Cedar Park Town Center - September 2011

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CEDAR PARK TOWN CENTER Official Newsletter of the Cedar Park Town Center HOA

September 2011

Volume 2, Issue 9


FROM THE BOARD Ken Walsh, CPTC Vice President

As I write this, we are perhaps a month and a half or two from our next Annual HOA meeting. When the date has been set, it will be published through the website and e-mails, and you will also get a direct mail confirming the date, time, and place. Please make every effort to be there. Our by-laws require that we have enough members attending in person (or who have submitted a proxy) or we can not hold the meeting. We have had to scramble several times in the last couple years to get a quorum - enough last minute signatures were gathered literally as the meeting start time passed. This not only presents re-scheduling problems, it also costs the HOA (that is - you and me) money – we would have to pay for the room twice! “But I don’t care about that stuff!” – fine! – sign your proxy and give it to a neighbor who does care, but don’t complain later about HOA rules, policies, expenditures or other business. Remember – you don’t care. “I won’t be around then” – hopefully this is being said after the date has been announced and not before, but again the answer is your proxy, and tell whoever you give it to how you would like it voted. “OK – I want to be involved in the community” – Great! – but this meeting is at a general level. If you want to get much more involved, listen to the reports of committee activity and find one to join. Much of what happens to make life in CPTC better happens through the activities of resident-led committees and their interactions with the Board of Directors Thanks. Until next month, watch for the Annual Meeting notice. - Ken Walsh Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Cedar Park Town Center’s

ANNUAL HOA MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT Where - Cedar Park Library on Discovery Blvd. When - September 2011 Time - TBD – Look for Your Notice in the Mail

WHAT IS A QUORUM? A quorum is the smallest number of board members necessary to legally conduct the business of your HOA. Without a quorum, a vote cannot be taken, and the status quo can’t be changed. Unless a quorum is present HOA business cannot be conducted. HOA ANNUAL MEETINGS EXPLAINED Many associations schedule their annual member and budget ratification meetings in the last months of the year. Annual meetings give an opportunity for owners to vote on one of the primary matters within their control: the election of board members. More members typically attend these meetings than board meetings, and they expect to receive information about important association business and have a chance to ask questions about board actions. Associations should recognize the need to balance member participation and information dissemination with meeting control. No owner wants to attend long, unproductive meetings, nor do members want to show up to the meeting only to learn that they cannot conduct business due to a technical legal issue such as improper notice or lack of quorum. NOTICE In general, associations should inform their members of annual meetings by sending written notice at least 10 days, and not more than 50 days, before the meeting.  Sending notice by email only will not likely satisfy the notice requirements. Associations must also post notice and can give electronic notice in addition to other forms.  The notice must state the time and place of the meeting and the purpose for the meeting.  Some agenda items, such as proposed amendments to the declaration or bylaws, budget changes, or proposals to remove someone from the board, may require special notice to the members. Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011




EMERGENCY NUMBERS EMERGENCY..............................................................911 Fire................................................................................911 Ambulance....................................................................911 Cedar Park Police Non-Emergency............... 512-260-4600 SCHOOLS Leander ISD................................................ 512-434-5000 UTILITIES City of Cedar Park Water.............................. 512-401-5300 Perdernales Electric....................................... 512-331-8883 ATMOS Gas Service..................................1-800-460-3030 Solid Waste Services...................................... 512-401-5678 Williamson County News............................ www.nixle.com AT&T Customer Service.......................................1-800-288-2020 TIME WARNER Customer Service.......................................... 512-418-8848

BOARD MEMBERS PRESIDENT Kate McDonald (D.R. Horton).....kmcdonald@drhorton.com VICE-PRESIDENT Ken Walsh (Resident)................................. knwlsh@att.net SECRETARY/TREASURER Stacy Laine (D.R. Horton).................................................. PROPERTY MANAGER Celeste Schulz..........CPTmanager@goodwintx.com, 512-852-7922 GOODWIN MANAGEMENT INC. http://cpt.goodwintx.com • (512) 502-7540 11149 Research, STE 100, Austin, TX 78759-5227 FOR QUESTIONS or CONCERNS Contact our Property Manager & HOA Board for any questions/concerns about your neighborhood CEDAR PARK TOWN CENTER HOA WEBSITE Visit the Cedar Park Town Center HOA Website at www.cedarparktowncenter.org

NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR LeighAnne Fulcher....................................l.fulcher@att.net PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com 2

Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011


NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH Robert Ingraham…….…..robert.ingraham@att.net POOL Diana Walsh……………RockyMtnHi45@msn.com RECREATION LeighAnne Fulcher……………….l.fulcher@att.net

