Pedro Calado 2011

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profile identification name address birth contacts


Pedro Manuel Pereira Calado Estrada Nacional 334, no22 3780-597, Anadia - Portugal 12, December of 1986 (351) 963 949 995 australian and portuguese academic qualification


September 2005 to February 2011

qualification awarded

Master's Degree in Architecture by the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, on the 3rd of February, with a final qualification of 15 (out of 20).


Entitled, 'Next Stop: Mondego Metro', was inserted into the themes of urban mobility and urban planning of the contemporary city and published at the University of Coimbra. It was defended in a public presentation, with argument by Prof. Arq. Jos茅 Ant贸nio Bandeirinha, presided over by Prof. Arq. Ant贸nio Lousa and orientated by Prof. Arq. Jo茫o Paulo Cardielos, with a classification of 17 out of 20. language skills

mother tongue other languages

english portuguese experienced user spanish basic user driving licence category B

computer skills and competences CAD Autodesk 3D graphic software Graphics editing software Desktop publishing software

AutoCAD 2D and 3D (academic and extra-curricular use) Sketch Up, V-ray and Artlantis Studio (academic and extra-curricular use) Abode Photoshop and Abode Illustrator (academic and extra-curricular use) Abode InDesign (extra-curricular use) Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher e Outlook) (extra-curricular use) Internet Explorer (extra-curricular use) Adobe Acrobat (extra-curricular use)

Video editing software

Abode Premiere (academic and extra-curricular use)

advance user

intermediate user basic user

Autodesk Revit Architecture (extra-curricular use) Graphisoft ArchiCAD (academic and extra-curricular use) Cinema 4D (academic use). social, organisational and artistic skills and competences Ability to adapt to multidisciplinary and multicultural environments given the candidate’s national and international academic experiences, as well as experience of living abroad. Team spirit, acquired by extensive experience in group works. Experience in promoting and adopting attitudes which improve group dialogue and conciliate the contributions, suggestions and commitment of the parts involved. Good communications skills, argumentation and communication in foreign languages. Good capacity of time management, planning, punctuality and sense of organization and responsibility in the carrying out of tasks. Research skills, acquired in academic context given by the candidate’s profound contact with the multiple investigation methodologies, differing in resources and manners, however funded upon the same critic assessment. Ability to illustrate architectural conceptual ideas using hand drawing. additional information Recipient of the Prize 3% Best Students of Architecture of the University of Coimbra for the year 2007/2008 Participated in the exhibition 'Tape 2008' with project developed in Architectural Design Studio III – organized by the Department of Architecture, Coimbra. Participated in the exhibition 'Walking on the Moon' within the context of the disciple of Drawing II taught by Prof. António Olaio, Círculo de Artes Plásticas, Coimbra 2007. Participated in the exhibition 'O Mundo em Amarelo' within the context of the disciple of Drawing II taught by Prof. António Olaio, Department of Architecture, Coimbra 2007.

prizes and exhibitions

Participated in the Conference 'Jacques Herzog' organized by the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, 2011. Participated in the International Conference 'Arquitectura [IN] ]OUT[ Política' organized by the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, 2011. Participated in the Seminar 'Concurso Universidades – Cova da Moura' organized by the Lisbon Architecture Triennale, 2010. Participated in the Lisbon Architecture Triennale 2010 - Universities Competition: Cova da Moura Participated in the Conference 'AICO – Architecure International Congress at Porto', 2010. Participated in the Seminar 'Mulheres na Arquitectura', Coimbra, 2010. Participated in the Conference 'Programas e Equipamentos para o Século XXI', Coimbra 2008. Participated in the Conference 'Recicl'Arte – Ambientes Criativos', Coimbra 2007. Participated in the International Conference 'Cidade e Mar – Paisagens Aquáticas' carreied out under the VIII Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra 2006

conferências e seminários

Design Studio II Teacher_Alexandre Alves Costa | Nelson Mota Place_Coimbra 2006/2007 The replacement of the old railway line with a new light rail and the deactivation of the old train station Coimbra A, presented the opportunity to convert this historic building, built in the begin of the 20th century, into a new Cultural Centre for the city. This transformation served as a starting point for a profound revision of the character of the surrounding territory, with the focus on the extinction of industrial activity and the creation of ludic relationship between the city and its river. Proposing four new principal building, they a placed in such a way as to establish new visual and pedestrian routes between the meandering urban layout of historic district and a new cerographical area of the city: a place of encounter, but also of rediscovery of the landscape, where the links between the city, residence and river are re-established. By placing the more private programs at the beginning of the new public square and the more public programs along the river, the four principal buildings are treated with a distinct architectural language, thus individualizing each with a theme, program and clear 'personality'. However the new central square serves as a 'web' that articulates the four buildings through a series of terraces and raised platforms, providing a solid basis for the proposed buildings. CONVERSION OF PRE-EXISTING TRAIN STATION INTO A


