Chandler Creek
December 2011
Volume 1, Issue 6
Official Publication of The Chandler Creek Homeowners Association
PRESIDENT’S CORNER Whew! December is here already! It’s hard to believe that another year is about to come to a close and another one is about to begin. We want to make everyone aware of the upcoming Quarterly Meeting that will be held on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at 7pm in the community room of the Williamson County Jester Annex on Old Settlers Blvd. The 2012 budget will be presented at this meeting and we will welcome your questions and comments. Also, we have invited representatives from the City of Round Rock to attend to discuss the “Arterial A” road project and the potential impact it may have on Chandler Creek residents. Please mark your calendars in order to attend this meeting. We want to remind residents that while this time of year is the perfect time to eat, drink, make merry and go visiting, there are some not so nice folks who may be waiting to get into your house. The months of November and December are prime months for many home burglaries due to the earlier nightfall hours and the tendency that many of us have to leave for a couple of days to visit relatives. Make sure that your home is well secured, has adequate lighting, and if possible, have a neighbor or two help to keep an eye on your property. It is wise to not have gifts prominently displayed near windows and to make sure that windows are not blocked by overly tall shrubbery or other obstructions. If your home has an active alarm system, use it. Placing guards into windows and sliding glass doors is also recommended. If you notice Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
someone peeking in windows or who does not otherwise belong, contact the Williamson County Sheriff’s Office at 943-1389 or call 911 in the case of an emergency. We ask all homeowners or renters in Chandler Creek to make sure to use holiday decorations appropriately. Please ensure that outside decorations are designed to be used outside and be mindful that despite a small amount of recent rains, there is still a very serious drought in place. The new LED lights that are on the market have a much smaller risk of starting a fire and do not give off the heat that older strings of lights may. We want to remind everyone that holiday decorations need to be removed in a timely manner after the season is over. We also want to remind everyone that fireworks are prohibited in Chandler Creek as well as all surrounding areas due to the drought conditions. Please be aware of this restriction. From all of us on the Executive Committee & Board of Directors to all of you, Happy Holidays, and may everyone have a safe and joyous New Year! Woody, HOA President ( PS – Would the homeowner who found our Yard of the Month sign way back in the summer, please contact the Management Company so that we can retrieve our sign? Thanks! Visit us on Facebook: http://www.facebook. com/chandlercreekhoa
Due to the prudent financial oversight of the Executive Committee & Directors, the HOA is in better financial standing than in previous years. As a result, the Executive Committee voted to not raise the annual assessments for the coming year. The annual assessment rate for 2012 will remain at $275.00 per year. Please be aware that annual assessments are due in full by January 30, 2012. The balance you see on your annual statement may also include past due amounts, if applicable. These past due amounts plus the current assessments are due in full by January 30, 2012. The HOA will still offer payment plans to those homeowners who may need one; however, due to recent legislative changes, the HOA is restricted as to the length of time for which a payment plan may be approved. If you have questions about a payment plan, feel free to contact Alliance at 3472888 and ask for the HOA’s accounting representative. ***The annual statements are scheduled to be mailed to all homeowners the week of December 10, 2011. If you do not receive your statement within a week of this date, please contact Alliance at 347-2888 to request a duplicate.***
Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
Chandler Creek HOA MANAGEMENT DIRECTORS: Kim Bennink
Shelley Janda
Bob Wohlford
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: Woody Whitten ( President Ryan Putman....................................................Vice President Jon Devries................................................................Secretary Vacant.......................................................................Treasurer Jim Lipa....................................................... Member at Large MANAGEMENT COMPANY: Alliance Association Management.........512-328-6100 (main) .............115 Wild Basin Rd, Suite 308, Austin, TX 78746 Customer Service............................................. 512-347-2888 ...................................................... Stacey Pye, Property Manager.......................... 512-310-2300
IMPORTANT NUMBERS WILLIAMSON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE: Main Number.................................................. 512-943-1300 Non-emergency number.................................. 512-943-1389 Emergencies......................................................................911 CITY OF ROUND ROCK Utility Billing (Water)...................................... 512-218-5460 ROUND ROCK REFUSE Trash Service.................................................... 512-255-4980
