILLA Tel.: (+34) 95 268-5235 / Fax: (+34) 95 268-0043 (Spanish)

EFE - Santander (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - María Eugenia García Robles E-mail: Pasaje de Peña, 2, 2.º 39008 SANTANDER (CANTABRIA) Tel.: (+34) 94 231-0162 / Fax: (+34) 942 21-5700 (Spanish)

EFE - Alicante (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Antonio Martín Sotorrío E-mail: Teniente Coronel Chapuli, 2, entlo 03001 ALICANTE Tel.: (+34) 96 521-0117 / Fax: (+34) 96 521-6646 (Spanish)

EFE - Barcelona (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Leandro Lamor E-mail: Roc Boronat, 127, 1.º 08018 BARCELONA Tel.: (+34) 93 484-3800 / Fax: (+34) 93 484-3854 (Spanish)

Abroad: EFE - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau - Jordi Kuhs E-mail: Opernring 1 / E 727. 1010 - Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 954-1685 (Spanish)

EFE - Mérida (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Alberto Santacruz E-mail: Plaza de España, 9, 1.º 06800 MÉRIDA (BADAJOZ) Tel.: (+34) 92 431-0711 / Fax: (+34) 924 30-1207 (Spanish)

EFE - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Elena Moreno E-mail: Residence Palace, Rue de la Loi, 155. 1040 BRUSELAS Tel.: (+32) 2 285-4830 / Fax: (+32-2) 230 93 19 (Spanish)

EFE - Logroño (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Ana Lumbreras E-mail: Daniel Trevijano, 4, 1.º izq. 26001 LOGROÑO (LA RIOJA) Tel.: (+34) 94 122-3104 / Fax: (+34) 941 20-4024 (Spanish)

EFE - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: stringer - Anxo Lamela E-mail: International Press Centre - Skindergade 7 - 1159 Copenhagen K Tel.: (+45) 3023-1874 / Fax (+45) 3391-1613 (IPC) (Spanish)

EFE - Murcia (Spain) Type: domestic bureau - Celia Cantero E-mail: Navegante Juan Fernández, 5 - Edificio RTVE 30007 MURCIA 72

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

EFE - Helsinki (Finland) Type: stringer - Juanjo Galán E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 050 541 9084 (Spanish)

Tel.: (+41) 22 733-6273 (Spanish) EFE - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Almudena Domenech E-mail: 299 Oxford Street - 6th Floor. LONDON W1C 2DZ Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7493-7313 (Spanish)

EFE - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Enrique Rubio E-mail: 10 Rue Saint Marc 4º bureau 165. 75002 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4482-6540 / Fax: (+33) 1 40 39 91 78 (Spanish)

EFE - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

EFE - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Noelia López Bordetas E-mail: Reinhardtstr. 58. 10117 BERLÍN Tel.: (+49) 30 20603-9860 / Fax: (+49-30) 2060 398 40 (Spanish)

EFE - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent - Gustavo Monge E-mail: Uhrineveská 65 - 10000 Praha 1 Tel.: 271 735-816 (Spanish)

EFE - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Ingrid Haack Casajus, Ioannis Chrysovergis E-mail:,, Agiou Konstantinou 12 - 1º 4 - 10431 Athina Tel.: (+30) 210 520-0010, 922-5991, 697-854-9568 / Cel.: (+30) 697 200-4059 (Spanish)

EFE - Warsaw (Poland) Type: stringer - Ignacio Temino Martinez E-mail: unavailable ul. Królewska 47/56 - 00-103 Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 0-500 309-740 (Spanish) EFE - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Carmen Virginia Hebrero E-mail: Zubovskiy b-r d.4 (Ria Novosti International Press Center) - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 495 637-5107, (+7) 495 637-5137 / 0779 / Fax: (+8) 495 637-5137, (+7-095) 956-3738 (Spanish)

EFE - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Javier Mª Alonso E-mail: Via dei Canestrari 5. 2 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 683-4087 / Fax: (+39) 06 687-4918 (Spanish)

EFE - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: correspondent - Snežana Stanojevid E-mail: Gospodar Jovanova 39 Beograd Tel.: (+381) 11 624-621 (Spanish)

EFE - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Maria López Fontanals E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

EFE - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Hernán Martín E-mail: EFE News Services, INC. 1252 National Press Building. 529, 14 street, NW. WASHINGTON D.C. 20045 Tel.: (+1) 202 745-7692 / Fax: (+1-202) 393 41 18 / 19 (Spanish)

EFE - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: foreign bureau - Piedad Viñas, Oscar Tomasi, António Torres E-mail:,,, Rua Castilho 13 D - 5º-A. 1250-066 LISBOA Tel.: (+351) 21 351 39 30 / Fax: (+351) 21) 351 39 38 (Spanish)

EFE - Miami (United States) Type: regional office - Ana Rosa Mengotti, Sonia Osorio E-mail:, 5959 Blue Lagoon Dr., Suite 308. MIAMI-FLORIDA 33126 Tel.: (+1) 305 262-7575 / Fax: (+1-305) 442 27 28 (Spanish)

EFE - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Isabel Saco-Bohr, Marta Hurtado E-mail: Palais des Nations. Ave. de la Paix, 8-12, buireau 49-51. 1211 GENEVA 10 73

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

EFE - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Agustín de Gracia E-mail:,,, EFE News Services (US) INC. 25 West 43rd. St. Room 1114 - New York NY 10036 Tel.: (+1) 212 867-5757, 371-4080 / Fax: (+1) 212 8679074, Cel: (+1) 917 696-7387, Cel: (+1) 914 575-7980 (Spanish)

Calle 67 nº 7-35 - Torre C, 3º - Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 321-4855 / Fax: (+57) 1 321-4751 (Spanish) EFE - San José (Costa Rica) Type: correspondent - Miguel Ángel del Hoyo E-mail: San Pedro - del Banco Nacional 100 metros al este y 400 al Sur. SAN JOSÉ Tel.: (+506) 2 253-4965 / 50 (Spanish) EFE - Havana (Cuba) Type: foreign bureau - Soledad Álvarez, Lorena Cantó Lavería, Raquel Martorioxamendi, Alejandro Ernesto Pérez Estrada, Ernesto Mastracusa Peredo, Felipe Borrego Rodríguez, Sara Gómes Armas, Yeneily García E-mail: Calle 36 nº 110 entre 1ª y 3ª. Miramar Playa - La Habana 11300 Tel.: (+537) 204-2293, 203-5155 / Fax: (+53-7) 204 2272, Cel.: 05280-5315 (Spanish)

EFE - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Pedro Damián Diego Pérez E-mail: Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo, 1720 - 1º F. C1107AFJ Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4311-1211 / Fax: (+54) 11 4312-7518 (Spanish) EFE - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: foreign bureau - Lorena Cantó Lavería E-mail: Edif. Hilda, 5º - Of. 501. Avda. 6 de Agosto, 2455 - entre Belisario Salinas y Pedro Salazar. 7403 LA PAZ Tel.: (+591) 2 244-5770 / 5771 / 5772 / Fax: (+591-2) 244 57 75 (Spanish)

EFE - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent - Cristina Ozaeta E-mail: Avda. 27 de Febrero 54 - 5º - Ofic. 507. El Vergel. SANTO DOMINGO Tel.: (+809) 567-7617 / Fax: (+809) 565 03 08 (Spanish)

EFE - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: regional office - Mar Marín E-mail: Rua Visconde de Ouro Preto 62 - 2° andar. Botafogo Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 2553-6355 / Fax: (+55) 21 2553-8823 (Spanish)

EFE - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Jesús Sanchís E-mail: Carlos Padilla 330 e Iñaquito. Edificio Platínum, piso 8. Quito Tel.: (+593) 2 225-9682 / Fax: (+593-2) 225 57 69 (Spanish)

EFE - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Waldheim García Montoya, Alba Santandreu E-mail: Av. Bernardino de Campos, 98 - 1º andar Paraíso - São Paulo Tel.: (+55) 11 3051-6029 / Fax: (+55-11) 30 51 76 38 (Spanish)

EFE - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent - Isabel Bello Fernández E-mail: 79 Avenida Norte y 3a. Calle Poniente hoy Shafick Handal, Condominio Las Alquerías, Local No. 111, Colonia Escalón, SAN SALVADOR Tel.: (+503) 2263-7110 / Fax: (+503-2) 263 52 81 (Spanish)

EFE - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Manuel Fuentes, Marcial Campos, Nelson Sandoval, Gerard Soler E-mail: Almirante Pastene 333 - oficina 502. 75000506 SANTIAGO DE CHILE Tel.: (+56) 2 2519-3900 / Fax: (+56-22) 519 39 12 (Spanish)

EFE - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: foreign bureau - Patricia Pernas Gil E-mail: 8ª Avenida, zona 1 edificio 10-24 Segundo Nivel, Oficina 203 - Ciudad de Guatemala Tel.: (+502) 251-5786 / Fax: (+502) 251-8459 (Spanish) EFE - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Type: stringer - Hérold Jean-François E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+509) 2255-9517 (Spanish)

EFE - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: regional office - Jaime Ortega E-mail: 74

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

EFE - Tegucigalpa (Honduras) Type: correspondent - Germán Reyes E-mail: Colonia Elvel, Segunda Calle, casa 2012. TEGUCIGALPA Tel.: (+504) 2 311-730 / Fax: (+504-2) 31 17 72 (Spanish)

EFE - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Javier García E-mail:,,, Av. Francisco de Miranda. Edif. Parque Cristal. Torre Este. Piso 5. Oficina 5-7. Los Palos Grandes. CARACAS 1060 Tel.: (+58) 212 284 05 42 / 284 27 33 / 284 45 01 / Fax: (+58-212) 283 90 12 (Spanish)

EFE - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Raúl Cortés E-mail:, Lafayette 69 Colonia Nueva Anzures 11590 - Mexico D.F. Tel.: (+52) 55 5255-4025 / Fax: (+52-55) 52 55 40 85 ext- 115 (Spanish)

EFE - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: stringer - Ricardo Perez-Solero Llosa E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

EFE - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: foreign bureau - Mercedes Zaragüeta E-mail: Ciudad Jardín S-22 - Managua Tel.: (+505) 22 491-166 / Fax: (+505-22) 49 59 28 (Spanish)

EFE - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Rafael Cañas, Paloma Almoguera E-mail: Julong Garden, 7 - 8 D. Xinzhongjie, 68. Dongcheng District. 100027 PEKÍN Tel.: (+86) 10 6553-1198 / Fax: (+86-10) 65 52 78 61 (Spanish)

EFE - Panama City (Panamá) Type: regional office - Alfredo Aycart E-mail: Avda. Samuel Lewis y Manuel Mª Icaza. Edif. Comosa, 22º, Mesanin. 0834-00749 CIUDAD DE PANAMÁ Tel.: (+507) 223-9014 / Fax: (+507-2) 64 84 42 (Spanish)

EFE - Shanghai (China) Type: stringer - José Álvarez Díaz E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

EFE - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: foreign bureau - José Mª Hernández Orozco E-mail: Yegros 437 (esquina Cerro Corá 25 de Mayo) piso 14º Edif. San Rafael - Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 492-730 / Fax: (+595) 21 491-268 (Spanish)

EFE - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - José Luis Paniagua, Ramón Salvador Torres López E-mail: Instituto Cervantes Building, 48 Hanuman Road Connaught Place - 110001 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 4502-5667 (Spanish)

EFE - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Carmen Jiménez E-mail: Calle Manuel González Olaechea, 207. San Isidro. LIMA 27 Tel.: (+511) 441-2094 / Fax: (+511) 421 13 72 (Spanish)

EFE - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable Jl. Penjernihan V 1 - Jakarta Tel.: (+62) 21 2572-2233 (Spanish)

EFE - San Juan (Puerto Rico) Type: correspondent - Mar Gonzalo, María Arce E-mail: 1607 Avda. Ponce de León - Edificio Cobian´s Plaza, of. 214. Santurce - San Juan PR 00909 Tel.: (+1) 787 721-8821 (Spanish)

EFE - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Ramón Abarca E-mail: Shiodome Media Tower 7F. 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi, Minato-Ku. Tokio 105-0021 Tel.: (+81) 3 3572-8940 / Fax: (+81-3) 62 80 64 48 (Spanish)

EFE - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: regional office - [no hay] E-mail: 25 de Mayo, 741 - Ofic. 502. 11000 - Montevideo Tel.: (+598) 2 902-0338 (Spanish)

EFE - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: regional office - Alberto Masegosa, Noel Caballero E-mail: 75

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Unit 2701A. 27th Floor. Bangkok Business Center (BBC). 29 Sulhumvit 63 (Ekamai). Wattana, BANGKOK 10110 Tel.: (+66) 2 714-3290, 714-3291 / Fax: (+66-2) 392 37 96 (Spanish)

E-mail: 5 Rue de les Pommier (La Marsa Nessim) - Tunis Tel.: (+216) 7198-2192 (Spanish) EFE - Ankara (Turkey) Type: stringer - Lütfi Doğan Tılıç E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 312 213-7214 / Fax: (+90) 312 215-9517 (Spanish)

EFE - Algiers (Algeria) Type: foreign bureau - Manuel Ostos López E-mail: 4 Avenue Pasteur 1º étage. 16000 - Algiers Tel.: (+213) 2173-5680 / Fax: (+213-2) 174 04 56 (Spanish) EFE - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent E-mail: 64 Metochiou st. Office 401 - Nicosia Tel.: (+357) 2277-5725 / Fax: (+357) 2278-1662 (Spanish)

EFE - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Francisco Javier Marín Cascales, Jessica Martorell E-mail: CVS Plaza. 4th floor. Lenana Rd. Kilimani. P.O. Box 66356-00800. NAIROBI Tel.: (+254) 20 272-0195 / Fax: (+254-20) 272 01 93 (Spanish)

EFE - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau - Jorge Fuentelsaz, Francesca Cicardi E-mail: 44 Mohamed Mazhar 3º - apt. 5. Zamalek. EL CAIRO Tel.: (+202) 2738-0792 / Fax: (+202) 738 07 68 (Spanish)

EFE - Dakar (Senegal) Type: stringer - Saliou Traoré E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+221) 33 8273778 / (+221) 77 648-2010 (Spanish) EFE - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: stringer - Marcel Gascón E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 0717439595 (Spanish)

EFE - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau - Álvaro Mellizo E-mail: 2 Baghe Gole Meisam St. - Apto. 5. Kamranie Shomali Blvd., Kamranie. TEHRAN Tel.: (+98 21) 222 85 681 (Spanish)

EFE - Sydney (Australia) Type: stringer - Rocío Otoya E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

EFE - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Ana Cárdenes E-mail: Hillel St. 18, 5th floor - office 3. JERUSALEN 91371 Tel.: (+972) 2 624-2038 / Fax: (+972-2) 624 20 56 (Spanish)

EP - Europa Press website: category: religious agency ownership: Heredia 3G (Cabiedes family) languages: Spanish active since: 1957 headquarters: Madrid

EFE - Rabat (Morrocco) Type: foreign bureau - Javier Otazu E-mail: Edifice de l´Instituto Cervantes. Zankat Madnine, 3-5. RABAT 10.000 Tel.: (+212) 53 772 32 18 / Fax: (+212-53) 773 21 95 (Spanish)

Europa Press - HEADQUARTERS (Spain) E-mail:, Paseo de la Castellana 210 - 28046 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 359-2600 / Fax: (+34) 91 350-3251 (Spanish)

EFE - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Luisa Urrego E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Europa Press - Almería (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:

EFE - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau - Javier Martín 76

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Plaza del Carmen 3 - 04001 Almería Tel.: (+34) 950 25 28 20 / Fax: (+34) 950 25 49 79 (Spanish)

Tel.: (+34) 976 21 13 79 / Fax: (+34) 976 21 49 31 (Spanish) Europa Press - Asturias (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: San Francisco 13 - 33003 Oviedo Tel.: (+34) 985 77 41 88 / Fax: (+34) 985 22 47 80 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Cádiz (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: José del Toro 1 - 11001 Cádiz Tel.: (+34) 956 21 23 00 / Fax: (+34) 956 22 93 01 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Baleares (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Paseo del Borne 15 - 07012 Palma de Mallorca Tel.: (+34) 971 71 32 23 / Fax: (+34) 971 71 32 32 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Córdoba (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Calle María Cristina 13 - 14002 Córdoba Tel.: (+34) 957 47 47 11 / Fax: (+34) 957 47 47 69 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Euskadi (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: San Vicente 8 - 48001 Bilbao Tel.: (+34) 94 423 24 23 / Fax: (+34) 94 424 99 96 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Granada (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Acera del Darro 2 - 18005 Granada Tel.: (+34) 958 52 31 87 / Fax: (+34) 958 52 30 72 (Spanish)

Europa Press - San Sebastián (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Sancho el Sabio 15 - 20010 San Sebastián/Donosti Tel.: (+34) 943 46 32 58 / Fax: (+34) 943 47 50 65 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Huelva (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Berdigón 3 - 21003 Huelva Tel.: (+34) 959 25 04 69 / Fax: (+34) 959 28 16 49 (Spanish) Europa Press - Jaén (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Bernabé Soriano 30 - 23001 Jaén Tel.: (+34) 953 24 30 96 / Fax: (+34) 953 23 40 49 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Las Palmas (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: León y Castillo 39 - 3ºB - 35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Tel.: (+34) 928 43 14 83 / Fax: (+34) 928 38 51 32 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Málaga (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Linaje 3 29001 Málaga Tel.: (+34) 952 22 99 19 / Fax: (+34) 952 60 84 97 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Tenerife (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Doctor Allart 16 - 1ºD - 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Tel.: (+34) 922 53 46 68 / Fax: (+34) 922 29 01 94 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Andalucía (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Balbino Marrón 3 - 41018 Sevilla Tel.: (+34) 95 492 49 00 / Fax: (+34) 95 492 49 06 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Cantabria (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Emilio Pino 6 - 39002 Santander Tel.: (+34) 942 36 47 90 / Fax: (+34) 942 36 50 05 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Aragón (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Paseo de la Independencia 27 - 50001 Zaragoza

Europa Press - Castilla y León (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Santiago 14 - 47001 Valladolid 77

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+34) 983 35 17 13 / Fax: (+34) 983 35 31 61 (Spanish)

Tel.: (+34) 945 13 70 78 / Fax: (+34) 945 14 33 09 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Nuncio Viejo 3 - 45001 Toledo Tel.: (+34) 925 21 48 06 / Fax: (+34) 925 21 58 02 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Alicante (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Rambla Méndez Núñez 44 - 5ºC - 03002 Alicante Tel.: (+34) 965 20 38 68 / Fax: (+34) 965 21 62 76 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Catalunya (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Avda. Mistral 8 - 08015 Barcelona Tel.: (+34) 93 425 02 00 / Fax: (+34) 93 423 06 85 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Comunidad Valenciana (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Colón 22 - 46002 Valencia Tel.: (+34) 96 352 78 89 / Fax: (+34) 96 352 79 73 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Extremadura (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Camilo José Cela 1 - 06800 Mérida Tel.: (+34) 924 30 40 92 / Fax: (+34) 924 30 38 44 (Spanish)

EuropaPress - Pamplona (Spain) Type: correspondent - Fermín Pagola Muerza E-mail: Paseo Sarasate 36, 1º dcha - 31002 Pamplona Tel.: (+34) 94 821-3200 / Fax: (+34) 94 821-0928 (Spanish)

Europa Press - Galicia (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Galeras 13 - 15705 Santiago de Compostela Tel.: (+34) 981 57 76 02 / Fax: (+34) 981 57 77 34 (Spanish)

Atlas Press - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable ()

Europa Press - La Rioja (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Avda. de Portugal 6 - 26002 Logroño Tel.: (+34) 941 21 46 82 / Fax: (+34) 941 21 33 47 (Spanish)

Portugal Lusa - Agência Lusa website: category: national agency ownership: Portuguese state (50,14%), Global Media Group (23,26%), Impresa (22,35%), Notícias de Portugal (2,72%), Público (1,38%), RTP (0,03%), O Primeiro de Janeiro (0,01%), Diário do Minho (0,01%) languages: Portuguese active since: 1986 headquarters: Rua Dr. João Couto, Lote C, P - 1503-809 - Lisboa phone: (+351) 21 711-6500 fax: +351 21 7116531/32 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @Lusa_noticias Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: video, mobile news alert affiliation: EANA, MINDS, AMAN, ALP

Europa Press - Región de Murcia (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: San Patricio 10 - 30004 Murcia Tel.: (+34) 968 21 51 02 / Fax: (+34) 968 21 86 00 (Spanish) Europa Press - Navarra (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Paseo de Sarasate 36 - 31001 Pamplona Tel.: (+34) 948 21 32 00 / Fax: (+34) 948 21 09 28 (Spanish) Europa Press - Vitoria (Spain) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: San Prudencio 31 - 01005 Vitoria/Gasteiz


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Lusa - France (France) Type: correspondent - Carina Branco E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - HEADQUARTERS (Portugal) E-mail:,,,, Rua Dr. João Couto Lote C P - 1503-809 - Lisboa Tel.: (+351) 21 711-6500 / +351 21 7116531/32 (Portuguese)

Lusa - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Sara Rocha, António Cascais E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Madeira (Portugal) Type: domestic bureau - Ana Basílio E-mail: Tel.: / (Portuguese)

Lusa - Luxemburg (Luxembourg) Type: correspondent - Paula Telo Alves E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Norte (Portugal) Type: domestic bureau - Miguel Sousa Pinto E-mail: Praça do Cel. Pacheco - 4050-453 Porto Tel.: (+351) 22 607-9940 / (Portuguese)

Lusa - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Fernando Paula Brito, Nuno Vinha E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 606-936-776 (Portuguese)

Lusa - Açores (Portugal) Type: domestic bureau - Sílvia Reis E-mail: Avenida Dom João III 4-r/c - 9500-310 Ponta Delgada Tel.: (+351) 296 205 900 / Fax: (+351) 296 205 903 (Portuguese)

Lusa - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Vanessa Esteves E-mail: [FECHOU?] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent - Pedro Ribeiro E-mail: Tel.: / (Portuguese)

Lusa - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Bruno Manteigas E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - André Campos E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-8705 (Portuguese)

Lusa - Moscow (Russia) 79

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent - José Milhazes E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese) Lusa - Praia (Cape Verde) Type: correspondent - Cristina Fernandes Ferreira E-mail: Prainha - Praia, Santiago Tel.: 613-519 (Portuguese)

Lusa - Toronto (Canada) Type: correspondent - Sérgio Mourato E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Bissau (Guinea-Bissau) Type: correspondent - Luís Miguel Fonseca E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Alexandre Soares E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Maputo (Mozambique) Type: correspondent - Henrique Botequilha E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Andreia Nogueira E-mail:, SCN Ed. Trade Center, bl. C / sl.310 Tel.: (+55) 61 3425-2025 / Fax: 326-3736 (Portuguese)

Lusa - São Tomé (Sao Tome and Principe) Type: correspondent - Manuel Barros E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Carolina de Ré, Fernanda Barbosa E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Lusa - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: correspondent - Filipe Gouveia E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Belgium Agence Europe - HEADQUARTERS (Belgium) ownership: Ferdinando Riccardi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

Lusa - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - João Pimenta E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Belga - HEADQUARTERS (Belgium) ownership: RTL/INADI, Corelio/Mediahuis (19,5%), IPM (13%), Vlan, Rossel, RTBF, Nethys/Brutélé (9,96%), ?NDLR] E-mail:,,, Arduinkaai 29 1000 Brussels - Bruxelas Tel.: (+32) 2 743 23 11 / 3227351744 (Dutch)

Lusa - Macao (China) Type: correspondent - Margarida Pinto E-mail: Av. Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida 95-A - Macau Tel.: 967601 / Fax: 967605 (Portuguese) Lusa - Dili (East Timor) Type: correspondent - António Sampaio E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Netherlands ANP - Algemeen Nederlandsch Persbureau

Lusa - Luanda (Angola) Type: correspondent - Paulo Julião E-mail:

website: category: national agency 80

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ownership: NPM Capital/SHV, Halder/GIMV, Veronica/SBS (67% Sanoma + 33% Talpa) languages: Dutch active since: 1934 headquarters: Verrijn Stuart Lane 7, 2288 EK, Rijswijk, PO Box 1, 2501 AA, Den Haag - Haia phone: (+31) 70 4141160 | +31 70 4141414 fax: +31 70 4140438 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, audio, archive, crônicas, financial info, corporate communication, mobile news alert other services: iNBusiness, iNOpdracht, ANP Agenda, ANP Biografieën, ANP Fotoarchief, ANP Historisch archief, Nieuwsdienst, Webfeed, Pages, Teletekst desks: BuzzS (Sport), BuzzE (Entertainment), BuzzO (Opmerkelijk), BuzzR(Royalty), BuzzT(Technologie), Features affiliation: EANA, MINDS cooperation: Reuters, AFP, DPA, Belga, EFE

ownership: Norwegian media groups (26,1% Edda, 20,6% Schibsted, 20,5% A-Pressen, 10,5% NRK, 7,8% Adresseavisen, 0,5% employees) languages: Norwegian active since: 1867 headquarters: Akersgata 55, P.O. Box 6817, St. Olavs plass, N - 0130 - Oslo phone: (+47) 22034400 fax: +47 22034569 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @NTBinfo affiliation: EANA, MINDS NTB - HEADQUARTERS (Norway) E-mail:,,, Akersgata 55 P.O. Box 6817 St. Olavs plass N - 0130 Oslo Tel.: (+47) 22034400 / +47 22034569 (Norwegian) NTB - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Johan Falnes E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-5285 (Norwegian)

ANP - HEADQUARTERS (Netherlands) E-mail:,, Verrijn Stuart Lane 7 2288 EK Rijswijk PO Box 1 2501 AA Den Haag - Haia Tel.: (+31) 70 4141160 / (+31) 70 4140438 (Dutch)

NTB - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Kristin Solberg E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Norwegian)

ANP - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Petra Janbroers Twitter: @petrajanbroers 1 blvd Charlemagne bte 7 - 1040 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 230-1188 / Fax: (+32) 2 231-1804 (Dutch)

NTB - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Level 6 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138 | 9 Lang Street Sydney. NSW 2000 - Sydney Tel.: unavailable (Norwegian)

ANP - Rome (Italy) Type: stringer - Hedwig Zeedijk E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+39) 06 675911 / Cel.: (+39) 348 300-1639 (Dutch)


ANP - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: stringer - Frederike Geerdink E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 212 492-6230 / Cel.: 0 533 308-5486 (Dutch)

Ritzau - Ritzaus Bureau website: category: national agency ownership: DR (Danmarks Radio) + Danish media groups (Dagbladet Børsen; Jysk Fynske Medier; Helsingør Dagblad; JP/Politikens Hus; Dagbladet Information; Kristeligt Dagblad; Lolland-Falsters Folketidende; Mediehusene Midtjylland; Sjællandske Medier; Skive Folkeblad; Nordjyske Medier) languages: Danish active since: 1866 headquarters: Store Kongensgade 14 DK - 1264 Copenhague

Norway NTB - Norsk Telegrambyrå website: category: national agency


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

phone: (+45) 33 300000 fax: +45 33 300033, 300001 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @RitzauInfo mobile: Android (só finanças) services: mobile news alert affiliation: EANA, MINDS

Tel.: (+46) 8 692-2600, 692-2700 / (+46) 8 692-2859, 692-2855 (Swedish) TT - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-5075 (Swedish) TT - Tokyo (Japan) Type: stringer - Said Karlsson E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Swedish)

Ritzau - HEADQUARTERS (Denmark) E-mail:,,,,, Store Kongensgade 14 DK - 1264 - Copenhague Tel.: (+45) 33 300000 / +45 33 300033, 300001 (Danish)

TT - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Swedish)

Ritzau - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Minna Skau, Terkel Svensson E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-1843 (Danish)


Ritzau - Sydney (Australia) Type: stringer - Kristian Hedegaard E-mail: unavailable Level 6 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138 | 9 Lang Street Sydney. NSW 2000 - Sydney Tel.: unavailable (Danish)

SDA-ATS - Schweizerische Depeschenagentur / Agence Télégraphique Suisse website: category: national agency ownership: Swiss media groups (SRG-SSR, NZZ, 24 Heures, Südostschweiz Mediengruppen AG, Tamedia, Le Nouvelliste, Radio Basilisk, Berner Zeitung...) languages: French/German active since: 1894 headquarters: Länggassstrasse 7, 3001 - Berna phone: (+41) 31 309 33 33 | +41 31 309 30 30 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom) affiliation: EANA, MINDS

Sweden TT - Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå website: category: national agency ownership: Swedish media groups (20% Aftonbladet; 10% Svenska Dagbladet; 10% Stampen; 10% Expressen; 10% Dagens Nyheter; 10% Sydsvenska Dagbladet; 10% NT Media; 5% VLT; 5% Upsala Nya Tidning; 5% Presgruppen; 5% MittMedia Förvaltnings) languages: Swedish active since: 1921 headquarters: Katarinavägen, 15 S-105 12 - Estocolmo phone: (+46) 8 6922600 fax: +46 8 6922859, 6922855 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) affiliation: EANA, MINDS

SDA-ATS - HEADQUARTERS (Switzerland) E-mail:,,,,,,,, Länggassstrasse 7 - 3001 Bern Tel.: (+41) 31 309-3100 / 3333 / Fax: (+41) 31 309-3101 / 309-3030 (German) SDA-ATS - Aarau (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kasinostrasse 19 - 5001 Aarau Tel.: (+41) 62 832-1090 / (+41) 62 832-1091 (German)

TT - HEADQUARTERS (Sweden) E-mail:,,,, Katarinavägen 15 S-105 12 - Estocolmo


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

SDA-ATS - Basel (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, Post-Passage 2 - 4002 Basel Tel.: (+41) 61 201-1040 / (+41) 61 201-1041 (German)

Tel.: (+41) 22 919-7800 / Fax: (+41) 22 919-7801 (French) SDA-ATS - Lausanne (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, Rue Pré-du-Marché 23 - 1002 Lausanne (Case postale 5063) Tel.: (+41) 21 643-7120 / (+41) 21 643 7121 (French)

SDA-ATS - Bellinzona (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Via Giovanni Nizzola 1 - 6500 Bellinzona Tel.: (+41) 91 961-8160 / (+41) 91 961-8161 (German)

SDA-ATS - Luzern (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Habsburgerstrasse 26 - 6002 Luzern Tel.: (+41) 41 226-1270 / (+41) 41 226-1271 (German)

SDA-ATS - Bienne/Biel (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, Rue Centrale 60 - 2501 Bienne (Case postale 60) Tel.: (+41) 32 328-1160 / (+41) 32 328-1161 (German)

SDA-ATS - Sion (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Rue des Remparts 25 - 1950 Sion 2 Tel.: (+41) 27 327-4310 / (+41) 27 327-4311 (German)

SDA-ATS - Chur (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Masanserstrasse 2 - 7002 Chur Tel.: (+41) 81 257-1130 / (+41) 81 257-1131 (German)

SDA-ATS - St. Gallen (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Neugasse 55 - 9001 St.Gallen Tel.: (+41) 71 226-9110 / (+41) 71 226-9111 (German)

SDA-ATS - Freiburg-Neuchatel (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+41) 31 309-3780 / (+41) 31 309-3411 (German)

SDA-ATS - Zurich (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:,,, Sihlquai 253 - 8021 Zürich (Postfach 1801) Tel.: (+41) 43 960-5555 / (+41) 43 960-5211 (German)

SDA-ATS - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: domestic bureau - Blaise Lempen, Sierro Laurent E-mail:,,,,, Rue Richard Wagner 1 - 1211 Genève - Case Postale 2066

SDA-ATS - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Barbara Stäbler


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:,, Rue de la Loi 155 - 1040 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 230-7204, 231-0061, 743-3470 / Fax: (+32) 2 280-2411 (French)

APA - HEADQUARTERS (Austria) E-mail:,,, Laimgrubengasse 10 1060 Wien - Viena Tel.: (+43) 1 36060-0 / +43 1 360-602-099 (German)

SDA-ATS - Madrid (Spain) Type: stringer - Isabelle Birambaux E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 651-831-842 (German)

APA - Vorarlberg (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Jochen Hofer E-mail: Wolfeggstraße 1 - 6900 Bregenz Tel.: (+43) 557 44-6020 / +43 557 44-4308 (German)

SDA-ATS - Dakar (Senegal) Type: stringer - Ibrahima Cissé E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+221) 33 8426353 / (+221) 76 668-5726 (French)

APA - Burgenland (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Christian Gmasz E-mail: Hartlsteig 2 - 7000 Eisenstadt Tel.: (+43) 2682 64145 / +43 2682 662 06 (German)

SDA-ATS - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 3 Rider Boulevard - Rhodes NSW 2138 Tel.: (+61) 2 9322-8034 / Fax: (+61) 2 9322-8033 (German)

APA - Styria (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Ingrid Kornberger E-mail: Radetzkystraße 1/3 - 8010 Graz Tel.: (+43) 316 82-7488 / +43 316 81-2731 (German) APA - Tyrol (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Markus Wimmer E-mail: Meinhardstraße 3/1 - 6020 Innsbruck Tel.: (+43) 512 58-5431 / +43 512 57-2253 (German)

Austria APA - Austria Presse Agentur website: category: national agency ownership: 45,78% ÖRF + private Austrian newspapers (10,97% Styria Media Group AG (Kleine Zeitung); 10,42% Kurier Zeitungsverlag und Druckerei GmbH; 10,62% Mediengruppe Österreich GmbH; 4,0% OÖN Redaktion GmbH & Co KG; 3,83% Die Presse VerlagsGmbH & Co KG; 3,51% Standard Verlags-GmbH; 3,41% Schlüsselverlag J.S. Moser GmbH (Tiroler Tageszeitung); 2,89% Salzburger Nachrichten Verlagsges.mbH & Co KG; 2,20% Russmedia Immobilien GmbH & Co KG (Vorarlberger Nachrichten); 0,83% Wiener Zeitung GmbH; 0,81% Oberösterreichische Media Data Vertriebs- und Verlags GmbH (Neues Volksblatt); 0,73% Neue Zeitungs GmbH, Schwarzach (Neue Vorarlberger Tageszeitung) languages: German active since: 1946 headquarters: Laimgrubengasse 10, 1060, Wien - Viena phone: (+43) 1 36060-0 fax: +43 1 36060/2099 e-mails: (management), (newsroom) Twitter: @APAOTS affiliation: NAWC, EANA

APA - Carinthia (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - "Michael Walcher, Peter Lindner" E-mail: Völkermarkter Ring 25 - 9021 Klagenfurt Tel.: (+43) 463 55160 / +43 463 51-6858 (German) APA - Upper Austria (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Heinz Peter Ziegler E-mail: Khevenhüllerstraße 21 - 4020 Linz Tel.: (+43) 732 65-8695 / +43 732 66-5848 (German) APA - Salzburg (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Bernhard Niederhauser E-mail: Bergstraße 22 - 5020 Salzburg Tel.: (+43) 662 87-6380 / +43 662 87-5352 (German) APA - Lower Austria (Austria) Type: domestic bureau - Andrea Fröschl E-mail: Rennbahnstraße 43 - 3100 St. Pölten Tel.: (+43) 2742 23155-11 / +43 2742 23156 (German) APA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Thomas Schmidt 84

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:, Rue de la Loi 155 bte 03257 - B-1040 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 230-1232 / Fax: (+32) 2 235-2411 (German)

[address not available] Tel.: (+43) 1 799-1702 (German)

APA - Athens (Greece) Type: stringer - Filippos Zacharis E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+30) 693 253-8084 (German)

Finland STT-FNB - Suomen Tietotoimisto-Finska Notisbyran website: category: national agency ownership: Finnish media groups (1,7% YLE, 33,1% Sanoma,24,1% Alma Media, 18% Turun Sanomat Yhtymä, 6% Keskisuomalainen, 3,5% KSF Media, 3,1% Kaakon Viestintä, 1,3% HSS Media, 1,3% I-Mediat) languages: finlandês active since: 1887 headquarters: Malminkatu 16 A, 00101 - Helsinque phone: (+358) 9 695-6811 fax: +358 9 69581335 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @STTInfo affiliation: EANA, MINDS

APA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Micaela Taroni E-mail: Via dell'Umiltà, 83/c 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911, Cel.: 3355228723 / Fax: (+39) 06 67591262 (German, Italian) APA - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Manuel Meyer E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+34) 91 176-9820 (German, Spanish) APA - Moscou (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable ућ.Лесљова д.6 љв.56 - Moscow Tel.: (+43) 66 4180-4180 / (German)

STT-FNB - HEADQUARTERS (Finland) E-mail:,, Malminkatu 16 A 00101 - Helsinque Tel.: (+358) 9 695-6811 / (+358) 9 69581335 (Finnish)

APA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Walter Pfaeffle E-mail: 340 E 64th St #16G - New York NY 10065 Tel.: (+1) 917 612-1854 / Cel: (+1) 917 612-1854 (German, English)

STT-FNB - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-5621 (Finnish, French, Dutch)

APA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German, Persian)

STT-FNB - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Finnish, Russian)

APA - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Ulrich Sahm E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (German)

STT-FNB - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Sala Salmela, Riku Roslund E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Finnish, English)

KNA - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ANA-MPA - Thessaloniki (Greece) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: TIF Helexpo SA - Building 1 154 Egnatias Str. - 54636 Thessaloniki Tel.: (+30) 2310 244101 / Fax: (+30) 2310 244105 (Greek)

Greece ANA-MPA - Athinaïko Praktoreio Eidiseon Makedonikó Praktoreio Eidiseon website: category: national agency ownership: societé anonyme (7 members board, of which 3 appointed by government, other 4 by journalists associations and universities) languages: Greek (main), English, French active since: 2008 headquarters: 36, Tsocha st., Athina 11521 - Atenas phone: (+30) 210 640-0560 / 0570 / 5601 fax: +30 210 640-0581, 640-0582, 640-0581 e-mails: (general), (management),,, (newsroom),,, (sales) Facebook: services: text, photo, multimedia packs, financial info, press communiqués and official announcements, mobile news alert other services: WEB – WAP – SMS desks: Sports cooperation: Reuters, AP, AFP, DPA, ANSA, TASS, EFE, EPA, Bloomberg, Factiva affiliation: EANA, ABNA, AMAN

ANA-MPA - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent - Demetrios Demetrakoudis E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek) ANA-MPA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Christina Vasilaki, María Arònê, Manolis Spinthourakis E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-5206 (Greek) ANA-MPA - Helsinki (Finland) Type: stringer - Patouchas Evangelos E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 040 725 8588 (Greek) ANA-MPA - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - Olympía Tsípêra E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - HEADQUARTERS (Greece) E-mail:,,,,, 36 Tsocha st. Athina 11521 - Atenas Tel.: (+30) 210 6400560 / +30 210 6400581, 2106400582, 6400581 (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Theofilia Karaviti, Phaíê Karavíti E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent - Panikos Panagiotou E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Thódôros Andreádês-Syggelákês E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Dimitrios Panagos (photo) Twitter: @dpanagos 3507 23rd Ave - Astoria NY 11105 Tel.: (+1) 516 931-2333 / Cel: (+1) 516 343-5838 (Greek)

ANA-MPA - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: foreign bureau - Aristides Vikétos E-mail: Eleftherias square - Flat 64 Tryfonos Bldg - 1011 Nicosia Tel.: (+357) 2244-1110 / Fax: (+357) 2245-7418 (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Argirokaster (Albania) Type: correspondent - Panagiotis Barkas E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Árês Ampatzès E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent - Ilír Pátso E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Alkibiadis Courcoulas, Gabriele Ohl E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 212 251-0453 / Fax: (+90) 212 252-5701 (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek) ANA-MPA - Skopje (Macedonia) Type: correspondent - Nikólaos Phragkópoulos E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Melbourne (Australia) Type: correspondent - Sotiris Hatzimanolis E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

ANA-MPA - Moscow (Russia) Type: stringer - Dimitris Liatsos E-mail: Фрунзенсљая наб. д.14/1 љв.13 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 8 (985) 923-63-76 (Greek)

Cyprus CNA - Kipriako Praktoreio Eidiseon / Kıbrıs Haber Ajansı

ANA-MPA - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: correspondent - Níkos Pélpas E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

website: category: national agency ownership: Press and Information Office (board of 7 members appointed by journalists associations and media companies + PIO) languages: grego (main), English, turco active since: 1976 headquarters: 7 Kastorias st., 2002, Strovolos, P.O. Box 23947, Lefkosia, 1687 - Nicósia phone: (+357) 22 556-000 | +357 22556009 fax: +357 22556103 e-mails: (general), (management)

ANA-MPA - Montreal (Canada) Type: correspondent - Justine Frangoulis, Dimitris Maniatakou, Sp. Koutava E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek) ANA-MPA - Washington (United States) 87

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Twitter: @cnainenglish mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, releases e comunicados oficiais, mobile news alert cooperation: Reuters, AFP, ANSA, Xinhua, Kyodo, TASS, Sputnik, ANA-MPA, BTA, Agerpres, MENA, SANA, IRNA, APS, PAP, ATA, STA affiliation: NAWC, EANA, ABNA, AMAN

Ireland Storyful - HEADQUARTERS (Ireland) ownership: News Corp (Rupert Murdoch) E-mail: unavailable 76 Lower Baggot Street - Dublin 2, Ireland Tel.: unavailable (English) Storyful - San Francisco (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CNA - HEADQUARTERS (Cyprus) E-mail:,, 7 Kastorias st. 2002 Strovolos P.O. Box 23947 Lefkosia 1687 - Nicรณsia Tel.: (+357) 22 556-000 / +357 22556103 (Greek)

Storyful - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Rahul Chopra, Mandy Jenkins, Barbara Marcolini, Dakota Flournoy E-mail: unavailable 1185 Avenue of the Americas - New York, NY 10036, USA Tel.: unavailable (English)

CNA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-7104 (Greek) CNA - Strasbourg (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

Storyful - Atlanta (United States) Type: foreign bureau - David Clinch E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 770 262 2484 (English)

CNA - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 864-7162 / Fax: (+30) 210 864-7162 (Greek)

Storyful - Portland (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CNA - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

Storyful - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau - Esther Chan, Aaron Mc Nicholas E-mail: 18 Harbour Road - Wan Chai - Hong Kong Tel.: unavailable (English)

CNA - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Greek)

Storyful - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CNA - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Thomas Kettenis, Apostolos Zoupaniotis E-mail: 3507 23rd Ave - Astoria NY 11105 Tel.: (+1) 718 545-4888 / Fax: (+1) 718 545-4884, Cel: (+1) 646 286-9640 (Greek)

Storyful - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Stephanie Burnett, Stephanie Hunt E-mail: unavailable 2 Holt Street - Surry Hills, NSW 2010 Tel.: unavailable (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents



ANA - Agència de Notícies Andorrana HEADQUARTERS (Andorra) ownership: ANISA - Agència de Notícies i Informació, SA (Som-hi! SL, S.Terés SLU) E-mail:, Antic Carrer Major #22 AD500 - Andorra la Vella Tel.: (+376) 821600 (Catalan)

PBS - HEADQUARTERS (Malta) ownership: government of Malta E-mail:, 85 St.Luke's Road G'Mangia PTA 1022 - Gwardamangia Tel.: (+356) 22 913-100 (Maltese, English)

Vatican Zenit - Rome (Italy) Type: stringer - Sergio Mora, Deborah Castellano Lubov E-mail: Via Paola Falconieri 110 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 537-0300 (Italian)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


other services: TASS Databank, TASS Photo, TASS Online, TASS-Dossier, Opinions, Infographics, Press Releases, Russian Defense & Technologies Newswire, News from Authorities, Dossiers&References, Countries of the World, Calendar of Dates and Events desks: Russian Politics & Diplomacy, World, Business & Economy, Science & Space, Society & Culture, Sport, Military & Defense, Transport, Crime & Emergencies affiliation: NAWC, EANA, OANA, ANIA, BSANNA, CIS-IC, MINDS, WMS (World Media Summit)

Russia TASS - Telegrafnoye Agentstvo Sovietskogo Soyuza website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: Russian Federation (unitary corporation of the federal government) languages: Russian (main), English, French, Spanish, German, Arabic active since: 1918 previous names Rosta (1918-1925) headquarters: 125993, Moskva, Tverskoy blvd, 10-12 Moscou phone: (+7) 499 7910459 | +7 499 7910451 fax: +7 499 7910014 e-mails: (management),, (newsroom),,,,,,,, (sales) Twitter: @tass_agency Facebook: mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, audio, infographics, archive, features, op-ed, weather forecast, press review, polls, press communiquÊs and official announcements, officials’ schedule, advertising, mobile news alert

Domestic: TASS - HEADQUARTERS (Russia) E-mail:,,,,,,,,,, 125993 Moskva Tverskoy blvd 10-12 - Moscou Tel.: (+7) 499 7910459 / +7 499 7910014 (Russian) TASS - Tambov (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Sovetskaya ulitsa 22 - 392002 Tel.: (+7) (4752) 222495 (Russian) TASS - Vladimir (Russia) Type: domestic bureau - Nyurapallna Twitter: @nyurapallna [address not available]


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Parashyutnaya ul. 12 Krasnoyarsk - Krasnoyarskiy kray 660078 Tel.: (+7) 391 259-2804 (Russian)

TASS - Khabarovsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Zaparina 65, Khabarovsk - Khabarovskiy kray 680000 Tel.: (+7) 421 232-5012 (Russian)

TASS - Novosibirsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Dobrolyubova 2-а, 305, Novosibirsk - Novosibirskaya oblast' 630009 Tel.: (+7) 383 349-9950 (Russian)

TASS - Petropavlovsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 19a ul. Maksutova - Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Kamchatskiy kray 683003 Tel.: (+7) 415 242-1277 (Russian)

TASS - Omsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. Karla Marksa 5 - Omsk - Omskaya oblast' 644024 Tel.: (+7) 381 231-9207 (Russian)

TASS - Vladivostok (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. 100-letiya Vladivostoka 137 а - Vladivostok Primorskiy kray 690000 Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Ulan-Ude (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 9 ul. Sukhe-Batora - Ulan-Ude - Buryatiya Republits 670000 Tel.: (+7) 301 221-2912 (Russian)

TASS - Kaliningrad (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable prosp. Mira 64 - Kaliningrad Tel.: (+7) (401) 295-1398 (Russian)

TASS - Astrakhan (Russia) Type: domestic bureau - Elena Porotikova Twitter: @sportkor85 [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Saint Petersburg (Russia) Type: domestic bureau - Natalia Koroleva, Boris Vagapov Twitter: @Koroleva_NV Shpalernaya ulitsa 37 - ћит. А - Sankt-Peterburg 191123 Tel.: (+7) 812 643-6062 (Russian)

TASS - Maykop (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: 574869 (Russian)

TASS - Barnaul (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. Lenina, 41, Barnaul - Altayskiy kray 656049 Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Chelyabinsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pl. Revolyutsii 1, Chelyabinsk - Chelyabinskaya oblast' 454091 Tel.: (+7) 351 263-2903 (Russian)

TASS - Irkutsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dekabr'skikh Sobytiy ul. d. 85 of. 69 - Irkutsk - Irkutsk Oblast 664007 Tel.: (+7) 395 220-8977 / +7 (395) 2206426 (Russian)

TASS - Yekaterinburg (Russia) Type: domestic bureau - Anton Butsenko (photo), Donat Sorokin (photo) E-mail: unavailable Lenin Ave 50Б, Yekaterinburg - Sverdlovskaya oblast' 620075 Tel.: (+7) 343 350-3344 / +7 (343) 355-5348 (Russian)

TASS - Kemerovo (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable г. Кемерово - Кемеровсљая обћ. 650056 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: +7 960 912-8312 (Russian)

TASS - Izhevsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 12 ul. Kholmogorova - Izhevsk - Udmurtskaya Respublika 426011 Tel.: (+7) 341 272-4493 (Russian)

TASS - Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 91

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:, Viale dell' Umanesimo, 172- 00144 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 591-2882, Cel.: 340-6573739, 3392939795 / Fax: (+39) 06 592-6800 (Russian)

TASS - Kazan (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Levo-Bulachnaya St. 56 - Kazan - Respublika Tatarstan 420021 Tel.: (+7) 843 292-5848 (Russian)

TASS - The Hague (Netherlands) Type: correspondent - Vitaly Chugin E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Abroad: TASS - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Grosse Neugasse 28 - Vienna 1040 Tel.: (+43) 1 810-431 / 1 566-536 (Russian)

TASS - Oslo (Norway) Type: correspondent - Yury Mikhaylenko E-mail: Fougstads gate 9 - 0173 Oslo Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9682-9892 (Russian)

TASS - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 103 Rue Général Lotz bte 10 - 1180 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 343-8670 / Fax: (+32) 2 344-8376 (Russian)

TASS - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Ekaterina Vorobyeva E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 605-883-678 (Russian)

TASS - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Nikolai Morozov E-mail: Uraniavej 9B - 1878 Frederiksberg Tel.: (+45) 3331-8848 / Fax (+45) 3331 8848 (Russian)

TASS - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Morley House 314 Regent St - London W1B 3BF Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7580 5543 (Russian)

TASS - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Nina Burmistrova E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+358) 9 601-877 / Cel.: 050 5914559 (Russian)

TASS - Yerevan (Armenia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+374) 10 520-242 (Russian)

TASS - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - Sergey Scherbakov E-mail: unavailable 27 ave Bosquet - 75007 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4411-3180 / (+33) 1 4705-3398 (Russian)

TASS - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: correspondent - Katerina Rubtsova E-mail: pr. Byul'-Byulya 18 - Baku AZ1000 Tel.: (+994) 12 493-7582 / (+994 12) 4937582 (Russian)

TASS - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Viacheslav Filippov, Anton Dolgunov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent - Igor Lenkin E-mail: unavailable Samokov St, bl. 28 ent. Ж ap. 30 - 1113 Sofia Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+359) 88 793 2725 (Russian)

TASS - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent - Yury Malinov E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 677-9133 / Fax: (+30) 210 677-9133 (Russian)

TASS - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent - Aleksandr Yakovlev E-mail: unavailable Pevnostní 5 - 16200 Praha 6 Tel.: 2 328-307 / Fax: 2 327-527 (Russian) TASS - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent - Yevgeniy Popov E-mail: unavailable Vérhalom útca 12-16 - 1023 Budapest

TASS - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Aleksei Bukalov, Vera Shcherbakova 92

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Type: correspondent - Igor Varlamov E-mail: Av. Gastão Senges 55/2003 Barra da Tijuca - Rio de Janeiro 22631-280 Tel.: (+55) 21 2430-8672 / Fax: 2430-8672 (Russian)

TASS - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent - Irina Polina E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+48) 22 625-3349 (Russian)

TASS - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Igor Pokutniy E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Khmel'nyts'koho B. str. 8/16 - Kyiv Tel.: (+380) 44 244-9124 (Russian)

TASS - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Vladimir Gotsev E-mail: unavailable Calle Roca 328 y 6 de Diciembre 2º Dep. 6 - Quito Tel.: 2 251-1631 (Russian)

TASS - Ottawa (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Suite 1305 - 200 Rideau Terrace - Ottawa ON K1M 0Z3 Tel.: (+1) 613-745-4310 (Russian)

TASS - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Andrei Goloubov, Aleksandr Trushin E-mail: Monte Líbano 965 Col. Lomas de Chapultepec, 11000 México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 55 5202-4831 / Fax: 5202-4879 (Russian)

TASS - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent - Vitaly Makarchev E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) TASS - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Andrei Shitov, Andrei Surzhanskiy E-mail: unavailable National Press Building Leasing 529 14th St NW #1004 Washington DC 20045 Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Lima (Peru) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Calle Aurelio Miró Quezada 576 San Isidro - Apdo 1402 - Lima Tel.: unavailable (Russian) TASS - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: correspondent - Mihkail Mekeyev E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+58) 212 975-2049 / Fax: (0212) 9797978 (Russian)

TASS - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Vladimir Vikikilo, Oleg Zelenin E-mail: 780 3rd Ave #1900 - New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 212 245-4250, 688-6764 / Fax: (+1) 212 6888307, Cel: (917) 543-6958 (Russian)

TASS - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Andrey Kirillov E-mail: 6-1-14 Taiyuan Diplomatic Office Building 100600 Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-4821 (Russian)

TASS - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Elena Kondratieva, Isidoro Gilbert E-mail: José Hernández 2045 Piso 14 D - C1426EOI Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4782-0913 / Fax: (+54) 11 4780-2844 (Russian)

TASS - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Yuri Sidorov, Sergey Karmalito (2008) E-mail: 3A Vasant Marg - 110057 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2614-2351 / Fax: 11 2614-6292 (Russian)

TASS - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable San Miguel Bloque 0-33 Casa 958 - La Paz Tel.: (+591) 2 279-2108 (Russian)

TASS - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - Andrey Bytchkov E-mail:

TASS - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 93

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Jl. Surabaya 7 Menteng - Jakarta Pusat 10310 Tel.: (+62) 21 2315-5283 / 2315-5283 (Russian)

TASS - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 32 rue de la Somme - Rabat Tel.: (+213) 775-0315 (Russian)

TASS - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Vasiliy Golovnin E-mail: unavailable 1-5-1 Hon-cho, Shibuya-ku - Tokyo 151-0071 Tel.: (+81) 3 3377-0380 / Fax: 3 3378-0606 (Russian)

TASS - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Kirill Zharov E-mail: Romsu Sokak 7/7 - Ankara Tel.: (+90) 312 440-5781 / Fax: (+90) 312 439-1955, Cel.: 0 533 667-0901 (Russian)

TASS - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - Yury Denisovich E-mail: unavailable 336 QL6 Trung Văn - Từ Liêm - Hà Nội Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Luanda (Angola) Type: foreign bureau - Vladimir Buyanov E-mail: unavailable Rua Marechal Tito 75 - Luanda Tel.: (+244) 2 342-524 (Russian)

TASS - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent - Konstantin Dudarev E-mail: unavailable 21 rue de Boulogne - Algiers Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Pretoria (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Alexander Nechayev E-mail: unavailable 300 Anton Van Niekerk Dr. Pretoria 0081 Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

TASS - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent E-mail: 5-6 Evangelias st. Archangelos - Nicosia Tel.: (+357) 2238-2486 (Russian)

Sputnik - former R.I.A. Novosti (RIAN) website: category: national agency ownership: Russian state - Rossiya Segodnya (not to be mistaken for RT, Russia Today, a broadcasting service) languages: English (main), Arabic, Mandarin, Spanish, Russian (+25 languges on the website; those first 4 are used on the news wire services) active since: 2014 headquarters: 4 Zubovsky bulvar - Moscow phone: (+7) 495 645-6502 fax: (+7) 495 637-2746 e-mails: (management), (newsroom),,, (sales) Twitter: @SputnikInt Facebook: mobile: iOS, Android, versão mobile services: text, photo, video, áudio, infográficos, features, entrevistas, opinião, pesquisas, mobile news alert other services: Photo, Radio, Video, Infographics, Analysis & Opinion, Columnists, Interviews, In Depth, Preview, Review, Factbox, Cartoons, Videoclub, Poll, Trending (35 versões regionalizadas do website) desks: Politics, Business, World, Society, Sport, Life, Tech, Environment, Military & Intelligence

TASS - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Kouche Masoud 73 Kehyaban Hamid - Tehran Tel.: unavailable (Russian) TASS - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 67 Street 52 Alwiya - Baghdad Tel.: unavailable (Russian) TASS - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Andrei Shirokov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) TASS - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: correspondent - Vasily Vavilin E-mail: unavailable 13018 Safat - Kuwait City Tel.: (+965) 563-9260 / Fax: (+965) 563-9260 (Russian) TASS - Tripoli (Libya) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Sharia Mustapha Kamel 10 - Tripoli Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Sputnik - HEADQUARTERS (Russia) E-mail: unavailable 94

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

4 Zubovsky bulvar - Moscow


Tel.: (+7) 495 645-6502 (+7) 495 637-2746 (English),, Avenida de Burgos 8 - B 28036 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 657-0026 / Cel.: 679-591-557 (Sergey), 618-998-514 (Elena), Cel.: 66 646-3153 (Pilar) (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Shishlo Alexander E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 332-1168 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Göteborg (Sweden) Type: correspondent - Ludmila Bozhko Månson E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+46) 31 140-207 / Cel.: (+46) 707 99 5751 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - Viktor Onuchko E-mail: unavailable 14 place du Général Catroux - 75017 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4227-7921 / Fax: (+33) 1 4380-9683 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Elizaveta Isakova E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - "Angelina Timofeyeva, Tatjana Firsova, Daniela Hannemann-Erdinc, Marcel Joppa, Juan Maza Calleja" E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Oxana Brazhnik E-mail: unavailable 3 Rosary Gardens - London SW7 4NW Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7370 1162 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Sergey Startsev, Nikolay Miroshnik, Natalya Shmakova E-mail:, Via Australia 20 - Roma 00100 Tel.: (+39) 06 5422-1977 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Dmitriy Povarov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Sergey Sarymov, Elena Shesternina, Pilar Casanova

Sputnik/RIAN - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 95

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

E-mail: 3-9-13 Higashi-gotanda, Shinagawa-ku - Tokyo 3 34419241 Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+81) 3 3447-3538 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Olga Denisova E-mail: United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-03112D New York NY 10017 Tel.: unavailable / Cel: (+1) 646-659-2444 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Nadim Zuaui E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Oleg Vyazmitinov E-mail:, Anasagasti 2031 piso 3º - 1425 - C1425DOA Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4827-3446 / Fax: (+54) 11 4827-3446 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil ) Type: correspondent - Vladimir Stepanov E-mail: Rua Sambaíba 176 / ap.701 Leblon - Rio de Janeiro 22450-140 Tel.: (+55) 21 2512-4729 / Fax: 2512-4729 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Tural Kerimov, Andrey Palariya E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 312 439-8731 / Fax: (+90) 312 439-8732, Cel.: 0 532 745-7955 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Andrés Pachón E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Interfax website: category: agência de conglomerado de mídia ownership: Mikhail Komissar and partners languages: English active since: 1989 headquarters: N/A Facebook: mobile: Android services: mobile news alert cooperation: Bloomberg

Sputnik/RIAN - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: correspondent - Oleg Bondarenko E-mail: Amsterdam 214 Col. Hipódromo-Condesa - 06100 México D.F. Tel.: (+52) 5553-3490 / Fax: 5553-3490 (Russian) Sputnik/RIAN - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Domestic: Interfax - HEADQUARTERS (Russia) E-mail: unavailable 2 Ul. Pervaya Tverskaya-Yamskaya - Moscow 127006 Tel.: (+7) 499 250-0022; 250-3173 (+7) 499 250-1436 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Aleksey Yefimov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Interfax - Central (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Pervaya Tverskaya-Yamskaya d. 2 - Moscow 127006 Tel.: (+7) (495) 648-1712 / Fax: +7 (495) 648-1713 (Russian)

Sputnik/RIAN - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Interfax - Far East (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: ul. Shevchenko d. 9 ofis 309 - Khabarovsk 680000

Sputnik/RIAN - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - Viatcheslav Bantine 96

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+7) (4212) 60-4887 / Fax: +7 (4212) 31-5616 (Russian)

E-mail: unavailable ul. Oboronы 3, korp. B, of. 104 Tel.: (+7) (391) 205-0018 (Russian)

Interfax - Vladivostok (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Aleutskaya, d. 11, ofis 1005 Tel.: (+7) (423) 241-2730 / 241-2018 (Russian)

Interfax - Siberia (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: ul. Sovetskaya d. 5 BTS Kronos blok V 4 ehtazh Novosibirsk 630007 Tel.: (+7) (383) 289-2125 / Fax : +7 (383) 289-2124 (Russian)

Interfax - North-West (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: ul. Sadovaya d. 38 - Sankt-Peterburg 190031 Tel.: (+7) (812) 309-1087 / 1088 / Fax: +7 (812) 3091090 (Russian)

Interfax - Tomsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Gagarina d. 7 Tel.: (+7) (3822) 90-0093 (Russian)

Interfax - Barnaul (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. Lenina 10, kab. 314 Tel.: (+7) (3852) 27-18-31 (Russian)

Interfax - Tyumen (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Osipenko d. 81 (Dom pechati), ofis 608 Tel.: (+7) (345) 238-2260 / 2262 / 38-2264 (Russian)

Interfax - Irkutsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Kievskaya 7, ofis 302 Tel.: (+7) (395) 267-5867, 225-8306 / +7 (395) 225-8307 (Russian)

Interfax - Krasnodar (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Krasnoarmeyskaya 32, ofis 907 Tel.: (+7) (861) 274-8815 / Fax: +7 (861) 274-8816 (Russian)

Interfax - Kemerovo (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. Sovetskiy d. 56, kab. 225 Tel.: (+7) (384) 244-1350 / Fax: +7 (384) 244-1351 (Russian)

Interfax - South (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: pr. Budennovskiy 60 biznes-tsentr Gedon - Rostov-naDonu 344000 Tel.: (+7) (863) 204-1222 / Fax: +7 (863) 218-1747 / 1748 (Russian)

