CIRCULAR Official Publication of the Cypress Point Homeowner's Association
From The President NO DUES INCREASE 2012 Neighbors, I am very pleased to announce that there will be no dues increase in 2012. Your 2011 Board of Directors unanimously voted to leave the 2012 dues at $460, which is the same amount for the fourth year in a row. As I said last year at this time, we know that the economy tanked and that unemployment is still high. That has to have affected some of our neighbors. That is why your Board is making every effort to avoid any new hardships for those in our neighborhood that have been victims of the high unemployment. Also, as I announced last year, we have been making escalated payments on the low-interest loan from Smart Street (a Division of the Royal Bank of Canada.) that was originally taken out to fund a massive number of new amenity additions for our neighborhood. That loan will be retired in April 2013, 14-months sooner than the original loan terms. In 2011 we “tightened our belt a little.” We are continuing that strategy in 2012. Indeed the 2012 budget has an approximate $21,000 shortfall. However, we do have some cash reserves that were built up and provided us the opportunity to avoid any dues increases for the third straight year. Some may point out that we can not continue to run a deficient budget every year. Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
I would agree that we can not. However, with the escalation of the loan payments, we open a lot more cash flow beginning in 2013. So for example, we are again delaying until 2013 the building of the bayou bridge connecting section five of Lake Estates with Cypress Point sections five and six.
year of the plan was always going to be 2012. Because the Board was financially judicious in 2011, it has allowed us to again avoid a dues increase for 2012. As I said, it is because the cash reserves built up will cover both year’s short-falls, making the decision of no dues increases for 2012 the right choice.
We still had some money in the 2011 for some small new amenities and plenty of resources to maintain our existing amenities---all the while retiring the note 14-months early. For example we resurfaced the recreation center parking lot. Before year-end we will be adding hundreds of new landscaping plants, taking advantage of the 70% off sales at Houston Garden Center. We re-did the south lake south waterfall. We have started the major improvement of the community pool filtration system. In 2012 there will still be approximately $45,000 for new capital expenditures and again plenty of funds to maintain existing amenities. In 2011 and anticipated in 2012 the Board has continued to follow the financial model that I built and sold to the previous Board of Directors about five years ago, I honestly believe that we may have positioned ourselves to not only be in great financial shape, but that we may not have any dues increases for a number of years by continuing to follow the strategy that was laid out. The critical
It’s the right thing to do in these economic times. With the early payoff of the loan and by continuing to follow the financial model, I honestly believe that we may have postured ourselves to not only continue to be a strong financial organization, but one that can remain strong without the need for any increases for a number of years. Mike Flowers, President Cypress Point Community Improvement Association
Cypress Point - December 2011
CYPRESS POINT IMPORTANT NUMBERS NON-EMERGENCY NUMBERS Cy-Fair V.F.D................................................. 281-550-6663 Sheriff’s Department....................................... 713-221-6000 Cypress Substation.......................................... 281-376-2997 Cy-Fair Medical Center................................... 281-890-4285 GOVERNMENT NUMBERS Animal Control.............................................. 281-999-3191 Automobile Registration................................. 713-224-1919 Dead Animal Pick-Up..................................... 713-802-5000 Department Of Public Safety.......................... 713-681-6187 Driver’s License............................................... 281-890-5440 FBI.................................................................. 713-693-5000 GAME WARDEN (Tx. Parks & Wildlife Dept.)........................... 281-842-8100 Harris County Judge....................................... 713-755-4000 Harris County Precinct 3................................ 281-463-6300 Harris County Tax Office................................ 713-224-1919 (Tags/Titles, Taxes & Voter Registration) Health Department......................................... 713-439-6000 Social Security..............................................1-800-772-1213 U.S. Post Office ...........................................1-800-275-8777 MISCELLANEOUS NUMBERS Better Business Bureau.................................... 713-605-7767 Cypress Creek Library..................................... 281-376-4610 Cy-Fair Sports Association............................... 281-345-7426 Harris County Library (NW Branch............... 281-890-2665 The Houston Chronicle.................................. 713-220-7171 Victim’s Assistance........................................... 713-755-5625 Special Pals (lost pets....................................... 281-579-7387 SCHOOL NUMBERS Goodson Middle School.................................. 281-373-2350 Bus Information.............................................. 281-897-4380 Cy-Fair Administration................................... 281-897-4000 Cy-Fair College............................................... 281-290-3200 Cy-Fair High School....................................... 281-897-4600 Cy-Woods High School................................... 281-213-1800 Farney Elementary.......................................... 281-373-2858 UTILITY NUMBERS NWHC MUD 10 (Water & Sewer)................ 281-578-4200 Severn Trent, 16337 Park Row, Houston, TX 77084-5109 Gas Customer Service...................................... 713-659-2111 Power Outages/Downed Power Lines.............. 713-207-2222 Best Trash (Trash)............................................ 281-313-2378 Comcast (Cable/Internet/Phone).................... 713-341-1000 EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance, Fire, Sheriff.................................................911 Sheriff’s Department (non-emergency)............ 281-376-2997 Poison Control......................................... 1-800-222-1222 Report Street Lights Out..... 2
Cypress Point - December 2011
CIA OFFICERS & BOARD MEMBERS Mike Flowers........................................................... President Les Sutton........................................................Vice President Tom Weathersby..................................................... Treasurer Dan Lowe................................................................Secretary Gary Stebbins..............................................Director-at-Large Kevin Leitner..............................................Director-at-Large Mary Laughlin............................................Director-at-Large Community website is NEWSLETTER Editor - Tammie Ogrodowicz............... Board Members can be reached via private message and/or email by looking up each member by name on the website.
