27 yeraldinz

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Westward Expansion

The 13 Colonies by Yeraldin Zuniga

Image from google

Table of Contents The introduction...page 3 The flag of the United States...page 4 chapter 1 The states that represent the 13 colonies.. page 5 chapter 2 The orders of the 13 colonies..page 8 chapter 3 Life in the 13 colonies... page15 chapter 4 Slavery in the 13 colonies...page 19 Chapter 5 Conclusion...page 21


The introduction This story is of the 13 colonies and I really hope you will enjoy it because while I wrote this I felt happy of what I'm doing also this would have many information that you dint know and that i dint know to .Some of the chapters can be really impressive and with lots of information also the information is by the following of the black writing.   www.wikipedia.com




But i dint do copyright i changed almost every word but for the most part enjoy my book of the 13 colonies and one more thing you will see pictures all those pictures are from google

Chapter 1 The Flag of the United States The flag of the United States has 50 stars that represents the 50 states of the United States.And the flag has 13 lines that represents the 13 colonies so next time you have a test of the flag or something like that think about the 50 states and the 13 colonies.Also they are declared independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, and became the first states in the U.S.In the year 1716 month George Washington ↘

May G e o r g e Betsy Ross ➥ Washington asked Betsy Ross if she can make the very first American flag.

Chapter 2 The States that Represent the 13 Colonies So there's 13 states that represent the 13 colonies which is pretty obvious that's 13 because 13 colonies.So theses are the states New Hampshire,Massachusetts,Rhode I s l a n d , C o n n e c t i c u t , N e w Jersey,Delaware,Maryland,Virginia, North Carolina,South Carolina,Pennsylvania,New York,Georgia. 

The 13 colonies are the British settlements of the Atlantic Ocean of the America in the 17th and the 18th centuries.It eventually lead of a creation of the United States of America and those states are an important part of the US history. The 13 colonies are in America but instead it was controlled by Britain the very first colonists lived by Jamestown,Virginia.And the people who lived there were the first English people on America.In 1715 there were like 2.5 million living in the 13 colonies most of the people were British but other people were German or Dutch. 

Many of the people were protesting against the taxes they needed to pay.People dint agree that they should pay more money to the Britain when they didn't live in there.In the years 1760s, the Southern Colonies came together and prosthesis because of the taxes they had to pay to the British government, the fight was known as the America Revolutionary War. On Month July 4 year 1776 the people of the 13 colonies was declared themselves at War Britain there been so many people protesting over the years for example [the Boston Tea Party] and all people no longer wanted to be part of the British Empire.But instead the build their own new nation that they agreed to called it America.





Chapter 3 The Orders of the 13 Colonies You might not get what is the orders of the 13 colonies but I will show you so this is how, there's New England, the Middle Colonies and last there's the Southern Colonies.

13 Colonies Chart New England colonies Connecticut Rhode Island Massachusetts New Hampshire

Middle Colonies Delaware Pennsylvania New Jersey New York

Southern Colonies Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

New England People who lived in the New England Colonies were from England.They were also farmers in New England it was pretty difficult due from the poor soil and that was because of the cold climate o and also because of the short growing season. The good thing is that many families grew enough food for their children but the thing is that they had to rely manufacturing and their living things which it was pretty sad.The climate in New

England was really cold, and even colder that the other two regions to the northern location.Mostly there was hills and rocky soil the natural things of New England were fish, whales, trees and furs the freedom dint exist in New England. 

Middle Colonies The middle colonies used to be the most ethnically religious diverse of the 13 colonies want to know why well because of the influence of their languages that is could be for example the Polish, English, Dutch, and finally German the origins oh and were people who spoke those languages. The climate of the middle colonies was almost hot.This was actually good news because it allowed a longer season it was more warmer than the northern counterpart like New England because as I said it's really cold and cooler than the southern colonies which I will

explain it later on the middle colonies were made by hills and flat, lands with good soil which it was a good thing for them.One thing is that the natural resources of the middle colonies were iron ore with good soil.A thing has to be sure right now we know now that the middle colonies had a lot of people with a lot of languages so it's was considered as a mixture of religions and including Quakers many people don't know this word it's mostly known in the middle colonies the Quakers (led by a man named William Penn)Catholics, Lutherans, Jews and other.The special thing for them was the wheat because in that way they made bread, bread was a traditional thing for them it was mostly what they had.

