Cloud Computing and Digital Libraries - CAPSI2009

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Cloud Computing & Digital Libraries First Perspectives on a Future Technological Alliance Pedro Lopes José Luís Oliveira

9.ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Viseu - Instituto Politécnico de Viseu October 28 - 30th, 2009

Acknowledgement: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 200754, the GEN2PHEN project.

Outline ‣ Internet - State of the Art

‣ Cloud-Computing - Motivation - Architecture

‣ Digital Libraries -


‣ “Cloud Libraries”




[State of the Art]

‣ Internet has changed, it is “the” platform for everything - Accessible • Anywhere • Anytime • Everyone

- Internet-based applications • Entertainment: Twitter, Facebook, IMDb... • Productivity: Office Live, Google Docs... • Operative System: Chrome OS is coming... • Mobile: Google Maps Navigation

Cloud Computing


‣ “Everything”-as-a-service - Software-as-a-service • • Google App Engine • Microsoft Azure

How do novel applications work Platform-as-a-service within the cloud? • Sun Cloud


• Amazon EC2

‣ Internet is the Cloud


Cloud Computing


‣ “Everything”-as-a-service - Software-as-a-service • • Google App Engine • Microsoft Azure

How do novel applications work Platform-as-a-service within the cloud? • Sun Cloud


• Amazon EC2

‣ Internet is the Cloud


Cloud Computing


‣ “Everything”-as-a-service - Software-as-a-service • • Google App Engine • Microsoft Azure

How do novel applications work Platform-as-a-service within the cloud? • Sun Cloud


• Amazon EC2

‣ Internet is the Cloud


Cloud Computing


‣ GRID > Virtualization > Cloud


Cloud Computing


‣ GRID > Virtualization > Cloud


Cloud Computing


‣ Resource flexibility - Improve service level and availability

‣ Pay for what you use - Cost saving, leveraging economies of scale

‣ Rapid prototyping and market testing - Increased speed to market

‣ Self-service deployment ‣ Reduce lock-in and switching costs

Digital Libraries ‣ Store information in the digital world - Digital knowledge

‣ Make it available online - With some restrictions

‣ Issues - Lack of services / features - Difficulties in digital data storage

Digital Libraries ‣ Store information in the digital world - Digital knowledge

‣ Make it available online

Get the data IN

- With some restrictions

‣ Issues - Lack of services / features

Data Storage & Infrastructures

- Difficulties in digital data storage

Get the data OUT

Digital Libraries ‣ Store information in the digital world - Digital knowledge

‣ Make it available online

Get the data IN

- With some restrictions

‣ Issues - Lack of services / features

Data Storage & Infrastructures

- Difficulties in digital data storage

Get the data OUT

Lack of Services and Features ‣ There’s an enormous amount of data - But there’s a lack in advanced functionalities

‣ What can we do with the data? - Search - Browse

‣ What new services? - Information mining - Data crossing - Advanced queries - Semantics

[Digital Libraries’ Problem]

Lack of Services and Features


Lack of Services and Features


‣ Services can be easily implemented in the correct frameworks

Lack of Services and Features


‣ Services can be easily implemented in the correct frameworks ‣ Cloud-Computing - Built-in framework • “Everything-as-a-Service”

- Easy development of new services • Increases momentum in the developer community

- Faster testing and deployment - More processing power

Digital Data Storage


‣ Digital data - Preservation • Component failures


• Obsolescence • Attacks


• Natural disasters

- Distribution • Availability • Heterogeneity • Scalability • Security (AAA)

Floppy Disk

Digital Data Storage


‣ Digital data - Preservation • Component failures


• Obsolescence • Attacks


• Natural disasters

- Distribution • Availability • Heterogeneity • Scalability • Security (AAA)

Floppy Disk

Digital Data Storage


Digital Data Storage


‣ Preservation issues may be solved with distributed environments

Digital Data Storage


‣ Preservation issues may be solved with distributed environments ‣ Cloud-computing - Built-in architecture • Distributed • Every single data bit is replicated • Metadata ‣

Geographic distribution


• Better availability is assured

Cloud Libraries


‣ Information and services are the most important components ‣ “We shouldn’t care about anything else” - Leave that to the cloud-computing environment • Service development • Distributed architecture • Metadata

‣ Digital libraries and cloud-computing are a perfect match - Create a digital library based on a cloud computing operating environment • Microsoft Azure Services • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud • Google App Engine

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