Web Visualization Tools & Approaches for Information Visualization on the Web
Tópicos Avançados em Engenharia Informática 2 Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Informática Universidade de Aveiro
Abstract The Web, once solely a repository for texts and images, is evolving into a comprehensive platform where any kind of community ‐ scientific, media, entertainment, etc ‐ can publish knowledge. Knowledge is derived from information, thus, in a scientific area it is of utmost importance to make the information available as fast as possible. Along with the web evolution, web development tasks have also evolved. Nowadays, it is easier and faster to develop, test and deploy novel applications. Therefore, it is essential for any researcher to know the existing set of tools that are most adequate to his work. Information visualization is one of the research areas where this awareness is more relevant. Any researcher, at some point of his work, needs to publish information online relying on some kind of visualization technique. This report shows some of the most modern approaches and tools available. The purpose is to make researchers aware of these tools, enabling their usage in scientific work and simplifying online publishing tasks.
Table of Contents Abstract ...................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents........................................................................................................ 3 1. Introduction............................................................................................................ 5 2. History .................................................................................................................... 7 3. Web2.0 ................................................................................................................. 10 3.1 Technologies.................................................................................................... 10 3.1.1 Flash ................................................................................................................ 11 3.1.2 Silverlight......................................................................................................... 11 3.1.3 AJAX ................................................................................................................ 11 3.2 Approaches...................................................................................................... 12 3.2.1 Textual content visualization .......................................................................... 12 3.2.2 Maps ............................................................................................................... 14 3.2.3 Interactive Timelines....................................................................................... 15 3.2.4 Mindmaps ....................................................................................................... 16 3.3 Tools................................................................................................................ 17 3.3.1 Flash ................................................................................................................ 17 3.3.2 Silverlight......................................................................................................... 19 3.3.3 AJAX ................................................................................................................ 20 3.3.4 Summary ......................................................................................................... 25 4. Requirements ....................................................................................................... 26 4.1 User Requirements .......................................................................................... 26 4.2 Interface .......................................................................................................... 27 5. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 28 References ................................................................................................................ 29 3
1. Introduction World Wide Web is evolving to become the primary media for knowledge exchange. The Internet is now the main platform for electronically delivered content, whether it is scientific information, news, entertainment or simple personal stories. Web evolution led to the birth of Web2.0. With it, a new wave of applications appeared, empowering the user with control over the web. This shift in control resulted in several new hot applications that enable users to publish their own personal content [1]. With this next generation applications, developers are no longer stuck with desktop applications and their inconvenient: hard to test, slow to deploy, restricted user scope, complex maintenance. Now, they can create web applications that resemble desktop applications in several levels, especially on usability, user interface and available features. Data and information visualization has been one of the subjects of this shift to web applications. This raised a new class of challenge, mostly due to resource consumption and complex web architectures. Even before Web2.0 or even Google, there were several challenges in web‐based data visualization [2]. With the evolution of the Internet, so have the challenges changed. The focus is now divided in three main challenges: moving complex desktop visualization applications to a web environment, improve existing user interfaces by reducing usability complexities [3, 4] and creating powerful – but simple – data visualization components that can be easily used by any developer, like GeoBoost [5] for instance. This report approaches the latter issue and tries to make a general overview over visualization components that can be helpful to everyday developers and researchers. Considering that the web ecosystem is currently the main information exchange platform, developers and researchers need to publish information online and, in several cases, large datasets have to be published in an attractive format. Several frameworks are being developed in the science world to facilitate this process, like WVFA [6] for instance. However, this report is focused on more widely used scenarios and state‐of‐the‐art technologies. Therefore, it contains descriptions about the main used technologies for developing next generation web applications and a set of tools that can ease the task of creating and interactive timeline or presenting geographic information. 5
The following section contains a small historical note about the evolution on web information visualization. Next, there is the core of this report focused on technologies, techniques and tools to implement those techniques efficiently. At last there is a general requirements section with some topics that web developers should take in account when designing a new web application.