Southern Colonies The population in the Southern colonies were considered many of the European nationalities.The climate of the southern was extremely hot even the warmest of the regions and the longest growing seasons and was a good thing for them because that way they have more plants vegetables and fruits to feed there family and children it could say that it was a good life for them the Southern colonies which it had broad, coastal plain, that was hilly covered with forest that had many trees and even insects some of them came to people's farm or crops and eating the vegetables and fruits the people dint know what to do so I became to know that they dint do anything they

did got sad or even mad but they just thought of being careful so they can stay away.Some of the natural resources are found in the south they were the rich farms lands and forest last it was fish there's more natural resources but the most important ones are these.The religions did not have a large influence on the daily days of the daily lives of the Southern colonists.The Southern colonist had a mixture and still might have them so the mixture is the religions including Baptist and Anglicans. 

Chapter 4 Life in the 13 Colonies The kids that were living in the 13 colonies were mostly they did chores, collected stones to make stone fences they also collected berries they helped with the farms the animals and the harvest.The girls helped their mothers do candles and the boys do some clothes everyone had to pitch.The kids of New England an the middle colonies especially spent a day of church or in prayer. They did have some consequences on what they did whenever they slept someone would go and poked them with a long pole to wake them up and then poked them with a sharpie pole.I think

this is really interesting because the kids of 5 years and on had to do all of this and now in these days 5 year old don't do that.Now that we are finish talking about the kids lets talk about the adults the mothers and the fathers and other people. The

lady's did all day chores taking care of their children doing dishes and clean up the house and find food to eat that mostly was their morning routine. They dint have any jobs the only jobs for the lady's was chores at home its mostly there job at the house they didn't really take care of their children the children mostly toke care of their selfs but they did help their moms with some work some of the lady's got tire of all of this but when someone new of

this they would tell the main person and the would get them in trouble because he used to say ``your only job here is to work in the house just follow the instructions and there's no problems and it essential the president it was the guy who made charges for the the woman's know one knows his name because he was a mysterious man who made charges of the women. All women got tired of them but if they did something crazy they would get grounded so they did and worked hard the strangest thing is that some women did enjoy doing laundry and washing dishes some women dint understand why but that was mostly why.Now I'm gonna write about the fathers the fathers dint spend to much time with their wife's they

also worked a lot like their wife's but not in the house they would mostly work and farming and the other jobs would be random because they would just go and do the job and someone would just give them the money for doing it people would be poor no money and lonely it would just feel like a lonely world working hard to get money that would the men would think of and they would sometimes feel worried about their family because they don't ave money or food to stay calm and not to go out there to find things. 

Men working on lumberjack

Hey true fact about this picture and that is that this is a picture of a women doing clothing well that's not the the fun part the thing is that it was from the 1942 a real true picture

Girls playing games from the 1938

Chapter 5 Slavery in the 13 Colonies People knew some languages for example these were the languages while slavery,Spanish Portuguese.People would be kidnapped to the 13 British colonies so it meant that at that time it was not a happy time it was actually a sad depression time where people dint know what to do just to do what they were saying people were not happy about thisThe first Africans to arrive in England came voluntarily with John Lok (an ancestor of the famous philosopher John Locke) in 1555. Look intended to teach them English in order to facilitate

trading of material goods.This model gave way to a slave trade initiated by John Hawkins, who captured 300 Africans and sold them to the Spanish.Blacks in England were subordinate but did not have the legal status of chattel slaves.So this was life for black people and the others who had been captured the life in the 1500s but i went passed and became happy life so this was all.

Conclusion I

really hope you enjoyed my story because this was my hard work of trying to improve my story and for you to enjoy this.Things that I hope you did got or other is that did you learned something from this? Have you knew something already or have you just knew it by reading this story well I hope you guys did this was a really hard work project for me to write.And I know that this will help you. 

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