Scottish Grocer's top brands of 2020

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December 2020

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*Source: Kantar World Panel, Value Sales, Take Home Non-Alcohol Brands, MAT to 06.09.20, Total Scotland

20/11/2020 11:21

Scottish brands 2020

An extraordinary year The Covid-19 pandemic has shaken up grocery retail trends in 2020 HOW many of us have looked back on this year and still need to pinch ourselves? At Kantar, we have witnessed changes in shopper behaviour with causes and effects we have never seen before. I promised myself I wouldn’t use the word “unprecedented” so instead will go with “extraordinary.” It’s been an extraordinary year. The double-digit increase in national take-home grocery spend each month has not been seen before and when we compare Scotland to the rest of the UK we are following the same trajectories – with a reduction in the number of shopping trips but with us all buying more each time we do. As Scotland’s Covid-19 restrictions diverged from the rest of Britain after the initial national lockdown in March, we were able to track the impact on Scotland in comparison to the other home nations, and see the direct impact of government policy on our retail landscape and how we shop. We found bigger shopping baskets and shopping less frequently to be the most notable behaviours resulting from stricter restrictions. One of the biggest changes that we have watched closely is the impact on both the convenience and the online sectors, as shoppers either shopped locally or embraced online grocery delivery, many for the first time. The increase in sales in convenience stores has been 25%, with spend gained from supermarkets, high street stores and in some periods the discounters. Both the convenience and online channels have recruited new shoppers across all age groups and the growth of online is the equivalent of

Lesley Ann’s overview

LESLEY Ann Gray, strategic lead for Scotland at market research company Kantar – which provides the listing of the top 50 Scottish non-alcohol brands in Scotland and the Top 25 Scottish alcohol brands in Scotland – analyses the year for the leading Scottish brands in Scottish food and drink retailing.

five years of progress delivered in the last six months. This has also forced retailers to review their often unprofitable online models to keep these shoppers coming back. Amazon is a growing threat, with 37% of the online giant’s shoppers already purchasing food and drink. For brands, the challenge will be to break through the regimented and controlled structure of retailers’ online platforms. Some 42% of online shoppers agree that they will continue with this channel in 2021, and the longer the virus is with us the more these behaviours become ingrained and habitual. For the first time we also saw discounters losing out to supermarkets and online retailers, resulting in a drop in share. That said, this has started to reverse as shoppers respond to economic uncertainty by seeking out value choices. As we work from home and eat more lunches at home, this too impacts what we are buying, with tinned soup, sausages, burgers and biscuits all showing an increase. This is reflected in some of the movement we have seen in the top brands, as some have benefited from this boost in occasions. Likewise, our desire to treat ourselves is very appar-

ent, with ice cream up 11% compared with last year. Congratulations to all the brands that have made it to the top 50 list. The list is compiled by measuring value sales in Scotland, and covers all retailers including the online and convenience channels. A warm congratulations to the five brands that appear in the ranking for the first time; Macleans Highland Bakery, Grants, Swankies, Castle Maclellan and Mackintosh of Glendaveny. Seriously has been propelled to number three and includes their regional cheeses of Galloway and Orkney. It’s also been a positive story for 26 of the brands, which have improved their position having been positively impacted by changing behaviour as we spend more time at home. Seven have seen their position on the list slip. Looking ahead to 2021, what challenges will these brands face? Shoppers are telling us that economic uncertainty is a key factor for them in 2021 with 24% saying that they feel vulnerable or extremely vulnerable in terms of their economic outlook. Whilst we can look back and see how shoppers adapted in the last recession, today’s landscape has changed

considerably and, with it, the measures that shoppers will use to manage their spend. The quantity of product bought always remains constant, but it is the layers of shopper behaviour that sit underneath this data which give us the detail on what and why we choose to buy. Supermarkets’ own label alternatives are now more sophisticated than they were in 2009, and will offer a threat to many of the brands featured on this list if consumers choose to switch. The increase in the discounters’ retail share has also contributed to a pattern of trying and trusting an own label equivalent. Likewise, the impact of a suppressed out-ofhome sector in 2021 may also lead to a desire to treat and trade up in the products we choose to consume at home, providing opportunities for premium products. The last recession saw promotions offer shoppers a way to achieve good value for money, but these continue to decline as retailers’ focus moves towards lower everyday pricing, so is unlikely to be relied on this time around. Whilst you might assume that sustainability and the environment have taken a back seat as we focus on living in a pandemic, our most recent global research shows that 56% of shoppers believe that all packaging should be recyclable. The link between what a brand stands for and its impact on the environment will remain a focus. In a year like no other, all the brands on this list deserve extra recognition for the work that goes into that achievement, and from everyone at Kantar I wish them all the best for 2021.

28 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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19/11/2020 19:05

Top 50 Scottish take-home food and drink brands in Scotland – excluding alcohol Brand

Rank Rank Moving 2020 2019 Up


Rank Rank Moving 2020 2019 Up

Irn-Bru 1 1

Tarbert Fine Foods

26 30 s

Graham’s 2 2

Buchanan’s (Golden Casket)

27 33 s

Seriously 3 10 s

Scotts Porage Oats

28 27

Malcolm Allan

4 3

Lawson 29 31 s

Bells Food Group

5 4

Mackays 30 32 s

Baxters 6 7 s

Highland Game

Simon Howie

Paterson’s 32 28

7 11 s

31 36 s

McIntosh 8 5

Mrs Tilly’s

Tunnock’s 9 6

Brownings 34 42 s

Mackie’s 10 9

Macsween 35 39 s



Calder Millerfield


12 13 s

Glenrath 37 38 s

JG Ross


Hamlyn 38 45 s

Albert Bartlett

14 17 s




33 35 s

36 34

Big + Scottish

39 37

Scotty 15 12

Mrs Unis

40 41 s

Highland Spring

16 16

Scottish Favourites

41 43 s

Border Biscuits


Deans 42 44 s

Scottish Blend

18 18

Macleans Highland Bakery



Müller (formerly Wiseman)

19 19

Stockans 44







Grant’s 45 – NE

Mac B




Stoats 46 46

Rowan Glan

22 21



Swankies 47 – NE

Genius 23




48 50 s

Marshalls 24



Castle Maclellan

49 – NE

Mackintosh of Glendaveny

50 – NE

We Hae Meat

25 25

This list is compiled using total value sales for each brand for the 52 week period to 6 September 2020 for Scotland. It is produced for the Scottish Grocer and is different to the Kantar Brand Footprint which measures brand frequency and penetration (consumer reach points). For this year’s list the Kantar data used for Seriously includes the performance of Seriously, Galloway and Orkney cheeses and this was due to the Kantar data used and not at the request of Lactalis themselves. December 2020 · Scottish Grocer · 29

p28,29 Scottish Brands intro.indd 2

20/11/2020 15:26

Scottish brands 2020

1. Irn-Bru

Scotland’s number one brand celebrates success in a year like no other for the soft drinks category IRN-BRU has had another phenomenal year despite unprecedented change in market conditions, with consumers continued to purchase Scotland’s other national drink in droves. The team at AG Barr has had a busy time of it over the last 12 months, but despite the challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, commercial director Jonathan Kemp said the firm managed to maintain the supply chain, without letting anybody down. “We’re pretty good in a crisis, we’re quite pragmatic and I think you’ve seen that coming through. “Our overall availability has been very good. We’ve actually had better availability than during a really hot summer,” he said. On the sales front, it’s been a strong year for Irn-Bru, although Kemp did acknowledge that consumer purchasing behaviour was affected by the pandemic. “It’s interesting, if you look at Irn-Bru sales in total they are pretty close to where they were last year. Where we’ve sold the product and in which pack format has changed significantly,” he said. In keeping with soft drink category trends, take-home has been the big winner in 2020, as consumers replaced onthe-go purchases with more occasions at home.

Jonathan Kemp, commercial director at AG Barr, said it has been another strong year for Irn-Bru. Looking to the future, Kemp suggested retailers and consumers can expect to see more from Irn-Bru Energy, which will be a “key focus” for 2021.

“We saw a big surge in demand for two litre in particular,” said Kemp. “At the same time the 500ml and 330ml single cans fell off, which is just what you would expect.” While consumers were enjoying IrnBru at home, they might have noticed the brand appearing on TV a fair amount in 2020, as AG Barr continued to invest in marketing activity throughout the pandemic. In May, the soft drinks firm brought back some classic advertising spots – which Kemp said was an attempt to “cheer people up” as the nation grappled with Covid-19 restrictions. Fans of the brand were also given the opportunity to produce their own star turn in the summer months, with Irn-Bru promising to put the top five adverts created by the public on prime-time television. Kemp said the team at AG Barr were seriously impressed by the quality of content produced by Irn-Bru fans. Irn-Bru Xtra also returned to TV screens in August, and consumSales of 330ml packs declined in 2020, but take-home sales improved. ers can expect to see

the Irn-Bru Snowman this Christmas. One the energy side of the business, Kemp said 2020 has been a strong year for Irn-Bru Energy, first launched in 2019. Retailers and consumers can also expect to see more from Irn-Bru Energy in the future, according to Kemp, now that Rockstar Energy is no longer part of the AG Barr portfolio. The end of AG Barr’s agreement with Rockstar frees the firm up to do more with Irn-Bru Energy and things are already in motion, with a new 500ml variant launched last month. And Kemp said there are more plans in the pipeline for Irn-Bru Energy. “The good thing is we know the energy market very well and we know what works and doesn’t work. We worked very hard to build Rockstar up and – whilst we’re sad to see it go – it does give us more options going forward. “We’re looking forward to exploring what those options could be. Irn-Bru Energy will be a key focus for us next year, no question,”he said.

