Davenport Ranch - December 2011

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Davenport Ranch

Volume 7, Number 12 Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association

December 2011 www.DavenportRanch.org


News Update from Mount Bonnell The West Point Society has had a steady stream of projects this fall at Mount Bonnell. Here are just a few brief highlights: A new kiosk up at the summit is planned and is getting closer to installation every day. This will be a great way to keep visitors informed about the park, its history, and planned events. Workdays occurred in October and November. These involved trash pickup and even included repelling down the cliff where trash collects in large amounts. Painting the metal railing was the big workday project in November. The granite marker replacement and pavilion changes have been presented to the City Historic Landmark Commission to ensure what changes are made have the official stamp of “Certificate of Appropriateness”. Information about this project can be found at http:// www.west-point.org/joseph_bonnell/pavilion. Those who wish to make a contribution toward planned Mount Bonnell improvements such as the new kiosk, pavilion enhancements, and additional view restoration, may make a tax-deductible donation to the Friends of Mount Bonnell by going to the Austin Parks Foundation web site at http://connect.austinparks.org/specialfunds and selecting “West” under “Choose a Type” then “Mount Bonnell Covert Park” under “Choose a Program”. Or they can write a personal check made out to Austin Parks Foundation with “Friends of Mt. Bonnell” indicated on the memo line, and sent to Austin Parks Foundation, 816 Congress Ave., Ste. 1680, Austin, TX 78701. We greatly appreciate all the determination and hard work of members of the West Point Society in the stewardship of Mount Bonnell. Questions are welcomed by Stan Bacon at sbacon58@sbcglobal.net Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.


Many of you pampered your trees through the drought, especially avoiding major pruning. As the weather gets cooler and a little rain falls, please check how close overhanging branches are to the street and sidewalk. They should be 13 feet above the street and 8 feet above the sidewalk. Pruning to those heights will allow your neighbors to use the sidewalk without fear of being slapped by a branch and cars can stay safely in their lane without hearing the scraping sound of branches on the car top. Earline J. Wakefield, Property Manager

Wildfire! Ready...Set...Go! The Westlake fire department held a lecture at WHS October 27th where the Texas Forest Service presented an informative program on Wildfires and how to protect your home and family. The program included checklists for preparation before a fire happens, steps to take when a wildfire is approaching and actions to take at evacuation. Information from the lecture can be found at www.westlakefd.org on the residential preparedness page. There is also a link to register your cell phone as a reverse 911 at http://wireless.capcog.org

Did You Know? Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Board meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Westview Development offices 6:30 with the exception of December and July. All are invited. Annual meeting will be in January. If you are interested in serving on the Neighborhood board , please contact Earline Wakefield at Goodwin Management 512 470-5104 or earline.wakefield @ goodwintx.com

HAPPY HOLIDAYS! STAY WARM & PLEASE AVOID USING OUTSIDE FIRES & FIREPITS! Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - December 2011





President: Joe Thrash, Architectural Review...........jthrash@austin.rr.com Vice Presidents: Matt Matthews, Architectural Review..................................... .......................................................matt@mattmatthews.com Scott Rhodes..................................scottlrhodes@hotmail.com Larry Eisenberg................................ leisenberg@sbcglobal.net Nila Williams....................................nila@ameliabullock.com Treasurer: Don Neville..................................... dneville@reddwerks.com Secretary: Nancy Utkov, Architectural Review.........nutkov@yahoo.com Association Manager Earline Wakefield............... earline.wakefield@goodwintx.com

NEW BAKER 4 DR SENIOR PATROL OFFICER Darrell Grayson .......................................... 512-947-5242 ..........................................Darrell.Grayson@ci.austin.tx.us EMERGENGY Police and Fire Emergencies.......................................... 9-1-1 Reports/Non-Emergencies................................................311 HOSPITALS South Austin Hospital (10 miles).................... 512-447-2211 901 W. Ben White Blvd Brackenridge hospital...................................... 512-324-7000 601 15th Street Seton Hospital (10.5 miles)............................. 512-324-1000 corner of 35th and Medical Pkwy - best choice for serious problems Children's Hospital of Austin (13 miles)......... 512-324-8000 I-35 and 15th Seton Northwest (10 miles)............................. 512-324-6000 11113 Research (183 N just past Braker) North Austin Hospital (8.5 miles)................... 512-901-1000 Mopac and Parmer Heart Hospital ............................................... 512-407-7000 3801 N. Lamar Urgent Care day and after hours: Austin Regional Clinic – FarWest.................... 512-346-6611 6835 Austin Center Blvd Poison Control............................................. 1-800-222-1222 ANIMAL CONTROL Envirocare Pest Control................................... 512-416-9191 Animal Pick up (dead animals) ...............................494-9400 Animal Control (pick up stray or injured)...............972-6060 Barking Dog ....................................................................311 UTILITIES Austin Energy Customer Service..................... 512-494-9400 Austin Water Utility........................................ 512-494-9400 Texas Gas Service Customer Service................ 800-700-2443 Time Warner Cable Customer Service............. 512-485-5555 Phone Payments.......................................... 512-485-6500 SBC 24-hr Info Line:................................... 1-888-294-8433 Residential Phone Ordering:..................... 1-800-464-7928 Residential Phone Repair:......................... 1-800-246-8464 MISCELLANEOUS Goodwin Management, Inc........................... 512- 502-7517 Abandoned Cars......................................................280-0075 Airport- A.B.I.A. Flight Info. .................................530-2242 Garbage Collection.................................................494-9400 Lost mailbox key, Jim Howe; jimhowe@cox.net......844-4222 Streetlight Problem .................................................505-7617 Street Signs: Bridge & Street, Sam West..................974-8775 Street Sign Replacement..........................................457-4885 Hazardous Waste ....................................................974-4343 2