Interfax - Krasnoyarsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+7) (844) 259-7552, 238-3674 / +7 (937) 728-9989 / +7 (905) 335-1492 (Russian)

Interfax - Chelyabinsk (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. Lenina 55a, ofis 1202 Tel.: (+7) (351) 245-4246 / 245-4247 (Russian)

Abroad: Interfax - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Taunusstrasse 54 D - 61440 Oberursel - Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (+49) 61 7169-5750 / Fax: +49 (6171) 98-99-95 (Russian)

Interfax - Ural (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: ul. Lenina d. 20A ofis 503 - Ekaterinburg 620014 Tel.: (+7) (343) 379-3570 / Fax: +7 (343) 379-3570 (Russian)

Interfax - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: stringer - Miriam Malek E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+351) 913 495-878 (Russian)

Interfax - Kazan (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Akademicheskaya d. 2. Ofis 210 Tel.: (+7) (843) 537-9145 / 9146 / Fax: +7 (843) 5379147 (Russian)

Interfax - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 5th Floor 19-21 Great Tower Street - London EC3R 5AQ Tel.: (+44) 0 20 3004-6200 / Fax: (+44) 0 20 3004-6201 (Russian)

Interfax - Volga (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: ul. Studenaya d. 5 3-y ehtazh - Nizhniy Novgorod 603000 Tel.: (+7) (831) 439-7348 / Fax: +7 (831) 434-4027 (Russian)

Interfax - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Баљу Ичеришехер ућица В.Мустафазаде 6/10 Tel.: (+994) 12 497-3507, 497-6205 / Fax: +994 (12) 497-4294 (Russian)

Interfax - Penza (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Karla Marksa d. 16. Ofis 27 Tel.: (+7) (412) 56-3981 (Russian)

Interfax - Minsk (Belarus) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Минсљ 220050 ућ. П.Бровљи д. 3/2 Tel.: (+375) 17 284-0570, 284-0571 / Fax: (+375) 17 284-0576 (Russian)

Interfax - Perm (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Petropavlovskaya d. 41, BTS Grand, ofis 210 Tel.: (+7) (342) 259-6951 (Russian)

Interfax - Tallinn (Estonia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Interfax - Samara (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Moskovskoe shosse d. 4, stroyenie 15. Ofis 606 Tel.: (+7) (846) 374-9986 (Russian)

Interfax - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Аћма-Ата (Аћматы) 050000 ућ. Курмангазы д. 61а 3-й этаж Tel.: (+7) 727 250-6516 / Fax: +7 (7272) 63-5287 (Russian)

Interfax - Ufa (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Kirova d. 45, ofis 401-402 Tel.: (+7) (347) 246-1052 (Russian) Interfax - Volgograd (Russia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable pr. Lenina 5a

Interfax - Riga (Latvia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 98

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Bulevardi Zhan d'Ark Nr. 23 - 1001 - Tirana Tel.: (+355) 42 57464 / (+35542) 234230, 34393 (Albanian)

Interfax - Vilnius (Lithuania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

ATA - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Verdha Liliana E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 050 548 2854 (Albanian)

Interfax - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent E-mail: 8/5a Reitarska Street - Kyiv Tel.: (+380) 44 270-7465 / Fax: (044) 270-6569 (Russian)

ATA - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Albanian)

Interfax - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Sardor Khasanov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian)

Armenia ArmenPress - Armenian News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: closed joint stock company with its shares held by the government of Armenia] languages: Armenian (main), English, Russian active since: 1918 headquarters: 22 Sarian streer, Yerevan, 0002 - IerevĂŁ phone: (+374) 10539818 e-mails: (general), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @armenpress Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, features, entrevistas, opiniĂŁo, historical dates, press review, newsletters, publishing, polls, oficial announcements, advertising other services: facts with comments, anons, exclusive projects, official, pr, advertising, corporate events, cards/calendars/posters/booklets/album, organization of photo exhibition, preparation of a logo for an organization, bestseller books list desks: Politics, Economy, Society, Regional, International, Culture, Sport, Law, Marzes, Artsakh, Diaspora, Showbiz, Kaleidoscope (women, health, love) affiliation: ANIA, BSANNA, ABNA (obs.) cooperation: TASS, BELTA, Ukrinform, Kazinform, GHN, Moldpress, Agerpres, BTA, Cross-BG, ANA-MPA, IRNA, MENA, KUNA, Reuters, Xinhua

Interfax - Denver (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 7009 S. Potomac Street Suite 106 Centennial - Denver CO 80112 Tel.: (+1) 303 368-14-21 / Fax: +1 (303) 368-14-58 (Russian) Interfax - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Suite 1601 Wilson House 19-27 Wyndham Street Central - Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2537-2262 / Fax: (+852) 2537-2264 (Russian) RIA Norma - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 345-2621 (Russian)

Albania ATA - HEADQUARTERS (Albania) ownership: Albanian state E-mail:,,,,,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ArmenPress - HEADQUARTERS (Armenia)


E-mail:,, 22 Sarian street Yerevan 0002 | 28 Isahakian Street 4 Fl. - Yerevan 375009 - Ierevã Tel.: (+374) 10 539-818 / 37 41 525-789 (Armenian)

mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, infographics, multimedia packs, features, interview, op-ed, financial info, weather forecast, press communiqués and official announcements, officials’ schedule, produção de eventos, mobile news alert other services: Mutimedia, Video, Infographics, Image Galleries, Official News, Official Documents, Decrees, Orders, Letters, Interview, Analysis, Days Of Sorrow, 20 January, Khodjali Tragedy, 31 March, Baku-2015, Exhibitions, Latest News, Highlights desks: Politics, Economy, Business, Finance, World, Domestic Policy, Foreign Policy, Regions, Society, Healthcare, Education, Culture, Sports, Tourism, Science and Technology, Environment, Military, Diaspora, Industry, Oil & Gas, Energy, Religion, Oddly Enough affiliation: NAWC, EANA, OANA, ANIA, TKA, *BSANNA, *IINA cooperation: TASS, Xinhua, ANSA, Tanjug, MTI, STA, BTA, ATA, Belta, Ukrinform, Kazinform, Khovar, Kabar, TDH, LETA, ELTA, Moldpres, Agerpres, IRNA, MENA, Anadolu, Petra, SPA, KUNA, QNA, WAM, WAFA, Antara, Bernama, Kyodo, Yonhap, Montsame, VNA, SANews, AGI

Armenpress - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Talal Khrais E-mail: Via dell'Umiltà, 83/c - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911, Cel-:333-3765814 (Armenian)

Azerbaijan AzerTAc - Azerbaycan Dövlet Teleqraf Agentliyi website: category: national agency ownership: Government of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic languages: azeri (main), English, French, Russian, German, Mandarin, Arabic active since: 1920 previous names 1920: Azertag; 1995: Azerinform; 1995-2000: State Telegraph Agency under the Cabinet of Ministers; Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency headquarters: 18 Bul-bul avenue, Baku, AZ 1000 - Baky phone: (+994) 12 493-5929 | (+994) 12 498-60-07 fax: (99 412) 493-62-65, 498-53-34 e-mails: (general), (management), (sales) Twitter: @AzerTAc Facebook:

AzerTAc - HEADQUARTERS (Azerbaijan) E-mail:,, 18 Bul-bul avenue Baku AZ 1000 - Baky Tel.: (+994) 12 493-5929 / (99 412) 493-62-65, 498-5334 (Azeri) AzerTAc - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 100

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Aygun Aliyeva E-mail: Calle Segovia 47, 4.º J - 28005 Madrid Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 633-086-857 (Azeri) AzerTAc - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Orkhan Ismayilov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Tblisi (Georgia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Riga (Latvia) Type: correspondent - Nigar Elman Huseynova E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+371) 26875810 / +99412 4986007 (Azeri) AzerTAc - Bucharest (Romania)

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Farida Abdullaeva E-mail:, Вознесенсљий пер. д.16 љв.304 - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 499 791-0187 / Cel.: (+8) 915 331-0721 (Azeri) AzerTAc - Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Qulu Kazimov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent - Yusif Babanli E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 101

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerTAc - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Oktay Bayramov E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 0 533 691 43 18 (Azeri) AzerTAc - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri)

Trend News Agency website: category: private news agency ownership: Ilgar Huseynov languages: English active since: 1995 headquarters: 14, Bakhtiyar Vahabzade, Baku, AZ1141 - Baku phone: (+994) 12 497-3172 | (+994) 55 835-81-36 fax: (+994 12) 497-30-89 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom) Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, services: mobile news alert affiliation: NAWC, OANA Trend - HEADQUARTERS (Azerbaijan) E-mail: unavailable 14 Bakhtiyar Vahabzade - Baku AZ1141 Tel.: (+994) 12 497-3172 / (+994 12) 497-3089 (Azeri) Trend - Tbilisi (Georgia) Type: correspondent - Nana Kirtzkhalia E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) Trend - Astana (Kazakhstan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) Trend - Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) Type: correspondent - Huseyn Hasanov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) Trend - Tashkent (Uzbekistan)

Type: correspondent - Irina Baranova E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) Trend - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) APA (Az.) - Moscow (Russia) Type: stringer - Farid Akbarov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Azeri) AzerPress - Moscow (Russia) Type: stringer - Farid Akbarov E-mail: ућ.Кировоградсљая д.8 љорп.4 љв.61 - Moscow Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+8) 919 776-5583 (Azeri)

Belarus BelTA - Беларускае Тэлеграфнае Агенцтва website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information [Ministarstva Infarmatsiy] languages: Belarussian (main), English, Russian, Spanish, German active since: 1918 headquarters: 26 Kirova Street, Minsk, 220030 - Minsk phone: (+375) 17 327-19-92 | (+375 17) 222-30-40 fax: (+375-17) 327-13-46 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @belta_news Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, infográficos, efemérides, resenha de imprensa, newsletters, yearbook, webdevelopment, releases e comunicados oficiais, agenda oficial, advertising, produção de eventos, press center other services: Announcements of the day, Announcements of the week, Belaruskaya Dumka magazine, Economy of Belarus magazine (trimestral), 7 Dnei weekly, Website development, Advertising, Publishing, Events Calendar, Fotarepartazh, Fotakhronika, Infagrafika, Press Center desks: Main, President, Politics, Economy, Society, Culture, Sport, Daily Snapshot, In Pictures affiliation: NAWC, ANIA, NNN 102

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

cooperation: TASS, Xinhua, Yonhap, Prensa Latina, AzerTAc, Kazinform, Ukrinform, Armenpress, ELTA, Kabar, Khovar, Moldpres, BTA, IRNA, WAM, TREND, QNA, SANA BelTA - HEADQUARTERS (Belarus) E-mail:,,, 26 Kirova Street Minsk 220030 - Minsk Tel.: (+375 17) 327-19-92 / (+375-17) 327-13-46 (Russian) BelTA - Moscou (Russia) Type: correspondent - Eduard Pivovar E-mail: ul.Novozavodskaya d.4 kv.41 - МО, Khimki, mkrn. Podrezkovo Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+8) 916 674-1166 (Russian)

Bosnia-Herzegovina FENA - HEADQUARTERS (Bosnia Herzegovina) ownership: Federal Ministry of Finance [Federalno ministarstvo finansija] E-mail:,,, Demaluša 1/1. CEP 71000 - Sarajevo Tel.: (+387) 33 445-336, 226-491 / (+387) 033/265-460 (Serbo-Croatian) SRNA - HEADQUARTERS (Bosnia Herzegovina) ownership: Government of the Republic Srpska (of Bosnia and Herzegovina) - Вћада Репубћиље Српсље E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+387) 55 201 815 / (+38755) 201810 (SerboCroatian)

SRNA - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+381) 11 323-2957 (Serbo-Croatian)

Bulgaria BTA - Bulgarska Telegrafna Agentsiya website: category: national agency ownership: Bulgarian parliament languages: búlgaro (main), English active since: 1918 headquarters: Sófia phone: (+359) 2 926-242, 9881719 | (+359 2) 9262 322, 988 1719 fax: (+359 2) 9885463 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @BTA_TopNews Facebook: services: text, photo, video, weather forecast, newsletter, press center other services: daily bulletin, moeda, PressClub affiliation: NAWC, EANA, ABNA, BSANNA cooperation: Reuters, AP, AFP, EFE, TASS, Xinhua, DPA, BBC, DW, Abr, Tanjug, Yonhap, ANSA, NOTIMEX, IRNA, PETRA, SANA, WAFA, MAP, TAP, APS, ANTARA, VNA, MONTSAME, CNA, Ukrinform, TASR, HINA, MOLDPRES, ATA, AzerTac, ARMENPRESS BTA - HEADQUARTERS (Bulgaria) E-mail:,,,, 49 Tzarigradsko Chaussee - 1124 - Sófia


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+359) 2 926-242, 9881719 / (+359) 2) 9885463 (Bulgarian) Domestic:

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian)

BTA - Pazardzhik (Bulgaria) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Ekzarh Yosif 2 - 4400 Pazardzhik Tel.: (+359) 88 944-4137 / (Bulgarian)

BTA - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian)

BTA - Plovdiv (Bulgaria) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ploshtad Tsentralen 1 - 4000 Plovdiv Tel.: (+359) 32 632-040 / (Bulgarian)

BTA - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian)

BTA - Varna (Bulgaria) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Pliska 13 - 9000 Varna Tel.: (+359) 52 612-495 / (Bulgarian)

BTA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Christo Petrov E-mail: Via dell'UmiltĂ , 83/c 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911, Cel.: 338-8135342 / Fax: (+39) 06 67591262 (Bulgarian)

BTA - Veliko Târnovo (Bulgaria) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable ul. Hristo Botev 2 et. 3 - 5000 Veliko Tarnovo Tel.: / (Bulgarian)

BTA - The Hague (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Dessislava Damianova E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian)

Abroad: BTA - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Brussels (Belgium)

BTA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent 104

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Yerevan (Armenia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Skopje (Macedonia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Cracow (Poland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Bucharest (Romania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Ljubljana (Slovenia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian)

BTA - Toronto (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian) BTA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Hatir Sokak 25/6 Gaziosmanpasa - Ankara Tel.: (+90) 312 427-3899 (Bulgarian) BTA - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Bulgarian)

Croatia HINA - Hrvatska IzvjeĹĄtajna Novinska Agencija website: category: national agency ownership: Croatian parliament languages: Serbo-Croatian active since: 1990 headquarters: Marulidev trg 16, HR-10000 - Zagreb phone: (+385) 1 4808700 | +385 1 4808700 fax: +385 1 4808820 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom),, (sales) YouTube: services: text, photo, video, pacotes multimĂ­dia affiliation: NAWC, EANA, ABNA, AMAN HINA - HEADQUARTERS (Croatia)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:,,,,, Marulidev trg 16 HR-10000 - Zagreb Tel.: (+385) 1 4808700 / +385 1 4808820 (SerboCroatian)

active since: 1918 previous names: refundada em 1992, após a dissolução da Tchecoslováquia; até então, chamava-se Československá Tisková Kancelař headquarters: Opletalová 5/7, 111 44 Praha 1 - Praga phone: (+42) 0 222 098-111 e-mails: Twitter: @CTK_news Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, áudio, infográficos, archive, releases e comunicados oficiais, advertising, capacitação, mobile news alert other services: CTK Academy (training center) affiliation: NAWC, EANA, MINDS cooperation: Reuters, AFP, AP, ITAR-TASS, DPA, ANSA and EFE

HINA - Osijek (Croatia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Trg Slobode 8 - 31000 Osijek Tel.: (+385) 31 200605 / (+385) 31 212113 (SerboCroatian) HINA - Pula (Croatia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Laginjina 6 - 52100 Pula Tel.: (+385) 52 211824 / Fax: (+385) 52 211824 (SerboCroatian)

ČTK - HEADQUARTERS (Czech Republic) E-mail: Opletalová 5/7 111 44 Praha 1 - Praga Tel.: (+42) 0 222 098-111 (Czech)

HINA - Rijeka (Croatia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Matije Gupca 17 - 51000 Rijeka Tel.: (+385) 51 333767 / Fax: (+385) 51 333767 (SerboCroatian)

ČTK - Vienna (Austria) Type: stringer - [ainda tem? Bratislava dá conta?] E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+43) 1 439-218 (Czech)

HINA - Split (Croatia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Ruđera Boškovida 5 - 21000 Split Tel.: (+385) 21 362292 / Fax: (+385) 21 362292 (SerboCroatian) HINA - Vinkovci (Croatia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Adamida 6ww - 32100 Mirkovci Tel.: (+385) 32 369772 / Fax: (+385) 032 369772 (SerboCroatian) Sense - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: correspondent - Tanja Matid E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Serbo-Croatian)

Czech Republic ČTK - Česká Tisková Kancelař website: category: national agency ownership: Czech parliament languages: tcheco

ČTK - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Karel Barták E-mail: Rue des Egyptiens 2 - bte 6 - 1050 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 648-0133 / Fax: (+32) 2 640-3191 (Czech) ČTK - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Martin Weiser E-mail: Lesser-Ury-Weg 3 10 557 Berlin Tel.: unavailable (Czech) ČTK - Rome (Italy) Type: stringer - [FECHOU] E-mail: unavailable Via di Vigna Stelluti 150/13 - 00191 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 327-0777 (Czech) ČTK - Warsaw (Poland) Type: stringer - [FECHOU] E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Czech) ČTK - Bratislava (Slovakia) Type: foreign bureau


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: Severná 21 - Chorvátsky Grob - PSČ 900 25 Tel.: unavailable (Czech)

Hungary MTI - Magyar Távirati Iroda website: category: national agency ownership: MTVA / Duna Médiaszolgáltató languages: húngaro active since: 1881 headquarters: Naphegy ter 8. H - 1016 - Budapeste phone: (+36) 1 441-9000 | +36 1 441 9002 fax: +36 1 318-8297 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @hungarymatters affiliation: EANA

E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+39) 06 844-1309 / Cel.: 329-5459770 (Hungarian) MTI - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Fehér Krisztina E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 684-364-559 (Hungarian) MTI - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Robert Kertesz E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Hungarian) MTI - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Hercegovacka 97 - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: (+385) 1 375-5153 / Fax: (+385) 1 375-5153 (Hungarian)

MTI - HEADQUARTERS (Hungary) E-mail:,,,, Naphegy ter 8. H - 1016 - Budapest Tel.: (+361) 441-9000 / +36 1 318-8297 (Hungarian)

MTI - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent - Gyorgy Harsányi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: 266 710-131 (Hungarian)

MTI - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+43) 1 876-6994 (Hungarian)

MTI - Warsaw (Poland) Type: stringer - Lucie Szymanowska E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+48) 664 370-388 (Hungarian)

MTI - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 41 rue Jean Chapelié - 1050 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 343-7535 / Fax: (+32) 2 343-7535 (Hungarian) MTI - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Ansaf Hilu E-mail: 365 rue de Vaugirard - 75015 paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4533-2259 / Fax: 1 4533-3206 (Hungarian) MTI - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Marcell Bálint E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Hungarian) MTI - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Julia Sarkozy

MTI - Bucharest (Romania) Type: correspondent - Ferenc Garzó E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Hungarian) MTI - Washington (USA) Type: correspondent - Judit Járai E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Hungarian) MTI - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Endre Simó E-mail: unavailable Marcelo T. de Alvear 624, 3° 16 - 1058 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4312-9596 (Hungarian) MTI - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Gyorgy Barta E-mail: unavailable 107

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

1-42 Ban Gong Lou, San Li Tun Diplomatic Compound 100600 Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-680 / Fax: (+86) 10 6532-2273 (Hungarian)

presss communiqués and oficial announcements, mobile news alerts other services: Announcements, INFO package (astronomic calendar, religious calendar, meteo, roads etc.), Market, Original Texts (integral texts from organizations), Retro 7 (important events from past week), Story (selection of interesting articles from foreign media) desks: Politics, Economy, Business, Finance, Domestic Affairs, Foreign Affairs, Society, Healthcare, Education and Science, Culture, Sport, Environment, Traffic/Transport, Telecommunications, Agriculture, Energy, Defense and Security, Judiciary, Labour, Religion affiliation: ABNA cooperation: EFE, Anadolu, APA, Tanjug, HINA, STA, Agerpres, BTA, ATA, MINA, FENA, SRNA, ANA-MPA

MTI - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - János Marton E-mail: unavailable 1-3-4-306 Okamoto, Setagaya-ku - Tokyo 157-0076 Tel.: (+81) 3 3708-3093 / Fax: 3 3708-2703 (Hungarian)

Latvia LETA - HEADQUARTERS (Latvia) ownership: UP Invest OÜ E-mail: Palasta Str. 10 - Riga 1502 Latvija - Riga Tel.: (+371) 7220604 / (+371) 7223850 (Latvian)

MIA - HEADQUARTERS (Macedonia) E-mail:, Bojmija K-2 1000. P.O. Box: 4 - Skopje Tel.: (+389) 22 461600 / (+389) 22) 464048 (Macedonian)

Lithuania BNS - HEADQUARTERS (Lithuania) ownership: Uudisvoog OÜ (Estonian media group) E-mail:,, Parnu mnt. 105 - 15043 Tallinn Estonia - Vilna Tel.: (+372) 6108800 / (+372) 6108811 (Lithuanian)

MIA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Бобан Нонљовињ E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Macedonian)

ELTA - HEADQUARTERS (Lithuania) ownership: 39,5% UAB Respublikos investicija, 39,51% Algirdas Pilvelis, 20,68% Žinių Partneriai (Vitas Tomkus) E-mail: news@elta.l Gedimino pr. 21/2 - 2600 Vilnius Lithuania - Vilna Tel.: (+370 2) 628864 / (370 2) 619507 (Lithuanian)

MIA - Paris (France) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Macedonian)

Macedonia MIA - Makedonska Informativna Agencija website: category: national agency ownership: government of Macedonia languages: Macedonian (main), English, Albanian active since: 1992 previous names up to 1998, MAKpres headquarters: Bojmija K-2, 1000. P.O. Box: 4 - Skopje phone: (+389) 22 461600 fax: (+389) 22) 464048 e-mails: (geral), (direção) Twitter: @MIA_NEWS Facebook: mobile: iOS, Android, versão mobile services: text, photo, video, audio, interviews, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, press review,

MIA - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Macedonian) MIA - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Macedonian) MIA - Gothenburg (Sweden) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Macedonian) MIA - London (United Kingdom) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Macedonian) Makfax - HEADQUARTERS (Macedonia) ownership: New Media Group LLC E-mail: Ућ. 11 Ољтомври бр. 33 а - 1000 Сљопје Tel.: (+389) 02 3110125 (Macedonian) MakFax - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: stringer - İsmet Koçan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+90) 212 543-1905 (Macedonian)

Moldavia Moldpres - HEADQUARTERS (Moldavia) ownership: Cancelariei de Stat a Guvernului Republicii Moldova E-mail:,, str.Pușkin 22 - Chişinău Tel.: (+373) 22 232-372 / (+373 22) 232698 (Romanian)

Montenegro MINA - HEADQUARTERS (Montenegro) ownership: Infomont d.o.o. E-mail:, Ul. Bohinjska br 1A - Podgorica Tel.: (+382) 20610100 / +38220610271, 81264363 (Serbo-Croatian)

Poland PAP - Polska Agencja Prasowa website: category: national agency ownership: Polish Treasury (100%) [Skarbu Paostwa] languages: Polish active since: 1945 headquarters: ul. Bracka 6/8, 00-502, Warszawa Varsóvia phone: (+48) 22 509 2555 | +48 22 509 2225 fax: +48 22 621 3439 e-mails: (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @PAPinformacje Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: mobile news alert affiliation: EANA, MINDS PAP - HEADQUARTERS (Poland) E-mail:, ul. Bracka 6/8 00-502 Warszawa - Varsóvia Tel.: (+48) 22 509 2555 / +48 22 621 3439 (Polish) PAP - Bialystok (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Lipowa 14 - 15-001 Białystok Tel.: (+48) 85 742-2703 (Polish) PAP - Bydgoszcz (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jana Zamoyskiego 14 - 85-001 Bydgoszcz Tel.: (+48) 52 322-2235 (Polish)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

PAP - Cracow (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Basztowa 15 - 30-001 Kraków Tel.: (+48) 12 422-5908 (Polish) PAP - Gdansk (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Targ Drzewny 3/7 - 80-001 Gdaosk Tel.: (+48) 58 301-4573 (Polish) PAP - Katowice (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Lompy 14/417 - 40-040 Katowice Tel.: (+48) 32 253-7136 (Polish) PAP - Kielce (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Generała Tadeusza Kościuszki 11 - 25-001 Kielce Tel.: (+48) 41 344-4946 (Polish) PAP - Lodz (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Generała Romualda Traugutta 25 - 90-001 Łódź Tel.: (+48) 42 630-4530 (Polish) PAP - Lublin (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Hipoteczna 3 - 20-001 Lublin Tel.: (+48) 81 532-0414 (Polish) PAP - Olsztyn (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Dąbrowszczaków 39 - 11-041 Olsztyn Tel.: (+48) 89 527-2310 (Polish)

plac Hołdu Pruskiego 8 - 70-001 Szczecin Tel.: (+48) 91 434-2111 (Polish) PAP - Wroclaw (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Ofiar Oświęcimskich 3, 11-400 Wrocław Tel.: (+48) 71 343-5965 (Polish) PAP - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Renata Bancarzewska, Krzysztof Strzępka, Anna Widzyk E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+32) 47 825-9311 (Polish) PAP - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish) PAP - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Jacek Lepiarz E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish) PAP - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish) PAP - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish)

PAP - Rzeszow (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Aleksandra Fredry 4 - 35-001 Rzeszów Tel.: (+48) 17 852-0196 (Polish)

PAP - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: correspondent - Zbigniew Kuczynski E-mail: Myrstuguvägen 355 - 143 32 Vårby Sveriges Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: +46 73 923 5444 (Suécia), +48 503 711 239 (Polônia) (Polish)

PAP - Siedlce (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Księcia Józefa Poniatowskiego 61 - 08-100 Siedlce Tel.: (+48) 25 632-7197 (Polish)

PAP - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish)

PAP - Szczecin (Poland) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable

PAP - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent - Bogdan Kornejuck E-mail: unavailable 110

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: (+359) 2 441-439 (Polish) PAP - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent - Zbygniew Krzystynjak E-mail: unavailable Petrské namestí 1 - 11000 Praha 1 Tel.: 224 812-205 / Fax: 224 812-205 (Polish) PAP - Vilnius (Lithuania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish) PAP - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Anna Kristina Wrubel E-mail: Leninskiy pr. d.45 kv.362, тећ.: 8 (499) 137-41-44 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 8 (985) 337-94-59 (Polish) PAP - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent - Jarek Junko Twitter: @JarekJunko [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish) PAP - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent - Inga Czerny E-mail: 1755 Kilbourne Place NW Unit 1 - Washington DC 20010 Tel.: (+1) 202 817-3616 (Polish) PAP - New York (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Tel.: unavailable (Polish) PAP - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Polish)

Romania Agerpres - Agenția Națională de Presă website: category: national agency ownership: Romanian parliament languages: Romanian (main), English active since: 1949 previous names 1889-1916: Agenția Telegrafică a României; 1916-1921: inexistente; 1921-1926: RADOR (Agenția Orient-Radio); 1926-1949: (RADOR - Agenție de Informații Telegrafice); 1949-1990: AGERPRES; 1990-2008: ROMPRES headquarters: Piața Presei Libere 1, sector 1, București 013701 - Bucareste phone: (+40) 21 207-6110 fax: +40 21 317-0707 e-mails: (general), (management), (sales) Twitter: @agerpres Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: video, mobile news alert affiliation: NAWC, EANA, ABNA, BSANNA Agerpres - HEADQUARTERS (Romania) E-mail:,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents, Piața Presei Libere 1 sector 1 București 013701 Bucareste Tel.: (+40) 21 207 6110 / (+40) 21 317 0707, 223-0089 (Romanian) Agerpres - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Cătălina Matei, Florin Ştefan E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Romanian) Agerpres - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Dana Enulescu E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Romanian) Agerpres - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Ruxandra Constantinescu E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+34) 91 793-595 (Romanian) Agerpres - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent - Ivan Radev E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Romanian) Agerpres - Chişinău (Moldova) Type: correspondent - Cornel Ciobanu E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Romanian) Agerpres - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Romanian) Agerpres - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Romanian) Ima Press - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 374-3653 (Russian)

Serbia Tanjug - Telegrafska Agencija Nove Jugoslavije website: category: national agency ownership: Serbian government languages: Serbo-Croatian (main), English active since: 1943-2015 headquarters: Obilidev venac 2, 11000, Beograd Belgrado phone: (+381) 11 3281 608 | +381 11 3281 799 fax: +381 11 3282 766 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @tanjugnews Facebook: mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, áudio, pacotes multimídia, archive, financial info, newsletters, press center, mobile news alert other services: Tanjug Biznis, Tanjug Multimedija, Arhive Tanjuga (tekst i photo) desks: Sérvia, Região, World, Negócios e Business, Culture e Diversão, Sports, TI, Belgrado hoje affiliation: EANA, ABNA, AMAN Tanjug - HEADQUARTERS (Serbia) E-mail:,,, Obilidev venac 2 11000 Beograd - Belgrado Tel.: (+381) 11 3281 608 / +381 11 3282 766 (SerboCroatian)

BETA - Beogradska Telegrafska Agencija website: category: private agency ownership: Radomir Diklid languages: servo-croata active since: 1992 headquarters: Belgrade YouTube: mobile: iOS, services: mobile news alert affiliation: APNA, ABNA (obs.) BETA - HEADQUARTERS (Serbia) E-mail: Kralja Milana 4 - 11000 Beograd Tel.: (+381) 011 360-2400 / 2464 (+381) 011 264-2551 (Serbo-Croatian) BETA - Brussels (Belgium) 112

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 343-2748 (Serbo-Croatian) BETA - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 779-1545 / Fax: (+30) 210 779-1545 (Serbo-Croatian) BETA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Zorana Bojid-Sysoyeva E-mail: unavailable ућ.Боћьшая Черемушљинсљая д. 20 љорп.4 љв. 289 Tel.: +8 (495) 718-91-46, 8 (903) 719-98-92 / (Serbo-Croatian)

Slovakia TASR - Tlačová Agentúra Slovenskej Republiky website: category: national agency ownership: Slovak parliament languages: eslovaco active since: 1992 headquarters: Pribinova 25, 819 28, Bratislava 111 Bratislava phone: (+42) 1 259210444 | +421 2 59210401 fax: +421 2 52963405 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Facebook: affiliation: NAWC, EANA

Tel.: (+361) 135-1843, 30 449-3134 / Fax: +421 357 725-297, 1 135-1843, Cel.: +421 905 717-588 (Ladislav) (Slovak) SITA - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Eduardo Esteban Kabat E-mail: Calle French 2741 piso 5° - C1425AWE Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4805-8888 / Fax: (+54) 11 4805-8888 (Slovak)

Slovenia STA - Slovenska Tiskovna Agencija website: category: national agency ownership: government of Slovenia languages: esloveno active since: 1991 headquarters: Tivolska 50, 1000 - Ljubljana phone: (+386) 1 2410100 fax: +386 1 4266050 e-mails: (geral),, (direção), (redação), (comercial) Facebook: aplicativos: Android services: mobile news alert affiliation: IPTC, EANA, AMAN, ABNA (obs.) STA - HEADQUARTERS (Slovenia) E-mail:,,, Tivolska 50 1000 - Ljubljana Tel.: (+386) 1 2410100 / +386 1 4266050 (Slovene)

TASR - HEADQUARTERS (Slovakia) E-mail:,,,, Pribinova 25 819 28 Bratislava 111 - Bratislava Tel.: (+42) 1 259210444 / (+42) 1 2 52963405 (Slovak)

STA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 733-6791 (Slovene)

TASR - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Jaromír Novak E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 673-8269 / Cel.: (+32) 475 344-743 (Slovak)

STA - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent - Goran Ivanovid E-mail: unavailable Ivanicgradska 59b - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: 1 216-042 / Fax: (+385) 1 216-042 (Slovene)

TASR - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent - Ladislav Vallach, Peter Klenko E-mail: [address not available]

STA - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Robi Poredoš E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 113

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Slovene)

Ukraine Ukrinform - Ukrainske Natsionalne Informatsiyne Agentstvo website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information Policy languages: Ukranian (main), English, Russian, Spanish, German, Mandarin active since: 1918 previous names: 1918-1920: Уљраїнсьље тећеграфне агентство; 1920-1921: UkROSTA; 1921-1996: RATAU headquarters: 8/16 Bohdan Khmelnytsky St, Kiev, 01001 - Kiev phone: (+380) 44 2798152 | (044) 244-90-88 fax: +380 44 2348366, 2798665 e-mails: (geral), (direção), (comercial) Twitter: @UKRINFORM Facebook: services: text, photo, video, infographics, multimedia packs, archive, interviews, op-ed, financial info, press review, newsletters, press communiqués and official announcements, press center other services: Press Center, Business Ukraine, Interviews, Commentaries, Ukrinform-flash, official news desks: Politics, Economy, Society, Health, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Emergencies, Crime affiliation: NAWC, EANA, BSANNA cooperation: APA

Ukrinform - HEADQUARTERS (Ukraine) Lana Samokhvalova E-mail:,, 8/16 Bohdan Khmelnytsky St Kiev 01001 - Kiev Tel.: (+380) 44 2798152 / +380 44 2348366, 2798665 (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+32) 47 231-6026 (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Olga Tanasiichuk Twitter: @ukrinform_olga [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Netherlands (Netherlands) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Ukrinform - Talinn (Estonia) Type: stringer - Oleg Kudrin E-mail: Soo tn 30-15 Tallinn Harjumaa 10414 Tel.: 55541729 (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Chișinău (Moldova) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent - Jurij Banachewycz E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+48) 7 9280-5038 (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Roman Sushchenko E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Ottawa (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) Ukrinform - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Ukrainian) UNIAN - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent - Roman Kisil E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+48) 22 626-1610 / Cel.: 880585816 (Ukrainian)

Kazakhstan Kazinform - International News Agency Kazinform website: category: agência nacional ownership: National Information Holding Arna Media (2008-2013) languages: Kazakh (main), English, Russian, Arabic, Mandarin active since: 1920

previous names: 1920-1925: Dept. Orenburgo-Turgay da ROSTA; 1925-1937 KazROS; 1937-1997, KazTAG; até 1997-2002, KazAAG headquarters: 4 Orynbor street, 010000 - Astana phone: (+7) 7019 999659 | +7(7172) 48-90-89 fax: +7 7172 489080 e-mails: (geral),, (direção), (redação), (comercial) Twitter: @kazinform_eng Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android services: texto, foto, infográficos, arquivo, entrevistas, opinião, efemérides, informações financeiras, previsão do tempo, resenha de imprensa, desenvolvimento de websites, releases e comunicados oficiais, agenda oficial, publicidade, notícias por celular other services: Photo Website, Commentaries, Guest Kazinform (entrevista/perfil), PR-articles, Development infographics, web-pages, sites: ver desks: Authorities and Policy, Business and Economy, World, Society, Healthcare, Education and Science, Tourism and Sport, Environment, Ecology, Religion, Entertainment, Integration, Regions, Astana, Cultural Heritage, Finance and Budget, Oil and Gas, Industry, affiliation: OANA, ANIA, TKA cooperation: TASS, EFE, Yonhap, Montsame, Ukrinform, Kabar, Khovar, AzerTAc, Armenpress, Moldpres, Belta, BTA, Trend, AGI, Sputnik Moldova (ex-Novosti Moldova) Kazinform - HEADQUARTERS (Kazakhstan) E-mail:,,,, 4 Orynbor street 010000 - Astana Tel.: (+7) 7019 999659 / +7 7172 489080 (Russian) Kazinform - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 372-3275 (Russian) Kazinform - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) Kazinform - Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 115

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) Kazinform - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: Чистопрудный б-р. д.3 љв.531 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+8) 916 378-2375 (Russian) Kazinform - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) Kazinform - China (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) Kazinform - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) Kazinform - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Russian) Khabar - HEADQUARTERS (Kazakhstan) ownership: Ministry of Information and Communication [Министерство информации и љоммуниљаций] E-mail:,, 4 D Konayeva street 010000 - Astana Tel.: (+7) 717 255-3581 / + 7 3272 506345 (Russian) Khabar - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Dana Nurjanova E-mail: Чистопрудный бућьвар д.3 љв.530 - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 926 339-6612 (Russian)

Tajikistan Khovar - HEADQUARTERS (Tajikistan) ownership: Government of Tajikistan

E-mail:,, 40 Pr. Rudaki 734018 Dushanbe - Duchambe Tel.: (+372) 232-383 / (372) 21 21 37 (Persian) Khovar - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Ekaterina Glass E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian)

Turkmenistan TDH - HEADQUARTERS (Turkmenistan) ownership: Presidency of Turkmenistan E-mail:, Bitarap Turkmenistan şaýoly (Görögly köçesi) 744000 Aşgabat - Asgabate Tel.: unavailable (Turkishmeno) TurkmenInfo - HEADQUARTERS (Turkmenistan) ownership: E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkishmeno)

Uzbekistan UzA - HEADQUARTERS (Uzbekistan) ownership: Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan *Кабинет Министров при Президенте Респубћиљи Узбељистан+ E-mail:, 41 Buyuk Turon - 1000000 - Tashkent Tel.: (+998) 233-4284 / (+998 71) 233-24-45 (uzbeque)

Kyrgyzstan Kabar - HEADQUARTERS (Kyrgyzstan) ownership: Kyrgyz state E-mail:,, ul. Abdrakhmanova 175 - Bishkek 720011 | 720011 ul. Abdrakhmanova 175 - 720011 | 175 Sovetskaya Str. - Bishkek Tel.: (+996) 312 960-574 / 961618 (Kyrgyz) Kabar - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Tulanbay Kurbanov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Kyrgyz)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


United States AP - Associated Press website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: New York Times, ESPN-Disney, Scripps, Hearst, Cox, McClatchy, Lee, Swift, Cowles, Univision and 1,400 USA newspapers languages: English active since: 1892 previous names Harbour News Association, Western Associated Press - Illinois headquarters: New York e-mail: Twitter: @AP Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, archive, mobile news alert affiliation: NAWC, MINDS Domestic: AP - HEADQUARTERS (United States) 50 Rockefeller Plaza New York NY - 10020 USA - New York Tel.: (+1) 212 621-1500 / (212) 621-1723 (English) AP - Alameda (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Josh Dubow (sport stringer) Twitter: @JoshDubowAP [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Los Angeles (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Lindsey Bahr, Linda Deutsch, Yousur Alhlou, John Antczak, Marcela Isaza, Frank Baker, Greg Beacham, Michael R. Blood, Sandy Cohen, Christy Lemire, Andrew Dalton, Anthony McCartney, Lynn Elber, Sue Manning, Amanda Myers, Ryan Pearson, Justin Pritchard, E-mail: 221 S Figueroa St # 300, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel.: (+1) 213 626-1200 (English) AP - Sacramento (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jonathan J. Cooper, Don Thompson, Tom Verdin, Juliet Williams E-mail: unavailable 1215 K St #960, Sacramento, CA 95814 Tel.: (+1) 916 448-9555 (English) AP - San Diego (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jay Paris, Elliot Spagat, Julie Watson, Bernie Wilson (sport), Gregory Bull (photo) E-mail: 350 Camino De La Reina, San Diego, CA 92108 Tel.: (+1) 619 231-9365 (English) AP - San Francisco (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John Raess (bureau chief), Kristin J. Bender, Garance Burke, Terry Chea, Paul Elias, Jocelyn Gecker, Janie Har, Janie McCauley, Martha Mendoza, Ryan Nakashima, Daisy Nguyen, David Hamilton (tech), Michael Liedtke (tech), Haven Daley (video),


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:,, 303 2nd St., Suite 680 N San Francisco CA 94107-1327 Tel.: (+1) 415 495-1708 / Fax: (+1) 415 495-5062 (English) AP - Washington (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Julie Pace, Nancy Benac, Julie Bykowicz, Ken Thomas, Donna Cassata, Matthew Daly, Philip Elliott, Anne Flaherty, Sam Hananel, Kathleen Hennessey, Jeff Horwitz, Lisa Lerer, Kevin Freking, Terry Hunt, Alan Fram, Steven R. Hurst, Shelley Adler, E-mail: unavailable 1100 13th St NW, Washington DC 20005 Tel.: (+1) 202 641-9000 / Fax: (+1) 202-641-9541 (English) AP - Cape Canaveral (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Marcia Dunn E-mail: unavailable Lighthouse Road, Cape Canaveral, FL 33920 Tel.: (+1) 212 621-1699 (English) AP - Daytona Beach (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Mark Long (sport) Twitter: @APMarkLong [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Gainesville (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Jason Dearen Twitter: @JHDearen [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Jacksonville (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Doug Ferguson (sport stringer) Twitter: @dougferguson405 [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Miami (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Gisela Salomon, Curt Anderson, Ben Fox, Adriana Gomez Licon, Jennifer Kay, Kelli Kennedy, Ian Mader, Seth Robbins, Tim Reynolds, Lynne Sladky, Paul Newberry (sport), Steven Wine (sport), Joshua Replogle (video) E-mail: 1590 NE 162nd St, North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Tel.: (+1) 305 594-5825 (English) AP - Orlando (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Mike Schneider E-mail: unavailable 501 N Magnolia Ave # 100, Orlando, FL 32801

Tel.: (+1) 407 425-4547 (English) AP - Tallahassee (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Brendan Farrington, Gary Fineout, Brent Kallestad, Joe Reedy E-mail: unavailable 336 E College Ave # 301, Tallahassee, FL 32301 Tel.: (+1) 850 224-1211 (English) AP - Tampa/St. Petersburg (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Tamara Lush Twitter: @TamaraLush [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - West Palm Beach (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Terry Spencer E-mail: 2751 S Dixie Hwy, West Palm Beach, FL 33405 Tel.: (+1) 305 594-5825 (English) AP - Honolulu (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Cathy Bussewitz, Caleb Jones, Audrey McAvoy, Jennifer Sinco Kelleher E-mail: Waterfront Plaza, 500 Ala Moana Blvd, Honolulu, HI 96813 Tel.: (+1) 808 536-5510 (English) AP - Dover (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Randall Chase E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Annapolis (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Brian Witte Twitter: @APBrianWitte [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Baltimore (United States) Type: domestic bureau - David Ginsburg, Kasey Jones, Amanda Kell, Juliet Linderman, Patrick Semansky (photo) E-mail:, 218 N Charles St # 330, Baltimore, MD 21201 Tel.: (+1) 410 837-8315 (English) AP - Hagerstown (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - David Dishneau E-mail: Ddishneau@Ap.Org [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Atlantic City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Wayne Parry 118

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: 11 Devins Ln, Pleasantville, NJ 08232 Tel.: (+1) 609 645-2063 (English)

1100 S Tryon St # 101, Charlotte, NC 28203 Tel.: (+1) 704 334-4624 (English) AP - Raleigh (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Aaron Beard, Allen Breed, Emery Dalesio, Martha Waggoner, Joedy McCreary (sport) E-mail: unavailable 4800 Six Forks Rd # 210, Raleigh, NC 27609 Tel.: (+1) 919 510-8937 (English)

AP - East Rutherford (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Tom Canavan Twitter: @APTCan [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Newark (United States) Type: domestic bureau - David Porter, Marina Villeneuve, Julio Cortez (photo) E-mail: 50 Park Pl #800, Newark, NJ 07102 Tel.: (+1) 973 642-0151 (English)

AP - Allentown (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Michael Rubinkam E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 610 207-9297 (English)

AP - Trenton (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Michael Catalini, Josh Cornfield, Carol Deegan, Linda Johnson E-mail: 50 W State St # 1114, Trenton, NJ 08608 Tel.: (+1) 609 392-3622 (English)

AP - Harrisburg (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Marc Levy E-mail: unavailable 526 N 3rd St, Harrisburg, PA 17113 Tel.: (+1) 717 238-9413 (English)

AP - Albany (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Chris Carola, Mary Esch, Gary Hahn, Michael Hill, John Kekis, David Klepper, Michael Virtanen, George M. Walsh E-mail: unavailable 1 State St. - Albany NY 12207 Tel.: (+1) 518 458-7821 (English) AP - Buffalo (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Carolyn Thompson, John Wawrow (sport) E-mail: unavailable 1 News Plz - Buffalo NY 14203 Tel.: (+1) 716 852-1051 (English) AP - New York (United States) ownership: Nico Maounis E-mail:,, 450 Muhammad Ali Way - New York NY 10001 Tel.: (+1) 212 621-1500 / Cel: (+1) 917 445-4141 (English) AP - Niskayuna (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Rob Merrill Twitter: @RobMerrill [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Charlotte (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Skip Foreman, Jenna Fryer, Gary D. Robertson, Mitch Weiss, Steve Reed (sport) E-mail:,

AP - Philadelphia (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Aaron Bracy, Oskar Garcia, Sally Hale, Dan Hampton, Geoff Mulvihill, Jonathan Poet, Michael R. Sisak, Karen Testa Wong, Barry Wilner, Dan Gelston (sport), Rob Maaddi (sport) E-mail:, 1835 Market St #1700, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Tel.: (+1) 215 561-1133 (English) AP - Pittsburgh (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Will Graves (sport) E-mail: unavailable 11 Stanwix St # 1020, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Tel.: (+1) 412 281-3747 (English) AP - State College (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jim Carlson (sport) E-mail: unavailable 119 S Burrowes St # 607, State College, PA 16801 Tel.: (+1) 814 238-3649 (English) AP - Charleston SC (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Bruce Smith E-mail: unavailable Majestic Square - 211 King St #205 - Charleston SC 29401 Tel.: (+1) 843 722-1660 (English) AP - Columbia SC (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Seanna Adcox, Jeffrey Collins, Jim Davenport, Meg Kinnard, Susanne M. Schafer, Pete Iacobelli (sport) E-mail: 1311 Marion St. Columbia SC 29201-3359


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+1) 803 799-5510 / Fax: (+1) 803 252-2913 (English) AP - Inman (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Ted Warren Twitter: @tedswarren [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Fredericksburg (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Mark Scolforo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - McLean (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Matthew Barakat, Lou Kesten (Alexandra) E-mail: unavailable 7950 Jones Branch Dr. McLean VA 22107-0001 Tel.: (+1) 703 761-0187 / Fax: (+1) 703 761-0634 (English) AP - Richmond (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Alanna Durkin, Steve McMillan, Larry O'Dell, Sarah Rankin, Alan Suderman, Hank Kurz E-mail:, 600 E Main St #1250, Richmond, VA 23219 Tel.: (+1) 804 643-6646 (English) AP - Charleston WV (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John Raby E-mail: unavailable 500 Virginia St E # 1150, Charleston, WV 25301 Tel.: (+1) 304 346-0897 (English) AP - Chicago (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Don Babwin, Tom Berman, Amy Finkelstein, Sara Burnett, Jay Cohen, Hugh Dellios, Karen Hawkins, Paul Ladewski, Andale Gross, Greg McCune, Maria Ines Zamudio, Caryn Rousseau, Brian Sandalow, David Scott, Andrew Seligman, Sophia Tareen, Michael Tarm, E-mail:, 10 S Wacker Dr #2500, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel.: (+1) 312 781-0500 (English) AP - Springfield (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John O'Connor E-mail: unavailable 301 S 2nd St, Springfield, IL 62706 Tel.: (+1) 217 789-2700 (English) AP - Indianapolis (United States)

Type: domestic bureau - Rick Callahan, Darron Cummings, Ken Kusmer, Tom Murphy, Brian Slodysko, Michael Marot (sport) E-mail: 251 N Illinois St #1600, Indianapolis, IN 46204 Tel.: (+1) 317 639-5501 (English) AP - South Bend (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 223 W Colfax Ave, South Bend, IN 46601 Tel.: (+1) 574 288-1649 (English) AP - Ann Arbor (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Larry Lage Twitter: @LarryLage [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Detroit (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Dee-Ann Durbin, Jeff Karoub, Tom Krisher, David Runk, Ed White, Noah Trister (sport), Corey Williams (sport), Mike Householder (video) E-mail:, 300 River Pl Dr - # 2400 Detroit MI 48207 Tel.: (+1) 313 259-0650 (English) AP - Lansing (United States) Type: domestic bureau - David Eggert E-mail: "" 215 S. Washington Square, Suite 120 Lansing MI 489331888 Tel.: (+1) 517 482-8011 / Fax: (+1) 517 374-7407 (English) AP - Traverse City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John Flesher E-mail: unavailable 120 W Front St, Traverse City, MI 49684 Tel.: (+1) 231 929-4180 (English) AP - Cincinnati (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Lisa Cornwell, Dan Sewell, John Minchillo, Gary Schatz, Joe Kay (sport), Mark Schmetzer (sport stringer) E-mail: unavailable 312 Elm St #2300, Cincinnati, OH 45202 Tel.: (+1) 513 241-2386 (English) AP - Cleveland (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Mark Gillispie, Tom Withers E-mail: unavailable 700 W St Clair Ave # 318, Cleveland, OH 44113 Tel.: (+1) 216 771-2172 (English) AP - Columbus (United States) 120

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau - Julie Carr Smyth, Kantele Franko, Andrew Welsh-Huggins, Rusty Miller (sport), Mitch Stacy (sport), Delano Massey E-mail:,, 18 E William St, Delaware, OH 43015 Tel.: (+1) 614 885-2727 (English) AP - Toledo (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John Seewer E-mail: unavailable 541 N Superior St, Toledo, OH 43660 Tel.: (+1) 419 255-7113 (English) AP - Madison (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Scott Bauer, Cara Lombardo, Todd Richmond E-mail: unavailable 119 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd # 4, Madison, WI 53703 Tel.: (+1) 608 255-3679 (English) AP - Milwaukee (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Carrie Antlfinger, Genaro Armas, Gretchen Ehlke, Marilynn Marchione, Greg Moore, Rich Rovito, Ivan Moreno E-mail:, 111 E Wisconsin Ave # 1925, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Tel.: (+1) 414 225-3580 (English) AP - Des Moines (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Scott McFetridge, Barbara RodrĂ­guez E-mail: unavailable Insurance Exchange Building, 505 5th Ave #1000, Des Moines, IA 50309 Tel.: (+1) 515 243-3281 (English) AP - Iowa City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Tom Beaumont, Ryan Foley, Luke Meredith E-mail: unavailable 103 E College St # 208, Iowa City, IA 52240 Tel.: (+1) 319 337-5615 / +51 52 433281 (English) AP - Lenexa (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - David Skretta Twitter: @APdaveskretta [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Topeka (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John Hanna E-mail: 700 S Kansas Ave, Topeka, KS 66603 Tel.: (+1) 785 234-5654 (English) AP - Wichita (United States)

Type: domestic bureau - Roxana Hegeman E-mail: 825 E Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67202 Tel.: (+1) 316 263-4601 (English) AP - Minneapolis (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jeff Baenen, Dave Campbell, Amy Forliti, Douglas Glass, Steve Karnowski, Jess Myers, Jon Krawczynski E-mail:, 400 4th St S - Minneapolis MN | 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul MN 55155 Tel.: (+1) 612 332-2727 (English) AP - Rochester (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Sharon Cohen, Jim Mone (photo stringer) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - St. Paul (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Brian Bakst, Kyle Potter E-mail: unavailable 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155 Tel.: (+1) 651 222-4821 (English) AP - Columbia MO (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jade Washburn (sport) Twitter: @J_WashAP P.O. Box 7566 Columbia MO 62505-7566 Tel.: (+1) 573 884-9934, 875-8131 / Fax: (+1) 573 8758562 (English) AP - Jefferson City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Summer Ballentine, Katie Kull E-mail: unavailable 201 W Capitol Ave, Jefferson City, MO 65101 Tel.: (+1) 573 636-9415 (English) AP - Kansas City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Bill Draper E-mail: 215 W Pershing Rd # 221, Kansas City, MO 64108 Tel.: (+1) 816 421-4844 (English) AP - St. Louis (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jim Suhr, R.B. Fallstrom (sport) E-mail: 900 N Tucker Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63101 Tel.: (+1) 314 241-2496 (English) AP - Lincoln (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Grant Schulte, Julia Shumway E-mail: unavailable 121

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

926 P St, Lincoln, NE 68508 Tel.: (+1) 402 476-2525 (English)

10 Dorrance St # 601, Providence, RI 02903 Tel.: (+1) 401 274-2270 (English)

AP - Omaha (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Josh Funk E-mail: 909 N 96th St #104, Omaha, NE 68114 Tel.: (+1) 402 391-0031 (English)

AP - Montpelier (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Dave Gram, Wilson Ring E-mail: 535 Stone Cutters Way #101a, Montpelier, VT 05602 Tel.: (+1) 802 229-0577 (English)

AP - Hartford (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Michael Melia, Susan Haigh, Susan Haigh, Patrick Eaton-Robb (sport) E-mail: 10 Columbus Blvd # 23, Hartford, CT 06106 Tel.: (+1) 860 246-6876 (English)

AP - Birmingham (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jay Reeves E-mail: unavailable 2201 4th Ave N, Birmingham, AL 35203 Tel.: (+1) 205 251-4221 (English)

AP - New Haven (United States) Type: domestic bureau - John Christoffersen E-mail: unavailable 40 Sargent Dr, New Haven, CT 06511 Tel.: (+1) 203 964-9270 (English) AP - Augusta (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Marina Villeneuve E-mail: unavailable P.O. Box 349 Augusta ME 04330-0349 Tel.: (+1) 207 622-3018 / Fax: (+1) 207 626-5713 (English) AP - Portland ME (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Blake Davis, David Sharp, Patrick Whittle E-mail: 75 Market St # 402, Portland, ME 04101 Tel.: (+1) 207 772-4157 (English) AP - Boston (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jimmy Golen (bureau chief), Elise Amendola, Collin Binkley, William J. Kole, Denise Lavoie, Philip Marcelo, Mark Pratt, Gethin Coolbaugh (sport), Kyle Hightower (sport), Eddie Pells (sport), Howard Ulman (sport), Rodrique Ngowi (video) E-mail: 401 Mt Vernon St, Boston, MA 02125 Tel.: (+1) 617 357-8100 (English) AP - Concord (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Michael Casey, Holly Ramer, Kathleen Ronayne E-mail:, 2 Capital Plz # 400, Concord, NH 03301 Tel.: (+1) 603 224-3327 (English) AP - Providence (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jennifer McDermott, Matt O'Brien, Michelle R. Smith E-mail:

AP - Montgomery (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Kim Chandler, Phillip Rawls, John Zenor (sport) E-mail: unavailable 201 Monroe St # 1940, Montgomery, AL 36104 Tel.: (+1) 334 262-5947 (English) AP - Fayetteville (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Kurt Voigt (sport) Twitter: @Kurt_Voigt_AP [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Little Rock (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jill Bleed, Andrew DeMillo, Kelly Kissel E-mail: 10802 Executive Center Dr #308, Little Rock, AR 72211 Tel.: (+1) 501 225-3668 (English) AP - Atlanta (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Joe Danborn, Bill Barrow, Michael Warren, Christina Cassidy, Janelle Cogan, Kathleen Foody, Errin Haines Whack, Ron Harris, Jonathan Landrum Jr., Shannon McCaffrey, Ravi Nessman, Lisa Pane, Alex Sanz, George Henry (sport), Kate Brumback E-mail:, 101 Marietta St # 2450, Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel.: (+1) 404 653-8460 (English) AP - Covington (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Charles Odum (sport) Twitter: @CharlesOdum [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Savannah (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Russ Bynum Twitter: @russbynum [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) 122

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+1) 918 584-4346 (English) AP - Frankfort (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Adam Beam E-mail: unavailable Kentucky State Capitol Building, 700 Capital Avenue Bay # 243, Frankfort, KY 40601 Tel.: (+1) 502 227-2410 (English) AP - Lexington (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Gary B. Graves (sport) Twitter: @GaryBGraves [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Louisville (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Brett Barrouquere, Dylan Lovan, Ed Peak (stringer), Claire Galofaro E-mail:, 525 W. Broadway Louisville KY 40202-2137 Tel.: (+1) 502 583-7718 / Fax: (+1) 502 589-4831 (English) AP - Baton Rouge (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Melinda Deslatte, Michael Kunzelman E-mail: unavailable Capitol Lake Dr - Baton Rouge LA 70802 Tel.: (+1) 225 343-1325 (English)

AP - Knoxville (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Steve Megargee (sport) Twitter: @stevemegargee [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Memphis (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Clay Bailey (sport) E-mail: unavailable 495 Union Ave, Memphis, TN 38103 Tel.: (+1) 901 525-1972 (English) AP - Nashville (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Kristin M. Hall, Travis Loller, Jonathan Mattise, Erik Schelzig, Teresa Walker E-mail: 215 Centerview Dr. Ste 110 - Brentwood TN 37220 Tel.: (+1) 615 373-9988 (English) AP - Austin (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Will Weissert (bureau chief), David Saleh Rauf, Jim Vertuno, Paul J. Weber E-mail:,, 1005 Congress Ave # 1060, Austin, TX 78701 Tel.: (+1) 512 472-4004 (English)

AP - New Orleans (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Abdullah Rebhy, Rebecca Santana, Brian Schwaner, Troy Thibodeaux, Brett Martel (sport), Gerald Herbert (photo), Stacey Plaisance (video) E-mail: unavailable 1515 Poydras St #2500, New Orleans, LA 70112 Tel.: (+1) 504 523-3931 (English)

AP - Dallas (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Maud Beelman, Kim Johnson Flodin, David Warren, Stephen Hawkins (sport) E-mail: Benefitmall - 4851 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy # 300, Dallas, TX 75244 Tel.: (+1) 972 991-2100 (English)

AP - Jackson (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jeff Amy, David Brandt, Janet McConnaughey, Sarah Smith, Emily Wagster Pettus E-mail: 125 S Congress St # 1330, Jackson, MS 39201 Tel.: (+1) 601 948-5897 (English)

AP - Fort Worth (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Angela Brown, Emily Schmall, Schuyler Dixon (sport) E-mail: 400 W 7th St, Fort Worth, TX 76102 Tel.: (+1) 817 348-0367 (English)

AP - Oklahoma City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Adam Causey, Murray Evans, Jeff Latzke, Ken Miller, Tim Talley, Sean Murphy, Cliff Brunt (sport) E-mail: 525 Central Park Dr # 202, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 Tel.: (+1) 405 525-2121 (English)

AP - Houston (United States) Type: domestic bureau - David Koenig, Juan A. Lozano, Nomaan Merchant, John Mone (APTN), Terrance Harris (sport), Kristie Rieken (sport), Jeremy Rakes (stringer) E-mail:,, 16945 Northchase Dr #2110, Houston, TX 77060 Tel.: (+1) 281 872-8900 (English)

AP - Tulsa (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Justin Juozapavicius E-mail: unavailable 315 South Boulder Ave W, Tulsa, OK 74103

AP - Lubbock (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Juan Carlos Llorca (El Paso) 123

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable 710 Avenue J, Lubbock, TX 79401 Tel.: (+1) 806 765-0394 (English)

E-mail: unavailable 1 E Liberty St # 507 - Reno NV 89501 Tel.: (+1) 775 322-3639 (English)

AP - San Antonio (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Raúl Domínguez E-mail: 301 Ave. E San Antonio TX 78205-2006 Tel.: (+1) 210 222-2713 (English)

AP - Albuquerque (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Susan M. Bryan, Mary Hudetz, Russell Contreras E-mail: 5130 San Francisco Rd NE # A, Albuquerque, NM 87109 Tel.: (+1) 505 822-9022 (English)

AP - Bellemont (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Felicia Fonseca Twitter: @FonsecaAP [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Phoenix (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Pauline Arrillaga, Bob Baum, Jacques Billeaud, Anna Bratton, Kelly Catalfamo, Bob Christie, Samantha Shotzbarger, Alina Hartounian, Brian Skoloff, Terry Tang, Paul Davenport, Astrid Galván, Anna Johnson, Raghuram Vadarevu, Alan Clendenning, E-mail: 1850 N Central Ave # 640, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Tel.: (+1) 602 258-8934 (English) AP - Boulder (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Jenny Barchfield Twitter: @JennyBarchfield [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Denver (United States) Type: domestic bureau - James Anderson, Peter Solomon Banda, Dan Elliott, Steven K. Paulso, Nicholas Riccardi, Kristen Wyatt, Colleen Slevin, Pat Graham (sport), Arnie Stapleton (sport) E-mail: 1444 Wazee St # 130, Denver, CO 80202 Tel.: (+1) 303 825-0123 (English) AP - Carson City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Alison Noon E-mail: unavailable 102 N Curry St, Carson City, NV 89703 Tel.: (+1) 775 322-3639 (English) AP - Las Vegas (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Regina García Cano, Ken Ritter, Sally Ho E-mail:,, 300 S 4th St #810, Las Vegas, NV 89102 Tel.: (+1) 702 382-7440 (English) AP - Reno (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Scott Sonner