30 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

p30 Brands .indd 2

20/11/2020 10:45




THANK YOU TO ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS FOR YOUR SUPPORT THROUGHOUT 2020 *Kantar World Panel, Value Sales, Take Home Non-Alcohol Brands, MAT to 06.09.20, Total Scotland

AG Barr - SG - linda.indd 1

20/11/2020 12:32

Scottish brands 2020

2. Graham’s

Another year, another raft of new products from Scotland’s biggest dairy brand land in chillers BACK in at number two in the top Scottish brands list, Graham’s the Family Dairy has been on a diversification drive in recent years. There’s much more to the brand than milk and cheese, with NPD coming thick and fast in recent years. The brand launched its first packs aimed at children for the first time in the autumn, with the roll out of Graham’s Squidgies. Available in Spar and Tesco stores across Scotland, the new Squidgies range comprises three flavours: Strawberry, Peach and Mango, and Blueberry. Graham’s first kid-centric launched coincided with the roll out of a new premium butter proposition in partnership with Isle of Skye Sea Salt Co. The new butter SKU landed in Spar and Tesco stores in Scotland on 26 October, with

The Graham family still take a hands on approach to the business as they continues to diversify their offer in Scottish stores.

the brand targeting a UK-wide roll out in the future. Fans of Graham’s guilt-free ice cream brand Goodness were also in for a treat earlier in the year, thanks to the launch of a new Choc Chip

More than just a milk brand, Graham’s has expanded with a raft of new products.

Cookie Dough flavour. The new SKU joined the existing Goodness Ice Cream range, which first launched in 2019, offering consumers authentic Scottish ice cream, with a low calorie content and more than 20g of protein per tub. Robert Graham, managing director of Graham’s the Family Dairy, commented on the launch: “The launch of our Goodness range of ice cream last year was incredibly successful, unprecedented actually. “A perfect complement to all our latest high protein dairy products due to their natural, fresh ingredients created by a Scottish family business. By choosing our Goodness Ice Cream, you are choosing a tasty, healthier ice cream that is bursting with flavour and nutritional benefits. “Innovation and product development are something we

pride ourselves on, so we will continue to listen to our valued customers and create delicious and nutritional dairy products. “We hope that all our customers will be as excited about our new flavour of Goodness Ice Cream as we are.” The first half of the year also saw Graham’s bolster its Skyr range, with the roll out of a new pouch format for the Scandinavian-styled cultured dairy product. Graham’s new pouch range covers three Skyr flavours: passion fruit, mango and papaya, and raspberry and superberry. Other ranges in the seemingly ever-expanding Graham’s portfolio include: Gold, Organic, milk, butter, ice cream, cheese, yoghurt, cream, cottage cheese, soured cream, quark, Protein 22, Protein 40, Protein 22 and Goodness Kefir

32 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

p32-38 Brands A.indd 2

20/11/2020 10:47

Spice up your sales! At Mrs Unis Spicy Foods we have been creating traditional Indian recipes to excite the Scottish palate for over 30 years.

Mrs Unis Spicy Foods is recognised as being one of the most exciting and innovative companies in Scotland. The company produces the finest array of handmade Indian snacks, naan breads and chapattis. Mrs Unis has been perfecting the recipes throughout the years by carefully selecting spices, herbs, halal meats and vegetables to deliver the highest quality and authenticity. Based in Edinburgh, Mrs Unis Spicy Foods is the city’s only producer of authentic speciality South Asian food products for the retail, catering, and wholesale market. Mrs Unis Spicy Foods products can now be found in ASDA, Morrisons and LIDL.

​ o enquire about stocking T our products in your store, contact us below: T: 0131 656 9090 E:

Mrs Unis - SG - linda.indd 1

Mrs Unis Spicy Foods Ltd Block 2, Unit 1-5, Kings Haugh, Peffermill Industrial Estate Edinburgh EH16 5UY

18/11/2020 17:34

Scottish brands 2020

3. Seriously Strong year for cheddar brands as Lactalis invests in major marketing campaigns SCOTTISH cheese brand Seriously has been propelled to third place on this year’s top brands list as Lactalis brands – counted together by Kantar in 2020 – proved popular with Scottish consumers. The portfolio of Seriously, Galloway and Orkney cheeses is a versatile one, with options for just about every cheese occasion. Seriously brand has had a busy 2020, which has included a £2 million media campaign from the band running from 14 September to 25 October. The campaign saw Seriously appearing across video-ondemand channels including ITVHUB, All4, Sky, YouTube and Precision video. Lactalis estimated the campaign would reach 11 million households, exposing them to Lactalis’ full range of prducts, made using its original extra mature cheese recipe. Heloise Le Norcy-Trott, group marketing and category director of Lactalis UK and Ireland commented on the campaign: “The new television advertising campaign builds on an impressive 12 months for

Seriously, which includes a full brand packaging refresh and the launch of Seriously Nuggets. “The campaign will not only drive consumer awareness, but will also deliver the message that with Seriously, everyday meals don’t need to be bland; using our cheese monger as an icon throughout the campaign to reinforce Seriously’s unbeatable flavour proposition.” NPD has not been in short supply for Seriously either. In addition to Seriously Cheese Nuggets – a hot cheese proposition – the brand has also rolled out a new cheese triangle range. Seriously Tasty Triangles launched in July exclusively to Tesco stores. Seriously isn’t the only Lactalis brand to have reached out to Scottish consumers in 2020. Family-focused cheddar brand Galloway has also been appearing on TV screens, as part of a nine-month sponsorship deal with STV. Launched in August and running until the end of this month, the campaign promotes Galloway cheddar

Lactalis UK has invested millions on media campaigns for its Seriously brand in 2020.

products as the perfect ingredient for cooking fo a family. The campaign is targeted at households with children, and Lactalis expected it to reach 80% of adults in Scotland, with each seeing it 26 times on average. This year also saw Lactalis step up its engagement with Scotland’s wholesale sector. by joining the Scottish Wholesale Association in September. The move was billed as part of a strategy tp strengthen its

links with the sector and build awareness of the branded cheddar market. Ian Sanger, group sales director for Lactalis commented: “We’ve got a premium brand portfolio featuring three outstanding Scottish brands – Seriously, Galloway and Orkney – and we are keen to work with wholesalers and other suppliers to raise awareness of the dairy sector within the Scottish food and drink industry.”

34 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

p32-38 Brands A.indd 3

20/11/2020 10:47


ade Handm ies! Butter

Delicious Hot Pies!

Deliciously sweet and sticky Yum-yums!


J G Ross quickly responded to the challenges presented by Covid19. Closing most of its shops the company revised its range to concentrate on key lines to ensure availability of all key lines. We did have a few days at the

start where some customers increased their orders by 100% +. Fortunately the massive spike settled back quite quickly and we were able to fulfil all orders. Sales have typically found a new higher level with consumers’ taste buds reawakened to local fresh produce. We are very proud to climb up to number 13 in the Kantar Scottish Grocer list

JG Ross - SG - linda.indd 1

of top Scottish take home brands. This is a tribute to both our staff who work tirelessly to deliver quality fresh produce and our fantastic range of custom-

ers who truly embrace and support local suppliers. Quality local fresh produce has always been key for consumers in the North East of Scotland. It is perhaps no surprise that despite building a modern state of the art facility in Inverurie in 2007 tradition-

al handcraft baking skills remains core to our business. In many ways it is a merging of modern with traditional. Food safety and health and safety are paramount, reinvestment in equipment and technology is continuous, however the most important part of the family business is our people. Craft skills and a commitment to delivering a wide range of quality fresh products utilising local ingredients where possible has been the cornerstone of the company’s growth.

is Home Bargains. In the short trading spell the range has already been expanded demonstrating a clear

We now makes over an incredible 165,000 butteries every week by hand. Could this be at least partially automated? Yes, but not without adversely impacting the quality of the product. Although traditional baked goods remain core to our business, innovation and regular range refreshing to reflect current trends helps us build long term relationships through seeking to meet customers’ needs.

demand for local produce. It is not however growth at all costs. Careful consideration is given both to the customer “Is this a good fit?” and “could it adversely impact existing customers?”.

The latest addition to the company’s expanding customer base

As a family business we are precious over our relationships with staff, customers and suppliers. What’s on the horizon? Working closely with customers to ensure the range we offer meets both current needs and emerging trends and opportunities, including healthy choices, vegan and vegetarian choices, extended ready meals offering…

18/11/2020 16:56

Scottish brands 2020

4. Malcolm Allan On course for a huge New Year, the family butcher wants to see Scottish manufacturers work together MALCOLM Allan was on course for a good year before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, but with consumers stuck at home, the brand’s offer has become even more appealing. Gordon Allan, director at the family-run business, said that sales are well ahead of the forecast for 2020, with steak pies knocking on the door of 40% growth. What’s driving sales? In Allan’s opinion, the same thing as always. Quality and value. “It’s about the family meal. Families in the house looking for good value for money. You buy our steak pie, some mash potatoes and peas and you’ve got a dinner for four,” he said. The sales performance might be strong, but the pandemic has also brought significant challenges for a business that prides itself on doing some things the old fashioned way. Malcolm Allan still carries

Director Gordon Allan said Malcolm Allan has faced challenges in 2020, but the response from the firm’s staff was “superb.”

out all its own butchery work and while there is automation at the plant, many processes still require a human touch – which Allan said had affected efficiency. “If you’re making a breakfast pack up you need three people either side of the table, there’s no other quick

Gordon Allan reckons 700,000 Scots will enjoy a Malcolm Allan pie at New Year.

way to do it. “We’ve invested quite a lot in automation, but there are certain jobs that we do traditionally because that’s our niche,” he said. But the firm’s staff have been “absolutely superb” according to Alln, and the firm heads into the Christmas period in great shape. “We’re turning down orders for the bakery, we’re just doing our core customers for steak pies. “Over the four-day period at New Year I think 700,000 Scots will sit down and have Malcolm Allan steak pie,” he said. Not content with shifting thousands of steak pies and – according to Allan – two thirds of the lorne sausage sold in Scotland, Malcolm Allan has a new treat for shoppers to enjoy this Christmas. “We’ve moved into desserts,” said Allan, “We’re doing an apple and berry pie.