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - December 2011

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION Goodwin Management, Inc 11149 Research, Suite 100 • Austin,Texas 78759-5227 Office 512 502-7526 • Cell: 512 470-5104 • Fax: 512 346-4873 PRESIDENT DAVENPORT RANCH NEIGHBORHOOD MASTER BOARD Meredith Landry...................................................tejas42@aol.com NEWSLETTER PUBLISHER Peel, Inc............................................................. 512-263-9181

At no time will any source be allowed to use the Davenport Ranch Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Davenport Ranch Homeowners Association and Peel Inc. The information in the Davenport Ranch Newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Davenport Ranch residents only. DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above. Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Davenport Ranch QUIET, PLEASE It’s that time again. New construction and renovation projects are popping up all over Davenport Ranch. It’s exciting to see the foundation finally down to start a house or see the equipment arrive to build a pool. Unfortunately, your enthusiasm might not extend to your neighbors. Construction is noisy. Even throwing trash into dumpsters or trucks rumbling back and forth creates a less than pleasant atmosphere for outdoor activities, napping babies, the elderly or ill. The Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Board is reviewing its options for establishing hours for construction activity. Meanwhile, remember that the jack-hammer that promises a cool, relaxing pool or the cement truck that marks the beginning of a dream home can be creating a great deal of stress for your neighbors. Use common sense. 5:00 a.m. might suit the concrete trucks, but it is too early to start work in a neighborhood. Your builder might be willing to work late or on Sundays to speed up the schedule, but you won’t make friends with your soon-to-be neighbors by doing so. Temper your enthusiasm with some thoughtfulness, and all of these wonderful projects can be completed in an atmosphere of good will. Earline J. Wakefield, Property Manager

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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - December 2011


Davenport Ranch WILEY COYOTE It’s too bad that the typical coyote is not the hapless cartoon character who is always being bested by the roadrunner. Coyotes are smart, adaptable and capable of learning. After receiving some reports from owners about incidents with coyotes in Davenport Ranch, I contacted Travis County to find out what owners should do. Their advice is to call 311 and report the date, time and location of the incident or sighting. This is the system the country and state use to track coyote activity. Using this information they can spot trouble areas or particularly aggressive behavior. Thanks to reports from residents, the Wildlife Service recently set out some traps and caught two coyotes, one of which was probably guilty of attacking a dog that was with its owner near the tennis court. Trapping activity will usually scare off other coyotes. However if 311 reports indicate renewed activity, we request traps again. The Wildlife Service always posts signs when traps are in the area, and they never leave traps over the week end. Even if you have not seen coyotes, you can be sure they are living in the ravines. Protect small pets by not leaving them unsupervised; coyotes can jump fences. They are also attracted by food and water. The most recently trapped coyotes had been eating dog food. Exercise the common sense required to live among the wild things. Just please report to 311 when you do observe coyotes. Earline Wakefield, Property Manager

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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - December 2011

Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.