AP - Santa Fe (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Morgan Lee, Barry Massey E-mail: unavailable 328 Galisteo St. - Santa Fe NM Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Anchorage (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Rachel D'Oro, Dan Joling, Mark Thiessen E-mail: unavailable 750 W 2nd Ave #102, Anchorage, AK 99501 Tel.: (+1) 907 272-7549 (English) AP - Juneau (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Becky Bohrer E-mail: unavailable 319 Seward St # 12, Juneau, AK 99801 Tel.: (+1) 907 586-1515 (English) AP - Boise (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Rebecca Boone, Kimberlee Kruesi E-mail: 101 S Capitol Blvd # 304, Boise, ID 83702 Tel.: (+1) 208 343-1894 (English) AP - Billings (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Matthew Brown E-mail: unavailable 6401 E 40 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64129 Tel.: (+1) 406 896-1528 (English) AP - Helena (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Matt Volz E-mail: unavailable 321 Fuller Ave # 2, Helena, MT 59601 Tel.: (+1) 406 442-7440 (English) AP - Bismarck (United States) Type: domestic bureau - James MacPherson, Blake Nicholson E-mail: unavailable 600 E Boulevard Ave # A, Bismarck, ND 58505 Tel.: (+1) 701 223-8450 (English) AP - Fargo (United States) 124

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau - Dave Kolpack E-mail: unavailable 105 5th St N, Fargo, ND 58102 Tel.: (+1) 701 235-1908 (English) AP - Eugene (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Jessie Bonner Twitter: @jessiebonner [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Portland OR (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Terrence Petty, Anne M. Peterson, Keith Ridler, Sarah Skidmore, Gillian Flaccus (video) E-mail:, World Trade Center Portland, 121 SW Salmon St # 1450, Portland, OR 97204 Tel.: (+1) 503 228-2169 (English) AP - Salem (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Andrew Selsky, Kristena Hansen Twitter: @andrewselsky [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Pierre (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Carson Walker (Sioux Falls) E-mail: unavailable Pierre Professional Plaza, 124 N Euclid Ave # 104, Pierre, SD 57501 Tel.: (+1) 605 224-7811 (English) AP - Olympia (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Rachel La Corte E-mail: unavailable 1417 Columbia St SW, Olympia, WA 98501 Tel.: (+1) 360 753-7222 (English) AP - Sammamish (United States) Type: domestic bureau stringer - Eric Olson E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Seattle (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Lisa Baumann, Martha Bellisle, Tim Booth, Curtis Crabtree, Paula Froke, Gene Johnson, Elaine Thompson, Phuong Le, Ted Warren (photo), Ted Warren (photo), Manuel Valdes (video) E-mail: 1000 Denny Way - Seattle WA | 3131 Elliott Ave # 750, Seattle, WA 98121 Tel.: (+1) 206 682-1812 (English)

Type: domestic bureau - Nicholas Geranios, John Marshall E-mail: unavailable P.O. Box 2173 Spokane WA 99210-2173 Tel.: (+1) 800 300-8340 / Fax: (+1) 509 747-7641 (English) AP - Yakima (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 114 N 4th St - Yakima WA Tel.: (+1) 509 453-1951 (English) AP - Cheyenne (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Mead Gruver, Bob Moen, Ben Neary E-mail: unavailable 320 W 25th St #310, Cheyenne, WY 82001 Tel.: (+1) 307 632-9351 (English) AP - Salt Lake City (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Doug Alden, Brady McCombs, Michelle L. Price, Lindsay Whitehurst, Kareem Copeland (sport) E-mail:, The Gateway, 90 400 W # 670, Salt Lake City, UT 84101 Tel.: (+1) 801 322-3405 (English) Abroad: AP - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau - George Jahn (bureau chief), Eric Willemsen (sport stringer) E-mail: unavailable Laimgrubengasse 10 - Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 368-4156 (English) AP - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Slobodan Lekid, John-Thor Dahlburg, Raf Casert, Geir Moulson, Virginia Mayo (photo), Yves Logghe (photo), Sandra Hodžid (video) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 285-0112 / 0160 / 0161 / 0162 (APTN) / (+32) 2 285-0113 / 230 5923 (APTN) (English) AP - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: foreign bureau - Jan M. Olsen E-mail: Studiestræde 45 - 1455 København K Tel.: (+45) 3311-1504 / Fax: (+45) 3332-3660 (English) AP - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Matti Huuhtanen E-mail: [address not available]

AP - Spokane (United States) 125

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+358) 9 680-2394 / Fax: (+358) 9 680 2310, Cel.: 0500 433 455 (English) AP - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Angela Charlton, Thomas Adamson, Sylvie Corbet, Samuel Petrequin, Elaine Ganley, Lori Hinnant, Jerome Pugmire (sport), John Leicester (sport), Oleg Cetinic (video) E-mail: unavailable 162 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75008 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4359-8676 (English) AP - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - David Rising, Frank Jordans, Kirsten Grieshaber, Geir Moulson, Ciaran Fahey (sport), Dorothee Thiesing (video) E-mail: Mitte, Reinhardtstraße 52, 10117 Berlin Tel.: (+49) 30 437-3670 (English) AP - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - David McHugh E-mail: unavailable Innenstadt, Moselstraße 27, 60329 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (+46) 69 2722-1730 (English) AP - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Derek Gatopoulos, Nicholas Paphitis, Elena Becatoros, Theodora Tongas, Thanassis Stavrakis (photo), Yorgos Karahalis (photo/video), Raphael Kominis (video) E-mail:,,,,,, Filellinon 34 - 10558 Athina Tel.: (+30) 210 331-0802 / Fax: (+30) 210 331-0804, (+30) 210 331-0802, Cel.: (+30) 694 494-6468 (Thanassis) (English) AP - Thessaloniki (Greece) Type: stringer - Costas Kantouris Twitter: @CostasKantouris [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Dublin (Ireland) Type: correspondent - Shawn Pogatchnik E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+353) 1 882-8281 (English) AP - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Andrew Dampf, Victor Simpson, Frances D'Emilio, Maria Grazia Murru, Karl Ritter, Domenico Stinellis, Nicole Winfield, Eldar Emric (video), Paolo Lucariello (video)

E-mail: unavailable Piazza Grazioli 5 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 6974-7260 (English) AP - Milan (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Colleen Barry, Daniella Matar E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+39) 02 2906-0700 (English) AP - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Mike Corder, Aleksandar Furtula (TV), Peter Dejong, Muhammed Muheisen (photo) E-mail:, Herengracht 342, 1016 CG Amsterdam Tel.: (+31) 20 623-5057 (English)| AP - The Hague (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Mike Corder Twitter: @mikecorder [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Oslo (Norway) Type: stringer - Nils Myklebost E-mail: Holbergsgate 1 - 0166 Oslo (NTB) Tel.: (+47) 22 201-030 (kontor) / Fax: 22 205-280 (English) AP - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: foreign bureau - Barry Hatton, Helena Alves, Armando França (photo) E-mail: Praça Duque de Saldanha 1, 8-J 1050-250 Lisboa Tel.: (+351) 21 319-1860, 319-1861 / Fax: (+351) 21 319-1885 (English) AP - Barcelona (Spain) Type: stringer - Emilio Morenatti (photo stringer) Twitter: @morenatti2004 [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Aritz Parra Berrade (chief), Ciaran Giles, Paul White, Tales Azzoni, Marisol Medina E-mail:,,,, Calle Serrano 21, 6.º dcha - 28001 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 395-8100 / 8101 / 8106 / 8110 / (+34) 91 395 8134 (English) AP - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau - David Keyton 126

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: Norrlandsgatan 7-9 1tr, 111 43 Stockholm Tel.: (+46) 8 5451-3080 (English) AP - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - François Glatz, Jamey Keaten, Graham Dunbar E-mail: Avenue de la Paix 8, 1202 Genève Tel.: (+41) 22 919-4222 (English) AP - Zurich (Switzerland) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - London (United Kingdom) Type: regional office - Keiko Fujino E-mail: The Interchange, Oval Rd, London NW1 7DZ Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7482-7400 (English) AP - Manchester (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Steve Douglas E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Tirana (Albania) Type: correspondent - Llazar Semini E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+995) 32 982-461 (English) AP - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: stringer - Aida Sultanova Twitter: @AidaSultanova [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: foreign bureau - Amer Cohadžid, Amel Emrid (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+387) 33 296-290 (English) AP - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent - Veselin Toshkov E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+359) 2 946-1710 (English) AP - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: foreign bureau - Eugen Brcid, Hrvoje Knez, Snjezana Vukid, Darko Bandid

E-mail: unavailable Nad Lipom 13 - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: (+385) 1 455-5143, 377-7814 / Fax: (+385) 1 3704822 (English) AP - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: foreign bureau - Ondřej Hejma, Fisnik Abrashi, Karel Janiček E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+42) 0 221 085-266 / (+42) 0 224 227-445 (English) AP - Tallinn (Estonia) Type: foreign bureau - Jari Tanner, Vitnija Saldava E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+372) 580 86472 / +358 50 359-4374 (FIN) (English) AP - Tbilisi (Georgia) Type: correspondent - Sophiko Megrelidze E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+7) 095 234-4353 (English) AP - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent - Pablo Gorondi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+361) 267-0625 (English) AP - Warsaw (Poland) Type: foreign bureau - Vanessa Gera, Monika Ścisłowska-Sakowicz, Cezary Sokołowski, Aleksander Dunin-Kęplicz E-mail:,,, aleja Przyjaciół 9, Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 22 628-7231 / Fax: (+48) 22 629-5240, Cel.: 0 601 246278 (English) AP - Bucharest (Romania) Type: foreign bureau - Vadim Ghirda, Alison Mutler E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+40) 21 310-2488 (English) AP - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Kate de Pury (Catherine Mary de Pury), Lynn Berry, Jim Heintz, James Ellingworth, Vladimir Isachenkov, Nataliya Vasilyeva, Musa Sadulayev (photo) E-mail: Kutuzovsky prospekt, 7/4, љорп.5 љв. 33 - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 495 974-1654, 974-6073 / Fax: (+8) 974-1845 (English) 127

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+55) 61 3877-1670 (English) AP - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau - Dušan Stojanovid, Jovana Gec E-mail: unavailable 16 Hilandarska, 11102, Beograd Tel.: (+381) 11 3234-166 (English) AP - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: foreign bureau - Peter Leonard, Dmytro Vlasov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+380) 44 234-0512 (English) AP - Vancouver (Canada) Type: stringer - Jeremy Hainsworth Twitter: @jhainswo [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Toronto (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - Rob Gillies (bureau chief), Charmaine Noronha, Kelly Armstrong, Ian Harrison (sport) E-mail: unavailable 36 King St E - Toronto ON M5C 2L9 Tel.: (+1) 416 368-1388 / Fax: (+1) 416 416-368-7552 (English) AP - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Victor Caivano, Almudena Calatrava, Paul Byrne, Debora Rey, Natacha Pisarenko E-mail:,,,, Av. Leandro N. Alem 712 piso 4° - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4311-0081 / (+54) 11 4311-0083 (English) AP - Aruba (Aruba) Type: stringer - Dilma Arends Geerman Twitter: @wilderoosje [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: foreign bureau - Vanessa Arrington, Maria Paola Flores, Carlos Valdez E-mail: Edificio Mariscal de Ayacucho Of.1209 Calle Loayza 273 - Casilla 9569 - La Paz Tel.: (+57) 1 600-1984 / Fax: (+591) 2 220-1558 (English) AP - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable St. de Habitações Coletivas e Geminadas Norte 715, BL F - Asa Norte

AP - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil ) Type: foreign bureau - Peter Prengaman, Bradley Brooks, Mauricio Savarese, Yesica Fisch, Ernesto Moreno Quintana, Stephen Wade (sport), Tais Vilela (video) E-mail: Rua Lauro Müller, 116 - 3702 - Botafogo - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 3288-5000 (English) AP - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Sarah diLorenzo E-mail:, Av. Paulista 854 - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP 01310-100 Tel.: (+55) 11 3512-8600 (English) AP - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Luis Henao, Eva Vergara, Luis Hidalgo (photo) Twitter: @LuisAndresHenao Calle Enrique Mac Iver 440, Of 1103 Santiago Tel.: (+56) 2 2460-8540 (English) AP - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: foreign bureau - Jacobo G. García, Christine Armario, Libardo Cardona, Jaime Castro, César García E-mail: Transversal 14 No. 122-36 Apdo Aéreo 093643 - Santa Fe de Bogotá DC Tel.: (+57) 1 602-1414 / Fax: (+57) 1 213-8467 (English) AP - San Isidro (Costa Rica) Type: stringer - Javier Córdoba E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+52) 55 508-3410 (English) AP - Havana (Cuba) Type: foreign bureau - Michael Weissenstein, Andrea Rodríguez Elizondo, Anita Kathleen Snow, Ramón Espinosa Tebar, Christopher Gilette (APTN), Milexsy Durán Cruz (APTN), Osvaldo Angulo Valdes (APTN), Ariel Fernández (APTN) E-mail: Edificio Lonja del Comercio 6to. Piso Oficina “A” Habana Vieja - La Habana Tel.: (+537) 866-0370, 866-0371, 863-3661, 866-0366 / Cel.: 05280-3984 (English) AP - Dominica (Dominica) Type: stringer - Carlisle Jno Baptiste E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AP - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: stringer - Ezequiel Abiú López Twitter: @Ezequiel_Abiu [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Gonzalo Solano E-mail: unavailable Edif. Sudamérica 4º Of.44 - Calle Venezuela 1018 y Mejía - Quito Tel.: (+593) 2 222-7701 (English) AP - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent - Marcos Alemán E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+503) 2265-2222 (English) AP - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: correspondent - Sergio de León Sandoval, Sonia Pérez E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+502) 2332-0618 / +52144 3223 3584 (English) AP - Petionville (Haiti) Type: correspondent - Myrna Domit E-mail: unavailable B.P. 2443 Tel.: (+212) 621-7579 or (305) 594-1845 / (+509) 2509257-4240 (English) AP - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: regional office - Eloy O. Aguilar, Niko Price, E. Eduardo Castillo, Maeva Bambuck, Paul Haven, Dario López, Peter Orsi, Christopher Sherman, Carlos Rodríguez, Mark Stevenson, Rebecca Blackwell (photo) E-mail:,, Av. Paseo de la Reforma 350, Juárez, 06600 Ciudad de México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 55 5080-3473 / Fax: 5726-9159, 5726-9160 (English) AP - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: correspondent - Luis Manuel Galeano E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+505) 2 278-5420 (English) AP - Panama City (Panamá) Type: foreign bureau - Juan Zamorano E-mail: unavailable Av. 31 Sur, Ciudad de Panamá Tel.: (+507) 226-4736 (English)

AP - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent - Pedro Servin E-mail: unavailable Calle Caballero 742 Casilla 264 - Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 606-334 (English) AP - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Franz Bajak, Franklin Briceño Huamán, Martín Mejía (photo) E-mail: unavailable Calle Los Rosales 460 Of. 301 San Isidro - Lima 27 Tel.: (+511) 442-1347, 442-1424 / Fax: (+511) 442-7478 (English) AP - San Juan (Puerto Rico) Type: correspondent - Danica Coto E-mail: unavailable Metro Office Park 8 - 1 St 108 Guaynabo - PR 00968 Tel.: (+1) 717 793-5833, 305 594-1845 (English) AP - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: foreign bureau - Daniel Gianelli, Leonardo Haberkorn E-mail: unavailable Avda. 18 de Julio 1076 - Montevideo Tel.: (+598) 2 902-0309 (English) AP - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Joshua Goodman, Hannah Dreier, Fabiola Sánchez, Jorge Rueda, Fernando Llanos (photo), Ariana Cubillos (photo) E-mail:,, Edificio El Universal - Piso 9, Esquina de Ánimas, Avenida Urdaneta - Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 564-1834 (English) AP - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: foreign bureau - Lynne O'Donnell, Rahim Faiez, Michele Salcedo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+93) 20 230-0335 (English) AP - Kandahar (Afghanistan) Type: stringer - Mirwais Khan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: stringer - Julhas Alam Twitter: @JulhasBangla [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AP - Malibagh (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent - Hasan Saeed Farid Hossain E-mail: Cosmos Centre 69/1 New Circular Road. Dhaka 1217 Tel.: (+880) 2 831-3717 / Fax: (+880 2) 831-4602, Cel.: 933-1411, 933-2542 (English) AP - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: correspondent - Sopheng Cheang E-mail: unavailable 18c rue 19 BP 870 - Phnom Penh Tel.: (+84) 4 825-0732 (English) AP - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Scott McDonald, Joe McDonald, Christopher Bodeen, Gillian Wong, Gerry Shih, Didi Tang, Louise Watt E-mail: unavailable Jianguomen Outer St, JianWai DaJie, Chaoyang Qu, Beijing Shi, China, 100600 Tel.: (+86) 10 6568-0330 (English) AP - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau - Robert Liu, Kelvin Chan E-mail: unavailable 1282 Waterfront Road (New Mercury House) - Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2802-4324 (English) AP - Shanghai (China) Type: correspondent - Erika Kinetz E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 21 6218-0707 (English) AP - Guam (Guam) Type: stringer - Grace Garces Bordallo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Ahmedabad (India) Type: stringer - Ajit Solanki (photo stringer) Twitter: @ajitsolanki_ [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Lucknow (India) Type: stringer - Biswajeet Banerjee Twitter: @biswajeet01 [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Elizabeth Ann Duff Brown, Kathryn Daigle, Tim Sullivan, Muneeza Arjuman Naqvi, Nirmala George, Rishabh R. Jain, Rafiq

Maqbool, Ashok Sharma, Tsering Topgyal, Altaf Qadri (photo), Manish Swarup (photo), Saurabh Das (photo), Rishi Lekhi (video), E-mail: 5 Sikandra Road - 110001 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 230-4940 / Fax: (+91) 11 2307-4008 (English) AP - Srinagar (Kashmir) (India) Type: stringer - Aijaz Hussain Twitter: @hussain_aijaz [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Mumbai (India) Type: stringer - Rafiq Maqbool Twitter: @rafiqmaqbool [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Niniek Karmini, Margie Mason, Dita Alangkara (photo) E-mail: unavailable Jl. Imam Bonjol 80 RT.1/RW.5 Menteng - Central Jakarta City Tel.: (+62) 21 3983-1269 / Fax: (+62) 21 3983-1262, 3983-1264, 3983-1265, 3983-1266 (English) AP - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Ken Moritsugu (bureau chief), Myron L. Belkind, Yuri Kageyama, Elaine Kurtenbach, Mari Yamaguchi E-mail: unavailable Shiodome Media Tower 7F 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku - 105-7201 Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 6215-8931 (English) AP - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: correspondent - Eileen Ng E-mail: unavailable Faber Imperial Court, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Chow Kit, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur Tel.: (+60) 3 2181-8134 (English) AP - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer - Aye Aye Win [Daw], Esther Htusan E-mail: 196 - 6th Flr 36th St. Upper Block - Kyauktada - Yangon Tel.: (+951) 524-666 (English) AP - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: correspondent - Binaj Gurubacharya E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+977) 1 4224-705 (English) 130

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AP - Pyongyang (North Korea) Type: correspondent - Eric Talmadge (bureau chief) Twitter: @EricTalmadge [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Paul Haven, Itikhar Ali, Ijaz Muhammed, Asif Shahzad E-mail: unavailable House n.6-A St. 25 Sector F-8/2 - Islamabad Tel.: (+92) 51 282-8397, 226-0957 / Fax: (+92 21) 2256176 (English) AP - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Zarrar Kha, Adil Jawad E-mail: unavailable Mashoor Mahal Building Near Jang Press I.I Chundrigarh Road Karachi - Karachi 74400 | 202 Clifton Centre Khyban-e-Roomi - Block-5 Clifton Karachi Tel.: (+92) 21 221-0561 (English) AP - Peshawar (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Munir Ahmed, Zarrar Kha (Não É Khan!), Riaz Khan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau - Jim Gomez, Oliver Teves, Aaron Favila (photo) E-mail: unavailable Manila Diamond Hotel, Roxas Boulevard, corner J. Quintos Sr. Street, Manila City, 1000 Metro Manila Tel.: (+632) 525-9217 (English) AP - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Ting Ting Liu, Annabelle Liang E-mail: unavailable 10 Anson Rd Singapore 079903 Tel.: (+65) 6220-1849 (English) AP - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau - Foster Klug, Youkyung Lee E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+82) 2 3721-0551 / (+82) 2 721-0551 (English) AP - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: correspondent - Bharatha Mallawarachi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+94) 11 230-4940 (English)

AP - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: foreign bureau - Wally Santana (photo) E-mail: unavailable Rm 630 - 6/F, 209 Sung Chiang Road - Taipei Tel.: (+886) 2 2503-6651 (English) AP - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: regional office - Ted Anthony, Papitchaya Boonngok, Brian Carovillano, Grant Peck, Todd Pitman, Charles Dharapak (photo) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+66) 2 266-0740 (English) AP - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - Tran Van Minh E-mail: unavailable 11 Trần Hưng Đạo, Phan Chu Trinh, Hoàn Kiếm, Hà Nội Tel.: (+84) 4 825-0732 (English) AP - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: foreign bureau - Alex Epty, Menelaos Hadjicostis E-mail: Neoelen Marina, 10 Katsonis st. - Nicosia Tel.: (+357) 2249-2599 (English) AP - Cairo (Egypt) Type: regional office - Shareef Shaikh, Maya Alleruzzo, Joseph Krauss, Lee Keath, Maram Mazen, Patrick Quinn, Brian Rohan, Haggag Salama, Maggie Michael, Heather Murdock, Simon Hanna (video stringer) E-mail: unavailable 1117 Sharia Corniche en-Nil, Maspiro - 11221 Cairo Tel.: (+202) 2578-4091 / Fax: (+202) 2578-4094 (English) AP - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau - Nasser Karimi, Amir Vahdat E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau - Qassim Abdul-Zahra, Sinan Salaheddin E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+44-207) 482-7726 (English) AP - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Joe Federman, Daniel Estrin, Mohammed Daraghmeh, Tia Goldenberg, Brooke Lefferts, Aron Heller, Dan Perry, Rawhi Razi, Isaac Scharf E-mail: unavailable 206 Jaffa road - 91342 Jerusalem POB 34369 Tel.: (+44-20) 7427-4300 (English) 131

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AP - Amman (Jordan) Type: foreign bureau - Jamal Halaby, Omar Akour (video) E-mail: POB 35111 - Amman 11180 Tel.: (+962) 6 461-4660 / Fax: (+962 6) 461-4661 (English) AP - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau - Sam F. Ghattas, Sarah El Deeb, Zeina Karam, Bassem Mroue, Hussein Malla (photo) E-mail: unavailable Immeuble Shaker et Oueini, place Riad es-Solh - Bayrut Tel.: (+96) 11 985-190 (English)

E-mail:,, Tunus Caddesi 87/3 Kavaklidere - Ankara Tel.: (+90) 312 428-2709 / Fax: (+90) 312 468-0750 (English)| AP - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Christopher Coles Torchia, Bram Janssen, İman Demirhan E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 212 231-1616, 454-3981 (APTN) / Fax: (+90) 212 454-2981 (English)

AP - Benghazi (Libya) Type: stringer - Rami Musa Twitter: @RamiRMusa [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Aya Batrawy (bureau chief), Jon Gambrell, Kamran Jebreili, Adam Schreck E-mail: unavailable Building # 4 Phase 2 Al Sufouh Road - Dubai Media City - Dubai Tel.: (+971) 4 390-8120 (English)

AP - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent - Andrew Drake (APTN) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+212) 661 541-050 (English)

AP - Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Type: stringer - Brahima Ouedrago Twitter: @brahima_ou [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Gaza (Palestine) Type: stringer - Hamza Hendawi (bureau chief), Karin Laub, Nebi Qena Twitter: @HendawiHamza [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Brazzaville (Congo) Type: stringer - Louis Okamba Twitter: @LouisOkamba [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Suleiman Bossovan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent - Abdullah al-Shihri E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+966) 1 569-201-069 (English) AP - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: stringer - Benjamin Wiacek (video stringer) Twitter: @BenjaminWiacek [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Ankara (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Zeynep Alemdar, Suzan Süreyya Fraser, Selcan Hacaoğlu

AP - Eastern Congo (Congo DR) Type: stringer - Kudra Maliro E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+243 998846644 (English) AP - Kinshasa (Congo DR) Type: stringer - Saleh Mwanamilongo Twitter: @SMwanamilongo1 [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: stringer - Elias Meseret Taye E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Banjul (Gambia) Type: stringer - Abdoulie John E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) 132

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

AP - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: stringer - Robbie Corey-Boulet E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+225) 2241-4179 / Fax: (+225) 2241-3086, Cel.: 0749-4717, 0770-7670 (English) AP - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Susan Linnee, Tom Odula E-mail: unavailable 1st Floor, Chester House, P.O Box 47690, Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 20 285-9000 (English)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Harare (Zimbabwe) Type: correspondent - Farai Mutsaka E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+263) 4 755 250 (English) AP - Brisbane (Australia) Type: stringer - Dennis Passa Twitter: @DennisPassa [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: foreign bureau - Michelle Faul, Lekan Oyekanmi (video) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+234) 803 403-0364 (English)

AP - Canberra (Australia) Type: correspondent - Maggie Scully E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+61) 2 8235-2999 (English)

AP - Northeastern Nigeria (Nigeria) Type: stringer - Ibrahim Abdulaziz E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Melbourne (Australia) Type: stringer - John Pye (sport) Twitter: @byJohnPye [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Dakar (Senegal) Type: foreign bureau - Krista Larson, Carley Petesch E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+221) 33 849-2620 / (+221) 776442765 (English)

AP - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Kristen Gelineau, Rob Griffith (photo) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+61) 2 8235-2999 (English)

AP - Mogadishu (Somalia) Type: stringer - Abdi Guled E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

AP - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: correspondent - Nick Perry E-mail: unavailable C/- Press Gallery - Parliament House Tel.: (+64) 4 471-2990 (English)

AP - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: regional office - Christopher Porchia, Andrew Meldrum, Gerald Imray, Cara Anna, Rob Celliers, Lynsey Chutel E-mail:, 1 Park Road, Randburg, 2092 Johannesburg Tel.: (+27) 11 628-7700, Cel.: 083 321-5221 (English)


AP - Juba (South Sudan) Type: stringer - Jason Patinkin E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AP - Kampala (Uganda) Type: stringer - Rodney Muhumuza Twitter: @Roduza

website: category: financial news agency ownership: Michael Bloomberg (88%) languages: English active since: 1981 headquarters: New York Twitter: @bpolitics Facebook: mobile: Android services: financial info, mobile news alert Domestic: Bloomberg - HEADQUARTERS (United States) Matthew Winkler, Keith Perine, Ethan Bronner, David Gillen, Max Abelson, Edward Adams, Nabila Ahmed, 133

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Michael Aneiro, Cesca Antonelli, Robert Burgess, Matthew Campbell, Stephen Colvin, Kambiz Foroohar (UN Bureau Chief),

Tel.: (+1) 415 617 7100 / Fax: (+1) 415 617-7700 (English)

e-mail:,,, 330 West St - New York NY 10014 Tel.: (+1) 212 888-0503, 617-8527, 318-2300 / Fax: +1 212 617-5999, Cel: (+1) 646 943-2855 (English)

Bloomberg - Washington (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Weston Kosova (chief), Alex Wayne, Margaret Talev, Laurie Asseo, Benjamin Bain, Ryan Beene, Kevin Brancato, Ben Brody, Alister Bull, Tony Capaccio, Kevin Cirilli, Chris Condon, Jessica Coomes, Steven Dennis, Elizabeth Dexheimer, Jennifer Dlouhy E-mail:, , @LaurieAsseo 1399 New York Ave NW 11 Floor, Washington, DC 20005 Tel.: (+1) 202 624-1800, 624-1820, 689-7179 / Fax: (+1) 202 624-1300 (English)

Bloomberg - Los Angeles (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Christopher Palmeri (bureau chief), EsmĂŠ E. Deprez, Josh Friedman, John Gittelsohn, Rob Golum, Crayton Harrison, James Nash, Edvard Pettersson, Anne Reifenberg, Anousha Sakoui, Daniel Taub E-mail: unavailable 6500 Wilshire Blvd 2360, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Bloomberg - Miami (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jonathan Levin (bureau chief), Justin Blum, John Voskuhl E-mail: unavailable Sabadell Financial Center, 1111 Brickell Ave, - Miami, FL 33131 Tel.: (+1) 305 579-4330 / Fax: (+1) 917 369 4755 (English)

Bloomberg - Sacramento (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Michael Marois E-mail: unavailable Suite 950 FL 9th, 770 L St, Sacramento, CA 95814 Tel.: (+1) 916 492-6042 / Fax: (+1) 415 617-7680 (English) Bloomberg - San Francisco (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Alistair Barr, Laura Batchelor, Mark Bergen, Peter Burrows, Eliot Caroom, Emily Chang, Lizette Chapman, Mark Chediak, Caroline Chen, Candy Cheng, Lynn Doan, Ben Elgin, Sarah Frier, Lauren Furniss,Tom Giles,Mark Gurman,Ellen Huet,Dana Hull,Aki Ito,Ian King E-mail:,, 345 California St #3500, San Francisco, CA 94104

Bloomberg - Wilmington (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Dawn McCarty E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 302 661-7600, 777-7699 / Fax: (+1) 302 6617626 (English) Bloomberg - Newark (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1651 W Main St, Newark, OH 43055


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+1) 973 286-0016 / Fax: (+1) 973 286-0020 (English) Bloomberg - Princeton (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 100 Business Park Dr, Montgomery Skillman NJ 08558 Tel.: (+1) 609 279-3000 (English) Bloomberg - Trenton (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Stacie Sherman (bureau chief), David Voreacos, Elise Young E-mail: unavailable New Jersey Statehouse Tel.: (+1) 609 278-3170 / Fax: (+1) 609 278-1274 (English) Bloomberg - Albany (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable New York Statehouse Tel.: (+1) 518 426-9921 / Fax: (+1) 917 426-9972 (English) Bloomberg - Rockland County (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 293 U.S. 9, Alpine, NJ 07620 Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Charlotte (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 525 N Tryon St # 1623, Charlotte, NC 28202 Tel.: (+1) 704 331-6589 / Fax: (+1 704 331 6594 (English)

111 S Wacker Dr #4950, Chicago, IL 60606 Tel.: (+1) 312 443-5900 / Fax: (+1 312 449 0504 (English) Bloomberg - Detroit (United States) Type: domestic bureau - David Welch (bureau chief), Jamie Butters, Krisztian Bocsi (photo stringer), Jeff Green, Keith Naughton E-mail: unavailable 2000 Town Center, Southfield, MI 48075 Tel.: (+1) 248 455-2300 / Fax: (+1 248 799 0150 (English) Bloomberg - Columbus (United States) Type: stringer - Mark Niquette Twitter: @mniquette [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Minneapolis (United States) Type: stringer - Michelle Fay Cortez E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Boston (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Tom Moroney (bureau chief), Brendan Coffey, Caleb Solomon, Brian K. Sullivan, Sabrina Willmer, Lisa Wolfson E-mail: unavailable 100 Summer St - Boston, MA 02110 Tel.: (+1) 617 210-4600 / Fax: (+1) 617 482 0703 (English)

Bloomberg - Greensboro (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 3200 Northline Ave #130, Greensboro, NC 27408 Tel.: (+1) 336 808-1348 / Fax: (+1) 336 808 1349 (English)

Bloomberg - Atlanta (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Anita Sharpe (bureau chief), Steve Matthews, Will Leitch, Margaret Newkirk, Sonja Van Sacker E-mail: unavailable Investors Marketplace, 235 Peachtree St NE, Atlanta, GA 30303 Tel.: (+1) 404 507-1300 / Fax: (+1) 404 524-3668 (English)

Bloomberg - Philadelphia (United States) Type: stringer - Eric Balchunas Twitter: @EricBalchunas [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Bloomberg - Austin (United States) Type: stringer - Lauren Etter Twitter: @lauren_etter [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Bloomberg - Chicago (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Elizabeth Campbell, Joe Carroll, Bryan Gruley, Julie Johnsson, Stephen Joyce, Catherine Larkin, Brian Louis, John McCormick, Flynn McRoberts, Lydia Mulvany, Kevin Orland, Mario Parker, Leslie Patton E-mail:

Bloomberg - Dallas (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Mary Schlangenstein (bureau chief), Thomas Black, Edward Dufner E-mail: unavailable Suite 350, 3rd Fl. Trammell Crow Company - 2001 Ross Ave - Dallas TX 75201 Tel.: (+1) 214 954-9430 (English) 135

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bloomberg - Houston (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jack Kaskey E-mail: 811 Main Street Suite 4650, Houston, TX 77002 Tel.: (+1) 713 651 4600 / Fax: (+1 713 652 5774 (English) Bloomberg - Denver (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Vincent Del Giudice E-mail: unavailable 1400 Market St #4002, Denver, CO 80202 Tel.: (+1) 303 534-5435 / Fax: (+1 303 534 5608 (English) Bloomberg - Portland (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable World Trade Center Portland, 121 SW Salmon St Portland OR 97204 Tel.: (+1) 503 471-1358 / Fax: (+1) 503 471-1381 (English) Bloomberg - Seattle (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Peter Robison, Dina Bass, Noah Buhayar, Spencer Soper E-mail: 1201 3rd Ave 37th FL Suite 3710 - Seattle WA 98101 Tel.: (+1) 206 262-4140 / Fax: (+1) 206 682-7206 (English) Abroad: Bloomberg - Vienna (Austria) Type: stringer - Boris Groendahl Twitter: @borisg_work [address not available] Tel.: (+43) 1 513 2660 50 / Fax: (+43) 1 513 266-721 (English) Bloomberg - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Richard Bravo, Rebecca Christie, Nikos Chrysoloras, Ewa Krukowska, Alexander Weber, Ian Wishart E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 285-4300 / Fax: (+32) 2 285-4310 (English) Bloomberg - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Christian Wienberg (bureau chief), Peter Levring, Frances Schwartzkopff E-mail:, Havneholmen 29 ground floor - DK-1560 Copenhagen V Tel.: (+45) 3332-2121, 3345-7120 / Cel.: (+45) 26201809 (English)

Bloomberg - Helsinki (Finland) Type: foreign bureau - Ville Heiskanen, Raine Tiessalo, Leo Laikola, Kati Pohjanpalo E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: (+358) 9 2512-3732, 2512-2682, 2512-2684, 25122678 / Fax: (+358) 9 2512-3733, Cel.: 040 580-4293 (English) Bloomberg - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Vidya Root (managing editor), Geraldine Amiel, Mark Deen, Blaise Robinson E-mail: unavailable 7 Rue Scribe - 75009 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 5365 5000, 5050 / Fax: (+33) 1 5365-5151 (English) Bloomberg - Toulouse (France) Type: foreign bureau - Andrea Rothman E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 5 6365-7668 / Fax: (+33) 1 5365-5101 (English) Bloomberg - Munich (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Elisabeth Behrmann E-mail: unavailable Maximilianstraße 2a, 80539 München Tel.: (+49) 89 2 4447-8800 / Fax: (+49) 89 2554-2961 (English) Bloomberg - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Alan Crawford, Chad Thomas, Patrick Donahue, Tony Czuczka, Naomi Kresge, Christopher Reiter, Rainer Buergin, Benedikt Kammel, Stefan Nicola, Jana Randow, David Rocks E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 30 7001-06200 / Fax: (+49) 30 7001-06300 (English) Bloomberg - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Jeffrey Black, Angela Cullen, Paul Gordon, Aaron Ricadela, Alessandro Speciale E-mail: Innenstadt, Neue Mainzer Str. 75, 60311 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (+49) 69 9204-1200 / (+49) 69 9130-5144 (English) Bloomberg - Düsseldorf (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Platanenstrasse 13 Flingern Nord - 40233 Dusseldorf Tel.: (+49) 699 204-1394 / Fax: (+49) 21 1862 8898 (English) 136

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bloomberg - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Eleni Chrepa, Kostas Tsironis (photo), Marcus Bensasson E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 741-9090, 210 525-7144 / Fax: (+30) 210 725-7144, 741-9078 (English) Bloomberg - Dublin (Ireland) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 4th Floor, 17-19 Rogerson's Ireland, The Anchorage, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2 Tel.: (+353) 1523-9520 / Fax: (+353) 1 523 9510 (English) Bloomberg - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Andrew Davis, Steve Scherer, Vernon Silver, Lorenzo Totaro E-mail: Piazza del Popolo, 18 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 4520-6323, 4520-6333 / Fax: (+39) 06 4520-6310 (English) Bloomberg - Milan (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Tommaso Ebhardt, Daniele Lepido, Chiara Remondini E-mail: Piazza Fontana, 1, Milano MI Tel.: (+39) 02 8064-4274 / Fax: (+39) 02 806 44 210 (English) Bloomberg - Luxembourg (Luxembourg) Type: foreign bureau - Stephanie Bodoni E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+352) 22 9999-5270 / Fax: (+352) 22 9999 5408 (English) Bloomberg - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Martijn van der Starre, Jurjen van de Pol, Celeste Perri, Elco van Groningen, Corina Ruhe, Fred Pals, Alex Duff, Joshua Robinson E-mail:,,,,, Stadhouderskade 14G - 1054 Amsterdam Tel.: (+31) 20 589-8585 / Fax: (+31) 20 589-8510 (English) Bloomberg - The Hague (Netherlands) Type: stringer - Anne van der Schoot Twitter: @AnnevdSchoot

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Oslo (Norway) Type: foreign bureau - Jonas Bergman (bureau chief), Mikael Holter, Saleha Mohsin, Stephen Treloar, Jonas Cho Walsgård, Julia Grønnevet E-mail:,,,,, Rådhusgata 27 - 0158 Oslo Tel.: (+47) 22 008-202 / Fax: (+47) 22 008-201, Cel.: : 9911-9551 (Mikael), 4503-1188 (Jonas), Cel.: 92840345 (Julia) (English) Bloomberg - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: stringer - João Lima (bureau chief), Henrique Almeida, Anabela Reis E-mail:,, Avenida da Liberdade 110 - 1º andar - Lisboa Tel.: (+351) 21 340-4634, 340-4570 / Fax: (+351) 3404634, Cel.: (+351) 91765-4444 (Henrique), 93 8401365 (João) (English) Bloomberg - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Manuel Baigorri, Charles Penty Shelbourne, Ian Alexander Duff, Benjamin Sills, Sharon Smyth, Todd White, Camila Javiera Russo Arinoviche, Rodrigo Orihuela, Camila Russo, María Tadeo E-mail:,,,, P.º de la Castellana 9 - 28046 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 700-9600 / 9610 / 9650 / 9617 / Fax: (+34) 91 700-9610 / 9617 (English) Bloomberg - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau - Niclas Rolander E-mail: unavailable Sturegatan 4 2tr - 11435 Stockholm Tel.: (+46) 8 610-0700 / Fax: (+46) 8 610-0710 (English) Bloomberg - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Albertina Torsoli (bureau chief), Bryce Baschuk, Giles Broom, Jennifer Freedman, Andy Hoffman, Hugo Miller E-mail: unavailable Rue du Marché 40 - 1204 Genève Tel.: (+41) 22 317-9200 / Fax: (+41) 22 317 9210 (English) Bloomberg - Zurich (Switzerland) 137

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Jan Schwalbe, Corinne Gretler, Catherine Bosley, Elena Logutenkova, Zoe Schneeweiss, Jan Schwalbe E-mail: Seidengasse 20, 8001 Zürich Tel.: (+41) 44 224 4130 / Fax: (+41) 44 224-4141 (English) Bloomberg - London (United Kingdom) Type: regional office - John Ainger, Manuel Baigorri, Stephanie Baker, Sally Bakewell, Mark Barton, Javier Blas, Adam Blenford, Matthew Boyle, Thomas Buckley, Neil Callanan, Mathew Carr, Luca Casiraghi, Sam Chambers, Kit Chellel, Ambereen Choudhury, Guy Collins, Allison Connolly E-mail:, City Gate House, 39-45 Finsbury Square, London EC2A 1PQ Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7330 7171 / +44 20 7392 6666 (English) Bloomberg - Middle Village (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 66-26 Metropolitan Ave, Middle Village, NY 11379 Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Middlesex County (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 431 Ridge Rd, Dayton, NJ 08810 Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Belfast (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+44) 28 9044-6355, 6356 / Fax: (+44) 28 9044 6357 (English) Bloomberg - Edinburgh (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Conference House - 152 Morrison Street - Edinburgh EH3 8EB Tel.: (+44) 131 301 5035 / Fax: (+44) 131 301 5040 (English) Bloomberg - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+359) 2926-4142 / Fax: (+359) 2926-4150 (English) Bloomberg - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: foreign bureau

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+385) 1 641-9700 / Fax: (+385) 1 641-9704 (English) Bloomberg - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: foreign bureau - Michael Winfrey E-mail: unavailable Na Příkopě 1096/21 Staré Město - 11000 Praha 1 Tel.: (+420) 2 2442-2100 / Fax: (+420) 2 2442-2110 (English) Bloomberg - Tallinn (Estonia) Type: foreign bureau - Simon Dawson E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+372) 663-1128 / Fax: (+372) 663-1286 (English) Bloomberg - Budapest (Hungary) Type: foreign bureau - Balazs Penz E-mail: unavailable Kálmán Imre útca 1 - 1054 Budapest Tel.: (+361) 475-1180 / Fax: (+36) 1 312 2237 (English) Bloomberg - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+7) 727 244-7977 / Fax: (+7) 727 244-7999 (English) Bloomberg - Riga (Latvia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+371) 6703-5257 / Fax: (+371) 6703-5252 (English) Bloomberg - Vilnius (Lithuania) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+370) 5269-0047 / Fax: (+370) 5269-0078 (English) Bloomberg - Warsaw (Poland) Type: foreign bureau - David McQuaid, Bogusław Turek, Maciej Martewicz, Rob Verdonck E-mail:, Warsaw Financial Center, Emilii Plater 53 - 00-113 Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 22 433 4455 / Fax: (+48) 22 433-4501, 4334472 (English) Bloomberg - Bucharest (Romania) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 138

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Pta Montreal, 10, Sector 1 - București Tel.: (+40) 21 527-0618 / Fax: (+40) 21 527 0339 (English) Bloomberg - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Brad Cook (bureau chief), Scott Rose, Torri Clark-Shirnina, Jake Rudnitsky, Anya Andrianova, Ilya Arkhipov, Ksenia Galouchko, Tony Halpin, Ilya Khrennikov, Greg White E-mail:,, per. Romanov 4 - 7 этаж - Романов Двор II - Moscow Tel.: (+7) 495 771-7742, (+8) 495 771-7709, 771-7733 / Fax: (+7) 495 937-6771, Cel.: (+8) 964 771-5104 (English) Bloomberg - St. Petersburg (Russia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Nevsky Prospect, 38/4 ћитА, 609 - Sankt Peterburg Tel.: (+7) 812 611-0517 / Fax: (+7) 812 611-0521 (English) Bloomberg - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+381) 11 202-8041 / Fax: (+381) 11 202 8043 (English) Bloomberg - Bratislava (Slovakia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+421) 2 5292-1227 / Fax: (+421) 2 5292 1276 (English) Bloomberg - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+380) 44 490-1250 / Fax: (+380) 44 490 1251 (English) Bloomberg - Calgary (Canada) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 110 9 Ave SW 2nd Floor Suite 200 - Calgary AB T2P 0T1 Tel.: (+1) 587 702-3030 / Fax: (+1) 403 770 5022 (English) Bloomberg - Vancouver (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - Natalie Obiko Pearson, Hui-yong Yu E-mail: unavailable 666 Burrard St #3400 - Vancouver BC V6C 2X8

Tel.: (+1) 604 331-1310 / Fax: (+1) 415 733-7666 (English) Bloomberg - Winnipeg (Canada) Type: stringer - Jen Skerritt Twitter: @jenskerritt [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Ottawa (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - Erik Hertzberg, Greg Quinn, Josh Wingrove E-mail: unavailable 446 Elgin St. Suite 110 - Ottawa ON K1P 5K6 Tel.: (+1) 613 667-4800 / Fax: (+1) 613 231-4144 (English) Bloomberg - Toronto (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - Jacqueline Thorpe (bureau chief), Doug Alexander, Scott Deveau, Allison McNeely E-mail: Brookfield Place 161 Bay St. - Toronto ON M5J 2S1 Tel.: (+1) 416 203-5750 / Fax: (+1) 416 203-5760 (English) Bloomberg - Montreal (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - Sandrine Rastello E-mail: unavailable Bell Media Tower - 1800 Avenue McGill College Montréal QC H3A 3J6 Tel.: (+1) 514 669-4400 / Fax: (+1) 514 878 6338 (English) Bloomberg - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Andrés Martínez (bureau chief), Charles Devereux, Pablo Rosendo González, Richard Jarvie, Carolina Millan, Robin Saponar E-mail:,,,,,, Av. Alicia Moreau de Justo 550 Piso 4° - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires | Av. Corrientes 485 piso 9° - 1043AAE Capital Federal Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 5280-7700 / (+54) 11 4321-7740 (English) Bloomberg - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Raymond Colitt (bureau chief), Stephen Eisenhammer E-mail: unavailable BL K - 70340-000 Brasília - DF Tel.: (+55) 61 3329-1600 / Fax: (+55) 61 3329-1601 (English) 139

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bloomberg - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Jeb Blount E-mail: Av. Rio Branco 1 / sl.1802 Centro - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 3956-2500, 2516-1552 / Fax: (+55) 21 2125-2501, 2518-1520 (English) Bloomberg - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Thomas Vogel, Daniel Cancel, Blake Schmidt, Christiana Sciaudone, Vivianne Rodrigues E-mail:, bschmidt16@bloomberg,net Rua Iguatemi 151 - Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP 01451-011 Tel.: (+55) 11 2395-9000 / (+55) 11 3048-4545 (English) Bloomberg - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Eduardo Thomson E-mail: Calle Miraflores 22, P 13, Santiago, Región Metropolitana Tel.: (+56) 2 487-4000 / Fax: (+56) 2 487-4001 (English) Bloomberg - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent E-mail: Carrera 7 No. 71 - 21 Of. 403 - Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 317-4000, 1313-7640 / Fax: (+57) 1 3137641 (English) Bloomberg - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent - Ezra Fieser E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Carlos Manuel Rodríguez (bureau chief), Eduardo García Correa, Andrew Barden, John Moody, Adam Williams, Brendan Case, Isabella Cota, Nacha Cattan, Michelle F. Davis, Eric Martin, Andrea Navarro E-mail:, Av. Paseo de la Reforma 265 piso 12, Cuahtemoc, Nueva Cobertura, 06500 Ciudad de México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 55 5242-9200, 5514-7618 / Fax: (+52) 55 5514-3102 (English) Bloomberg - Monterrey (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+52) 81 8124-0145 / Fax: (+52) 81 8124 0188 (English)

Bloomberg - Lima (Peru) Type: stringer - John Quigley E-mail: unavailable Av. República de Panamá 3545 Of. 1101 San Isidro Lima 27 Tel.: (+511) 614-6811 / Fax: (+511) 222 6100 (English) Bloomberg - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Nethan Crooks, Andrew Rosati E-mail: Avenida Francisco de Miranda Tel.: (+58) 212 277-3700, 750-3736 / Fax: (+58) 212 277-3701 (English) Bloomberg - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: stringer - Eltaf Najafizada Twitter: @EltafN [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - John Liu (managing editor), Ken Wills, Jeff Kearns, David Ramli (tech) E-mail: unavailable 建国门外大街1号3515-18室 Tel.: (+86) 10 6649-7500, 8520-0500 / Fax: (+86) 10 6655-3274, 8520 0525 (English) Bloomberg - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau - Angie Lau (TV), James Regan, Robert Fenner, Sheridan Prasso, Frederik Balfour, Darren Boey, Jonathan Browning, Edwin Chan, Enda Curran, Will Davies, Stephen Engle (TV), Li Fion, Richard Frost, Sandy Hendry, Bei Hu, Sam Mamudi, Alyssa McDonald, Ben Scent E-mail:, Cheung Kong Centre, 2 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2977-6600 / Fax: (+852) 2977-6003 (English) Bloomberg - Shanghai (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 21 6104 3000 / Fax: (+86) 21 6104-3100 (English) Bloomberg - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Anurag Kotoky, Bipindra NC, Debjit Chakraborty, Mehak Kasbekar, Iain Marlow, Ruth Pollard, Siddhartha Singh, George Smith Alexander E-mail: unavailable Okhla Phase III, Okhla Industrial Area, New Delhi, Delhi 110020 140

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+91) 11 4179-2020 / Fax: (+91) 11 4179-2098, 6630-2900 (English) Bloomberg - Bangalore (India) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+91) 80 4030-0545 / Fax: (+91) 80 4030-0546 (English) Bloomberg - Mumbai (India) Type: foreign bureau - Anto Antony, Santanu Chakraborty, Rajhkumar K. Shaaw E-mail: unavailable One Indiabulls Center Tower Ii A, Balasheth Mandurkar Marg, Saidham Nagar, Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400012 Tel.: (+91) 22 6120-3604 / Fax: (+91) 22 6120-3602 (English) Bloomberg - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Neil Chatterjee, Andrew Janes, Yoga Rusmana E-mail: unavailable Jl. Medan Merdeka Slt 17 Wisma Antara - Jakarta 10110 Tel.: (+62) 21 2355-3020 / Fax: (+62) 21 2355-3009, 3435-3000, 351-1515, 345-9988 (English) Bloomberg - Osaka (Japan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+81) 67 878-3090 / Fax: (+81) 6 7878-3091 (English) Bloomberg - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Kazunori Takada, Chris Anstey, Brian Bremner, Michael Chu, Jason Clenfield, Chris Cooper, Peter Elstrom, Junko Hayashi, Kenneth McCallum, Dave McCombs, Yuji Nakamura, Bret Okeson, Isabel Reynolds, Shin Shoji, Chisaki Watanabe E-mail:,, 100-0005 Tokyo, Chiyoda - Marunouchi 2 Chome−4−1 Tel.: (+81) 3 3201-8950, 3201-8872 (editores) / Fax: (+81) 3 3201-8951 (English) Bloomberg - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: stringer - Chong Pooi Koon E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Islamabad (Pakistan)

Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+92) 51 843-0430 / Fax: (+92) 51 225 2132 (English) Bloomberg - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Chris Kay, Faseeh Mangi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+92) 21 3520-2932 / Fax: (+92) 21 3563 5387 (English) Bloomberg - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau - Cecilia Yap E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+632) 789-7090 / Fax: (+63) 2 789 7010 (English) Bloomberg - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Stephanie Phang (bureau chief), Bruce Grant, Jason Koutsoukis, Reinie Booysen, Abhishek Vishnoi, Dan Murtaugh, Shamim Adam, Jan Dahinten, Luo Jun, Lars Klemming, Joyce Koh, Lena Lee, Yoolim Lee, Adam Majendie, Rosalind Mathieson, Anand Menon,Kyunghee Park E-mail:, 23 Church St, Singapore 049481 Tel.: (+65) 6212-1200 / Fax: (+65) 6212-1212 (English) Bloomberg - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+82) 2 3702-1600 / Fax: (+82) 2 3704-5055 (English) Bloomberg - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+94) 11 235-1333 (English) Bloomberg - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: foreign bureau - Debra Mao, Janet Ong E-mail: unavailable 11493, Taiwan, Taipei City, Neihu District, No.107, Zhouzi St. Tel.: (+886) 2 7719-1500 / Fax: (+886) 2 7719-2160 (English) Bloomberg - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Sunil Jagtiani (bureau chief) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+66) 2 654-7300 / Fax: (+662) 654-7333 (English) 141

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bloomberg - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: foreign bureau - K. Oanh Ha, John Boudreau, Nguyen Kieu Giang, Diep Ngoc Pham E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+84) 4 3936-6727 / Fax: (+84) 4 3936 6728 (English) Bloomberg - Manama (Bahrain) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Flat 44, Bldg 580 Road 1706, Manama 317 Diplomatic Area Tel.: (+973) 1 650-0554 / Fax: (+973) 1650-0810 (English) Bloomberg - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau - Ahmed Namatalla E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+20) 22 739-6400 / Fax: (+202) 2461 8702 (English) Bloomberg - Tehran (Iran) Type: stringer [CONFIRMAR] - Ladane Nasseri E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+972) 2 640-1110 / Fax: (+972) 2 640 1120 (English) Bloomberg - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Michael S. Arnold, Gwen Ackerman, Yaacov Benmeleh, Jonathan Ferziger Twitter: @MArnoldBloom Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv - Israel Tel.: (+972) 3 542-7106 / Fax: (+972) 3 542-7101 (English) Bloomberg - Amman (Jordan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+962) 6500-7405 / Fax: (+962 6 593-2857 (English) Bloomberg - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+96) 11 957-551 / Fax: (+961) 1 957 554 (English)

Bloomberg - Doha (Qatar) Type: foreign bureau - Hamad Ali Sergei E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+974) 4452-8148 / Fax: (+97) 4 4452-8158 (English) Bloomberg - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau - Glen Carey Twitter: @gccarey1 [address not available] Tel.: (+966) 1 211-8033 / Fax: (+966) 1 211-8173 (English) Bloomberg - Ankara (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Mark Andrew Bentley, Stephen Bryant E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 312 438-8990 / Fax: (0312) 438-8991 (English) Bloomberg - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Benjamin Harvey (bureau chief), Benjamin P. L. Holland, Louis Alan Meixler, Seda Sezer, Ercan Ersoy E-mail:,, Büyükdere Cad. Kanyon Ofis Blok K: 4 Levent - İstanbul Tel.: (+90) 212 317-3950 / Fax: (+90) 212 353-1199 (English) Bloomberg - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Tracy Alloway E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+971) 2401-2540 / Fax: (+971) 2401-1539 (English) Bloomberg - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Alaa Shahine, Andrew Barden, Anthony DiPaola, Dana El Baltaji, Yousef Gamal ElDin, Mahmoud Habboush E-mail: unavailable Baghdad Road, Dubai Tel.: (+971) 4 364-1020 / Fax: (+971) 4 364-1010 (English) Bloomberg - Accra (Ghana) Type: foreign bureau - Andrés R. Martínez (2013-2016) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+233) 030 225-8794 / Fax: (+233) 302 250-274 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bloomberg - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: stringer - David Malingha Doya, Helen Nyambura, Wachira Kigotho, Eric Ombok, Paul Richardson E-mail:,, @HelenNyambura [address not available] Tel.: (+254) 20 313-440 / Fax: (+254) 20 343-541 (English) Bloomberg - Abuja (Nigeria) Type: foreign bureau - Elisha Bala-Gbogbo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+234) 9 278-0023 / Fax: (+234) 9 278-0026 (English) Bloomberg - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: stringer - Mustapha Muhammad, Paul Wallace E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Dakar (Senegal) Type: stringer - Ekow Dontoh Twitter: @ekowdontoh [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Cape Town (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Michael Cohen E-mail: unavailable Nedbank Building 4th Floor, V&A Waterfront, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town Tel.: (+27) 21 441-7600 / Fax: (+27 21 418-2888 (English) Bloomberg - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Gordon Bell (bureau chief), Antony Squazzin, Vernon Wessels, Renee Bonorchis, Pauline Bax, John Bowker, Liezel Hill, Colin McClelland, Sam Mkokeli, Loni Prinsloo, Alastair Reed E-mail:, 7th Floor, Sandton City Office Tower, corner 5th Street and Rivonia Road - Johannesburg Tel.: (+27) 11 286-1900, 286-1933, Cel.: 082 452 3648 / Fax: (+27) 11 286-1910 (English) Bloomberg - Kampala (Uganda) Type: stringer - Fred Ojambo Twitter: @fojambo [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Lusaka (Zambia) Type: stringer - Matthew Hill E-mail:

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Bloomberg - Canberra (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Jason Scott Twitter: @JasonVScott Press Gallery Parliament House, Canberra ACT 2601 Tel.: (+61) 2 6277 1019 / Fax: (+61) 2 6273 5179 (English) Bloomberg - Melbourne (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Brett Foley, David Stringer E-mail: unavailable 30/120 Collins St - Melbourne VIC 3000 Tel.: (+61) 3 9228-8701 / Fax: (+61) 3 9228 8702 (English) Bloomberg - Perth (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Rebecca Keenan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+61) 8 9480-3750 / Fax: (+61) 8 9267-4838 (English) Bloomberg - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Jason Gale, Michael Heath, Ruth Liew, Michael Sin, Angus Whitley, Perry Williams E-mail:, 1 Bligh St, Sydney NSW 2000 Tel.: (+61) 2 9777-8601 / Fax: (+61) 2 9777-8602 (English) Bloomberg - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: foreign bureau - Matthew Brockett, Tracey Withers E-mail: unavailable 1 Bunny St, Pipitea - Wellington 6011 Tel.: (+64) 4 498-2201 / Fax: (+64) 4 472-1738 (English)

DJ - Dow Jones Newswires website: category: agência de notícias econômicas ownership: News Corp (Rupert Murdoch) languages: English active since: 1882 headquarters: New York Twitter: @DowJones Facebook: Domestic: Dow Jones - HEADQUARTERS (United States) E-mail: 105 Madison Avenue 10th Floor - New York Tel.: (+1) (800)223-2274 / (201)938-5600 (English) 143

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Dow Jones - Los Angeles (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - San Francisco (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Jim Carlton E-mail: unavailable 201 California St 10th Floor - San Francisco CA 94111 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Washington (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Maya Jackson-Randall, Kate O'Keeffe, Katy Stech E-mail: unavailable 1025 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 1103 - Washington D.C. 20036 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Miami (United States) Type: stringer - Camilla Webster Twitter: @camillawebster [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Orlando (United States) Type: stringer - Karen Talley Twitter: @KarenTalley [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Wilmington (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Princeton (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Christopher Covello

E-mail: unavailable 890 Ridge Road - Monmouth Junction NJ 08540 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - South Brunswick (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - New York (United States) Type: sede - Joseph Adinolfi, Kristiano Ang, Aaron Back, Pete Catapano, Barbara Chai, Mae Cheng, Laura Cooper, Ulrike Dauer, Ben DiPietro, Corrie Driebusch, Benoit Faucon, Russell Garland, Michelle Gerdes, Stephanie Gleason, Ellie Ismailidou, Kevin Kingsbury E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Charlotte (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Philadelphia (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Chicago (United States) Type: domestic bureau - David Kesmodel E-mail: unavailable 1 S. Wacker Drive - Chicago IL 60606 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Detroit (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Chester Dawson E-mail: unavailable 144

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Des Moines (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Overland Park (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Minneapolis (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 123 N. 3rd St Suite 300 Minneapolis MN 55401 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Waltham (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1100 Winter St Suite 4800 - Waltham MA 02451 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Wellesley (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Boston (United States) Type: domestic bureau - Brian Gormley E-mail: unavailable 53 State St Suite 1201 - Boston MA 02109 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Austin (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 701 Brazos St. Austin TX 78701 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Houston (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Denver (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Abroad: Dow Jones - Vienna (Austria) Type: stringer - Nicole Lundeen E-mail: unavailable Wollzeile 16 - 1010 Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 535-5227 / (+43) 1 513-6922, 513-6911 (English) Dow Jones - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Angelika Busch-Steinfort, Frank Hütten, Laurence Norman, Emre Peker E-mail: Avenue de Cortenbergh 60/4F - B-1000 Brussels Tel.: (+32) 2 741-1490 / (+32) 2 285-0137 (English) Dow Jones - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Frederiksborggade 7 - 1360 Copenhagen Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Juhana Rossi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 040 740 2743 (English) Dow Jones - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - William Horobin, Inti Landauro, Madeleine Nissen, Yann Morell y Alcover E-mail: unavailable 17 Rue de Surène 75008 - Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4017-1701 (English) Dow Jones - Munich (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Karlstrasse 66 - 80335 München Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Stefan Lange, William Boston, Andrea Thomas, Ruth Bender, William Boston E-mail: unavailable Pressehaus Zimmer 6200 Schiffbauerdamm 40 - 10117 Berlin Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Frankfurt (Germany)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Emese Bartha, Todd Buell, Sarah Sloat E-mail: unavailable Baseler Arkaden Wilhelm-Leuschner-Strasse 78 - 60329 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Düsseldorf (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Hamburg (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Stuttgart (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Stelios Bouras, Nektaria Stamouli E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 373-1775 (English) Dow Jones - Dublin (Ireland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Christopher Emsden E-mail: Via Santa Maria in Via 12 - 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 6976-6921 / Cel.: 348-8619789 (English) Dow Jones - Milan (Italy) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Via Burigozzo 5 - 20122 Milan Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Robin van Daalen, Maarten van Tartwijk E-mail: Emerald House - Josef Israelskade 48-H - 1072 SB Amsterdam

Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Oslo (Norway) Type: stringer - Kjetil Malkenes Hovland E-mail: Klingenberggaten 5 - 0161 Oslo (Norges Internasjonale Pressesenter) Tel.: (+47) 22 831-848 / Cel.: 9022-7908 (English) Dow Jones - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: foreign bureau - Patricia Kowsmann E-mail: Rua Castilho 13D 5A 1250-066 - Lisboa Tel.: (+351) 916466297 / Cel.: (+351) 916466297 (English) Dow Jones - Barcelona (Spain) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Avenida Diagonal 123 - 7th floor - 08005 Barcelona Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Richard Lee Boudreaux E-mail:, Calle Serrano 21 - 6.º izquierda 28001 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 395-8119 / 8120 / Fax: (+34) 91 399-1930 , 91 395-8119 (English) Dow Jones - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Kungsgatan 12-14 - 7th Floor - 11135 Stockholm Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Zurich (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Loewenstrasse 59 - 8001 Zürich Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Thorold Barker, Lucy Burton, Matthew Cowley, Jason Douglas, John Edwards, Nick Elliott, Paul Hannon, Duncan Mavin, Peter Nurse, Tapan Panchal, Selina Williams E-mail: unavailable The News Building - 1 London Bridge St - London SE1 9GF Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7842-9900 (English) Dow Jones - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable kv. Yuzhen park bl.27 vh.A ap.3 - Sofia 1408 Tel.: unavailable (English) 146

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Dow Jones - Budapest (Hungary) Type: foreign bureau - Margit Feher E-mail: unavailable Bajcsy-Zsilinszky útca 12. VI/602 - H-1051 Budapest Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Warsaw (Poland) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Krakowskie Przedmiescie St. 13 - Room 103 00-071 Warszawa Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Alexander Kolyandr, James Marson, Olga Razumovskaya E-mail: unavailable Petrovka ul. 5 5th floor - Moscow 107031 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Calgary (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Vancouver (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Ottawa (Canada) Type: correspondent - Paul Vieira E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Toronto (Canada) Type: foreign bureau - David George-Cosh E-mail: unavailable 145 King St West Suite 730 - Toronto M5H1J8 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Av. Leandro N. Alem 712 piso 4º - 1001 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4311-3127 (English) Dow Jones - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Paulo Trevisani E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Adriana Brasileiro, Paul Kiernan E-mail: Praia de Botafogo 501 - Rio de Janeiro 22250-040 [END ANTIGO - ERA JB, ATUAL INTO] Av. Brasil 500 / sl.607 São Cristóvão - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 2580-9394 / Fax: 2580-2309 (English) Dow Jones - São Paulo Paulista (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Avenida Paulista 854 13º andar - São Paulo SP 01310913 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Todd Benson, Stephen Wisnefski E-mail: Av. Brigadeiro Faria Lima 1853 conj.51 Tel.: (+55) 21 3813-1988 / Fax: 3814-5888 (English) Dow Jones - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Mercedes Alvaro E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Mónica Gutschi, Anthony Harrup, Elliot Spagat, Santiago Pérez, Tim Duffy, David Luhnow E-mail: Av. Paseo de la Reforma 295 - 7o. piso - Col. Cuauhtémoc - 06500 México D.F. Tel.: (+52) 5726-9152, 5726-9153 / Fax: 5726-9154 (English) Dow Jones - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Robert Kozak, Ryan Dubé E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+511) 655-0069 / Fax: (+511) 620-5730 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Dow Jones - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Alexander Martin E-mail: unavailable Otemachi First Square - East Tower 19F - 1-5-1 Otemachi Chiyoda-ku - Tokyo 100-0004 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Fanny Liu, Liyan Qi, Grace Zhu E-mail: unavailable 3F Raffles City Beijing Office Tower No. 1 Dongzhimen South Street Dongcheng District - Beijing 100007 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Unit 34-02 Level 34 Menara Dion 27 Jalan Sultan Ismail - 50250 Kuala Lumpur Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent - Kenan Machado, Joanna Mahtani E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Shanghai (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Suites 1504-1508 Two ICC Shanghai International Commerce Center No. 288 South Shaanxi Road Shanghai 200031 Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Units 1209-1210 - 12/F Tower One and Exchange Plaza - Ayala Triangle Ayala Ave. - Makati City Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Abhrajit Gangopadhyay, Santanu Choudhury, Anant Vijay Kala, Biman Mukherji, Prasanta Sahu E-mail: unavailable 4th Floor Birla Tower 25 Barakhamba Road - 1100 001 New Delhi Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Bangalore (India) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Mumbai (India) Type: foreign bureau - Debiprasad Nayak E-mail: unavailable Unit 93 9th Floor 2 N. Avenue - Maker Maxity Bandra Kurla Complex - Bandra (East) Mumbai 400-051 India Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Patrick McDowell E-mail: unavailable Unit 315A 15th Floor Sentral Senayan III Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8 Gelora Bung Karno Senayan - 10270 Jakarta Tel.: unavailable (English)

Dow Jones - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Costas Paris, Venkat Ramakrishnan P.R., Jerry Tan E-mail: unavailable 10 Anson Road #32-08 International Plaza - Singapore 079903 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 14th Floor Young Poong building Cheonggyecheon-ro 41 JJongro-gu - Seoul Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Waan Chomchuen E-mail: unavailable 540 Mercury Tower 5th Floor Room #502-503 Ploenchit Road Lumpini Pathumwan - 10330 Bangkok Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - Vu Trong Khanh


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable Suite 709 - 31 Hai Ba Trung Street - Central Building Hanoi Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Tel-Aviv (Israel) Type: stringer - Rory Jones E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent - Ellen Knickmeyer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Yeliz Candemir Kazan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Asa Fitch, Nikhil Lohade, Nicolas Parasie E-mail: unavailable Building 5 Office 314 - PO Box 502585 Dubai Tel.: unavailable (English)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau - Devon Maylie E-mail:, 12 floor Sandton City Office Towers, Sandton Tel.: (+27) 11 783-7848 / Fax: 011 784-1206 (English) Dow Jones - Canberra (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Press Gallery Parliament House Suite 117 - Canberra 2600 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Melbourne (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Level 2 IBM Centre 60 City Road Southbank Melbourne Victoria 3006 Tel.: unavailable (English) Dow Jones - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Level 2 - 2 Holt St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Tel.: (+61) 2 8272-4600 (English) Dow Jones - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: foreign bureau - Kate Geenty E-mail: unavailable Level 5 EMC2. 5-7 Wileston Street - Wellington Tel.: unavailable (English)

UPI - United Press International website: category: private news agency ownership: News World Communications (Hyun-Jin Preston Moon, son of late Reverend Moon) languages: English active since: 1958 headquarters: N/A Facebook: affiliation: NAWC

Dow Jones - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: correspondent - Matina Stevis E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

UPI - HEADQUARTERS (United States) E-mail: 1133 19th Street NW - Suite 800 Washington DC 20036 | 1510 H. St. NW - Washington DC 20005 USA Washington Tel.: (+1) 202 898-8000 / (202) 898-8057 (English)

Dow Jones - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable

UPI - Boca Raton (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 149

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Nataniel Cox 47, Piso 9 Tel.: (+56) 2 2657-0874 / Fax: (+56) 2-6986605 (English)

UPI - Chicago (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1561 Darrow Ave, Evanston - IL 60201 Tel.: (+1) 847-332-1180 (English)

UPI - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Type: stringer - Jean-Franรงois Roosevelt E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+509) 2223-6565 (English)

UPI - Boston (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 215 First St, Cambridge - MA 02142 Tel.: (+1) 617-225-0024 (English)

UPI - Lima (Peru) Type: stringer - Ricardo Sรกnchez-Serra Serra E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+511) 999277339 (English)

UPI - Manchester (United States) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 2500 N River Rd, Manchester - NH 03106 Tel.: (+1) 603-623-5618 (English)

UPI - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Christiaan Virant E-mail: unavailable 7-1-11 Qi Jia Yuan - Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-3271 (English)

UPI - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Empire House - Empire Way, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 OEW Tel.: (+44) 0 20 8970-2607 / Fax: Fax: (+44) 208-9702613 (English)

UPI - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Wui Tat Centre 18/F 55 Connaught Road West Tel.: (+852) 2858-2774 / Fax: (+852) 2858-2775 (English)

UPI - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Leninsky prosp. 45, office 427 Tel.: (+8) 499 135-3255 (English) UPI - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable

UPI - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - Ruth Youngblood E-mail: unavailable AH 1-Bldg. 8th floor 1-9-14 Azabudai, Minato-Ku 1060041 Tel.: (+81) 3 3586-2370 / Fax: (+81) 3-3586-2373 (English) UPI - Seoul (South Korea) Type: correspondent 150

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable 605 Yonhap News Agency Bldg. 85-1 Susong-dong Chongro-gu Tel.: (+82) 2 398-3654 / Fax: (+82) 2-737-3654 (English)

Type: correspondent - Maryvonne Le Pennec E-mail: Via Ettore Rolli, 49 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 580-3856 (English)

UPI - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Platts - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Nadejda Vadimovna Rodova E-mail: ућ. Воздвиженља д.4/7, стр.2, этаж 7 Tel.: 763-7584, 783-4139 / Fax: 783-41-42 (English)

UPI - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Debbie Hill E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

RNS - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Francis X. Rocca E-mail: Via dell'Umiltà 83/c 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 6759-1329 / Fax: (+39) 06 233239525 (English)

UPI - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Gefinor Center - Bloc D 3rd Floor - Suite 302 Clemenceau Tel.: (+96) 11 745-971 / Fax: (+961) 1-745973 (English)

CNA Catholic - Lima (Peru) Type: correspondent - Alejandro Bermúdez Rosell E-mail: unavailable Calle Arístides Aljovín 690, Miraflores – Lima 18 (altura cuadra 14 Av. La Paz) Tel.: (+511) 445-7766 / Fax: 445-7766 (English) CNS News - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - John Thavis, Junno Arocho E-mail: unavailable Via dei Banchi Vecchi 58 00186 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 6830-0498 (English) CNS News - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Julie Stahl E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) Getty - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) McClatchy - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - John Zarocostas E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Tima - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) WTN - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Alexis Hintz (video) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Canada CanP - The Canadian Press / La Presse Canadienne website: category: national agency ownership: Canadian press groups (Torstar, Globe&Mail/Thomson, La Presse/Square Victoria) languages: English active since: 1917 headquarters: Toronto affiliation: NAWC, MINDS CanP - HEADQUARTERS (Canada) E-mail:,,, 36 King Street East - M5C 2L9 - Toronto Tel.: 416-364-0321 / 416-364-0207 (English) CanP - Calgary (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 310, 131 9 Ave. S.W. - Calgary Alberta T2P 1K1

Platts - Rome (Italy) 151

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+1) 403 233-7004 / Fax: (+1) 403 262-7520 (English)

Tel.: (+1) 506 457-0746 / Fax: (+1) 506 457-9708 (English)

CanP - Edmonton (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Suite 800, 10055 106 St. - Edmonton, AB Canada T5J 2Y2 Tel.: (+1) 780 428-6107 / Fax: (+1) 780 428-0663 (English)

CanP - St. John's (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable The Fortis Bldg. Suite 901 - 139 Water Street - St. John's N.L. A1C1B2 Tel.: (+1) 709 576-0687 / Fax: (+1) 709 576-0049 (English)

CanP - Vancouver (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 840 Howe Street, Suite 250 - Vancouver, B.C. V6Z2L2 Tel.: (+1) 604 687-1662 / Fax: (+1) 604 687-5040 (English)

CanP - Halifax (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1888 Brunswick Street Suite 701 - Halifax - Nova Scotia B3J3J8 Tel.: (+1) 902 422-8496 / Fax: (+1) 902 425-2675 (English)

CanP - Victoria (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Press Gallery, Room 350 - Legislative Bldg. - Victoria B.C. V8V1X4 Tel.: (+1) 250 384-4912 / Fax: (+1) 250 356-9597 (English)

CanP - Ottawa (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 165 Sparks Street Suite 800 - Ottawa - Ontario K1P5B9 Tel.: (+1) 613 236-4122 / Fax: (+1) 613 238-4452 (English)

CanP - Winnipeg (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 101, 386 Broadway Ave. Winnipeg - Manitoba R3C3R6 Tel.: (+1) 204 988-1780 / Fax: (+1) 204 942-4788 (English)

CanP - Toronto (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 36 King Street East - Toronto, Ont. M5C2L9 Tel.: (+1) 416 364-0321 / 3172 / Fax: (+1) 416 364-0207 / 1325 (English)

CanP - Fredericton (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Press Gallery - 96 St. John Street - Fredericton N.B. E3B1C5

CanP - Montreal (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 215 Saint-Jacques St., Suite 100 - Montreal - Quebec H2Y1M6


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+1) 514 849-3212 / Fax: (+1) 514 282-6915 (French)

Tel.: (+1) 306 585-1024 / Fax: (+1) 306 585-1027 (English)

CanP - Quebec (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1050, des Parlementaires, Suite 2. 43 - Quebec G1R5J1 Tel.: (+1) 418 646-5377 / Fax: (+1) 418 523-9686 (English)

CanP - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 1100 13th St NW - 20005 Washington DC Tel.: (+1) 202 641-9734 (English)

CanP - Regina (Canada) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Press Gallery, Room 335, Sask. Legislative Bldg. Regina, Sask. S4S 0B3

CanP - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: stringer - Lindajoy Fenley E-mail: Ignacio Esteva 20-B-301 Col. San Miguel Chapultepec 11850 MĂŠxico D.F. Tel.: (+52) 55 5271-3430, 5273-4979 / Fax: 5273-4979 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents




Télam - Telenoticiosa Americana

Télam - HEADQUARTERS (Argentina) ownership: sociedad del Estado - i.e, empresa estatal] E-mail:,,, Bolívar 531 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. C1066AAK - Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4339-0300 / (54-11) 4339 0385 (Spanish)

website: category: national agency languages: Spanish (main), English, Portuguese active since: 1946 headquarters: Bolívar 531 Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. C1066AAK - Buenos Aires phone: (+54) 11 4339-0300 | (+54) 011 4339 0345 fax: (54-11) 4339 0385 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @AgenciaTelam Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android (só rádio) services: text, photo, video, audio, infographics, multimedia packs, archive, features, interview, oped, historical dates, weather forecast, press review, newsletter, publishing, customized content, officials’ schedule, mobile news alert other services: Videocolumnas, Autores, Humor, Ilustraciones, El otro mapa, Debates, Guías, Informes, Listas, Videoguías, Horóscopo, Tránsito, Vuelos, Cablera, Reporte, Literario, Historietas desks: Politics, Business, World, Society, Culture, Sports, Arts, Tourism, Technology, Crime affiliation: NAWC, ULAN, NNN cooperation: ABr

Télam - Posadas (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Télam - Río Gallegos (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Mariana Cabezuelo E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Télam - La Plata (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Juliana Ricaldoni E-mail: @juliricaldoni Calle 47 - Casco Urbano - 1900 La Plata Tel.: (+54) 221 421-6587 (Spanish)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Télam - Mar del Plata (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Carlos Daniel Aletto E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Type: domestic correspondent - Jorge Garmendia E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Télam - Santiago del Estero (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Eduardo Peláez E-mail: Av. Moreno Sur 665 - 4200 Santiago del Estero Tel.: (+54) 385 421-3501 (Spanish)

Télam - Bahía Blanca (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Marcelo Lev E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Rawson (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Carlos di Filippo; Ana Tronfi E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Bariloche (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Daniel Lorenzo; Alejandra Bartoliche E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - La Rioja (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Marta Estela Zapata E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Córdoba (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Javier Pennacchioni E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - San Salvador de Jujuy (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Ricardo Martínez E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Rosario (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - José Granata E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Formosa (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Juan Altamirano E-mail: Padre Patiño 871 - Formosa - Argentina Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Mendoza (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Oscar Pinco; Etel Pringles E-mail: Av. Alem 41 - 5500 Mendoza Tel.: (+54) 261 420-3100 (Spanish)

Télam - Resistencia (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Fabio Prette E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Catamarca (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Salta (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Paola Soldano E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Neuquén (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Walter Pérez E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - San Juan (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Jorge Lucero E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Corrientes (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Patricia Arrúa E-mail:; @ArruaPatricia [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - San Luis (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Claudia San Martín E-mail:

Télam - Paraná (Argentina) 155

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Télam - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Melisa Cabo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Santa Fe (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Germán Ulrich E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: stringer - Pablo Giuliano E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Santa Rosa (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Rita Souble E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Santiago (Chile) Type: stringer - Alfredo Follonier Twitter: @ironfolo [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Tucumán (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Marcelo Caferro E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Lima (Peru) Type: stringer - Alejandro Lomuto E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Télam - Viedma (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Carlos Espinoza E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Télam - Ushuaia (Argentina) Type: domestic correspondent - Gabriel Ramonet E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Barbados BGIS - HEADQUARTERS (Barbados) ownership: departamento (nível ministerial) do governo] E-mail:,, Bay Street St. Michael BB11158 - Bridgetown Tel.: (+1 246) 426-2232 / +1 (246) 436-1317 (English)

Abroad: Télam - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - Hernán Campaniello E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

CANA - Caribbean News Agency website: category: agência de rádio/audio ownership: media outlets from Caribbean nations languages: English active since: 1976 headquarters: N/A Twitter: @CANANEWS1

Télam - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Hernán Reyes Alcaide E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

CANA - HEADQUARTERS (Barbados) E-mail: Culloden View Beckles Rd. - St. Michael Barbados W.I. - St. Michael Tel.: (+1 246) 467-1000 (English)

Télam - Barcelona (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Cecilia Guardati E-mail: Diputación 348, 1.º, 1 08013 Barcelona Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 687-643-921 (Spanish)

CANA - St. John's (Antigua and Barbuda) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Télam - Madrid (Spain) Type: stringer - Andrés Igor Kudacki E-mail: [address not available] 156

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (English)

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - Nassau (Bahamas) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - Kingstown (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - Belize (Belize) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - Paramaribo (Suriname) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - Roseau (Dominica) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

CANA - St. George's (Grenada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Bolivia ABI - HEADQUARTERS (Bolivia) ownership: Ministerio de Comunicación E-mail:,,,, Calle Potosí esq. Ayacucho 1220. Casilla 6500 - La Paz Tel.: (+591) 2 211-3782 / (591-2) 2204370 (Spanish)

CANA - Georgetown (Guyana) Type: foreign bureau - Denis Chabrol E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) CANA - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Brazil ABr - Agência Brasil

CANA - Kingston (Jamaica) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

website: category: national agency languages: Portuguese (main), English, Spanish active since: 1990 headquarters: Setor Comercial SUL - SCS - Quadra 08 Bloco B-60, 1º Piso Inferior - Edifício Venâncio 2000 - Asa Sul - Brasília phone: (+55) 61 3799 5700 | +55 61 37995338 e-mails: (general), (management) Twitter: @agenciabrasil Facebook: mobile: Android (só rádio) services: text, photo, audio, features, mobile news alert desks: Politics, Business, World, Geral, Culture, Education, Pesquisa e Inovação, Human Rights, Últimas Notícias

CANA - Montserrat (Montserrat) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) CANA - Basseterre (St. Kitts and Nevis) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) CANA - Castries (St. Lucia) 157

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

affiliation: NAWC, ULAN, ALP cooperation: Télam, Lusa

ABr - Recife (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau correspondent - Sumaia Villela E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

ABr - HEADQUARTERS (Brazil) ownership: EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação) E-mail:, Setor Comercial SUL - SCS - Quadra 08 Bloco B-60 1º Piso Inferior - Edifício Venâncio 2000 - Asa Sul Brasília Tel.: (+55) 61 3799 5700 (Portuguese)

ABr - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau bureau E-mail: unavailable Rua da Relação 18 Centro - Rio de Janeiro RJ 20231110 Tel.: (+55) 21 2117-6202 / Fax: (+55) 21 2117-6235 (Portuguese)

ABr - Manaus (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau correspondent - Bianca Paiva E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

ABr - Porto Alegre (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau correspondent - Daniel Isaia E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

ABr - Salvador (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau correspondent - Sayonara Moreno E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

ABr - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau bureau E-mail: unavailable Avenida Mofarrej 1200 Vila Leopoldina - São Paulo SP 05311-000 Tel.: (+55) 11 3545-3111 (Portuguese)

ABr - Fortaleza (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau correspondent - Edwirges Nogueira E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

ABr (EBC) - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: stringer - Giselle Garcia E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+44) 757024-0376 (Portuguese, Danish)

ABr - Belo Horizonte (Brazil) Type: domestic bureau correspondent - Léo Rodrigues E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

ABr (EBC) - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Leandra Felipe 158

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese, Italian)

PL - Prensa Latina website: category: national agency languages: Spanish (main), English, French, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish active since: 1959 headquarters: Calle E No. 454, esq. 19, Vedado, La Habana - Havana phone: (+53) 7 8383496 | (53-7) 8383497 fax: (53-7) 8383498, 8383499 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @prensalatina_cu Facebook: mobile: PDA, services: text, photo, video, audio, infographics, multimedia packs, features, interview, op-ed, press review, newsletter, publishing, press communiqués and official announcements, officials’ schedule, mobile news alert other services: Enfoques, Exclusivos, Noticieros,

ABr (EBC) - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: correspondent - Gilberto Costa, Marieta Cazarré E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese) ABr (EBC) - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent - José Romildo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese, English) ABr (EBC) - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Monica Yanakiew E-mail: Calle República Arabe Siria 3352 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4802-5337 / Cel.: (+54) 15 5051-8764

(Portuguese, Spanish)

Resúmenes, Compilaciones, Programas Informativos, Fotorreportaje, Multimedia, Publicaciones, Periódico Orbe, The Havana Reporter, Cuba World, Avances Médicos, Negocios en Cuba desks: Business, Culture, Sports, Science y Technology, Cuba, EE.UU. y Canadá, Caribe y Centroamérica, América del Sur, Europa, Asia y Oceanía, África y Medio Oriente affiliation: NAWC, ULAN, NNN

Cuba ACN - HEADQUARTERS (Cuba) ownership: Partido Comunista de Cuba E-mail:,,,,,,, Calle 23 No. 358 esq. J Vedado Plaza de la Revolución La Habana 10400 - Havana Tel.: (+53) 7 832-5542 AL 45 / (537) 836 3240 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - HEADQUARTERS (Cuba) ownership: empresa estatal] E-mail:,, 159

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents, Calle E No. 454 esq. 19 Vedado La Habana - Havana Tel.: (+53) 7 8383496 / (53-7) 8383498, 8383499 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - La Paz (Bolivia) Type: foreign bureau - Joel Michel Varona, Luis Brizuela Brínguez, Glenda Arcia E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+591) 2 232-3479 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - Masiel Fernández Bolaños E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Moisés Pérez Mok E-mail: Rua Dois de Dezembro 813 / sl.803 Catete - Rio de Janeiro 22222-040 Tel.: (+55) 21 2265-7614 / Fax: 2265-7614 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent - Antonio Cuesta Marín E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Fausto Triana, Marlen Borges Twitter: @lunarft Calle Eleuterio Ramirez 1446 Dp 519 - Santiago Región Metropolitana Tel.: (+56) 2 2717-6726 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Eduardo Rodriguez-Baz, Miguel Francisco Lozano Alemán, Luis Manuel Arce E-mail: Ramón Gómez de la Serna 55, 5.º D - 28035 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 155-0603 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Félix Albisu E-mail: Carrera 3 No. 21-46 Apdo Aéreo 30372 - Santa Fe de Bogotá DC Tel.: (+57) 1 282-4527 / Fax: (+57) 1 281-3286 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent - Moisés Saab E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Odalys Buscarón Ochoa, Jorge Petinaud Martínez E-mail: Kutuzovskiy pr-t d.14 kv.121 Tel.: (+8) 499) 243-4604 / (+8) 903 182-1088 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Quito (Ecuador) Type: foreign bureau - Nestor Marín, Martha Sánchez, Leovani García E-mail: unavailable Edif. Sudamérica 2º Of.24 - Calle Venezuela 1018 y Mejía - Quito Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Waldo Mendiluza Rodríguez E-mail:, United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-404 New York NY 10017 Tel.: unavailable / Cel: (+1) 917 432-9961 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - San Salvador (El Salvador) Type: correspondent - Odalys Troya Flores E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau - Martín Hacthoum, Víctor Carriba E-mail:, Av. Sarmiento 2172 planta baja 6 - C1044AAH Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4953-5083, 4394-0565 / Fax: (+54) 11 4953-5083 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: correspondent - Isabel Soto Mayedo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Prensa Latina - Port-au-Prince (Haiti) 160

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent - Jacquelin Thélémaque E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+509) 2246-5149 / (+509) 2255- 9517 (Spanish)

Type: correspondent - Damy Vales, Ilsa Rodríguez Santana E-mail:, 4-1-23 Jian Guo Men Wai - Waijiao - Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-1914 / Fax: (+86) 10 6532-1914 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Mayra Pardillo Gómez, Aissa García, Orlando Oramas E-mail: Insurgentes Centro 125 edificio B-504, Col. San Rafael, 06470 México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 5546-6015, 5546-6016 / Fax: 5592-0570 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Roberto Castellanos Fernández E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: foreign bureau - Lianet Arias Sosa, Francisco G. Navarro E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: foreign bureau - Teresita Vives, Luis Melián E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Panama City (Panamá) Type: foreign bureau - Nubia Piqueras Grosso, Osvaldo Rodríguez E-mail: Avda. Quinta Norte 35 - Edif. Doña Luz, Apto 3 Apdo 62799 Tel.: (+507) 264-3647 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Ulises Canales López E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Prensa Latina - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: stringer - Nabil Khalil E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent - Julio Fumero E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent - Miguel Fernández, Pedro García Hernández E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Lima (Peru) Type: correspondent - Manuel Robles Sosa E-mail: unavailable Av. Del Parque Sur 173 Dpto. 201 - Urb. Corpac, San Isidro - Lima 27 Tel.: (+511) 224-2559 / Cel.: (+511) 945050987 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Luanda (Angola) Type: correspondent - Osvaldo Cardosa E-mail: unavailable Rua D. Miguel de Melo 92-2 - Luanda Tel.: (+244) 2 336-804 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: correspondent - Juan Carlos Díaz E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+598) 2 709-2955 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Fausto Triana Pruna E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 0726815964 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Mario Garrido, David Corcho E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+58) 212 565-05-90 – 565-0343, 565-0442, cel04129851560 / Fax: (0212) 564-7960 (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Pretoria (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Deisy Francis E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Prensa Latina - Beijing (China) 161

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+509) 3766-8876 / 509 3766-9071 (French) AHP - Montréal (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

Ecuador ANDES - HEADQUARTERS (Ecuador) ownership: RTV Ecuador E-mail: San Salvador E6-49 y Av. Eloy Alfaro - 99999 - Quito Tel.: (+593) 2 397-0800 – Ext. 3031 (Spanish)

AHP - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

Guatemala AGN - HEADQUARTERS (Guatemala) ownership: Secretaria de Comunicación de la Presidencia E-mail: Palacio Nacional de la Culture Nivel 1 Sala 2 - Cidade da Guatemala Tel.: (+502) 2230-0816 (Spanish)

AHP - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)



GINA - HEADQUARTERS (Guiana) ownership: órgão do governo - poder executivo] E-mail:, Area 'B' Homestretch Avenue D' Urban Backlands Georgetown Tel.: (+592) 226-6715 / (+592) 225-3119 (English)

JIS - HEADQUARTERS (Jamaica) ownership: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade E-mail: 58a Half Way Tree Road Kingston 10 Saint Andrew Parish - Kingston Tel.: (+1 876) 9263-7406 / (+1 876) 926-3590-4 (English)

Haiti Mexico AHP - Agence Haïtienne de Presse website: category: national agency ownership: Venel Rémarais languages: French active since: 1989 headquarters: 6, Rue Fernand, Canapé-Vert, Bois Patate - Porto-Príncipe phone: (+509) 3766-8876 | (509) 2513.0044 fax: 509 3766-9071 e-mails: (general), (management) services: text, archive, op-ed, press communiqués and official announcements, advertising, classified ads other services: Actualités, Editorial, Archives, íntegra de declarações e comunicados desks: Politique, Economie, International, Social, Santé, Environemment, Tourisme

Notimex - Agencia de Noticias del Estado Mexicano website: category: national agency ownership: Mexican state languages: Spanish active since: 1968 previous names 1968-2006: Notimex - Agencia Mexicana de Noticias headquarters: Morena 110, Col del Valle, Delegación. Benito Juárez C.P. 03100, México D.F. Cidade do México phone: (+52) 55 54201100 e-mails: (general),, (management),, (sales) Twitter: @Notimex Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android (só rádio)

AHP - HEADQUARTERS (Haiti) E-mail:, 6 Rue Fernand Canapé-Vert Bois Patate - PortoPríncipe 162

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

services: text, photo, video, infographics, archive, features, interview, newsletter, publishing, press communiqués and official announcements, mobile news alert other services: La Semana/Weekly/La Semaine, Sistema inmediato de comunicados (SIC), Fototeca Histórica, Secciones Especiales, Fotogalerías desks: México, World, Negocios, Estados, Health y Science, Culture, Sports, Arts, Justice, Metrópoli, Legislative affiliation: NAWC, ULAN

Notimex - Ciudad Juárez (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Romel García; Roberto Noguez E-mail: @rnoguez [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Notimex - Tijuana (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Martha Alicia Reyes E-mail: @martytareyes


Tijuana 1023 Zona del Río - 22000 Tijuana B.C. Tel.: (+52) 664 682-8071 (Spanish)

Notimex - HEADQUARTERS (Mexico) Diana Domínguez Galván E-mail:,,,, Morena 110 Col del Valle Delegación. Benito Juárez C.P. 03100 México D.F. - Cidade do México Tel.: (+52) 55 5420-1100 / (+52) 55 5682-0005 (Spanish)

Notimex - León (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Alejandro Sandoval E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Notimex - Monterrey (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Lourdes Beltrán E-mail: unavailable Porfirio Díaz 309 C.P. 64720 - Monterrey - Nuevo León Tel.: (+52) 81 8343-0990 (Spanish)

Notimex - Guadalajara (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Hugo Pescador Pacheco E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Mérida (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Tomás Martín E-mail: @ReporteroYuca Calle 57 - 514 Centro - 97000 Mérida - Yucatán Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Puebla (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Ángeles González Bretón E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Aguascalientes (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Mary Chavez E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) 163

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - San Luis Potosí (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Guadalupe Márquez Ramírez E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Notimex - Acapulco (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent González E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)


Abroad: Notimex - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Marcia Bizzotto E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+32) 49 656-1099 (Spanish)


Notimex - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - David del Río E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Cancún (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Mario Vázquez E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Olga Borobio E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Hermosillo (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Rosa Angélica Fimbres E-mail: @rafimbres [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Andrés Beltramo Álvarez, Mario Javier Osorio Beristain; Karla Guajardo Rodríguez (photo) E-mail:, Via Marcello Palmisano, 94 - A4 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911, Cel.: 348-7801970 / Fax: (+39) 06 67591262 (Spanish)

Notimex - Oaxaca (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Hugo Alberto Velasco E-mail: @hugovelasco18 [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Valladolid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Adela MacSwiney González E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Morelia (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Sandra Soraya Castro E-mail: @SandraSorayaCas [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Madrid (Spain) Type: regional office - Adela MacSwiney, Carlos Meza Peraza, Juan Carlos Rojas E-mail:,,,,, Calle de San Bernardo 63 piso 3º B - Madrid 28015 Tel.: (+34) 91 521-4022 , 522-7870 / Fax: (+34) 91 531-7699, Cel.: 663-010-096 (Spanish)

Notimex - Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - [Isaí Flores López fired 2017]; René de Jesús Araujo González (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish) Notimex - Querétaro (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Germán Meneses E-mail: unavailable [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Gabriela Sotomayor E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Saltillo (Mexico) Type: domestic correspondent - Ken Ventura 164

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Notimex - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Marcela Gutiérrez Bombadilla E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Type: regional office - Julio Wright, Marcel Garcés Twitter: @juliowright Calle Catedral 1009, Of 1601, Santiago, Región Metropolitana Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Toronto (Canada) Type: correspondent - Gabriel Ramírez; Isabel Inclán E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Edelmiro Franco Twitter: @edelmirofranco Cl 90 18-35 Of 208 - Bogotá Cundinamarca Tel.: (+57) 1 609-7889 (Spanish)

Notimex - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent - José Romero Mata E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Havana (Cuba) Type: stringer - Francisco Ramírez E-mail: unavailable Calle 19 No. 407 % G Y F Vedado - La Habana Tel.: 833-3230 / Fax: 792-2590, Cel.: 05280-1309 (Spanish)

Notimex - Washington (United States) Type: regional office - José López Zamorano; Ruben Barrera Twitter: @RubenBarreraDC [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Quito (Ecuador) Type: correspondent - Luis Onofa E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Miami (United States) Type: correspondent - Pablo Tonini, Francisco Trujillo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Guatemala City (Guatemala) Type: correspondent - Pablo Palomo Reyna E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Maurizio Guerrero E-mail: 105 East 100th St #4A - New York NY 10029 Tel.: unavailable / Cel: (+1) 917 903-3666 (Spanish)

Notimex - Tegucigalpa (Honduras) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Cecilia González E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+54) 15 6049-9126 (Spanish)

Notimex - Panama City (Panamá) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Heriberto Araújo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Notimex - Asunción (Paraguay) Type: correspondent - Daniela Desantis, Mariel Cristaldo E-mail:, Caballero 223 esq. Eligio Ayala. Edif. Aurora I piso 14 depto C - Asunción Tel.: (+595) 21 497-976, 497-977 / Fax: 442-427 (Spanish)

Notimex - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Ricardo Bittencourt E-mail: unavailable Av. Augusto Severo 152 / 1106 Glória - Rio de Janeiro 20021-040 Tel.: (+55) 21 2509-4842 / Fax: 2509-4842 (Spanish)

Notimex - Lima (Peru) Type: correspondent - José Luis Castillejos Ambrosio E-mail: [address not available]

Notimex - Santiago (Chile) 165

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+511) 271-1800 / Fax: (+511) 448-0686 (Spanish), Av. Alfonso Ugarte 873 Lima 1 - Lima Tel.: (+511) 315 0400 (Spanish)

Notimex - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: correspondent - Rodolfo Rivera Vázquez E-mail:, 1ª Transversal con 1ª Avenida de Los Palos Grandes, Edificio Tibisay, Torre B Piso 2 Oficina 24B Chacao Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 284-5623 / Cel.: 0416-620 7567 / Fax: (0212) 284-0422 (Spanish)

Saint Kitts and Nevis SKNIS - HEADQUARTERS (Saint Kitts and Nevis) ownership: Office of the Prime Minister Information Department E-mail: Horsford's Building Center - St. Kitts and Nevis Basseterre - Basseterre Tel.: unavailable (English)

Notimex - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Trinidad and Tobago GISL - HEADQUARTERS (Trinidad and Tobago) ownership: state owned limited liability company] E-mail:,, TIC Building Lady Young Road Morvant Port of Spain - Porto da Espanha Tel.: (+1 868) 224-5000/5 / (+1 868) 675.9578 (English)

Cuartoscuro - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Iván Eduardo Rendón Llamas (photo) E-mail: Calle de San Marcelo 18 - 7-E 28017 - Madrid Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 692-258-996 (Spanish)



IPP - HEADQUARTERS (Paraguay) ownership: Secretaría de Información y Comunicación para el Desarrollo (SICOM) E-mail:, Alberdi 633 e/ Gral Díaz y Haedo | Ayolas e/ Estrella y Olivia Edif. Capital entrepiso - Assunção Tel.: (+595) 21 449-111 / +59521 449 111 (Spanish)

AVN - HEADQUARTERS (Venezuela) ownership: Sistema Bolivariano de Comunicación e Información - Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Comunicación y la Información (Minci) E-mail: Torre Lincoln Piso 7 Sabana Grande - Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 781-2711 (Spanish) AVN - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Ingo Niebel E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)|

Peru Andina - HEADQUARTERS (Peru) ownership: Editora Perú E-mail:,,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


Turkey AA - Anadolu Ajansi website: category: national agency ownership: Anadolu Ajansı Corporation (Turkish state) languages: Turkish (main), English, French, Russian, Arabic, Persian, Kurdish, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, Albanian active since: 1920 headquarters: Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı, 128/C Tandoğan, 06570, Maltepe - Ankara phone: (+90) 312 9992146 | (+90) 312 231 7000 ext: 2617 fax: +90 312 232 4399, 2319742 e-mails: (general), (management),,, (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @anadoluajansi Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS (iPhone e iPad), Android services: text, photo, video, infographics, multimedia packs, features, op-ed, financial info, press review, newsletter, yearbook, publishing, press communiqués and official announcements, corporate communication, capacity-building, press center other services: GSM operators, Internet providers, short stories for the Local newspapers

desks: Politics, Economy, Turkey, World, Health, Education, Culture and Art, Sport, Life, ScienceTechnology affiliation: NAWC, EANA, OANA, AMAN, ABNA, TKA, BSANNA, MINDS cooperation: AP, AFP, DPA, APA, Kyodo, TT, Jiji, Getty Images, EPA, ABACA Press (photo) Domestic: Anadolu - HEADQUARTERS (Turkey) E-mail:,,,,,, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Bulvarı 128/C Tandoğan 06570 Maltepe Ankara - Ancara Tel.: (+90) 312 9992146 / +90 312 232 4399, 2319742 (Turkish) Anadolu - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau - Hamdi Yıldız, Mustafa Bağ E-mail: 03 Rue Jamel Abdenasseur 2 Éme Etage APP B2/5/6-2 TUNISIA Tel.: (+216) 7132-6597 / 21671326606 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kahramanmaraş (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: İsmetpaşa Mah. Borsa Cad. Yaşar Kadıoğlu İşhanı K :4 No : 20 Kahramanmaraş


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+90) 344 223 1223 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kahramanmaraş 2 (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kadri Eroğan Cd. Vali Akbulut İş Merkezi K:1 No:7 Şanlıurfa Tel.: (+90) 414 314 1919 / Fax: (+90) 0414 312 1810 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kastamonu (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Aktekke Mh. Yalçın Cd. Barutçuoğlu Plaza Kat:6 No:30 Kastamonu Tel.: (+90) 366 214 8885 / Fax: (+90) 0366 214 8884 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kayseri (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Hacı Sakı Mh. Alpay Sk. Lifos Tower İş Merkezi No:17/19 Kocasinan - Kayseri Tel.: (+90) 352 221 0218 / Fax: (+90) 0352 222 1494 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kırıkkale (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Ovacık Mahallesi Hürriyet Caddesi Dümerler İşhanı No: 3/14 Kırıkkale Tel.: (+90) 318 333 2222 / Fax: (+90) 0318 333 2223 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kırşehir (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dr. İsmail Yağız Caddesi Berra Apartmanı No: 17 Daire: 1/1 Kırşehir Tel.: (+90) 386 213 5251 / Fax: (+90) 0386 213 5161 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kocaeli (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Karabaş Mahallesi Belde Sokak Ekşi İş Merkezi No: 5/G İzmit-Kocaeli Tel.: (+90) 262 322 4420 / Fax: (+90) 0262 321 3160 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kütahya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Alipaşa Mahallesi Zafer Meydanı Tarım Kredi İş Merkezi Kat:2 No:10 Merkez/Kütahya Tel.: (+90) 274 224 3811 / Fax: (+90) 0274 224 3417 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Manisa (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Anafartalar Mahallesi 1608. Sokak No:3/2 Manisa Tel.: (+90) 236 231 0030 / Fax: (+90) 0236 231 5171 (Turkish) Anadolu - Rize (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Piriçelebi Mahallesi Cumhuriyet Caddesi İl Özel İdaresi Binası B Blok No:132 Kat:3 Rize Tel.: (+90) 464 217 0210 / Fax: (+90) 0464 217 0211 (Turkish) Anadolu - Siirt (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Bahçelievler Mh. Gaffar Okkan Cd. 1403 SK. No:1/13 Siirt Tel.: (+90) 484 223 1101 (Turkish) Anadolu - Şırnak (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Aydınlık Evler Mh. Şehit Üsteğmen Mehmet Esin Cd. Akgüç Apt. No:7/10 Şırnak Tel.: (+90) 486 216 8546 (Turkish) Anadolu - Sivas (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kepenek Cad. No :28 Barış Apt. Kat:1 Sivas Tel.: (+90) 346 225 2020, 0346 225 1002 / Fax: (+90) 0346 224 3339 (Turkish) Anadolu - Afyon (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Burmalı Mh. Küçük Demirciler Geçidi Türkeli İş Merkezi No:24 Kat:2 Daire:3 Afyonkarahisar Tel.: (+90) 272 214 4219 / Fax: (+90) 0272 214 2519 (Turkish) Anadolu - Aydın (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Hasanefendi Mahallesi Kazımkarabekir Caddesi Sevgi Yolu No:44 Kat:4 Aydın Tel.: (+90) 256 213 2794 / Fax: (+90) 0256 213 1670 (Turkish) Anadolu - Denizli (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Altıntop Mahallesi Meserret Sokak Telat Köseer İş Merkezi No: 3/22 Kat: 5 Denizli Tel.: (+90) 258 263 8795 / Fax: (+90) 0258 242 0456 (Turkish)

Kırtepe Mahallesi İpçiler Sokak Töngel İş Merkezi No:207 Bartın Tel.: (+90) 378 222 0090 / Fax: (+90) 0378 222 0090 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Eskişehir (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Arifiye Mah. Yaldı Sok. No:13 Arifiye Apt. Kat:3 Daire:1 Eskişehir Tel.: (+90) 222 220 1641 / Fax: (+90) 0222 220 1642 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Bolu (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Tabaklar Mahallesi Hattat Emin Barın Caddesi Ünal İş Merkezi Kat:1 Daire:6 Bolu Tel.: (+90) 374 218 0385 / Fax: (+90) 0374 218 0524 (Turkish)

Anadolu - İzmir (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office - Ali Korkmaz, Tezcan Ekizler E-mail: Akdeniz Cd No: 14 K:4 / 402 Birsel İş Merkezi Pasaport/İzmir Tel.: (+90) 232 483 3530 / Fax: (+90) 0232 446 8828 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Düzce (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: İstanbul Cd. Camikebir Mh. Osmanlı İşhanı Kat:2 No:6 Düzce Tel.: (+90) 380 524 2722 / Fax: (+90) 0380 525 0181 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Muğla (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau - Durmuş Genç E-mail: Şeyh Mah. Hacı Memiş Ağa Sok. Tolga Apt. No:6/8 48000 Muğla Tel.: (+90) 252 213 27 / Fax: (+90) 0252 213 1428 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Giresun (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau - Gültekin Yetgin E-mail: Hacısiyam Mahallesi İnönü Caddesi Cemaleddin Bey İşhanı No:8/11 Kat:4 Giresun Tel.: (+90) 454 212 6121 / Fax: (+90) 0454 212 8994 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Uşak (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Köme Mahallesi Belediye İşhanı No:114 Kat:2 Uşak Tel.: (+90) 276 223 3532 / Fax: (+90) 0276 223 4999 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Karabük (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Bayır Mahalle Hürriyet Caddesi Karabük İş Merkezi No:78Kat:5 Karabük Tel.: (+90) 370 415 7070 / Fax: (+90) 0370 415 7070 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Aksaray (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kılıçaslan Mah. Atatürk Bul. Efor İş Merkezi Kat:7 No:705 Aksaray Tel.: (+90) 382 222 0120 / Fax: (+90) 0382 222 0121 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Mersin (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Mahmudiye Mh. Bahçeler Cd. Palamut Plaza Kat:3 No:35 Akdeniz - Mersin Tel.: (+90) 324 239 2500 / Fax: (+90) 0324 239 2502 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Amasya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dere Mahallesi Danışment Caddesi 1. Noter karşısı No:7/1 Amasya Tel.: (+90) 358 218 0705 / Fax: (+90) 0358 218 0705 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Ordu (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Düz Mahallesi Osmanpaşa Caddesi Hasan Yalçın İşhanı No:2 Ordu Tel.: (+90) 452 223 3095 / Fax: (+90) 0452 223 3094 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Bartın (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:

Anadolu - Samsun (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Ulugazi Mah. İstiklal Cad. Cerid Apt. No:32 Kat:6/16 İlkadım/Samsun Tel.: (+90) 362 230 6831 / Fax: (+90) 0362 234 4371 (Turkish)

350 Evler Mahallesi Milli İrade Caddesi Caner Sokak No: 6/5 Nevşehir Tel.: (+90) 384 212 3525 / Fax: (+90) 0384 212 3526 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Sinop (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Meydankapı Mahallesi Kıbrıs Caddesi Bostan İş Hanı No:2 Kat:3 Sinop Tel.: (+90) 368 220 0008 / Fax: (+90) 0368 220 0007 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Yozgat (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Aşağı Nohutlu Mahallesi Necip Altınok Caddesi No:22/1 Yozgat Tel.: (+90) 354 217 5428 / Fax: (+90) 0354 212 6138 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Tokat (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Ali Paşa Mahallesi 28. Sokak Zafer İş Merkezi Kat: 2 No: 7 Tokat Tel.: (+90) 356 214 6062 / Fax: (+90) 0356 214 6062 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Ağrı (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Yavuz Mahallesi Hz. Ömer Çarşısı Gök İş Merkezi 3/10 Ağrı Tel.: (+90) 472 215 7076 / Fax: (+90) 0472 215 7076 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Trabzon (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: AKemerkaya Mahallesi Meydan Hamam Sokak Doktorlar İşhanı Kat:3 Trabzon Tel.: (+90) 462 326 1200 / 1204 / Fax: (+90) 0462 326 1201 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Batman (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Bahçelievler Mah. 1602. Sokak Bulvar Apt. No:1/16 Kat:2 Batman Tel.: (+90) 488 215 4455 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Zonguldak (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Mithatpaşa Mahallesi Şemsi Denizer Sokak Karaelmas Apartmanı Kat:6 No:5 - Zonguldak Tel.: (+90) 372 253 0111 / Fax: (+90) 0372 253 7555 (Turkish) Anadolu - Çorum (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Yeni Yol Mahallesi Gazi 4. Sokak Kent İş Merkezi Kat:5 No:501 Çorum Tel.: (+90) 364 225 1997 / Fax: (+90) 0364 225 1998 (Turkish) Anadolu - Konya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Menderes Mah. Ulaşbaba Cad. Konya İş Merkezi Kat:3 No:9 Konya Tel.: (+90) 332 353 1914 / 1915 / 1916 / 1917 / Fax: (+90) 0332 350 3117 (Turkish) Anadolu - Nevşehir (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:

Anadolu - Bingöl (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Yenişehir Mahallesi Genç Caddesi Ortaköy İşhanı Kat:3 No:10 Bingöl Tel.: (+90) 426 215 0131 / Fax: (+90) 0426 215 0131 (Turkish) Anadolu - Bitlis (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau - Şener Toktaş E-mail: Hüsrev Paşa Mh. Ahmeteren Blv. No:30 Bitlis Tel.: (+90) 434 226 1226 / Fax: (+90) 0434 226 9889 (Turkish) Anadolu - Elazığ (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Akpınar Mh. General Abdullah Alpdoğan Cd. Aydınlar İş Merkezi Kat:3 Daire:9 Elazığ Tel.: (+90) 424 233 9616 / Fax: (+90) 0424 233 6023 (Turkish) Anadolu - Erzurum (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Vani Efendi Mh. Haşıl Efendi Cd. Çağla İş Merkezi No:1/1 Yakutiye-Erzurum


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+90) 442 233 3300 / Fax: (+90) 0442 233 2968 (Turkish) Anadolu - Hakkari (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Bulvar Cd. Kaya Plaza İş Merkezi Kat:6 No:33 Hakkari Tel.: (+90) 438 212 0016 (Turkish) Anadolu - Iğdır (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Atatürk Caddesi İstanbul Pasajı No:5 Kat:5 Iğdır Tel.: (+90) 476 227 2284 / Fax: (+90) 0476 226 5124 (Turkish) Anadolu - Malatya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Ferhadiye Mahallesi Ferhadiye Sokak Acar İş Merkezi No:18 Kat:5 Malatya Tel.: (+90) 422 323 6223 / Fax: (+90) 0422 326 4222 (Turkish) Anadolu - Mardin (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 13 Mart Mahallesi Orta Doğu Caddesi Ercan Plaza Kat:3 Daire:9 Mardin Tel.: (+90) 482 212 4799 / Fax: (+90) 0482 212 4799 (Turkish) Anadolu - Muş (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: İstasyon Cad.Valilik Karşısı 2. Noter Üstü Kat:3 No:13 Muş Tel.: (+90) 436 212 2124 / Fax: (+90) 0436 212 2124 (Turkish) Anadolu - Tunceli (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Merkez Moğultay Mh. Sanat Sokağı Gökler İş Merkezi Kat:2 No:4 Tunceli Tel.: (+90) 428 212 1314 / Fax: (+90) 0428 212 1314 (Turkish) Anadolu - Van (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Şerefiye Mahallesi Urartu 1. Sokak Albina Sitesi C Blok Kat:5 No:13 İpekyolu/Van Tel.: (+90) 432 215 05 06/08/09 / Fax: (+90) 0432 215 0507 (Turkish) Anadolu - Balıkesir (Turkey)

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 6 Eylül Mahallesi Keçeci Sokak Tavancı Apartmanı Kat:3 Daire:4 Balıkesir Tel.: (+90) 266 241 1022 / Fax: (+90) 0266 241 1002 (Turkish) Anadolu - Bursa (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Fevzi Çakmak Cad. Doğanbey Sok. No:1 Berk 2 Plaza Kat 8 Osmangazi/Bursa Tel.: (+90) 224 234 6728 / Fax: (+90) 0224 234 4880 (Turkish) Anadolu - Çanakkale (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Cevatpaşa Mahallesi Kayserili Ahmetpaşa Caddesi No:60 Daire:30 Kat:6 Çanakkale Tel.: (+90) 286 217 2440 / Fax: (+90) 0286 212 5352 (Turkish) Anadolu - Edirne (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Saraçlar Cd. Eser Yavaş İş Merkezi 21/5 Edirne Tel.: (+90) 284 212 1029 / Fax: (+90) 0284 213 4334 (Turkish) Anadolu - İstanbul (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office - Yusuf Karadağ, Khalil Salahshoor, Erkan Tiryaki (sport) E-mail: Merkezefendi Mahallesi Mevlana Caddesi Toya Plaza No:140 Cevizlibağ-Zeytinburnu / İstanbul Tel.: (+90) 212 513 1090 / Fax: (+90) 0212 511 6039 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kırklareli (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau - Özgüntiran E-mail: Karakaş Mh. Fevzi Çakmak Bulvarı Soykan Apt. B Blok Ziraat Bankası karşısı No:23 Kırklareli Tel.: (+90) 288 212 4444 / Fax: (+90) 0288 212 1218 (Turkish) Anadolu - Sakarya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Arabacıalanı Mehmet Akif Ersoy Caddesi No:14/A Serdivan Belediyesi Kültür Merkezi Serdivan / Sakarya Tel.: (+90) 264 282 2299 / Fax: (+90) 0264 279 4546 (Turkish) Anadolu - Tekirdağ (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau 171

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: Ertuğrul Mahallesi Şükran Sokak No: 3/2 Tekirdağ Tel.: (+90) 282 264 2853 / Fax: (+90) 0282 260 3826 (Turkish) Anadolu - Adana (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Ziyapaşa Bulvarı Divan Apt. No:6 Kat:2/5 Seyhan – Adana Tel.: (+90) 322 457 1032 / Fax: (+90) 0322 458 6222 (Turkish) Anadolu - Antalya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Güllük Cad. Saraçoğlu İş Merkezi A Blok Kat:2 No:75 Muratpaşa/Antalya Tel.: (+90) 242 243 0091 / Fax: (+90) 0242 248 8109 (Turkish) Anadolu - Hatay (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Atatürk Cd. Cebrail Mh. Kızılay Vali Utku Acun İşhanı Kat:2 Antakya - Hatay Tel.: (+90) 326 215 1803 / Fax: (+90) 0326 215 1800 (Turkish) Anadolu - Isparta (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kutlu Bey Mh. Cengiz Topel Cd. No:13 Kat:3 Isparta Tel.: (+90) 246 223 1009 / Fax: (+90) 0246 223 1009 (Turkish) Anadolu - Karaman (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Mahsur Dede Mah. Atatürk Bul. Ali Boz İşhanı Kat:4 No:7 Karaman Tel.: (+90) 338 213 9320 / 9321 / Fax: (+90) 0338 213 9330 (Turkish) Anadolu - Niğde (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dr. Sami Yağız Cad. Saruhan Mah. Seratut İş Merkezi 3/18 Niğde Tel.: (+90) 388 212 0809 / Fax: (+90) 0388 212 0706 (Turkish) Anadolu - Osmaniye (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Dünya İş Merkezi Raufbey Mahallesi 9547 sokak 15/8 Osmaniye

Tel.: (+90) 328 790 2060 (Turkish) Anadolu - Adıyaman (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Turgut Reis Mahallesi 117 Sokak No:29/4Kat:2 Devlet Hastanesi Merkez Bina Karşısı Adıyaman Tel.: (+90) 416 213 6699 (Turkish) Anadolu - Diyarbakır (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Elazığ Caddesi No:5 Yenişehir-Diyarbakır Tel.: (+90) 412 2280660, 61/62 /64 0412 2249418 / Fax: (+90) 0412 228 0663 (Turkish) Anadolu - Gaziantep (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: İncirlipınar Mh. Porf. Dr. Muammer Aksoy Bulvarı, Atlas İş Merkezi No: 1 /1 Şehitkamil/ Gaziantep Tel.: (+90) 342 230 6299 / Fax: (+90) 0342 230 2160 (Turkish) Abroad: Anadolu - Brussels (Belgium) Type: regional office - Hasan Esen, Ata Ufuk Şeker E-mail: IPC - Boulevard Charlemagne 1 BTE 2, 1041 NO.408-410 Brussels-BELGIUM Tel.: (+32) 2 231-0052 / Fax: (+32 2) 280-6999, 010/222842 (Turkish) Anadolu - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Onur Usta, Fatma Esma Arslan E-mail: 12 Rue Poncelet 75017 - Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 7550-5211 (Turkish) Anadolu - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Mehmet Kaman, Cüneyt Karadag E-mail: Schiffbauerdamm 40 - Presshaus 5217-10117 - Berlin Tel.: (+49) 3022620547 / 493022620546 (Turkish) Anadolu - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Mehmet Hatipoğlu, Filyo Kongo, Furkan Naci Top E-mail:,,, Voukourestiou 16 Kolonaki - Athens Tel.: (+30) 210 362-6446 / Fax: (+30) 210 362-6444, Cel.: (+30) 694 668-5020, (+30) 697 346-1351 (Turkish)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Anadolu - Thessaloniki (Greece) Type: stringer - Salih Baran, Furkan Naci Top E-mail: 7 Ar. Saranti str. - 544 53 Thessaloniki Tel.: " (+30) 2310 914351" / Fax: (+30) 2310 914351 (Turkish) Anadolu - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Barış Seçkin E-mail:, Via dell'Umiltà 83/c 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911 / Fax: (+39) 3807866671 (Turkish)

Type: foreign bureau - Ruslan Rehimov E-mail: Cafer Cabbarlı 40. Caspian Business Center 7. kat Baku Azerbaijan Tel.: (+994) 12 436-9253 / 994124369295 (Turkish) Anadolu - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: foreign bureau - Lejla Bıogradlıja, Kayhan Gül, Alma Çekovic, Amina Zorniç E-mail: Mula Mustafe Bašeskije BR.7, 71000 Sarajevo/BOSNA HERCEGOVINA Tel.: (+387) 33 832-000, 008 38733832435 / 387 33832009 (Turkish)

Anadolu - The Hague (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Yasin Yağcı E-mail: Hangelolaan 1202, 2544 GV Den Haag (Lahey) / Holanda Tel.: (+31) 64 136-6212 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau - Ivan Radojkov (İhvan Radoykov) E-mail: 8 Georgi Benkovski Str, et:3, Sofia 1000 BULGARIA Tel.: 359 2980-3193 / 359 2865-6975 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Oslo (Norway) Type: stringer - Mehmet Temel E-mail: Brobekkveien 28 - 0598 Oslo Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9846-4844 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Astana (Kazakhstan) Type: foreign bureau - Aliia Raimbekova E-mail: Bukeyhan Street 8/3 - 17 - Astana Tel.: (+7) 702 8307760 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Senhan Bolelli, Burak Akbulut E-mail:, Plaza Manuel Becerra 15 - 7.º D 28028 - Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 402-8115 / Cel.: 699-865-338 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Type: foreign bureau - Nezir Aliyev, Nezir Kuliyev E-mail: unavailable Moskova Caddesi 64. Daire 78 Bişkek Tel.: (+996) 312908464 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Murat Unlü, Betul Yuruk, Fatih Erel E-mail:,,, Chemin de Maisonneuve 10 Chatelaine/Geneve Tel.: (+41) 79 154-5496 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Skopje (Macedonia) Type: foreign bureau - Cüneyt Davut E-mail: ul. Nikola Kljusev No. 6 – Centar Skopje / Makedonija Tel.: (+389) 2 3123-129 / +389 2 312-3246 (Turkish)

Anadolu - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Aslı Aral, İnci Gündağ, Gökhan Kurtaran, Tayfun Salcı, Ahmet Gürhan Kartal E-mail: 64 Victoria Street, SW1E 6QP, London- U.K. Tel.: (+44) (0)2078087048 (Turkish) Anadolu - Tirana (Albania) Type: foreign bureau - Malik Hasa, Alban Agushi, Dzihat Aliju, Fatjon Cuka E-mail: "Rruga Xhorxh Bush, Përballë lulishte 1 Maji, Mbi Kevin Kevin Construction"" kati 2, hyrja 3 Tiranë Shqipëri" Tel.: (+355) 4 234 0282 / 00 355 4 226 8160 (Turkish) Anadolu - Baku (Azerbaijan)

Anadolu - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Hakan Ceyhan Aydoğan, Emre Gürkan Abay E-mail:, Kutuzovskiy Prospekt 7/4 179 - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 495 514-1192, 792 6272-4717 / Cel.: 8(926) 272-4717 (Turkish) Anadolu - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau - Kristina Maslareviç, Talha Ozturk E-mail: unavailable Çika Ljubina No 12, Beograd - Srbija Tel.: (+381) 62637878 (Turkish) Anadolu - Pristina (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau - Sibel Vezaj, Adem Demir E-mail: unavailable "R.R. ""Shaban Poluzha"" Pristine / Serbia" 173

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: 377 44458478 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: stringer - Bahadir Vanli Twitter: @bahadirvanli [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

Anadolu - Shanghai (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Wanping sth road lane: 1455 no.14 room: 3002 Xuhui district, Shanghai City / China Tel.: 8613816412161 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Bakhtiyor Abdukarimov E-mail: Center-5 No 74/43 700017 - Tashkent Tel.: (+998) 90328-2223 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Srinagar (India) Type: stringer - Ahmer Khan (photo) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

Anadolu - Toronto (Canada) Type: stringer - Seyit Aydoğan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

Anadolu - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Wisma BSG Building 3rd A Floor Jl. Abdul Muis 40 Jakarta / Indonesia Tel.: (+62) 21 3890-0168 / (+62) 21 3193-6082, 3107443, 316-0780 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Atheer Kakan, Kasım İleri, Gülbin Yıldırım E-mail: 529 14th Street NW, Suite: 1131 Washington, DC 20045 USA Tel.: (+1) 202 662-7435 / 12026627437 (Turkish) Anadolu - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Tarek Fathi, Mustafa Keles E-mail:,, 801 2nd Avenue, Suite: 502 New York, NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 646 596-8484, 917 293-8662 / Fax: (+1) 646 8613166 (Turkish) Anadolu - New York UN (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Tarek Fatih, Mustafa Keles E-mail:,, 760 United Nations Plaza, Press Suites 3th. Floor, New York 10017 Tel.: (+1) 646 634-7975 / Cel: (+1) 917 293-8662 (Tarek) (Turkish)

Anadolu - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Yusuf Hatip, Metin Aktaş (photo), Bahattin Gonultas E-mail: Stock Exchange Building Blue Area, 4th Floor Room No. 403 Islamabad / Sector E-7, Street number:22 House number:267-A İslamabad Tel.: 8613816412161 / (+92) 302 8110303 (Turkish) Anadolu - Algiers (Algeria) Type: foreign bureau - Zeynep Tüfekçi E-mail: unavailable 18 BT B ap. 18 RTE El Alia Bouzareah Tel.: (+213) 2160-3559 / (+213) 561 646-370 (Turkish) Anadolu - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent - Murat Demirci E-mail: Şehit Biray Mustafa Sokak No.6 Lefkoşe/YENİŞEHİR Tel.: 3922273969 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: correspondent - Zabihullah Tamanna E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+93) 782 200 956 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Cairo (Egypt) Type: regional office - Aydoğan Kalabalık, Rahmi Gündüz E-mail: 4 Tawfik Diab S. - Gardin City - Cairo Tel.: (+202) 2792-7051, 2792-7052, 2792-7053 / Fax: (+202) 2792-7010 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Beijing (China) Type: regional office E-mail: Xidawang rd. No.3 Lanbao Int. Apt. Unit:C Room:1108 chaoyang - Beijing China Tel.: 86010-85999908 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent - Mustafa Melih Ahıshalı E-mail: NO 23, 3th Floor, Dameshq St. Vali-Asr Ave. 1416753974 - Tehran Tel.: (+98 21) 8899-5786 / 982188995787 (Turkish) 174