We get the berries from Bruce Farms in Perthshire. We went into Tesco and we’ve seen sales really go up already. “We’ve made a dessert much the way you would make a steak pie. Asking, what would you bake in your own house?” The partnership between Malcom Allan and Bruce Farms that has helped bring the brand’s latest piece of NPD into fruition is something Allan said he would like to see more of in the future. In an increasingly competitive marketplace, and with the prospect of rising costs and economic uncertainty on the horizon, Allan reckons Scotland’s food producers would do well to work together. “Scottish firms need to work more together. We’re working with McGee’s in Glasgow, we’ve done a bit of work with Highland Game. We’re quite happy to work in partnership,” he said.

36 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

p32-38 Brands A.indd 4

20/11/2020 10:49

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20/11/2020 15:07

Scottish brands 2020

5. Bells

Lockdown led to a surge in sales for the bakery brand, and the Bells team is determined to hold onto gains made this year PIES, pastry, bakes, you name it, Bells has seen a spike in demand for it in 2020. Changing consumer purchasing behaviour in response to the pandemic has put “huge demands” onto the Bells business this year, according to MD Ronnie Miles. “All our products have shown tremendous growth. If you look at retail pastry, in some instances at the height of April and May some of our pastry products went up 300%. At one stage, from an operational perspective, we were very close to capacity,” he said. Demand may have been high, but Miles said staff at Bells were more than up for the challenge, maintaining service levels throughout the year. It’s one thing picking up more sales in unusual times, but with the prospect of a Covid-19 vaccine on the horizon – and the hope of a return to normal life at some stage next year – can Bells expect to hold onto the gains it has made this year? “We’re all quietly confident internally that there will be a permanent uplift on our prod-

ucts,” said Miles. “Certain customers may not have tasted a Bells product for a while and we’re quietly confident that we are now seeing a core element of repeat buy sales,” he (Above) Gordon Smith, sales and marketing director at said. Bells and (right Ronnie Miles, managing director. This year has been different in more ways tic, and the second was for it to come from Bells.” than one for Bells. Fans of the vegan pie may While Miles said the Covid-19 pandemic had put some have more to look forward to, plans on ice, the firm was still according to Miles and Smith, keen to go ahead with the roll as Bells also has plenty of out of its first ever Bells Vegan NPD plans in the pipeline. The pandemic has seen Bells Scotch Pie. Available in a two-pack and hit the pause button on a lot of priced in the region of £1.50, NPD, but Miles said the brand the Vegan Scotsh Pie launch has “quite a number of excithas been a roaring success ing additions” both vegan and according to Bells sales and meat, coming soon. Whatever emerges from the marketing director Gordon Bells bakery over the next 12 Smith. “The launch of our vegan pie months, its distribution in the has gone like a dream. The convenience channel is exkey thing [with NPD] is have pected to be much larger, you actually done your home- thanks to a new agreement work? We understood there with CJ Lang. The brand has reached a was a twofold need out there: First, to have a non-meat pie deal with the Dundee-based that tasted absolutely fantas- Spar Scotland wholesaler

Bells was almost at production capacity during the height of the lockdown.

that will see a total range of 10 SKUs rolling out to all of CJ Lang’s company owned stores. Smith said: “I’m very pleased we’ll have shell pies out there within the convenience sector, as well as bridies, steak bakes and our rounds.” This year has also seen Bells invest millions of pounds in the business, with the installation of new machinery next spring expected to increase capacity for its shell pie lines. “We’re not standing still,” said Miles, “you’ve always got to innovate, invest and look after your staff. “Next year should be an exciting year for Bells.”

The launch of Bells Vegan Scotch Pies was a roaring success according to Bells.

38 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

p32-38 Brands A.indd 5

20/11/2020 10:49

Bells - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:55

Scottish brands 2020

6. Baxters

New consumers driving growth for Scotland’s top soup A STELLAR performance from Baxters in 2020 has seen the brand climb another step of the top brands ladder, from seventh place last year. Gordon Sloan, category and shopper development controller at Baxters said the brand is going from strength to strength, and reported a “huge surge in demand” over the last 12 months. “From our legendary brandleading Beetroot & Chutney to our comforting and innovative Soups, we’ve seen sales continue to grow in 2020. “New consumers are driving Baxters growth and whilst we’re very much available and loved throughout the UK, our performance in Scotland is particularly strong with virtually half (46%) of all Scottish households buying into the Baxters brand across multiple shopping trips and meal occasions throughout the year,” he said. The performance has been strong, but 2020 has also brought challenges, as Sloan explained: “It’s been a challenging and disruptive year for so many businesses and individuals. At Baxters, we recognised very early in the pandemic our responsibility as a supplier of high-quality and accessible meal products,

loved by millions of households. “Our focus has primarily been on the health and wellbeing of our dedicated team – ensuring systems and processes were quickly established to continue production in a safe environment. “From here, we prioritised our best-selling lines to ensure we continued to satisfy our retail partners and our loyal consumers with the high quality, great value range of Baxters products they’ve come to know and love. “We’ve worked closely with our customers and supplier partners to keep stock on shelf and minimise disruption as much as possible.” Despite having Covid-19 safety protocols and changing consumer behaviour to keep on top of, Baxters continued to invest in the brand. Baxters ‘We Make Super’ campaign has been appearing across TV, press, radio, outdoor and digital advertising sites. The Scottish soup giant has also rolled out NPD in 2020, with the launch of its PlantBased soup range in February. And while the new range may have hit shelves in unusual circumstances, Sloan said Baxters Plant-Based is already

Launched in February, Baxters Plant-Based soups have been a hit with shoppers.

proving to be a success. “The new range has captured the imagination of the trade with distribution quickly established ahead of winter 20/21 and with over 300,000 units sold in only a few months, is on-track to be one of our most successful NPD launches in recent times,” he said. The last 12 months have been about more than commercial success for Baxters, with the brand also stepping up to support those who have fallen on hard times. Sloan said that since the start of the pandemic, Baxters has donated over 210,000 tins, jars and pots to local charities and foodbanks, including FareShare, Social Bite and food banks in Elgin, Inverness and Dundee. The brand has also been working with former I’m a Celebrity winner Vicky Pattison to help supply care packages to elderly charity Age UK. Looking to the future, retailers can expect to see further innovation from Baxters in the

soup category, with Sloans teasing the possibility of more to come from its Plant-Based range, as well as an expansion of the brand’s food-to-go offer. “Following the incredible trade engagement and launch of our Plant-Based range, we have exciting new flavours in the pipeline. “We also have a vegetarian range of our popular microwavable Super-Licious Soup Pots in development. “We can’t reveal too much at this stage but both launches will remain big on flavour and our primary ambition is to continue to be the driving force of innovation within the categories we operate. “Baxters will also be tripling its marketing spend with an investment of £4.3m into our 2021 marketing plan. “Now more than ever, consumer demand has turned towards cupboard essentials and considering the current climate, that’s not likely to change any time soon,” he said.

40 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

p40-46 Brands A2.indd 2

19/11/2020 18:35


Highland Spring is the No.1 plain bottled water brand*

STOCK UP NOW *Nielsen Scotland value 52w/e 03.10.2020

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p51 ads.indd 1

19/11/2020 13:14

Scottish brands 2020

7. Simon Howie FROM 11th last year to seventh in 2020, Simon Howie has had a fantastic 2020 in sales terms. Retailers themselves, the Simon Howie business was founded in 1986 as a butcher shop in Dunning, Perthshire. Since then the brand has grown wings and flown up the rankings, helped along by clever, on-trend NPD. When Simon Howie launched its Vegetarian Square Sausage pack in 2018, vegetarians across Scotland rejoiced. That first pack has been joined by a 240g Veggie Black Pudding pack, as well as a 330g Veggie Breakfast Pack, containing two each of Veggie Black Pudding Slices, Veggie Link Sausages, and Veggie Square Sausages. With a lineup like that, you could be forgiven for thinking Simon Howie was a meat alternative brand, but it is still a

Simon Howie delighted Scotland’s vegetarians with the launch of its Vegetarian Square Sausage packs in 2018. The brand’s vegetarian range has expanded since then, as has its meat butchery offer. Lucrative supermarket distribution deals, packaging revamps and new product development have all contributed to the brand’s success in 2020.