New Watering Restrictions As you should be aware by now, the City of Round Rock has approved new watering restrictions to which Chandler Creek must adhere. Per the City: The Stage II (b) once-a-week schedule allows residential customers with odd-numbered addresses to water on Saturday, residential customers with even-numbered addresses to water on Sunday, and commercial and multi-family customers to water on Friday. ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS INCLUDE: • All outdoor irrigation is prohibited unless it occurs in compliance with the once-per-week watering schedule • The washing of automobiles is prohibited unless it occurs in compliance with the once-per-week watering schedule (this does not apply to commercial carwashes) • The watering of ground around foundations is prohibited unless it occurs in compliance with the once-per-week watering schedule • The refilling or adding of water to swimming or wading pools is prohibited unless it occurs in compliance with the once-per-week watering schedule • The operation of any ornamental fountain or other similar use of water is prohibited except where necessary to support aquatic life • The irrigation of golf fairways is prohibited unless it occurs in compliance with the once-per-week watering schedule; (these restrictions do not apply to a golf course using wastewater effluent or private well water) The following uses of water are prohibited: failing to repair leaking sprinklers, valves or faucets, washing sidewalks, driveways, parking areas, or other paved areas, operating irrigation system with broken heads, or heads out of adjustment that spray on streets or parking lots, and allowing any water to run off in the street or parking lot. A violation of the Stage II (b) restrictions is a Class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000. For repeat violations, water service may be disconnected or restricted.
SCHOOLS Double File Elementary.................................... 512-428-7400 Teravista Elementary........................................ 512-704-0500 Hernandez Middle School................................ 512-424-8800 Stony Point High School.................................. 512-428-7000
NEWSLETTER INFO EDITOR Woody PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................................................... 888-687-6444 Advertising....................................... 2
Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
Advertise Your Business Here 888-687-6444 Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
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Williamson clinic offers comprehensive cardiac care by the specialists of Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
For appointments, please call (512) 324-4812. Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
Chandler Creek
Thus 1
JANUARY 2012 Fri 2
December 1.......................HOA Executive Committee Meeting.. .................................... 7 PM (Wingate Inn Conference Center)
January 1............................................................ New Years Day
December 8.............. HOA Quarterly Meeting for Homeowners. .7 PM (Community Room at Williamson County Jester Annex)
January 23......... Chandler Creek MUD monthly board meeting
December 19.....Chandler Creek MUD monthly board meeting. ......................................... 7 PM (M.E. Gene Johnson Building) December 25.......................................................Christmas Day December 31.......................................................New Year’s Eve
January 16 .................................................................MLK Day ......................................... 7 PM (M.E. Gene Johnson Building) January 26............. Chandler Creek HOA Executive Committee . ....................Meeting – 7 PM (Wingate Inn Conference Center) January 30......................... 2012 Annual Assessments due in full *Note: Monthly meeting dates are subject to change. Please double check with the HOA or MUD to confirm meeting dates prior to attending.
Thank You TO ALL OUR
ADVERTISERS! PEEL, INC. 512-263-9181
Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season! Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Chandler Creek Yard of the Month News
December MUD News
The following homes were “frighteningly spooktacular” and were awarded Yard of the Month for Halloween 314 Ranier Lane 107 Newport Landing 2023 Cyclone Ridge 2107 Primrose Trail 1623 Alazan Cove 1104 Terrier Cov
By Nancy Beleckis • Fall Festival: We had a great turnout for our 2nd Fall Festival. A big thank you for all of you who attended and those who helped make it a big success. We had 73 people fill out our survey and we are using this information to make further plans for our district.
Congratulations to the Winners who each received a $25.00 Lowe’s/Home Depot gift card. Now is the time to channel your inner “Clark Griswold” and compete for the best decorated yard for Christmas! As in past years, the YOTM committee will award 2 prizes per section. Good Luck!
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• Football/Soccer field and Softball field reservations: We are currently seeking ideas and suggestions for making this process easier. Please send ideas and suggestions through our website at • Trail Lighting: The lights for the trail have gone out for bids and we expect for this project to be completed soon. Again we will keep you up to date in the next newsletter.
Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
Chandler Creek
Friendship Tea:
One of my favorite holiday traditions is to exchange goodies with friends and neighbors. Something that is especially wonderful this time of year is Friendship Tea. This delightful warm drink takes the chill off the coldest evenings and pairing this tea along with a cute mug, saucer, spoon, etc. makes a lovely gift! INGREDIENTS • 1/2 cup instant tea powder • 1 cup sweetened lemonade powder • 1 cup orange-flavored drink mix (e.g. Tang) • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
YES! YOUR NEWSLETTER IS PROVIDED 100% FREE OF CHARGE TO YOUR HOA and is made possible by the advertisers within. Please frequent their businesses and let them know where you saw their advertisement. While there, be sure to say “Thanks!”
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Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
DIRECTIONS • In a large bowl, combine instant tea, lemonade powder, orange drink mix, cinnamon and clove. Mix well and store in an airtight container. • To serve, put 2 to 3 teaspoons of mix in a mug. Stir in 1 cup of boiling water. Adjust to taste.
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DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
Chandler Creek
- Kids Stuff-
Section for Kids with news, puzzles, games and more!
You lean over to whisper something to your friend and you can tell by the look on your friend's face that something is up. Could it be your breath? Maybe you shouldn't have put extra onions on your hamburger at lunch. What's a kid with smelly breath to do? The good news is that bad breath happens to everyone once in a while. Let's find out how to detect it, prevent it, and even treat it. What's That Smell? Bad breath is the common name for the medical condition known as halitosis (say: hal-uh-toe-sis). Many different things can cause halitosis — from not brushing your teeth to certain medical conditions. Sometimes, a person's bad breath can blow you away — and he or she may not realize there's a problem. There are tactful (nice) ways of letting someone know about bad breath.You could offer mints or sugarless gum without having to say anything. If you need to tell a friend he or she has bad breath, you could say that you understand foods can cause bad breath because you've had it before yourself. By letting someone know that bad breath isn't something unusual, you'll make the person feel more comfortable and less embarrassed about accepting your piece of chewing gum. If you suspect your own breath is foul, ask someone who will give you an honest answer without making fun of you. (Just don't ask your brother or sister — they just might tell you your breath stinks even when it doesn't!) Although everyone gets bad breath sometimes, if you have bad breath a lot, you may need to visit your dentist or doctor. What Causes Bad Breath? Here are three common causes of bad breath: • foods and drinks, such as garlic, onions, cheese, orange juice, and soda • poor dental hygiene (say: hi-jeen), meaning you don't brush and floss as you should • smoking and other tobacco use Poor oral hygiene leads to bad breath because when you
leave food particles in your mouth, these pieces of food can rot and start to smell.The food particles may begin to collect bacteria, which can be smelly, too. Plus, by not brushing your teeth regularly, plaque (a sticky, colorless film) builds up on your teeth. Plaque is a great place for bacteria to live and yet another reason why breath can turn foul. Preventing Smelly Breath So what's a kid to do? Don't smoke or use tobacco products, of course.And take care of your mouth by brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing once a day. Brush your tongue, too, because bacteria can grow there. Flossing once a day helps get rid of particles wedged between your teeth.Also, visit your dentist twice a year for regular checkups and cleanings. Not only will you get a thorough cleaning, the dentist will look around your mouth for any potential problems, including those that can affect breath. For example, gum disease, also known as periodontal (say: per-ee-uh-don-tul) disease, can cause bad breath and damage your teeth. If you're concerned about bad breath, tell your doctor or dentist. But don't be surprised if he or she leans in and take a big whiff! Smell is one way doctors and dentists can help figure out what's causing the problem. The way a person's breath smells can be a clue to what's wrong. For instance, if someone has uncontrolled diabetes, his or her breath might smell like acetone (the same stuff that's in nail polish remover). If you have bad breath all the time and the reason can't be determined by your dentist, he or she may refer you to a doctor to make sure there is no other medical condition that could be causing it. Sometimes sinus problems, and rarely liver or kidney problems, can cause bad breath. Usually, there's a less complicated reason for a kid's bad breath — like what you had for lunch. So keep up with your brushing and flossing and you should be breathing easy — and odor free! Reviewed by: Lisa A. Goss, RDH, BS, and Charlie J. Inga, DDS Date reviewed: September 2007
This information was provided by KidsHealth, one of the largest resources online for medically reviewed health information written for parents, kids, and teens. For more articles like this one, visit or ©1995-2006. The Nemours Foundation
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Chandler Creek Chronicle - December 2011
Chandler Creek
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