National Portfolio Mustangs

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National Final 2013/2014


Meet the Team Ana Andrade

ng materia marketi l fo s n sig ules the car’s manu r Rita e d d fac a sche tur and n ing A he s

- 18 years old; Future Theoretical Physicist - Graphic Designer - Manufacturing Engineer

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Team Identity Car Presentation Sidepod Development Car Body Development Rear Airfoil Front Airfoil Overall Analysis Orthographic Drawings Car Renders

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Car Milling Car Painting Car Assembly Time Management Budget Marketing Stand Sponsors Evaluation

h ru e c ar le s

The team debates every desicion until everyone is in agreement, goes together to sponsors meetings, and, above all, supports one another.

ke gn s su re re P ad y t edro h as the o m a n uf acture

Because of his passion for informatics, Pedro is the one responsible for the car design, aerodynamic performance and virtual wind tunnel analysis.

t fy rti ce the ro Ped with Ana and s plie design com

- 18 years old - Future Computer Engineer - Design Engineer

- 18 years old; Future Computer Engineer - Team Manager - Resource Manager Rita is the ideal person to lead our team to success due to her time management and good communication skills. She is the one contacting with sponsors and working with the social networks.

Ana is in charge of the materials used during the manufacturing process. Due to her creativity, Ana is also the one responsible for the portfolio, stand and logo design, as well as the team color pallet.

Pedro Costa

Rita Pereira

But if you want to know the FULL story of the team, just read our Comic Book ! Find it in our stand and in the end of the portfolio.

a m si a t Ri r de ca

More than a team, we are one. If it was not noticeable yet, our color pallet is based on two colors: orange and silver. The orange represents our main sponsors and our school, respectively, SK Design, Mibela and DidĂĄxis. The silver stands for new technologies, class, success, modernism and inovation.

So, the first step was to inovate our logo, while maintaining our identity as Mustangs. The new logo was the result of a more united team, instead of three we are now one, which leads to our new slogan.

But, why Mustangs ? Our name was inspired on the horse Mustang due to his characteristics: wildness, resistance and strengh, which are the elements the team focus on to achieve success.



Stradivarious 2.0 Carbon Wheels

Water Transfer Painting

Car Presentation

Sidepod Development In our regional car we went for a rounded shape and based it on the water drop shape and Formula 1 real cars. With this shape, we took advantage of the compulsory 15mm of empty space behind the front wheels to make a more fluent and integrated overall shape of the sidepod with the rest of the car. Research:“The teardrop has round, smooth sides that taper off. This configuration is ideal for allowing air to flow by easily, passing around its smooth edges and falling off gently at the end. Cars that closely follow this pattern are more aerodynamic.� - Discovery channel.

Rear Airfoil

CO2 Canister Micro Mettalic Bearings

Carbon Axles

But for the Nationals we decided to design a new sidepod looking from another point of view. For that, we put aside the water drop and the Stradivarius 1.0 shape and started researching other option so that we could make comparisons. We then created Madness 1.0, which had as sidepod a simple ramp redirecting the air coming from the front wheels to the bottom of the rear wheels while also redirecting the rest of the air upwards the rear wheels causing as less pressure as possible. Risk: This design caused air vortexes on critical car parts, such as behind the front wheels. Solution: Look for a more simple sidepod design that would cause less vortexes but would still redirect the air away from the rear wheels. So we drew our attention back to the water drop and Stradivariou 1.0 shape. After manyconsiderations and experiments, we modeled the Stradivarius 2.0. With this new design all the air is deviated from the rear wheels, as we wanted, and the vortexes are not so frequent. Analyzing both designs, this second proved to be more aerodynamic by presenting better drag coefficient results. Risk: Keeping the exclusion zone intact while having a good aerodynamic angled side. Solution: Increase the distance from the rear wheels and the front wheels.