butcher operation at heart. Simon Howie’s range of premium meat products covers bacon, link and lorne sausages, black and white pudding, and burgers. It’s haggis packs, available in original and vegetarian variants, are a surefire hit as Burns Night approaches, while the brand’s selection of Scottish classics – from Chicken Balmoral to Beef Olives – offer consumers premium meal solutions that are quick and easy to prepare. The brand hasn’t stood still in 2020

either. September saw the launch of new look packs across Simon Howie’s Dry Cured Bacon range. This autumn has also seen Simon Howie launch a raft of NPD into the supermarkets. Black Label Premium 97% Pork Sausages; Black Label Premium Dry Cure Smoky Bacon and Pork Sausages; and Black Label Premium Pork, Black Pudding & Apple Sausages have all launched into Tesco stores across Scotland. Simon Howie has also secured listings in Tesco and Sainsbury’s Scottish stores for its Premium Dry Cured Smoked Streaky Bacon. It’s not just the supermarkets that have been buying into the Simon Howie proposition. September saw the butcher secure five wins at the Great Taste Awards 2020. Winners were announced at

a virtual ceremony in keeping with Covid-19 restrictions, with Simon Howie scooping gongs for Classic Breakfast Beef Lorne Sausage, Classic Breakfast Black Pudding, Premium Steak Burgers, Premium Dry Cure Streaky Smoked Bacon, and Black Label Premium 97% Pork Sausages. Over the festive period, consumers can expect to see a seasonal Simon Howie favourite on shelves. Haggis Bon Bons have return for 2020, with distribution in Sainsbury’s and Tesco and the promise of more seasonal SKUs from the butcher coming soon. Simon Howie hasn’t shied away from supporting the NHS in 2020 either. In March, the brand announced it would offer NHS staff members a 10% discount on orders from its local shops in Perth and Auchterarder.

42 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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YOU TAKE US WITH YOU Tunnocks - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:55

Scottish brands 2020

8. McIntosh

Despite tough trading conditions for chilled ready meals McIntosh continues to deliver for retailers across Scotland IT has been all hands on deck at Strathmore Foods this year, with staff members going the extra mile to maintain production levels for its McIntosh of Strathmore brand. That effort ensured retailers were able to keep their chillers filled with McIntosh products throughout lockdown, and Julie Nisbet, managing director at Strathmore Foods, had high praise for her team. “Throughout the Covid-19 crisis production has continued on a daily basis at Strathmore Foods. “Staff have been fantastic and incredibly flexible – adapting to new split shift patterns and extended hours to maintain social distancing at all times which ensured store shelves across Scotland were never short of McIntosh products,” she said. It’s been a challenging year in more ways than one, particularly for chilled ready meals producers. As consumers spent more time at home, demand for convenient meals dropped. However, Strathmore Foods has done well in a tough trading environment, and Nisbet said things are now looking up for the brand. “Whilst reports show the overall ready meal market volumes are still suppressed due to the pandemic, over the past

couple of months McIntosh has been outperforming this with sales now back above the same period last year,” she said. Some of the brand’s success can surely be attributed to a packaging revamp in 2019. The new look packs have given McIntosh a more contemporary feel, and Nisbet said the revamp has also allowed the firm to bolster its environmental credentials. “As part of this brand refresh, we also took ‘Tis the season: Festive look for McIntosh of Strathmore Scottish Stovies as Christmas nears. the decision to move land – Strathmore Foods does business we take great pride away from black plastic trays have plans in the pipelines in working with local suppliers to new fully recyclable trays that Nisbet reckons will excite wherever possible and playing made from up to 85% recyScottish consumers. a prominent part in our local cled content. “There are some exciting community. “This change saw the busiNPD projects underway that “McInvest allows us to exness remove over 180 tonnes will be coming to market in pand on this to help smaller, per annum of black plas2021. local groups in their communitic from the food chain, the “The first of these will see ties and give something back equivalent of more than 30 some additions to our core to them and our loyal customadult male African elephants,” McIntosh range to refresh the ers. she said. offering for our loyal consum“The scheme has already Cutting plastic isn’t the only ers. benefitted a number of incredway Strathmore Foods has “Samples of various potenible causes, making a real difshown care for its commutial new products have been ference to the recipients and nity. The McIntosh brand’s sent to McIntosh followers their communities, and we McInvest Community Grants who have completed queswill continue to support more scheme has continued to act tionnaires helping us narrow causes every month,” she as a valuable resource for down which product they said. good causes in 2020, as Niswant us to produce and how Looking to the future, while bet explained. these can be improved prior it’s hard to see any SKU taking “As a local, family-owned to launch. the throne “The second project will from McInsee the brand stretch into a tosh Macanew category, with market reroni Cheese search and trials already well – the underway we feel this will best-sellbe an exciting addition for ing chilled Scottish stores – watch this ready meal space,” she said. in Scot-

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18/11/2020 16:55





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Scottish brands 2020

9. Tunnock’s TUNNOCK’S has been keeping Scotland supplied with sweet treats since 1890 – and is one of the nation’s most recognisable brands. Sir Boyd Tunnock, company owner and inventor of the Tunnock’s Teacake, continues to take a hands on approach to what is still very much a family business. Despite the business’ extraordinary growth over the last 130 years, it continues to be headquartered in Uddingston. In 2018, Tunnock’s completed a major multi-million pound expansion of its manufacturing facilities. And the kids of Uddingston

No tricks, just treats: October saw Tunnock’s step in to save Halloween by handing out goodies to 7,000 kids in Uddingston.

were lucky to have Scotland’s top confectionery manufacturer on their doorstep at Halloween. Covid-19 may have pre-

vented children from guising in 2020, but Sir Boyd and the Tunnock’s team were on hand to save the day. Working with Bothwell and

Uddingston Community Forum and Action Group, Tunnock’s donated 7,000 goody bags for distribution to children in the local community.

10. Mackie’s

WHEN someone asks, ‘what do you do?’ it must be a real struggle for Mackie’s employees. The Mackie’s of Scotland umbrella now covers ice cream, chocolate, crisps, popcorn and the firm also operates an ice cream parlour in Marischal Square, Aberdeen. It’s a lot to keep on top of, but such a diverse range has undoubtedly helped to propel Mackie’s into the Scottish brands top ten. Mackie’s of Scotland continues to be a farm operation, with its 1,600 acre site in Aberdeenshire housing both an ice cream dairy and a chocolate factory. The brand further reinforced its commitment to Aberdeenshire in the autumn by running a consumer competition in partnership with Visit Aberdeenshire.

Ice cream, chocolate, crisps, popcorn – Mackie’s of Scotland does it all, producing quality goods on its Aberdeenshire farm.

Consumers were given the chance to win a break in Aberdeenshire, with runner up prizes including a host of Mackie’s of Scotland goodies. The competition followed on

from a successful October for the brand, which saw Mackie’s secure a distribution deal with Asda. Mackie’s 2L tubs of traditional ice cream are now stocked in 216 Asda stores

throughout the UK. Who knows what category Mackie’s will explore next, but the brand is surely well placed to further expand its offer into the future.

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19/11/2020 18:36

Mackies - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:56

Scottish brands 2020

11. Barr WITH more than 100 years of heritage, the Barr range of flavoured carbonates has had a long time to build up consumer trust. That trust must be well placed, as the Barr range’s position of 11th on this list shows shoppers keep coming back to the brand. The future may be uncertain for Scottish consumers, but the Barr range’s capacity to offer quality products at an affordable price point is something that AG Barr commercial director Jonathan Kemp

reckons will stand the brand in good stead in the months to come. He said: “Value is always a combination of price and quality. It’s not necessarily about price, there will always be cheaper products on the market. “If you deliver a great product at a great price, the consumer will reward you and we’ve definitely seen that on Barr. “The consumer sees it as a good value proposition and I think anybody going into

2021 has to be very conscious that there are going to people that haven’t got the same sort of disposable income as

they’ve had in the past, but at the same time soft drinks, and in particular carbonates, are quite affordable treats.”

12. Hall’s

REBRANDED in 2018, Hall’s has been going from strength-tostrength ever since and has climbed the rankings yet again – edging ever closer to the top 10. As chilled booms in convenience stores, Hall’s has reacted by making changes to its offer that appear to be hitting the mark. Simple steps, like changing the name of its Mini-Breakfast pack to The Wee Belter, have led to improved fortunes, while traditional favourites like the brand’s Wee Willie Winkie’s

are still racking up the sales as Scottish consumers seek out brands they know and trust. It’s been hard to miss Wee Willie Winkie this year, as the sausage brand’s mascot has been running round the town – in his nightgown – on the livery of brand owner Browns Food Group’s trucks. There’s more to the Hall’s range than chilled however, with a comprehensive frozen offer providing consumers with convenient solutions for cooking at home. Hall’s frozen range includes

Scottish classics like Beef Olives, Black Pudding Slices, Beef Lorne Sausage, Stovies, Haggis, Neeps and Tatties, and Sausage Kilties. Those looking to make the

most of Hall’s products can also head over to the brand’s website and social media channels, which host both traditional and contemporary recipes.

13. JG Ross FROM butteries and bread to pies and cakes, JG Ross has the bases covered when it comes to bakery and Scottish consumers have been buying into the brand in droves. Retailers themselves, JG Ross was Highly Commended at this year’s Scottish Grocer Awards for the refurbishment of its Inverurie bakery and store. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought its challenges for JG Ross, but the baker has risen to the

occasion, grabbing headlines in the process, with The Courier reporting that the bakery was producing 2,300 butteries every 30 minutes in May. JG Ross has also done its bit to support the local community this year. In September, it was announced that the firm’s retail unit at Highclere, Inverurie, would house a temporary post office branch following the resignation of one of the town’s postmasters.

