Southgate - January 2012

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Official Publication of the Southgate Homeowners Association


Southgate G

January 2012

HOMEOWNER ASSESSMENT FOR 2012 The statements for the year 2012 homeowner assessments have been mailed to your home. Payments are due by December 31, 2011 and will begin accruing late fees if not received by January 31, 2012. Our annual dues are $200 and pay for lawn maintenance of the area surrounding our neighborhood and around the retention pond. They pay the management company for billing and collecting dues, twice monthly drive through to note deed violations, send letters to violators to remedy problems and letters to homeowners who have not paid their dues. They also pay for lighting and water at the two entrances on CR 59, for landscaping and lighting improvements to those two entrances, paid for the new sidewalk from Harris to connect to the sidewalk to the Town Center, new plants and watering system at the two CR 59 entrances, new lighting at the CR 59 entrances, repaired erosion at the retention pond, and pay for legal fees required when homeowners don’t live up to their commitment to maintain their home and pay their fees. The $200 per year equates to only $16.67 per month, per homeowner. You can go to our community site and pay online with a credit card. There is a $14.95 fee for this service, but some homeowners prefer to use this form of payment. Please pay the $200 no later than January 31st to avoid late fees. Payments received on February 1st or later will incur the late fees.

Homeowners Needed with Texas Notary Commission A committee of homeowners has completed working on revisions to the Deed Restrictions. In order to pass the revisions we will need approval of 67% of the homeowners and their signature must be notarized. The document will be available on the web site www.sgatehoa. org and will be mailed to homeowners. Teams of homeowners will be visiting homes to gather the signatures. Each team will need a notary with them to notarize the signatures. If you are a Texas Notary, and would be willing to help with this project, please email the board at .

Advertisers Needed!! Our community newsletter is printed at no charge by Peel, Inc. However, the size of our newsletter, and number of articles is dictated by the number of businesses who advertise. You have probably noticed that the last few months it has only been about four pages. If you know anyone who would benefit, please encourage them to advertise in our newsletter. The rates are reasonable and reach 442 homes immediately. Have them contact the sales office of Peel Inc at 512-263-9181, or email them . Tell them thanks for supporting our community and we will support their business! The advertising deadline is the 8th of the month prior to the issue. Copyright Š 2011 Peel, Inc.

azette Volume 2, Issue 1

Board Of Directors Meetings The Southgate HOA Board of Directors meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the Cervelle model home in Southfork from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. All homeowners are welcome to attend. Contact the board at Check out our website at http:// and get your own login to your personal account.

Yard of the Month During the month of December we award two homeowners for their home and yard decorating. The first is for Most Creative and the second is for Holiday Home. Each homeowner was awarded a $25 Gift Certificate. The winners were not chosen until the week of December 12th, and the January newsletter deadline was December 8th. The winners will be in the February newsletter, but we hope you saw the signs in their yard during December. We do not choose Yard of the Month winners for January-March, and will resume in April.

The Southgate Gazette - January 2012


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