WILD December 2011
Volume III, Issue XII
Official Publication of the Wildhorse Homeowners Association
Farewell Robin The Board would like to extend its sincerest gratitude to the outgoing president, Robin Watts. Robin has served this community for almost 4 years as a Board Member, with her last year and a half as Board President. During her tenure as President, our community has seen many improvements including: a repaired and enhanced front entrance, the addition of bike lanes, new walking trail gates, creation of a Community Development Committee, application of sound budgetary principles, and oversight of the transition to our new Community Manager with Spectrum. Robin has a new job opportunity that will take her away from the board. We will miss you, Robin. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
Welcome New Board Member The board has unanimously approved the appointment of a new Board Member, Emmanuel Beauchef, to fill the position vacated by Stephen Swisher. Emmanuel, a resident of Wildhorse for five years, comes from a business and management background and complements the Board well. The community will certainly benefit from his experience and expertise. Welcome, Emmanuel. Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.
TRUNK or TREAT 2011 The Social and Recreation committees hosted the first annual Wildhorse Trunk or Treat on Saturday, October 22nd. Many residents came out to enjoy the beautiful weather, the scary haunted house, the fantastic decorated trunks, and the costume parade. For the kids, there was also face painting and pumpkin decorating. The two winners of the costume contest both received Chick-Fil-A gift cards, and the winners of the decorated trunk contest received Target gift cards! The Social Committee would like to extend many thanks to Bill Ault for helping to construct the haunted house. It was a hit! If you liked this event and it would like to see it again next year, please email the Social Committee at social@ wildhorsecommunity.com to let us know!
First Place Trunk or Treat Winners (top left); Best Costume Winners(top right); Second Place Trunk or Treat Winners(below).
Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
WILDHORSE HOA Board Robin Watts............................................................. President Chris Winnier...................................................Vice President VACANT..................................................................Secretary Enrique Yanes............................................... Member at Large Tyler Horner................................................ Member at Large To contact the board, email: board@wildhorsecommunity.com Marilyn A. Sibblies.......... Communications Committee Chair communication@wildhorsecommunity.com
Roberta Davila & Brenda Rios.......... Social Committee Chair social@wildhorsecommunity.com Hilda Black..........................................Recreation Committee recreation@wildhorsecommunity.com Lory Simpkins..................................... Pool Committee Chair pools@wildhorsecommunity.com Frank Nava.............................Public Works Committee Chair publicworks@wildhorsecommunity.com OPEN............................................... Safety Committee Chair www.wildhorsecommunity.com
Important Numbers CPS...................................................................210.353.4357 ................................................... (report street light outage) Bexar Co. Public Works.....................................210.465.4528 ...................................................... (shredding, graffiti, etc.) Bexar Co. Sign Dept.........................................210.465.0536 ........................................... (report damaged/missing signs) Sheriff - Non-Emergency...................................210.335.6000 SAWS................................................................210.704.7297
Newsletter Information Publisher Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Article Submission..... communication@wildhorsecommunity.com Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com
ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS Interested in submitting an article? You can do so by emailing communication@wildhorsecommunity.com or by going to: http://www.peelinc.com/articleSubmit.php. All news must be received by the 9th of the month prior to the issue. 2
Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
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WILDHORSE Stepping Out in Wildhorse Despite the drop in temperature, a little cold weather could not dampen the spirits of the runners at the 3rd Annual Wildhorse Stampede Fun Run. 130 residents stepped out and braved the 1K and 5K road race mapped through the community. Runners took home commemorative t-shirts, race bags, and a host of other goodies. The Recreation Committee would like to thank all the runners, spectators, and volunteers who made this event such a success! A special thank you goes out to its sponsors: HR Jumpy Jump, Helotes Collision, Soler Tri-Sports, RCB Construction, Costco Wholesale Warehouse, DR Horton, United Gymnastics, Wildhorse Cyclones Swim Team, Krueger Elementary, Wildhorse Social and Communications Committees, and Spectrum Association Management.
Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.
Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
WILDHORSE New Bike Lanes in Wildhorse It has been a long time coming, but Wildhorse is the newest recipient of bike lanes in Bexar County. A special thank you to our handyman, Lee, and our Community Manager, Lisa James, for getting this longterm goal accomplished. For safety reasons, drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians need to be aware of the right-of-way rules for bike lanes. Please visit the City of San Antonio’s website for bicycling resources, bike routes around the city, and educational resources at www. sanantonio.gov/oep/sabikes/default.aspx HERE ARE A FEW QUESTIONS & ANSWERS TAKEN FROM THE SAFETY & EDUCATION SECTION:
Q: What is a bike lane? A: A bike lane is a five to six-foot-wide, striped lane, marked with a large white bicycle on the pavement, and restricted to bicycle travel. On some streets, bike lanes appear along the left side of parked cars. On streets without parking, bike lanes appear along the curb Q: In a bike lane, people do not need to think about cars, right? A: Wrong. When the bike lane stripe turns into a dotted line, it means motorists can cross the lane to make turns. Bike riders should hold their position in the lane, but be ready to slow down for motorists who don’t yield. Also, it is important to look out for open car doors.
Q: May I drive in a bike lane? A: No. Bike lanes are designated lanes for bicycles only. Motorists may cross a bike lane when turning. Always check for bicyclists before crossing a bike lane. Q: Do bicyclists have to ride in the bike lane? A: No. Bike riders can use the adjacent travel lanes if they are moving at the speed of traffic. Bike riders also use adjacent lanes to pass another vehicle or prepare for a turn. Q: Are runners/walkers allowed to use the bike lane? A: No. Runners/walkers are not allowed to use a bike lane except when there is no sidewalk present. The violation is a class C misdemeanor. STATE BIKE LAWS Section 551.101 of the Texas Motor Vehicle Handbook states: “A person operating a bicycle has all the rights and duties applicable to a driver operating a vehicle...” • Cyclists must OBEY the law • Obey all traffic signals and signs • A person operating a bicycle slower than the flow of traffic must ride as near as practical to the right curb or edge of the roadway. • Riding against traffic (wrong-way) is illegal in all 50 states.
• A bicyclist on a one-way roadway with two or more traffic lanes may ride as near as practical to the left curb edge of a roadway. • Bicyclists on a striped roadway must ride in a single file. • Bicyclists riding at night are required to equip their bicycles with a white light front lamp visible from at least 500 feet and a rear red reflector or red lamp visible from at least 500 feet. • A person may not use a bicycle to carry more persons than the bicycle is designed or equipped to carry. • Bicyclists must maintain at least one hand on the handlebar while operating the bicycle • A bicycle in motion may not be attached to a streetcar or vehicle on a roadway • Bike must be equipped with brakes • Like a motor vehicle, bikes too must yield to pedestrians In San Antonio, any violation of these laws is a Class C Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine up to $200.
Ryan Lundberg Sales Manager
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Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
1-888-687-6444 ext 23 ryan@PEELinc.com Copyright © 2011 Peel, Inc.
WILDHORSE ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE The Wildhorse HOA is looking for one (1) volunteer to sit on the Architectural Control Committee. This committee protects our community from the impact of unapproved exterior changes to homes. It does this by reviewing, and then approving or denying homeowners’ applications for changes based upon conformance of the proposed changes to the architectural standards outlined in our governing documents. As a member of the ACC, you can help to ensure that Wildhorse Community remains consistent and harmonious with the original vision of the subdivision. If you have any questions about this committee or are interested in joining, please send your name and contact information to board@ wilhorsecommunity.com.
Breaking News – Burglars Driving Grey Mustang Late November: The Communications Committee was sent a link to a KENS5 news story/video reporting a burglary of a Wildhorse home. Luckily, the neighbor across the street has surveillance video. The two suspects, driving a grey Mustang, waited and watched the homeowner leave. They then entered the home and left with the goods. As the story was posted on our Facebook Group, at least two of the group members report seeing a grey Mustang slowly driving by on their block. If you see a suspiciously, slow driving, grey Mustang in our community, please contact Bexar County Sheriff's Office at (210) 335-6000. As we approach the holidays, let’s get these crooks apprehended before they strike again.