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Anadolu - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent - Ali Jawwad, Zeynep Hilal Karyağdı, Haydar Hadi E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Anadolu - Erbil (Iraq) Type: correspondent - İdris Okuducu, Emrah Yorulmaz E-mail: unavailable Anadolu Agency Italian City 31/1 Erbil/Iraq Tel.: (+964) 750 324-6218 (Turkish) Anadolu - Kirkuk (Iraq) Type: correspondent - Ali Mukarrem Garip E-mail: unavailable Valilik Caddesi El Şems Apt. Yasa İş Hanı Kerkük/Iraq Tel.: (+964) 7701325014 / 97082825601 (Turkish) Anadolu - Suleymaniye (Iraq) Type: correspondent - Muhammet Kurşun E-mail: unavailable Talary Naznaz SLM 2, 111 Baxtary Süleymaniye/Iraq Tel.: (+964) 7504123701 (Turkish) Anadolu - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: correspondent - Taner Aydin E-mail: unavailable Bilal Bin rabah St. No:3 Shufaat - Jerusalem Tel.: (+972) 0 2624-0041 / 972 0 26240041 (Turkish) Anadolu - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau - Ayşe Sarioglu, Furkan Güldemir, Enes Kanlı E-mail: Riyad Elsulh-Shakir Oweini Bina-Elsaray Elhukumi - Giriş Katı - 108 Sokak - Balat - Beirut Tel.: (+96) 11 98-4012 / 9611985058 (Turkish) Anadolu - Tripoli (Libya) Type: foreign bureau - Muhammad an-Najim, Hussain al-Kabbani, Mutaz al-Mujbiri, Sayfaddin at-Trabulsi E-mail: Sheikh Street, Al Khamidi Street, Al Khamidi House, Noufleen - Tripoli Tel.: 218 918818272 (Turkish) Anadolu - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent - Mehmet Akif Turan E-mail: Agdal St. Ukba Bin Nafi Ave. Ibn Yasin blocks 26th 4th floor No.20 - Rabat/Fas Tel.: (+212) 537-683213, 661-419014 / Fax: (+212 537) 683-275 (Turkish)

Anadolu - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: foreign bureau - Zeynep Hilal Karyağdı, Hani alBashir, Hacer Başer, Muhammed Macid, Ayşe Sümeyra Aydoğdu, Meryem Kasım, Turgut Alp Boyraz, Halil İbrahim Başer, Ula Ataallah, Afra Aksoy E-mail: Anadolu Agency Gaza Office Gaza Strip - Gaza City Remal -Mustafa 6 Tower Apartment 305 - Gaza Palestine Tel.: (+970) 8282-5858 / 97082825601 (Turkish) Anadolu - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Ahmet Nasir E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Anadolu - Aleppo (Syria) Type: stringer - Levent Tok, Selen Temizer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Anadolu - Damascus (Syria) Type: foreign bureau - Ali Demir, Alaa Walid Elhamoud Elkidir E-mail: unavailable Salehye Street (opposite to Mosque Shuhadaa) Al Anaka Market-3rd foor-Damascus / Syria Tel.: (+963) 11 443-4580 (Turkish) Anadolu - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: foreign bureau - Sinan Yiter, Rajeh Bady E-mail: Aman Tower for insurance, Zubairy Street (in front of Ministry of Youth) 11th Floor B - Sanaa Yemen Tel.: (+967) 1539033 / 9671539034 (Turkish) Anadolu - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: foreign bureau - Seleshi Tessema, Abebech Tamene E-mail: unavailable Mentewab Building 2nd floor-Kebele/Kirkos-Adis Ababa/Etiyopya Tel.: (+251) 11558-5249 / 251 11558-5236 (Turkish) Anadolu - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Arif Elsaui, Magdalene Mukami E-mail: unavailable House. 5. C Block Daykio Heigts. Ole Dume Road. Klimani - Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 717 441-377 (Turkish) Anadolu - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: stringer - Rafiu Ajakaye Twitter: @rafiuajakaye [address not available] 175

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (English)

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

Anadolu - Melbourne (Australia) Type: correspondent - Recep Ĺžakar E-mail: 6 Koroit Avenue 3047 Dallas Melbourne / Australia Tel.: (+61) 409309842 (Turkish)

Cihan - Cihan Haber Ajansi website: category: private news agency languages: Turkish active since: 1994 headquarters: Istanbul YouTube: mobile: Android services: mobile news alert affiliation: NAWC Cihan - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Izmir (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Samsun (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Konya (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Erzurum (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

Cihan - Adana (Turkey) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Antalya (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Diyarbakir (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Gaziantep (Turkey) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Turkmen Terzi E-mail: 1 Park Road, Menton Centre, Richmond, Johannesburg Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Bilal Dalkilic E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 040 0 990 991 (Turkish) Cihan - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Murat Durdu E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Hasan Haci, Pecenik Giouxel (photo/video)

Cihan - Bursa (Turkey) 176

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+30) 697 554-8495, (+30) 690 617-8591 (Turkish) Cihan - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Atacan Cumayev E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 627-240-747 (Turkish) Cihan - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: correspondent - Adel Mujčid E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Yashcharbek Niyazbayev E-mail: Leninskiy pr. d.45 kv.359 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 8 (926) 650-54-98 (Turkish) Cihan - Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: foreign bureau - Atif Ala, Ebubekir Şahin E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Kamil Ergin E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Kumar Datta E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Erbil (Iraq) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Cihan - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

IHA - İhlas Haber Ajansı website: category: private agency ownership: İhlas Holding 177

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

languages: Turkish active since: N/A headquarters: N/A YouTube: mobile: Android services: mobile news alert

IHA - Erzurum (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Ayhan Türkez E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 442 233 9379 (+90) 505 944 1717 (Turkish)


IHA - Eskişehir (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - M. Emin Toker E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 222 221 5060 (+90) 539 929 0587 (Turkish)

IHA - HEADQUARTERS (Turkey) E-mail: 29 Ekim Cad. İhlas Plaza No:11 A/21 - 34197 Yenibosna - İstanbul Tel.: 0 212 454-3333 / 0 212 454-3335 (Turkish)

IHA - Gaziantep (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Ahmet Orhan Akın E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 342 230 6386 (+90) 505 387 7990 (Turkish)

IHA - Adana (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Adnan Kulak E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 322 459 8505 (+90) 505 383 5003 (Turkish)

IHA - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Oğuzhan Güven E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (+90) 212 454 3955 (Turkish)

IHA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - T. Batuhan Yaşar E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 312 419 0505 / Cel.: (Turkish)

IHA - İzmir (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Özcan Aydın E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 232 445 9000 (+90) 542 245 2792 (Turkish)

IHA - Antalya (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Cafer Eser E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 242 244 2205 (+90) 532 663 8807 (Turkish)

IHA - Kayseri (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Cem Atakan E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 352 222-9140 (+90) 533 695-3874 (Turkish)

IHA - Aydın (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - İbrahim Kılınç E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 256 213-4313 (+90) 505 447-2363 (Turkish)

IHA - Kocaeli (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - İbrahim Çorbacı E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 262 331-3144 (+90) 505 375-5986 (Turkish)

IHA - Bursa (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - İhsan Altıkardeş E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 224 220 7030 (+90) 505 388 1280 (Turkish) IHA - Diyarbakır (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Abdulkerim Kantarcıoğlu E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 412 228 5173 (+90) 505 254-1143 (Turkish) IHA - Elazığ (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Halil İbrahim Varlı E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (+90) 505 377 8292 (Turkish)

IHA - Konya (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - M. Kenan Arvas E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 332 238-5832 (+90) 505 377 8290 (Turkish) IHA - Samsun (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Ali Yılmaz Ergen E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 362 432-4751 (+90) 505 374-8740 (Turkish) IHA - Sivas (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Göktürk Fırat


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable (+90) 535 749-3909 (Turkish)

E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 488 212-2457 / Cel.: (+90) 506 740-1048 (Turkish)

IHA - Thrace (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Mefail Akçatepe E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 282 263 2273 (+90) 505 374 8701 (Turkish)

IHA - Bolu (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Bülent Velioğlu E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 374 213-6640 / Cel.: (+90) 532 709-6326 (Turkish)

IHA - Trabzon (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Öner Seven E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 462 230 5731 (+90) 505 388 4774 (Turkish)

IHA - Çanakkale (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Gürkan Düzenli E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 286 212-1630 / Cel.: (+90) 534 714-9362 (Turkish)

IHA - Van (Turkey) Type: domestic regional office - Şükrü Akyüz E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 432 214 6523 (+90) 530 204 5261 (Turkish) IHA - Adıyaman (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - G. Ahmet Arslantaş E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 416 214-8716 / Cel.: (+90) 505 298-0412 (Turkish) IHA - Afyon (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Gökten Ceylan E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 272 213-1804 / Cel.: (+90) 541 655-3700 (Turkish) IHA - Aksaray (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Yasin Can E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 530 540-4100 (Turkish)

IHA - Denizli (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Medeni Topaloğlu E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 262 331-3144 / Cel.: (+90) 537 527-0576 (Turkish) IHA - Düzce (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Ali Yıldız E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 505 511-1402 (Turkish) IHA - Edirne (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Koray Ustabaşı E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 542 631-2253 (Turkish)

IHA - Bodrum (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Eren Ayhan E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 549 870-3422 (Turkish) IHA - Balıkesir (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Bahadır Demirçeviren E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 266 239-3333 / Cel.: (+90) 507 481-9418 (Turkish) IHA - Batman (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Mehmet Şükrü Yıldırım

IHA - Çorum (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Bülent Özkaleli E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 364 225-1735 / Cel.: (+90) 505 386-9955 (Turkish)

IHA - Edremit (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Emrah Elmas E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 266 373-4424 / Cel.: (+90) 535 855-3388 (Turkish) IHA - Gebze (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Kadir Kaan Kızıl E-mail: [address unavailable]


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+90) 262 331-3144 / Cel.: (+90) 535 294-7432 (Turkish) IHA - Giresun (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Resul Yanbul E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 462 230-5731 / Cel.: (+90) 535 294-4780 (Turkish) IHA - Hakkari (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Feyzullah Taş E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 438 211-7169 / Cel.: (+90) 505 440-3966 (Turkish) IHA - Kahramanmaraş (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Muhammet Özer E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 344 223-5352 / Cel.: (+90) 543 241-6976 (Turkish) IHA - Kadıköy (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Mustafa Esen E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 216 418-8591 / Cel.: (+90) 532 581-4589 (Turkish) IHA - Kars (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Işık Çapanoğlu E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 507 203-7764 (Turkish) IHA - Karabük (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Yasin Erdem E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 370 412-3533 / Cel.: (+90) 505 628-5201 (Turkish) IHA - Kilis (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Mehmet Ali Dağ E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 348 822-3721 / Cel.: (+90) 505 383-3585; 0542 583-9562 (Turkish) IHA - Karaman (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Mehmet Dağlı E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 338 213-5370 / Cel.: (+90) 505 377-8296 (Turkish)

IHA - Kırşehir (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Enderhan Öz E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 386 212-6118 / Cel.: (+90) 542 601-6847 (Turkish) IHA - Kütahya (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Hüseyin Efe E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 274 224-7080 / Cel.: (+90) 505 385-8224 (Turkish) IHA - Manisa (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Önder Aydın E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 236 231-6332 / Cel.: (+90) 531 216-3100 (Turkish) IHA - Malatya (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Cahit Özçelik E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 422 324-4457 / Cel.: (+90) 507 534-5740 (Turkish) IHA - Mersin (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Hüseyin Kar E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 324 336-0498 / Cel.: (+90) 505 578-9392 (Turkish) IHA - Nevşehir (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Coşkun Sağlamdin E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 530 242-7071 (Turkish) IHA - Niğde (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Yasin Esen E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 531 395-5616 (Turkish) IHA - Ordu (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Metin Akyürek E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 452 223-2375 / Cel.: (+90) 505 374-2727 (Turkish) IHA - Rize (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Bayram Ali Sarı


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+90) 542 243-8484 (Turkish)

Via dell'Umiltà 83/c 000187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911, Cel.: 338-5608792 (Turkish)

IHA - Sakarya (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Bilal Bilir E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 264 278-8320 / Cel.: (+90) 505 254-1147; 0538 946-1126 (Turkish) IHA - Şanlıurfa (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Şinasi İnan E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 414 316-3263 / Cel.: (+90) 555 305-3167 (Turkish) IHA - Tokat (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Nurhan İçmez E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 356 212-3873 / Cel.: (+90) 505 573-5441 (Turkish) IHA - Uşak (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Ertunç Öztürk E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 276 233-1333 / Cel.: (+90) 533 414-4166 (Turkish) IHA - Yozgat (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Bahadır Gökgül E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 354 212-1223 / Cel.: (+90) 543 814-5183 (Turkish) IHA - Zonguldak (Turkey) Type: domestic correspondent - Onur Altındağ E-mail: [address unavailable] Tel.: (+90) 372 252-2545 / Cel.: (+90) 541-536-6167 (Turkish) Abroad: IHA - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 13 Sigrou Ave. - 117 43 Athina Tel.: (+30) 210 923-1656 (Turkish) IHA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Dundar Kesapli E-mail:

DHA - Doğan Haber Ajansı website: category: private agency ownership: Doğan Media Group (Hürriyet, Milliyet, Radikal, Posta, Vatan, Fanatik, Referans, CNN Türk, Yay-Sat, Doğan-Burda Rizzoli) languages: Turkish active since: 1999 headquarters: Doğan TV Center, Bağcılar - 34204 Istanbul phone: (+90) 212 413 55 55 | +90 212 413 51 69 fax: +90 212 413 55 98 e-mails: (geral), (comercial) Twitter: @dhainternet Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, mobile news alert DHA - HEADQUARTERS (Turkey) E-mail: Doğan TV Center, Bağcılar - 34204 Tel.: (+90) 212 413-5555 / +90 212 413-5598 (Turkish) DHA (Doğan) - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Ünsal Turan E-mail: Kongvejen 147-B - 2830 Virum Tel.: (+45) 4585-7464 / Cel.: (+45) 2178-1072 (Turkish) DHA (Doğan) - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Esma Cakir E-mail: Circonvallazione Gianicolense, 323 00152 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 8892-0070 (Turkish) DHA (Doğan) - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Nafiz Albayrak, Ozlem Sahin Sakar E-mail:, 3115 21st Ave #3K - Astoria NY 11105 Tel.: (+1) 617 416-1258 / (+1) 347 840-2294 (Turkish) DHA (Doğan) - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Canan Kaya E-mail: Av. Tomás Espora 2452 - Burzaco - Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4299-0323 (Turkish) DHA (Doğan) - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish) Ercan News Agency - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Sevim Ercan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Turkish)

Egypt MENA - Middle East News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Shura Council languages: Arabic (main), English, French active since: 1955 headquarters: 17 Hoda Sharawi Street. P.O. Box 1165 Cairo phone: (+20) 2393-3000 fax: (002) 23935055 / 23937497 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @mena_egy Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, multimedia packs, features, financial info, newsletter, press communiquĂŠs and official announcements, mobile news alert other services: video, pictures, news photographer, investigative journalism, economic, special international bulletin, Webnews, MENA Popular Portal

desks: Politics, Economy, Military, Elimination, Security and Incidents, Education, Health and Environment, Religious Affairs, Art and Culture, Science and Technology, Sport, Women, Provinces, Conferences, Misc, Tourism Justice, Parliament, Diplomacy, Suez Canal affiliation: NAWC, FANA, AMAN, INA cooperation: BNA MENA - HEADQUARTERS (Egypt)

E-mail:,, 17 Hoda Sharawi Street. P.O. Box 1165 - Cairo Tel.: (+20) 2393-3000 / (002) 23935055 / 23937497 (Arabic) MENA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 644-5412 (Arabic) MENA - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Mohamed el-Shamy E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 1 4742-1603 / Fax: 1 4742-4452 (Arabic) MENA - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) 182

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

MENA - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Oslo (Norway) Type: stringer - Tarek Mahmoud E-mail: Klingenberggaten 5 - 0161 Oslo (Norges Internasjonale Pressesenter) Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9760-8746 (Arabic) MENA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Zagreb (Croatia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Bozidara Magovca 18a - 10000 Zagreb Tel.: (+385) 1 220-123 / Fax: (+385) 1 220-123 (Arabic) MENA - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - New Delhi (India)

Type: correspondent - Syed Abd El Naieem E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - [FECHOU?] E-mail: unavailable [FECHOU?] Jl. Teuku Umar 68 - 10310 Jakarta Tel.: (+62) 21 391-4545 / (+62) 21 391-5777 (Arabic) MENA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable POB 1927 Safat - Fahd as-Salem - Kuwait City Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 72 rue Al-Geish - Bayrut Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Tripoli (Libya) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Nouakchott (Mauritania) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Rabat (Morocco) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 183

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Ramallah (Palestine) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Damascus (Syria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

MENA - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Dakar (Senegal) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

MENA - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

AMEinfo - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 5th Floor Azar Bldg. Dimitri Al Hayek Street, Sin El FilHorsh Tabet - Beirut Tel.: (+96) 11 492-801 / Fax: (+961) 1 492-801 (Arabic)

MENA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Said Omar E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: Cel.: 0 533 312-4331 / Fax: (+90) 312 496-4395 (Arabic)

AMEinfo - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau - P.O Box: 14303 E-mail: unavailable Olaya Al Bustan Mall - Office 4010 Riyadh 11424 Tel.: (+966) 1 419-4061 / Fax: (+966) 1 419-4132 (Arabic)

MENA - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

AMEinfo - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable S.C.C Arabies - 18 rue de Varize - 75016 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 47 664600 / Fax: (+33) 1 43 807362 (Arabic)

MENA - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MENA - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: foreign bureau - Hamdy Al-Anany (*exp. 2014) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Septimus - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - El-Mehdi Kajiji E-mail: unavailable Julio Palacios 2, portal 3, esc. A, 9.Âş 2 - 28029 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 572-1179 (Arabic)

Iran IRNA - Islamic Republic News Agency 184

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance (Ershad/Farhang) languages: Persian (main), English, Russian, Arabic, Hindi-Urdu, Turkish, Spanish active since: 1979 headquarters: 1943, Vali Asr Ave., Tehran, Iran - Teerã phone: (+98) (0)21 8292-5170 fax: (+982) 1 8892213 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom) Twitter: @IRNANews Facebook: mobile: iOS, Android, WindowsPhone services: text, photo, video, audio, infographics, archive, op-ed, newsletter, mobile news alert other services: Photo, Archive, Newsletter, Viewpoint, Photo of the Day, Exclusive, diretório de links para mídia e órgãos oficiais desks: Politics, Economy, Art & Culture, Sport, Academic, International, Provinces affiliation: OANA

IRNA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 660-1689 (Persian)

IRNA - HEADQUARTERS (Iran) E-mail:,,, 1943 Vali Asr Ave. Tehran Iran - PO 15875-4566 - Teerã Tel.: (+98 21) 8292-5170 / (+982) 1 8892213 (Persian)

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian)

IRNA - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian)

IRNA - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Bonn (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau

IRNA - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - London (United Kingdom) Type: regional office 185

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: Imperial Life House High Road - Wembley HA9 6AS Tel.: (+44) 0 20 8903-1630 / Fax: (+44) 0 20 8903-5531 (Persian) IRNA - Baku (Azerbaijan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Dushanbe (Tajikistan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Ashgabat (Turkmenistan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 405 E 42nd St - New York NY 10017

Tel.: (+1) 212 308-8663 (Persian) IRNA - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Ahmadali Khalilnejadi, Syed Yusuf Ali Naqvi (video) E-mail: SF-204 Jor Bagh - 110003 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2465-4911 / Fax: 11 2464-3369 (Persian) IRNA - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: regional office E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Touraj Shiralilou E-mail: House n.2-B St. 83 G-6/4 - Islamabad Tel.: (+92) 51 282-7954, 282-7983 / Fax: (+92) 51 2827953 (Persian) IRNA - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau - Mostafa Darban E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Erbil (Iraq) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) 186

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

IRNA - Amman (Jordan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: regional office - Laure Sleiman E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Damascus (Syria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) IRNA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Ali Reza Jabari Baviloliaei, Mohammad Sadegh Chalabi Zonouzi, Mohammad Kazemzadeh Azad, Mahmud Yılmaz E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 312 447-3807 / Fax: (+90) 312 447-3281 (Persian) IRNA - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) ISNA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Farhad Pezeshki E-mail: Via dell'Umiltà, 83/c 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 675-911 / Fax: (+39) 06 67591262 (Persian) Azadegan - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) Fars - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: correspondent - Sherali Avezmetov

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian) Fars - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Heshmatollah Rahnama E-mail: Soldado de la Independencia 520 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4775-8814 / Cel.: (+54) 15 3499-1962 (Persian) Rooshd - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Persian)

Morocco MAP - Maghreb Arabe Presse website: category: national agency ownership: Ministère de la Communication languages: Arabic (main), English, French, Spanish, Berber (amazirt/tachelhit) active since: 1959 headquarters: 122, Avenue Allal Ben Abdellah, B.P. 1049, Rabat – 10 000 - Rabat phone: (+212) 53 727-9400 | (+212) 537 279410 fax: (+212) 537 765005 e-mails:, (management), (sales) Twitter: @LaMAPEnglish Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, audio, infographics, archive, features, interview, press review, newsletter, publishing, capacity-building, mobile news alert other services: daily bulletin, ECONOMAP, MAPRESS (resenha semanal e análise de fatos mundiais), MAPDOCUMENT (boletim mensal de referência) desks: Politique, Diplomatie, Économie, Finances, Societé, Culture, Sport affiliation: NAWC, FANA, FAAPA, AMAN, NNN cooperation: (70 agências) Domestic: MAP - HEADQUARTERS (Morocco) E-mail:,,,,,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

122 Avenue Allal Ben Abdellah B.P. 1049 Rabat – 10 000 - Rabat Tel.: (+212) 53 727-9400 / (+212) 537 765005 (Arabic)

Type: domestic bureau - Mohamed El Kihal E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 523 352904 (Arabic)

MAP - Agadir (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - El Houssine Maimouni E-mail: Av. Cheikh Essaâdi - rue Al-Yassamine n°17 - Agadir Tel.: (+213) 528 843608 / Fax: (+213) 528 843608 (Arabic)

MAP - Errachidia (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Ali El Hassani El Alaoui E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 535 574152 (Arabic)

MAP - Beni Mellal (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Abdenbi Essibi E-mail: 21 Av. Abdelkrim Elkhattabi - Beni Mellal Tel.: (+213) 523 481969 / Fax: (+213) 523 483235 (Arabic)

MAP - Essaouira (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Ali Reffouh E-mail: 78 lotiss. Al Moustaqbal - Essaouira Tel.: (+213) 524 783391 / Fax: (+213) 524 783391 (Arabic)

MAP - Aeroport Mohammed V (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Rachid Aomari E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 522 539954 (Arabic)

MAP - Fes (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Hafid Bekali E-mail: 4 av. Allal Ben Abdellah - résid.Alwahda - 2°ét. - Fés Tel.: (+213) 535 610199 (Arabic)

MAP - Casablanca (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Hamid Aqerrout E-mail: 56 Rue Rahal Nichakra -ex Tours - Casablanca Tel.: (+213) 522 480843 / Fax: (+213) 522 543193 (Arabic)

MAP - Guelmim (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Mohamed Ouahi E-mail: 995 lotiss. Al-Qods - Guelmim Tel.: (+213) 528 872227 (Arabic)

MAP - El Hoceima (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Ilias Khalafi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

MAP - Kenitra (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Rajae Moudden E-mail: Av. Med Diouri - résid. Dalal n°6 - 2°ét. - Kénitra Tel.: (+213) 537 364308 / Fax: av. Med Diouri, résid. Dalal n°6, 2°ét. - Kénitra (Arabic)

MAP - Eljadida (Morocco)

MAP - Khenifra (Morocco) 188

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau - Mohamed Kansouri E-mail: rue 9 n°9 - Cité Hassan II - 2°ét. - Khénifra Tel.: (+213) 535 588907 (Arabic) MAP - Khouribga (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Mustapha Nassiri E-mail: 23 Boulevard l'Hôpital - quartier Dakhla - Khouribga Tel.: (+213) 523 496340 (Arabic) MAP - Laayoune (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Thami Elam E-mail: Av. de la Mecque - imm.des Habous n°14 3°ét. appt.1050-1051 - Laayoune Tel.: (+213) 528 894321 / Fax: (+213) 528 894 321 (Arabic) MAP - Marrakech (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Driss Hidass E-mail: Boulevard Khalid Ibn AlWalid - quartier Saâdia - Guéliz Marrakech Tel.: (+213) 524 334430 / Fax: (+213) 524 496678 (Arabic) MAP - Aeroport Marrakech-Menara (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Taoufik Naciri E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 524 37 2728 (Arabic) MAP - Meknes (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Ahmed El Guermali E-mail: lot ElMenzeh - villa 2 - Borj Mly Omar - Meknès Tel.: (+213) 535 400815 (Arabic) MAP - Nador (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - L'houssain Essadiki E-mail: 55 lotiss. Illo - Hay Almatar - appt 132-137 Nador Tel.: (+213) 536 381195 (Arabic) MAP - Ouarzazate (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Hassan Hermas E-mail: 10 Bis - Sidi Hsain - bab Naceur - Ouarzazate Tel.: (+213) 524 885572 (Arabic) MAP - Oujda (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - El Houssain Laaouane E-mail: Boulevard Mohammed V - imm.Kada - entrée J - appt.9 - Oujda

Tel.: (+213) 536 687961 / Fax: (+213) 536 682173 (Arabic) MAP - Rabat/Sale (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Fatna Kharraz E-mail: 122 Avenue Allal Ben Abdellah - 10000 Rabat Tel.: (+213) 537 782636 (Arabic) MAP - Settat (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - M'hamed El Khmoulli E-mail: Av. Hassan II - lot. Hatim - n°17 - Settat Tel.: (+213) 523 400790 / Fax: (+213) 523 720399 (Arabic) MAP - Smara (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Ismail Lamrani E-mail: 10 Boulevard Hassan II - 2°ét. Smara Tel.: (+213) 528 887396 (Arabic) MAP - Tan Tan (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Azzelarab Moumeni E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+213) 528 765058 (Arabic) MAP - Tanger (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Sanae Ouahabi E-mail: 60 Boulevard Omar Ibn ElKhattab - appt.4 - Tanger Tel.: (+213) 539 342166 / Fax: (+213) 539 940910 (Arabic) MAP - Tata (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Lahcen Fahssi E-mail: 325 Av. Hassan II - quartier Annasr - Tata Tel.: (+213) 528 802857 (Arabic) MAP - Taza (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Abdellatif El Harbili E-mail: 20 Av. Hassan II - résid. Annahda - Taza Tel.: (+213) 535 285794 / 0655 674 525 (Arabic) MAP - Tetouan (Morocco) Type: domestic bureau - Abdelaziz Hayoun E-mail: 262 Av. Mohamed Daoud - Tetouan Tel.: (+213) 539 995943 (Arabic) Abroad: MAP - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent - Rachid Sami 189

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+43) 66 4559-7491 (Arabic) MAP - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Mohammed Hamiddouche E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-3149 / Cel.: (+32) 49 276-4404 (Arabic) MAP - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: stringer - Omar Achy, Maimouni Houcine E-mail:, Rรฅdhuspladsen 16 - 1550 Copenhagen V Tel.: (+45) 7181-7215 / Cel.: (+45) 7181-7215 (Omar), 7189-0510 (Maimouni) (Arabic) MAP - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Mohammed Bouhjar E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+358) 4 5890-5688 / Cel.: (+358) 4 5890-5688 (Arabic) MAP - Strasbourg (France) Type: correspondent - Lahcen Boufous E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 6 4078-6331 (Arabic) MAP - Bordeaux (France) Type: correspondent - Abdellatif Ouadrassi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+33) 7 5146-0902 (Arabic) MAP - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Nour Eddine Ellaouzi, Hasna Daoudi E-mail: 9 Boulevard de la Madeleine - Paris 75009 Tel.: (+33) 6 4592-1395, (+33) 1 4244-2430 (Arabic) MAP - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Nadia Abram E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 17 1491-4367 (Arabic) MAP - Athens (Greece) Type: correspondent - Abderrazak Trebak E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+30) 699 643-9880 (Arabic) MAP - Rome (Italy)

Type: foreign bureau - Mohammed Badaoui, Abdelkrim Moufakkir, Amina Benlahsen E-mail:, Via Giovanni Battista Morgagni, 32 00161 Roma Tel.: (+39) 33 1301-2406, (+39) 06 440-2431 (Arabic) MAP - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: correspondent - Said Youssi E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+31) 64 3117-7491 (Arabic) MAP - Oslo (Norway) Type: stringer - Jamal Eddine Benlarbi E-mail:, Klingenberg gt 5 - 0161 Oslo Tel.: (+47) 9128-9044 / Cel.: 9128-9044 (Arabic) MAP - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: correspondent - Hasnaa El Akkani E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+351) 9 6449-0750 / Cel.: (+351) 964490750 (Arabic) MAP - Barcelona (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Khalid Chati, Hicham Boumehdi Richa E-mail:, Roger de Flor 32 - 3-1 08018 Barcelona Tel.: (+34) 91 794-2766 / Cel.: 626-241-527 (Arabic) MAP - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Mohamed Taoufik Ennassiri, Abdelkrim Kninah, Hassan Saoudi, Omar El Mrabet E-mail:,,, P.ยบ de la Castellana 18 - 7.ยบ A 28046 - Madrid Tel.: (+34) 72 227-5911 / Cel.: 603-192-237 (Arabic) MAP - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: correspondent - Jihad Benchekroun E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+46) 7 2843-8013 (Arabic) MAP - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Abdellah Chahboun E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+41) 79 859-2151 (Arabic) MAP - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Azzam Fouzi E-mail: [address not available] 190

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+44) 74 0459-1390 (Arabic) MAP - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent - Abdellah Akdim E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+48) 7 3188-2426, 22 646-1616 / (+48) 22 1269421 (Arabic) MAP - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Mohamed Rida Sekkat E-mail:, Kaluzhskaya pl. d.1 kv.240 - Moscow Tel.: (+7) 925 824-1860, (+8) 499 230-0621 / Fax: (+8) 499 230-1177, Cel.: 8 (925) 824-1860 (Arabic) MAP - Montréal (Canada) Type: correspondent - Hassan El Amri E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 438 397-4604 (Arabic) MAP - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent - Abdelhakim Khirane E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 310 904-8481 (Arabic) MAP - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent - Fouad Arif, Sabah Lebbar E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 301 642-2543 (Arabic) MAP - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Bouchra Benyousseff, Abdelhakim Khirane, Aziz Sejai Rami E-mail:,, United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-419 - New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 201 873-5656 / Cel: (+1) 917 861-7731 (Arabic) MAP - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: correspondent - Hicham Lakhal E-mail: Lima 115 piso 4º - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4384-1034 / Cel.: (+54) 15 5729-7779 (Arabic) MAP - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent - Mohamed Tanji E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+56) 22 891-4289 (Arabic)

MAP - Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic) Type: correspondent - Allal Majid E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+182) 9828-1958 (Arabic) MAP - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: correspondent - Taib Gouzrar E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+52) 1 55 1532-5095 (Arabic) MAP - Panama City (Panamá) Type: correspondent - Hicham El Moussaoui E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+507) 6779-5570 (Arabic) MAP - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: correspondent - Abdelmajid Chahboun E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+598) 9398-6307 (Arabic) MAP - Peking (China) Type: correspondent - Abdelkrim Moufakkir E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 131 4656-7253 (Arabic) MAP - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Saad Aboudihaj E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+91) 88 0011-1229 (Arabic) MAP - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - Abdelalem Dinia E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+62) 8 1115-0799 (Arabic) MAP - Manama (Bahrain) Type: correspondent - Ahmed Tahri E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+973) 6 661-0011 (Arabic) MAP - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Noureddine Zouini E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+20) 12 2312-2661 (Arabic) MAP - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent - Ahmed Achou 191

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+962) 7 9962-7010 (Arabic) MAP - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent - Abdellah Lbouchouari E-mail: a.lbouchouari@map.Ma [address not available] Tel.: (+96) 11 7025-4110 (Arabic) MAP - Tripoli (Libya) Type: correspondent - Redouane Labaaqili E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+218) 9 1646-5317 (Arabic) MAP - Bamako (Mali) Type: correspondent - Taoufik Elbouchtaoui E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+223) 6 296-2399 (Arabic) MAP - Nouakchott (Mauritania) Type: correspondent - Mohamed Benchrif E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+222) 4740-0000 (Arabic) MAP - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Omar Chlih E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+974) 3358-8173 (Arabic) MAP - Jiddah (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) MAP - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent - Jamal Eddine Felhi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+966) 5 3610-4871 (Arabic)

Tel.: (+90) 53 8299-7305 / Fax: (+90) 312 468-5342, Cel.: 0 533 686 2356 (Arabic) MAP - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent - Abdelhafid Benkhouya E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+971) 5 6364-2163 (Arabic) MAP - Dakhla (Western Sahara) Type: foreign bureau - Faical Achiqlile E-mail: 11 Av. Ahmed Balafrej - Massira 2 - Dakhla Tel.: (+213) 528 897982 (Arabic) MAP - Kinshasa (Congo DR) Type: correspondent - Khalid Barka E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+243) 8 2158-7356 (Arabic) MAP - Libreville (Gabon) Type: correspondent - Salah Aouni E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+241) 0 692-0599 (Arabic) MAP - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: correspondent - Samir Lotfy E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+225) 4779-7781 (Arabic) MAP - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: correspondent - Mohammed Koursi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+254) 7 1741-6464 (Arabic) MAP - Niamey (Niger) Type: correspondent - Azeddine Lqadey E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+227) 9 275-4477 (Arabic)

MAP - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent - Jamal Chibli E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

MAP - Dakar (Senegal) Type: foreign bureau - Hassan Aourach E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+221) 7 7637-2463 / (+221) 77 637-2463 (Arabic)

MAP - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Khalid Abouchoukri, Hassane Aourach E-mail:, [address not available]

MAP - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Abdeghani Aouifia E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+27) 71 147-6682 (Arabic) 192

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Jordan Petra - Jordan News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of state for Media Affairs and Communications languages: Arabic (main), English active since: 1969 headquarters: Gamal Abdel-Naser Circle, 6845 - Code 11118 - Amman phone: (+962) 6560-9700 | (+962) 6560-9700 fax: (+962) 6-5682493 e-mails: (general), (management),, (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @Petranews Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, archive, obituários, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, advertising, capacity-building, mobile news alert other services: News, Photographs, Daily News Bulletin, TV Services (leasing equipment and studio), Archive, Website Advertising, weather, currency table, Media Training Center, FTP, Surveys affiliation: NAWC, FANA, NNN Petra - HEADQUARTERS (Jordan) E-mail:,,,,, Gamal Abdel-Naser Circle 6845 - Code 11118 - Amã Tel.: (+962) 6560-9700 / (+962) 6-5682493 (Arabic) Petra - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: correspondent - Osama Al Habahbeh E-mail: Hans Jensens Vej 44 - 2900 Hellerup Tel.: (+45) 3965-1124 / Fax: (+45) 3965-1183 (Arabic) Petra - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Rasmi Shqeirat E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+44) 77 6665-66581 (Arabic) Petra - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Salam Msafer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+8) 9169039962 (Arabic)

Petra - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent - Basem Al Khataibeh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 804 605-2270 (Arabic) Petra - New York (United States) Type: correspondent - Mohammad Kheir Daqamseh E-mail: United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-3112A New York NY 10017 P.O. Box 964 Tel.: (+1) 917 972-3214 / Cel: (+1) 917 972-3214 (Arabic) Petra - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Yousef Khataibeh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 13825002025 (Arabic) Petra - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - Khaldoun Al Azhari E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+81) 90 8809-4446 (Arabic) Petra - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: correspondent - Sakher Al Bazai’a E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+60) 3 1 2223-9080 (Arabic) Petra - Manama (Bahrain) Type: correspondent - Sameer Al Yafi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+973) 07 9552-4005 (Arabic) Petra - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Niveen Abu Abiah E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+20) 10 033066501 (Arabic) Petra - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent - Fadel Al Badrani E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+964) 78 0912-5781 (Arabic) Petra - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: correspondent - Laith Al Momani E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+965) 6646-1354 (Arabic)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Petra - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: correspondent - Burhan Al Ashqar, Faris Al Jmaiel E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+96) 11 718-7876 / (+961) 345-2688 (Arabic) Petra - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: correspondent - Amjad Al Shawwa E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+97) 0 599401297 (Arabic)

Petra - Ramallah (Palestine) Type: correspondent - Mahmoud Al Froukh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+97) 0 599778387 (Arabic) Petra - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Dana Al T’eimat E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+974) 5549-6238 (Arabic) Petra - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent - Jumana Khouri E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+976) 393 344-6373 (Arabic) Petra - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent - Doha Taleeq E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+216) 2017-6350 (Arabic) Petra - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent - Faisal Al Shammari

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+965) 444-3953 (Arabic) Petra - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: correspondent - Nabeeha Al Haidari E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+967) 73320-1081 (Arabic)

United Arab Emirates WAM - Emirates News Agency (Wakalat Anba'a al-Emarat) website: category: national agency ownership: National Media Council languages: Arabic (main), English, French active since: 1977 headquarters: P.O. Box. 3790 - Abu Dhabi phone: (+971) (0)2 404-4333 fax: (+971) (0) 24455959, 24454695 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @wamnews_eng Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, multimedia packs, archive, features, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, polls, press communiqués and official announcements other services: archives, video, pictures, reports, WAM Newsletter (bulletin), links para mídia local, diretório de links para órgãos oficiais, prayer times,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Multimedia, Opinion Poll, Survey (feedback), weather, currency converter, timezones desks: Emirates, International, Economics, Sports, International Aid, National Day affiliation: NAWC, OANA, FANA, NNN cooperation: Xinhua, EFE, Yonhap, Antara, AzerTAj, MAP, SABA, BNA, BelTA, IINA, IPS, AGI WAM - HEADQUARTERS (United Arab Emirates) E-mail:,,, National Media Council - Sultan Bin Zayed the First St. P.O. Box. 3790 - Abu Dhabi Tel.: (+971) (0)2 404-4333 / (+971) (0) 24455959, 24454695 (Arabic) WAM - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Ahmed Mohamed Haroun E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Podgorica (Montenegro) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Khawla Nazzal E-mail:, United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-342B New York NY 10017

Tel.: (+1) 917 965-8943 / Fax: (917) 591-3174, Cel: (917) 952-5897 (Arabic) WAM - Seoul (South Korea) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Tripoli (Lebanon) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Nouakchott (Mauritania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Tangier (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

WAM - Soqotra (Oman) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Sawsan Odmen E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 212 553 69 85 (Arabic) WAM - Ajman (United Arab Emirates) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Sheikh Rashid Al Nuaimi Road - Al Rashidiya Area Ajman Tel.: (+971) 6 744-4384 / +971 6 744-438٨ (Arabic) WAM - Al Ain (United Arab Emirates) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Hamdan Bin Mohammad St - National Media Council Abu Dhabi Tel.: (+971) 3 763-2555 / +971 3 762-9944 (Arabic) WAM - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Al Nhda st. Al Tear 1 - Dubai Tel.: (+971) 4 261-5500 / +971 4 261-5500 (Arabic) WAM - Fujairah (United Arab Emirates)

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable National Media Council - Fujairah Tel.: (+971) 9 222-4190 / +971 9 222-1008 (Arabic) WAM - Ras al-Khaimah (United Arab Emirates) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Al Hisn Rd - Ras al Khaimah Tel.: (+971) 7 227-5050 / +971 7 227-4994 (Arabic) WAM - Sharjah (United Arab Emirates) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable National Media Council - Sharjah Tel.: (+971) 6 565-9000 / +971 6 565-9000 (Arabic) WAM - Umm al-Qaiwain (United Arab Emirates) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+971) 6 765-6663 / +971 6 765-3500 (Arabic) WAM - Aden (Yemen) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Al Mukalla (Yemen) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Mogadishu (Somalia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) WAM - Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 196

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Kuwait KUNA - Kuwait News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information languages: Arabic (main), English active since: 1979 headquarters: Shuwaikh, Jahra street PO. box 24063 Safat, ZIP code 13101 - Kuwait City phone: (+965) 2227-1818, 1509 fax: (+965) 4835344 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @Kuna_en Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android, Blackberry services: text, photo, archive, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, yearbook,

publishing, customized content, advertising, capacitybuilding, mobile news alert other services: KUNA Reader, prayer, diretório de links para mídia e órgãos oficiais, condições do aeroporto, publishing, media courses (training center) desks: Politics, Economics, Society, Health, Education, Culture & Art, Sports, Science & Technology, Agriculture, Tourism, Law, Religion, Human, Development, Housing, Security, Military, Government, Power, Parliamentary, Elections, Media, Communications, Diwan affiliation: NAWC, OANA, FANA, NNN

KUNA - HEADQUARTERS (Kuwait) E-mail:,,,, Shuwaikh Jahra street PO. box 24063 Safat ZIP code 13101 - Cidade do Kuwait Tel.: (+965) 2227-1818, 1509 / (+965) 4835344 (Arabic) KUNA - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau - Abdelwhab al-Ghaied E-mail: Lenaugasse 19/4/3 - 1080 Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 968-7817 / Cel.: (+66) 412-2033 (Arabic) KUNA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Nawab Khan E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-4503 / Fax: (+32) 2230-8124, Cel.: (+32) 47 469-0034 (Arabic) KUNA - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - John Keating E-mail:,

10 Rue Richelieu - Paris 75001 Tel.: (+33) 1 4261-3323 / Fax: (+33) 1 4020-9214 (Arabic) KUNA - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Abdel Nasser Jubara E-mail: Schiffbauerdamm 40 - Pressehaus 2409 2410 2nd floor - 10117 Berlin Tel.: (+49) 30 209-1360 / Fax: (+49) 30 209-1361 (Arabic) KUNA - Rome (Italy) 197

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Mahdi El-Nemr E-mail:,, Via dell'Umiltà 83/c - 000187 Roma Tel.: Cel.: (+39) 335 845-9650 / Fax: (+39) 06 97253570 (Arabic)

KUNA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Mohammed Alotaibi E-mail:, United Nations Secretariat Building - Press Section Room C-320 / S-0315 - New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 212 963-7618 / Cel: 929-264-8000 (Arabic)

KUNA - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Hanadi Watfa E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+34) 63 732-3431 (Arabic)

KUNA - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Waseem Khaled E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+91) 99 9956-5454 / Fax: (+91) 11 2611-8787 (Arabic)

KUNA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Tamer Aboalenin (Abu alAynain) E-mail:, Office C 550 Palais des Nations UN - 1211 Geneva 10 Tel.: (+41) 227 349-054 / (+41) 227 339-042 (Arabic)

KUNA - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Miyoko Ishigami E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+81) 90 9480-6500 (Arabic)

KUNA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Hosny Emam, Khaled al-Daihani E-mail:,,,,, New Premier House 6th Floor - 150 Southhampton row Russell Square - WC1 B5AL London Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7278-5445 / Fax: (+44) 207 278-6232 (Arabic)

KUNA - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau - MOhammed Almulah, Abdullah Bugis E-mail: Lot w04b0 4th floor West Block wisma Selangor Dredging 142c Jalan Ampang Tel.: (+60) 3 2166-6421 / Fax: (+60) 32 166-6441, Cel.: (+60) 12 223-9562 (Arabic) KUNA - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Serdar Burhan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

KUNA - Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina) Type: foreign bureau - Assem Ahmad E-mail: Fra Andj Zvizdovica 1 (Unis Buld) Sarajevo - BosnaHercegovina Tel.: (+387) 33 295-100 / Fax: (+387) 33 445-762 (Arabic) KUNA - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Adib Mohd al-Sayed E-mail:,, ућ.Коровий ваћ д.7, стр.1 љв. 52 Tel.: (+8) 499 237-4932, 237-3114, фаљс (495) 956-9906 / Cel.: 8 (903) 728-87-15 (Arabic) KUNA - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Sami al-Delaimi, Ronald Baygents, Yasmen Sabawe E-mail: yousef.tattan@gmail, The National Press Building - Suite 906 - 20045 Washington D.C Tel.: (+1) 202 375-3896, 766-4505 / Fax: (+1) 202 3476837 (Arabic)

KUNA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: foreign bureau - Fateeha Zmamoush E-mail:, Cité Rabia Tahar St. 8 Bab Ezzouar - Algiers Tel.: (+213) 2149-5791 / Fax: (+213) 2191-6827 (Arabic) KUNA - Manama (Bahrain) Type: foreign bureau - Jameel al-Mahhari, Mohammed al-Thaydi E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+944) 24 640-0973 / Fax: 5356 720-0973 (Arabic) KUNA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau - Muna Sheshta E-mail: Ibn Malik street - Aljeeza 3rd floor ap.32 - 12612 Cairo | 23 ‫ م صدق ش‬Ad Doqi - Giza Tel.: (+202) 3336-9958, 3760-2177 / Fax: (+202) 37614611 (Arabic)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

KUNA - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau - Montather Fili E-mail: Sa'd Abad street - Maleki No. 3 - corner of Koucheh Yekom 3rd floor - Eastern Depatment - Tehran Tel.: (+98 21) 8857-0609 / Fax: (+98 21) 8836-7508 (Arabic) KUNA - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau - Mohammad al-Ghazzi, Alaa alHwajil E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+964) 774-3911 (Arabic) KUNA - Erbil (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau - Mokhles Khoshnaw E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) KUNA - Amman (Jordan) Type: foreign bureau - Hamad Al-Fahad E-mail:, Alshemesani - Fakhry Alkhori street - Amman POBox 35173 Tel.: (+962) 6515-7598, 7991-9000 / Fax: (+962) 65150830 (Arabic) KUNA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau - Mubarak al-Hajri, Omar alHalabi, Sultan al-Madiri, Ayoub Khadaj E-mail:,,, Arsco Centre 8th floor - Al Sanaae - Beirut Tel.: (+96) 11 354-377 / Fax: (+96) 1134-8506, 1 602088 (Arabic) KUNA - Marrakech (Morocco) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) KUNA - Muscat (Oman) Type: foreign bureau - Ahmad al-Rubaie E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+968) 947-7773 (Arabic) KUNA - Ramallah (Palestine) Type: foreign bureau - Nujoud al-Qassem

E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+970) 298-4858 (Arabic) KUNA - Doha (Qatar) Type: foreign bureau - Nawaf Nasser Al-Deqbasi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+974) 436-4580 / Fax: (+974) 436-4580 (Arabic) KUNA - Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau - Hassan Rajehi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) KUNA - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau - Yousif al-Saedi, Osama alWadeea E-mail:, Al Amir Mamdoh Bin Abdulaziz street, AlSafwa Complex entrance 1 ground level Office No.3 - AlSulaimaniya - Riyadh Tel.: (+966) 1 465-4542 / Fax: (+966) 1463-1145 (Arabic) KUNA - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: foreign bureau - Hussain Hassan Ibrahim E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+249) 1229-4717 / Fax: (+249) 1179-3622 (Arabic) KUNA - Damascus (Syria) Type: foreign bureau - Talal al-Kayed E-mail: Zaki Al-Arsouzy street, opposite Al Eman Mosque Damascus P.O.Box 34207 Tel.: (+963) 11 231-6902 / Fax: (+96) 311 232-0895 (Arabic) KUNA - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau - Khaled Jabar E-mail:, Al-Areyana street - Al Saeedi building, entrance A 2nd floor apt 5 | Altameez buiilding - Al-Omaran Northern Center 2nd floor - B2 Tunis Tel.: (+216) 7171-7624 / Fax: (+216) 7171-8062 (Arabic) KUNA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Mohammad Al Mutairi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 312 439-6995 / Fax: (+90) 312 439-6998, Cel.: 0 534 541-9000 (Arabic) 199

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

KUNA - Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Bader al-Sulaihem al-Hajri E-mail: Firs Zaid street 728 9th floor apt 907 Al-Khaldya - Abu Dhabi - P.O. Box 2947 Tel.: (+971) 5 4445-4757 / Fax: (+971) 2666-6935 (Arabic) KUNA - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: foreign bureau - Ahmed Zarqa E-mail:, P.O.Box 3746 Sanaa Yemen Tel.: (+967) 130-9333 / Fax: (+967) 126-8874 (Arabic)

Qatar QNA - Qatar News Agency (Wakalat al-Anba al-Qatariya) website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information and Communications Technology languages: Arabic (main), English active since: 1975 headquarters: P.O. Box 3299 - Doha phone: (+974) 4445-0413 | (+974) 44450203 fax: (+974) 44427810, 439362, 442282 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @QNAEnglish Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, archive, features, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, press review, newsletter, publishing, polls, webmail, press communiqués and official announcements, press center, credenciamento, mobile news alert other services: Qatar Daily News, photo gallery, video gallery, news bulletin, media sites, reports and studies, Emiri decrees, Staff mail (Webmail), social polls, This Day in History desks: Local News, Arab and International News, General, Economy, Culture, Sports affiliation: NAWC, OANA, FANA, NNN, WAN cooperation: IINA QNA - HEADQUARTERS (Qatar) E-mail:,,,,,

Al Rayan street - Doha P.O. Box 3299 - Doha Tel.: (+974) 4445-0413 / (+974) 44427810, 439362, 442282 (Arabic) QNA - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Saleh Ahmed Kakaban E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) QNA - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) QNA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) QNA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) QNA - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) QNA - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Algeria APS - Algérie Presse Service website: category: national agency ownership: Ministère de la Communication (statute: Entreprise publique à caractère économique et commercial) languages: Arabic (main), English, French, Berber (tamazight) active since: 1961 headquarters: Avenue des Frère Bouadou, Bir Mourad Rais - Argel phone: (+213) (0)2156-4444 | +213 21440312 fax: +213 21543800 200

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

e-mails:, (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @aps_fr Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, archive, features, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, publishing, press communiqués and official announcements, officials’ schedule other services: The Economy, an economic review in French language desks: Algérie, Monde, Economie, Societé, Culture, Sport, Santé-Science-Tech, Régions affiliation: NAWC, FANA, AMAN, NNN cooperation: ANSA

APS - Constantine/Est Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Immeuble COSIDER - Avenue de l'ALN; Ali Mendjeli Constantine Tel: (+213) (0) 3182-4581; -4582; -4583; -4589 | Fax: (+213) (0) 3182-4584 (Arabic, French) APS - Oran/Ouest Type: domestic bureau E-mail: AADL - Cité 1377 lgts (face USTO) Bt 14 Bir El Djir Tel: (+213) (0) 4170-2790; -2793 | Fax: (+213) (0) 41702790 (Arabic, French) APS - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 345-1825 (Arabic)

APS - HEADQUARTERS (Algeria) E-mail:,,,, Avenue des Frère Bouadou Bir Mourad Rais - Argel Tel.: (+213) 2156-4444 / +213 21543800 (Arabic) APS - Blida/Centre Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Centre des Affaires El-Wouroud Bab El-Djazair- Blida Tel: (+213) (0) 2541-3916 | Fax: (+213) (0) 2539-3885 (Arabic, French) APS - Ouargla/Sud Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Cité administrative Sidi Abdelkader - Ouargla Tel: (+213) (0) 2971-8857; -8858 | Fax: (+213) (0) 29718860 (Arabic, French)

APS - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) APS - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Mohammed Abdessemed Aziz, Abbes Mouats E-mail: Via Asmara, 10/c 00199 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 3382-379917 (Arabic) APS - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Abdelkrim Metalsi-Tani E-mail: [address not available]


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+34) 602 50-5342 (Arabic) APS - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) APS - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Salim Malki E-mail: Krapivenskiy per. d.1Đ? - Moscow Tel.: (+8) 999 872-8043 (Arabic)

Bahrain BNA - HEADQUARTERS (Bahrain) ownership: Information Affairs Authority (ligada ao Ministry of Information and Parliament Affairs) E-mail:,,,, Information Affairs Authority PoBOX 5421 Isa Town Manama Tel.: (+973) 1 737-2008 / (+973) 17687160 (Arabic)


APS - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

INA - HEADQUARTERS (Iraq) ownership: Joel Leyden E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

APS - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

NINA - HEADQUARTERS (Iraq) ownership: E-mail:, PO BOX 36134 Sharjah Iraq Baghdad-Al-Safeer Hotel Abo Now'as street - Baghdad Tel.: (+964) 790 248-1167 (Arabic)

APS - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) APS - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) APS - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) APS - Dakar (Senegal) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) AIC - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent - Armando RubĂŠn Puente E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

NINA - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent - Dia Liilua E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: (+358) 4 52001513 (Arabic)

Lebanon NNA - HEADQUARTERS (Lebanon) ownership: Ministry of Information E-mail:,,,, Hamra street - Ministry of Information building 3rd floor - Beirute Tel.: (+96) 11 754-400 / (+961) 1 74577, 745776, 756024 (Arabic) NNA - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Abdullah al-Banna E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Libya JANA - HEADQUARTERS (Libya) ownership: Ghaddafist resistance based in Cairo E-mail: 202

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

P.O.Box 2303 - Trípoli Tel.: (+218) 09 340-2671 / +21821 3402421 (Arabic) LANA - HEADQUARTERS (Libya) ownership: Ministry of Culture and Civil Society E-mail: Zawiat Al-Dehmany Shat Rd. - Trípoli Tel.: (+218) 21 340-2607 / +218 21 340 2420 (Arabic)

Mauritania AMI - HEADQUARTERS (Mauritania) ownership: Ministère des Relations avec le Parlement et de la Société Civile (statute: établissement public à caractère administratif) E-mail:,, Ksar Avenue 1540 Rue 22-006 Habib Bourguiba BP 467/371 - Nouakchott Tel.: (+222) 525-2940 / +222 5255520 (Arabic)

Oman ONA - Oman News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information languages: Arabic (main), English active since: 1997 headquarters: PO. Box 3659112 - Mascate phone: (+968) 2494-4700 fax: (+968) 2494-4703, 601-677 e-mails: (management),,onaarabic@hotmail .com (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @OmanNewsAgency Facebook: mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, features, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, webmail, press communiqués and official announcements, advertising, mobile news alert other services: diretório de links para mídia e órgãos públicos, exchange rates, weather, prayer times, Webmail, weekly newsletter, FTP, RSS, Sabaq (SMS) desks: Political, Economic, Cultural, Sports, Miscellaneous affiliation: NAWC, OANA, FANA cooperation: IINA ONA - HEADQUARTERS (Oman) E-mail:,,,onaarabic@hotmail .com, Ruwi Oman 112 - PO. Box 3659-112 - Mascate Tel.: (+968) 2494-4700 / (+968) 2494-4703, 601-677 (Arabic) ONA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Palestine WAFA - Palestine News & Info Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Palestinian National Authority languages: Arabic (main), English, French, hebraico active since: 1972 headquarters: Mecca Center Building, 3rd floor, sharie al-Iirsal, hay al-Musif Binayat - Ramalá phone: (+970) 2297-3510 | +970 2 2964761 fax: +970 2 2973777 e-mails: (general),, (management),, (sales) Twitter: @wafa_ps Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, multimedia packs, archive, features, op-ed, historical dates, obituários, financial info, weather forecast, publishing, polls other services: WAFA Info, WAFA Images, WAFA Multimedia, Record Immortals (mártires), Opinion Article, Studies and research, Political analysis, Legal analysis desks: Economy, Culture, Sports, Solidarity, Communities, Women's Affairs, Prisoners, Israeli Affairs affiliation: NAWC, FANA, AMAN, NNN WAFA - HEADQUARTERS (Palestine) E-mail:,,,, Mecca Center Building 3rd floor sharie al-Iirsal hay alMusif Binayat - Ramalá Tel.: (+970) 2297-3510 / +970 2 2973777 (Arabic) WAFA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent - Jamal Jadallah E-mail: 203

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Largo V.Brocchi 68 00142 Roma Tel.: (+39) 3386436695 / Fax: (+39) 06 51980334 (Arabic) WAFA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Saudi Arabia SPA - Saudi Press Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information languages: Arabic (main), English, French active since: 1971 headquarters: King Fahd Road 7186, area code 11171 - Riyadh phone: (+966) 1 141 9333-4120 | (+966) 1 419-4094 fax: (+966) 1-4194094 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @spa_pol Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android, WAP Pocket-PC services: text, photo, video, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, newsletter, publishing, press communiqués and official announcements, officials’ schedule, advertising, mobile news alert other services: photo gallery, SPA Buletins (Arabic, English, French), FTP, decretos reais, Hajj News, dia nacional, diretório de links de órgãos oficiais sauditas,

Desktop Service para Windows, photo studio, livros, Scrolling News Ticker desks: Politics,Business, Social, Culture, Sports, General affiliation: NAWC, OANA, FANA, NNN cooperation: Reuters, AP, AFP, UPI, DPA, MAP, TAP, QNA, KUNA, GNA, IINA SPA - HEADQUARTERS (Saudi Arabia) E-mail:,,,,, King Fahd Road 7186 area code 11171 - Riad Tel.: (+966) 1 141 9333-4120 / (+966) 1-4194094 (Arabic) SPA - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

SPA - Madrid (Spain) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Abdulaziz M. Alhendi, Haifa AlMubarak, Geoffrey Cunningham E-mail: unavailable 601 New Hampshire Ave NW - Washington DC 20037 Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - New York (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau - Omar Bin Thabit E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Nouakchott (Mauritania) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Tangier (Morocco) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Ramallah (Palestine) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SPA - Damascus (Syria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) 205

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

SPA - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

E-mail:,,,, P.O.Box 2661 Barameka - Damasco Tel.: (+963) 11 212-9702 / +963 11 2224292, 2220365 (Arabic)

SPA - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

SANA - Paris (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

SPA - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent - Khodr Saleh E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

SANA - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic)

Syria SANA - Syrian Arab News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information languages: Arabic (main), English, French, Spanish, Russian, Persian, Turkish, hebraico, Mandarin active since: 1965 headquarters: P.O.Box 2661, Barameka - Damasco phone: (+963) 11 212-9702 | +96311 2228239 fax: +963 11 2224292, 2220365 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @SanaAjel Facebook: YouTube: mobile: Android services: text, photo, video, features, op-ed, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, press review, press communiquĂŠs and official announcements, mobile news alert other services: SANA photo, Reports, News Ticker, FTP, IP leased circuits desks: Syria and the World, Arab, International, Local, Business & Finance, Health & Environment, Education, Culture & Arts, Sports, Tourism & Society, Expatriates, Archeology & Heritage affiliation: OANA, FANA, AMAN cooperation: AFP SANA - HEADQUARTERS (Syria)

SANA - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SANA - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SANA - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SANA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Fahed Kamnakesh E-mail: Kutuzovskiy pr-t d.7/4 kv. 184-185 Tel.: (+8) 499 243-1300 / Fax: (499) 243-7512, Cel.: 8 (903) 729-1035 (Arabic) SANA - New York (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SANA - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Arowh Mahmoud E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SANA - Tehran (Iran) 206

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Arabic) SANA - Ankara (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Mounir Othman E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Fax: (+90) 312 441-6499 (Arabic) SANA - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: correspondent - Housni Mahalli E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+90) 216 545 00 96 / Fax: (+90) 216 545-0097, Cel.: 0 532 216-0735 (Arabic)

Sudan SUNA - HEADQUARTERS (Sudan) ownership: Ministry of Information and Communications (statute: Public Corporation)

E-mail:,,, El Gomhuriya 8th floor 10476 - Cartum Tel.: (+249) 771772-183, ext.133 / 775907-183 (Arabic)

Tunisia TAP - HEADQUARTERS (Tunisia) ownership: (98,39% pelo Estado tunisiano) E-mail:, 7 avenue Slimane Ben Slimane 2092 El Manar 2 - TĂşnis Tel.: (+216) 71 889-000 / +216 71 883 500 (Arabic)

Yemen SABA - HEADQUARTERS (Yemen) ownership: Ministry of Information E-mail:, Sanaa Al-Hasaba Al-Jamaah Al-Arabia Street 5-Story Office Building and Printing Plant - Sana'a Tel.: (+967) 125-0083/78 / (+967) 1252944 (Arabic)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


China Xinhua (New China News Agency) website: category: transnational/global agency ownership: State Council of the People's Republic of China languages: Mandarin (main), English, French, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Japanese, coreano, uigur, tibetano active since: 1931 headquarters: 57 Xuan Wu Men Xi Da Jie, Xicheng, Beijing 100803 | 129 Xuan Wu Men West Street, Xicheng, Beijing Jinyu, 100031 - Pequim phone: (+86) 10 6307 1114 | +86 10 6307 0919, +86 10 6307 1586 fax: +86 10 8805 0800, +86 10 8805 0634, +86 10 8805 0623 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), ceisc@xinhua .org (sales) Twitter: @XHNews Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android, site em WAP services: text, photo, video, archive, features, op-ed, historical dates, financial info, weather forecast, press review, yearbook, webmail, credenciamento, mobile news alert other services: colunas, features especiais, fórum, Biz China Weekly, mercados, bancos de dados, relógio mundial, mapas

desks: World, Negócios, Health, Culture & Education, Sports, Science & Technology, Tourism, Entretenimento, Comportamento, Arte, Cinema, Música, Moda, Teatro, Opinião, In-Depth (análise), Odd News (faits-divers) affiliation: NAWC, OANA, AsiaNet, NNN Domestic: Xinhua - HEADQUARTERS (China) E-mail:,,,, ceisc@xinhua .org 57 Xuan Wu Men Xi Da Jie Xicheng Beijing 100803 | 129 Xuan Wu Men West Street Xicheng Beijing Jinyu 100031 - Pequim Tel.: (+86) 10 6307 1114 / +86 10 8805 0800, +86 10 8805 0634, +86 10 8805 0623 (Chinese) Xinhua - Hefei (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Chunhua Lu - Baohe Qu - Hefei Shi - Anhui Sheng 230000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Beijing (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1 Chengshi Hutong - Xicheng Qu - Beijing Shi - 100053 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Guangzhou (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

