WILD September 2011
Volume III, Issue IX
Official Publication of the Wildhorse Homeowners Association
The Board of Directors is holding a Wildhorse Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, September 28th, 2011, at Krueger Elementary at 7pm. Please join us to learn what we have been working on over the last year, ask questions of the board, and meet your neighbors. If you have any questions that would like us to address please email the board at board@wildhorsecommunity.com to make sure they get on the agenda as items to discuss. We will also conduct the drawing for a $50 gift card for ten lucky residents who prepaid their entire 2011 dues by the deadline. Hope to see you all there!
Neighbors, are you ready to clear out the garage after a busy summer? Do you have closets in need of cleaning out? Maybe you’ve done some redecorating? Well, get ready to price tag it for our next community wide garage sale, scheduled for Saturday, September 3rd. We will provide the newspaper advertising & signs outside of the neighborhood. You will simply need to provide some directional signs to your home. PLEASE be sure to remove all signs at the end of the day. Thank you... and good luck!
OPEN BOARD POSITION One of our board members, Stephen Swisher, had to resign from the board due to work commitments. The board of directors would like to fill this position as soon as possible with a resident who can complete his term until March 2012. If you are interested in learning more about what it takes to become a board member or more about the position please email the board at board@ wildhorsecommunity.com or contact Lisa James, our community manager, at ljames@spectrumam.com. The board would like to extend their thanks to Stephen for his service to our community over the past year. Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
This article is submitted by our Community Manager at Spectrum, Lisa James.
Some concerns/inquiries were recently brought to my attention. At this time, it may be best to provide some clarity. Each association Spectrum Manages is provided site drives every 10 days during the work week. This would be 2-3 times a month depending on the number of days in the month. The trailers, boats, and such are usually seen by residents on a Saturday or Sunday at which time, the Site Manager is not inspecting the area. As these are usually weekend activities, our Site Managers are unable to witness these. Should you see an issue and would like to report it, you may do so with a date stamped photo as well as an address. The report may be sent to your assigned Site Manager (Charlie Wilkerson) at cwilkerson@spectrumam.com. Once this is received, a courtesy letter requesting the issue resolved within 10 days. If the issue has not been remedied, a violation letter would follow in 30 days. Should the issue continue the account would then be sent to the assigned lawyer for the association to proceed with legal action. Based on the governing documents established, Spectrum abides by the rules set forth. The assessments made by each homeowner do cover the management fees but more so, it takes care of the amenities enjoyed by the community--whether it’s the nature park for an evening stroll, the pools to cool down in 103 degree weather, having a family picnic at the pavilion, or simply watching the little ones play on the playground. All items are maintained by the association and Spectrum thrives on making it the best it can be with the resources available. Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
WILDHORSE HOA Board Robin Watts............................................................. President Chris Winnier...................................................Vice President VACANT..................................................................Secretary Enrique Yanes............................................... Member at Large Tyler Horner................................................ Member at Large To contact the board, email: board@wildhorsecommunity.com Marilyn A. Sibblies.......... Communications Committee Chair communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Roberta Davila & Brenda Rios.......... Social Committee Chair social@wildhorsecommunity.com Hilda Black..........................................Recreation Committee recreation@wildhorsecommunity.com Lory Simpkins..................................... Pool Committee Chair pools@wildhorsecommunity.com Frank Nava.............................Public Works Committee Chair publicworks@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................................... Safety Committee Chair www.wildhorsecommunity.com
Important Numbers CPS...................................................................210.353.4357 ................................................... (report street light outage) Bexar Co. Public Works.....................................210.465.4528 ...................................................... (shredding, graffiti, etc.) Bexar Co. Sign Dept.........................................210.465.0536 ........................................... (report damaged/missing signs) Sheriff - Non-Emergency...................................210.335.6000 SAWS................................................................210.704.7297
Newsletter Information Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Article Submission..... communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com
ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing communication@wildhorsecommunity.com or by going to: http://www.peelinc.com/articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. 2
Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
Irrigation Update Recently, there were some inquiries on our Facebook group, about whether or not our community landscaping was being watered. Our community handy-man has responded to address these irrigation concerns. Since this is his first year overseeing the irrigation system full-time, he has been dealing with two significant challenges which impact the appearance of the landscaping: the drought and ensuing SAWS water restrictions. Since September of 2010, the rainfall in San Antonio has been below average. Annual rainfall averages are typically 19 inches, unfortunately the 2011 totals are just above 5 inches so far. Irrigation systems are designed to SUPPLEMENT rainfall, not to replace it. All HOA irrigation systems are operational and are being used to the maximum while remaining in compliance with the watering restrictions. Currently, Stage 2 watering restrictions allow for landscape watering with an irrigation system, sprinkler or soaker hose ONCE per week from 3:00-8:00am and 8:00-10:00pm on a designated watering day. Each of our commercial water meters has up to 70 stations. With only 7 hours per week to run the stations, applying enough water to sustain plant life is almost impossible. Comparatively, a typical residential lot has 5-8 stations, making it much easier to apply enough water to sustain plant life within the 7-hr window. Along Wildhorse Parkway, trees that have bubblers (specifically targeted micro-irrigation) are getting as much water as possible. It has also been to the community’s benefit to have a resource dedicated to maintaining our irrigation system. In the past, contracted companies may have only been onsite sporadically, and leaks or broken sprinkler heads could not be addressed in a timely fashion. Now our handy-man is out regularly repairing and testing the stations. OPPORTUNITY TO HELP! He can use assistance! Many of the stations extend for hundreds of yards, so it is easier for him to have another person available on walkie talkie to turn on/off individual stations for testing. It consumes more time (and water) when he has to do this testing and repairing solo. Please email communication@wildhorsecommunity.com if you are interested in helping. To address one last concern, the sod at the model homes was being watered consistently during the height of the summer. When installing new sod, it is possible to apply for a variance when water restrictions are in effect. So DR Horton was within their rights to apply for a variance to water-in the new sod to help it get established. WILDHORSE RESIDENTS... YOUR VOICE HAS BEEN HEARD As many of you may have been aware VIA was looking at putting route 660 through Wildhorse. Many residents, emailed, called and went to the townhall meeting to voice their opinion. As a result your voices were heard. The board has received notification that VIA has pulled route 660 from consideration. They may issue another survey for greater neighborhood participation later on but right now they are not considering putting a route through Wildhorse. Thank you so much for your concern for our community. - Board President Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
WILDHORSE Trunk or Treat Spooktacular Join the Social & Recreation Committees for our 1st annual Trunk or Treat Spooktacular on Saturday, October 22nd from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at the Wildhorse Sports Park. Events to include: costume contest, pumpkin painting, cupcake walk, best decorated trunk contest (with prizes awarded), and many other spooktacular activities for the whole family. Light refreshments will be served while supplies last. To ensure this event is a success we are asking for numerous volunteers to assist in many of the great events we have planned. We are currently in need of residents who wish to join the trunk or treating activity by decorating vehicles and handing out store bought candy and other goodies to Wildhorse residents. If interested please email the Social Committee at social@wildhorsecommunity.com by Saturday, October 15th to guarantee you a reserved space in the Sports Park parking lot. We are also in need of cupcake donations from residents for the cupcake walk, store bought or homemade cupcakes will be greatly appreciated. Please email the Social Committee if you will be donating so that we may know how many cupcakes to expect. We hope to see you there!
Gary A. Demers, PhD. CEO
Wildhorse 1K/5K Run/Walk SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2011
Start place: Sports Park at 7:45am for 5K and 8:30am for 1K. Entry fee provides you a t-shirt, water bottle, and goody bag. Adults: $10.00 | Children: $5.00 Registration dates at the Sports Park pavilion: • Saturday October 1st 8:30 am-10:30 am • Wednesday October 5th 6:00pm-7:30 pm • Saturday October 8th 8:30 am-10:30 am • Wednesday October 12th 6:00pm- 7:30 pm Please make checks payable to: Wildhorse HOA and in the memo section please write: 2011 Run/walk registration. Cash is also accepted.
FAMILY WELLNESS CENTER Serving San Antonio & Surrounding Communities Innovative Development of In-Home Counseling Services earns local business owner Special Recognition Awards from Governor Rick Perry, First Lady Anita Perry, & Mayor Julian Castro.