Wind tunnel analysis (left) and 3D model of the Stradivarious 1.0 sidepod (above)

Madness 1.0 wind tunnel analysis

Madness 1.0 Render

Rear Sidepod

Balsa Wood Car Body Front Airfoil


In our regional car we designed the rear sidepod to a continuation of the rest of the car body by having the same cut angle on the top as the refered and adding a small angle cut to the bottom to give an escape to the air that flows under the car. For the nationals, we made a more deep research on how BMW and F1 cars rear sidepod are designed and concluded that the previous design aims to push the car downwards in order to keep the wheels attached to the floor. But we did not wanted this in our car, we wanted the exact oppostie: reduce the wheels contact with the ground causing a smaller drag since our car is powered not by the rotation of the wheels but by a CO2 canister. Risk: Regional side-pod caused too much down force due to the low pressures created under it because of the angled bottom. Solution: Flip the side-pod, so as to make the top angled, reversing the down force effect previously noticed.

Stradivarious 2.0 sidepod (left) and rear sidepod (above)


Car Body Development In our first car we took a lot in consideration the f1 cars aerodynamic shape, but when researching for this new design we realized that these designs were made to push the car downwards, because the wheels push the car forward and to do this the wheels need to have a good contact with the floor. But because our car is powered by a CO2 canister, we compare the design to something more like a rocket. Having this in mind we first start the car body design by making the canister cone straight forward instead of having a slight angle like in the previous car. Making this change the whole car had to be redesigned. So then we thought that the next main aerodynamic problem was redirecting the air away from the wheels. We made two models for this but after analyzing the Stradivarius 2.0 version we concluded that this was the best design. With all this designed we got a huge gap between the wheels and bellow the canister. This gap allowed the air to flow fluently through the car releasing a huge amount of wind force from the car. Then we just had to make small adjustments to comply with the rules and to improve the overall aerodynamic of the car. And with this design we accomplished a car that cuts the air straight forward instead of dragging it, because the canister cuts the air like a rocket and doesn’t cause any down force since the amount of air that passes through the up side and the down side of the canister is the same.

Rear Airfoil This part of the car didn’t change much because before designing it we did a lot of research on what would be the best design. We excluded the design being used on F1 cars because they were designed with a different purpose than ours. We just want the rear airfoil to be stabilizer of the car, designing it like an aircraft wing. And so we designed an airfoil similar to the wing of an aircraft. We also had winglets on the tip of the airfoil since this small detail is known to reduce the vortexes that regular wings create. Although we kept the same design we decided to slightly increase the winglets size, because after the manufacture a part of it may be lost.

Comparison of the Regional Final car angled canister and the National Final Car canister

Front and angled view of the final car body

Source: NASA Website -

Risk: The cone from the regional had a slight angle that caused a lot of down force. Solution: Decrease that angle to zero, making a straight cone.

We also turned our attention to the aspect ratio of the rear wing. In aerodynamics, the aspect ratio of a wing is essentially the ratio of its length to its breadth (chord). Low aspect ratio wings are usually used on fighter aircrafts, not only for the higher roll rates, but especially for longer chord and thinner airfoils. On the other side high aspect ratios provide great cruise efficiency but can have poor landing characteristics - high drag at low speeds or high angles of attack due to frontal area - that are often offset by high-lift devices like flaps and slats.


Given the problem of the aerodynamic design of the nose cone section, an important problem is the determination of the nose cone geometrical shape for optimum performance. A significant factor is friction drag, which is largely dependent upon the wetted area and the surface smoothness of that area: that’s why our car paint is coated with varnish to keep it as smooth as possible. The comparison of drag characteristics of various nose cone shapes in the transonic to lowmach regions can be seen on the right. Rankings are: superior (1), good (2), fair (3), inferior (4). We decided to go with the best shape so we used a Von Kármán nose cone shape in our canister.

Risk: The first design of the airfoil was too thin, was not strong enough and didn’t comply with certain thickness rules. Solution: Increase the thickness of the airfoil wings. Front view of the National Final car

Research “Winglets were wind tunnel tested and computer analyzed by Richard Whitcomb of the NASA Langley Research Center in the mid 1970’s. Induced drag is a three dimensional effect related to the wing tips. So if the wing tip represents only a small fraction of the total wing area, the induced drag will be small. (…) The idea behind the winglet is to reduce the strength of the tip vortex and therefore cause the flow across the wing to be more two-dimensional. Flight tests at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center have found a 6.5% reduction in the fuel use of a Boeing 707 type airliner when using winglets.”


To make the canister, we once more designed it to be from one end of the car to the other and making it into a cone shape more specifically into a Von Karman shape, which is proved to be the most aerodynamic of this kind. When concerning the dimensions of the canister we kept these to the minimum allowed just leaving a small marge of error (+/- 1,5mm) for the manufacturing process.