Master Plan

educational residential

existing pedestrian paths new pedestrian paths

civic/office pre-existing train station cultural centre



The new Cultural Centre occupies the two buildings located closest to the river which are articulated by an internal courtyard: one is new, one is old; one parallel to the river, another perpendicular; and one with strategic openings, the other with multiple openings. As the visitor progress through the interior, the proposed building responds with set of double height ceilings that simultaneously divide and organize the internal program – auditoriums and administration areas – and also offer clarity and transparency to the interior while designing open and continuous spaces – bookshop and exhibition areas. This composition results in a series of successive internal and underground routes that unite the two distinct buildings.












Design Studio III Teacher_JosĂŠ Manuel Gigante | Pedro MaurĂ­cio Borges Place_Coimbra 2007/2008 Located on the southern slopes of a hill overlooking the Mondego River, the project consists in the design of two volumes: one dedicated to a private residence and the other for a studio for a painter. These two halves of the project are characterized by opposing realities, where the first, the volume of 'home', is a heavy object made of concrete that emerges from the hill, adapting itself to the contours of the slope, where it constructs an intimate relationship with the ground. The second, the volume of 'work', is conferred a more public and visible nature. More orthogonal and white and is placed so as to receive protagonism when viewed from outside the property. The angled arrangement of the two volumes directs one's gaze to the distant landscape, while the distinct architectural languages of each of the programmatic space increases the tension between the two skewed volumes.

site plan



3 8

5 4

5 6 4


longitudinal section trough atelier 10




first floor 1_living room | 2_dinning room | 3_kitchen | 4_bedroom 5_patio | 6_laundry | 7_garage

second floor 8_studio | 8_conference room | 10_storage

longitudinal section through residence

The atelier consists of a volume broken internally by various ceiling heights allowing the design of three different areas and different skylights offering each room with a distinct natural lighting. At one end, with a greater solar comfort, the conference room. At the opposite end is located the principal area of the atelier, the studio which is endowed with a greatly diffuse natural light. The design of the residence, consisting of a broken volume which is 'hollow out' by three patios, focus on the relationship it establishes with the topography and the distant landscape. The patios, which are located between the most private areas of the house, are spaces of intimacy that the site, very exposed, is lacking. While the bedrooms are intimate and served by and austere corridor, at the opposite end, the living room suspended over the valley to the south, opens to the great depth of the vast landscape.

Design Studio III Teacher_José Manuel Gigante | Pedro Maurício Borges Place_Coimbra 2007/2008 The residential complex consists of 36 dwellings organized by a module comprising of a two and three bedroom apartment. Each module contains seven 'negative spaces' allowing for the composition of 'two facades': in which the external one is more opaque, while the interior is largely transparent. The composition of the opaque and translucent areas of the facade allows for the filtration of the natural light and is the bases for the organization for the interior. Utilizing two structural axes, the module is rotated and inverted, both horizontally and vertically, leading to the design of the principal facade in which the 'empty spaces' of the various floors are alternated. A second volume located on the east edge of the site, comprising of an exterior shell of concrete and glass façade, organizes the limit of the site and houses a mall shopping precinct. The composition of the two buildings, in which the residential complex is raised on columns while the commercial building is designed low to the ground, invites the city’s movement into the interior of city block.


site plan






transversal section



north elevation 2



3 standard module 1_living room | 2_kitchen | 3 _bedroom | 4_laundry structural axes

standard floor plan 1 west elevation

standard floor plan 2

With its east/west orientation, the bedroo bedrooms and living rooms are located closest to the buildings facades. Utilizing Utilizin the negative spaces as patios, these divide the living room into two or three, depend on the type of apartment. This arrangement frees the apart module’s interior, where the main infrastructures are located and where infra the two structural axes are created th which provide a common area between each floor. Using panels of precast concrete on Usi the facades in contrast with the transparency of the large windows of tran patios, the architectural language the p th of the building follows a desire to accentuate the contrast between the acc 'positive spaces' and 'negative spaces', 'positiv while highlighting the rhythm of the w internal organization of the various in floors.

