P EDR O C O EL LO BEH R Portfolio
Pedro Coello Behr 25 march 1991 pjcoello@hotmail.com (+33) 633941479 Nationality: Ecuadorian
École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville 2010 - 2014
YEAR 1 space, light and matter Surfaces / Volumes Materiality Staircase bathed in light
YEAR 2 concept development Roof garden houses Nuages Urban oasis
YEAR 3 urban insertion Housing block in Saint-Denis Canalside Sports Centre
SURF ACES / V OL UMES The pur pose of this exercise was to conceive a theatrical space using only surfaces and to experiment its visual transfor mation through coloured lights and their mixing.
MATER IAL ITY The objective of this exercise was to conceive a volumetric composition self-questioning the relationship between solid and void and then to comprehend the notion of transcription of materials. mass - surface - wire
Long section
1st level plan
Ground floor plan YEAR 1
ST A IRC ASE B ATHED IN L IGHT The goal was to install a staircase in its double height space. The staircase will connect three levels together; the street level, a principal space on the first floor and the roof terrace. Penetrating the principal volume, the staircase organizes a transition between the main space lighted by its only window and a space illuminated by the staircase’s shaft.
RO OF GAR D EN HOUSES Romainville, France 5 dwellings + 1 public building Professor: Ar mand Nouvet The project takes advantage of the geographic characteristics of the site by raising its exis ting garden in order to offer panoramic views of the landscape. The new garden composed by planes at different levels, constitutes a public space where the circulations and entrances of the apartments are situated, leading gradually to private spaces founded under neath. Two kind of landscapes are considered; an exterior of the suburban area of Paris highlighted by the different roof gardens, and an interior landscape more intimate created by a series of patios. The project integrates a public belvedere, serving as landmark of the local community and offering larger views over Paris and its suburbs.
Plan +4m
Plan RDC
Ground floor plan
Perspective of a dor mitor y
diag ram of functions
NUAGES A student residence Professor: Simon Pallubicki The exercise started by choosing a word which became the concept of the project. My choice was « cloud ». The translation of this word spatially, horizontal movement, porosity and levitation, became all together spatial attributes to the different spaces of the building. A diagram of functions had to be respected when conceiving the project. A big part of the work was focused on how the functions of living would interact together in the context of student housing and their materialization in interior space and fur niture. The result was a series of 4 dor mitories by floor distributed by a long walkway integrating shared spaces as communal kitchen, dining rooms and laundry rooms. The entrance hall of the residence is connected to a cafe and a multipur pose room / auditorium. The library and communal spaces are located on the roof garden. This exercise was accompanied by the visit and analysis of Le Corbusiers buildings, the Swiss Pavilion and the Brasilian Pavilion at the Cité Universitaire in Paris.
Short section
Floor plan
Transcription of a fragment of site based on analysis of time, pososity, people flow and light.
U R B AN OASIS Ne w York, U SA Introduction to Architecture Program Columbia University Professor: Patrick O’Connor After an analitycal analysis of the site, the project questions the relationship between vegetation, people flow and light in public space. Through paper folding techniques, this question is transfor med in space by 4 types of modules representing porosity, depth, space overlapping and light. These modules assembled reach an interesting composition of different possible spaces. The result, reproduced repetitively, creates an abstract object in response to the site analysis, becoming the sketch of the building. Discovering the function of the building by analysing the qualities of the model is the final step of the exercise. Water is a principal feature of the building. The folding strips of the model indicates falling waters running through open and covered spaces, from the top of the building to the street level. The covered spaces have a potential of an open library with reading and exhibition rooms, The open spaces are imagined to be hanging gardens, creating direct relationships with the library rooms. The final result is an urban oasis in the middle of the urban density of the city of New York.
60% of filtered light
20% of filtered light
Module assembly composition
80% of non-filtered light
40% of non-filtered light
Plan masse
HO USIN G B L OCK IN SAINT-D ENIS Saint- Denis, Franc e 30 housing units + commercial spaces Professor: Emmanuelle Colboc The project is located in Saint-Denis, a suburban area of Paris which is right in the middle of a large mutation process. The narrow piece of land of 70m x 15m is placed between two different urban tissues, connected to a public plaza at one side and to a small intimate street at the other side. The challenge was to integrate into the site 30 housing units, going from studios to 4-bedroom apartments, and a public alleyway connecting the two sides of the plot. The aim was to find the right scale of the project to fit in its site. Half of the work was focused on the apartments design, trying to incor porate the qualities of a house to the units, as double height living rooms, south-exposed terraces and exterior access. The other half was focused on the implantation of the apartments on the site and their relationship to the public alleyway. The housing blocks volumetry is conceived being attentive to the sun-path, potential interesting views and privacy. The alleyway crosses the site diagonally, passing-through a large exterior space linked to a commercial space.
Ground floor plan
Site analysis model YEAR 3
CA N A LSID E SPOR TS CENTR E Pari s, Fran c e Multi-sport facilities + cafe + library + community center Professors: Janine Galiano and Nicolas Pham The project is located on the waterfront of the Canal de l’Ourq in Paris, at the interesection between the canal and Paris old railway lines. It’s ambition is to reunite different programs and make them work together in the same building. The main program is a multi-sport complex, including a sports hall, basket courts, martial arts rooms. Attached, a community center, a cafe and a library are integrated. In contrast to the problematic mixed of programs, the result is a pure and abstract object geometrically independent from its site, taking advantage of the waterfront and giving importance to the railway infrastructure. The main concept is to create an open ground floor to the public space. Set in a large open plot, the building establish a porosity between the different streets and the canal. A big slopping esplanade brings the visitors naturally into the building and constitutes a large scale public space. The esplanade continues inside the building becoming an open space, housed under a 20 meter cantilever, where the cafe, library and exhibition spaces are located. The sports halls and activity rooms are divided in three levels, distributed by circulation nucleus at each extremity of the building. The project appropriates itself from the viaduct on site, placing the community center spaces and public passages under the archs.
Élevation arrière
Back elevation
Long section
1st levelP l afloor n R Dplan C
Short section
Facade detail
Drawings Painting Photography Sculpture
Dessin d’aprés modèle vivant crayon
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