26 kemberlin z

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February 28, 2017

Westward Expansion PIONEERS by: kemberlin zepeda najera


February 28, 2017

Table of contents ‣ pioneers life__________________________4 ‣ kinds of pioneers______________________5 ‣ reasons to move west___________________6 ‣ on the overland trail____________________8 ‣ schools_____________________________9 ‣ churches___________________________10 ‣ land laws__________________________11 ‣ the closing of the frontier________________13 ‣ conclusion__________________________14


 February 28, 2017

Introduction Dear reader i am going to tell you a little about what this story is about.this story will be about PIONEERS.if you don't know what are pioneers i will tell you right now.........pioneers are people back in the old days, they were people in the American history who immigrated west and were hoping to have a better life there. You may be thinking o well thats easy its just traveling well no you are wrong it was actually not that easy it was really difficult back then because they had to travel on covered wagons not like these days you can go on car or airplane they could of only taken a little bit of stuff we can take how many we want whatever we want they could only taken necessary stuff it was actually pretty hard especially when they had to cross the rivers thats right they had to CROSS IT they couldn't go around it or above it some of the man pioneers had to push it while in the water to the other side of the rivers and sometimes they couldn't make either the man dies or the wagon flips over and loses all the valuable stuff they had in there they had a lot of difficulties they also had to go across rocky mountains forests and so. hope you enjoy


 February 28, 2017

Chapter 1 PIONEERS LIFE A Pioneers life has a pretty special meaning in America in less then 300 years the civilization was spread across a vast continental wilderness.from the first landings in Virginia and Massachusetts in the 1600's American settlers kept pushing westward behind an ever moving frontiers into the wild country went the hunters, trappers , fur traders, miners, frontier soldiers, surveyors, and pioneer farmers.some farmers tamed the land and made it productive every part of America had its own pioneers


 February 28, 2017

CHAPTER 2 KINDS OF PIONEERS Pioneers were kinds of pioneers not all of them were the same some of them were adventures and independent some were irresponsible and lazy, like the Indiana squatter who moved eight times without clearing timber or fencing a field to move.one of the things he said was''all i have to do is put out the fire and call the dog.''but most of the pioneers were determined and industrious people.for example Silas garber, settled in a sod-roofed dugout on a prairie creek bank in 1871. Four years later he became the governor of Nebraska


 February 28, 2017

CHAPTER 3 REASONS TO MOVE All of the pioneers really hoped to have a better life over the westward horizon. The new England families were tired of farming rocky valleys, and were attracted to broad and fertile lands beyond the Appalachian mountains.the southern farmers, were suffering from bad luck or bad management sought a new life west. To the europeans immigrants the American frontier offered political freedom and the economic opportunity. In the west, they could own their own land and work for their future for many pioneers the west were a lot of new opportunities In the migration days which was after the war of 1812 a lot of people went to the American interior. the population was growing in the eastern states.families were getting pretty big, and only one kid could inherit the family's home.the rest of their family went to the growing cities or to the frontier. During the hard seasons, when the crops failed or when the farm prices were getting high, many pioneers headed for a new life west.


 February 28, 2017

On the way west


 February 28, 2017

Chapter 4 on the overland trails In the 1840's and 1850's hundreds of pioneers made the long trip to the new frontiers In Oregon and California.they had to travel in COVERED WAGONS to go west on the trails.While on the trip for a couple months in covered wagons these adventures traveled in caravans, with 30 or more wagons going westward on the overland trail. On good days a wagon train could cover 20 miles (32 kilometers);when the rain caused mud, they would be satisfied to cover have that distance When a caravan was large, it was divided in two groups behind the line of wagons came the ''cow column''-milk cows and spare oxen driven by the men and boy's on a horseback. At night the pioneer men drew the covered wagons into a circle and the oxen were turned loose to graze.The men took turns to guard. When the sun first rises the guards went around shouting "Arise!Arise! the cows were milked while breakfast was cooked on the fire the oxen was yoked and the wagons into line another busy day was about to start.


 February 28, 2017

Chapter 5 schools To pioneers books and writing ect ect....that type of learning was not important than learning how to use an ax and a plow a loom and a spinning wheel.But settlements grew. kids parents wanted their kids to start learning and studying. In long schoolhouses, shelves fastened to the wall served for desks and the students -had to sit in stools with three legs They used charcoal to write on hand-smoothed writing boards. Later on was invented slates and slate pencils.A slate, wiped clean after class can be used a lot The teacher sat in front of the class at a rough plank table in the corner of the class room.a fun fact is that the teachers were paid depending on the number of students they taught and that all students in all grades sat in the same classroom.


 February 28, 2017

Chapter 6 Churches Before churches were built religion was carried out to the frontier by the circuit rider. Sometimes the circuit rider visited other pioneer family's in their own cabins.When the circuit rider went to church he carried a bible and a hymnbook in his saddlebag he read from the bible he prayed And sang out hymns which people sang after him.In remote cabins he performed marriages and prayed over death graves.when settlements started to grow communities started to organize congregations and also started to built churches at the crossroads.But then some people had religion but not all were the same some were catholic, Christian and more.

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Chapter 7 Land laws When the revolutionary war ended 1775-1783 united states needed a spacious domain beyond the 13 colonies to the Mississippi river the Louisiana purchase in 1803 extended it farther, to the rocky mountains and the annexation of Oregon and California carried it to the pacific by 1815 the western regions were used by the the tribes ceded vast land to the united states. So the public domain was offered to settlers first they started of with purchase then with free homesteads. Before the land would of been legally settled it had to be surveyed. Government surveyors mapped it into one square mile.

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 February 28, 2017

Chapter 8 The frontiers closing

In 1889 central Oklahoma was opened to homesteaders.Thousands of people went out into the area to mark the homesteads.In 1890 the U.S census director ordered that their can hardly be said to be a frontier line.then after more than 200 years the moving, frontier had to end in some point.the stretches of the wilderness still remained in the mountains deserts in the west. most of it would become a national forestland but an era of the American history had closed .

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 February 28, 2017

Conclusion I hope you enjoyed my pioneer book. I thought it was an interesting topic. I hope it was interesting for you as well. I hope you learned a lot and that you found what you were looking for cause i did. Also hopefully you share this with your friends, family, anyone. If you want to learn more i will give you the websites. factsfornow.scholastic.com thats the only website i got information but there are way more websites.Anyway once again i hope you enjoy.

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