construction detail

Design Studio IV Teacher_José Fernando Gonçalves | Armando Rabaça Place_Coimbra 2008/2009 The exercise sought the expansion of the existing facilities of the Department of Architecture of Coimbra to the eastern slope of the university hill. In addition to its steep incline, the slope is also characterised by its direct relations with the current building of the Department of Architecture - the College of Arts - the Casa das Caldeiras, and the Museum of Science and its profound relationship with the city. The new 'body' of the school is materialized in a volume that emerges from the hillside, at an intermediate elevation between the pr-existing building and the rest of the city fabric. This intermediate position allows the building to overcome the slope, creating a new urban landmark and visual link between the city and the College of Arts, but at the same time without overshadowing the prominence of the existing building. The architecture of the new 'body' of the school is more topographic at one of the extremities of the building, where there is no way to tell where the surrounding starts or ends, and at the opposite side, with its more present limits, presents itself with an open relationship with the slope and surrounding buildings. This topographic relationship between the 'new and the old' allows the design of a new public platform, providing a new base for the College of Arts and expanding the ludic spaces of the university. The pre-existing building is also remodelled and is shared between the courses of architecture and design. The north wing of the cloister is dedicated to architecture and serves as an intermediary between the 'new and old'.


site plan

east elevation


plan elevation_109


circulation 1_library | 2_auditorium

services and offices

14 14 15

bar and student services theory classrooms

design studios

14_admisntração| 15_exhibition area 16_storage



plan elevation_106

practical classrooms

plan elevation_101




4 5





12_design studio classroom/informal work areas

2_auditorium | 3_centre for studies | 4_postgraduate | 5_office | 6_classroom

8 6

6_classroom |7_drawing studio | 8_information centre| 9_ model workshop 10_photocopying/printing services | 11_bar













plan elevation_82


plan elevation_95


plan elevation_86

plan elevation_101


12_design studio classroom | 13_design studio

The new volume contains the essential program of the school of architecture, in which each floor is dedicated to a specific function. The upper floor, that of the entrance, is devoted to the graduate services, study halls and small amphitheatres. On the next floor below are located the theory classrooms, drawing room and other student services such as the bar and model workshops. The foyer serves as a meeting point between the first two floors and is where the metric layout of the building is broken. The concept of the design studios results of the understanding of the needs for its adaptability and multifunctional nature. Placed on the lower floor and with direct contact with the exterior, they are designed as open spaces without physical barriers and only divide by the concrete supports and the markings of the mezzanine floor. This intermediate floor allows for an elevated perspective and creates a visual link between the design studios and the work areas. These small classrooms allow the extension of the design studios, consisting of informal areas work and encounter between students. Due to their multidisciplinary characters, the library, main auditorium and administrative services are located on the floors of the northern arm of the cloister of the pr-existing building. The use of concrete and plastered walls as a neutral element reflects a desire to create an architectural language that seeks to integrate the new and the old building, while the large glass panels are intended to provide the new building with lightness, raising it from the irregular terrain.

transversal section through proposed building

east elevation

longitudinal section through proposed building

transversal section through proposed and existing buildings

construction detail

Design Studio V Teacher_Gonรงalo Byrne | Nuno Grande Place_Cova da Moura 2009/2010 Lisbon Architecture Triennial 2010_Let's Talk about Houses Universities Competition_Cova da Moura Starting from the territory, the area and its character, we sought answers to one question: how can architecture contribute to improve, in particular, the living conditions of the people in a neighbourhood?