Annual HOA Meeting Announcement (Continued from Page 6) RECORD DATE Most associations’ bylaws establish a record date for the purpose of determining the list of members who can vote at the meeting. The record date helps to sort out the proper owners and, in those cases where only owners who have paid their assessments may vote, establishes the date by which owners must bring their accounts current if they desire to vote. Boards should determine the record date if the bylaws do not establish one and should consider using the notice date or meeting date as the record date. QUORUM AND PROXIES Because the membership must establish quorum before it can take any action, associations should encourage their owners to attend the annual meeting or give a proxy to another person who can appear at the meeting. Contrary to what some owners think, proxy forms need not include a place for the owner to cast a vote. Proxies are not ballots. If owners have historically failed to establish quorum, the board may need to wage a “get out the vote” campaign through written reminders and door knocking. OWNER FORUM

The annual member meeting should include time for member input in the form of an owner forum. Owner forums should not devolve into free-for-all comment sessions. To best allocate time to members and facilitate discussion at the forum, boards should adopt a forum protocol prior to the member meeting. Your association’s policies regarding meetings may already address these matters.  While owner input is appropriate, boards are not required to take action to address the statements made during the meeting.


By LeighAnne Fulcher, Cedar Park Town Center Living Editor Please send any pictures, articles, birthdays or announcements to l.fulcher@att.net for inclusion in the newsletter. In addition, if you have recipes or around the house tips, please feel free to forward those as well. Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.



LeighAnne Fulcher, CPTC National Night Out Coordinator Law enforcement agents around the world came out to intermingle with their communities on August 2, 2011 for National Night Out (NNO) and in Cedar Park Town Center the partnership between law enforcement and the community was evident. Members of Town Center’s Neighborhood Watch Group provided hot dogs, drinks, desserts, and entertainment to residents and law enforcement officers. We all spoke with one another and drew closer as a community. The police helicopter, fire truck, EMS van, patrol car and motorcycles all made a grand entrance at the event and were the highlight of the evening. There were 14 neighborhood watch block captains representing 14 plus blocks of the community participating in the event this year. The total number of 2011 block party attendees was 271 up from the last year’s total of 150. We encourage all residents to continue their support of the National Night Out program and to become block captains in your immediate neighborhoods. Many thanks to all our volunteers and neighborhood participants for making this event a success. We look forward to seeing everyone again in 2012.

News from the Website By Ken Walsh, CPTC Web Administrator

My “News from the Board” column mentioned that the upcoming HOA Annual Meeting would be publicized by direct mail, as well as through our website and e-mail. The direct mail is legally required for this meeting, but the other two methods serve not only for this meeting, but a lot of other useful items that may not be mandated, but can be very helpful. You can post to our message board (always interesting), place or read classified ads or reviews, and see calendars, photos, and other documents. E-mail notices were sent to alert our residents to the National Night Out event held August 2nd. However, you can only use the website and get these e-mails if you have registered. If you have not already registered, go to http://cedarparktowncenter.org and click on “Login” and then “Request Login”. Complete the form and you are on your way. If you experience any problems, contact me at knwlsh@att.net. Ken Walsh PS: If you missed National Night Out, it was a great event! Don’t miss others for lack of notice.

LeighAnne Fulcher, CPTC National Night Out Coordinator

Advertise Your Business Here 888-687-6444 2011 National Night Out RAFFLE WINNERS Contact LeighAnne at l.fulcher@att.net to claim your prize. Veronica Armstrong......................National Night Out Tote Jason Salinas.........................National Night Out Golf Shirt Theresia Love................................National Night Out Tote Ken Shirley..........................National Night Out Golf Shirt Nicole Robillard............................National Night Out Tote Debbie Moore...............................National Night Out Tote Julie Stroble...................................National Night Out Tote Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011




Bob Ingraham, Neighborhood Watch Chair

In our approximate 14 months of existence we feel we have made a significant difference in crime in Cedar Park Town Center. The Cedar Park Police Department reports crime incidents in our city every day. When you look at the map every day it almost looks like we are a sanctuary crime pins are all around us but not in our neighborhood. It has happened because we have a large number of dedicated people who have done a great job of communicating all incidents and encouraging you to communicate with each other and most importantly, pick up the phone and call the police. Our communications with the police have resulted in a couple of arrests, interruption of crimes in progress and calling the police on suspicious people before they could commit a crime. With that said, we still have some central areas with no coverage, many new homes recently occupied on new streets and sadly, the loss of a couple people due to job changes or relocation. If you would like to be a Block Captain and help keep our neighborhood safe, please give me a call. This is our neighborhood and only we can determine the quality of our life here. We do not have to tolerate theft, vandalism and crime in general. Agreeing to be a Block Captain will allow you to meet your neighbors, make friends all over the neighborhood and help to keep our homes safe. Bob Ingraham - 512-410-9365 - robert.ingraham@att.net