Isometric view

So we went for a airfoil with a very low aspect ratio to reduce the drag and not to have a high angle of attack. After designing our rear airfoil we calculated its aspect ratio and compared it with some aircrafts.

Comparision of drag characteristics of various cone shapes in the transonic to low-mach regions

Boeing 707

Boeing 737

Aspect Ratios Boeing 707 7.1 Boeing 737 8.3 F-16 3.9 F-22 2.1



Calculating the a.r of Stradivarious 2.0 Aspect ratio = surface area/ (length)^2 = (18,53 * 16,87) / (18,53)^2 = 0,910155

Based on:



Overall Analysis

Front Airfoil

After analyzing several car models, we concluded that this design was the best due to more satisfactory results on the virtual wind tunnel and the fact that presented the lowest drag coeficient.

In our regional car we decided to go for a small airfoil. We extended the car body being this part the one that cut the air, and had small airfoils on the sides of the car for the same effect reducing the pressure that it created on the wheels. These smaller airfoils on the side of the car proved to be more efficient. Due to being a small piece it caused less drag, in redirecting the air in front of the wheels. And by using the car body as an airfoil for the air that passed in the middle of the car we could get a more fluent shape and make the car more aerodynamic. We based this new airfoil on the ones being currently used by F1 cars. While envisioning the airfoil for the national phase, we had to correct several mistakes from the regional phase: we had to lower the airfoil and make it longer because the previous one didn’t comply with the rules. Added to this, we had a problem with the tickness of the snaps of the car which could easily break. In order to solve this we connected both the right and left airfoil. This way the pressure put on the snaps upon impact was distributed to both snaps with the direction of the impact. Still, we thought that this wasn’t enough and so we made a strong plastic connection with the rest of the car body. To make the airfoil longer to reduce its angle of attack we divided the airfoil in two parts allowing to make a longer airfoil while complying with the rules. Risck: The snaps for the front airfoil were were too small, having the chance of damage during the manufacturing Solution: Increase the thickness of this part of the car as well as making a special snap on the front airfoil.

Front Airfoil of the National Final car

Car Technical Specifications Family - Stradivarius Série - 2 Version - 0 Creators - Pedro Costa, Ana Andrade and Rita Pereira Units produced - 3 Fueled by - Compressed CO2 Colors - Silver and Orange Stickers - SK Design; Mibela; Portuguese flag; F1 in Schools stickers

Wind tunnel analysis of the front airfoil of the Regional Final car

Front Airfoil of the Regional Final car - left and right pieces

Dimensions (mm) (Expected) Width - 66 Height - 47 Length - 205,75 Weight - 52 - 54 (g) Drag Coefient - 0,33 Aspect ratio - 0,910155

Front view of the front airfoil of the National Final car

View form above of the front airfoil of the National Final



Orthographic Drawings

Car Renders



Car Milling

Car Painting

The first step to turn a piece of wood into a car is to model it. For that we used a 3 axes machine provided by CITEVE. Preparing the Machine To our original car Inventor file we needed to had an extra millimeter plan so it would be possible to calibrate the machine and locate the car in space so the machine would know where the wood was and so, properly model the car. In this phase we had the chance to learn more about 3D modeling, for example, we learned that if the machine was not well calibrated just by 1 cm, when modeling, the drill would get out of the wood and model its support and probably also damage the machine. Fortunately we had help on his part and all went as planned. Defining the Working Plan The next step was to define a working plan. A working plan tell us how many times the drill will pass on the wood to full model the car. Due to the thickness of the drill and the dimensions of the car, just two passages were enough. Converting Files Then a FNC file needed before the machine could code lines that could now that we did not know this

Because seeking for inovation is a constant in our team, we went for a diferent way to paint the car. And we have to thanks SK Design, one of our main sponsors, for their collaboration with us with the car painting.