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Scotlands favourite kids teatime treat... Halls - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:56

Scottish brands 2020

14. Bartlett

AIRDRIE-based Albert Bartlett has been providing a route to market for Scottish farmers since 1948. The brand sources its spuds and root vegetables from a network of British and Irish farmers, allowing Albert Bartlett to offer a strong selection of fresh, frozen and chilled products. Home cooks can take their pick from Rooster, Elfe, Apache and Jersey Royal potato varieties to cook up a winter warmer this Christmas, while the brand’s frozen range offers chips and wedges in a convenient format. The brand’s expansion into chilled, with a range that comprises Classic Fries, Homestyle Chips and Parmentier Potatoes, has ensured it doesn’t miss out on the opportunities offered by this growing category. Those looking for inspiration in the kitchen can also turn to Albert Bartlett’s website, where the brand has produced some appetising recipes in partnership with top chefs.

15. Scotty Brand

16. Highland Spring SUSTAINABILITY has been a focus for Highland Spring for some time now, and for good reason, as consumer awareness of the impact of singleuse plastics on the environment continues to increase. It should come as no surprise then that the natural world takes centre stage in the latest campaign from Highland Spring. Launched in the autumn, the brand’s ‘Made by Nature, Protected by Highland Spring’ campaign focuses on provenance and highlights its eco bottle proposition. Highland Spring’s eco bottle is made from 100% recycled – and 100% recyclable – plastic. Carol Saunders, head of marketing at Highland Spring Group, said: “Made By Nature, Protected by Highland Spring’ emphasises the great care that we take in protecting our

land and natural source water. “Every drop comes from the Ochil Hills, where it is carefully drawn from organically certified land that is kept free from any pollution, pesticides or habitation. “This is what makes Highland Spring water so special, as every drop is just as nature intended. “When it comes to helping consumers understand the journey from source to shelf, we want to do more.” Sustainability isn’t the only area of focus for Highland Spring. The brand has also been communicating the benefits of its sparkling water offer, bringing a bit of continental flavour to Scottish homes. Last year saw Highland Spring revamp packaging for its sparkling water across 500ml, 1L and 1.5L formats. And earlier this year, Highland Spring channel market-

ing manager Nichola Grant suggested sparkling presents opportunities for bottled water growth in convenience. “We have seen a real trend towards sparkling, which is ideal for those looking for a little lift as part of their day. “The subcategory is now worth over £17.2 million in impulse with volume sales up by 2.8% in the last year and value sales up by 2.4%,” she said.

WHO doesn’t love a Scotty dog? What about a fourlegged friend that brings everything from Scottish strawberries, cherries and raspberries, to frozen chips and garden peas. Versatility and convenience go hand in hand at Scotty Brand, with convenient solutions for consumers looking for home cooked flavour with a bit less effort. The brand’s potted soup range offers consumers plenty of choice and boasts distribution across Asda, Morrisons and Co-op. And at this time of year, those consumers looking to create their own soup at home – but don’t fancy slaving over the chopping board – can snap up Scotty Brand’s seasonal soup mix packs. When it comes to potatoes, only the best will do – and that’s even been recognised by the EU. Last year Scotty Brand’s farmer suppliers were successful in acquiring Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status for Ayrshire New Potatoes, putting the Scottish spuds in the same category as Champagne, Scotch Whisky and Parmigiano Reggiano.

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Te l 0 1 2 3 6 7 7 1 74 0

AlbertBartlett/ScottyBrand - SG - linda.indd 1


s c o t t y __b r a n d

18/11/2020 16:57

Scottish brands 2020

17. Border Biscuits

IT has been another year of innovation for Lanark-based biscuit manufacturer Border Biscuits. The brand’s popular Dark Chocolate Ginger flavour has found itself in a new format, thanks to the launch of Border Biscuits Dark Chocolate Ginger Bars. Made using the same ‘famously fiery’ recipe as Border’s popular ginger biscuit, the new bars are available in packs of six, with each bar boasting just 113 calories. Speaking at the launch of Dark Chocolate Ginger Bars, Border Biscuits marketing manager Suzie Carlaw said: “At Border Biscuits, we have the number one selling special treat SKU in Scotland and we are continuing to evolve much

like the biscuit sector we operate within. “We have taken big steps over the last 18 months in our new product development and, with the investment of £1.5m into our products and processes, we have launched our new Dark Chocolate Ginger Bars.” And it’s not just about pleasing biscuit fans, according to Carlaw, who said the brand is keen to support retailers. “We believe the way in which a brand operates within a retailer should very much be in the form of a partnership. “Our responsibility as a brand is to support the retailers we work with by ensuring an eye catching and easy to shop experience can be achieved,” she said.


20. Nairn’s

SCOTTISH Blend has been created with Scottish consumers in mind. Blended for Scottish water, it is a tea tailored to its market.

IMPROVING on last year’s strong performance by climbing another two places, Nairn’s expansive gluten free range is clearly a hit with Scottish consumers. Nairn’s has been baking Oats since 1896, when John and Sarah Nairn first opened their bakery in Strathaven, Lanarkshire. The business has grown quite a bit since then, with Nairn’s now operating two Edinburgh bakeries – although oats are still the heart of the operation. Being experts in all things oats left the brand perfectly poised to meet increasing demand for gluten-free products – wholegrain oats are naturally gluten free – but it takes effort to convert potential into results.

Scottish Blend


Muller (formerly Wiseman)

MULLER is the biggest producer of branded and private label fresh milk in the UK. The firm acquired Wiseman in 2012, and it is the performance of that Scottish dairy operation that sees the brand make it to the number 19 spot on this year’s list.

NPD has been coming thick and fast from the brand in recent years. The Nairn’s range now includes oatcakes, crackers, flatbreads, biscuits, cereals and a host of snacks. Nairn’s Oat Bar range offers consumers a gluten-free snack option on the move, with variants including Apple & Cinnamon, Cacao & Orange,

and Mixed Seeds & Protein. The brand’s Pop Oats range provides a low calorie, glutenfree alternative to crisps. Flavours in the Nairn’s Pop Oats range include Salt & Vinegar, Sour Cream & Chive, and BBQ. Nairn’s portfolio also includes a Snackers range, offering consumers mini glutenfree snacks.

52 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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19/11/2020 16:30

mers Consu ore m are 5x buy to likely able in susta cts1 produ

Entire range now contains plant based tea bags! 100% Rainforest Alliance Certified tea

Entire range now contains biodegradable tea bags!

New clear biodegradable messaging on pack landing in 2021 Removing overwrap in 2021

NUMBER ONE SCOTTISH TEA BRAND* *Stats pulled exclusively by Kantar World panel based on consumer spend in £’s for Scottish Grocer 1 Harvard Business Review: Research: Actually, Consumers Do Buy Sustainable Products

Unilver - SG - linda.indd 1

20/11/2020 11:27

Scottish brands 2020

21. Mac B CLIMBING up the rankings yet again, Scottish bottled water Mac B is looking good following a packaging overhaul last year that seems to have worked a treat for the brand. Offering Scottish consumers a fruity twist with their bottled water purchase, the Mac B range comprises: Strawberry & Kiwi, Lemon & Lime, Apple & Blackcurrant, Peach, and Raspberry & Cranberry. Purchased by Refresco from Cott Beverages in 2019, the Mac B brand is in the ascendancy – building on heritage that dates back more than 200 years. The brand claims that the earliest documentation of water from Tarlair – a well sprung from the source of Mac B – dates back to 1740. While the well at Tarlair was destroyed by a rogue World War II sea mine in the 1940s, the source was rediscovered in MacDuff, Ab-

erdeenshire, in 1996. A 200ft well was created, freeing the Scottish spring water yet again. Mac B’s water is still sourced from the spring at MacDuff, Aberdeenshire. More recently, Mac B has been seeking to inspire consumers with a competition that promises to ‘banish bland days’. Last month, the brand offered consumers the chance to win a range of prizes through a social media competition with goodies including yoga equipment, mocktails from ‘The Drinks Co’, a cocktail kit, Mac B stock and more. The competition forms part of a larger social media campaign which has seen Mac B encourage consumers to stretch themselves, with a little help from a yoga professional providing instructional exercise videos for the brand.

22. Rowan Glen 23. Genius FOLLOWING on from a rebrand and relaunch of its core lowfat bio yogurt range in 2019, this year has saw Rowan Glen freshen up its Greek proposition. Rowan Glen Greek Style Yogurt got a new look in the spring, with revamped packaging rolling out across its Strawberry and Honey flavours. A spokesperson for Dale Farm, the farming cooperative behind Rowan Glen commented on the revamp: “Rowan Glen continues its pursuit of bringing the best

yogurts to market in eyecatching, contemporary packaging to appeal to a wide range of consumers on a variety of yogurt eating occasions. “The luxuriously creamy Greek-style yogurt is available folded on a layer of honey or strawberry making it perfect for consumers looking for a satisfying snack or even a tasty post-dinner dessert.” There’s more to Rowan Glen’s offer than yogurts. The brand also offers a range of cottage cheese, butters and spreads and desserts, as well as cheese and creme fraiche SKUs. It’s Bonnie Shots bottles, available in strawberry or raspberry and blackberry, offer consumers a convenient on-the-go yogurt solution.