2. History Visualization has only been applied recently in web environments. In the beginning, the Internet was confined to text browsers without any kind of graphic enhancement. ViolaWWW [7] (Figure 1), in 1993, was the first web browser with support for graphics, tables, stylesheets and plugins. The possibilities that were enabled with the power to include visual information in a web page was immense. With this, developers started to include tables, images and empowered the development of standards like Cascade Styling Sheets – CSS – and ECMAScript – Javascript.
Figure 1 ‐ ViolaWWW browser showing page with images
When maturity in the inclusion of visual information was reached it was time to include traditional desktop visualization components in web pages. Circa 1997, Java applets appeared, enabling the creation of applications that were deployed in the client; thus, being 7
able to implement a new set of interface and visualization features. Along with these improvements, developers started the work on the inclusion of 3D graphics – VRML – in web pages [8]. The inclusion of VRML content in web pages is not a trivial task and it requires a client‐side plugin for proper functionality. Hence, the users need to install a VRML application in order to see the three‐dimensional data displayed online. Java applets were a more successful approach. Java was more widely installed than VRML and, additionally, it allowed the development of software with a higher level of complexity, instead of the simple VRML models. Even with all the advances, VRML is still used in several fields for creating 3D environments in the browser [9, 10]. Java applet usage is decreasing with the appearance of novel client‐side technologies. Some of the best Java‐based information visualization tools (mixed with text‐mining) are Jonathan Harris’ We Feel Fine1 (Figure 2) and Universe2. These applications gather knowledge that is scattered through several blogs or RSS feeds and processes it, creating astonishing visual results. However, with the advent of Web2.0, a new set of technologies gained significance in web development. Adobe Flash3 Microsoft Silverlight4 and AJAX are the new wave of technologies that empower the web ecosystem.
Figure 2 ‐ We Feel Fine sample interface
1 We Feel Fine: http://www.wefeelfine.org 2 Universe: http://universe.daylife.com 3 Adobe Flash: http://www.adobe.com/products/flash 4 Microsoft Silverlight: http://www.silverlight.net 8
Summarizing, the key point is that we have witnessed a shift in the main purpose of web data visualization. About 10 years ago, the goal was to adapt desktop‐based techniques to web pages. This increased the web applications weight and resulted in a complex deployment model. Nowadays, the main purpose is to use novel web technologies to offer desktop‐like solutions to users. With higher bandwidths and cross‐browser/cross‐platform technologies, it is possible to create web applications that resemble desktop applications in terms of appearance, resources and available features. However, deploying visualization applications in the web has increased the complexity of existing visualization issues [11] and added another level of issues related to the amount of information that has to be obtained and processed in real‐time by client‐side – browser‐based – frameworks.
3. Web2.0 After the “dot‐com boom”, the Internet needed an orientation change. The exponential increase on the number of web‐based enterprises led to a sector crisis. The change came in the form of Web2.0 [12]. The main Web2.0 purpose is to give user control over content. The typical Web2.0 business model consists in developing profitable concepts that can be maintained by users ‐ Figure 3. The majority of the Internet content does not come from specialized technicians. Nowadays, the content comes from end users. Applications like blogs, micro‐blogs, social networks, media networks, social bookmarks or meta‐applications like mashups or workflows are currently the main trend in web applications. These applications depend on users to create content and publish it online.
Figure 3 ‐ Web1.0 vs Web2.0
3.1 Technologies As previously mentioned, we have three top technologies for the creation of Rich Internet Applications that require excellent user interface and data visualization features. This section encloses a brief description on each of them. Next, there are practical examples of modern visualization approaches implemented with these technologies.
3.1.1 Flash The oldest one is Adobe Flash. Flash was initially created for designers and it allowed the creation of high‐quality and visually stimulating interfaces. Recently, Adobe has opted to update the newer versions to a much more developer‐oriented version. The now designated Flash Platform empowers developers in the creation of visually richer and more structurally complex applications, combining server‐side with client‐side development. Despite requiring a plugin, it is almost completely cross‐platform and, in the last iterations, allows the display of complex 3D models and the processing of huge datasets. With this, it is easier to integrate data and generate graphs or to conceive novel visualization structures.