Wood block being secure in the CNC machine

Converting files and calibrating the CNC machine

CITEVE was also the place where we connection to the car was not very safe gave us the chance to print this design signed the connection of the front airfoil in ABS.

printed our airfoils. Our initial design for the front airfoil and we were in doubt about its dimentions, so CITEVE and analyse it. After considering the subject, we redeto the car body and later sent it to CITEVE for printing

Automatioc water transfer

In order to have the best design to suit the car while incorporating the team colors, our Graphic Designer and our Design Engineer worked toghether and made several color schemes for the car. The team then discussed and when everyone was in agreement, decided which one was the best in every aspect: presence of the orange, not very difficult to realize, sofisticated and simple on the sides because of the stickers the car will have there.

Starting of the car milling

3D printing a test airfoil

Risk: As the drill was so thick we did not had to chance to do the axles wholes simultaneously to the car milling. Another consequence of the thickness of the drill were the imperfections and not as much detail on the wood. Solution: To solve the axles’ wholes problem we turned to one of our sponsors - LOJA 5 where a smaller and adequate drill was available to do them with detail. The imperfections on the wood were solved by sanding the car and further covering it with a premium painting.


Manual water transfer

As we are always running against time and the company was also very busy, we decided to water transfer a plain silver color to the whole car and only after add the orange details in vinyl.

to be created because the machine could not read Inventor files. And read the file, a program called VR Milling 5 converted the file into be read by the machine. This part made the team very curious once procedures before.

Car Milling Now, that everything was ready, it was time to start the modeling of the car ! As the machine was modeling the car we could see in real time the code lines being read on the computer.

SK Design is a company specialized in water transfer printing. For those who do not know, the water transfer printing is a process of painting on 3D objects or plans. Economic, very versatile as you can paint elaborate graphics like carbon fiber, geometric designs, mosaics, camouflage and more with ease. There is a wide range of film of various colors and designs. The process uses a water soluble film containing the printed patterns.

SK Design is on the market since January 2012, but its owner already has several years of experience in the business. SK is recognized for the creativity of its services, products and for the constant innovation of its technology, always presenting new products with general great acceptance on the market.

Examples of SK’s virsitality and amazing products

Each product is created and developed effectively in order to get the best end result. With a degree of many years of experience SK ensured us efficiency and quality on the car final painting. The team then sent the files for printing in vinil and, with a litlle help of LOJA 5, placed them in the right place, giving a perfect finished look to the car.

Car after milling and sanding

Final car painitng



Car Assembly

Time Management

Loja 5 sponsorship was a valuable help in the manufacturing of the car. Before the milling of the cars we set up a deal with Loja 5 to be our bearings supplier and also to help us in the assembly of the cars. So, right after the milling of the three cars, we took them to Loja 5 and the owner, Mr. Artur Araújo, polished the cars right away. Risk: After the milling, the cars were not in a very good state because the CNC machine was not properly calibrated, and so, some F1 rules were being violated. Solution: In order to solve this Mr. Artur Araújo had to do some more sanding than usual so as to remove the imperfections from the milling and for us to have equal cars. Airfoils Afterwards we discussed the details of the rest of the assembly. He had all the equipment we needed to measure the car and make sure we were keeping the same measures on both cars and according to the rules. After polishing the car we assembled the airfoils and we glued them with Premium Tire Glue.

Since the beginning we stipulated the expressions ‘time management’ and ‘organization’ in our team as a top priority. Having in mind we had deadlines and tasks to fulfill, we arranged a way to have everything in one place where all of us could access to, something that allowed us to delineate tasks and the time required for them, along with the progress of the same. Thus, we continued working with, something that facilitated the work and communication of the team and, later, the design of the portfolio, taking into account that we already had everything carefully recorded.

Mr. Artur sanding and measuring the car

Bearings We decided to go with metallic micro-bearings due to their low weight, only 0,2g each. Wheels The wheels were our main problem in the Regional Final because of the extreme weight they put on the car. So the first thing we did to the National Final was to buy carbon tubes online to make our own carbon wheels. We choose carbon because of its strength and rigidity, while keeping the overall weight of the car low. We decided to design a wheel with the smallest width possible so that would be less material in contact with the ground and therefore less drag. We also decided to make the part of the wheel that faces the outside to be completely covered, preventing the air to enter in the middle of the wheel and slowing the car down. For the nationals we decreased the wheel width from 17mm to 15mm (minimum allowed) and also reduced the wheel thickness to 1mm. We accomplished this by using the carbon fiber tube. This was a major improvement. Axles We also decided to go for carbon axles. We bought the carbon tube already with the diameter we wanted, we just had to cut the lenght we wanted. Resistance and low weight in a single material, just what we needed. To assemble the axles we started by drilling 2 mm wholes on the car and then inserted the axles with pression, as they were 3mm in diameter each. This techniques had to aim to make sure the axles were properly fixed .