WHEN gluten-free products started gaining ground in Scottish stores, some wondered if it was the latest retailing fad. Genius’ position in the top half of this year’s list would seem to prove that’s not the case, as the brand’s categoryspanning range of glutenfree foods keeps customers coming back for more. Gluten-free options offered by Genius include breads, wraps, brioche buns and bagels as well as its breakfast bakes range – available in Cranberry, Chocolate Chip, and Honey & Raisin variants. Those looking for glutenfree dinner inspiration can also choose from a selection that includes Genius Sausage

Rolls, Steak Pies, Chicken & Gravy Pies, and Roaster Vegetable Quiche. Genius Foods was founded by chef, entrepreneur and mother Lucinda BruceGardyne, out of a need to create gluten-free dishes for her son, who had been diagnosed as gluten intolerant. The brand first hit shelves in 2009 and in the 11 years since has grown rapidly as demand for gluten-free options soared. And while many gluten-free products will be purchased by those adopting the diet as a lifestyle choice, the brand also has SKUs available on prescription for those diagnosed with coeliac disease or dermatitis herpetiformis. Genius GlutenFree Soft Brown Sandwich Bread, Soft White Sandwich Bread, and Seeded Brown Farmhouse bread are all available on prescription through the NHS.

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sugar free scottish spring water natural fruit flavours E: T: 01509 680214 RefrescoMacB - SG - linda.indd 1


*IRI Infoscan 52we Unit sales 25.09.20

19/11/2020 17:29

Scottish brands 2020

24. Marshalls 25. We Hae

THIS year has brought serious challenges for food manufacturers, so it’s encouraging to see mac ‘n’ cheese brand Marshalls rising up the rankings despite the Covid-19 pandemic. James Palmer, sales manager for Marshalls. said that the brand has “worked tirelessly” throughout the pandemic to ensure its retail customers were well stocked with Marshalls products. The firm put a focus on maintaining availability this year and – according to Palmer – those efforts have been “very well received” by Scottish re-


tailers. That hard work is certainly paying off for its Cheesey and Snacaroni brands, which have seen growth this year. Both brands have recently received pack refreshes, which the brand said would keep them “looking fresh and current” on shelf. Palmer commented on the packaging refresh: “Scotland is our heartland, and we are Scotland’s favourite pasta. We wanted to maintain our traditional Scottish look and feel, but with a modern and premium twist. “We think we’ve achieved that, the feedback from the trade has been fantastic. It will be rolling into stores in the first

quarter of 2021.” According to Palmer, 2020 has seen the brand recruit new shoppers, with high repeat purchase rates. The firm attributed some of its growth to an increase in home-cooking, a trend that it reckons will continue. Palmer said: “It’s been great to see people rediscovering how good a home cooked Macaroni Cheese really is.” Selling more mac ‘n’ cheese hasn’t been Marshalls only success in 2020. The firm has also been doing its bit for local communities, supporting several foodbank charities throughout the year, which it continues to do on a weekly basis.

QUALITY Scottish produce is what it’s all about for the team at We Hae Meat. The brand offers Scottish consumers a wide range of meaty products. For those looking for a carnivorous breakfast, We Hae Meat offers steak slice, black eye (a beef sausage filled with a centre of black pudding), black pudding, and a grill pack – comprising two links sausages, lorne sausages and black puddings. Traditional Scottish favourites are also in ample supply, with dishes including beef olives, sausage rolls and even haggis olives – sliced beef filled with haggis. The brand’s pie range leaves customers spoiled for choice with flavours ranging from chicken puff pastry to barbecue pulled beef.

26. Tarbert Fine Foods TARBERT Fine Foods has risen up the rankings yet again and now finds itself knocking on the door of the top half. Success for Tarbert is built on its offer of quality produce with real Scottish provenance and has been helped along by a packaging overhaul that has given the brand a more contemporary feel. Brand owner Browns Food Group will no doubt be pleased to see sustained success

following the rebrand, which saw its portfolio of cooked meat and fish products brought together under the same logo. Smart looking packs go far, but it’s the premium product inside that drive repeat purchases. Tarbert Fine Foods range includes a selection of sliced meats ranging from Heather Honey Ham to Scottish Oak Smoked Salmon.

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SCOTLAND’S FAVOURITE PASTA Same delicious product, new premium branding Mashalls - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:57

Scottish brands 2020

27. Buchanan’s (Golden Casket) ONE of the oldest brands on this year’s list, Buchanan’s has been providing Scottish consumers with sweet treats since 1850 and is still going strong. Buchanan’s has climbed up the rankings from 33rd in 2019, a clear indication that Greenock-based owner Golden Casket has been able to keep the magic alive almost two centuries on from its creation. With a total of 42 flavours, the Buchanan’s range has something for everyone, which is surely one of the secrets to its enduring popularity. The brand still offers traditional sweet jars, with flavours including: Liquorice Whirls,

Dairy Fudge, Edinburgh Rock, Rum & Butter Toffees, Blackcurrant & Liquorice, Mint Humbugs, Soor Plooms, Summer Fruits, Mint Imperials, Liquorice Comfits, Super Jelly Beans, Butterscotch, Milk Chocolate Peanuts and

many more. Buchanan’s bag range is also comprehensive enough to ensure there is something for everyone, with variants ranging from Chocolate Caramels, Vanilla Fudge and Butter Toffee, to Fruit Jellies, Iron

28. Scott’s Porage Oats IT doesn’t come any more Scottish than a shot put throwing, kilted Highlander, which probably explains why Scotts Porage Oats’ packaging has remained largely unchanged for decades.

A newfound interest in porridge among instagram influencers and health aficionados can’t have hurt the brand, which has leapt up seven places on last year.

29. Lawsons

BEST-known for its skinless sausages, the Lawsons brand has hopped up two places on the top brands list. The brand’s tagline “Quality Since 1905” speaks to its heritage status. One of the

oldest brands on the top 50 list, Lawsons has managed to succeed in Scotland for over a century, which is a feat any brand could be proud of. Based on this performance, the brand will be around for a long time to come.

30. Mackays

DUNDEE has a lot to be proud of, including the top Scottish preserve brand – Mackays. The Mackays range includes marmalades, preserves, curds and chutneys, as well as a selection of gift packs.

Soft fruits used by Mackays are sourced from local farms. Mackays was founded in 1938 by the Mackay Brothers. Today the brand is owned by the Grant family.

Brew Pastilles and Blackcurrant & Liquorice. Brand owner Golden Casket said that Buchanan’s sweets are stocked in 756 different outlets across the UK. Buchanan’s isn’t the only big brand in the Golden Casket stable. The £One Pounders range has become a staple across many Scottish independent c-stores, offering consumers classic confectionery flavours at an affordable price point. The firm is also responsible for Millions a confectionery brand that offers plenty of scope for innovation. Invented by Golden Casket in 1990, Millions offer consumers chewy confectionery treats in a variety of flavours. Last year even saw Golden Casket team up with Universal Pictures for the launch of licensed Millions packs featuring the Minions – popular characters from the studio’s Despicable Me film series. It’s not just about confectionery for Millions either. Golden Casket offers Millions Mineral Water, a sugar-free still water available in classic Millions flavours: Bubblegum, Strawberry, and Apple & Blackcurrant.

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20/11/2020 13:18

Buchanan’s Worth the temptation

NO. 17 - Scottish Food Brand*

*Kantar Panel Data



CELEBRATING OVER 60 YEARS OF MANUFACTURING HERITAGE Fort Matilda Industrial Estate, Greenock, Scotland, PA16 7QF. Tel: 01475 721099. Fax: 01475 784644. Email: enquiries millionssweets

GoldenCasket - SG - linda.indd 1 Buch_ScotGrocerA4.indd 1



Made in the UK onepounders

18/11/2020 09/11/2020 16:57 11:47

Scottish brands 2020

31. Highland Game EDGING closer to a spot inside the top 30 Scottish brands, Highland Game has come a long way in its local market. Scotland might have the perfect conditions for producing quality venison, but it hasn’t always proven popular at home. However, in recent years Highland Game’s performance has come on leaps and bounds. Earlier this year, Highland Game announced a major increase in UK

WHEN a brand with provenance and heritage like Paterson’s joins forces with a category giant like Burton’s Biscuit Company you can often expect big things. Paterson’s, which was acquired by Burton’s Biscuits in late 2019, is still made in Scotland using the same recipes Scottish consumers know and love – but now with the strength of a giant operation behind it. Burton’s currently employs around 700 staff in Scotland and earlier this year, managing director Simon Browne told Scottish Grocer their individual contributions throughout the Covid-19 pandemic have been vital to the brand’s success. For consumers, Paterson’s offers plenty of options ranging from traditional shortbread sharing packs through to its vegan oat bar range. And the team behind the brand is

distribution through partnerships with Booker, Brakes and Costco. The improved distribution has seen Booker stock a full range of Highland Game products in all of its 180 branches across the UK. Christian Nissen, managing director of Highland Game said: “Alongside our partners in wholesale, food service, retail and export, we’ve been working hard to widen appeal for venison and raise awareness of this healthy, sustainable meat protein.”

32. Paterson’s bullish about Paterson’s prospects. Kate Needham, marketing director at Burton’s Biscuit Company, said: “From larger assortments for everyday and gifting to individually wrapped packs for impulse and out-of-home snacking, Paterson’s has a great value offer for every shopper mission.” She added: “The best-selling lines in convenience, Paterson’s Shortbread Fingers and Paterson’s Shortbread and Biscuit Assortment cartons, are available in a £1 PMP format, together with a Paterson’s Scottish Cream Jam Rounds carton for those looking for an added indulgence and a Shortbread Fingers 150g with a 69p or two for £1 price mark.”

