Copperfield - December 2011

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Copperfield Women’s Club

Women Serving the Community

Due to a very exciting and successful year, the Copperfield Women’s Club will change it’s name to the Cy-Fair Women’s Club! Membership to our club is open to all ladies in the Northwest Houston neighborhoods. We look forward to sharing an adventurous new year with new members from the Copperfield area, as well as the entire Cy-Fair area. Our name change will take place as of January 1, 2012. If you are not familiar with our club, we are a service organization that gives back to the community. All funds raised will go right back to the community in scholarships for graduating high school seniors, at Lone Star College, Cy-Fair and grants to other nonprofits in our community, as well. Currently we meet the first Thursday of most months at West Houston Church of Christ at 7:00p.m. for social time and refreshments, followed by a program at 7:30p.m. The church is located at Queenston and West Road. If there are any adventurous ladies out there, that love to have fun and would like to participate in giving back to the community, we encourage you to come join us! Our monthly meetings are not only educational and enjoyable, but they develop lasting fellowships. We look forward to meeting you! If you have any questions about our club or need directions to the church, please contact Susan McLeroy, Membership Chair at Submitted by Rosie Serrano-Garcia

Volume 3, Issue 12

Copperfield Coalition A NON-PROFIT INCORPORATED ORGANIZATION A community of Citizens concerned with the Smart Growth of the Copperfield Area. THE LONGENBAUGH PROJECT On November 9, 2011, the Copperfield Coalition met with Commissioner Steve Radack of Harris County, Precinct 3. The topic of discussion was the intersection of Longenbaugh at Highway 6 (The Longenbaugh Project). We presented our plans for a redesign of our entryway. Commissioner Radack and three of his top engineers were present at the meeting, and they were open and receptive to our concerns. We also presented a packet containing several letters of support from the Copperfield Community Association, Wheatstone Village Community Association, and several residents of the area, along with a petition signed by 45 business owners/ general managers and 221 employees from 70 businesses within one-half mile of the intersection. The meeting lasted for one and a half hours, with the end result being in the long run Commissioner Radack will look into the situation and evaluate what can be done. In the short run, he sent out his crews to the intersection that same day (11/9/11) to survey and excavate sod on both north and south sides of Longenbaugh to install shrubbery and trees in an attempt to make it more aesthetically pleasing. He has also ordered the installation of a driveway entrance across from the opening of the median into the north side business park. He also talked with the property owner regarding the construction of a new drive and closing the other. They will (Continued from Page 3)

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

The Copperfield Courier - December 2011


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