October 2011
Volume 8, Issue 10
The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association WILLOWLAKE ANNUAL
Attention Willowlake Residents! Just a reminder that the Willowlake Annual Homeowners’ Association Meeting will be held Thursday, October 27, 2011, 7:00PM at the Church of the Nazarene located at 10001 Sam Houston Parkway. There are (2) board positions up for election this year. If you have someone that you would like to nominate to serve on the board for a three year term, please contact Annette Rathgeber, (annette_mg@yahoo.com) or Nancy Kapell, (nancykapell@yahoo.com). As a Homeowners’ Association, we are required to hold an annual meeting with at least 10% of our residents present. It is very important for you to either attend the meeting or send in your proxy so that your vote gets counted. If we do not have enough proxies/residents at the meeting, we will have to hold another one and spend the money to mail out additional notices and proxies to everyone. So please, be a responsible resident and either send in your proxy or attend the meeting so that you know how your dues are spent and can voice your opinion! -The Willowlake Board of Directors WILLOWLAKE TO
For Veterans Day 2011, if you are an active or retired veteran living in Willowlake, we would like to honor you by listing your name, rank and service in the Willowlake November newsletter. The deadline for this information is October 5th, 2011. Please contact Linda at mommyma1422@sbcglobal. net if you would like to be recognized for your service to our country in this way. By Linda O’Pry, Newsletter Editor Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR Sept. 30................................................... Pool Closed Oct. 4............................... Texas National Night Out Oct. 5......................................Waste/Recycle Pickup Oct. 10.............................................. Columbus Day Oct. 12....................................Waste/Recycle Pickup Oct. 19....................................Waste/Recycle Pickup Oct. 20...............................................Board Meeting Oct. 26....................................Waste/Recycle Pickup Oct. 27............................. W. Annual HOA Meeting Oct. 31..........................................Happy Halloween Nov. 6............................Daylight Savings Time Ends Nov. 8....................................................Election Day Nov. 11................................................. Veterans Day
Halloween Kids’ Corner What happened to the guy who didn’t pay his exorcist? Answer: He was repossessed. Boogieman: Guy who passes time at a stoplight picking his nose. Invisible man: What a guy becomes when there’s housework to be done. Also, see “Mr. Hyde.”
DRIVE SLOWLY OCTOBER 31 Please drive slowly and watch out for “TRICK-or-TREATERS” on Monday, October 31st!! Willowlake Watch - October 2011