3.1.2 Silverlight Flash’s main competitor is Microsoft Silverlight. Silverlight has almost the same features as Flash but is more developer oriented. Being created for developers it enables the faster creation and deployment of new components. Currently, it has a growing database of visualization components ranging from calendars to maps, from timelines to bar charts. Microsoft’s support is giving Silverlight an important adoption push, especially when it comes to applications that need to display large amounts of data in an interactive interface that is capable of following several usability good practices. The main Silverlight problem is the same as Flash: both require the installation of a plugin to work. This means that users without software installation permissions or administrative access may not be able to view the developed components in their browsers.
3.1.3 AJAX AJAX stands for Asynchronous Javascript and XML and it is the main alternative to Flash and Silverlight. AJAX relies especially in Javascript. Javascript has evolved to become the only dynamic language, supported by browsers, which can interact with the HTML Document Object Model. This makes AJAX cross‐browser and cross‐platform. It also means that it does not require that any kind of pluging installation. The main idea behind AJAX is to take advantage of asynchronous data exchanges between the client and the server, thus removing web page refreshes. Combining
asynchronous requests, XML and Javascript, developers can program their applications to change a specific component of the page with real‐time server‐obtained data, without having to reload the page. This makes the applications faster and more responsive by removing “white screens” between user clicks.
3.2 Approaches Data visualization interface can be unique in terms of content, elegance, beauty and, above all, description. Histograms, tables, bar or pie graphs are used daily in the most diverse projects. However, there are other ways of conveying a message to users effectively than a simple histogram. This small section intends to introduce modern data visualization techniques and how they can be created used the presented technologies. Despite the fact that there innumerous approaches to display data, the key factor is creativity. It is imperative to be creative and test new smart ideas of displaying large datasets. In addition, it is also important to remember that most of the times the simpler methods are the most effective ones. This advice is valid not only to data visualization but also to the design of human‐computer interfaces.
3.2.1 Textual content visualization The appearance of RSS feeds allowed users to syndicate content and publish it in formats that can be used, autonomously, by any application, leveraged the creation of several new visualization tools. These visualization tools mostly provide timeline displays of news or graphical display of relevant topics. Newsmaps (Figure 4) is a particular implementation of the traditional tree map view, developed in Flash. This information visualization approach organizes the hierarchical tree organization in several connected squares, representing news and relations between news. This approach can be very useful when one wants to display large textual content that is, in some manner, related. Similar data visualization mechanisms can be implemented to gather information concerning a particular topic or interest area instead of simple reading the
international newspapers RSS feeds. A practical example could be the display of a medical ontology, containing diseases, phenotypes and symptoms. The same team behind We Feel Fine created the Universal Daylife viewer (Figure 5) to access worldwide news data searching for topics and displaying them in a virtual universe. The user may then watch the sky and search for stars and constellations which are dynamic relations obtained from the provided input. This viewer is a complex Java applet and is a remarkable achievement in the quality of these kinds of applications.
Figure 4 ‐ Newsmap data visualization interface
Figure 5 ‐ Universal Daylife viewer
5 Newsmap: http://newsmap.jp 13
3.2.2 Maps Advances in the technology made the existence of world maps with detailed satellite images possible. There are several map APIs that allow developers to create new layers of information on top of the geographical maps. This means that it is easier and faster to create visualization applications displaying geographical‐related data. Figure 6 shows how we can use the Google Maps API and connect it with the YouTube API to create a visualization application that shows all the countries that participated in the Eurovision 2009 contest and enables the users to view the videos of the songs in the contest. The several maps APIs allow connections to any kind of application and the display of information related to any area.
Figure 6 ‐ Google Maps Eurovision Contest viewer
6 Universal Daylife: http://universe.daylife.com 14
3.2.3 Interactive Timelines Timelines [13, 14] traditionally display data ordered in a specific date scale. However, static timelines are not useful to present large amounts of information. Any of the mentioned technologies allows the creation of interactive timelines that may include a mesh of content from separate areas and gathered from distinct sources. Figure 7 shows an interactive timeline, developed by BBC, displaying the most relevant events in British History.
