Stone Canyon - December 2011

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

December 2011

Volume 6, Issue 12

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association

NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH by Joanie Brown Re-building our Neighborhood Watch network progresses. Our initial “shout out” resulted in five most welcome volunteers; last month’s request for volunteers brought an additional seven residents forward to represent their streets. Twelve block captains will make a huge difference in our ability to pass safety alerts/ information to our residents. However, in order for our program to work most effectively and efficiently, our goal for the program is to have a volunteer for each street. Stone Canyon consists of 1101 homes, spread out along approximately 42 streets—many long enough to require 2 or 3 people to share sections. If we don’t have enough street reps, each with their own list of e-mail addresses and phone #s gathered for their neighbors, we’ll be extremely limited in passing vital info to those who need it. What will take the most time is initially touching base with the residents on your street, letting them know you’re their Neighborhood Watch rep, and asking their permission to collect their contact info to use only for Neighborhood Watch purposes. You may wish to assure them that their info will be kept confidential. The list you compile for your street will be for your use only; no requirement to share with any committee or Board member. When either a Board member or the N.Watch committee chairperson receives a safety bulletin from law enforcement, that message will be forwarded to you as your street’s rep; and you will be requested to pass it on to your contact list. If you are hesitating because you work outside your home but would be able to receive N.Watch bulletins while at your office, it should take a minimum amount of time to forward those bulletins. Neighborhood Watch is a major weapon we residents can use against anyone who enters our neighborhoods with wrong intentions. It’s our way of staying aware and looking out for each other and our families. Please help by volunteering for this important program. Thank you.

CALENDAR OF EVENTS December Holiday Party at FBCC December 10th.....................................Breakfast with Santa ................................................... 9:00am til 11:30am FBCC Saturday December 17................ tentative date for Hayride ..................................caroling and collection of canned food ... .............................items for the Round Rock Serving Center If you would like to volunteer, or get involved with any of these events, please contact: Laura Kouns at 733-1659, thanks a bunch


by Joanie Brown and Amelia Dansby A reminder that members of our YOM Committee will be out and about for Stone Canyon’s annual Holiday Lights and Decorations recognition—voting will take place, beginning Thursday evening, December 15th, ending on Tuesday evening, December 20th. Though no money is awarded, Special Recognition yard signs will be delivered to the winning homeowners before Christmas Eve. Of one thing you can be sure--Decorations get better each year! So whether you choose to decorate your own home or not, do take a drive throughout Stone Canyon after dark so you and your family can enjoy the variety of decorations.

Joanie Brown hm: 733-2913; cell: 784-3512

Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.

Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - December 2011


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