And taking into consideration the exam season we were on, it was made a timeline to be fullfilled where simple tasks were delegated on short time to avoid a huge pille of work on the last days.

The cars after the airfoils were glued on



Risk Management

- Delivery time of materials we bought online and the availability of all the members for the meetings interfered with the timeline stipulated. Solution: Find other options, such as having team meetings between classes, and making online orders as soon as possible and only if reall necessary.

Carbon tubes used for the wheels

- Doubts about which tasks were already completed and which ones were not, as well as decisions that were taken and then forgotten, lead the team to unnacessary problems. Solution: Every Mustangs or sponsors meetings, a record sheet was made where all the themes discussed and decisions taken were written in detail and signed by all team members.

Car with airfoils - front view


Time management table by tasks - Services like stamping, that were depended of the availability of the entreprises. Our colours and fabric necessities also caused delays on the time shedule. Solution: Creating a list of possabilities for the same service already contacted in case of impossibility of the chosen enterprise.


Before starting our personal work, the team members made a “draft budget” so that we could easily understand what were the basic needs and in which point we could go further in terms of finance. With an account with 250 euros, from the prize Mustangs received for being the best team of Vila Nova de Famalicão at the Regional Final of CITEVE, and the financial support of our school, Didáxis de Riba de Ave, our resource manager started to delineate where we could spend that money, which services we had already covered and which ones we still needed or could improve. Having a boundary defined, all the expenses that included a personal giving of money where recorded in detail on, once again, This enabled an organized database in which all the team could confer and access.

Budget 310


Formal Staff Clothing Formal Colthing

Racing Suits

Stand Printing 25%

Due to the times of recession we are passing through, we had to be patient and comprehensive with the enterprises and ask for services and not money. Even asking for what they produce the amount of ‘no’ answers, or even lack of them, were multiple. We started to promote our own work distributing mini portfolios where it was visible what was the project and the work of the team till then. This strategy produced a really good effect since some of the enterprises we after contact had already heard about us and had a willing to make, as well, part of the team. -


Wood Boards 75%

Stand Material 61%

Portfolio Printing 14%


By having a unique team clothing we can distinguish and identify ourselves from other teams and visitors. We opted for a silver overall and polo for the team with a orange stripe once these are the official team colors.

Simple and organized networks are the key to online promotion. Check them out at and

Risk: Team mershadising was not ready on time for the promotion of sponsors through clothing before the National Final. Solution: promote the sponsors online and prevent the delays by treat this subject right since the beginning.

Bussiness Cards

We also created a Facebook contest based on daily challenges. Some days we promoted the team with a ‘‘FIND MUSTANGS’’ challenge and other days the challenges were questions about our sponsors, requering the participant to do a quick search on their website/Facebook page. The contest lasted from June 26th until July 8th. To encourage people to play the prize was a ‘‘Lifecooler - Desafios’’.

Digital Signatures

The team bussiness cards facilitated the contact with sponsors and others.

And as we know the range of the social networks, as facebook, both for the team and the sponsors, we were constantly promoting them through the shares of their facebook pages or websites. Acrylic and Ink 25%

Wheels Bearings 1% Axles 1% 1%

Car Painting 17%

Promotional Pins

Advertising the team and the sponsors in a funny way. Mustangs Comic Book !

Car Milling 80%



Stand The main aim of our pit display is the balance between information and clar-

ity. So, we opted for a innovative solution : invisable ink ! This way we can

expose a clean and atractive stand with amazing pictures, that are not being

offoscued by lots of texts arround them, while getting the public curiosity to read what is hidden by using the UV flashlights we dispose.

And has the car is our final product and central element of the project we

decided to give it the importance it deserves by making a life-sized model.


As the new technologies and progress are always associated with the team,

But in the end nothing would have been possible without our sponsors and suporters. This page is dedicated to them and we live here a huge thanks to all.

team members in a more attractive and personal way, instead of just having

In order to show a return on their investment, in all the events where the team was present, such as the academic soiree of Didáxis, and meetings with enterprises, we used our formal clothing with our supporters stamped on the back of our team polos.

we decided to put three tablets on the front column in order to present the our stagionary photos. A TV screen is also implemented in our stand in the area of the manufacture, showing a video of the manufacture process of the car so that people can get a better insight on the production of our cars.