33. Mrs Tilly’s WHEN Elisabeth Paterson and husband Peter founded Mrs Tilly’s in the 1990s, they could not have known how far the brand would go. While Mrs Tilly’s still offers consumers Scottish confectionery classics in the shape of its Traditional Bars range, the brand has diversified in recent years – expanding into growing subcategories by launching some clever pieces of NPD.

Last year, Mrs Tilly’s made waves with the launch of its Tablet Popcorn, allowing the brand to reach out to more consumers than ever before. This year has taken things a step further with a new vegan offer. Mrs Tilly’s new Vegan Fudge range rolled out earlier this year, with a major distribution deal to boot. The confectionery firm nabbed a national supply

contract with Asda which has seen its Vegan Fudge range roll out to 350 stores across the UK.

Mrs Tilly’s Vegan Fudge is available in original, Belgian chocolate, and sea salt fudge flavours.

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20/11/2020 13:20

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18/11/2020 16:58

Scottish brands 2020

34. Brownings

THE firm behind the world famous – if Scottish football fans are to be believed – Killie Pie has climbed the rankings this year, up from 42nd position in 2019. Food to go may have taken a hammering in some locations as workers stayed home due to Covid-19 but, judging by Brownings strong performance, they haven’t been shy to tuck into a pie in their kitchens. There is more to

the business than its famous pie however, with Brownings offering everything from rolls and pastries to cakes and biscuits.

35. Macsween

IF you are going to do haggis in Scotland you better know what you’re doing – and with decades of experience under their belt, the team at Macsween can certainly say that. Founded in 1953, Macsween is a third generation family firm, which continues to make its haggis products using recipes that it claims have been left “virtually unchanged” for 60 years. The brand is beloved by meat eaters and vegetarians alike, thanks to its popular veggie variant of Scotland’s national dish. Never ones to miss out on a trend, the team at Macsween has also cooked up a glutenfree haggis to cater to those following a free from diet. Both Macsween Haggis and Macsween Vegetarian Haggis hold listings in Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons, Co-op and Waitrose, while Macsween Gluten Free is currently exclusive to the latter. For those without the time or appetite for a full haggis, Macsween also offers the convenient ‘Haggis in a Hurry’ format for its original and vegetarian variants.

The smaller format comprises a 130g serving of haggis, pre-sliced and microwaveable in six seconds. Those looking for a more adventurous take on haggis could also be tempted by Macsween’s Moroccan Spiced Vegetarian Haggis. Haggis isn’t the only thing going on at Macsween either, the family firm also offers Black Pudding, Chocolate & Chilli Black Pudding and Macsween Whisky Cream Sauce. And with Burns night on

the horizon, it may not be the worst idea for budding chefs to make their way to the brand’s website. There, consumers can find a host of recipes with haggis at their heart. More than just the traditional accompaniment of neeps and tatties, the Macsween site has instructions for haggis nachos, vegan haggis poutine, haggis lamb kibbeh burgers, hot cross buns with haggis jam and a whole lot more. Burns night is sure to be a

36. Calder Millerfield FOR the third year in a row, Calder Millerfield has found itself inside the top 40 on the Scottish brands list – a fine achievement in an extraordinary year. Scottish classics are the name of the game at Calder Millerfield, with a portfolio that includes Scotch pies, mince rounds, bridies and more, Calder Millerfield was founded by John Calder in 1961, trading from premises on Millerfield Road in Dalmarnock, in Glasgow’s east end. The brand began life as a supplier to chip shops and canteens, but by the 1980s it had diversified into supplying the retail trade, catching its first break with The Co-op. Today the brand covers the majority of Scotland and the north of England thanks to its fleet of van sales, and its branded and own-label products can be found in Co-op, Sainsbury’s and Scotmid stores. Calder Millerfield continues to operate as a family business.

37. Glenrath FAMILY-owned since 1958, Glenrath is situated in the Scottish Borders. Producing over one million eggs each day, the hens are clearly doing something right.

busy time for Macsween and although the Covid-19 pandemic may alter celebrations in 2021, more consumers celebrating the bard at home is sure to create demand for haggis.

62 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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19/11/2020 12:45

Scotland’s finest Our new Scottish Smoked Trout has been awarded a prestigious 3-star Great Taste Award, described by the judges as “giving excellent flavour with a lovely balance of smoke in the fish. Absolutely delicious”. So when you choose our Smoked Trout you can be assured you’re choosing one of Scotland’s finest.

You can find our award winning Smoked Trout along with our other products including Smoked Salmon, delicious Trout Roulade and our Scottish sliced meats in selected stores across Scotland. TarbetFineFoods - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:57

Scottish brands 2020

38. Hamlyns IT has been a bumper year for Banffshire-based Hamlyns of Scotland, which has resulted in the brand enjoying record sales and climbing up seven places in the rankings, moving from 45 to 38. A number of factors seem to have contributed to this success, including the huge switch to home working during the pandemic affording people the time to enjoy breakfast, and a renewed love of home baking which continues to be fuelled by popular shows like the Great British Bake Off. With consumers demonstrating a continued focus on healthier eating, an everincreasing interest in Scottish provenance and valuefor-money products, Hamlyns would appear to have the recipe for success. Managing director, Alan Meikle, said: It’s been a really interesting year for us. Porridge sales are generally better in winter than summer although the difference is not as huge as you might think due to porridge being an allyear-round healthy breakfast cereal.

39. Big and Scottish

PROVENANCE on the pack is a sure fire winner in any category and it certainly works for Big and Scottish eggs.

“When the country went into lockdown in March we were just coming to the end of our winter sales drive. Then it all went crazy. Hamlyns went into overdrive to ‘feed the nation’ and sales have stood up ever since.” Hamlyns oat mill in Banffshire worked 24/7 from March and right through the summer to get production made and delivered, and sales have held up ever since, and Alan Meikle said he is “hugely proud of our whole team who have really worked above and beyond to keep production going, to ensure that we could fulfil all of our orders.” The Hamlyns range includes four key products, Hamlyns Scottish Porridge Oats, Ham-

lyns Oats & Bran, Hamlyns Pinhead Oatmeal, and Hamlyns Scottish Oatmeal, the brand leader in Scotland. “Sales have been strong through all retail channels, and as consumer shopping behaviour changed during the pandemic, with local convenience stores playing an even more vital role,” he said. The importance of healthy eating was already established before lockdown, and it has been reinforced over the last six months as people have had the time to look at what they are consuming and why. Meikle explained: “Hamlyns has built on the reputation of oats being a ‘nothing added, nothing removed’ healthy,

nutritious, Scottish breakfast cereal that’s great value for money and sustains you from breakfast through to lunch. “Our new winter consumer advertising campaign, features the simple strapline ‘Healthy and nutritious’, with the addition of a new ‘100% Pure Scottish Oats’ stamp, reinforcing our Scottish provenance.” Social media has played an increasingly important role in Hamlyns promotional plans this year, with a greater focus on creating recipes, and sharing recipes from Hamlyns fans, bloggers and chefs. Most recently, Hamlyns sponsored the virtual World Porridge Making Championships, the lockdown version of one of Scotland’s most popular annual food competitions, which saw porridge enthusiasts from all over the world sending in videos of them making their favourite oatbased recipes.

40. Mrs Unis UP one place from last year, Mrs Unis is fast becoming a muststock product for many retailers, as Scottish consumers seek out the authentic pakora flavour that the brand has become famous for. Mrs Unis offers a range of South Asian cuisine that keeps customers satisfied. The brand’s core range is its popular pakora snacks, which include Chicken Pakora Strips, Vegetable Pakora, Chicken Pakora Bites and Scottish culinary classic – Haggis Pakora.

Other products sold under the Mrs Unis brand include a range of samosas, bhajis and breads. The brand also offers vegan naan breads for those following a free from diet. Mrs Unis was founded by Shaneen Unis (pictured), who first arrived in Britain from Pakistan in 1967. The business was launched in 1998, and since then Mrs Unis has brought authentic flavour to stores and homes throughout Scotland, giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy her home cooking.

64 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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19/11/2020 12:41

Perfect PorRIdge In every way

Serving healthy sales in Scotland NUMBER



For all sales enquiries please contact: THE JFK PARTNERSHIP LTD

Tel: 01343 541496 Email: Hamlyns - SG - linda.indd 1

18/11/2020 16:58

Scottish brands 2020

41. Scottish Favourites RISING up the rankings from 43rd spot last year, Strathmore Foods’ Scottish Favourites range continues to offer consumers a selection of classic dishes in a convenient format. The Scottish Favourites range offers affordable meals in minutes, with variants including Macaroni Cheese, Black Pudding Slices, Scotch Pies, Macaroni Pies, Stovies, Haggis Neeps and Tatties, and Haggis and Mince.

42. Dean’s

FOUNDED in a kitchen in Huntly in 1975, Dean’s has come a long way. The Aberdeenshire brand, up two places from last year, is moving in the right direction and it’s not hard to see why. Dean’s offers a range of premium shortbread boxes, tins and gluten free SKUs, and has also diversified with the roll out of a cheese bites range. Flavours in the cheese bites range include Extra Mature Cheddar Bites; Extra Mature Cheddar & Caramalised Red Onion Bites;

Extra Mature Cheddar and Cracked Pepper Bites; and Extra Mature Cheddar & Chilli Bites. Not just a hit in Scotland, Dean’s currently exports to around 30 countries across the globe.