158 Lianxin Lu - Yuexiu Qu - Guangzhou Shi Guangdong Sheng 510100 | Jing Xi Lu - Baiyun Qu Guangzhou Shi - Guangdong Sheng 510000 Tel.: (+86 20 8333-0567 (Chinese)

356 Xu Dong Street - Wuchang Qu - Wuhan Shi - Hubei Sheng 430062 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Chungking (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Xinnan Lu - LongXi - Yubei Qu - Chongqing Shi 400021 Tel.: (+86 23 8918-7042 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Changsha (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 40 Shantian New St. Liuyang Shi - Changsha Shi - Hunan Sheng Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Fuzhou (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 2 Jianxin Middle Road. Cangshan Qu - Fuzhou Shi Fujian Province 350008 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Outer Mongolia (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 5 Zhongshan E Rd. Xincheng Qu - Huhehaote Shi Neimenggu Zizhiqu 010020 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Nanning (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1 Yingbin Road. Qingxiu Qu - Nanning Shi - Guangxi Zhuangzuzizhiqu 530000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Jiangsu (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Hongwu N Rd 55 DeJi GuangChang - Xuanwu Qu Nanjing Shi - Jiangsu Sheng Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Guiyang (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 19 Beijing Road. Yunyan Qu, Guiyang Shi - Guizhou Sheng 550004 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Nantong (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 478 Ziwei Middle Road. Qidong Shi - Nantong Shi Jiangsu Sheng 226200 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Hainan (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 89 Bīnhǎi dàdào. Longhua Qu - Haikou Shi - Hainan Sheng - 570105 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Yinchuan (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Wenhua W St. Xingqing Qu - Yinchuan Shi - Ningxia Huizuzizhiqu 750000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Shijiazhuang (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 88 Fuqiang St. Yuhua Qu - Shijiazhuang Shi - Hebei Sheng 050000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Xining (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 20 Wuyi Road. Chengzhong Qu - Xining Shi - Qinghai Sheng 810000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Chengchow (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 85 Huayuan Road. Tianfu Block Business Building (News Mansion Parking Lot) ZiJingShan ShangQuan - Jinshui Qu - Zhengzhou Shi - Henan Sheng 450000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Hong Kong (China) Type: regional office - Mao Hong-cheng E-mail: unavailable 4/F 381 Queen's Road East, Wanchal - Hong Kong Tel.: 852 2831-3529 / Fax: 852 2831-3524 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Wuhan (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable

Xinhua - Macao (China) Type: domestic bureau - Chen Bo-liang E-mail: unavailable Av. Governador Jaime Silvério Marques, Edif. Zhu Kuan 13º andar-V 209

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: 727710 / Fax: 700548 (Chinese) Xinhua - Xian (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Huangcheng W Rd. ErHuan Lu - YanXian ShangYe JingJiDai - Xincheng Qu - Xian Shi - Shaanxi Sheng 710001 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Jinan (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 7 Yuhan Lu - YingXiongShan ShangQuan - Shizhong Qu Jinan Shi - Shandong Sheng 250000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Kunming (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 8 Zhuantang Road. Wuhua Qu - Kunming Shi - Yunnan Sheng 650032 | 7 Hongta W Road. Xishan Qu Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Hangchow (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 188 Yu Gu Lu (Hào Xiàndài Guójì Dàshà) HuangLong ShangQuan - Xihu Qu - Hangzhou Shi - Zhejiang Sheng 310000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Abroad:

Xinhua - Qingdao (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 17 Donghai W Road. DongBu ShangQuan - Shinan Qu Qingdao Shi - Shandong Sheng 266000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Shanghai (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 62 Hengshan Road. Xuhui Qu - Shanghai Shi 200031 Tel.: (+86 21 6431-3564 (Chinese) Xinhua - Taiyuan (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 110 Bingzhou N Road. Yingze Qu - Taiyuan Shi - Shanxi Sheng 030012 Tel.: (+86 351 429-1597 (Chinese) Xinhua - Chengdu 1 (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 51 Renmin South Rd. 4th Section - TongZiLin - Wuhou Qu - Chengdu Shi - Sichuan Sheng 610000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Tibet (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Duosenge Rd North Section - Chengguan Qu - Lasa Shi Xizang Zizhiqu 850000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - East Turkestan (China) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 247 Xibei Rd - Shayibake Qu - Wulumuqi Shi - Xinjiang Weiwuerzizhiqu 830000 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau - Wang Teng-fei E-mail: unavailable Reisnerstrasse 15/8 - Wien 1300 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Brussels (Belgium) Type: regional office - He Xiao-fang, Miao Xiao-juan, Magdalena Walczak E-mail: , @Magda_Brussels square Ambiorix 32 - Résidence le Pavois bte 4 - 1040 Bruxelles | Rue Archimeede 81-85 Bte 41-1000 Bruxlles Tel.: (+32) 2 231-0957, 238-2008 / Fax: (+32) 2 2303254, 231-1027 (Chinese) Xinhua - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: stringer - Shi Shou-he E-mail:,, Badstuestræde 18 E 1th - 1209 Copenhagen Tel.: (+45) 5382-9568 / Cel.: (+45) 4842 9568, 53829568 (Chinese) Xinhua - Helsinki (Finland) Type: foreign bureau - Zhang Xuan, Li Ji-zhi, Liu Xi-di E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: (+358) 9 684-7587 / Cel.: 040 525-7321, 379-6820, 145-1915 (Chinese) Xinhua - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Ying Qiang, Ma Huan-yu E-mail: 27-31 Rue Mederic - 92110 Clichey-La-Garenne | rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+33) 1 4106-9741, 4106-9734 / Fax: 01 4270 6128, 4270-6538 (Chinese) Xinhua - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Li Ping E-mail: unavailable Speicherstr 35 - 60327 Frankfurt Tel.: (+49) 69 1539-0098 / Fax: (+49) 69 1539-0096 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Barcelona (Spain) Type: stringer - Zhe Zhou E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Athens (Greece) Type: foreign bureau - Maria Spiliopoulou E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+30) 210 684-1140 / Fax: (+30) 210 684-1142, Cel.: (+30) 697 489-4225 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Madrid (Spain) Type: foreign bureau - Feng Jun-wei, Xie Hai-ning, Sai Jjiang E-mail:,,, Arturo Soria 154, 1.ยบ F - 28043 Madrid Tel.: (+34) 91 413-1620 / Fax: (+34) 91 416-8543, Cel.: 616-115-191 (Jun-wei) (Chinese)

Xinhua - Dublin (Ireland) Type: correspondent - Sihao Xiong E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Wang Xing-qiao E-mail: Via Bruxelles 59 - Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 855-5028, Cel.: 335-5732345 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Zhang Miao, Zhao Wang, Shi Jian-guo, Gu Dun-yu, Ling Xin, Liu Mei-chen, Xu Jinquan E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: foreign bureau - Liu Fang, Pan Zhi, Hong Tian-mu, Zindziwe Janse, Sylvia Lederer E-mail:,,,,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Oslo (Norway) Type: correspondent - Liang You-chang, Liu Min, Zhang Shu-hui E-mail:,, Klingenberggaten 5 - 0161 Oslo (Norges Internasjonale Pressesenter) Tel.: Cel.: (+47) 9248-8555 (Min), 46931789 (Shu), 4020-6542 (You) / Fax: (+47) 22 232-283 (Chinese) Xinhua - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Jeanne Sun E-mail: unavailable 8 Swiss Terrace Belsize Road - Swiss Cottage - London NW6 4RR Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7483-8991 / Fax: (+44) 207 722-8512 (Chinese) Xinhua - Lusaka (Zambia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Sofia (Bulgaria) Type: foreign bureau - Marian Draganov E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+359) 2 884-941 (Chinese) Xinhua - Budapest (Hungary) Type: foreign bureau - Zhou Dong-yao E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+361) 176-7548 / Fax: (+361) 176-2571 (Chinese) 211

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Riga (Latvia) Type: foreign bureau - Qun Guo, Li De-ping E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+371) 27835169, 29187269 / 67838088, 861063073767 (Chinese) Xinhua - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent - Gao Fan, Han Mei E-mail:, ul. Bonifraterska 1 - 00-703 Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 609 903 876 / 607 221 158 (Chinese) Xinhua - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - He Yi, Fan Wei-guo E-mail:, ућ.Маћая Каћитниљовсљая д.9А Tel.: +8 (495) 670-3074, 670-1210, 670-1016 / Fax: (+8) 495) 670-4485, моб.тећ., 8 (985) 774-1597 (Chinese) Xinhua - Vladivostok (Russia) Type: correspondent - Wu Gang E-mail: unavailable ul.Tigrovaya d.30 of.22 - Vladivostok Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Kiev (Ukraine) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Tashkent (Uzbekistan) Type: stringer - Sha Dati E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Vancouver (Canada) Type: stringer - Evan Duggan E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Xinhua - Ottawa (Canada) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Los Angeles (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Liu Si E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - San Francisco (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Alex Luna, Dan Ma E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Lu Jia-fei, Matthew Rusling, Yang Liu E-mail: unavailable 529 14th St NE Ste F2 - Washington D.C. 20002 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Tampa (United States) Type: stringer - Mark Weisenmiller E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - New York (United States) Type: regional office - Wang Jida, Yuan Chang, William M. Reilly (UN), Shi Xiao-meng (UN), Gu Zhen-qiu, Jie Bai, Ming Li, Hu You-song, Liang Ye-qian, Kong Xiaohan, Ni Hong-mei E-mail:,,,,, 11 Wall St. New York NY 10005 | 40-35 72nd Street, Woodside Queens - 11377 New York Tel.: (+1) 347 226-0163, 212-813-0171 / Fax: (+1) 718 335-8778, Fax: 212-317-1940, Cel: 917 434-7269, Cel: (917) 868-3210, Cel: (+1) 917 287-1415 (Chinese) Xinhua - Chicago (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Yin Wei, Liang Yan, Marcus DiPaola E-mail: unavailable 332 S Michigan Ave # 605 - Chicago IL 60604 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Houston (United States) Type: correspondent 212

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Tucumán 540 Piso 14º D - C1049AAL Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4394-7822 / Fax: (+54) 11 4394-7827 (Chinese) Xinhua - Christ Church (Barbados) Type: correspondent - Ding Bao-zhong E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Brasilia (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Iang Iein E-mail: unavailable SHIS QI 15 conj. 16 / casa 14 - 71635-360 Tel.: (+55) 61 3248-5489 / Fax: 248-0113 (Chinese) Xinhua - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Yin Yong-jian, Bruna Gama E-mail: Rua México 21/sl. 701 e 702 Centro - Rio de Janeiro 20031-144 Tel.: (+55) 21 2524-6062 / Fax: 2524-6111 (Chinese) Xinhua - Santiago (Chile) Type: foreign bureau - Tong Leng, Yenifer Márquez González E-mail: unavailable Calle Biarritz 1981 Providencia - Santiago Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: foreign bureau - Hou Yao-qi E-mail: Calle 74 No. 4 - 62 of. 501 - Bogotá Tel.: (+57) 1 2115347 / Fax: (+57) 1 346-4453 (Chinese) Xinhua - San José (Costa Rica) Type: foreign bureau - Luis Manuel Mena (2014-2015) E-mail: unavailable Apartado 4774 - San José Tel.: 231-3497 (Chinese) Xinhua - Havana (Cuba) Type: foreign bureau - Yin Yong-jian, Ma Gui-hua, Rogelio del Río Milan, Gretel Dolores Heredia Viltres, Raúl Menchaca López, Roberto Antonio Morocarracedo, Noemi Caridad Galbán Francisco, Raimundo Luis Urrechaga Herrera E-mail: unavailable

Calle G No. 259 entre Línea Y 13, Vedado - La Habana Tel.: (+537) 833-3616 / Cel.: 55-3869 (Chinese) Xinhua - Quito (Ecuador) Type: foreign bureau - Jin Shem-jian E-mail: unavailable Edif. Portugal - Avda. Portugal y Avda. de la República de El Salvador 730 10º - Quito Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Georgetown (Guyana) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 52 Brickdam, Stabroek - Georgetown Tel.: (+592) 226-9965 (Chinese) Xinhua - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: regional office - Huang Yong-xian, Wu Yongheng, Pan Gun-jun E-mail: unavailable Calle Francisco I. Madero 17 Col. Tlacopac San Ángel 01440 México, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 5662-8548, 5662-6532, 56-62-67-82, 56627797, 5661-4209 Ext.8081 / Fax: (+52) 5662-9028 (Chinese) Xinhua - Managua (Nicaragua) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Panama City (Panamá) Type: foreign bureau - Mauricio Valenzuela Twitter: @mauropana Vía Cincuentenario 48 Viña del Mar - Panamá 1 Tel.: (+54) 226-4501 (Chinese) Xinhua - Lima (Peru) Type: foreign bureau - Jia An-ping, Carlos Acat Koch E-mail: Calle Parque Javier Prado 181, San Isidro - Lima 27 Tel.: (+511) 442-9333, 440-3894 / Fax: 440-3463 (Chinese) Xinhua - Montevideo (Uruguay) Type: foreign bureau - Gerardo Laborde E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Caracas (Venezuela) Type: foreign bureau - Helena He, Victoria Argüello, Juan Carlos Hernández (photo) E-mail:,,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Avenida Maracaibo c/ Calle Oriente - Prados del Este Baruta - Caracas Tel.: (+58) 212 977-2489, 9780478 / Fax: (0212) 9781664, Cel.: 0412 9772489 (Chinese) Xinhua - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: House 4 Road 18 Block-A Banani - Dhaka 1212 Tel.: (+880) 2 882-9917 / Fax: (+880 2) 882-6089, 9899788 (Chinese) Xinhua - Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei) Type: correspondent - Jie Zheng E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: foreign bureau - Lei Bo-song E-mail: unavailable 19 rue 294 - Phnom Penh Tel.: (+855) 23 211-608 / Fax: (+855) 23 426-613 (Chinese) Xinhua - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Bi Xiaoyang, Xiong Changy, Wang Ye (2008), Zhou Jun (2008), Fu Shaung-qi (2008) E-mail: unavailable B-3/60 Safdarjung Enclave - 110029 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2610-1866 / Fax: 11 2619-0657 (Chinese)

Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Ulaanbataar (Mongolia) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [FECHOU?] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 39/KK Phoe Sein Rd. - Bo Cho Ward (2) Bahan - Yangon Tel.: (+95) 01-8604403 / 09-795915418, 09-5038987 (Chinese) Xinhua - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: stringer - Roy Jawad Hussain Twitter: @Cricaholics [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Panarukan 31 - 10310 Jakarta Tel.: (+62) 21 2230-5753 / Fax: (+62) 21 3190-1553, 3190-1558 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Xia Li-xin E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+65) 6473-7153, 6638-8900 / (65) 6473 6109 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Wu Yu, Wang Da-jun E-mail: unavailable 3-35-23 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku - Tokyo 3 3441-3766 Tel.: (+81) 90 554-76116 / Fax: (+81) 33 446-3995 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Seoul (South Korea) Type: correspondent - Ji Xinlong E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Vientiane (Laos) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Xinhua - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: stringer - Easwaran Rutnam Twitter: @easwaranrutnam [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) 214

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Xinhua - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 10 Dasman st. Sheikh Ahmad al-Jaber Bldg. Safat Kuwait City Tel.: (+965) 480-9423 / Fax: (+965) 480-9396 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Algiers (Algeria) Type: foreign bureau - Wang Lian-zhi E-mail: unavailable 32 rue de Carthage, Hydra - Algiers Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable POB 114-5075 Tel.: (+96) 11 830-359 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Nicosia (Cyprus) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: 12 Byzantiou st. Flat 201 Ayios Dhometios - Nicosia Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Rabat (Morocco) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Cairo (Egypt) Type: regional office - Yang Jia E-mail: unavailable 27 Sharia Corniche en-Nil - Maadi - Cairo Tel.: (+202) 2358-8071 ext.1204 / Fax: 202-23588926 (Chinese)

Xinhua - Gaza City (Palestine) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau - Yang Dingdu E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+98 21) 241-852 (Chinese) Xinhua - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau - Zhu Shao-hua E-mail: unavailable al Mansour, Adrus District 611 Small District 5 Lane No. 8 - Baghdad Tel.: (+961) 1 541-8904 (Chinese) Xinhua - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Neeran Huang E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: correspondent - Zhiwang Yang E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Amman (Jordan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Xinhua - Doha (Qatar) Type: correspondent - Yang Iwanao Ng, Lamis Abdullah E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Damascus (Syria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Tunis (Tunisia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Ankara (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Zheng Jin-fa, Yi Wen E-mail: unavailable Horasan Sokak 16/4 Gaziosmanpasa - Ankara Tel.: (+90) 312 436-1456 / Fax: (+90) 312 446-5229 (Chinese) Xinhua - Istanbul (Turkey) 215

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: foreign bureau - Cinar Kiper E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau - Gérard Al-Fil Twitter: @GerardAlFil [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Sana’a (Yemen) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Luanda (Angola) Type: foreign bureau - Zhao Xiao-zhong E-mail: unavailable Rua Karl Marx 57-3 andar E - Bairro das Ingombotas, Zona 4 - Luanda Tel.: (+244) 2 332-415 (Chinese) Xinhua - Yaoundé (Cameroon) Type: foreign bureau - Huang Ya-nan E-mail: unavailable Ave Joseph Omgba BP 1583 - Phnom Penh Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Brazzaville (Congo) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: 834-401 (Chinese) Xinhua - Kinshasa (Congo DR) Type: foreign bureau - Steve Wembi Twitter: @wembi_steve [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: foreign bureau - Yuan Bing-zhong E-mail: unavailable POB 2497 Addis Ababa Tel.: (+251) 1 515-676 / 1 514-742 (Chinese) Xinhua - Libreville (Gabon) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Accra (Ghana) Type: stringer - Francis Tandoh E-mail: unavailable

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+225) 2232-2249 (Chinese) Xinhua - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: regional office - Guo Jun E-mail: unavailable Ngong Road - At Rose Avenue (Opposite Kibil) P.O.Box 30728 - Nairobi Tel.: (+254) 73 672-4119 / Fax: 254 202-723363 (Chinese) Xinhua - Maseru (Lesotho) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Antananarivo (Madagascar) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Port Louis (Mauritius) Type: stringer - Ronald Ssekandi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Maputo (Mozambique) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Dakar (Senegal) Type: foreign bureau - Wang Meng E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+221) 33 8280538 / (+221) 77 099-0378 (Chinese) Xinhua - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 216

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Khartoum (Sudan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) Type: foreign bureau - Zhang Ping E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - LomĂŠ (Togo) Type: foreign bureau - Koffi Olivier Tovor E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+228) 912-3945 / Cel.: (+228) 902-4900 (Chinese) Xinhua - Kampala (Uganda) Type: foreign bureau - Qing Yuan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Harare (Zimbabwe) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Canberra (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Xu Haijing E-mail: unavailable 50 Russell St, Hackett - Canberra ACT 2602 Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Sydney (Australia) Type: stringer - Gregory Dimopoulos E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) Xinhua - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: foreign bureau - Su Liang, Ye Tian E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

ZWXWS - Home and Abroad News Press website: category: ethnic agency (Chinese diaspora) languages: Mandarin (main), English active since: 2001 headquarters: 12/F Empress Plaza,17-19 Chatham Road South,Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

phone: (+852) 3488-6599 fax: (+852) 0755-25669678 ; 13570891608 e-mails: (general) ZWXWS - Helsinki (Finland) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Vaasankatu 2A300500 Helsinki Tel.: (+358) 9 2709-2188 (Chinese) ZWXWS - France (France) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 79 Avenue du Grand Morin - Lesigny 77450 Tel.: (+33) 1 6002-4312 / 33(06) 2068-7888 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Netherlands (Netherlands) Type: correspondent - Jan Koning E-mail: unavailable Jacob Mosselstraat 702595 Rj Den Haag Tel.: (+31) 70-3816144 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Sweden (Sweden) Type: correspondent - Arja Ahovuori E-mail: unavailable SCANDIC STAR SOLLENTUNA Aniaraplatsen 8 SE-191 21 Sollentuna Tel.: (+46) 8 5172-6400 / +468 517 26411 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Brighton (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 2 Beau House Bath Spreet - Brighton - East Sussex England BN13TA Tel.: (+44) 77 9155-3687 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable The East #5, Room 5-2, Bishkek Tel.: (+996) 312431059 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Canada (Canada) Type: correspondent - "Jiawen ""Alan"" Zhang" E-mail: unavailable Suite C8-265 Lawrence Ave. Kitchener - Ontario N2M 5R1 Tel.: (+1) 519-729-7929 (Chinese) ZWXWS - USA (United States) Type: correspondent - Harrison Tu E-mail: unavailable 11S. Federal Blvd. #1-2 Denver CO 80219 Tel.: (+1) 303-934-1773 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Macao (China) Type: domestic bureau - Feng 217

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+853) 66887522 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Chuo-ku, Tokyo Ginza Ichome Maeda 20-15 Shanyang 6F Tel.: (+81) 3 3981-3759 / 0081-42345-0772 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: correspondent - Zheng Zhizhong E-mail: unavailable Lrvel 18,,No.12,Jalan Yap Kwan Seng,50450 Kuala Lumpur Tel.: (+60) 3 2166-3107 / +603 21664568 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Philippines (Philippines) Type: correspondent - Efrén S. Ramos Jr E-mail: unavailable M.H Del Pilar St. Brgy.23,Laoag City Tel.: (+63) 77-7720976 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Singapore (Singapore) Type: correspondent - Wu E-mail: unavailable 26 Horne Road BH Building #01-01 Singapore 206096 Tel.: (+65) 94567496 / 0065-62961907 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 10805 Changsha St. Taipei Tel.: (+886) 3822456 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Ghana (Ghana) Type: correspondent - Kwain Kofi E-mail: unavailable P.O. 408. Techiman - Brong Ahafo Tel.: (+233) 24 322-5458 (Chinese) ZWXWS - Australia (Australia) Type: correspondent - James E-mail: unavailable 101 Collins Street, 27th floor - Melbourne, Victoria Tel.: (+61) 392216388 / 0061392216161 (Chinese) ZWXWS - New Zealand (New Zealand) Type: correspondent - Leslie Ye E-mail: unavailable 21 Exmouth Rd. Northcote - Auckland 0627 Tel.: (+64) 21-928247 (Chinese) CNS - Zhongguò Xinwen She HEADQUARTERS (China) ownership: Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council

E-mail:,,, 12 Baiwanzhuang South Street floor 3 Xicheng District Beijing 100037 - Pequim Tel.: (+86) 10 6831-5012 / (+86) 10 6832-7649 (Chinese) HKCNA - Xiāng Gǎng Zhōng-guó Tōng Xùn-shè HEADQUARTERS (China) ownership: E-mail: 22/F Eastern Central Plaza 3 Yiu Hing Road Shau Kei Wan - Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 28561919 / (+852) 25647453 (Chinese)

Taiwan CNA - Central News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (statute: legal entity, independently operated) languages: Mandarin (main), English, Spanish, Japanese active since: 1924 headquarters: 209 Songjiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10485 - Taipé phone: (+886) 2 2505-8379 | (+886) 2-2505-1180 #780 fax: (+886) 2-25023805 e-mails: (general),, (management),, (newsroom), | (sales) Twitter: @Focus_Taiwan Facebook: mobile: iOS, Android, Focus, versão mobile services: text, photo, video, archive, features, financial info, newsletters, yearbook, publishing, customized content, advertising, mobile news alert other services: Special prices, Almanaque Mundial, revista Newsworld (mensal), servicios noticiosos ofrecidos según los requisitos del cliente, publishing desks: Politics, World, Business, Sociedade, Health, Culture, Sportss, Technology, Estilo de Vida, Estreito Taiwan, Olimpíada de Surdos, Tempo Por Taiwan, Agri-Expo Yunlin, Finance and Economics, Both sides, Entertainment, Physical education, Place cooperation: Reuters, AP, AFP, Kyodo, Yonhap, EPA CNA - HEADQUARTERS (Taiwan) E-mail: 218

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

209 Songjiang Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10485 Tel.: (+886) 2 2505-8379 (+886) 2-25023805 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 230-8066 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Bogotá (Colombia) Type: correspondent - Christina Chow E-mail: unavailable Carrera 13A No. 98-34 - Santa Fe de Bogotá Tel.: 25-6342 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Panama City (Panamá) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Apartado 6-693 El Dorado - Panamá Tel.: (+507) 223-8837 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent - Conrad Lu E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - Wu Pin-chiang E-mail: unavailable Jl. Gelong Baru Timur 1-13 - Jakarta Barat Tel.: (+62) 21 2560-0266 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - Chang Fang-min E-mail: unavailable 3-7-3-302 Shimo-meguro, Meguro-ku - Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 3495-2046 / Fax: 3 3495-2066 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

CNA Taiwan - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Doris Hsu E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 083 3784591 (Chinese) CNA Taiwan - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Chinese)

Japan Kyodo - Kyōdō Tsūshin-sha website: category: transnational/global agency languages: Japanese (main), English, Mandarin, coreano active since: 1945 headquarters: Shiodome Media Tower, 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-7201 | 5-15-8 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8178 - Tóquio phone: (+813) 6252 8300, +813 6252 8301 | 81-3-62528306 fax: +813 6252 6063, +813 6252 8795 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @kyodo_news_en Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS services: text, photo, video, infographics, mobile news alert other services: Japan Press Index, Treasure II affiliation: NAWC, OANA, AsiaNet, MINDS cooperation: Yonhap Domestic: Kyodo - HEADQUARTERS (Japan) ownership: Yasuomi Sawa, Hiro Aida (NHK + 49 jornais + 9 veículos de mídia japoneses (Nikkei, Mainichi, Sankei Shimbun, Chunichi Shimbun, Chugoku Shimbun, Shizuoka Shimbun, Nishinippon, Hokkaido Shimbun etc.)) E-mail:,,,, Shiodome Media Tower 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi Minato-ku - Tokyo 105-7201 | 5-15-8 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-8178 - Tóquio 219

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+81) 3 6252-8300, 6252-8301, 6252-8292 / +813 6252-6063, +813 6252-8795 (Japanese) Kyodo - Nagoya (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒460-0001 Aichi-ken - Nagoya-shi, Naka-ku, Sannomaru 1 Chome-6-1 Tel.: (+81) 52 211-2821 (Japanese) Kyodo - Akita (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒010-0956 Akita-ken - Akita-shi, Sannōrinkaimachi, 11 Tel.: (+81) 18-862-4813 (Japanese) Kyodo - Aomori (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒030-0113 Aomori-ken - Aomori-shi, Daini Tonyamachi, 3 Chome-1-89 Tel.: (+81) 17-739-0111 (Japanese) Kyodo - Narita (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒286-0116 Chiba-ken - Narita-shi, Sanrizukagoryō, 千葉県成田市三里塚御料1-1 Tel.: (+81) 47 632-1775 (Japanese) Kyodo - Matsuyama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒790-0067 Ehime-ken - Matsuyama-shi, Ōtemachi, 1 Chome-12-1 Tel.: (+81) 89 941-0128 (Japanese) Kyodo - Fukui (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable

〒910-0802 Fukui-ken - Fukui-shi, Owadacho 2 Chome56 Tel.: (+81) 77 657-1040 (Japanese) Kyodo - Fukuoka (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒810-0001 Fukuoka-ken - Fukuoka-shi, Chūō-ku, Tenjin 1 Chome-4-1 Tel.: (+81) 92 781-4241 / 4151 / 4244 (Japanese) Kyodo - Kitakyūshū (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒802-0005 Fukuoka-ken - Kitakyūshū-shi, Kokurakitaku, Sakaimachi 1 Chome-2-16 十八銀行第一生命共同ビル 4F Tel.: (+81) 93 522-5456 (Japanese) Kyodo - Fukushima (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒960-8041 Fukushima-ken - Fukushima-shi, Ōmachi, 7-3 福島センタービル 7F Tel.: (+81) 24-523-3366 (Japanese) Kyodo - Koriyama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒963-8014 Fukushima-ken - Kōriyama-shi, Toramarumachi, 11 福島県郡山市虎丸町11-5 Tel.: (+81) 24-925-5160 (Japanese) Kyodo - Gifu (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒500-8069 Gifu-ken - Gifu-shi, Imakomachi, 岐阜県岐阜市今小町9 Tel.: (+81) 58 262-0316 (Japanese) Kyodo - Maebashi (Japan) 220

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒371-0844 Gunma-ken - Maebashi-shi, Furuichimachi, 1 Chome-50-21 Tel.: (+81) 27-251-5533 (Japanese) Kyodo - Minakami (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒379-1619 Gunma-ken - Minakami-machi, Tanigawa 508 Tone-gun Tel.: (+81) 27 872-3478 (Japanese)

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒650-0044 Hyōgo-ken - Kōbe-shi, Chūō-ku, Higashikawasakichō 1 Chome-5 兵庫県神戸市中央区東川崎町1丁目5-7 Tel.: (+81) 78 361-7922 (Japanese) Kyodo - Kanazawa (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒920-0919 Ishikawa-ken - Kanazawa-shi, Minamichō 2-1 北國新聞会館 13F Tel.: (+81) 76 231-4450 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Hiroshima (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒730-0854 Hiroshima-ken - Hiroshima-shi, Naka-ku, Dohashichō 7-1 中國新聞ビルディング 4F Tel.: (+81) 82 293-0582 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Morioka (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒020-0023 Iwate-ken - Morioka-shi, Uchimaru 3-7 Tel.: (+81) 19-624-3531 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Asahikawa (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒070-0034 Hokkaidō - Asahikawa-shi, Jōdōri, 9 Chome 4 Tel.: (+81) 166-23-8131 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Takamatsu (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒760-0008 Kagawa-ken - Takamatsu-shi, Nakanochō 15-1 Tel.: (+81) 87 835-2121 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Hakodate (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒040-0001 Hokkaidō - Hakodate-shi, Goryōkakuchō 31-3 Tel.: (+81) 138-53-2210 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Kagoshima (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒890-0062 Kagoshima-ken - Kagoshima-shi, Yojirō, 1 Chome-9-33 Tel.: (+81) 99 256-1777 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Kushiro (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒085-0018 Hokkaidō - Kushiro-shi, Kuroganechō 11 Chome 北海道釧路市黒金町11丁目5-1 Tel.: (+81) 154-22-3540 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Yokohama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒231-0011 Kanagawa-ken - Yokohama-shi, Naka-ku, Ōtamachi 2 Chome-23-1 Tel.: (+81) 45 222-7844 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Sapporo (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒060-0042 Hokkaidō - Sapporo-shi, Chūō-ku, Ōdōrinishi 3 Chome Tel.: (+81) 11-231-0825 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Kochi (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒780-0870 Kōchi-ken - Kōchi-shi, Honmachi, 3 Chome2-15 Tel.: (+81) 88 822-5515 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Himeji (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒670-0964 Hyōgo-ken - Himeji-shi, Toyozawachō, 兵庫県姫路市豊沢町78 Tel.: (+81) 79 282-6881 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Kumamoto (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒860-0823 Kumamoto-ken - Kumamoto-shi, Chūō-ku, Yoyasumachi 熊本県熊本市中央区世安町172 Tel.: (+81) 96 361-3011 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Kobe (Japan)

Kyodo - Kyoto (Japan) 221

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒604-0862 Kyōto-fu - Kyōto-shi, Nakagyō-ku, Shōshōiotabichō 京都府京都市中京区烏丸夷川上239 Tel.: (+81) 75 231-5361 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Okayama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒700-0904 Okayama-ken - Okayama-shi, Kita-ku, Yanagimachi 2 Chome-1-1 Tel.: (+81) 86 803-8224 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Tsu (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒514-0027 Mie-ken - Tsu-shi, Daimon, 6-5 三井生命ビルディング 2F Tel.: (+81) 59 226-1522 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Osaka (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒556-0017 Ōsaka-fu - Ōsaka-shi, Naniwa-ku, Minatomachi 1 Chome-2 大阪府大阪市浪速区湊町1丁目2-3 Tel.: (+81) 66-630-1500, 6204-1401, 6208-0486, 62023667 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Sendai (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒980-0022 Miyagi-ken - Sendai-shi, Aoba-ku, Itsutsubashi 1 Chome-2-28 Tel.: (+81) 22-222-7560, 266-4259 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Saga (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒840-0815 Saga-ken - Saga-shi, Tenjin 3 Chome-2-23 Tel.: (+81) 95 223-7138 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Miyazaki (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒880-0812 Miyazaki-ken - Miyazaki-shi, Takachihodōri, 1 Chome-1-33 Tel.: (+81) 98 525-3522 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Saitama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒330-0064 Saitama-ken - Saitama-shi, Urawa-ku, Kishichō 7 Chome-12-1 東和ビル 5F Tel.: (+81) 48 862-3116 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Nagano (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒380-0836 Nagano-ken - Nagano-shi, Minaminagano, Minamiagatamachi 657 Tel.: (+81) 26-232-2219 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Otsu (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒520-0044 Shiga-ken - Ōtsu-shi, Kyōmachi, 4 Chome3-33 滋賀プレスビル 3F Tel.: (+81) 77 522-3762 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Nagasaki (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒852-8104 Nagasaki-ken - Nagasaki-shi, Morimachi, 31 長崎新聞社 5F Tel.: (+81) 95 844-6111 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Matsue (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒690-0887 Shimane-ken - Matsue-shi, Tonomachi, 383 Tel.: (+81) 85 222-0101 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Niigata (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒950-0088 Niigata-ken - Niigata-shi, Chūō-ku, Bandai 3 Chome-1 新潟県新潟市中央区万代3丁目1-1 Tel.: (+81) 25-255-1105 (Japanese) Kyodo - Oita (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒870-0021 Ōita-ken - Ōita-shi, Funaimachi, 3 Chome9-15 Tel.: (+81) 97 536-2656 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Ito (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒414-0055 Shizuoka-ken - Itō-shi, Oka 1391-39 Tel.: (+81) 55 736-6625 (Japanese) Kyodo - Shizuoka (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒422-8033 Shizuoka-ken - Shizuoka-shi, Suruga-ku, Toro 3 Chome-1-1 Tel.: (+81) 54 286-1251 (Japanese) Kyodo - Utsunomiya (Japan)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒320-0032 Tochigi-ken - Utsunomiya-shi, Shōwa, 1 Chome-8-11 Tel.: (+81) 28 622-3420 (Japanese) Kyodo - Tokushima (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒770-0853 Tokushima-ken - Tokushima-shi, Nakatokushimachō 2 Chome-5-2 Tel.: (+81) 88 622-5155 (Japanese)

E-mail: unavailable 〒740-0017 Yamaguchi-ken - Iwakuni-shi, Imazumachi, 1 Chome-12-6 トレインビュー 5F Tel.: (+81) 82 722-4220 (Japanese) Kyodo - Yamaguchi (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒753-0074 Yamaguchi-ken - Yamaguchi-shi, Chūō, 5 Chome-7-3 山口センタービル 5F Tel.: (+81) 83 922-2458 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Minato (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒105-0021 Tōkyō-to - Minato-ku, Higashi-Shinbashi 1 Chome-7 東京都港区東新橋1丁目7-1 Tel.: (+81) 3 6252-8292 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Kofu (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒400-0024 Yamanashi-ken - Kōfu-shi, Kitaguchi, 2 Chome-6 山梨県甲府市北口2丁目6-10 1 山梨文化会館 2F Tel.: (+81) 55 252-2511 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Tokyo (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒103-0021 Tōkyō-to - Chūō-ku , Nihonbashihongokuchō 3 Chome-2-3 Tel.: (+81) 3 3242-4882 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Landskrongasse 2/III | Hoher Markt 1 - 1010 Wien Tel.: (+43) 1 368-1520 / Fax: (+43) 1 369-9252-2 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Tottori (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒680-0845 Tottori-ken - Tottori-shi, Tomiyasu, 2 Chome-137 日本海新聞本社ビル Tel.: (+81) 85 722-4186 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Loreline Merelle E-mail: 1 blvd Charlemagne bte 37 - 1041 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 285-0910 / Fax: (+32) 2 230-5334 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Toyama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒930-0094 Toyama-ken - Toyama-shi, Azumichō 2-14 Tel.: (+81) 76 432-6901 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Wakayama (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒640-8157 Wakayama-ken - Wakayama-shi, Hachibanchō 11 日本生命和歌山八番丁ビル 5F Tel.: (+81) 73 428-2255 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Schiffbauerdamm 40 - 10117 Berlin Tel.: (+49) 30 229-9358 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Yamagata (Japan) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 〒990-0047 Yamagata-ken - Yamagata-shi, Hatagomachi 2 Chome-5-12 山形メディアタワー Tel.: (+81) 23-622-5344 (Japanese) Kyodo - Iwakuni (Japan) Type: domestic bureau

Kyodo - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Via Toscana 30 - 00187 Roma Tel.: (+39) 06 4201-2289 / Fax: (+39) 06 4201-4066 (Japanese) Kyodo - Madrid (Spain) Type: ? (off-map) - Masako Ishibashi E-mail: 223

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Stockholm (Sweden) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Yushin Sugita, Jun Kaminishikawara E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Hiroshi Tanaka E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 20 Orange street 5th floor - London WC2H 7EF Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7766-4400 / Fax: (+44) 0 20 7766-4411 (Japanese) Kyodo - Warsaw (Poland) Type: foreign bureau - Krystyna Korwin-Niemeyer E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+48) 22 617-7514 / 503 94 94 16 (Japanese) Kyodo - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Daisuke Nakai, Hiro Oguma E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Vladivostok (Russia) Type: stringer - Tadayuki Koizumi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Belgrade (Serbia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Los Angeles (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Chuck D. (Charleson D.), KiMi Robinson, Marcie Kagawa E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - San Francisco (United States) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable

Kyodo - Honolulu (United States) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Hajime Ozaki, Kentaro Okasaka, Justin Maki E-mail:,, 747 3rd Ave #1801 - New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 212 508-5475 / Fax: (+1) 212 508-5461, Cel: (347) 512-5506, Fax: (+1) 212 508-5461, Cel: (+1) 917 359-1267, Cel: (+1) 917 763-0911 (Japanese) Kyodo - Boston (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Seattle (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Morihiro Fukumi, Lenilson Ferreira da Conceição E-mail: Av. Oswaldo Cruz 149 / 1206 Flamengo - Rio de Janeiro Tel.: (+55) 21 2553-5561 / Fax: 2553-0276 (Japanese) Kyodo - Havana (Cuba) Type: foreign bureau - Pedro Margolles Villanueva E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) 224

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Kyodo - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: ? (off-map) - Takayoshi Makita, Araceli Zacatenco E-mail: Campos ElĂ­seos 414-A-1101, Col. Polanco, 11550 MĂŠxico, D.F. Tel.: (+52) 80-3443, 5280-8530 / Fax: 5280-7639 (Japanese) Kyodo - Lima (Peru) Type: ? (off-map) - Masahiro Watanabe, Tania Mellado Pereira E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: Cel: (+81) 0 80 2069-2686 / Cel. 999 038-728 (Japanese) Kyodo - Kabul (Afghanistan ) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: foreign bureau - Kea Puy E-mail: No. 296 Mao Tse Toung Blvd (245) - Hotel Intercontinental 3rd Floor - Room 333 - 12306 Phnom Penh Tel.: 023 424 034 (Japanese) Kyodo - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Yosuke Watanabe E-mail: 3-91 Jian Guo Men Wai - Waijiao - Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-680 / Fax: (+86) 10 6532-2273 (Japanese) Kyodo - Guangzhou (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau - Tsukasa Yokoyama E-mail: Unit 1303 13F, 9 Queen's Road - Central - Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2524-9750 / 2810-5591 (Japanese) Kyodo - Shanghai (China)

Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Dili (East Timor) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Kazumasa Koike, Hiroyasu Takayama, Daisuke Sato, Ashish Nijhawan E-mail: 308 World Trade Centre - Babar road - 110001 New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2341-1954 / 11 2341-4756 (Japanese) Kyodo - Mumbai (India) Type: foreign bureau - Hiroshi Tanabe, Kentaro Shimizu, Atul Ranjan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Masayuki Kitamura, Christine Tjandraningsih E-mail: unavailable Jl. M. H. Thamrin 9 - Jakarta 10310 (Skyline Bldg 11th Floor) Tel.: (+62) 21 2345-012 / (+62) 21 726-0211 (Japanese) Kyodo - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau - Vivian Ho E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Ulan Bator (Mongolia) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer - Myat Thura E-mail: unavailable 339 Bogyoke Aung San Rd. (Sakura Tower) - Room 1501 - 15th floor - Kyauktada - Yangon Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: stringer - Bikash Sangraula E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 225

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Pyongyang (North Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau - Mahmoud Aly Hamed E-mail: 15 Sharia Hassan Sabri - flat 301 - 11211 Cairo Tel.: 2761-1756 / Fax: 2735-6105 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau - Kimura Kazuhiro, Shahid-urRehman E-mail: unavailable House n.31 St. 28 F-10/1 - Islamabad Tel.: (+92) 51 229-1577 / Fax: (+92) 51 229-7031 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 23 Couche Sharsaz Ave. - Couche Kargozar 1st floor, Zafar - Tehran Tel.: (+98 21) 220-448 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Baghdad (Iraq) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Okada Takashi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+972) 3 695-8185 / Fax: (+972) 3 691-7478 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Beirut (Lebanon) Type: stringer - Ibrahim Khouri E-mail: unavailable Immeuble Makarem, rue Makdessi, Ras Beirut Tel.: (+96) 11 863-861 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: foreign bureau - Toshiyuki Inaba E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Kyodo - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: ? (off-map) - Melissa Chalila E-mail: 93 Huntingdon Terrace, Huntingdon Road (corner East/Nerina), Morningside 2196 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 073 5856661 (Japanese)

Kyodo - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Toshimitsu Sawai, Preeyapa T. Khunsong, Vee Intarakratug E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Kyodo - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Kyodo - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Shintaro Komiya, Sophie O'Shea, Tracy Tam E-mail: Level 7, 9 Lang St - Sydney NSW 2000 Tel.: (+61) 2 9251-5240 / Fax: (+61) 2 9251-4980 (Japanese)

Nikkei - HEADQUARTERS (Japan) 226

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ownership: Nihon Keizai Shinbun (Nikkei, Inc.) E-mail: unavailable 1-17-3 Shirokane - Minato-ku - Tokyo, 108-8646 Tel.: (+81) 3 6811-8311 / Fax: (+81) 3 5421-9804 (Japanese) Nikkei - Vienna (Austria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Tech Gate Donau-City-Str. 1 1220 Wien Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable International Press Centre Bldg. 1 Blvd. Charlemagne BTE.42 1041 Bruxelles Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 26 rue du Quatre-Septembre 75002 Paris Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Bundespressehaus R. 6403 Schiffbauerdamm 40 10117 Berlin Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Goethestrasse 13 60313 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - 4éme Rue du Mont-Blanc 17 1201 Genève E-mail:, 4éme Rue du Mont-Blanc 17 1201 Genève Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - London (United Kingdom) Type: regional office E-mail: unavailable 6th Floor Barnard's Inn 86 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1EN Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Warsaw (Poland) Type: correspondent - Katarzyna Gontarczyk E-mail: ul. Płatnerska 2a lok. 19 - 04473 Warszawa

Tel.: (+48) 22 207-0270 (Japanese) Nikkei - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Mytnaya Street Dom 1 KV-22(9th Floor) Moscow 117049 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Los Angeles (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 1960 East Grand Avenue Suite 860 El Segundo CA 90245 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Palo Alto (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 575 High Street Suite 320 Palo Alto CA 94301 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 815 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 310 Washington DC 20006 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - New York (United States) Type: regional office - Rina Takahashi, Ariana King E-mail:, 1325 Avenue of the Americas - Suite 2400 - New York NY 10019 Tel.: (+1) 212 261-6320, 646 305-0031 / Fax: (+1) 212 261-6397, Cel: (+1) 646 430-2356 (Japanese) Nikkei - Chicago (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 125 South Wacker Drive Suite 1080 Chicago IL 60606 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Hidetake Miyamoto E-mail: unavailable Avenida Paulista 854 - 13º andar conj. 134 Bela Vista São Paulo Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Av. Paseo de la Reforma 250 Piso 11 Oficina X Torre B Capital Reforma - Col. Juárez - Del. Cuauhtémoc Ciudad de México C.P.06600 227

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Nikkei - Beijing (China) Type: regional office E-mail: unavailable 1-3-72 Jianguomenwai Diplomatic APT Beijing 100600 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Nikkei - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Wisma Nusantara Lt.24 JL.M.H.Thamrin No.59 Jakarta 10350 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

Nikkei - Guangzhou (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Room No.3511 Office Tower Citic Plaza 233 Tianhe North Road Guangzhou 510613 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Chongqing (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Hilton Chongqing Kingrun Tower 726 No.131 Zhongshan San Lu Yu Zhong District Chongqing 400015 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Dalian (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 17F Senmao Building 147 Zhongshan Road Xingang District Dalian Liaoning Province 116011 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Level 21 No. 28 Hennessy Road Wanchai Tel.: (+852) 2575-8301 / Fax: (+852) 2574-8175 (Japanese) Nikkei - Shanghai (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Room348 Shanghai Centre No.1376 Nanjing West Road Shanghai 200040 Tel.: (+86) 21 5118-8070 / Fax: (+86) 21 5118-8068 (Japanese) Nikkei - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Yuji Kuronuma E-mail: unavailable The Maurya,Room1182/83 Diplomatic Enclave New Delhi 110021 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Mumbai (India) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Trident,Room 1226/28 Nariman Point Mumbai 400021

Nikkei - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Menara Dion #16-05 27 Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Yangon (Myanmar/Burma) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: 339 Bogyoke Aung San Rd. (Sakura Tower - room 1502) - Kyauktada - Yangon Tel.: (+95) 01-255280, 01-255281 / 09-43089268 (Japanese) Nikkei - Manila (Philippines) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Unit 1609 16/F Tower One Ayala Triangle Ayala Ave. Makati City Metro Manila Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 60 Anson Road #06-02 Mapletree Anson Singapore 079914 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Seoul Finance Center 10F Taepyug-ro 1-84 Jun-gu Seoul Metropolitan City Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Room8-D Hungtai Center 170 Tunhwa North Road Taipei Tel.: (+886) 2 2369-0196 / Fax: (+886) 2 2369-0197 (Japanese) Nikkei - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: regional office E-mail: unavailable


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

11th Floor Ramaland Building 952 Rama Ⅳ Road Bangrak Bangkok 10500 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 511 SunRedRiver 23 Phan Chu Trinh Hoan Kiem Dist. Hanoi Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 3 El Mansour Mohammad St. Apt 303 Zamalek Cairo Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Tehran (Iran) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable 8th floor 23 Golshahr street Africa Avenue Tehran 1915676851 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: foreign bureau - Sinan Tavşan E-mail: Ortabayir Mah. Derreboyu Caddesi No:6 - Levent - Life Residence Daire:18 Kagithane Tel.: (+90) 216 334-1139, (+90) 212 703-4040 / Fax: (+90) 212 703-4055, Cel.: 0 544 644-7946 (Japanese) Nikkei - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable Office No.309 Building No.4 Third Floor Dubai Media City P.O. Box 502556 Dubai Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Nikkei - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Kaori Takahashi E-mail: Suite 903 Level 9 66 Hunter Street Sydney N.S.W. 2000 Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

JP - Jiji Tsūshin-sha website: category: financial news agency ownership: the very employees are its shareholders languages: Japanese active since: 1945 headquarters: 5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8178 phone: (+813) 3524 6001 fax: +813 3542 5505 e-mails: (management), (sales) affiliation: OANA

Jiji Press - HEADQUARTERS (Japan) E-mail: 5-15-8, Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8178 Tel.: (+813) 3524 6001 / +813 3542 5505, 3508 1298 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Vienna (Austria) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Gunoldstrasse 14/130 - Vienna 1199 Tel.: (+43) 1 369-1797 / (+43) 1 369-1052 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 1 blvd Charlemagne bte 26 - 1041 Bruxelles Tel.: (+32) 2 285-0948 / Fax: (+32) 2 230-1450 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Paris (France) Type: correspondent - Yukio Yoshinaga E-mail: unavailable 27 Boulevard des Italiens - 75002 Paris Tel.: (+33) 1 4266-9657 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Satoshi Horikawa, Sarah Gehrig E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+49) 30 238-6632 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Frankfurt (Germany) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable Schubertstraße 14 - 60325 Frankfurt am Main Tel.: (+49) 69 745322 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Rome (Italy) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Jiji Press - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Masaki Kondo E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese) Jiji Press - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 81 Fleet St - London EC4Y 1EL Tel.: (+44) 0 20 7832-3480 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Moscow (Russia) 229

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable ul. Koroviy Val 7 оф. 35 - Moskva Russia 119049 Tel.: (+7) 495 564-8102 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 310 792-7442 (Japanese) Jiji Press - San Jose (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 1259 Lake St Millbrae - CA Tel.: (+1) 650 931-4754 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable National Press Building Leasing - 529 14th St NW #550 Washington DC 20045 Tel.: (+1) 202 783-4330 (Japanese) Jiji Press - New York (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 70 E 55th St. New York NY 10022 Tel.: (+1) 212 750-4870 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Chicago (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 300 W Adams St # 322 - Chicago IL 60606 Tel.: (+1) 312 750-1415 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+55) 21 3042-3461 (Japanese) Jiji Press - São Paulo (Brazil) Type: foreign bureau - Shuhei Tsuji, Mutsuhiro Takabayashi E-mail: Av. Paulista 854 conj.133 Tel.: (+55) 11 3285-0025, 3285-3712 / Fax: 285-3816 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Yoshihisa Murayama, Tetsuya Nishimura E-mail: unavailable 9-1-13 Jian Guo Men Wai - Waijiao - Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-2924 / Fax: (+86) 10 6532-3413 (Japanese)

Jiji Press - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent - Katsuhiko Kabasawa E-mail: unavailable 3503 Far East Finance Centre 16 Harcourt Road - Hong Kong Tel.: (+852) 2523-7112 / 2845-9013 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Shanghai (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 21 6415-7410 (Japanese) Jiji Press - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Tetsuya Katayama, Dev Sagar Singh E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+91) 11 4050-2380 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: correspondent - Marga Raharja E-mail: unavailable Jl. Raya Bogor 109B - Jakarta Tel.: (+62) 21 2809-0509, 572-3309 / (+62) 21 572-3309 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 8 Jalan Sultan Ismail - Kuala Lumpur 50250 Kuala Lumpur WP 50250 Tel.: (+60) 3 2070-4833 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Manila (Philippines) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+632) 521-1472 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Singapore (Singapore) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 10 Anson Road #11-02 International Plaza - Singapore 619618 Tel.: (+65) 6224-4212 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Seoul (South Korea) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+82) 2 753-4525 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 230

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: (+886) 2 2502-9852 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+66) 2 237-7768 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+84) 4 3933-2661 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent E-mail: 9 Sharia el-Kamal Muhammad, Zamalek - Cairo Tel.: (+202) 2735-6237 / Fax: (+202) 2735-5244 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 9 Schmuel Hanagld - 94592 Jerusalem Tel.: (+972) 2 623-5312 (Japanese) Jiji Press - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+61) 2 9230-0020 / Fax: (+61) 2 9230-0024 (Japanese) JPS - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Hiroko Zerdick-Nojiri E-mail: unavailable

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Japanese)

South Korea Yonhap - Nyuseu Ju website: category: transnational/global agency languages: coreano (main), English, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, French active since: 1980 headquarters: International Relations Office, Center1 Bldg. 67 Suha-dong, Jung-gu, #100-210 | 25 Yulgokro 2-gil, Jongno-gu, 110140 | 85-1 Susong-dong, Jongnogu | 25, Yulgok-ro 2 gil, Jongno-gu - Seul phone: (+82) 2 398 3679 | +82 (0)2 398 3661 fax: + 82 2 398 3579 e-mails: (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @YonhapNews Facebook: YouTube: w mobile: iOS, Android services: text, infographics, financial info, advertising, mobile news alert other services: Yonhap News TV, Infomax, Technology & Maintenance, Northeast Asia Data Center, News Y affiliation: NAWC, OANA, AsiaNet cooperation: AP, Reuters, AFP, TASS, Kyodo, Xinhua, DPA, KCNA, AsiaNet, UPI, Voice of America, *Novosti Yonhap - HEADQUARTERS (South Korea) ownership: KONAC (Korea News Agency Commission) E-mail:,, 231

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

International Relations Office Center1 Bldg. 67 Suhadong Jung-gu #100-210 | 25 Yulgokro 2-gil Jongno-gu 110140 | 85-1 Susong-dong Jongno-gu | 25 Yulgokro 2 gil Jongno-gu - Seul Tel.: (+82) 2 398-3679 / + 82 2 398 3579 (Korean) Yonhap - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau - Young Mook Kim E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Helsinki (Finland) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau - Kim Hong-tae E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Berlin (Germany) Type: correspondent - Kim Kyoung-seok E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Amsterdam (Netherlands) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Maeng Chan-hyeong E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - London (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Lee Sung-han E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Budapest (Hungary) Type: correspondent - Hwang Jung-woo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Almaty (Kazakhstan) Type: correspondent - Yi Hie-yol E-mail:

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Nam Hyun-ho, You Chul-jung E-mail:, ul. Bolshaya Yakimanka 31 - 119180 Moscow Tel.: (+8) 499 238-7617 / Fax: (+8) 499 238-7617, Cel.: (+8) 964 530-8698 (Korean) Yonhap - Vladivostok (Russia) Type: correspondent - Kang Chang-goo E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Vancouver (Canada) Type: stringer - Cho Jae Yong E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Toronto (Canada) Type: stringer - Park Sang-cheol E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Los Angeles (United States) Type: stringer - Kwon Hoon E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - San Francisco (United States) Type: stringer - Lim Sang-soo, Alex Luna E-mail: Oakland Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Lee Hae-young, Park Sang-hyun, Hwang Jae-hoon, Sung Ki-hong, Lee Seung-gwan, Lee Chi-dong E-mail:,,,,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Jong gook Joo, Kim Hyun-jae, Kim Ji-hoon, Lee Sang-won, Jiaojiao Rong E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) 232

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Yonhap - Chicago (United States) Type: stringer - Kim Hyun E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Atlanta (United States) Type: correspondent - Kim Jaehyun E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - SĂŁo Paulo (Brazil) Type: correspondent - Kim Jae-soon E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Santiago (Chile) Type: correspondent - Koh Mi hye E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: correspondent - YANG JUNG WOO E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau - Shin Sam-ho, Ihn Kyo joon, CHA DAEWOON E-mail:,, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Shenyang/Mukden (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Hong Kong (China) Type: correspondent - Jung Jae-yong E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Shanghai (China) Type: correspondent - Kim Dae-ho E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

Yonhap - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Kim Sang-hoon E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: stringer - Lee Joo-yung E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Osaka (Japan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau - Kim Jong-hyun, Lee Chung-won, Lee Tae-moon, Moon Young Shik E-mail:,, 2-2-5 Toranomon - Minato-ku 105-0001 - Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 3584-4681 / Fax: 3 3584-4021 (Korean) Yonhap - Singapore (Singapore) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Taipei (Taiwan) Type: correspondent - Lee Sang-min E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: correspondent - HYUN YOUNGBOK E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: correspondent - Kim Sun-han E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Cairo (Egypt) Type: correspondent - Koh Woong-suk E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Tehran (Iran) 233

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Jerusalem (Israel) Type: stringer - Sung Il-kwang E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

North Korea KCNA - Chung-Yang Tongshin / Korean Central News Agency

Yonhap - Istanbul (Turkey) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

website: category: national agency ownership: Workers' Party of Korea *Chosŏn Rodongdang+ languages: coreano active since: 1948 headquarters: Pothonggang - dong 1, Pothonggang District - Pyongyang phone: (+850) 909 679-7700 fax: (+850) 2 381 24 21 e-mails: (general), (newsroom) Twitter: @KCNA_KoreanNews desks: [sem website para consultar] affiliation: OANA

Yonhap - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent - Kang Jong-ku E-mail: Building # 2 Al Sufouh Road. Dubai Tel.: (+971) 4 428-0626 (Korean)

KCNA - HEADQUARTERS (North Korea) E-mail:, Pothonggang - dong 1 Pothonggang District Pyongyang Tel.: (+850) 909 679-7700 / (+850) 2 381-2421 (Korean)

Yonhap - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

KCNA - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Lee Yong-chol E-mail: ућ.Мосфићьмовсљая д.72, тећ./Fax: (+8) 499) 143-6301 Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 8 (985) 804-53-61 (Korean)

Yonhap - Amman (Jordan) Type: correspondent - Sung Hye mi E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

Yonhap - Dakar (Senegal) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Kwon Jung-sang, Minchol Kim E-mail:, 10 Glen Eagles - Silver Lakes - Pretoria 0054 Tel.: (+27) 12 809-3837, Cel.: 076 430-0193 (Korean) Yonhap - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent - Lee Kyung-wook E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) Yonhap - Auckland (New Zealand) Type: stringer - Koh Han-sung E-mail: [address not available]

KCNA - Havana (Cuba) Type: correspondent - Kim Tal-jung E-mail: unavailable Calle 10 No.613 entre 25 y 27 Vedado - La Habana Tel.: (+537) 833-0415 (Korean) KCNA - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Song Yong-yong E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) KCNA - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent - Jong Chol Nam E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean) KCNA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable 234

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Korean)

India PTI - Press Trust of India website: category: national agency languages: English (main), híndi-urdu active since: 1947 previous names 1905-1948: Associated Press of India headquarters: PTI Building, 4, Parliament Street, New Delhi - 110001 - Nova Délhi phone: (+91) 11 2371662124, 23719597, 23711778 | 41394400, 41394456 fax: (+91) 11) 23715337, 23716527, 23718714 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @PTI_News Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, infographics, press communiqués and official announcements, advertising other services: infographics, advertising, press releases desks: Natconal, World, Negócios, Justiça, Entretenimento, Sports affiliation: NAWC, OANA, AsiaNet Domestic: PTI - HEADQUARTERS (India) ownership: Achinta Borah, Ajay Kaul, Amitabha Roy Chowdhury (The Hindu, Times of India, Indian Express, Hindustan Times, The Statesman, The

Tribune, All India Radio, Doordarshan, Jagran, Manorama, Ananda Bazar Patrika, Hind Samachar...) E-mail:,,,,, , @achintaborah PTI Building - 4 Parliament Street New Delhi - 110001 Nova Délhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2371662124, 23719597, 23711778 / (+91) 11) 23715337, 23716527, 23718714 (English) PTI - Hyderabad (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 10-1-1199/2 PTI Building, A C Guards, Near Mahaveer Hospital, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004 | Saifabad Rd, P & T Officers Colony, Chintal, Hyderabad, Telangana 500004 Tel.: (+91) 40 2331-5172 (English) PTI - Kolkata (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 15 Hare Street - Strand Rd, BBD Bagh, Kolkata, West Bengal 700001 Tel.: (+91) 33 2248-5261 / (+91) 33 2243-6187 (English) PTI - Ahmedabad (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Bengaluru (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

PTI - Bhopal (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable E-109/10, Shivaji Nagar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462016 Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Mumbai (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 357 Dr.Dadabhai Naroji Road - 2nd Floor UCO Bank Building (opposite American Express), Fort Mumbai 400001 Tel.: (+91) 22 2285-4730 / Fax: (+91) 22 2287-0150, 2288-0816 (English) PTI - Bhubaneswar (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable 1 No. Market - Unit 1, Bapuji Nagar - Bhubaneswar Odisha 751009 Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Chennai (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 1st Floor, No.10, First Main Road - United India Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600024 Tel.: (+91) 2372-0226 / 23720231 / 2372-0241 / 23720235 / 2372-0221 / Fax: (+91) 044 23720215 (English) Abroad: PTI - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: correspondent - Shreerupa Mitra-Jha E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau - Aditi Khanna E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Lalit K. Jha E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PTI - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Yoshita Singh E-mail: United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-0304A New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 630 624-8050 / Cel: (+1) 630 624-8050 (English) PTI - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - KJM Varma E-mail: unavailable 5-131 Diplomatic Apts, Jian Guo Men Wai - Waijiao Beijing Tel.: (+86) 10 6532-2221 / Fax: (+86) 10 6532-2221 (English) PTI - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Lahore (Pakistan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 236