DID YOU SAY Free November 2011 Report on WildHorse House Prices If you’re curious about what your WildHorse homes like yours are selling for in today’s market. Plus: Get a free Report with up-to-the-minute statistics based on all the homes For Sale and Sold in WildHorse over the last 3-months in all price ranges. To Get your Free November 2011 Report on WILDHORSE House Prices Just go to .......
Reports Provided by Bobbi Terry, Realtor®, CRS, USAA Relocation Specialist Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors®, © 2011 Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.
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PEEL, INC. community newsletters Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
WILDHORSE Holiday Fire Prevention & Safety When most people think about the holidays, family festivities and good cheer likely come to mind. What few of us consider is that the holidays also present an increased risk of home fires. Home fires during the holiday season often involve cooking, Christmas trees, candles, and holiday decorations. By taking some preventative steps and following simple rules of thumb, most home fires can be prevented during the holidays and beyond. CHRISTMAS TREES • U.S. fire departments annually respond to an average of 250 structure fires caused by Christmas trees. Nearly HALF of them are caused by electrical problems, and one in four resulted from a heat source that’s too close to the tree. • If you have an artificial tree, be sure it’s labeled, certified or identified by the manufacturer as fire-retardant. If you choose a fresh tree, make sure the green needles don’t fall off when touched; before placing it in the stand, cut 1-2” from the base of the trunk. Add water to the tree stand, and be sure to water it daily. • Make sure your tree is not blocking an exit, and is at least three feet away from any heat source, like fireplaces, space heaters, radiators, candles and heat vents or lights. • Use lights that have the label of an independent testing laboratory, and make sure you know whether they are designed for indoor or outdoor use. Replace any string of lights with worn or broken cords, or loose bulb connections. Connect no more than three strands of mini-string sets and a maximum of 50 bulbs for screwin bulbs. • Never use lit candles to decorate the tree. • Always turn off Christmas tree lights before leaving the home or going to bed. • After Christmas, get rid of the tree. Dried-out trees are a fire hazard and should not be left in the home or garage, or placed outside the home. • Bring outdoor electrical lights inside after the holidays to prevent hazards and make them last longer.
COOKING • Unattended cooking is the leading cause of U.S. home fires and home fire injuries, with most cooking fires involving the stovetop. • Stay in the kitchen while you’re frying, grilling, or broiling food. Keep anything that can catch fire away from the stovetop. Turn it off when you leave the kitchen, even if it’s for a short period of time. • If you’re simmering, boiling, baking or roasting food, check it regularly and use a timer to remind you that you’re cooking. • Create a “kid-free zone” of at least three feet around the stove and areas where hot food and drinks are prepared or carried. • If you have a cooking fire, just get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire. Call 911 or the local emergency number immediately after you leave. • If you do try to fight the fire, be sure others are getting out and that you have access to an exit. • Keep a lid nearby when you’re cooking to smother small grease fires. Slide the lid over the pan and turn off the stovetop. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled. For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the door closed. CANDLES • Candles are widely used in homes throughout the holidays; December is the peak month for home candle fires. More than half of all candle fires start because the candles had been too close to things that could catch fire. • When burning candles, keep them at least 12” away from anything that can burn, and remember to blow them out when you leave the room or go to bed. • Use candle holders that are sturdy, won’t tip over and are placed on uncluttered surfaces. Avoid using candles in the bedroom, where two of five U.S. candle fires begin, or other areas where people may fall asleep. • Never leave a child alone in a room with a burning candle. • Consider using flameless candles, which look & smell like real candles.
Visit www.nfpa.org/holiday for more information and safety tips.
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ADVERTISERS! a e n o y r e v e g Wishin y Holiday Happ on! Seas Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.
Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
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Considering Listing Your Home During the Holidays? There are many good reasons...
With fewer homes for sale there is less competition for buyers. And you may receive more money for your home because you have less competition. Winter shoppers are more serious. You may have fewer actual showings, but those showings are to more qualified and motivated buyers. Buyers have more time to look at homes during the holidays. January is traditionally the biggest transfer month, and you must be on the market to capture that market. When you sell during the winter you have an opportunity to buy during spring, when many homes are on the market. Your home looks great when decorated for the holidays!
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Patti@ForSaleByPatti.com If your property is listed with a real estate broker please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.
Wildhorse Messenger - December 2011
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