Because our stand is one of the main sources of advertising

our sponsors, we thought on a fun way to do it. We created the

Sponsorship Strategy Copper Sponsor (0 - 74 €) * - Logo on Facebook page and Website; - Logo on Portfolio; - Logo on Stand; - Logo on Clothing; - Logo on Comic Book.

Silver Sponsor (75 - 249 €) - All of the above mentioned; - Logo with more relevance in size, and in social networks.

Gold Sponsor (250 - 400 €) - All of the above mentioned; - Logo on the Car; - Logo on every page of the Portfolio; - Logo with maximum size and apperance in social networks.

* Some sponsors provide us with knowledge

game ‘‘Find the Sponsor’’ with the aim of getting people to say the name of our sponsors and therefore memorizing them and later associate them with the team. The rules are simple:

- You have 30 seconds to find as many sponsors as you can; - You can play as many times as you want;

- A team member has to be present and counting the time;

- The winner will be anounced at the end of the second day; - The prize is a set of Hercules columns 2.0 Slim !


A team in order to become a great team, a strong team, has

first to surpass many problems and obstacles. But there are also great moments - of friendship, of achivement, of laughs.

We wanted you to see everything our team has passed

through, the hard times and the good times. So we created the ‘‘Mustangs Comic Book’’, as you may have already heard.

Find it at our stand and in the back of the portfolio and dis-

cover everything !

Several views of the team stand



Evaluation Team Leader But Rita managed to have a good performance as Team Leader. She had to stipulate weekly meetings, taking always into consideration the availability of all the members as well as the timeline we all had to follow. To daily and quick converstions, Rita has already created a Mustangs Facebook Chat and an Onedrive Account in order to have all the documents in one place with full acess to everyone. More than that Rita demostrated always a positive atittude and a willing to be better, never letting the team fall down when adversities arised. Resource Manager Rita stipulated a timeline with individual tasks to be accomplished on time, a list of materials with the financial side associated and then, promoted the team by seeking for sponsors to support all the needs. At this national phase, a huge development in resource managment was really notorious. Rita organized the team tasks really well so the team was always in constant but non-tiring work. Personal Contribution of the Project - I leanred how to be more “outside the box”, gained critic sense and leadership skills; I also improved on my time and financial managment skills as well as marketing skills and knowledge.

Graphic designer The team identity is a focal point on the competion. This is why Ana’s work is so important - the choice of the right colors, the logo that should represent us and then, the inclusion of all these elements on our clothes, portfolio and stand. Ana made an amazing job changing the logo, not only to represent the team as one element instead of three, but also to make it look more professional and tecnologic, as well as changing the slogan and making a portfolio and stand design cohesive with this new image. This said, it is clear that Ana demonstrated a great performance as the team Graphic Designer. Manufacturing Engineer Always working close to the design engineer, Ana ensured all the rules were being respected and took a careful look at the boundaries of the manufacturing process. Ana demostrated a vast knowledge regarding the manufacturing process and the materials used, so her performance at this role was very good. Personal Contribution of the Project - I learnt how to work with InDesing and Photoshop; I got a better understanding of the physiscs behind a F1 car design; I gained experience in working with enterprises and I perfected my English with techincal scientific terms.

Design Engineer Responsible for the most important item of the competition, Pedro made a huge amount of research, from articles regarding aerodynimcs to the virtual wind tunnel analysis of the previous cars. After that, and uniting all the team ideas, a car was 3D modelled and further analysed, becoming a vehycle all the team is proud off. In this national phase Pedro was more familiarized with the software, which facilitated his work. Although Pedro faced some problems, he did an awesome job with the car, always taking the team point of view into consideration and always improving his work seeking for perfection. So, Pedro had a amazing performance as the team Design Engineer. Personal Contribution of the Project - As design engineer I had to master my self on a variety of programs, since Autodesk Inventor and Flow simulation to Solidworks. Although this is one of the major things I’ve learned in this project I also learned a lot about aerodynamics and improved my teamwork and management capabilities.


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