Cedar Park Town Center - January 2012

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CEDAR PARK TOWN CENTER Official Newsletter of the Cedar Park Town Center HOA

January 2012

Volume 3, Issue 1

News from the Board

I’m going to brief this month so that (hopefully) some other writers get their articles into this issue. You may have noticed that the last couple issues have been kind of skimpy, but that’s not for lack of submissions. Peel, Inc, our publisher distributes this newsletter for us at no charge, and they keep the ad revenue. Unfortunately, the current economic conditions have led to reduced ad placements, which results in smaller newsletters and the omission of some articles that were turned in. If you deal with a business that runs an ad, let them know you saw it here and that you appreciate it. Until next month…. Ken Walsh

News from the Website

I’m going to be brief here too... Pool keys are probably quite far from your mind in the middle of winter, but if you have lost your key and need to get a replacement, you can arrange it on-line at poolkey.com. This site is run by Goodwin, our property manager. The regular charge for replacing a key is $25, and there is no additional charge to the resident or the HOA for this service. You can specify whether you want the key mailed or held for pickup and arrange payment. - Ken Walsh

Neighborhood Watch

In the fifteen months since we started/resurrected our current Neighborhood Watch program we have made dramatic progress as crime has become almost non-existent. I receive a crime update every day showing a map of Cedar Park with all crime locations indicated on it and Cedar Park Town Center has almost become a sanctuary as almost every day there is crime all around us. As a result, I was sensing a troubling attitude of complacency from you and my neighbors. Then, in late September, lightning struck. At 3:00 AM on September 30, a resident on Main Street woke up hearing someone slam a crow bar in to his back door lock. As he approached the door there was a second attempt but when he turned on the back light the intruder ran off. Very brazen and bold by the intruder. Please turn on your garage lights and put locks on your gates. Let’s be vigilant and keep our neighborhood safe. We have a safe neighborhood but don’t hesitate to call the police if you see a crime being committed or if something looks suspicious to you. We have lost some Block Captains due to changing job requirements and relocations and we need some new members. Nobody but us is going to keep our neighborhood safe, so please join us. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.


Yesterday we were walking by the pool and I noticed the lock on the gate that leads into the bathroom area was all messed up. Apparently someone had tried to jimmy it open. They neglected to notice that there was a chain holding the gate shut as well… but nobody said vandals were rocket scientists. Anyway, I did file a police report.This brought to mind that when or if any of you are out walking and pass by the pool/ playground area, we still need to be vigilant about doing a simple walk-around to be sure everything is okay. With fewer residents using the area, it’s more susceptible to vandalism, so we really need to keep a close eye on it. If you see anything that isn’t right, please report it the police at 911 if it’s an emergency or 512-260-4600 for non-emergencies, And please let me know too at 512-658-9605 (or 9604). Thank you, Diana Walsh - Pool Comm. Chair RockyMtnHi45@msn.com

Cedar Park Town Center Living - January 2012


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