Figure 7 ‐ British History interactive timeline
The Voyage news reader (Figure 8) displays data content in an improved timeline. The content is highlighted with focus changes that create a depth experience in the browser. Users can navigate in the timeline: the nearest layer is the most recent and by going deeper they view older news. Once again, this kind of interactive timeline can be used in several distinct scenarios that require information presentation in some kind of sortable scale.
7 BBC British History interactive timeline: http://bit.ly/pnRur 15
Figure 8 ‐ Voyage news reading interface
3.2.4 Mindmaps Mindmaps [15] are data visualizations that present several connections and relations in a way similar to subway maps. Using interactive mindmaps, users can select a single element and view/navigate inside its relations, without losing context information on the remaining elements of the map. Static mindmaps are poorer but they provide a more generic overview on larger datasets. Figure 9 shows a mindmap containing the web search trends in 2007 related like a subway map.
8 Voyage RSS News Reader: http://rssvoyage.com 16
Figure 9 ‐ Web Trends map in 2007
3.3 Tools To use the presented technologies, developers do not need to start from scratch and develop a new set of components that allow them to create modern web visualization tools. There are several toolkits available that ease, significantly, developers’ tasks and allow the creation of solutions tailored to each specific project.
3.3.1 Flash The Flash Platform is a success case in merging complex data visualization with fully functional applications. Demandbase10 (Figure 10), ModelMetrics11 or Nasdaq OMX12 represent state‐of‐the‐art Flash‐based applications where information visualization plays the key role. These applications deal with several databases and process millions of records, in real‐time, before presenting them to the users.
9 Web Trends 2007: http://informationarchitects.jp/start 10 Demandbase: http://www.adobe.com/flashplatform/apps/demandbase 11 ModelMetrics: http://www.adobe.com/flashplatform/apps/model_metrics 12 Nasdaq OMX: http://www.adobe.com/flashplatform/apps/nasdaq 17
Figure 10 ‐ Demandbase interface
To create smaller customized solution one can use the Flare13 ActionScript collection. This collection contains various ActionScript scripts that can be used with the free Flex SDK14 to create web‐based visualization applications. The available scripts provide an easy way to deploy circular or bar graphs, trees, stacks or timelines (among others) online. Figure 11 shows an example of a complex bar chart created using Flare. This example contains a multitude of categories and evaluated elements that are displayed, automatically, in a single composite graph.
13 Prefuse Flare: http://flare.prefuse.org 14 Adobe Flex: http://www.adobe.com/products/flex 18
Figure 11 ‐ Prefuse Flare bar example
3.3.2 Silverlight Descry15 and several Telerik components16 are perfect examples of Silverlight’s data visualization capabilities. With them it is possible to easily create novel applications that can merge data gathered from several sources, presenting it to users in a captivating user interface. Figure 12 shows a practical Descry example. It contains data from USA’s 50 states regarding obese population percentage. Instead of traditional bar charts, Descry’s approach uses T‐shirts representing each state that are colored and enlarged according to the state’s obesity parameters, creating a richer visualization interface that users can interact and analyze in real‐time.
15 Descry: http://www.visitmix.com/Lab/Descry 16 Telerik Chart: http://www.telerik.com/products/silverlight/chart.aspx 19
Figure 12 ‐ Descry visualization of the obese population in the United States of America
3.3.3 AJAX To develop applications using AJAX, one can use any web application technology in the server‐side. Applications can have the background with simple HTML, XML, ASP.NET, Java, PHP, Python or any other server‐side controller language. Regarding the client‐side, there are many frameworks available for composing the typical rich user interface that remarks Web2.0 applications. The more widely used AJAX frameworks are: jQuery18, script.aculo.us19, Prototype20 and Dojo21. These frameworks were built for generic purposes. Despite the fact that they are not focused on solving visualization issues, there are diverse visualization components that can be easily implemented. To create state‐of‐the‐art web data visualization applications there are other groups of more focused frameworks. The following paragraphs describe the best Javascript visualization toolkits and web‐based visualization applications. The first example comes from the worldly known MIT. MIT’s SIMILE Project22 has several teams working on data visualization tools. This is an ongoing research project; hence, 17 Descry Obesity: http://www.visitmix.com/labs/descry/theobesityepidemic 18 jQuery: http://jquery.com 19 Script.aculo.us: http://script.aculo.us 20 Prototype JavaScript: http://www.prototypejs.org 21 Dojo Toolkit: http://www.dojotoolkit.org 22 SIMILE Project: http://simile.mit.edu 20
there are only a few stable widgets available23. Timeline (Figure 13) and Timeplot widgets are ideal for interactive timeline creation and the display of advanced time‐related information.