Davenport Ranch CHANGES PROPOSED ALONG CAPITAL OF TEXAS HIGHWAY Recently the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) solicited public comment on proposed changes along Loop 360 from US 183 to US 290, with the purpose of improving operational efficiency and relieving congestion and delays at intersections along the corridor. Several Eanes ISD community members attended the presentation and have since expressed concern to District officials on the effect of the changes on neighborhoods, schools and Eanes ISD transportation services. We are meeting with TXDOT to understand the project and will relay any concerns associated with the changes. The safety of our students is of course our most crucial message that we want to convey and we are working with TXDOT to ensure that is a top priority. We want to make you aware of the proposed project and invite you to participate in the public comment as you wish. Public comments will be accepted before November 14, 2011. Information is online: http://tinyurl.com/cznok2t. Comments may be mailed to: TXDOT - Austin District, Environmental Coordinator, P.O. Box 15426, Austin, TX 78761-5426, faxed to (512) 832-7157, or emailed to AUS_ LOOP360@txdot.gov. All written comments postmarked on or before Monday, November 14, 2011 will be included in the public meeting summary. Beginning in January, TXDOT will schedule workshops in which Eanes ISD and a designate from each neighborhood will be invited to participate. Each session will address one specific section of Loop 360. TXDOT plans to follow with a public meeting in February or March. Please contact AUS_loop360@txdot.gov or mail to TXDOT-Austin district,environemental Coordinator Po box 15426 - Austin, Tx 78761-5426 - Fax: 512 832-7157

Westlake/Eanes Moms Group for families with young children? Activities include PLAYGROUPS SPEAKERS COMMUNITY EVENTS SOCIAL EVENTS FUNDRAISERS, ETC.

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Freshly Cut for the Holidays Look who’s trimming the tree! Now through December, wrap up everything you need to make your home the home for the holidays. Spruce up rooms with non-toxic, no VOC paints, replace old carpet with reclaimed wood flooring, deck the walls in your bath with recycled glass tile. – At House+Earth,

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Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - December 2011


Davenport Ranch COATS FOR KIDS As a recipient of a gift, have you ever turned around to immediately give a gift back to the giver? Many who have received coats for their children and grandchildren at the annual Coats For Kids distribution day have returned the same day to volunteer. They gave their gifts right back to the community‚ a circle of service truly indicative of a successful program. Coats for Kids is a program in its 25th year that provides warm winter coats each December to disadvantaged children and teenagers in Central Texas through a community-wide collection and distribution process. Each year, The Junior League of Austin, Jack Brown Cleaners, KASE 101 and KVUE partner with the community to ensure the children of Central Texas stay warm. On average, 30,000 coats are distributed per year with the help of over 2,600 community volunteers. So how can you participate? Donate a new or gently-used coat to your nearest Jack Brown Cleaners, organize a coat drive through many outlets in your community (schools, places of worship, offices, neighborhoods), volunteer during sorting days or distribution days or spread the word.

FACTS • Distribution Day: Saturday, December 10th from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM • Distribution Site: Palmer Events Center, 900 Barton Springs Road • Community Coat Drive: Monday, November 14th through Wednesday, December 7th. Please drop your coats off at any local Jack Brown Cleaners. • School & Business Coat Drive Competition: Monday, November 14th through Friday, November 30th. Please drop your coats off at any local Jack Brown Cleaners. To register, go to the JLA website: www. jlaustin.org/coats. • Volunteer: Please join us to help sort coats December 6 - December 9 and/or to distribute coats to children on December 10. Register at www.jlaustin.org/coats.

Find all details about Coats For Kids at http://www.jlaustin.org/coats

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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - December 2011


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Davenport Ranch Keeping Children Safe on Holiday Road Trips As millions of families prepare for their annual holiday road trips, Texans In Motion at Scott & White Healthcare would like to encourage parents and caregivers to keep safety in mind as they travel. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that three out of four car seats are improperly installed. FOLLOWING ARE SOME TIPS TO ENSURE THAT YOUR CHILD IS RIDING SAFE:

• ALWAYS Buckle Up no matter if the trip is long or just a quick ride into town. • Keep your child in the back seat at least through age 12. • The best car seat is the one that fits your child, vehicle and budget. • Read car seat and vehicle instruction manuals to ensure proper installation.

• Safety seats should move no more than 1” from the car seat’s belt path. • Harnesses should be snug with the retainer clip at chest level. • Booster seats are highly recommended for fourth to seventh graders who are under 4’9 tall and may not fit the adult seat belt. Keeping these simple tips in mind may not reduce backseat sibling squabbles, but will help increase peace of mind when it comes to your child’s safety. Texans In Motion is an injury prevention program sponsored by the Trauma Center at Scott & White Healthcare, in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation. The program serves 11 Central Texas counties and focuses on child passenger safety. Our mission is to increase child passenger safety restraint use and reduce

the number of deaths and injuries to children in motor vehicle crashes through educational programs, activities and check-up events. Staff is certified under part of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Standardized Child Passenger Safety Training Program. All services provided by Texans In Motion at Scott & White Healthcare are FREE. For more information about car seats or to find a car seat inspection event in your area, please contact Texans In Motion at Scott & White Healthcare at 512-336-3423 or 512-5090200 or visit sw.org.

Thank You TO ALL OUR



www.peelinc.com 512-263-9181

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season! Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association - December 2011


Davenport Ranch


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Davenport Ranch Neighborhood Association Newsletter - December 2011

Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.

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