Metropolitan Scale urban points of interest

Metropolitan Scale pathways

plan of group proposal

model of group proposal

Urban Scale urbanducts_inductors of urbanism

Strategic Manifesto We talk about Houses, We do Urbanducts What is an 'urbanduct'? A track, a path, a connection, an urban 'derivative' in a Situationistic view; an 'umbilical cord' that can transform the neighbourhood of Cova da Moura into a strategic link in Amadora and the Metropolitan Region of Lisbon. The inhabitants of Cova da Moura do not only need new houses or new public buildings, beautiful objects of architecture enclosed in its condition of 'illegal ghetto' for some, or 'exotic island' for others; they need, above everything, to feel they are equal citizens, like the residents of other neighbouring neighbourhoods. Those of Cova da Moura want their habitat to be integrated, without paternalism or populism in this so called 'official' city, and wish, like any other 'urban being', to use public buildings and infrastructures around them, in a qualified manner: train stations more (multi)functional, civic centres more ecumenical, day care centres and pre-schools more inter-class, sports pavilions more versatile, parks and gardens more open to the community. Yes 'we talk about hoses', although acknowledging the city as the greatest of them all. With this in mind, and as a group strategy, we chose to establish and develop seven physical connections, seven urban derivatives, in short, seven urbunducts between Cova da Moura and its surroundings: Damaia, Alfragide, Buraca, Monsanto, Benfica, Falagueira e Reboleira. Here presented is the Urbanduct Kova-Benfica, in which are inserted two structural projects: the reconstruction of the north-eastern urban fringe and its structural link along the Sintra railway line to the Benfica railway station, also completely renovated. Ultimately what is and urbanduct? An inductor of urbanism

Housing - the residence, the courtyard and the public street Restructuring the urban grid of the northeastern fringe of Kova M.

north elevation through railway line :: Cova da Moura_Benfica

Pedestrian Bridge

Public Garden - urban renewal of abandoned corridor

Bridge-public square

Projetctual Manifesto Urbanduct Kova-Benfica

Connection between Benfica Park and Monsanto Park

Conversion of degraded channel into a public promenade

Renewal of Benfica train station Creation of hotel structure

Urban regeneration of railway line Cova da Moura_Benfica

The city we find here is the result of multiple relationships and events, in which the neighbourhood of Cova da Moura appears as a disconnected and isolated mosaic. Fruit of a degraded urban growth and 'crushed' by major transport routes, its relationship with the city is extremely fragile, especially to its north. This urbanduct proposes therefore, a kind of urban 'derivative', which, starting from Cova da Moura, extends to Benfica, launching the pretext for the improvement of the interstices open by the channel of the railway line in the city’s fabric. The restructuring of the urban layout in the north-eastern fringe pretends the establishment of a new relationship between the private and public, in a compositional arrangement of different architectural objects. Therefore, it is proposed a new group of social housing in which this relationship becomes blurred, using the courtyard as the structuring principle. This is not only an element of the domestic sphere, but also a connection to the common area of the street. The dwellings, composed of one, two and three bedrooms, are also complemented by various 'urban shells' – programmatic interventions in buildings in ruin – enabling the internal passage of the 'urban shells' and the socio-cultural revitalization of Cova da Moura. The connection to Benfica is established through successive 'urban bridges' that construct pathways and spaces of leisure – a pedestrian bridge providing a safe and convenient route over the railway line; platforms; pathways; and public gardens. At the conclusion of the urbanduct, the renovated Benfica railway station, now designed as a 'topographical object', generated by different fluxes of passengers and trains. This new station, a multi-functional space, is integrated in a succession of 'urban bridges' being crowned by dynamic tower designated as a hotel. This new building provides a visual landmark in the metropolitan landscape, serving as a common focal point not only for the travelers of the railway line and nearby roads, but also of the citizens of Cova da Moura, Buraca and Benfica.

perspective of housing







urban shell | library


urban shell | workshops


urban shell | auditorium




pedestrian bridge plan_contact with the ground

third floor | bar

urban shell | library

second floor | workrooms

first s floor oo | reading ead g rooms

existing building interior path


standard floor plan

axonometric view of standard house

new building


second floor

first floor


section through 'urban shells' and pedestrian bridge


south elevation of proposed housing

section through housing and pedestrian bridge

recreational space | workshops


public garden

pedestrian bridge

competition model el

Drawing does not simply mean to reproduce contour and lines, nor merely ideas. Drawing is also an expression, the inner form, the plan and modelling. The essence of drawing is the exploration of space through the line, where the act of drawing an object, transports the drawer from a vague sense of appearance of the object to an accurate perception of their forms and characteristics. I draw to stop, I draw to observe, I draw to learn.

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