Maclean’s Highland Bakery

MACLEAN’S Highland Bakery is a fourth generation family business producing shortbread, biscuits, oatcakes and much more from its production site in Forres. A new entry for 2020. Maclean’s range includes Traditional Luxury Shortbread; Luxury Butterscotch Shortbred; Chocolate Chunk Shortbread; Chocolate Ginger Shortbread and a selection of Shortbread Cookies tins. The baker also offers a Wee Mini Shortbread range, as well as Luxury Biscuits, in flavours including Sticky Toffee; Chocolate & Ginger; Rhubarb & Custard; and Cherry Bakewell. Oatcake fans can also tuck into Maclean’s Original Oatcakes, as well as flavoured variants including Mature Cheddar Cheese Scottish Oatcakes and Hot Feisty Chilli Scottish Oatcakes. A selection of Mini Oatcakes SKUs is also available. Founded in 1978, and making use of recipes dating back over 100 years, Maclean’s Highland Bakery continues to operate as a family business.

44. Stockan’s STOCKAN’S has been baking on the Orkney Islands for over 100 years, giving the brand the kind of provenance and heritage that Scottish consumers love. Up four positions from 2019, Stockan’s offers a variety of traditional Scottish oatcakes, as well as Orkney Beremeal Oatcakes, Mini Original Oatcakes, Mini Cracked Black Pepper Oatcakes, and Mini Cheese Oatcakes. The brand has had a successful 12 months, having se-

cured a Sainsbury’s distribution deal for Stockan’s Orkney Beremeal and Original Mini Oatcakes last December. This summer also saw the brand launch a consumer competition offering consumers the chance to scoop a Stockan’s Tote bag packed with a selection of oatcakes and a tin. In October, the Orcadian baker secured distribution in New Zealand in time for Christmas, making Stockan’s a truly worldwide brand.

66 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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19/11/2020 12:41

Venison Raise the steaks UK’s No.1 for Venison SUSTA INA B L E | NUT R IT IO U S | H I G H PROT EI N | LOW FAT | RI C H I N I RON

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16/10/2019 17:12

20/11/2020 15:05

Scottish brands 2020

45. Grant’s Grant’s Foods is a long-established and trusted manufacturer of high quality ambient ready meals. The firm supplies a wide range of branded products to the major multiples, wholesalers and foodservice channels nationally in the UK. It also serves as a trusted manufacturer of private label products to a number of major UK retailers. Grant’s has been creating quality dishes from traditional Scottish recipes since 1885. A Grant’s spokesperson said: “This tradition of excellence has been handed down through the generations and today we at Grant’s pride ourselves on using only the highest quality ingredients to produce an authentic ‘Taste of Scotland’. “Grant’s continues to make its products from fresh, local produce and our commitment to creating delicious, top quality food remains at the centre



of everything we do. “It is vitally important to us that all our products are free from artificial colours, flavours and preservatives, ensuring we provide you with delicious food and meals which are as good as homemade.” The brand has also sought to bolster its environmental credentials, with all the products it supplies to market rolling out in fully recyclable packaging . Grant’s’ flagship product, Grant’s Haggis, is available via major supermarkets throughout the UK and also boasts wide distribution in the con-

venience retailers too. Haggis lovers overseas have also been tucking into the Scottish staple, with Grant’s exporting to over 50 countries worldwide. Other branded products in the Grant’s range include Grant’s BBQ Pulled Pork and Grant’s Boneless Beef Ribs, both of which have UK-wide distribution. Grant’s also caters to the foodservice market, where products like Chill con Carne, Vegetable Chilli and BBQ Pulled Pork prove popular with many different catering businesses.

STOATS finds itself in the Top 50 Scottish brands for the second year in succession, having emerged as a new entry in 2019. The brand, which started life as a porridge food truck business for festival goers, is now responsible not only for a broad range of instant porridge varieties, but also its children’s snack bar range dubbed ‘Stoaters’. Designed with children in mind, the Stoaters range includes real fruit pieces and contains no added sugar or artificial flavourings. Stoats also offers a selection of porridge oat bars aimed at adults, with flavours including Raspberry & Honey, Blueberry & Honey, and Apple & Cinammon flavours. Its instant porridge is available in both porridge pouch and porridge pot formats.

47. Swankies BREAKING its way into the top 50 in 2020, Swankies is a frozen fish staple with strong distribution across supermarket channels. The Scottish fish brand will undoubtedly have benefited from the improved performance of grocery SKUs brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, with the frozen category in particular performing strongly. The Swankies brand is produced by Ab-

erdeen-based fishing company Joseph Robertson. Joseph Robertson is also behind the ‘Get Hooked’ fish brand. Core branded product lines produced by Joseph Robertson include coated fillets, traditional fishcakes and melting centre fishcakes. Joseph Robertson was founded in 1878, and the company is now in its fourth gen-

eration of family ownership. Robertson has done well to recover from a devastating fire which completely destroyed its factory in December of 2005. To find its Swankies brand among the top 50 Scottish brands 15 years later is testament to the firm’s ability to bounce back from adversity and provide quality products which consumers seek out.

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20/11/2020 13:22

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18/11/2020 16:59

Scottish brands 2020

48. Lees IT has been another solid years for Coatbridge-based confectionery brand Lees – as shown by it hopping up two places in the top brands rankings. Things got off to a flyer for the firm in early 2020, with Lees securing a new listing with Marks and Spencer. The deal has seen Lees Tablet and Lees Macaroon bars land in 58 M&S stores across Scotland. It follows a major infrastructure investment in 2019, which included new machinery allowing Lees to expand its meringue offer – snapping up an Asda listing in the process. A Lees spokesperson said: “The dedicated new product development team at Lees of Scotland are committed to continuously improving the product offering for retail and wholesale customers, ensuring they are one of the most exciting food manufacturing businesses in Scotland.”

49. Castle MacLellan FOR nearly 40 years, Castle MacLellan has been producing fine Scottish pâté using high quality, local ingredients from its Dumfries and Galloway home of Kirkcudbright. It has grown from a small operation producing several tubs of pâté a day in the back of a small delicatessen, to a major national force supplying supermarkets the length and breadth of the UK. Castle MacLellan’s foray into the retail sector began when a supermarket buyer tasted the products while on holiday in Kirkcudbright. In 1987 it received the keys to a new factory in order to meet the demand for products and to enable the business to grow. It’s from this site that its team of chefs create mouth-watering recipes with impeccable attention to detail, meaning the final product tastes just as good as in the Castle MacLellan kitchen. Despite the challenges faced by the industry in 2020, Castle MacLellan is on track to deliver one of its most successful

Of 50. Mackintosh Glendaveny MOVE over Italy, Scotland’s got its own alternative to olive oil and it’s proving popular – as shown by Mackintosh of Glendaveny breaking into the top 50 as a new entry. Mackintosh of Glendaveny produces rapeseed oil from its own Scottish farm in Aberdeenshire. The oil boasts a low 6% saturated fat and is used in a variety of home-cooking scenarios ranging from dressings and marinades to baking, roasting and stir-frying. Mackintosh of Glendaveny Extra Virgin Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil packs also sport a ‘Rich in Omega 3, 6 & 9’ flash, signalling the health benefits of the brand to consumers looking for some nutrition from their oil.

years. With distribution increased in Morrisons and Sainsbury’s, as well as new listings in CoOp, Waitrose and Tesco, Castle MacLellan has been able to achieve a significant increase in branded sales compared to 2019. Castle MacLellan’s local history and supplier relationships play as important a role in the company’s success story now as they did over 30 years ago, with local suppliers including Galloway Lodge Preserves, Orkney Crab, John Mellis Honey and Crafty Distillery. Earlier this year it announced a new partnership with awardwinning Crafty Distillery for the launch of its Castle MacLellan Smoked Salmon Pâté infused with Hills & Harbour Gin. Based in Newton Stewart, Crafty Distillery handcrafts one of the few gins in the world to be distilled with its very own spirit and features botanicals from the forests and coastline of Galloway. The innovative pâté combines the fresh taste of salmon with a smooth and vibrant

gin in a Scottish partnership that is already proving to excite even the most discerning taste palates. Castle MacLellan has also extended its Light range, which launched in 2019 with Salmon and Red Pepper, and Tuna Pâté, for those customers looking for indulgence without the guilt. New for 2020 is Light Mushroom Pâté, which boasts 30% less fat than the Oven Roasted Mushroom Pâté from its original range and 40% fewer calories, but with a similarly rich flavour. Elaine McConnell, general manager at Castle MacLellan, said: “I’m absolutely delighted with the brand’s success and am incredibly proud of our colleagues here who have worked hard and adapted so well throughout some of the most challenging circumstances they have ever faced. “It’s thanks to their hard work that we’re able to gain new retail listings, unveil fantastic new additions to our range, and make our way into this list of top 50 Scottish brands.”

70 · Scottish Grocer · December 2020

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19/11/2020 12:45

The glorious taste of Scotland. It’s what makes Castle MacLellan the UK’s number 1 Pâté brand.*



sales growth in 2020**

To list now, contact: *Nielsen scantrack data Jan 2020 **NSV Year to date Oct 2020 vs. Oct 2019

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18/11/2020 16:59

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