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Open House feb. 1, 2012 9 am – 2 pm 6 – 8 pm
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We want to hear from you! Email to let the community know! Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
This year’s Halloween festival was a huge success. Thanks to the many volunteers and vendors that showed up to help. It wouldn’t have been a success without the combination. I believe everyone that attended had a great time.
Runnin’ Wild Fun Run - Still time to register to run! Scheduled for 12/10/11 meeting at Coles Crossing Lap Pool Cy Woods Unique Christmas Ornaments – Don’t get left out look on the WRAP website or come to the VIPS window to get yours Wrapping for WRAP – come support WRAP at Barnes & Noble on 12/22 (all day) or 12/24 (10-2 pm) Christmas gift wrapping for donations Nights at Newk’s – December date is the 19th – Lunch need coupon located on WRAP website – no coupon needed for Dinner Meetings – 2nd Tuesday of each month at the CyWoods Commons @ 7:00 p.m. Upcoming dates: December 13, 2011 and January 10, 2012
Extra special belated Birthday wishes are sent to Joshua Lopez, son of Daniel and Nicole Lopez. Joshua celebrated his 7th birthday on November 24th. Joshua, we hope your day was the best!!!! Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails It’s a boy for the Lopez family. Joaquin Ethan Lopez arrived on October 28th! He tipped the scales at 8 lbs, 14 oz. and was 20 1/4” long. Proud big brother is Joshua Lopez along with his equally proud parents Daniel and Nicole! Best wishes to all of you! CY-WOODS NEWS
WRAP (Wildcats Right After Prom wrap)
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Cypress Point - December 2011
Halloween Celebrations!
Cypress Point - December 2011
Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.
CYPRESS POINT Local Girl Scouts Celebrate Founder’s Birthday Birthdays were the theme when Girl Scouts from the Compass Rose Service Unit held a skating party at Champions Rollerworld in Spring in October. The occasion was Girl Scout founder Juliette Low’s birthday. Approximately 250 girls from Sampson, Black and Farney Elementary schools and Goodson and Spillane Middle Schools skated in celebration. In honor of Low’s memory and in the spirit of scouting, the Girl Scout troops assembled 58 birthday boxes that were donated to Child Protective Services. Birthday boxes contain everything a parent might need to throw a fun birthday party: decorations, cake mixes, candles, paper goods and party favors. Girl Scouting strives to build girls of courage, confidence and character. The girls of Compass Rose have shown that they are indeed making the world a better place. Photo caption Several Girl Scouts from the Compass Rose Service Unit pose with Birthday Boxes that were donated to Child Protective Services.
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Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season! Cypress Point - December 2011
CYPRESS POINT Stuffed Animal Drive The Compass Rose Girl Scout Service Unit is sponsoring a New Stuffed Animal Drive for the Houston Police Department in November and December at area schools. Information about collection dates will be distributed in the coming weeks. This third annual drive was a Girl Scout service project initiated by Julia Marie Briggs, who passed away unexpectedly in May, 2009, at the age of 13. Julia was an active athlete at Hamilton Middle School, Captain of the Cy-Fair Iron Maidens Lacrosse Team and a busy Girl Scout. As a Cadette scout, Julia was working to earn her Silver Award by organizing a service project for the Houston Police Department’s Homicide Division. She saw a need to comfort young children who were involved in homicide cases, whether as witnesses or even suspects. Julia arranged a new stuffed animal drive that was to kick off in December 2009. Within days of her passing, her Lacrosse team members and Girl Scout troop members decided that they would finish this project in her honor. With thousands of new stuffed animals collected each year, this worthy project continues today. Please watch for information from your school about upcoming collection dates. Collections also will be held at Compass Rose Girl Scout events in November and December and at the Cy-Fair Burning Flower Lacrosse Classic tournament, named in Julia’s honor, in early December. Consider donating new stuffed animals in memory of a young woman and her promise and in honor of young children in need. For more information, contact Vera Briggs at
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FELLOWSHIP a real church, with real people, offering real hope.
Celebrate Christmas Eve at Cypress Fellowship December 24 at 5:30 pm 15014 Spring Cypress Rd. 6
Cypress Point - December 2011
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