Figure 13 ‐ SIMILINE Timeline example
The Javascript Information Visualization Toolkit24 – JIT – is simple Javascript library to create advanced information visualization applications. This toolkit allows the easy creation and online display of mainly interactive trees and graphs. The focus is given to the easy creation of visualizations displaying relational information. Figure 14 shows a hyperbolic tree containing a relation map of the elements of the Pearl Jam band. Users can select any band element and view, in real time, the relations they have within the music industry.
23 SIMILE Widgets: http://www.simile‐widgets.org 24 JIT: http://www.thejit.org 21
Figure 14 ‐ JIT Hyperbolic relation tree
The presented frameworks are good for some specific purposes. However, for more generic purposes, there is the Google Visualization API25. This extensive framework, created and supported by Google, contains several useful components ranging from maps to tables, from word clouds to interactive charts. Most of the available components are also integrated in Java AJAX Google Web Toolkit26 framework. Being a framework developed by Google, there is extremely good support and the quality of this framework cannot be questioned. Using Google Visualization API it is possible to implement some of the modern visualization techniques mentioned previously. The more interesting feature in this API is that the source datasets can be easily obtained via Javascript. This means that one can 25 Google Visualization API: http://code.google.com/apis/visualization 26 Google Web Toolkit: http://code.google.com/webtoolkit 22
dynamically mesh several data sources in a single visualization component. Another relevant fact is that the API sometimes uses Javascript‐configurable Flash components: with this, developers can combine the best of both AJAX and Flash in a single component. The Annotated Time Line (Figure 15) enables the creation of interactive timelines with relative ease.
Figure 15 ‐ Google's Annotated Timeline
The Motion Chart (Figure 16) displays dynamic charts in real time. The component draws both bar charts and point charts in real‐time. In addition, one can also add time‐ related data to these charts providing a better understanding of the evolution on a specific case. For instance, one can provide data about sales results for a given company on an entire year and push the “play” button and watch results evolving in the browser.
Figure 16 ‐ Google's Motion Chart
As previously mentioned, maps are currently on top of the preferences for displaying geographical data [16]. This is mostly due to the fact that several interactive maps have appeared online. Google is no exception and provides a comprehensive API allowing the creation of novel applications that need to display geographical information. It is possible to create several visual layers of information, map zones or even real‐time evolving maps. Despite the fact that there are lots of modern trends in displaying data, the simplest format is still widely used: tables. The Google Visualization API also provides a Table API where one can create interactive tables and present them to users. This concept goes beyond static HTML tables as these new tables can be sorted and paginated in real‐time. Figure 17 shows a dynamic Google Table instance, containing three data fields. The data in the table can be sorted by any of the fields and, if required, can even be edited in real time.
Figure 17 ‐ Google's Table
3.3.4 Summary Nowadays, it is easy, to any experienced developer, to create an information visualization application that solves his data representation problem. Whether using Flash, Silverlight or AJAX, developers can create interactive visualizations that will enrich their work and, at the same time, present data to users in a captivating interface and offering an effective user experience. In order to understand the generic capabilities of the described tools, Table 1 presents a short comparison of the evaluated tools. Five fields were evaluated in a 1 to 5 scale; the fields represent the main features of the tools. Ease of Use classifies how easy it is to create a simple solution using the select tool. Learning Curve is used to classify the process of creating advanced visualization applications with the selected tools. Adaptability evaluates how the selected tool is adaptable to a particular issue in a specific scientific area. Number of Tools describes the number and diversity of the available frameworks in the selected tool. Future represents the probability of further developments that will significantly enhance the selected tool. Finally, Overall classifies the overall quality of the tool. Table 1 ‐ Tool comparison
Google API
Learning Curve
Ease of Use
Number of Tools
Legend: 1 / Very Weak / Very Hard 2 / Weak / Hard 3 / Moderate 4 / Strong / Easy 5 / Very Strong / Very Easy
4. Requirements One of the outcomes of this report is to provide a simple guide for some good practices and requirements for future developers of web data visualization applications. The idea is not to detail user or technical requirements of any particular application but to provide a comprehensive list of topics that should be addressed by any web developer in order to create richer Internet applications that result in improved user experiences.