T-shirt Pick-up Dates at the Sports Park pavilion: • Friday, October 28th 6:00-8:00pm Run/Walk T-shirt pickup • Saturday, October 29th from 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 a.m. The entry form and the map of the race route is available on our website www.wildhorsecommunity.com. Volunteers are needed to help during registration days and the day of the race. We also need volunteers to host water stations long the race route. Five for Wildhorse volunteers: this is a perfect time to earn service hours! Please e-mail recreation@wildhorsecommunity.com if you are able to help. On the day of the race, please use caution when driving through the community. Please be on the lookout for runners and walkers, and try to avoid parking on the street for this event. Your cooperation will ensure the safety of both drivers and runners. More information is available on our website www.wildhorsecommunity. com under Recreation Committee. This event is sponsored by the Recreation and Social Committees. We hope to see you there! Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
For more information or to schedule an appointment call
210.842.4544 or visit us online at
www.missioncityfwc.org Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
WILDHORSE Wildhorse Movie in the Sports Park
Bring your lawn chairs and blankets and join the Social & Recreation Committees for our annual Movie in the Park Saturday, November 12th at 8:00 pm (movie TBA). Light refreshments will be served while supplies last. We hope to see you and your family there!
Community Development Committee Survey We would like to thank all the residents who provided us feedback on what improvements to the community they would like to see. We received approximately 36 responses out of over 2000 residents so fewer than 2% of the community submitted their opinions. Based on the information we received the order of preference for improvements is as follows:
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DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. 4
Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
• Permanent decorative shade cover over Playground Areas • Permanent decorative shade cover over Kiddie Pools&Deck Areas • Other: continue walkway around Sports Park • Two additional pavilions at the Sports Park • Expand Kiddie Playground/Jungle Gym Area • Tennis courts (2) at Timber Country Pool • Fitness park at Nature Park • Fitness center at Sports Park • Backstop and home plate at the Sports Park • Second kiddie playground/jungle gym area at Timber Country • Community Center at theSports Park • Pavilion with picnic table at the Nature Park • Soccer/football field with soccer goals at theSports Park • Child basketball court at the Sports Park • Second adult basketball court at the Sports Park There were various other responses, such as:doggie park, handicap lift chair at the pool, landscaping at the Nature Park, tennis court at Sports Park instead of Timber Country, speed bumps on Wildhorse Parkway, lights along walking trail, landscaping circle on Wildhorse Parkway, pavilion and picnic table at Timber Country, and enhancing the landscaping at the Sports Park including plant more shade trees. Thank you so much for your responses. You should see some of these improvements happening within the next year.
Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
WILDHORSE CYCLONES UPDATE Our 2011 Championship Meet was held at the University of Incarnate Word and it was a great meet! The kids really have a great time going to a large facility to swim. It inspires many of them to want to swim more. They were ALL winners this season but we did have a few shining stars! The winners for the 2011 swim season include the following:
The next time you have a question about real estate, I’d like to be your resource. Please feel free to call me anytime or visit my website specifically designed to provide the most updated information for homes listed for sale in Wildhorse
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“Let’s get a move on” David Bowman, Broker (210) 325-9972 30 Years Experience SanAntonioHouseHunting.com Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
2nd Place For 8 & Under Boys - AJ Abramson, Maxwell Yanes, Zachary Jones, and John Matthew Castillo 3rd Place For 10 & Under Boys - Drew Glenn, Cade White, William Terrill and Zachary Vasquez 3rd Place for 6 & Under Freestyle Girls - Katie Yanes 3rd Place for 6 & Under Freestyle Boys - John Gagliardo 2nd Place for 8 & Under Freestyle Girls - Lainy Lewis 3rd Place for 9 - 10 Freestyle Boys - Zachary Vasquez 1st Place for 11-12 Freestyle Boys - Jon Roddy 2nd Place for 11-12 Freestyle Boys - Reid Mitchell 2nd Place for 8 & Under Breast Girls - Lainy Lewis 3rd Place for 8 & Under Breast Boys - Logan Bettisworth 2nd Place for 9 - 10 Breast Boys - William Terrill 2nd Place for 13 - 14 Breast Boys - Jacob Shuey 1st Place for 6 & Under Backstroke Boys - John Gagliardo 1st Place for 7 - 8 Backstroke Boys - John Matthew Castillo 2nd Place for 9 - 10 Backstroke Boys - Zachary Vasquez 3rd Place for 13 - 14 Backstroke Girls - Kaitlyn Galm 2nd Place for 11 -12 Butterfly Boys - Jon Roddy 2nd Place for 8 & Under Freestyle Relay Boys - AJ Abramson, Maxwell Yanes, John Matthew Castillo and Zachary Jones
