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PEDRO LOPES pedrolopes@ua.pt GEN2PHEN GAM7 - Amsterdam May 27th, 2011

GOALS ‣ INTEGRATE • Integrate genetic variation datasets from multiple distributed and heterogeneous sources

‣ ENRICH • Enrich available data with connections to miscellaneous (yet relevant) resources • Display original applications/content to maintain authorship and ownership

‣ INNOVATE • Use “card” metaphor to provide a holistic view over human variome research

‣ ADD VALUE • Extract and combine true added value from LSDBs • One step forward for personalized medicine research


UPDATES ‣ USER INTERACTION • Global search + augmented browsing + tabbed browsing + custom profiles

✔done ‣ RESOURCES • All genes


• Café RouGE + LOVD-worldwide • LRG


‣ SEMANTIC WEB ✘ ongoing • Meaningful relationships ‣ Gene to Protein ≠ Gene to Variant ≠ Gene to Enzyme ≠ ...

DATA HIGHLIGHT ‣ GENES • Previously ‣ Only genes with LSDBs ‣ Lacking key genes • Update

‣ LSDB • Rebuilt LOVD API usage ‣ More variants..

‣ LRG • Added data from FTP LRG index

‣ Added information for all genes • New ‣ Gene information from Freebase

30 000 genes with 500 000 pointers!

SEARCH HIGHLIGHT ‣ GLOBAL SEARCH • Search for gene-associated IDs ‣ HGNC + OMIM + UniProt/SwissProt + KEGG + REACTOME + Ensembl + GeneOntology + GWASCentral (HGVbaseG2P) + PharmGKB

WORKSPACE HIGHLIGHT ‣ GENE NETWORK • Matches genes for previous searches

‣ TOOLBOX • LiveView Toggler

‣ OMIM:114480

• Content in new window

‣ Genes: AKT1, ATM, BRCA2, BRIP1, CASP8...

• Gene network

• Always in context

• Gene information page • Atom feed


• Genes

• Technology ‣ XML/JSON access to data • Variants ‣ Access to variant listings • http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/WAVe/variant/ COL3A1/atom

‣ Access gene-related pointers • http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/WAVe/gene/ COL3A1/json

‣ Universal Access • Load external resource within WAVe • http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/WAVe/gene/ COL3A1/uniprot:P02461



‣ 30 092 Genes ‣ 172 672 Variants ‣ 515 994 Pointers • 274 922 searchable (+50%)

• Version 1.3 ‣ March 2011 ‣ http://bioinformatics.ua.pt/WAVe/ status ‣ ~ 1 000 unique visitors in 1 year

‣ P Lopes and JL Oliveira An extensible platform for variome data integration 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology and Applications in Biomedicine Corfu, Greece, November 2010

• Human Mutation ‣ P Lopes, R Dalgleish and JL Oliveira WAVe: Web Analysis of the Variome Human Mutation, 32 March 2011 • Others...

FUTURE PLANS ‣ UNIVERSAL LSDB LIST • Integration (when available)

‣ SEMANTIC WEB • SPARQL endpoint + RDF API ‣ Share aggregated data in Semantic Web formats • Knowledge Federation ‣ Connect WAVe with external semantic applications

‣ FEEDBACK • What’s your opinion?


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