4.1 User Requirements The following user requirements should be accomplished in any web application, especially in the current era, where application design and appearance has gained significant relevance [17]. However, considering that one is trying to present large datasets with a modern visualization technique, these features become even more crucial. Ease of use: web applications should be easily used for people with high computer
skills but also for people with no background in computer science. End‐users sometimes face complex applications that only difficult their comprehension and understanding of the presented information. Accessibility: web applications rely on the browsing and traditional browsing
actions to execute any operation. These actions are typically not considered for handicapped users. Web applications should be designed with readable color themes and fonts, and should also make keyboard shortcuts available for the most relevant actions. Help: traditionally, web applications do not contain help or tutorial sections.
However, these are relevant because users are used to having them in their desktops application. Making this kind of information available will improve the application usability. This can be achieved through small help boxes, video tutorials of the main functionalities or a manual exemplifying how to use the application’s key features. Fast and responsive: the application should not be slow. This means that even
when some process requires a large amount of time to execute, the application
should present feedback to the users, showing that the system “is moving”. With AJAX patterns, it is easier to create this fluid execution mechanism, where the user realizes what is happening inside the application through an interface hint instead of staring at a blank screen while the page is being loaded. Besides having a fluid interface, the application should also be faster in the background: Steve Souders’ High Performance Web Sites [18] is the best source for what aspects should be taken into account when developing a novel web application.
4.2 Interface The user interface is the main contact point between the application and the users. It is through it that users interact with the information, meaning that it is what the users will see and use. Therefore, it is important for any web developer to follow a broad collection of good practices that improve the overall application interface quality. Some of the qualities, that user interfaces should have, in order to enhance usability [19], are the following: Clean: the user interface should be as clean as possible, reducing workspace clutter
and the amount of data shown to users. It is better to present less information with more quality than more information filling the entire web page without any visible distinction. Light: web applications depend on the available bandwidth to operate efficiently. If
the interface is cluttered with heavy elements such as images and scripts it will require longer loading times, constraining the user experience from the start. Usable heuristics: a good idea to design human‐computer interfaces is to study
Nielsen’s Usability Heuristics [20]. These heuristics have gained some relevance in the human‐computer interaction world and provide a good setup for any developer or designer. However, they are not obliged to follow these references but they are an initial step to produce quality work.
5. Conclusion The Internet has grown to provide the most complete application environment known to date. With this growth, applications have changed. The Web can now be understood as a complete application platform, overcoming many of the desktop faults. With this in mind, it is getting more and more important that researchers publish their discoveries and research work online. Visualization techniques are, since a long time ago, helpful to any researcher that needs to display large datasets of information in a comprehensive manner. Tables, charts and many other types of graphs are traditional techniques to facilitate users’ task of analyzing large amounts of data. Combining both these key ideas, it is obvious that the Internet has to support these data visualization techniques and enhance them, creating interfaces that were not possible if one only used closed desktop applications. This report details some of the modern techniques that are replacing static tables and charts as visualization components. Additionally, it presents tools to implement these techniques that can be easily adopted by any researcher to present his discoveries online. Interactive timelines, maps or motion charts are some of these techniques. They can be easily deployed with the described frameworks. These Flash, Silverlight or AJAX frameworks will empower researchers with the tools needed to create next‐generation visualization components and present large datasets of information. These components will give users a faster insight on the knowledge researchers are presenting, thus, increasing result visibility and overall usability.
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