Lakeline Ranch - October 2011

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Lakeline Ranch Reader

Lakeline Ranch READER October 2011


Volume 3, Issue 10



ISSUE: Repair the Frisbee golf course Tee boxes are in bad shape. Signs are damaged and missing NOTES: Proposed as an Eagle Scout Project. Waiting for deals from the scout

Another summer scorcher has past and I am glad we weren’t affected by the fires. My heart goes out to those who lost their homes and I wish them all the best in locating a new home and hope they all recover well from the disastrous fires. Please remember to keep fire safety in mind at all times so that our community remains safe. While we seem to be over the worst of the hot weather we still are in extreme drought so please comply with the latest local watering restrictions. School is well under way so please continue to be vigilant in watching out for kids’ safety traveling to and from the school. The HOA is really in need of residents to volunteer to serve on the various committees: Landscaping, Social, Architectural and pool committees all could use your help. The Board could also use some additional new members, if you have an interested in helping on the board please email me at Thank you in advance.

ISSUE: Put a swing in the neighborhood NOTES: Look Into Location for this. A homeowner volunteered to head this up ISSUE: Key Card locks for the outside bathrooms NOTES: Pool keys are no longer issued so no one can gain entry to the outside bathrooms. We should look at putting the same swipe mechanism in place for the outside bathrooms as we have on the pool gate. - $3000 for this project. What other options do we have?

Respectfully, Robert Hammerbach Lakeline Ranch Board Member

ISSUE: Repair basketball backboards NOTES: Getting a quote ISSUE: Pool Furniture is already coming apart, needs to be fixed NOTES: A homeowner volunteered to look at it to see if he could repair them. ISSUE: Official HOA Website NOTES: For official meeting notices we need to send out emails and post on a neighborhood website. We need to get an official neighborhood website. Goodwin will provide this service for $35 a month. More information will be coming. ISSUE: Remove Adult Swim Signs NOTES: Neighborhood OK’d this. Need to get them taken down Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.


We will be judging the best Halloween decorations the weekend of October 28-30th ; so make sure your house is looking Spooky! Please make sure to watch for the kiddos as they Trick or Treat on October 31st. Remember, if you have treats for the kids, leave your light on, if you don’t shut your porch light off. Lakeline Ranch Reader - October 2011


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