POOL COMMITTEE Diana Walsh, CPTC Pool Committee Chair

As most of you have probably noticed, we’ve had a little trouble with the switch to the fountains at the kid’s pool. Hopefully we FINALLY found the problem and it has been fixed. The switch has a motion detector and you need only to wave your hand in front of it to activate it. It has a timer on it and it will automatically shut off. Because of the location of the switch (under the overhang), it will be in the shadows depending on the time of day and a child’s hand may not be enough of a light contrast to trigger the switch to come on. It may take Mom or Dad to activate it. And. . . We also got that hole in the wall fixed in the men’s room. The plumbers had to knock a hole into the wall to repair a plumbing leak. The hole is now a plumbing access point and a plate was added to cover it and now they can fix any future plumbing problems. As usual, if anyone has any problems or issues they wish to discuss with us, please feel free to contact me at RockyMtnHi45@msn.com or call me at 512-658-9605. Thanks, Diana Walsh - Pool Committee Chair

Droughts are a Drain on Lake travis. Due to the current drought, Cedar Park’s watering schedule is now mandatory. Odd-numbered addresses water on Wednesdays & Saturdays. Even-numbered addresses water on Thursdays & Sundays. Help us conserve Lake Travis. Learn more at WaterIQ.org. The WATER IQ logo is a licensed service mark of the Texas Water Development Board.


Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.









Fertilize your lawn again

















Water Deeply



13 Watch out for fall webworms and dust with Bt. Breeak open webs so wasps can reach them






Continue fertilizing program on a regular basis according to package directions




Don't rake fall leaves, use your mulching mower to break them up into the lawn

Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.




Plant fall vegetables as it begins to cool off

Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011



Benefits of Yoga

By Veronica Armstrong, CPTC Resident www.yogacedarpark.com An early benefit of regular Yoga exercise is a noticeable improvement in posture. It is not uncommon to be asked “are you taller?” or “have you lost weight?” once your commitment to a Yoga program has begun. Correct posture affects the health of the entire body. It affects the health of the heart by releasing the binding effects of a slouched posture and a collapsed chest. When the chest is lifted and open, circulation is increased or restored to all the vital organs in the thoracic cavity. When the chest area is constricted, it is not possible to completely fill the lungs, which then affects the health of the circulatory and respiratory systems. Good posture promotes overall health when adequate oxygen is consumed and properly processed in the body. A collapsed chest and rounded shoulders interferes with the breath, but also interferes with vital blood flow to the

body’s nervous system, which sends signals to the internal organs. Yoga helps to keep the discs between the vertebrae plump, supple and healthy. In the adult spine, all nourishment to the vertebrae, discs, spinal muscles, and other soft connective tissues comes from movement. With movement, fluids move into and out of the spongy discs. These movements include stretching, lengthening, forward flexions, extensions, lateral movements, and twists. Discs that are not nourished begin to shrink and lose their elasticity. The discs are then more prone to injury, herniation, sciatica, and other nerve problems. A gentle and gradual arching of the back, as in backbend tends to counteract the degenerations of the spine that comes with aging. Movements of the spine, and other (Continued on Page 7)

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Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

CEDAR PARK TOWN CENTER LIVING Benefits of Yoga - (Continued from Page 6) joints, stimulate the production of synovial fluid that provides lubrication to the joints. Lengthening the spine creates space between the vertebrae and is vital to health. The space allows for some freedom of impinged nerves directed through each vertebra. The nerves are connected to the organs and structures of the body from the spinal cord between each vertebra. Yoga exercise provides appropriate strength, length and stretch movements that encourage strong, tall, perfect posture. Regular Yoga practice keeps the postural muscles toned and able to maintain alignment that is good for one’s health. Poses performed in Yoga challenge core stabilizing muscles. The three major postural muscles can be found working or stretching in almost every pose in Yoga. The erector abdominus (abs), the erector spine (back), and the rectus femoris (hip) are large major muscle groups that must stay strong and able to support the posture of the body in various positions. In addition, the large chest muscles (pecs) and the upper back muscles (trapezius) keep the shoulders and rib cage well aligned when toned and strong as well as stretched and flexible. Our bodies are incredible machines. We are a miracle of engineering, physics, chemistry, electronics, and energy. Let’s be thankful for these bodies we are in, that we are able to move, breath, and feel.


9th Annual Barktoberfest & PLEDGE WALK FOR HOMELESS PETS

Have a howling good time and help the Central Texas SPCA save homeless pets in our community. This year’s event will be bigger and better than ever on Saturday, September 10th at Old Settler’s Park in Round Rock, Texas. The morning starts with a 2K pledge walk for homeless pets and then the festival fun begins. We’ll have music, food, vendors, fun games and activities for kids, activities for dogs, low cost microchippping, a costume contest for dogs and humans, and much more. The top fundraisers in the 2K pledge walk will win great prizes! Please visit www.centraltexasspca. org for more information.


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LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED 308 Meadowlark St. • Lakeway, TX 78734 Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

EXPERIENCE MATTERS doing business for 30+ years. Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011


CEDAR PARK TOWN CENTER LIVING 308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717






Cedar Park Town Center Living - September 2011

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

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