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) PTI - Melbourne (Australia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

IANS - Indo-Asian News Service website: category: private news agency languages: active since: N/A headquarters: N/A mobile: iOS, Android services: mobile news alert IANS - HEADQUARTERS (India) ownership: K. P. K. Kutty, Sidhartha Dutta, Nirupam Singh, Saurabh Katkurwar, Arvind Padmanabhan, Anand Singh, Nivedita Sharma, Amiya Kushwaha, Meghna Mittal, Natalia Ningthoujam, Somrita Ghosh, M. R. Narayan Swamy, Amlan Paliwal (photo/video) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Calcutta (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Patna (India) Type: domestic bureau - Imran Khan E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Aligarh (India) Type: domestic bureau - Mohd Asim Khan E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Lucknow (India) Type: domestic bureau - Mohit Dubey Twitter: @dubemohit [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

IANS - Mumbai (India) Type: domestic bureau - Prashant Sood E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Jaipur (India) Type: domestic bureau - Anil Sharma E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Chennai (India) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Warsaw (Poland) Type: stringer - Surender Kumar Bhutani E-mail: ul. Elegijna 69 - 02787 Warszawa Tel.: (+48) 22 641-9033, 0 692 215-642 / Fax: (-22) 641 9033 (English) IANS - Washington (United States) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Kabul (Afghanistan) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9555-0369 (English) IANS - Beijing (China) Type: stringer - Gaurav Sharma E-mail:, @tsgaurav [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Kathmandu (Nepal) 237

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Islamabad (Pakistan) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Tel.: unavailable (English) UNI - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+880) 2 934-5641, 934-5543 (English)

IANS - Karachi (Pakistan) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

UNI - HEADQUARTERS (India) ownership: United News of India E-mail:,,,,, 9 Rafi Marg - 110001 - Nova Délhi Tel.: (+91) 11 23714434 / 23357614 (English)

IANS - Singapore (Singapore) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Hindustan Samachar - Kathmandu (Nepal) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

IANS - Colombo (Sri Lanka) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Ethiopia (Ethiopia) Type: stringer - Hadra Ahmed E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Johannesburg (South Africa) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Accra (Ghana) Type: stringer - Francis Kokutse Twitter: @fkokutse [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) IANS - Sydney (Australia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available]

Malaysia Bernama - Berita Nasional Malaysia website: category: national agency ownership: (autonomous company; board appointed by the Malaysian Federal President) languages: English (main), malaio, Mandarin, Arabic, Spanish active since: 1967 headquarters: Wisma BERNAMA, No 28, Jalan 1/65A, Off Jalan Tun Razak, 50400 - Kuala Lumpur phone: (+60) (0)3 26962266 | (+60) (0)3 26941024 fax: (+60) (0)3 26941021, 26981102, 26929729 e-mails:,,, (general), (management),,, (newsroom),,, (sales) Twitter: @bernamadotcom Facebook: mobile: iOS, Android, Blackberry services: text, photo, video, audio, archive, crônicas, features, interview, financial info, press review, newsletter, publishing, customized content, desenvolvimento de websites, press communiqués and official announcements, advertising, eventos other services: NEWSWIRE, Features, Press Releases, Important Speeches, Exclusive Press, eNewsletter,


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bernama TV, Web translation, News and web content development desks: General, Politics, Business, Sports, Features, World affiliation: OANA, AsiaNet, NNN

Domestic: Bernama - HEADQUARTERS (Malaysia) E-mail:,,,,,,,,,, Wisma BERNAMA No 28 Jalan 1/65A Off Jalan Tun Razak 50400 - Kuala Lumpur Tel.: (+60) 3 2696-2266 / (+60) (0)3 26941021, 26981102, 26929729 (Malay) Bernama - Johor Bahru (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 6A Jalan Serampang - Taman Pelangi - 80050 Johor Bahru Tel.: (+60) 7 333-8372/73 / Fax: 607 332-9105 (Malay) Bernama - Muar (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable No.5 jalan Damai 1/1 Taman Damai - 84000 Muar Johor Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Alor Setar (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:

No.1904 Tingkat Bawah & Satu - Jalan Stadium - 05100 Alor Setar Tel.: (+60) 4 733-4199, 733-2834 / Fax: 604 731-4288 (Malay)

Bernama - Langkawi (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable No.8003 Chogm Villa - Persiaran Putra - Kuah - 07000 Langkawi - Kedah Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Kota Bharu (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 2nd Floor - Seksyen 9 Lot 727 Jalan Tengku Petra Semerak - 15000 Kota Bharu Tel.: (+60) 9 748-1273 / Fax: 609 747-1088 (Malay) Bernama - Ayer Keroh (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: No.13-2 Jalan AKP 1 Taman Ayer Keroh Permai - 75450 Hang Tuah Jaya - Ayer Keroh - Melaka Tel.: (+60) 6 253-1323 / 1324 / 1325 / Fax: 606 2531326 (Malay) Bernama - Seremban (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: No.14 Jalan Sri Rahang 1 - 70100 Seremban - Negeri Sembilan Tel.: (+60) 6 762-4873, 763-5910 / Fax: 606 762-5331 (Malay) Bernama - Kuantan (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: A-3784 - 2nd Floor - Jalan Beserah - 25300 Kuantan Tel.: (+60) 9 566-5361 / Fax: 609 566-5796 (Malay) Bernama - Jalan Perak (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 163-C-1 & 163-D-1 Wisma Sri Perak - Jalan Perak 10150 Penang Tel.: (+60) 4 229-9689 / Fax: 604 229-9866 (Malay) Bernama - Ipoh (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: No.3 Medan Istana 3 - Bandar Ipoh Raya - 30000 Ipoh Tel.: (+60) 5 255-7012 / Fax: 605 255-8545 (Malay) Bernama - Teluk Intan (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable No.77 Lorong 7 - taman Padang Tembak - 36000 Teluk Intan - Perak Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Kangar (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 54 & 56 Jalan Medan Raja Syed Alwi - 01000 Kangar Tel.: (+60) 4 976-1026, 976-3229 / Fax: 604 976-4618 (Malay) Bernama - Putrajaya (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Tingkat 2 Lot 4G9 - Kompleks Kementerian Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia (KKMM) - Persiaran Perdana - Presint 4 Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan - 62100 Putrajaya Tel.: (+60) 3 8911-7830, 8911-7831 / Fax: 603 89117846 (Malay) Bernama - Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Kompleks Bersepadu Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi & Kebudayaan - Aras 3 Off Jalan Lintas Kepayan - 88200 Kota Kinabalu - Sabah Tel.: (+60) 8 821-9498, 821-1071 / Fax: 608 821-5886 (Malay)

Bernama - Sandakan (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Lot 25 Tingkat 1 Blok B - Taman Tyng - Batu 6 Jalan Labuk - 90009 Sandakan - Sabah Tel.: (+60) 8 962-7117 / Fax: 089 627-117 (Malay) Bernama - Tawau (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Ba Zhong Commercial Centre - Ground Floor TB4484 Lot 9 - Jalan Damai - 91000 Tawau - Sabah Tel.: (+60) 9 874-9890 / Fax: 608 974-9904 (Malay) Bernama - Kuching (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 169E - 1st Floor - Lorong 9 - Jalan Satok - 93752 Kuching Tel.: (+60) 8 224-0426 / Fax: 608 225-9318 (Malay) Bernama - Miri (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 1st Floor, Lot 1372 - Center Point Phase 2 - Jalan Kubu 98000 Miri - Sarawak Tel.: (+60) 8 543-3596 / Fax: 608 543-3598 (Malay) Bernama - Sibu (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: No.12 - 1st Floor - Jalan Tuanku Othman - Kampung Nyabor - 96008 Sibu - Sarawak Tel.: (+60) 8 433-6060 / Fax: 608 432-2244 (Malay) Bernama - Shah Alam (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: F5-10-2 Jalan Multimedia 7/AG - Citypark I-City - 40000 Shah Alam - Selangor Tel.: (+60) 3 5521-8650 / 8651 / Fax: 603 5521-8652 (Malay) Bernama - Kuala Terengganu (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 1081-R Jalan Sultan Sulaiman - 20000 Kuala Terengganu Tel.: (+60) 9 622-6991 / 1310 / 7934 / Fax: 609 6221557 (Malay) Abroad:

Bernama - Labuan (Malaysia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: SS03 Kompleks Sukan Laut Antarabangsa - 87000 Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan Tel.: (+60) 8 742-2910 / Fax: 608 742-1910 (Malay)

Bernama - London (United Kingdom) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bernama - Vancouver (Canada) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Washington (United States) Type: stringer - Salmy Hashim E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 703 883-0843 (Malay) Bernama - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent - Tan Chiew Tieng E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+86) 13 55277-5263 (Malay) Bernama - New Delhi (India) Type: stringer - Abhay Singh, R. Sivaraman (2008), Vijian Paramasivam (2008) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Azeman Ariffin E-mail: , Jl. Medan Merdeka Slt 17 Wisma Antara - Jakarta 10110 Tel.: (+62) 21 344-8243 / Fax: (+62) 21 345-5044, 3448238, 344-8234, 344-8242, 344-8243, 344-8244 (Malay) Bernama - Manila (Philippines) Type: stringer E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Bernama - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau - Massita Ahmad E-mail:, 6 Eu Tong Sen Street - The Central #10-04 Singapore 059817 Tel.: (+65) 6235-6521, 6296 6993 / Fax: 602-6235 6528 (Malay)

Type: correspondent - Mohd Haikal bin Mohd Isa, Minggu Simon E-mail: unavailable Tai Ping Towers Condominium - Unit 2237 - 582 Sukhumvit 63 Klongtua Vattana - Bangkok 10110 Tel.: (+66) 2 392-4017 / Fax: (+66) 2711-6017 (Malay) Bernama - Melbourne (Australia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Indonesia Lembaga Kantor Berita Nasional Antara website: category: national agency ownership: Indonesian state [in the form of a public company owned by the State (Perum), governed by the Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 40 Tahun 2007] languages: malaio (main), English, active since: 1937 headquarters: Wisma ANTARA lt 19, Jalan Merdeka Selatan No.17, Jakarta Pusat - Jacarta phone: (+62) 021 380-2383 | (+62) 380-2383, ext.366 fax: (+62) 021 3522178, 3448912 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom),,,, (sales) Twitter: @antaranews Facebook: mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, infographics, crĂ´nicas, features, op-ed, press communiquĂŠs and official announcements, advertising, mobile news alert other services: forum de leitores desks: Nacional, World, Business, Sports, Entretenimento, Technology, Terra, Automotivo, Futebol affiliation: NAWC, OANA, AsiaNet Domestic: Antara - HEADQUARTERS (Indonesia) E-mail:,,,,,,,,

Bernama - Bangkok (Thailand) 241

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents,

Tel.: (+62) 451 421120 (Malay)

Wisma ANTARA lt 19 Jl. Merdeka Selatan No.17 Jakarta Pusat - Jacarta Tel.: (+62) 021 380-2383 / (+62) 021 3522178, 3448912 (Malay)

Antara - Bandung (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Braga 25 - 40111 Bandung - Jawa Barat Tel.: (+62) 22 4205576 / +62 22 4205640 (Malay)

Antara - Bali (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Jend A Yani - 0 Denpasar - Bali Tel.: (+62) 361 225163 (Malay)

Antara - Bekasi (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Plebisit Raya RT 004 RW 00 Bekasi Jaya Bekasi Timur Bekasi Jawa Barat - Bekasi Jaya - Bekasi Tim. Kota Bekasi - Jawa Barat 17113 Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Antara - Serang (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Letnan Jidun No.3 - Lontarbaru - Kec. Serang - Kota Serang - Banten 42115 Tel.: (+62) 254 203145 (Malay)

Antara - Purwakarta (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Gang Wortel No. 1 - RT 006/06 - Sindangkasih - Kec. Purwakarta - Kabupaten Purwakarta - Jawa Barat 41112 Tel.: (+62) 264 206580 (Malay)

Antara - Gorontalo (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Usman Isa - Lekobalo - Kota Bar. - Kota Gorontalo Gorontalo 96181 Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Antara - Semarang (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Halmahera III No.3, Karangtempel, Semarang | Jl. Veteran 1 B - 0 Semarang - Jawa Tengah Tel.: (+62) 24 8318257 / +62 24 8416336 (Malay)

Antara - Makassar (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Ap Pettarani Bl A/30 - 0 Makassar - Sulawesi Selatan Tel.: (+62) 411 451849 / +62 411 451570 (Malay) Antara - Palu (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Tanjung Dako No.15 - Lolu Sel. - Palu Sel. - Kota Palu Sulawesi Tengah 94112 - Indonesia

Antara - Surabaya (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Darmo Baru Barat No.58 - Sonokwijenan - Suko Manunggal - Surabaya City - East Java 60189 Tel.: (+62) 31 7311269 (Malay)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Antara - Yogyakarta (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Tamansiswa 123 - 55111 Yogyakarta - Jawa Tengah Tel.: (+62) 274 375173 (Malay)

Antara - Medan (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Cemara No. 39 - Pulo Brayan Bengkel Baru - Medan Tim. | Jl. Mayjen Sutoyo S 50 C - 20111 Medan Sumatera Utara Tel.: (+62) 61 4511793 / +62 61 6612088 (Malay)

Antara - Banjarmasin (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Brigjen Hasan Basri No.1 - Pangeran - Banjarmasin Utara - Kota Banjarmasin - kelurahan 70123 Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Antara - Padang (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Kp Nias V 34 - 25211 Padang - Sumatera Barat Tel.: (+62) 751 31604 / +62 751 38887 (Malay)

Antara - Mentawa Baru (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. H. Moh. Arsyad - Mentawa Baru Hilir - Mentawa Baru/Ketapan - Kabupaten Kotawaringin Timur Kalimantan Tengah 74321 Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Antara - Palembang (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Srijaya Negara 27 C - 30134 Palembang - Sumatera Selatan Tel.: (+62) 711 313764 / +62 711 377422 (Malay)

Antara - Palangka Raya (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. RTA Milono KM 2 5/33 - Menteng - Jekan Raya - Kota Palangka Raya - Kalimantan Tengah 74874 Tel.: (+62) 536 21471 (Malay)

Antara - Banda Aceh (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. SA Mahmudsyah No.2-A - Kampung Baru Baiturrahman - Banda Aceh - Aceh 23242 Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Antara - Pontianak (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Johar 1 - Pontianak - West Kalimantan - 78111 Tengah - Pontianak Kota - Pontianak - West Kalimantan 78243 Tel.: (+62) 561 741312 (Malay)

Antara - Bengkulu (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Pembangunan V - No. 17 E - Jemb. Kecil - Singaran Pati - Kota Bengkulu - Bengkulu 38225 Tel.: (+62) 736 8000030 (Malay) Antara - Batam (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Raja H. Sekupang No.10 - Sungai Harapan - Sekupang - Kota Batam - Kepulauan Riau 29425 Tel.: (+62) 778 323520 (Malay)

Antara - Ambon (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Rijali - Sirimau - Kel Wainitu - Nusaniwe - Kota Ambon - Maluku Tel.: (+62) 911 343565 (Malay)

Antara - Bandar Lampung (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Abdi Negara No.2 - Gulak Galik - Tlk. Betung Utara Kota Bandar Lampung - Lampung 35212 Tel.: (+62) 721 482001 (Malay)

Antara - Ternate (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Pahlawan Revolusi - Gamalama - Ternate Tengah Kota Ternate - Maluku Utara Tel.: (+62) 921 327685 (Malay) Antara - Sorong (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Pelabuhan Ferry - Klasuur - Kec. Sorong - Kota Sorong - Papua Bar 98411 Tel.: (+62) 951 322763 (Malay)

Antara - Pekanbaru (Indonesia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Jl. Sumatera - No. 4 - Sail - Tenayan Raya - Kota Pekanbaru - Riau 28131 Tel.: (+62) 761 25647 (Malay) Abroad:


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Antara - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Antara - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Antara - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Antara - Tokyo (Japan) Type: correspondent - Maria Andriana E-mail: unavailable 2-2-5 Toranomon, Minato-ku - Tokyo Tel.: (+81) 3 3584-4234 / Fax: 3 3584-4591 (Malay) Antara - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay) Antara - Canberra (Australia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Malay)

Vietnam TTXVN/VNA - Thông Tấn Xã Việt Nam / Agence Vietnamienne d'Information website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry of Information and Communications languages: vietnamita (main), English, French, Spanish, Mandarin active since: 1945 previous names em 1960, fundiu com a Liberation News Agency do Vietnã do Sul headquarters: 5/79 Lý Thường Kiệt str. - Hanói phone: (+844) 915 341448 | (+84) (0)4 38255443 fax: (+84) (0)4 38252984, 8252984 e-mails: (general), (management),,, (newsroom),, (sales) services: text, photo, video, audio, infographics, multimedia packs, op-ed, press review, newsletter, publishing, capacity-building, mobile news alert other services: Tin Tuc, Viet Nam News, Le Courrier du Vietnam, VNA issues more than 35 publications, including daily and weekly bulletins, and daily, weekly and monthly newspapers in Vietnamese, English and French desks: General, Business, World affiliation: OANA, AsiaNet, NNN cooperation: Reuters, AP, AFP, TASS, Xinhua, Kyodo, Yonhap, Antara, Bernama, TNA-MCOT, KPL, AKP, Notimex, Prensa Latina (42 agências ao todo)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Domestic: TTXVN-VNA - HEADQUARTERS (Vietnam) E-mail:,,,,,, 5/79 Lý Thường Kiệt str. - Hanói Tel.: (+84) 4 91534-1448 / (+84) (0)4 38252984, 8252984 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - An Giang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 377 Ha Hoang Ho - Long Xuyen City - An Giang Province Tel.: (+84) 076 384-1963 / Fax: (+84) 3845036 076 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 168 Hoang Hoa Tham Street - Vung Tau City - Ba RiaVung Tau Tel.: (+84) 064 3852613 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Bac Giang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 111 Nguyen Thi Luu - Bac Giang City - Bac Giang Tel.: (+84) 385-4528 / 0240 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Bac Kan (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Hung Vuong - Bac Kan Town - Bac Kan Province Tel.: (+84) 387-0709 / 0281 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Bac Lieu (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 77 Hai Ba Trung District - Bac Lieu City - Bac Lieu Province Tel.: (+84) 382-4730 / 0781 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Bac Ninh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 4 Nguyen Phi Y Lan - Bac Ninh City - Bac Ninh Tel.: (+84) 382-0941 / 0241 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ben Tre (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 11/2 Tran Quoc Tuan - Ben Tre Town - Ben Tre Province Tel.: (+84) 075 382-2221 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Binh Dinh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau

E-mail: Nguyen Tu-Dien Hong - Quy Nhon City - Binh Dinh Province Tel.: (+84) 056 3525280 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Binh Phuoc (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Nguyen Van Linh - Dong Xoai Town - Binh Phuoc Province Tel.: (+84) 387-0454 / 0651 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Binh Thuan (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 3 Ton Duc Thang - Phan Thiet City - Binh Thuan Province Tel.: (+84) 062 3829379 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ca Mau (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 777 Phan Ngoc Hien - Ca Mau City - Ca Mau Province Tel.: (+84) 383-1341 / 0780 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Central Highlands (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: 36 Nguyen Trai Street - Can Tho City Tel.: (+84) 382-6473 / Fax: (+84) 0710 3839444 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Cao Bang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: No 7 - Nguyen Du - City of Cao Bang - Cao Bang Province Tel.: (+84) 026 385-2152 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Da Nang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, 28 Le Thanh Tong Street - Da Nang City Tel.: (+84) 0511-3821440 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Dak Lak (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: 39 Phan Boi Chau - Ban Me Thuot City - Dak Lak Province Tel.: (+84) 385-2275 / 0500 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Dak Nong (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Nguyen Van Troi - Gia Nghia Town - Dak Nong Tel.: (+84) 354-4505 / 0501 (Vietnamese) 245

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

TTXVN-VNA - Dien Bien (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Group 17 - Muong Thanh - Ho Dien Bien Phu Street Dien Bien Province Tel.: (+84) 382-5153 / 0230 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Dong Nai (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 72 - 30/4 - Bien Hoa City - Dong Nai Province Tel.: (+84) 061 3822561 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Dong Thap (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 11 Truong Dinh - Cao Lanh City - Dong Thap Province Tel.: (+84) 067 3851367 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Gia Lai (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 16 Phan Dinh Phung - Playcu City - Gia Lai Province Tel.: (+84) 059 3821460 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ha Giang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Nguyen Trai - Ha Giang - Ha Giang Province Tel.: (+84) 386-6203 / 0219 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ha Tinh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 77 Phan Dinh Phung Street - Ha Tinh City - Ha Tinh Province Tel.: (+84) 039 385-5561 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Hai Duong (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 17 Tuy An - Hai Duong - Hai Duong Province Tel.: (+84) 385-2212 / 0320 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Haiphong (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Department of Petroleum Urban Area - Hong Bang District - Hai Phong City Tel.: (+84) 031 384-2369 / Fax: (+84) 3842680 031 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Hanoi (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: 21 Pham Dinh Ho Street - Hai Ba Trung District - Hanoi

Tel.: (+84) 04 382-54577 / Fax: (+84) 04 38254577 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Hau Giang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 21A Furniture Chieu - Vi Thanh City - Hau Giang Tel.: (+84) 071 387-0952 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Henan (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 11 Tran Phu - Phu Ly City - Henan Province Tel.: (+84) 385-2233 / 0351 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Southern Region (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail:, 120 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai - District 3 - HCMC Tel.: (+84) 08 3930-5627 / Fax: (+84) 39303414, Fax: 08 39306685 / 39305921 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Hòa Bình (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Avenue Thinh Lang - City of Peace - Hoa Binh Province Tel.: (+84) 385-2032 / 0218 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Hung Yen (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 443 Nguyen Van Linh - Ho Hung Yen - Hung Yen Tel.: (+84) 386-3859 / 0321 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Khanh Hoa (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 211 Thong Nhat - Nha Trang City - Khanh Hoa Province Tel.: (+84) 058 3822769 / Fax: (+84) 3811083 058 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Kien Giang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 55 Tran Hung Dao - Hanoi Rach Gia - Kien Giang Province Tel.: (+84) 077 386-3996 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Kon Tum (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 131 Ba Trieu Street - Kon Tum City - Kon Tum Province Tel.: (+84) 060 3861324 / Fax: (+84) 3864169 060 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Lai Chau (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau 246

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: City Lai Chau - Lai Chau province Tel.: (+84) 387-6533 / 0231 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Lam Dong (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 27 Hung Vuong Street - Da Lat City - Lam Dong Province Tel.: (+84) 063 3822325 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Lang Son (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Quang Trung - Lang Son City - Lang Son Province Tel.: (+84) 025 381-0080 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Lao Cai (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 581 Hoang Lien - Kim Tan - Ho Lao Cai - Lao Cai Province Tel.: (+84) 020 382-4694 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Long An (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 81 Hai Ba Trung Street - Tan An City - Long An Province Tel.: (+84) 072 382-6305 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Nam Dinh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 14 Han Thuyen - Nam Dinh City - Nam Dinh Province Tel.: (+84) 364-9405 / 0350 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Nghe An (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 12 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street - Vinh City - Nghe An Province Tel.: (+84) 038 384-2988 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ninh Binh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 1 Pham Hong Thai - City Ninh Binh - Ninh Binh Province Tel.: (+84) 030 387-3364 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ninh Thuan (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 161 Street 21/8 - Phan Rang-Thap Cham - Ninh Thuan province Tel.: (+84) 068 3823739 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Phu Tho (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau

E-mail: 606 Hung Vuong Boulevard - Vietnam Tri City - Phu Tho Province Tel.: (+84) 384-6314 / 0210 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Phu Yen (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 1A Nguyen Van Cu Street - Tuy Hoa City - Phu Yen Province Tel.: (+84) 057 3842526 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Quang Binh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 2 Duong Van An - Dong Hoi City - Quang Binh Province Tel.: (+84) 052 3822243 / Fax: (+84) 3824532 052 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Quang Nam (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 6 Tran Phu - Tam Ky City - Quang Nam Province Tel.: (+84) 385-2894 / 0510 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Quang Ngai (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 25 Hai Ba Trung - Quang Ngai City - Quang Ngai Tel.: (+84) 055 3822987 / Fax: (+84) 3829404 055 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Quang Ninh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 429 Nguyen Van Cu Street - Ha Long City - Quang Ninh Province Tel.: (+84) 033 383-5783 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Quang Tri (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Ham Nghi - Dong Ha City - Quang Tri province Tel.: (+84) 053 3852444 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Soc Trang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 39 Hai Ba Trung District - Soc Trang City - Soc Trang Tel.: (+84) 079 382-1703 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Son La (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 148 Truong Chinh - Son La City - Son La Tel.: (+84) 022 385-2267 (Vietnamese)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

TTXVN-VNA - Tay Ninh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 213 Cach Mang Thang Tam - Tay Ninh City - Tay Ninh Province Tel.: (+84) 066 3822406 (Vietnamese) Abroad: TTXVN-VNA - Brussels (Belgium) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, Avenue Wolvendael 157 Commune d’Uccle 1180 Bruxelles Belgique. Tel.: (+32) 2 372-2650 / Fax: (+322) 3722540, Cel.: (+32) 477741357 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Paris (France) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, No.93 Rue Marcel Bonnet 94 230 Cachan Paris France. Tel.: (+33) 1 4908-9855 / Fax: (+33) 1 49089851, Cel.: (00-336) 07235023 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Berlin (Germany) Type: foreign bureau - Nguyen Duc Chung, Tran Manh Hung E-mail:, Am Lindenplatz 20 10319 - Berlin - BRD Tel.: (+49) 30-5433095 / Cel.: (+49) 0-1515877198 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Rome (Italy) Type: foreign bureau - Truong Anh Ngoc E-mail:, Via del Pergolato 92 00172 Roma Italy. Tel.: (+39) 06 25209545 / Fax: (+39) 06 2154247, Cel.: (+39) 3351537965 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Geneva (Switzerland) Type: foreign bureau - Nguyen Thi To Uyen E-mail:,, Ch. Taverney 1 1218 Grand-Saconnex Geneva Switzerland Tel.: (+41) 22-7882778 / Cel.: (+41) 79-8376600 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 35 the Approach East Acton W3 7PA London. Tel.: (+44) 0 20 87490278 / Cel.: (+44) 07809773565 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Prague (Czech Republic) Type: foreign bureau

E-mail:, Plzenska 943/275 15500 Praha 5 Stodulky Ceská republika Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 420 774-158-152 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Moscow (Russia) Type: foreign bureau - Buy Duy Trinh E-mail:, Leninskiy pr. d.45 kv.326 Tel.: (+8) 499 558-1242, 495 135-1108, 137-3867 / Fax: (+8) 495) 232-6701, (+8) 499-5581442, Cel.: (+8) 9151743679 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Ottawa (Canada) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 8 Deerfield Drive Unit 3 Ottawa ON K2G 3R6 Tel.: (+1) 613 727 3888 / Fax: (001-613) 221 9016, Cel.: (001-613) 618 0018 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 990 National Press Building 529 14th Street NW DC 20045 USA Tel.: (+1) 202 879-6718 / Fax: (00-202) 879-6717, Cel.: (+202) 258-9995 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 51-36 Goldsmith Str Elmhurst New York NY 11373 Tel.: (+1) 347 612-4188 / Fax: (+1) 347 612-4188, Cel.: (+917) 783-7568 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Buenos Aires (Argentina) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:,, 3 de febrero 1201 (1426) - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Tel.: (+54) 11 4783-5303 / Fax: (+54) 11 4783-5303, Cel.: (+54) 911-3695-6577 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Havana (Cuba) Type: foreign bureau - Hien Le Thu, Ha Vu Le E-mail:,,, Calle 28 E/1ra y 3 ra Miramar Playa Ciudad de La Habana (ENDEREÇO ANTIGO: Calle 16 No. 514 2do piso entre 5ta y 7ma - Miramar Playa Ciudad de La Habana Cuba) Tel.: (+537) 204-1064, 204-3381 / Fax: (+537) 204-9296, Cel.: (+53) 5286-4543, Fax: (00-52) 866-146 (Vietnamese) 248

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

TTXVN-VNA - Mexico City (Mexico) Type: foreign bureau - Vu Le Luu, Yen Nguyen Thi E-mail:,, Calle Comte 85 Colonia Anzures CP 11590 Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo Mexico D.F. Tel.: (+52) 55-52502639 / Cel.: (+52) 155-39586691 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Phnom Penh (Cambodia) Type: foreign bureau - Danh Chanh Đa E-mail:, 747 Monivong Phnom Penh Cambodia. Tel.: (+8550) 23213517 / Fax: (+8550) 2336-4428, Cel.: (+8550) 975192888 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, Building A - 12F - Wanhao International Apartment No.5 Yard Lington Guan - Yongan Xili - Jianwai Chaoyang District – Beijing China Tel.: (+86) 10-6569 9812 / Fax: (+86) 10-6569-9810, Cel.: (+86) 136-01076164 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Hong Kong (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: Room 3804 Block C Causeway Centre 28 Harbour Road Wan chai - Hongkong Tel.: (+85) 228348212 / Fax: (00-85) 228389446, Cel.: (+85) 290464984 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - New Delhi (India) Type: foreign bureau - Do Huy Binh, Nguyen Dang Chinh, Ngo Thanh Hai (2008), Pham Van Thao (2008) E-mail:, C5/17 Vasant Kunj - New Delhi Tel.: (+91) 11 2612-3786 / Cel.: (+91) 8860678058 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, Jl. Empu Sendok No.10 Kebayoran Baru 12110 Jakarta Indonesia. Tel.: (+62) 21-5266339 / Fax: (+62) 21 526-6338, Cel.: (+08) 5718880179 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Tokyo (Japan) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 150-0001 TOKYO - TO Shibuya-ku Jingumae 2-2-39 Gaien House 412Tokyo - Japan

Tel.: (+81) 3 5770-7619 / Fax: (+81) 3-5770-7617, Cel.: (+81) 80-4065-3721 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Vientiane (Laos) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 213 nongbone-Saysettha POBox: 1068 Vientiane Tel.: (+856) 21-413404 / Fax: (+856) 21-415574, Cel.: (+856) 20-55517400 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 57 Jalan Bukit Segar 7 Taman Bukit Segar Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur. Tel.: (+60) 3 9132-4149 / Fax: (00-60) 391-323327, Cel.: (+60) 162529254 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Singapore (Singapore) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 60 Farrer Road 04-04 Spanish Village Singapore 268846. Tel.: (+65) 6646-1762 / Fax: (+65) 66461762, Cel.: 86992196 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Seoul (South Korea) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 4 Bomun –ro 30 ra-gil Seongbuk- gu Seoul Korea (136052 Tel.: (+82) 2 928-6608 / Fax: (00-82) 2929-8808, Cel.: (00-82) 10-3399-1953 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Bangkok (Thailand) Type: foreign bureau - Sơn Nam E-mail: 582/447 Soi YuCharoen 19 Asoke-Dindaeng district Bangkok 10400 Tel.: (+66) 2 245-2380 / Fax: (00-66) 022452380, Cel.: (+66) 0816283812 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Thai Binh (Pacific) (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Tran Phu - Thai Binh City - Thai Binh Province Tel.: (+84) 036 383-1495 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Thai Nguyen (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Hung Vuong Street - Thai Nguyen City - Thai Nguyen Province Tel.: (+84) 385-5604 / 0280 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Thanh Hoa (Vietnam) 249

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 44B Le Loi Avenue - Thanh Hoa City - Thanh Hoa Province Tel.: (+84) 037 385-2334 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Pacific (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: No 485 - Cach Mang Thang 8 - Thu Dau Mot City - Binh Duong Province Tel.: (+84) 382-2401 / 0650 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Thua Thien-Hue (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 18 Hanoi - Hue City - Thua Thien-Hue Tel.: (+84) 054 3822183 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Tien Giang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 7C Ngo Quyen Street - My Tho City - Tien Giang Province Tel.: (+84) 073 387-9395 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Tra Vinh (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 93 Pham Hong Thai - Tra Vinh City - Tra Vinh Province Tel.: (+84) 074 385-8745 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Tuyen Quang (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 6 Road 17/8 - City Tuyen Quang - Tuyen Quang Tel.: (+84) 027 382-2486 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Vinh Long (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: 34B Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street - City - Vinh Long Vinh Long Province Tel.: (+84) 070 382-3236 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Vinh Phuc (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: Ton Duc Thang - Vinh Yen City - Vinh Phuc Province Tel.: (+84) 386-1308 / 0211 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Yen Bai (Vietnam) Type: domestic bureau regional office E-mail: Km5 - Dinh Tien Hoang Yen Bai City - Yen Bai Tel.: (+84) 029 385-2493 (Vietnamese)

TTXVN-VNA - Algiers (Algeria) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: 11 Cooperative El-Nadjah Dely Ibrahim Alger Algerie. Tel.: (+213) 2133-5096 / Fax: (00-213) 2133-6821, Cel.: (+213) 661-50-5145 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, Villa 109 Zayed-2000 Al Sheikh Zayed City Cairo Egypt Tel.: (+202) 3850-5827 / Fax: (00-20) 238501932, Cel.: (00-20) 1022901438 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Tel Aviv (Israel) Type: foreign bureau - Hoan Bui Quang E-mail:, Apartment 3 No.204 Hayrarkon street Tel Aviv. Tel.: (+972) 775348630 / Fax: (+972) 774812994, Cel.: 972-546717456 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Pretoria (South Africa) Type: foreign bureau E-mail:, 358 Clark Steet Waterkloof - Post code 0181 Pretoria – South Africa Tel.: (+27) 12 460-7353 / Fax: (+27) 123460734, Cel.: (+27) 711290643 (Vietnamese) TTXVN-VNA - Sydney (Australia) Type: foreign bureau - Do Thi Sao, Mai Son Ha, Nguyen Linh Khanh E-mail:,,,, 1-2/185 Fitzgeneral Avenue Maroubra NSW 2035 Sydney- Australia. Tel.: (+61) 29344-7934 / Fax: (+61) 29349-2762, Cel.: (+61) 48880-0389 (Vietnamese)

Afghanistan AVA - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Pashtun) Bakhtar - HEADQUARTERS (Afghanistan) ownership: Ministry of information and Culture E-mail:,,, Mohammad Jan Khan Watt 25000 - Cabul Tel.: (+93) 77 819-9759 / (+93) (0)70 8198786 (Pashtun) 250

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Bakhtar - Tehran (Iran) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Pashtun)

2007), Ministry of Information and Culture (19932005) E-mail: Huravee Building 3rd Floor Ameer Ahmed Magu. 20-04 - Malé Tel.: (+960) 332 2253 / (+960) 332 6211 (Divehi)

Bangladesh BSS - HEADQUARTERS (Bangladesh) ownership: Ministry of Information E-mail:,,,, 68/2 Purana Paltan Dhaka 1000 - Daca Tel.: (+880) 2 955-5036 | 8802 9565746 / +880 2 9568970 (English) BSS - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Cambodia AKP - HEADQUARTERS (Cambodia) ownership: Ministry of Information E-mail:,, 62 Preah Monivong Blvd. - Phnom Penh Tel.: (+855) 12 917 700 / (855) 23 427 945 (cambojano)

Laos KPL - HEADQUARTERS (Laos) ownership: Ministry of of Information, Culture and Tourism E-mail:,, 80 Setthathirath Rd. P.O. Box. 3770 - Vientiane Tel.: (+856) 21 215402 / (+856) 21 212446 (laociano)

Mongolia Montsame - Mongolyn Tsakhilgaan Medee website: category: national agency ownership: Council of Ministers of Information, Radio and Television languages: Mongol (main), English, Russian, Mandarin, Japanese active since: 1921 headquarters: Jigjidjav gudamj, -8 - Indeks (PO. Box) 15160 Ulaanbaatar khot, Chingeltey duureg - UlanBator phone: (+976) 51 266904 / 266969 / 9918-5817 fax: +976 11 327857 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @montsameMN Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, historical dates, financial info, weather, press review, yearbook, press center other services: weekly bulletins The Mongol Messenger (eng), Novosti Mongolii (rus), Mengu syaozibao (chi); weekly newspapers Хүмүүн бичиг Khümüün bichig (mong) e Mongoru Tsushin (jap); quarterly magazine Mongolia Today (eng); annual advertising Mongolia desks: Mongolia, World, Communities, Social, Politics, Economy, Health, Education, Recreational, Sports, Mining affiliation: OANA cooperation: Reuters, TASS, Xinhua, Kyodo, Yonhap

HNS - HEADQUARTERS (Maldives) ownership: E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Divehi)

Montsame - HEADQUARTERS (Mongolia) E-mail:,,, Jigjidjav gudamj -8 - Indeks (PO. Box) 15160 Ulaanbaatar khot Chingeltey duureg - Ulan-Bator Tel.: (+976) 51 266904 / +976 11 327857 (Mongol)

MNB - HEADQUARTERS (Maldives) ownership: Ministry of Tourism Arts and Culture (2008...), Ministry of Legal Reform, Information and Arts (2007-2008), Ministry of Information and Arts (2005-

Montsame - Moscow (Russia) Type: correspondent - Ottorguymaa Ayush E-mail: ућ.Вавићова д.79 љв.52



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+8) 499 134-7088 / Cel.: 8-906-756-78-31 (Mongol) Montsame - Beijing (China) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Mongol)

Nepal RSS - Rashtriya Samachar Samiti website: category: national agency ownership: 51% government of Nepal, 25% employees, 24% public stocks (Ministry of Communication Is legally the government's trustee - consult RSS Act 2019 BS) languages: Nepalese (main), English active since: 1961 headquarters: Panchyat Plasa - Katmandu phone: (+977) (0)1 4262539 | (+977) (0)1 262628; 262550 fax: (+977) (0)1 262998, 262744 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Facebook: services: text, photo, archive, crônicas, features, financial info, previsão do tempo, publishing other services: National News, International News, Feature, RSS photo, RSS ARCHIVE affiliation: OANA cooperation: AFP, AP, Xinhua, Kyodo, PTI, APP RSS - HEADQUARTERS (Nepal) E-mail:,,, Panchyat Plasa | Bhadrakali Plaza - Kathmandu Catmandu Tel.: (+977) (0)1 426-2550, 426-2539 / (+977) (0)1 262998, 262744 (Nepalese) RSS - Copenhagen (Denmark) Type: stringer - Trilochan Sapkota E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Nepalese) RSS - UK (United Kingdom) Type: stringer - Jagadish Chandra Wagle E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Nepalese)

RSS - Maryland (United States) Type: stringer - Bishnu Kumari Sharma E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+1) 484 860-2808 (Nepalese) RSS - Myanmar (Myanmar/Burma) Type: stringer - Purna Bhakta Duwal E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+984) 135-8556 (Nepalese) RSS - Doha (Qatar) Type: stringer - Nawaraj B.K. E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+974) 7768-0555 (Nepalese)

Pakistan APP - Associated Press of Pakistan website: category: national agency ownership: Associated Press of Pakistan Corporation (APPC) - chairman appointed by the government languages: English (main), híndi-urdu, Arabic, pachtó, síndi, belúchi, saraiki active since: 1949 headquarters: 18, Mauve Area, G-7/1, zero point Islamabad phone: (+92) 021-35855628 | (+92) 51 111277278, +9251 2203085 fax: (+92) 021-35845473, +925 12203070 e-mails: (management), (sales) Facebook: services: text, photo, video, archive, crônicas, features, interview, op-ed, historical dates, weather forecast, press communiqués and official announcements, officials’ schedule other services: blog desks: Nacional, World, Negócios, Sports, Forex, Culture, Entertainment, Eleição 2008, China News affiliation: OANA cooperation: (37 agências) APP - HEADQUARTERS (Pakistan) E-mail:,, 18 Mauve Area G-7/1 zero point - Islamabad Tel.: (+92) 21 358-55628 / (+92) 021-35845473, +925 12203070 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

APP - London (United Kingdom) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) APP - Washington (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Ayaz Muhammad, Ali Imran (2006-2015) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) APP - New York (United States) Type: foreign bureau - Itikhar Ali E-mail: United Nations Secretariat Building - Room S-305C New York NY 10017 Tel.: (+1) 203 356-9994 / Cel: (203) 524-5074 (English) APP - Dhaka (Bangladesh) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+880) 2 801-8953 (English) APP - Beijing (China) Type: foreign bureau E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) APP - New Delhi (India) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

PPI - HEADQUARTERS (Pakistan) ownership: Owais Aslam Ali E-mail:,,, Shahrah Kamal Ataturk Karachi 74200 - Karachi Tel.: (+92) 21 263-3215 / +92 (0)21 2217069, +92 21 32637754 (English)

Philippines PNA - HEADQUARTERS (Philippines) ownership: Presidential Communications Operations Office E-mail:,,,, 2nd floor Philippine Information Agency building Visayas Avenue - Quezon City Tel.: (+63) 352 4328 / +63 920-6566 & 68 (tagalo)

Sri Lanka LANKAPUVATH - HEADQUARTERS (Sri Lanka) ownership: Ministry of Mass Media and Information (Lankapuvath Ltd.) E-mail:,, No.92 Strafford Avenue Colombo 06 | 166/3/1 Havelock Road Colombo 05 - Colombo Tel.: (+94) 11 258-5928 / (+94) (0) 2585930 (Sinhalese) Sinhalaya - HEADQUARTERS (Sri Lanka) ownership: Sinhalaya Worldwide E-mail:, 186 Suleyman Rahimov str apt. 24. AZ1010 - Colombo 253

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+94) 12 440-1196 / (+99412) 440 64 46 (Sinhalese)

Thailand TNA-MCOT - Thai News Agency - Mass Communication Organization of Thailand website: category: national agency ownership: Prime Minister’s Office languages: Thai active since: 1952 previous names: 1952-1977: Thai Thorathat headquarters: 63/1 Rama 9 Soi 7, Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310 - Bangcoc phone: (+66) 02-201-6000 | (+66) (2) 2016308, 2016676 fax: (+66) (2) 2460931 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @MCOT_Eng @TNAMCOT Facebook: | YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, archive, financial info, previsão do tempo, advertising, mobile news alert desks: Politics, Economy, Sport, Entertainment, Crime, Abroad, Region, General, Court (monarquia) affiliation: OANA TNA-MCOT - HEADQUARTERS (Thailand) E-mail:,,, 63/1 Rama 9 Soi 7 Huay Kwang Bangkok 10310 Bangcoc Tel.: (+66) 2 201-6000 / (+66) (2) 2460931 (Thai) TNA-MCOT - San Francisco (United States) Type: correspondent - Coe Holtaway E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Thai)

Australia AAP - Australian Associated Press website: category: national agency ownership: News Corp, Fairfax Group, Western Australia Newspaper, Newspapers & the Harris Group languages: English

active since: 1935 headquarters: Level 6, 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138 | 9 Lang Street, Sydney. NSW 2000 - Sydney phone: (+61) 2 9322-8000 | +61 2 9322 8405, +61 2 9322 8686 fax: +61 2 93 228074 e-mails: (general),, (management), (newsroom),, (sales) Twitter: @AAPNewswire Facebook: YouTube: services: video affiliation: NAWC, OANA, AsiaNet, MINDS cooperation: AP, AFP, Kyodo, DPA, PA, EPA, AAP - HEADQUARTERS (Australia) Peter Trute, Sarah McPhee, Sarah Wiedersehn E-mail:,,,,,, Level 6 3 Rider Boulevard Rhodes NSW 2138 | 9 Lang Street Sydney. NSW 2000 - Sydney Tel.: (+61) 2 9322-8000 / (+61) 2 93 228074 (English) AAP - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Suze Metherell, Jenny Cockerell E-mail: 111 Buckingham Palace Road. London SW1W 0DT Tel.: (+44) 0 20 3262-0057 (English) AAP - Los Angeles (United States) Type: correspondent - Peter Mitchell E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AAP - Jakarta (Indonesia) Type: foreign bureau - Lauren Farrow E-mail: Jl. Imam Bonjol #80 Kebon Sirih - Jakarta 10310 (Deutsche Bank Building - Lantai 13 #1301B) Tel.: (+62) 21 3983-1262 / Fax: (+62) 21 3983-1479 (English) AAP - Brisbane (Australia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Level 2 - 200 Mary Street. Brisbane City QLD 4000 Tel.: (+61) 7 3834-9999 (English) AAP - Canberra (Australia) Type: domestic bureau - Lisa Martin Twitter: @LMARTI 254

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) AAP - Melbourne (Australia) Type: domestic bureau E-mail: unavailable Level 3 - 250 Victoria Parade. East Melbourne VIC 3002 Tel.: (+61) 3 9619-9300 (English) AAP - Auckland (New Zealand) Type: foreign bureau

E-mail: unavailable 120 Albert Street - BDO Tower Level 12 - Auckland 1010 | 8 College Hill Freemans Bay - Auckland 1011 Tel.: (+64) 9 928-5000 / (+64) 9 378-7157 (English) AAP - Wellington (New Zealand) Type: correspondent - Peter Wilson E-mail: unavailable 49 Boulcott Street, Level 17 - Wellington 6011 Tel.: (+64) 4 917-5100 / 04 817-9599 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


Angola Angop - Angola Press website: category: national agency ownership: Ministério da Comunicação Social languages: Portuguese (main), English, francês, Spanish active since: 1975 previous names: 1975-1975: Agência Nacional Angola Press (ANAP) headquarters: Rua Rei Katyavala 120/122, 2181 Luanda phone: (+244) 222 446-901 fax: 222 446843 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @portalangop Facebook: YouTube: mobile: iOS, Android services: text, photo, video, áudio, features, entrevistas, efemérides, obituários, previsão do tempo, newsletters, releases e comunicados oficiais, agenda oficial, advertising, mobile news alert other services: boletim (newsletter), banco de imagens desks: Politics, Business, World, Sociedade, Health, Education, Science e Technology, Ambiente, Lazer e Culture, Transporte, Tourism, Reconstrução Nacional, África, Minuto a Minuto, Discursos do Presidente, Publireportagem affiliation: NAWC, FAAPA, ALP, NNN cooperation: Reuters, AFP, EFE, TASS, Xinhua, PTI, *SAPA, PANA, Prensa Latina, TAP, STP-Press

Angop - HEADQUARTERS (Angola) E-mail:,,, Rua Rei Katyavala 120/122 2181 - Luanda Tel.: (+244) 222 446-901 / 222 446843 (Portuguese) Angop - Lisbon (Portugal) Type: correspondent - Paulo de Jesus E-mail: unavailable Rua Luciano Cordeiro 89 - Lisboa Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese) Angop - Ottawa (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese) Angop - Praia (Cape Verde) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Central African Republic ACAP - HEADQUARTERS (Central African Republic) ownership: Ministère de la Communication E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: (+236) 7503-0656 / 00236 75 50 36 32 (French)

Benin 256

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

ABP - HEADQUARTERS (Benin) ownership: Ministère en Charge de la Communication. Estatuto: Etablissement Public à caractères social, culturel et scientifique doté de l’autonomie financière (décret N°2005-790 du 29/12/2005 : portant approbation des statuts de l’Agence Bénin-Presse) E-mail:, 01 BP 72 quartier Ganhi face à l’Agence Centrale de Bank of Africa - Cotonou Tel.: (+229) 21 312655 / 21 31 13 21 (French)

Botswana BOPA - HEADQUARTERS (Botswana) ownership: Department of Information Services, Ministry of Presidential Affairs and Public Administration E-mail:,, Mass Media Complex Plot Number 37795. Willie Seboni Road Gaborone West Phase 2. Postal Address : Private Bag BR137 - P/Bag BR 139 - Gaborone Tel.: (+267) 365-3500 / +267 365 3626 (English)

Burkina Faso AIB - HEADQUARTERS (Burkina Faso) ownership: Éditions Sidwaya (statute: Office doté de la personnalité morale et de l'autonomie financière) - a editora é um établissement public del'Etat E-mail: Avenue du Capitaine Thomas Sankara face a l’ambassade du Ghana - Uagadugu Tel.: (+226) 25337316 / +22650337316 (Burkina Faso)

Burundi ABP (Burundi) - HEADQUARTERS (Burundi) ownership: Ministère de l’information E-mail: BP2870 Av. Nicolas Mayugi Centre Ville - Bujumbura Tel.: (+257) 22 22 22 82 / (257) 22 21 30 84 (Burundi)

previous names: também referida como Agência Noticiosa de Cabo Verde; até 1998, chamava-se Cabopress (Agência Cabo-Verdiana de Notícias) headquarters: Largo de Marconi, Achada de Santo António - Santiago, CP 40/A - Praia phone: (+238) 262 2562, 262 3426 | (+238) 262.37.69 fax: 00238 262 25 54 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @Inforpresscv Facebook: services: text, photo, video, áudio, infográficos, archive, features, entrevistas, agenda oficial other services: archive, agenda, dossiers, INFORPRESSRÁDIO, INFORPRESS-TV desks: Politics, Business, World, Sociedade, Culture, Sports, Meio Ambiente, Cooperação affiliation: FAAPA, ALP Inforpress - HEADQUARTERS (Cape Verde) E-mail:,, Largo de Marconi Achada de Santo António - Santiago CP 40/A - Praia Tel.: (+238) 262 2562, 262 3426 / 00238 262 25 54 (Portuguese) Inforpress - Luanda (Angola) Type: correspondent - Elias José Tumba (2002) E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Portuguese)

Cameroon CamerPresse - HEADQUARTERS (Cameroon) ownership: J.Blak Communication? E-mail:,,, c/o SOPECAM BP 1218 - Yaoundé Tel.: (+237) 697 45 00 63 / 230 4362 (French)

Cape Verde Inforpress - Agência Cabo-Verdiana de Notícias website: category: national agency ownership: Radiotelevisão & Inforpress, Sociedade Anónima (RTCI) languages: Portuguese (main), English, francês active since: 1988

Chad ATPE - HEADQUARTERS (Chad) ownership: Ministère de la Communication (statute: Etablissement public à caractère industriel et commercialavec une autonomie de gestion) E-mail: unavailable BP: 670 N’Djaména - N'Djamena Tel.: (+235) 22 523-009 / (+235) 22 523-774 | 523-714 (French)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Comoros HZK-Presse - HEADQUARTERS (Comoros) ownership: La Gazette de Comores E-mail:,,, Av. Maarouf Quartier Badjanani BP 2216 - Moroni Tel.: (+269) 773-9121 / (+269) 333 2676 (Swahili)

Gabon AGP - HEADQUARTERS (Gabon) ownership: Ministry of Information Communications and Technology E-mail:,,, B.P. 168 - Libreville Tel.: (+241) 144-3507 / (+241) 1443508 (French)

Congo ACI - HEADQUARTERS (Congo) ownership: Ministério da Comunicação e das Relações com o Parlamento E-mail: unavailable Bld Denis Sassou N'Guesso - B.P 2144 | ave EP Lumumba BP 2144 - Brazzaville Tel.: (+242) 222 810198 / 81-01-98 (French)

Gambia NAG - HEADQUARTERS (Gambia) ownership: Ministry of Information & Communication Infrastructure E-mail: unavailable GRTS Building MDI Road - Kanifing Tel.: (+220) 437-8028 / (+220) 437-8029 (English)

Congo, DR ACP - HEADQUARTERS (Congo DR) ownership: Ministère des Médias, chargé des Relations avec le Parlement et de l'Initiation à la Nouvelle Citoyenneté E-mail: Avenue Tombalbaye 44-48 Immeuble ACP 01013 Kinshasa Gombe - Kinshasa Tel.: (+243) 81 451 66 56 / (+243) 82 073 46 73 (French) ACP - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent - Roger Mazanza E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 241-9402 (French)

Djibouti ADI - HEADQUARTERS (Djibouti) ownership: Ministre de la Communication, chargé des Postes et des Télécommunications E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: ? / ? (French)

Ethiopia ENA - HEADQUARTERS (Ethiopia) ownership: Government Communication Affairs Office E-mail:, Dejazmach Belay Zeleke St - P.O.Box 530 - Addis Abeba Tel.: (+251) 11 155-0011 / (+251) 11 155-1609 (amárico)

Ghana GNA - Ghana News Agency website: category: national agency ownership: Ministry for Communications (up to 2014, Ministry of Information and Media Relations) languages: English active since: 1957 headquarters: P. O. Box 2118 - Acra phone: (+233) 0302 662381 | (+233) 0302 665135 fax: (+233) 0302 665136 e-mails: Twitter: @GHANANEWSAGENCY Facebook: services: text, photo, archive, crônicas, newsletters, official announcements, officials’ schedule, advertising other services: boletim diário (impresso) desks: Politics, Negócios e Business, Social, Health, Education, Sports, Science, Interesse Humano, Features, World, África affiliation: FAAPA, NNN cooperation: Reuters, Xinhua, PANA, DPA GNA - HEADQUARTERS (Ghana) E-mail: P. O. Box 2118 - Acra Tel.: (+233) 030 266-2381 / (+233) 0302 665136 (English) GNA - London (United Kingdom) Type: correspondent - Desmond Davies E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 258

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (English) GNA - Cairo (Egypt) Type: foreign bureau - Eric K. Amoh, Bajin D. Pobia E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) GNA - Gaborone (Botswana) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) GNA - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: foreign bureau - Iddi Z. Yire, George-Ramsey Benamba E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) GNA - Arusha (Tanzania) Type: correspondent - Francis Ameyibor E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Equatorial Guinea GEP - HEADQUARTERS (Equatorial Guinea) ownership: Oficina de Información y Prensa de Guinea Ecuatorial E-mail:, [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (Spanish)

Guinea Bissau ANG - HEADQUARTERS (Guinea Bissau) ownership: Ministério da Comunicação Social Ministério da Presidencia do Conselho de Ministros, Comunicação Social e assuntos Parlamentares E-mail:,,,,,, Avenida Domingo Ramos C.P. 248 - Bissau Tel.: (+245) 21 2151, 21 1869, (+245) 5401515/6780298 / (+245) 551 51 52/6903530, +245 20 2155 (Portuguese)

Ivory Coast

ownership: Conselho de Ministros/Ministre chargé de la Communication (statute: Etablissement Public National à caractère Administratif) E-mail: Avenue Chardy 04 BP 312 Abidjan 04 - Plateau. 04 BP 312 Abidjan 04 - Abidjan Tel.: (+225) 2030-3480/ 2021-7189 / +225 20 21 35 99/20 (French)

Kenya KNA - HEADQUARTERS (Kenya) ownership: E-mail:,, Jogoo House A 2nd floor City Square P.O. Box 805300300 - Nairóbi Tel.: (+254) 20 222 6798 / (+254) 20 2223203 (Swahili)

Lesotho LENA - HEADQUARTERS (Lesotho) ownership: Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology E-mail:, Lerotholi Street (corner with Parliament road) P.O Box 36 - Maseru Tel.: (+266) 22 325317 / (+266) 22 326408, 267657 (English)

Liberia LINA - HEADQUARTERS (Liberia) ownership: MICAT - Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs & Tourism E-mail:,, |,,, Ministry of Information Building Capitol Hill Monróvia Tel.: (+231) 886 315 022 / (+231) 886-345-717 (English)

Madagascar ANTA - HEADQUARTERS (Madagascar) ownership: Ministry of Communication [Ministère de la Communication] E-mail:,, 7 Rue Jean RALAIMONGO Ambohidahy. Antananarivo 101 MADAGASCAR 261 - Antananarivo Tel.: (+261) 020 222-5439 / (261)2221171 (Malagasy)



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents



MANA - HEADQUARTERS (Malawi) ownership: Ministry of Information, Tourism and Civic Education E-mail:,, Ground Floor Gemini House City Centre Capital City. Private Bag 310 | Private Bag 28 Blantyre - Lilongwe Tel.: (+265) 1 774-171 / 265 1 771-084, 622-122 / (+265) 1 771-072, 634-867 (English)

ANP Niger - HEADQUARTERS (Niger) ownership: Ministère de la Communication et des Relations avec les Institutions [statute: Etablissement Public à Caractère Industriel et Commercial] E-mail: BP 11158 - Niamey Tel.: (+227) 740-809 (French)

Nigeria Mali AMAP - HEADQUARTERS (Mali) ownership: Ministry of Digital Economy, Information and Communication [Ministère de l’Economie Numérique, de l’Information et de la Communication] E-mail: unavailable Square Patrice Lumumba BP 141 - Bamako Tel.: (+223) 2022-3683 / (+223) 2023-4374 (French)

Mauritius MN - HEADQUARTERS (United Kingdom) ownership: E-mail: 583 Wandsworth Road London SW8 3JD - UK - London Tel.: unavailable (Maurício)

Mozambique AIM - HEADQUARTERS (Mozambique) ownership: Gabinete de Informação (GABINFO) E-mail: aim@aim,,,,,, Rua da Rádio 112 5º andar. C.P. 896 Maputo. 00110 Maputo Tel.: (+258) 21313225 / (+258) 21313196 (Portuguese)

Namibia NAMPA - HEADQUARTERS (Namibia) ownership: Ministry of Information and Communication Technology E-mail:,, Cnr Keller & Eugene Marais Street Windhoek Vinduque Tel.: (+264) 61 374-000 / (+264) 61 221713, 258262 (africâner)

NAN - News Agency of Nigeria website: category: national agency ownership: Federal Ministry of Information and National Orientation languages: English active since: 1976 headquarters: Plot 394, Independence Avenue, Central Business District, P.M.B 7006, Garki - Abuja phone: (+234) 09 780-9409 | (+234) 80 2307-8487 fax: (+234) 9671-8268 e-mails: (general), (newsroom), (sales) Twitter: @nannigeria Facebook: ; YouTube: services: text, photo, video, áudio, crônicas, features, newsletters, advertising, mobile news alert other services: advertising, boletim, alerta por celular, features, galeria de fotos desks: Politics, World/Exterior, África, Sports, Entretenimento, Meio Ambiente, Defesa/Segurança, Agricultura affiliation: NAWC, FAAPA NAN - HEADQUARTERS (Nigeria) E-mail:,, Plot 394 Independence Avenue Central Business District P.M.B 7006 Garki - Abuja Tel.: (+234) 09 780-9409 / (+234) 9671-8268 (English) NAN - Toronto (Canada) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) NAN - Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] 260

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: unavailable (English) NAN - Accra (Ghana) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Rwanda RNA - HEADQUARTERS (Rwanda) ownership: Steven Nsamaza E-mail:,, P.O.Box 453 Boulevard de l'Umuganda - Kacyiru - Kigali Tel.: (+250) 587-215/6 (English)

Sao Tome and Principe STP-Press - HEADQUARTERS (Sao Tome and Principe) ownership: Ministry of Communication, Youth and Sports [Ministério da Comunicação Social, Juventude e Desporto] E-mail:, Av. Marginal 12 de Julho. C.P. n.º 12 - Cidade de São Tomé Tel.: (+239) 990-7040 / (+239) 2 2223431 (Portuguese)

Senegal PANAPRESS - Pan-African News Agency website: category: agência de rádio/áudio ownership: languages: English active since: 1983

headquarters: Dakar Twitter: @panapress PanaPress - HEADQUARTERS (Senegal) E-mail:,,,,, Boulevard du President Habib Bourguiba - B. P. 4056 Dakar - Dacar Tel.: (+221) 33 869-1234 / (+221) 33 824-1390 (French) PanaPress - Brussels (Belgium) Type: correspondent E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+32) 2 569-0682 (French) Panapress - Tripoli (Libya) Type: correspondent - Youssef Ba E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Rabat (Morocco) Type: correspondent - Khalid Barka E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Porto-Novo (Benin) Type: correspondent - Thérèse Issèki E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: (+229) 21 309747 / Cel.: 9596-8816 (French) Panapress - Bujumbura (Burundi) Type: correspondent - Ferdinand Bigumandondera


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Kinshasa (Congo DR) Type: correspondent - Primo Mukambilwa E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Asossa (Ethiopia) Type: correspondent - Omar Reid E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Conakry (Guinea) Type: correspondent - Aly Coulibaly E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Type: correspondent - BAL, JSG E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: (+225) 3031-1410 / Fax: (+225) 2031-1417 (French) Panapress - Lagos (Nigeria) Type: correspondent - Abudu Babalola, Segun Adeyemi E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Kigali (Rwanda) Type: correspondent - Aimable Twahirwa E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Cape Town (South Africa) Type: correspondent - Craig Urquhart E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French) Panapress - Lomé (Togo) Type: correspondent - Franck Ayawo Assah E-mail:, BP 4804 Lomé Tel.: (+228) 221-2532 / Cel.: (+228) 915-3489, 946-0039 (French) Panapress - Lusaka (Zambia) Type: correspondent - Mildred Mulenga E-mail: unavailable

[address not available] Tel.: unavailable (French)