YES! YOUR NEWSLETTER IS PROVIDED 100% FREE OF CHARGE TO YOUR HOA and is made possible by the advertisers within. Please frequent their businesses and let them know where you saw their advertisement. While there, be sure to say “Thanks!” www.PEELinc.com
PEEL, INC. community newsletters Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
WILDHORSE BACK TO SCHOOL BASH WRAP-UP With the stress of back to school preparation and the relentless South Texas weather causing temperatures to reach the boiling point, it is nice to know we here in Wildhorse have the pools to cool off in and the committees to make swimming even more fun. The Social and Recreation committees joined forces to host the second annual Back to School Bash turning our Sports Park pool into a school-themed oasis for Wildhorse residents. There was food, music, a water slide, swimming, and school supplies for some lucky students. There was simply no better way to spend a Saturday afternoon than with food, fun, family and friends before the school season starts. The committees would like to thank all the volunteers who came out to help make the event so special – we could not do it without you. Stay tuned for our next community event. Congratulations to our 9 winners from Elementary, Middle, and High schools.
Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.
WILDHORSE Farmers Market Review This article, written by Marilyn Sibblies, is the first in a series the Communication Committee would like to run on local Farmers Markets. Please send your submissions to communication@wildhorsecommunity.com. Bountiful Baskets is a co-op community of people who utilize their purchasing power as a group to buy items at wholesale prices. They are dedicated to help the community be healthier by providing fresh, high quality, delicious produce at an affordable cost. It works like this: “baskets” are available to be ordered online on Mondays & Tuesdays for $15. You then pick up your “basket” of roughly half fruit and half veggies that Saturday morning at the designated location/ time within a 20 minute window. My first experience was to pick up at the only other San Antonio location off Thousand Oaks. With an 8am pick up time, I decided that it was just not going to be practical! I was delighted to find out that a second location opened up recently in
Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Helotes at Children’s Lighthouse off Leslie Road which has worked out much better for us. The Saturday morning 8:00 – 8:20am pick up is quick and efficient. Volunteers arrive early to divvy up the weekly truck delivery. You bring your own containers (boxes, laundry baskets or recyclable grocery bags), wait in line, sign for your pick up, then load up your weekly allotment of fruits and vegetables. The whole process takes less than 5 mins from arrival to departure. What I like is that Bountiful Baskets Food Co-op is not a business, but a group of people who pool their money and collectively purchase their produce supporting smaller farmers, not the huge produce conglomerates. Because it is not a business there are no employees. This is 100% volunteer run. And if you participate, you agree that you will occasionally volunteer at your site. They recommend that you volunteer once for every six times you participate. My turn to volunteer is coming up soon, so I will have
to let you all know how it goes to show up at 7am on Saturday morning. (gulp!) So far, we have received a nice variety of produce each week… potatoes, onions, sweet potatoes, corn, eggplant, cauliflower, broccoli, bananas, nectarines, plums, peaches, strawberries, black berries, pears, limes, etc. There is a $3 new basket charge the first time you participate. You agree to pick up during your 20 minute window or the food is donated. And there are no refunds or changes once you order for the week. It’s kind of like a fruit and veggie gamble! To participate, go to www.bountifulbaskets. org. If you have specific questions, you can contact the Helotes site coordinator is melaniegagliardo@yahoo.com. I also found out that this goes on year round, so it’s not just limited to summers like most Farmers Markets!
Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717
Taking the time to answer your questions... I have sold many homes in Wildhorse and would love the opportunity to help you realize the maximum value from your home. Of course I will do the research and the marketing but most importantly I will take the time to answer your questions. And I do all of this...
Because you have a choice. Patti Bennett, RealtorÂŽ, ABR, GRI, SRES One number any time:
Patti@ForSaleByPatti.com If your property is listed with a real estate broker please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.
Wildhorse Messenger - September 2011
Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.