APS - Agence de Presse Sénégalaise website: category: national agency ownership: Ministère de la Communication languages: French active since: 1959 headquarters: Corniche-Ouest x Rue 5 Medina - BP 117 Dakar - Dacar phone: (+221) 33 821-1427 | (+221) 33 823-1667 fax: (+221) 33 822 07 67 | 77 740 58 67 e-mails: (general), (management), (newsroom) Twitter: @aps_officiel Facebook: YouTube: services: text, photo, video, archive, features, weather forecast, press review, newsletters, press releases, announcements, official agenda, advertising, classified ads, who’s-who yearbook other services: diplomático desks: Politics, Economy, International, Justice, Society, Health, Education, Environment, Agriculture, Livestock, Sanitation, Sports, Culture, Tourism, Infrastructure, Transport, Telecommunications affiliation: OIF, FAAPA cooperation: Xinhua, SUNA, MAP, Anadolu, AIP, IINA APS Senegal - HEADQUARTERS (Senegal) E-mail: Corniche-Ouest x Rue 5 Medina - BP 117 Dakar Tel.: (+221) 33 821-1427 (+221) 33 822 07 67 | 77 740 58 67 (French) APA Senegal - Dakar (Benin) Type: correspondent - Sylvestre Nonfodji E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable / Cel.: 9596-5521 (French)

Seychelles SAP - HEADQUARTERS (Seychelles) ownership: Department of Information of the Government of Seychelles E-mail:,, Room 106 Block A Unity House Palm Street - Victoria Nahe


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Tel.: (+248) 66 (81) 531-2837 / (+248) 2813 626 (French)

Tshedimosetso House 1035 Schoeman St. 0028 Pretória Tel.: (+27) 12 473-0213 / 012 473 0278 (English)

Sierra Leone

South Sudan

SLENA - HEADQUARTERS (Sierra Leone) ownership: Minister of Information and Communication E-mail: unavailable Wallace Johnson Street - Freetown Tel.: unavailable (English)

SSNA - HEADQUARTERS (United States) ownership: Duop Chak Wuol E-mail:,,, [address not available] Tel.: ? (English)

Somalia SONNA - HEADQUARTERS (Somalia) ownership: Ministry of Information (antes Ministry of Information, Posts & Telecommunications) E-mail: [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (somali)


South Africa ANA - HEADQUARTERS (South Africa) ownership: Iqbal Survé (Sekunjalo), Ladislas Agbesi E-mail: 62 Sir Lowry Road Woodstock Cape Town 7925 - Cidade do Cabo Tel.: (+21) 86 193-2226 (English) ANA - Nairobi (Kenya) Type: correspondent - Roseleen Mumbua Nzioka E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English) SANews - HEADQUARTERS (South Africa) ownership: Department of Communications, Government Communication and Information System E-mail:,,,

ATOP - HEADQUARTERS (Togo) ownership: Ministry of Communication, Culture, Sports and Civic Education [Ministère de la Communication, de la Culture, des Sports et de la Formation Civique] E-mail: unavailable 35 rue de Medic BP 232 - Lomé Tel.: (+228) 22 21-2507 (French)

Zambia ZANIS - HEADQUARTERS (Zambia) ownership: Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services E-mail: unavailable [address not available] Tel.: unavailable (English)

Zimbabwe ZIANA - HEADQUARTERS (Zimbabwe) ownership: Zimbabwe Mass Media Trust E-mail:, Corner Third Street/ Selous Avenue - Harare Tel.: (+263) 4 251750 (English)


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

LIST BY LOCATION Bureaux listed by region and country where they are: Western Europe Andorra - Andorra la Vella: ANA Andorra Austria - Vienna - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, APA, CNA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, BTA, ČTK, MTI, TASS, AzerTAc, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, SPA, WAM - Bregenz - APA - Eisenstadt - APA - Graz - APA - Innsbruck - APA - Klagenfurt - APA - Linz - APA - Salzburg - APA - St. Pölten - APA Belgium - Brussels - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Adnkronos, Agence Europe, Agenzia Nova, AGI, ANA-MPA, ANP, ANSA, APA, Belga, CNA Cyprus, DPA, EFE, GPD, Lusa, NTB, Ritzau, SDA-ATS, STT-FNB, TT, VITA, Agerpres, BETA, BTA, ČTK, MIA, MTI, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, STA, TASR, TASS, Ukrinform, Kazinform, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Notimex, CNA Taiwan, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, APS, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SPA, APcom, ASCA, EPA, EPD, Ima Press, KNA Katholik, Radiocor, RIA Norma, ACP, Panapress Cyprus - Nicosia - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, CNA Cyprus, DPA, EFE, PAP, TASS, Xinhua, Anadolu, Cihan Denmark - Copenhagen - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Ritzau, TASS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ABr (EBC), RSS, Xinhua, DHA (Dogan), MAP, Petra, Caters Finland - Helsinki - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, DPA, EFE, STT-FNB, ATA, TASS, IPS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, Yonhap, ZWXWS, Cihan, MAP, NINA France - Paris - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, TASS, Xinhua, Anadolu, BTA, MIA, MTI, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, Ukrinform, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Télam, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Yonhap, AMEinfo, APS, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SANA, SPA, WAM, EPA, Newspress, SIPApress, Riva Press - Ajaccio - AFP - Bayonne - Panos - Bordeaux - AFP, MAP - Bordeaux - Brest - AFP - Caen - AFP - Clermont-Ferrand - AFP - Dijon - AFP - Grenoble - AFP - Lamontjoie - Reuters - Lesigny - ZWXWS - Lille - AFP - Lyon - AFP - Marseille - AFP, EPA - Marseille - Metz - AFP - Montpellier - AFP - Nantes - AFP - Nice - AFP, EPA - Nice - Rennes - AFP - Strasbourg - AFP, ANSA, CNA Cyprus, MAP - Toulouse - AFP, Bloomberg, Riva Press - Tours - AFP 264

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Germany - Berlin - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, BTA, ČTK, MIA, MTI, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, Ukrinform, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, AVN, Notimex, Jiji Press, JPS, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Yonhap, Anadolu, Cihan, Ercan News Agency, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SANA, SPA, WAM, EPD - Aachen - DPA - Frankfurt - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Jiji Press, Nikkei, Xinhua, EPA, EPD, EPD, Interfax - Düsseldorf - Reuters, DPA, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, EPD - Hamburg - Reuters, DPA, Dow Jones, EPD - Munich - Reuters, DPA, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, EPD - Augsburg - DPA, EPD - Bamberg - DPA - Bayreuth - EPD - Bielefeld - DPA, EPD - Bonn - IRNA, KNA Katholik - Bonn - Bremen - DPA, EPD - Brunswick - DPA, EPD - Chemnitz - DPA - Coblenz - DPA - Cologne - DPA - Cottbus - DPA - Darmstadt - DPA - Dortmund - DPA - Dresden - DPA - Dresden - EPD - Emden - DPA - Erfurt - DPA - Erfurt - EPD - Essen - DPA - Flensburg - DPA - Forchtenberg - EPD - Frankfurt Oder - DPA - Freiburg/Breisgau - DPA - Fulda - DPA - Gera - DPA - Gießen - DPA, EPD - Göttingen - DPA - Greifswald - DPA, EPD - Halle/Saale - DPA - Hannover - DPA, EPD - Holzkirchen / Upper Bavaria - DPA - Karlsruhe - DPA, EPD - Kassel - DPA, EPD - Kiel - DPA, EPD - Konstanz - DPA - Leipzig - DPA, EPD - Lübeck - DPA - Lüneburg - DPA, EPD - Magdeburg - DPA, EPD - Mainz - DPA, EPD, - Mannheim/Ludwigshafen - DPA - Münster - DPA - Nuremberg - DPA, EPD - Oldenburg - EPD - Osnabrück - DPA, EPD - Potsdam - DPA, EPD 265

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Regensburg - DPA, EPD - Rostock - DPA - Saarbrücken - EPD - Schwerin - DPA, EPD - Speyer - EPD - St. Peter-Ording - DPA - Stuttgart - Reuters, DPA, Dow Jones, EPD - Treves - DPA - Ulm - DPA - Warstein - DPA - Wiesbaden - DPA - Wittenberg - EPD - Würzburg - DPA, EPD Greece - Athens - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, ANSA, ANA-MPA, APA, CNA Cyprus, BETA, MIA, TASS, IPS, Panos, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Prensa Latina, Xinhua, Anadolu, Cihan, IHA, IRNA, MAP, MENA, EPA - Thessaloniki - Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, Anadolu Iceland - Reykjavik - DPA Ireland - Dublin - Associated Press, Reuters, ANSA, DPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, Storyful, Panos Italy - Rome - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, ANSA, TASS, Xinhua, Anadolu, ANA-MPA, ANP, APA, SIPApress, Zenit, Agerpres, Armenpress, BTA, ČTK, MTI, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, AzerTAc, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ABr (EBC), Notimex, Télam, CNA Taiwan, Jiji Press, Kyodo, TTXVN, APS, DHA (Dogan), IHA, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SANA, WAFA, WAM, IPS, Pressenza, CNS News, ISNA, KNA Katholik, Platts, RNS - Ancona - ANSA - Aosta - ANSA - Bari - ANSA - Bologna - ANSA, Panos - Bolzano - ANSA - Cagliari - ANSA - Catania - ANSA - Catanzaro - ANSA - Florence - ANSA, Panos - Florence - Pressenza - Genoa - ANSA - Milan - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, Panos, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Naples - ANSA - Palermo - ANSA, Panos - Perugia - ANSA - Pescara - ANSA - Potenza - ANSA - Trento - ANSA - Trieste - ANSA - Turin - ANSA - Udine - ANSA - Venice - ANSA Liechtenstein - Vaduz - DPA Luxembourg - Luxembourg - Reuters, AFP, DPA, Lusa, Bloomberg, EPA Malta - Gwardamangia - PBS - La Valletta - ANSA, DPA - Pietà - Reuters Monaco - Monte Carlo - Reuters, DPA Netherlands - Amsterdam - Associated Press, Reuters, DPA, EFE, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, Yonhap, MAP, Ukrinform, Sense - Delft - Panos - Groningen - IPS - Maastricht - Panos - The Hague - Associated Press, AFP, ANP, BTA, TASS, Bloomberg, ZWXWS, Anadolu - Utrecht - Panos 266

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Norway - Oslo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, NTB, TASS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, Anadolu, MAP, MENA Portugal - Funchal - Lusa Portugal - Lisbon - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ABr (EBC), Xinhua, MAP, Interfax, Angop Portugal - Oporto - Lusa, Pressenza Portugal - Ponta Delgada - Lusa San Marino - San Marino - ANSA Spain - Madrid - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, APA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, TASS, Xinhua, Anadolu, Kyodo, SDAATS, Agerpres, MTI, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, AICA, Cuartoscuro, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Télam, APS, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, QNA, SPA, EPA, EPD, Europa Press, Riva Press, Septimus International, WTN - Barcelona - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, EFE, Panos, Pressenza, Dow Jones, Télam, Xinhua, MAP, Europa Press - Alicante - EFE, Europa Press - Almería - Europa Press - Bilbao - EFE, Europa Press - Cádiz - Europa Press - Ceuta - EFE - Cordova - EFE, Europa Press - Girona - Panos - Granada - EFE, Europa Press - Huelva - Europa Press - Jaén - Europa Press - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - EFE, Europa Press - Logroño - EFE, Europa Press - Málaga - EFE, Europa Press - Melilla - EFE - Mérida (Extremadura) - EFE, Europa Press - Murcia - EFE, Europa Press - Oviedo - EFE, Europa Press - Palma de Mallorca - EFE, Europa Press - Pamplona - Reuters, EFE, Europa Press, - San Sebastián - EFE, Europa Press - Santander - EFE, Europa Press - Santiago de Compostela - Europa Press - Seville - Europa Press - Tenerife - EFE, Europa Press - Toledo - Europa Press - Valencia - Europa Press - Valladolid - Reuters, Notimex, Europa Press - Vitoria - Europa Press - Zaragoza - Europa Press Sweden - Gothenburg - MIA, Sputnik/RIAN - Sollentuna - ZWXWS Sweden - Stockholm - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, TT, PAP, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Kyodo, Xinhua, MAP Switzerland - Geneva - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, SDA-ATS, BTA, Sputnik/RIAN, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Notimex, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SPA, WAM, EPD, McClatchy - Zurich - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, SDA-ATS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Aarau - SDA-ATS - Basel - DPA, SDA-ATS - Bellinzona - SDA-ATS - Bern - SDA-ATS - Bienne/Biel - SDA-ATS - Chur - SDA-ATS 267

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Freiburg - SDA-ATS - Lausanne - SDA-ATS, Panos - Luzern - SDA-ATS - Sion - SDA-ATS - St. Gallen - SDA-ATS United Kingdom - London - Reuters, Associated Press, Reuters, AFP, DPA, EFE, ANSA, TASS, Xinhua, Anadolu, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Kyodo, PTI, Lusa, ANA-MPA, CNA Cyprus, PA, BTA, MIA, MTI, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, AzerTAc, UPI, Notimex, Antara, APP, Bernama, HKCNA, IANS, Jiji Press, Nikkei, RSS, TTXVN, Yonhap, APS, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, SANA, SPA, EPA, EPD, Interfax, Panos, Pressenza, GNA, MN, AAP - Belfast - Bloomberg - Brighton - ZWXWS - Bristol - PA - Edinburgh - Reuters, PA, Bloomberg - Glasgow - PA, Panos - Howden - PA - Manchester - Associated Press, Panos - Middle Village - Bloomberg - Middlesex County - Bloomberg - Mytholmroyd - Reuters - Newcastle - Reuters, Panos - Nottingham - Reuters, PA - Oxford - Panos - West Yorkshire – Panos

Eurasia (Central/Eastern Europe, Caucasus, Central Asia, and former USSR) Albania - Tirana - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, DPA, ATA, BTA, Anadolu, EPA - Argirokaster - ANA-MPA Armenia - Yerevan - DPA, ArmenPress, BTA, TASS Azerbaijan - Baku - Reuters, Associated Press, TASS, AzerTAc, Kazinform, Trend, Anadolu, Cihan, IRNA, Interfax Belarus - Minsk - Reuters, DPA, BelTA, EPA, Interfax Bosnia-Herzegovina - Sarajevo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, Anadolu, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MENA, FENA, EPA - Bijeljina - SRNA Bulgaria - Sofia - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, DPA, EFE, Agerpres, ATA, BTA, PAP, TASS, Ukrinform, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Prensa Latina, Xinhua, Anadolu, EPA - Pazardzhik - BTA - Plovdiv - BTA - Varna - BTA - Veliko Târnovo - BTA Croatia - Zagreb - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, BTA, HINA, MTI, STA, Bloomberg, MENA, EPA - Osijek - HINA - Pula - HINA - Rijeka - HINA - Split - HINA - Vinkovci - HINA Czech Republic - Prague - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, ČTK, MTI, PAP, TASS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, TTXVN, EPA Estonia - Tallinn - Reuters, Associated Press, DPA, Ukrinform, Bloomberg, Interfax Georgia - Tbilisi - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Trend, DPA, AzerTAc Hungary - Budapest - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, MTI, TASR, TASS, AzerTAc, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, Yonhap Kazakhstan - Astana - DPA, Kazinform, Khabar, Trend, Anadolu - Almaty - AFP, Reuters, Bloomberg, Xinhua, Yonhap, IRNA, Interfax Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek - Kabar, Kazinform, ZWXWS, Anadolu Latvia - Riga - DPA, LETA, AzerTAc, Bloomberg, Xinhua, Interfax Lithuania - Vilnius - Reuters, BNS, ELTA, PAP, Bloomberg, Interfax Macedonia - Skopje - ANA-MPA, DPA, BTA, MIA, Anadolu, EPA, Makfax 268

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Moldavia - Kishinev - Moldpres, Reuters, Agerpres, Ukrinform Montenegro - Podgorica - DPA, MINA, WAM Poland - Warsaw - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, BTA, ÄŒTK, MTI, PAP, Ukrinform, UNIAN, Panos, IANS, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, MAP, SANA - Bialystok - PAP - Bydgoszcz - PAP - Cracow - BTA, PAP - Gdansk - PAP - Gdynia - Reuters, Panos - Katowice - PAP - Kielce - PAP - Lodz - PAP - Lublin - PAP - Olsztyn - PAP - Rzeszow - PAP - Siedlce - PAP - Szczecin - PAP - Wroclaw - PAP Romania - Bucharest - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, Bloomberg, Agerpres, BTA, MTI, AzerTAc, Panos, EPA Russia - Moscow - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, APA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, TASS, Xinhua, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, STT-FNB, BelTA, BETA, BTA, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, Ukrinform, AzerTAc, Kazinform, Khabar, Panos, UPI, Prensa Latina, HKCNA, Jiji Press, KCNA, Kyodo, Montsame, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, Yonhap, Anadolu, APS, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, SANA, SPA, APA (Az.), ASKA, AzerPress, EPA, Interfax, Interfax, Platts - Astrakhan - TASS - Barnaul - TASS, Interfax - Chelyabinsk - TASS, Interfax - Irkutsk - TASS, Interfax - Izhevsk - TASS - Kaliningrad - TASS - Kazan - TASS, Interfax - Kemerovo - TASS, Interfax - Khabarovsk - TASS, Interfax - Krasnodar - Interfax - Krasnoyarsk - TASS, Interfax - Maykop - TASS - Nizhny-Novgorod - Interfax - Novosibirsk - TASS, Interfax - Omsk - TASS - Penza - Interfax - Perm - Interfax - Petropavlovsk - TASS - Rostov-na-Don - Interfax - Saint Petersburg - TASS, Panos, Bloomberg, Interfax - Samara - Interfax - Tambov - TASS - Tomsk - Interfax - Tyumen - Interfax - Ufa - Interfax - Ulan-Ude - TASS - Vladimir - TASS - Vladivostok - TASS, Kyodo, Xinhua, Yonhap, Interfax - Volgograd - Interfax - Yekaterinburg - TASS, Interfax Serbia - Belgrade - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Bloomberg, Kyodo, Xinhua, Anadolu, Tanjug, BETA, SRNA, IRNA, EPA - Pristina - Reuters, ANSA, Anadolu, EPA 269

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Slovakia - Bratislava - Reuters, DPA, ČTK, TASR, Bloomberg Slovenia - Ljubljana - Reuters, ANSA, DPA, BTA, STA Tajikistan - Dushanbe - Khovar, IRNA Turkmenistan - Ashgabat - AzerTAc, TDH, Trend, TurkmenInfo, Cihan, IRNA Ukraine - Kiev - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, PAP, TASS, Ukrinform, AzerTAc, Bloomberg, Xinhua, Anadolu, Cihan, EPA, Interfax Uzbekistan - Tashkent - Reuters, Sputnik/RIAN, AzerTAc, Kabar, Kazinform, Trend, UzA, Xinhua, Anadolu, Cihan, Fars, Interfax Canada - Ottawa - Reuters, ANSA, TASS, Ukrinform, Bloomberg, CanP, Dow Jones, TTXVN, Xinhua, Angop - Toronto - Reuters, Associated Press, Lusa, BTA, Panos, Bloomberg, CanP, CanP, Dow Jones, Notimex, Yonhap, Anadolu, NAN - Montreal - AFP, Reuters, ANA-MPA, DPA, Bloomberg, CanP, AHP, MAP - Calgary - Reuters, Bloomberg, CanP, Dow Jones - Edmonton - CanP - Fredericton - CanP - Halifax - Reuters, CanP - Kitchener - ZWXWS - Quebec - CanP - Regina - CanP - St. John's - CanP - Vancouver - Associated Press, Bloomberg, CanP, Dow Jones, Bernama, HKCNA, Xinhua, Yonhap - Victoria - CanP - Winnipeg - Reuters, Bloomberg, CanP United States - Washington - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, CNA Cyprus, DPA, EFE, BTA, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, Ukrinform, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, CanP, Dow Jones, UPI, ABr (EBC), AHP, Notimex, Télam, APP, Bernama, IANS, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, APS, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, QNA, SPA, EPA - New York - Associated Press, AFP, Reuters, Associated Press, Reuters, Reuters, Reuters, Reuters, ANAMPA, ANSA, APA, CNA Cyprus, DPA, EFE, Lusa, Storyful, PAP, Sputnik/RIAN, STA, TASS, IPS, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Dow Jones, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Antara, APP, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, Anadolu, DHA (Dogan), IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, SANA, SPA, WAM, EPA - Los Angeles - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, TASS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Notimex, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, Yonhap, MAP, EPA, AAP - San Francisco - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Reuters, ANSA, DPA, Storyful, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Kyodo, TNA-MCOT, Xinhua, Yonhap, EPA - Chicago - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Reuters, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Jiji Press, Nikkei, Xinhua, Yonhap, EPA - Miami - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Notimex - Alameda - Associated Press - Albany - Associated Press, Bloomberg - Albuquerque - Associated Press, Reuters - Allentown - Associated Press - Anchorage - Associated Press - Ann Arbor - Associated Press - Annapolis - Associated Press - Atlanta - Associated Press, Storyful, Bloomberg, Yonhap, EPA - Atlantic City - Associated Press - Augusta - Associated Press - Austin - Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Baltimore - Associated Press, Reuters - Baton Rouge - Associated Press - Bellemont - Associated Press - Billings - Associated Press - Birmingham - Associated Press - Bismarck - Associated Press - Boca Raton - UPI - Boise - Associated Press 270

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Boston - Reuters, Associated Press, DPA, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Kyodo, EPA - Boulder - Associated Press - Brookfield - Reuters - Buffalo - Associated Press - Cape Canaveral - Associated Press - Carson City - Associated Press - Charleston (WV) - Associated Press - Charleston (SC) - Associated Press, Reuters - Charlotte - Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Cheyenne - Associated Press - Cincinnati - Associated Press - Cleveland - Associated Press - Colorado Springs - SSNA - Columbia - Associated Press, Associated Press - Columbus - Associated Press, Bloomberg - Concord - Associated Press - Covington - Associated Press - Dallas - Reuters, Associated Press, Panos, Bloomberg - Daytona Beach - Associated Press - Denver - Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ZWXWS, Interfax - Des Moines - Associated Press, Dow Jones - Detroit - Reuters, Associated Press, Reuters, Reuters, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Dover - Associated Press - East Rutherford - Associated Press - Eugene - Associated Press - Fargo - Associated Press - Fayetteville - Associated Press - Fort Worth - Associated Press - Frankfort - Associated Press - Fredericksburg - Associated Press - Gainesville - Associated Press - Greensboro - Bloomberg - Hagerstown - Associated Press - Harrisburg - Associated Press, Reuters - Hartford - Associated Press, Reuters - Helena - Associated Press - Hoboken - Reuters - Honolulu - Associated Press - Honolulu - Kyodo - Houston - Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua - Huntsville - Reuters - Indianapolis - Associated Press - Inman - Associated Press - Iowa City - Associated Press - Jackson - Associated Press - Jacksonville - Associated Press - Jefferson City - Associated Press - Juneau - Associated Press - Kansas City - Associated Press - Knoxville - Associated Press - Lansing - Associated Press - Las Vegas - Associated Press - Lenexa - Associated Press - Lexington - Associated Press - Lincoln - Associated Press - Little Rock - Associated Press - Louisville - Associated Press 271

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Lubbock - Associated Press - Madison - Associated Press - Manchester - UPI - Maryland - RSS - McLean - Associated Press - Memphis - Associated Press - Milwaukee - Associated Press - Minneapolis - Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Montgomery - Associated Press - Montpelier - Associated Press - Nashville - Associated Press - New Haven - Associated Press - New Orleans - Associated Press, Reuters - Newark - Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg - Niskayuna - Associated Press - Oklahoma City - Associated Press - Olympia - Associated Press - Omaha - Associated Press - Orlando - Associated Press, Dow Jones - Overland Park - Dow Jones - Palo Alto - Nikkei - Philadelphia - Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Phoenix - Associated Press - Pierre - Associated Press - Pittsburgh - Associated Press - Portland - Associated Press, Associated Press, Storyful, Bloomberg - Princeton - Bloomberg, Dow Jones - Providence - Associated Press - Raleigh - Associated Press - Reno - Associated Press - Richmond - Associated Press - Rochester - Associated Press, Reuters - Rockland County - Bloomberg - Sacramento - Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg - Salem - Associated Press, Reuters - Salmon - Reuters - Salt Lake City - Associated Press - Sammamish - Associated Press - San Antonio - Associated Press - San Diego - Associated Press, Reuters - San Jose - Jiji Press - Santa Fe - Associated Press, Reuters - Savannah - Associated Press - Seattle - Reuters, Associated Press, Bloomberg, Kyodo - South Bend - Associated Press - South Brunswick - Dow Jones - Spokane - Associated Press - Springfield - Associated Press - St. Louis - Associated Press, Reuters - St. Paul - Associated Press - State College - Associated Press - Tallahassee - Associated Press - Tampa - Associated Press, Xinhua - Toledo - Associated Press - Topeka - Associated Press - Traverse City - Associated Press - Trenton - Associated Press, Bloomberg 272

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Tulsa - Associated Press - Waltham - Dow Jones - Wellesley - Dow Jones - West Palm Beach - Associated Press - Wichita - Associated Press, EPA - Wilmington - Bloomberg - Wilmington - Dow Jones - Yakima - Associated Press

Latin America and the Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda - St. John's - CANA Argentina - Buenos Aires - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Reuters, ANSA, DPA, EFE, MTI, SITA, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, IPS, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ABr (EBC), Notimex, Prensa Latina, Télam, Kyodo, TTXVN, Xinhua, DHA (Dogan), Fars, MAP, EPD - Bahía Blanca - Télam - Bariloche - Télam - Catamarca - Télam - Córdoba - Télam - Corrientes - Télam - Formosa - Télam - La Plata - Télam - La Rioja - Télam - Mar del Plata - Télam - Mendoza - Télam - Neuquén - Télam - Paraná - Télam - Posadas - Télam - Rawson - Télam - Resistencia - Télam - Río Gallegos - Télam - Rosario - Télam - Salta - Télam - San Juan - Télam - San Luis - Télam - San Salvador de Jujuy - Télam - Santa Fe - Télam - Santa Rosa - Télam - Santiago del Estero - Télam - Tucumán - Télam - Ushuaia - Télam - Viedma - Télam Aruba - Oranjestad - Associated Press Bahamas - Nassau - CANA Barbados - Bridgetown - AFP, IPS, BGIS - Christ Church - Xinhua - St. Michael - CANA Belize - - CANA Bermuda - Hamilton - Reuters Bolivia - La Paz - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, IPS, ABI, Prensa Latina Brazil - Brasilia - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, Lusa, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ABr, Notimex, Xinhua - Rio de Janeiro - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, ABr, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Xinhua - São Paulo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, AISE , ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Dow Jones, ABr, Télam, Jiji Press, Nikkei, Yonhap, Cihan - Belo Horizonte - ABr - Campinas - Reuters - Fortaleza - ABr 273

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Juiz de Fora - Reuters - Manaus - ABr - Porto Alegre - ABr - Recife - ABr - Salvador - ABr Chile - Santiago - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, IPS, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Télam, Xinhua, Yonhap, MAP Colombia - Bogotá - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Sputnik/RIAN, IPS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Notimex, Prensa Latina, CNA Taiwan, Xinhua Colombia - Medellin - Panos Costa Rica - San José - AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, IPS, Xinhua - Lagunilla - Reuters - San Isidro - Associated Press Cuba - Havana - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, IPS, ACN, Notimex, Prensa Latina, KCNA, Kyodo, TTXVN, Xinhua, SANA Dominica - Roseau - Associated Press, CANA Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, IPS, Bloomberg, AHP, Prensa Latina, MAP Ecuador - Quito - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, IPS, Panos, Pressenza, Dow Jones, ANDES, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Pressenza, Xinhua El Salvador - San Salvador - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, IPS, Prensa Latina Grenada - St. George's - CANA Guadeloupe - Basse-Terre - AFP Guatemala - Guatemala City - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, IPS, AGN, Notimex, Prensa Latina Guyana - Georgetown - GINA, AFP, Reuters, CANA, Xinhua Haiti - Port-au-Prince - Reuters, AHP, DPA, EFE, IPS, UPI, CANA, Prensa Latina - Petionville - AFP, Associated Press Honduras - Tegucigalpa - ANSA, DPA, EFE, Notimex Jamaica - Kingston - IPS, CANA, JIS Mexico - Mexico City - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, SIPApress, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, IPS, Bloomberg, CanP, Dow Jones, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, MAP - Acapulco - Notimex - Aguascalientes - Notimex - Cancún - Notimex - Ciudad Juárez - Notimex - Guadalajara - Notimex - Hermosillo - Notimex - León - Notimex - Mérida - Notimex - Monterrey - Bloomberg, Notimex - Morelia - Notimex - Oaxaca - Notimex - Puebla - Notimex - Querétaro - Notimex - Saltillo - Notimex - San Luis Potosí - Notimex - Tijuana - Notimex - Tuxtla Gutiérrez - Notimex Montserrat - - CANA Nicaragua - Managua - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Prensa Latina, Xinhua Panamá - Panama City - Reuters, Associated Press, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Notimex, Prensa Latina, CNA Taiwan, Xinhua, MAP Paraguay - Asunción - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, IPS, IPP, Notimex, Prensa Latina Peru - Lima - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, IPS, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Andina, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Télam, Kyodo, Xinhua, KNA Katholik Puerto Rico - San Juan - Reuters, Associated Press, DPA, EFE St. Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre - CANA, SKNIS 274

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

St. Lucia - Castries - CANA St. Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown - CANA Suriname - Paramaribo - IPS, CANA Trinidad and Tobago - Port of Spain - CANA, GISL Uruguay - Montevideo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Sputnik/RIAN, IPS, Prensa Latina, Xinhua, MAP Venezuela - Caracas - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, TASS, IPS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, AVN, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Xinhua

Asia-Pacific Afghanistan - Kabul - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, Bakhtar, IANS, Kyodo, Xinhua, Anadolu - Kandahar - Associated Press Bangladesh - Dhaka - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, IPS, Panos, APP, Bernama, BSS, IANS, Kyodo, PTI, UNI, Xinhua, EPA - Malibagh - Associated Press Bhutan - Thimphu - DPA Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan - DPA, Xinhua Cambodia - Phnom Penh - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, AKP, Kyodo, TTXVN, Xinhua, EPA China - Beijing - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Lusa, Agerpres, MTI, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Notimex, Prensa Latina, Antara, APP, Bernama, CNS, IANS, Jiji Press, KCNA, Kyodo, Kazinform, Montsame, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, Xinhua, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, Cihan, IRNA, MAP, Petra, SPA, EPA - Changsha - Xinhua - Chengchow - Xinhua - Chengdu - Xinhua - Chungking - Nikkei, Xinhua - Dalian - Nikkei - Fuzhou - Xinhua - Guangzhou - Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua - Guiyang - Xinhua - Haikou - Xinhua - Hangchow - Xinhua - Hefei - Xinhua - Hohhot - Xinhua - Hong Kong - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, Storyful, Pressenza, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, CNA Taiwan, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Interfax - Jinan - Xinhua - Kunming - Xinhua - Lhasa - Xinhua - Macao - Reuters, Lusa, Xinhua, ZWXWS, HKCNA - Nanjing - Xinhua - Nanning - Xinhua - Nantong - Xinhua - Qingdao - Xinhua - Shanghai - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, EFE, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu - Shenyang/Mukden - Yonhap - Shenzhen - HKCNA - Shijiazhuang - Xinhua - Taiyuan - Xinhua - Ürümq - Xinhua - Wuhan - Xinhua - Xian - Xinhua - Xining - Xinhua - Yinchuan - Xinhua East Timor - Dili - DPA, Lusa, Kyodo Guam - Hagatna - Associated Press 275

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

India - Ahmedabad - Associated Press, PTI - Aligarh - IANS - Amritsar - EPA - Bangalore - Reuters, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, PTI - Bhopal - PTI - Bhubaneswar - PTI - Calcutta - IANS, PTI, EPA - Delhi - Panos - Gandhinagar - Reuters - Hyderabad - Reuters, PTI - Jaipur - IANS - Lucknow - Associated Press, IANS - Madras - Reuters, IANS, PTI - Mumbai - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, IANS, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, EPA India - New Delhi - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Storyful, TASS, IPS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Prensa Latina, APP, Bernama, BSS, IANS, Jiji Press, KCNA, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, UNI, Xinhua, Yonhap, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, EPA - Patna - IANS - Srinagar - Associated Press, AFP, Anadolu, EPA Indonesia - Jakarta - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Antara, Bernama, CNA Taiwan, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, MAP, MENA, EPA, AAP - Ambon - Antara - Bali - Antara - Banda Aceh - Antara - Bandar Lampung - Antara - Bandung - Antara - Banjarmasin - Antara - Batam - Antara - Bekasi - Antara - Bengkulu - Antara - Gorontalo - Antara - Makassar - Antara - Medan - Antara - Mentawa Baru - Antara - Padang - Antara - Palangka Raya - Antara - Palembang - Antara - Palu - Antara - Pekanbaru - Antara - Pontianak - Antara - Purwakarta - Antara - Semarang - Antara - Serang - Antara - Sorong - Antara - Surabaya - Antara - Ternate - Antara - Yogyakarta - Antara Japan - Tokyo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TT, MTI, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, AzerTAc, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Antara, CNA Taiwan, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, ZWXWS, IRNA, KUNA, Petra, EPA - Akita - Kyodo - Aomori - Kyodo - Asahikawa - Kyodo - Fukui - Kyodo - Fukuoka - Kyodo - Fukushima - Kyodo 276

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Gifu - Kyodo - Hakodate - Kyodo - Himeji - Kyodo - Hiroshima - Kyodo - Ito - Kyodo - Iwakuni - Kyodo - Kagoshima - Kyodo - Kanazawa - Kyodo - Kitakyushu - Kyodo - Kobe - Kyodo - Kochi - Kyodo - Kofu - Kyodo - Koriyama - Kyodo - Kumamoto - Kyodo - Kushiro - Kyodo - Kyoto - Kyodo - Maebashi - Kyodo - Matsue - Kyodo - Matsuyama - Kyodo - Minakami-machi - Kyodo - Minato - Kyodo - Miyazaki - Kyodo - Morioka - Kyodo - Nagano - Kyodo - Nagasaki - Kyodo - Nagoya - Kyodo - Narita - Kyodo - Niigata - Kyodo - Oita - Kyodo - Okayama - Kyodo - Osaka - Bloomberg, Kyodo, Yonhap - Otsu - Kyodo - Saga - Kyodo - Saitama - Kyodo - Sapporo - Kyodo - Sendai - Kyodo - Shizuoka - Kyodo - Takamatsu - Kyodo - Tokushima - Kyodo - Tottori - Kyodo - Toyama - Kyodo - Tsu - Kyodo - Utsunomiya - Kyodo - Wakayama - Kyodo - Yamagata - Kyodo - Yamaguchi - Kyodo - Yokohama - Kyodo Laos - Vientiane - DPA, KPL, TTXVN, Xinhua Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Antara, Bernama, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, TTXVN, Xinhua, ZWXWS, IRNA, KUNA, Petra, EPA - Alor Setar - Bernama - Ayer Keroh - Bernama - Ipoh - Bernama - Jalan Perak - Bernama - Johor Bahru - Bernama - Kangar - Bernama - Kota Bharu - Bernama 277

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Kota Kinabalu - Bernama - Kuala Terengganu - Bernama - Kuantan - Bernama - Kuching - Bernama - Labuan - Bernama - Langkawi - Bernama - Miri - Bernama - Muar - Bernama - Putrajaya - Reuters, Bernama - Sandakan - Bernama - Seremban - Bernama - Shah Alam - Bernama - Sibu - Bernama - Tawau - Bernama - Teluk Intan - Bernama Maldives - Malé - DPA, HNS, MNB Mongolia - Ulaanbataar - Montsame, Reuters, DPA, Xinhua, Kyodo Myanmar/Burma - Rangoon - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Panos, Kyodo, Nikkei, RSS, Xinhua, EPA Nepal - Kathmandu - Associated Press, AFP, DPA, IPS, Panos, Hindustan Samachar, IANS, Kyodo, PTI, RSS, Xinhua, EPA North Korea - Pyongyang - Associated Press, AFP, KCNA, Kyodo Pakistan - Islamabad - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, APP, IANS, Kyodo, PTI, Anadolu, IRNA, KUNA, SPA - Karachi - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, IANS, PPI, Xinhua - Lahore - PTI - Peshawar - Associated Press, IPS Philippines - Manila - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, IPS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Bernama, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, EPA - Laoag City - ZWXWS - Quezon City - PNA Singapore - Singapore - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Bernama, CNA Taiwan, IANS, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, ZWXWS South Korea - Seoul - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, UPI, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, IRNA, WAM, EPA Sri Lanka - Colombo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, IANS, Kyodo, LANKAPUVATH, PTI, Sinhalaya, Xinhua Taiwan - Taipei - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, CNA Taiwan, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, Yonhap, ZWXWS Thailand - Bangkok - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Bernama, HKCNA, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, PTI, TNA-MCOT, TTXVN, Yonhap, EPA - Chiang Mai - Panos Vietnam - Hanoi - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, TASS, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Prensa Latina, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, TTXVN, Yonhap, WAM, EPA - An Giang - TTXVN - Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province - TTXVN - Bac Giang - TTXVN - Bac Kan - TTXVN - Bac Lieu - TTXVN - Bac Ninh - TTXVN - Ben Tre - TTXVN - Binh Dinh - TTXVN - Binh Phuoc - TTXVN - Binh Thuan - TTXVN - Ca Mau - TTXVN - Can Tho - TTXVN - Cao Bang - TTXVN - Da Nang - TTXVN 278

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Dak Lak - TTXVN - Dak Nong - TTXVN - Dien Bien - TTXVN - Dong Nai - TTXVN - Dong Thap - TTXVN - Gia Lai - TTXVN - Ha Giang - TTXVN - Ha Tinh - TTXVN - Hai Duong - TTXVN - Haiphong - TTXVN - Hau Giang - TTXVN - Henan - TTXVN - Ho Chi Minh City - TTXVN - Hòa Bình - TTXVN - Hung Yen - TTXVN - Khanh Hoa - TTXVN - Kien Giang - TTXVN - Kon Tum - TTXVN - Lai Chau - TTXVN - Lam Dong - TTXVN - Lang Son - TTXVN - Lao Cai - TTXVN - Long An - TTXVN - Nam Dinh - TTXVN - Nghe An - TTXVN - Ninh Binh - TTXVN - Ninh Thuan - TTXVN - Phu Tho - TTXVN - Phu Yen - TTXVN - Quang Binh - TTXVN - Quang Nam - TTXVN - Quang Ngai - TTXVN - Quang Ninh - TTXVN - Quang Tri - TTXVN - Soc Trang - TTXVN - Son La - TTXVN - Tay Ninh - TTXVN - Thai Binh - TTXVN - Thai Nguyen - TTXVN - Thanh Hoa - TTXVN - Thu Dau Mot - TTXVN - Thua Thien-Hue - TTXVN - Tien Giang - TTXVN - Tra Vinh - TTXVN - Tuyen Quang - TTXVN - Vinh Long - TTXVN - Vinh Phuc - TTXVN - Yen Bai - TTXVN Australia - Canberra - Associated Press, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Antara, Xinhua, AAP - Sydney - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, NTB, Ritzau, SDA-ATS, Storyful, STT-FNB, TT, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, CNA Taiwan, HKCNA, IANS, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, SPA, AAP - Melbourne - Reuters, Associated Press, ANA-MPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Bernama, PTI, ZWXWS, Anadolu, AAP - Brisbane - Associated Press, AAP - Perth - Bloomberg - Pyrmont - Reuters 279

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Fiji - Suva - DPA New Caledonia - Nouméa - AFP New Zealand - Auckland - Panos, Yonhap, ZWXWS, AAP - Wellington - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, AAP Samoa - Apia - DPA

Middle East and Northern Africa Algeria - Algiers - AFP, Reuters, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, UPI, TTXVN, Xinhua, Anadolu, APS, IRNA, KUNA, MENA, QNA, SPA Bahrain - Manama - Reuters, DPA, Bloomberg, BNA, KUNA, MAP, Petra Egypt - Cairo - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Sputnik/RIAN, AzerTAc, Bloomberg, Prensa Latina, Jiji Press, Kyodo, Nikkei, TTXVN, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, APS, Cihan, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, QNA, SPA, WAM, EPA, GNA Iran - Tehran - Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, APA, DPA, EFE, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, AzerTAc, Trend, Bloomberg, AVA, Bakhtar, KCNA, Kyodo, Nikkei, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, Azadegan, DHA (Dogan), IRNA, KUNA, ONA, SANA, SPA, WAFA, WAM, Atlas Press, EPA, Rooshd , Tima Iraq - Baghdad - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, TASS, Kyodo, Xinhua, Anadolu, INA, IRNA, KUNA, MENA, NINA, Petra, WAM - Erbil - Anadolu, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA - Kirkuk - Anadolu - Suleymaniye - Anadolu Jordan - Amman - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, Agerpres, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, CNA Taiwan, Xinhua, Yonhap, APS, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, QNA, SPA, WAM Kuwait - Kuwait City - AFP, DPA, TASS, Xinhua, IRNA, KUNA, MENA, Petra, SPA, WAM Kuwait - Sharq - Reuters Lebanon - Beirut - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, BTA, Panos, Bloomberg, UPI, Prensa Latina, Kyodo, Xinhua, AMEinfo, Anadolu, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, NNA, Petra, SPA, EPA - Tripoli (Lebanon) - WAM Libya - Tripoli (Libya) - AFP, ANSA, DPA, TASS, Anadolu, JANA, LANA, MAP, MENA, Panapress - Benghazi - Associated Press Mali - Bamako - DPA, AMAP, MAP Mauritania - Nouakchott - DPA, AMI, MAP, MENA, SPA, WAM Morocco - Rabat - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, TASS, Xinhua, Anadolu, APS, MAP, MAP, MENA, SPA, Panapress - Casablanca - Reuters, IPS, MAP, MAP - Agadir - MAP - Beni Mellal - MAP - El Hoceima - MAP - Eljadida - MAP - Errachidia - MAP - Essaouira - MAP - Fes - MAP - Guelmim - MAP - Kenitra - MAP - Khenifra - MAP - Khouribga - MAP - Laayoune - MAP - Marrakesh - KUNA, MAP - Meknes - MAP - Nador - MAP - Ouarzazate - MAP - Oujda - MAP - Settat - MAP - Smara - MAP - Tan Tan - MAP - Tangier - MAP, SPA, WAM - Tata - MAP 280

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Taza - MAP - Tetouan - MAP Oman - Muscat - DPA, KUNA, ONA Oman - Soqotra - WAM Palestine+Israel - Jerusalem - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Panos, Bloomberg, Jiji Press, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, EPA - Tel Aviv - ANSA, APA, DPA, SIPApress, TASS, Bloomberg, UPI, Kyodo, TTXVN, Xinhua, CNS News, EPA, Getty, KNA Katholik, Reuters, Dow Jones - Gaza City - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, Xinhua, Anadolu, MENA, Petra, WAM, EPA - Ramallah - KUNA, MENA, Petra, SPA, WAFA Qatar - Doha - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, RSS, Xinhua, Anadolu, KUNA, MAP, NNA, Petra, QNA, WAM Saudi Arabia - Riyadh - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, AMEinfo, Cihan, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SPA, WAM - Jeddah - KUNA, MAP, WAM Sudan - Khartoum - KUNA Syria - Damascus - AFP, ANSA, DPA, Prensa Latina, Xinhua, Anadolu, Cihan, IRNA, KUNA, MENA, Petra, SANA, SPA - Aleppo - Anadolu - Douma - EPA Tunisia - Tunis - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Xinhua, Anadolu, APS, KUNA, MAP, MENA, Petra, SPA, TAP, WAM, EPA Turkey - Ankara - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANSA, DPA, EFE, BTA, Sputnik/RIAN, TASS, AzerTAc, Kazinform, Bloomberg, Xinhua, Anadolu, Cihan, IHA, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, SANA - Istanbul - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANA-MPA, ANP, DPA, GPD, NTB, BTA, AzerTAc, Khovar, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Nikkei, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, Cihan, DHA (Dogan), IHA, SANA, WAM, APcom, EPA, Focus, MakFax, IHA - Adana - Anadolu, Cihan, IHA - Adıyaman - Anadolu, IHA - Afyon - Anadolu, IHA - Ağrı - Anadolu - Aksaray - Anadolu, IHA - Amasya - Anadolu - Edirne - Anadolu, IHA, - Edremit - IHA - Elazığ - Anadolu, IHA - Erzurum - Anadolu, Cihan, IHA - Esk şeh r - Anadolu, IHA - Gaziantep - Anadolu, Cihan, IHA - Gebze - IHA - Giresun - Anadolu, IHA - Hakkari - Anadolu, IHA - Hatay - Anadolu - Iğdır - Anadolu - Isparta - Anadolu - Izmir - Cihan, Anadolu, IHA - İzm t - Anadolu, IHA - Kadıköy - IHA - Kahramanmaraş - Anadolu, IHA - Karabük - Anadolu, IHA - Karaman - Anadolu, IHA - Kars - IHA - Kastamonu - Anadolu - Kayseri - Anadolu, IHA - Kilis - IHA - Kırıkkale - Anadolu - Kırklarel - Anadolu - Kırşeh r - Anadolu, IHA 281

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

- Konya - Anadolu, Cihan, IHA - Kütahya - Anadolu, IHA - Malatya - Anadolu, IHA - Manisa - Anadolu, IHA - Mardin - Anadolu - Mersin - Anadolu, IHA - Muğla - ANSA, Anadolu - Muş - Anadolu - Nevşeh r - Anadolu, IHA - N ğde - Anadolu, IHA - Ordu - Anadolu, IHA - Osmaniye - Anadolu - Rize - Anadolu, IHA - Sakarya - Anadolu, IHA - Samsun - Anadolu, Cihan, IHA - Şanlıurfa - IHA - Siirt - Anadolu - Sinop - Anadolu - Şırnak - Anadolu - Sivas - Anadolu, IHA - Tek rdağ - Anadolu - Tokat - Anadolu, IHA - Trabzon - Anadolu, IHA - Tunceli - Anadolu - Uşak - Anadolu - Uşak - IHA - Van - Anadolu, IHA - Yozgat - Anadolu, IHA - Zonguldak - Anadolu, IHA United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi - Reuters, ANSA, DPA, Kazinform, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, IRNA, KUNA, MAP, MENA, WAM - Ajman - WAM - Al Ain - WAM - Dubai - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, IANS, Nikkei, PTI, Xinhua, Yonhap, Petra, WAM, EPA - Fujairah - WAM - Ras al-Khaimah - WAM - Sharjah - WAM - Umm al-Qaiwain - WAM Western Sahara - Dakhla - MAP Yemen - Sana’a - DPA, Xinhua, Anadolu, KUNA, MENA, Petra, SPA, EPA, SABA - Aden - WAM - Al Mukalla - WAM

Subsaharan Africa Angola - Luanda - AFP, Reuters, Lusa, TASS, IPS, Prensa Latina, Xinhua, Angop, Inforpress Benin - Porto-Novo - AFP, Reuters, IPS, Panos, Panapress - Cotonou - ABP - Dakar - APA Senegal Botswana - Gaborone - BOPA, GNA Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou - Associated Press, AIB Burundi - Bujumbura - ABP, Panapress Cameroon - Yaoundé - DPA, IPS, Xinhua, CamerPresse Cape Verde - Praia - Lusa, Angop, Inforpress - Mindelo - IPS Central African Republic - Bangui - ACAP Chad - N'Djamena - ATPE 282

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Comoros - Moroni - DPA, HZK-Presse Congo - Brazzaville - Associated Press, Xinhua, ACI Congo DR - Kinshasa - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, Xinhua, MAP, ACP, Panapress - Beni - Associated Press Djibouti - Djibouti - ADI Equatorial Guinea - Malabo - GEP Ethiopia - Addis Ababa - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, Panos, IANS, Xinhua, Anadolu, MENA, ENA, NAN - Assosa - Panapress Gabon - Libreville - AFP, Xinhua, MAP, AGP Gambia - Banjul - Associated Press, NAG Ghana - Accra - DPA, Bloomberg, IANS, Xinhua, GNA, NAN - Techiman - ZWXWS Guinea - Conakry - Reuters, Panapress Guinea Bissau - Bissau - ANG, Lusa Ivory Coast - Abidjan - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, IPS, Xinhua - Abidjan - AIP/ICNA, MAP, GNA, Panapress Kenya - Nairobi - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, ANSA, DPA, EFE, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Kyodo, Xinhua, Yonhap, Anadolu, MAP, MENA, WAM, EPA, KNA Katholik, ANA, KNA Lesotho - Maseru - DPA, Xinhua, LENA Liberia - Monrovia - DPA, LINA Madagascar - Antananarivo - DPA, Xinhua, Riva Press, ANTA Malawi - Lilongwe - MANA Mali - Bamako - Reuters Mauritius - Port Louis - Reuters, Xinhua Mozambique - Maputo - DPA, Lusa, Pressenza, Xinhua, AIM Namibia - Windhoek - DPA, NAMPA Niger - Niamey - MAP, ANP Niger Nigeria - Abuja - AFP, Reuters, DPA, Bloomberg, NAN - Lagos - Reuters, Associated Press, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Xinhua, Anadolu, Panapress - Yola - Associated Press Rwanda - Kigali - AFP, DPA, Panapress, RNA Sao Tome and Principe - São Tomé - Lusa, STP-Press Senegal - Dakar - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, EFE, SDA-ATS, Bloomberg, Xinhua, Yonhap, APS, MAP, MENA, APS, Panapress Seychelles - Victoria - SAP Sierra Leone - Freetown - Reuters, SLENA Somalia - Mogadishu - Reuters, Associated Press, ANSA, DPA, WAM, SONNA South Africa - Cape Town - Reuters, DPA, DPA, Panos, Bloomberg, EPA, ANA, Panapress - Johannesburg - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, EFE, Lusa, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Dow Jones, Prensa Latina, CNA Taiwan, IANS, Kyodo, Xinhua, Yonhap, Cihan, MAP, MENA, EPA - Pretoria - TASS, Prensa Latina, TTXVN, SANews South Sudan - Juba - Associated Press Sudan - Khartoum - AFP, ANSA, DPA, Xinhua, MENA, QNA, SUNA Swaziland - Mbabane - DPA Tanzania - Arusha - GNA - Dar es-Salaam - DPA, Xinhua The Gambia - Banjul - IPS Togo - Lomé - AFP, Reuters, DPA, Xinhua, ATOP, Panapress Uganda - Kampala - Reuters, Associated Press, ANSA, DPA, IPS, Panos, Bloomberg, Xinhua Zambia - Lusaka - Reuters, DPA, Bloomberg, Xinhua, Panapress, ZANIS Zimbabwe - Bulawayo - IPS Zimbabwe - Harare - Reuters, Associated Press, AFP, DPA, Xinhua, ZIANA


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

STATISTICS Number of bureaux/correspondents located per agency (including headquarters): News Agency Associated Press DPA Reuters Xinhua AFP Bloomberg Anadolu Kyodo ANSA Dow Jones TTXVN MAP EFE Panos TASS EPA IHA IPS Yonhap Notimex EPD Nikkei KUNA MENA Interfax WAM Télam Bernama IRNA Antara Prensa Latina Cihan Jiji Press PAP Europa Press BTA SPA Lusa PTI IANS AzerTAc ANA-MPA Sputnik/RIAN Pressenza Petra APS ZWXWS APA SDA-ATS

Total 260 202 195 145 142 134 125 112 102 96 94 83 81 71 68 60 60 52 46 45 41 39 37 37 36 36 36 34 33 33 33 33 32 29 28 27 27 27 24 24 23 22 22 22 21 18 17 17 17

Domestic 129 56 4 29 19 23 70 55 23 21 64 29 19 0 21 1 58 1 1* 18 36 1 1 1* 23 8 28 23 1* 27 1 11 1* 14 28 5 1* 4 9 8 1* 2* 0 4 1* 6 1 9 13

Foreign 131 146 191 116 123 111 55 57 79 75 30 54 62 71 47 59 2 51 45 27 5 38 36 36 13 28 8 11 32 6 32 22 31 15 0 22 26 23 15 16 22 20 22 18 20 13 16 8 4

Bureaux 67 42 83 89 63 91 34 43 20 43 30 7 39 0* 11 13 0* 18 7 3 0* 37 36 27 1 2 2 2 26 4 11 2 4 0* 0* 0* 7 0* 13 0* 0* 4 6 11 0* 5 0* 1 2 284



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

News Agency UPI CanP MTI Panapress CANA ABr (EBC) HKCNA SANA Ukrinform CNA Taiwan AAP Kazinform Agerpres Storyful APP CNA Cyprus MIA ÄŒTK QNA PA GNA HINA KCNA Trend RSS KNA Katholik DHA (Dogan) ANP Angop AHP NAN STT-FNB TT Riva Press NTB STA BETA TASR WAFA AMEinfo ATA Ritzau SIPApress Montsame ANA UNI Armenpress Kabar SRNA Fars Khabar APcom Khovar CNS News

Total 17 16 15 15 15 14 14 12 12 11 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Domestic 5 14 1* 1* 1 9 3 1* 1* 0* 4 1* 1* 1 1* 1* 1* 1* 1 7 1* 6 0* 1* 1* 1 0* 1 1* 1 1* 1* 1* 1 1* 1* 1 1 1 0 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0

Foreign 12 2 14 14 14 5 11 11 11 11 5 8 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 0 5 0 6 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2

Bureaux 0* 1 2 0*

7 4








World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents


Total 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

Domestic 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 1 1

Foreign 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1




* information could not be confirmed with the news agency itself or other official source.

Cities with most news agency bureaux/correspondents, including domestic (only those with more than 10): City Brussels London Moscow Rome/Vatican New York Paris Washington Beijing Berlin Madrid Tehran Tokyo New Delhi Geneva Cairo Sydney Vienna Istanbul Buenos Aires Athens Jakarta Ankara Beirut Warsaw Mexico City Kuala Lumpur Amman Johannesburg Nairobi Lima Bangkok Copenhagen Helsinki

News agencies 66 54 52 49 46 45 45 42 41 41 32 32 31 29 28 27 27 27 26 26 25 22 22 22 21 21 20 20 20 20 19 18 18

Country Belgium United Kingdom Russia Italy USA France USA China Germany Spain Iran Japan India Switzerland Egypt Australia Austria Turkey Argentina Greece Indonesia Turkey Lebanon Poland Mexico Malaysia Jordan South Africa Kenya Peru Thailand Denmark Finland 286

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

City Los Angeles SĂŁo Paulo Rio de Janeiro Hong Kong Sofia Singapore Santiago Tunis Quito Hanoi Baghdad Seoul Belgrade Doha Tel Aviv Havana Algiers San Francisco Dakha Caracas Taipei Rabat Dakar Lisbon Prague Riyadh Manila Bogota Budapest Stockholm Toronto Kiev Shanghai Islamabad Oslo Dubai Nicosia Damascus Bucharest Tashkent Zagreb Kathmandu Chicago Frankfurt Addis Ababa Sarajevo Jerusalem Amsterdam Montevideo Colombo Abu Dhabi Bombay/Mumbai Barcelona Santo Domingo

News agencies 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 10

Country USA Brazil Brazil China Bulgaria Singapore Chile Tunisia Ecuador Vietnam Iraq South Korea Serbia Qatar Israel Cuba Algeria USA Bangladesh Venezuela Taiwan Morocco Senegal Portugal Czech Republic Saudi Arabia Philippines Colombia Hungary Sweden Canada Ukraine China Pakistan Norway United Arab Emirates Cyprus Syria Romania Uzbekistan Croatia Nepal USA Germany Ethiopia Bosnia-Herzegovina Palestine/Israel Netherlands Uruguay Sri Lanka United Arab Emirates India Spain Dominican Republic 287

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

City Gaza Melbourne Abidjan Phnom Penh Brasilia Panama City Baku Kuwait City Tirana Yangon/Rangoon Ottawa Kabul Asuncion

News agencies 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

Country Palestine Australia Ivory Coast Cambodia Brazil Panama Azerbaijan Kuwait Albania Burma Canada Afghanistan Paraguay

Countries with most news agency bureaux/correspondents, including domestic (only those with more than 10): Country USA Turkey Germany China Spain Russia Japan Italy Vietnam France UK India Belgium Canada Brazil Argentina Indonesia Switzerland Australia Morocco Palestine/Israel Malaysia Mexico Poland Austria South Africa Will United Arab Emirates Greece Egypt Netherlands Pakistan Lebanon Bulgaria Iraq Algeria

News agencies 358 183 154 109 100 98 86 81 78 74 74 70 66 55 54 53 51 49 47 47 44 44 39 38 35 32 32 30 30 28 24 24 23 22 22 20 288

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Country Jordan Peru Kenya Serbia Thailand Denmark Finland Portugal Saudi Arabia Chile Croatia Singapore Sweden Tunisia Bangladesh Qatar South Korea Cuba Ecuador Philippines Colombia Syria Venezuela Hungary Nigeria Czech Republic Senegal Taiwan Bosnia-Herzegovina Cyprus Ethiopia Norway Ukraine Kazakhstan Nepal New Zealand Romania Uzbekistan Afghanistan Albania Yemen Kuwait Libya Sri Lanka Uruguay Azerbaijan Burma Cambodia Ivory Coast Haiti Panama Paraguay Dominican Republic

News agencies 20 20 20 20 20 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Regions with most news agency bureaux/correspondents: Region Western Europe Asia (East Asia, Subcontinent, South-East) Middle East and Northern Africa North America (USA and Canada) Latin America and the Caribbean Central/Eastern Europe and Eurasia Subsaharan Africa Oceania and Pacific Islands

News agencies bureaux 810 638 569 413 375 375 243 62


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Index of “internationalization� per agency: The pie graphs below compare the proportions of domestic and foreign bureaux/correspondents in each agency. (Only those whose numbers of bureaux could be confirmed for both domestic and foreign are included in this comparison. Therefore, many important agencies are left aside from this topic, such as Yonhap (South Korea), IRNA (Iran), MENA (Egypt), Jiji Press (Japan), SPA (Saudi Arabia), AzerTAc (Azerbaijan), ANA-MPA (Greece), Petra (Jordan), MTI (Hungary), and Panapress (Senegal), among others.) [__] = domestic Reuters

[__] = foreign

Associated Press








Bloomberg 17%

20% 28%

72% 80%




EFE 23%



69% 77%



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents




Dow Jones 22%










Prensa Latina





World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents









APS (Algeria)





World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents









Europa Press



Pressenza 18%



World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

SOURCES Lists of locations by news agencies: Reuters - AP - AFP - EFE - DPA - ANSA - *Xinhua - Kyodo - Bloomberg - Dow Jones - Lusa - Yonhap - Press Association - AAP - AHP - ANA-MPA - Angop -,3a2b845a-3429-4a3d-8b81-0ca665081cf8.html ANP (Wikipedia) *Antara (Wikipedia – Malay) - APA - APP - APS (Algeria) - AzerTAc - BelTA - Bernama - *CANA (Caribe) - escrevi perguntando - responderam! CanP - Cihan (sem endereços nem telefones nem e-mails) CNA Cyprus - CNS China News Service - ČTK - EPA - EPD - EuropaPress - HINA - HKCNA - IANS - IHA - Interfax - IPS - *IRNA (+Nova Délhi, Argel, Bruxelas) (Wikipedia – Persian, English) Jiji Press - KAZINFORM - KUNA - MAP - *MENA (Wikipedia – Arabic) *MIA (Macedônia) - escrevi perguntando (responderam!) *Montsame (Wikipedia – Mongol) Nikkei - *Notimex - 27 praças encontradas, todas no exterior (há mais os) PAP - 295

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

Panos - Petra PNA - PPI - *Prensa Latina (+Haiti) *Pressenza *PTI (Wikipedia – Hindi-Urdu) - RSS - SDA-ATS - SPA - SRNA - STA - Storyful - *TT - já tem 3 praças encontradas (Bruxelas, Tóquio e Sydney) - escrevi perguntando (responderam!) TTXVN-VNA - Ukrinform - WAM - * unofficial source used as a basis.

Lists of news agencies by location:

Foreign correspondents associations and press clubs by city/country: Rio de Janeiro - São Paulo - | Argentina - Chile - Cuba - Peru - | Venezuela - *New York City/UN - USA - USA - Washington - Los Angeles - | Chicago - Miami - Canada - London -


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

France 0 Paris - Paris - Brussels - Brussels - Switzerland and Liechtenstein - ONU-Switzerland - Vienna, Austria - Munich - Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart, Germany - Copenhagen - | | Norway - Netherlands - | Portugal - Spain - | | Spain - Athens - | Helsinki - | Russia - Bucharest - Bulgaria - Croatia - Hungary - Prague - (nĂŁo abre; checar no Archive) Warsaw - | Belarus - Qatar - China - Shanghai - Hong Kong - Taiwan - Japan - South Korea - Mongolia - (nĂŁo abre - usar Archive) Myanmar/Burma - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Jakarta, Indonesia - Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam - India and Subcontinent - Dacca, Dhaka, Bangladesh - | | Jessica Mudditt Sri Lanka - Australia - New Zealand - Dakar, Senegal - 297

World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

North Africa - | Southern Africa - East Africa - Kenya -


World Directory of News Agencies Offices and Correspondents

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit WORLD DIRECTORY OF NEWS AGENCIES OFFICES AND CORRESPONDENTS 2017 compiled by Pedro Aguiar Rio de Janeiro, Brazil self-published by the author some rights reserved 299

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