Cherry Creek View
February 2012 Volume 8, Number 2
NEWS FROM THE BOARD Dear Neighbors: Our thanks to everyone who helped make 2011 a successful year and we look forward to all our upcoming events in 2012. Our 2012 Membership Drive is now underway, so please take a moment to send in your $60 dues checks. As you all know, our major expenses throughout the year are for maintenance and improvement of the landscape and lighting at the entrance to Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane. Currently, a group of board members is working to repair and/or replace the lights at the entrance monuments. We hope to have that project finished within the next month. We were thrilled this past year to have several new neighbors volunteer for committees and we especially thank our Gardening Gals, who have ably taken over Yard of the Month ! They spent many hours selecting the winning yards, interviewing the homeowners and writing great articles for the newsletter. Thank you Val and Beth ! Another first in 2011 was the patriotic display of American flags at the entrance to CCOBL. This is a service provided several times a year through Bowie High School, with the installation provided by our VP, Carla Trautwein and her husband, Ken. Hope you all are enjoying this as much as we do ! We will also be holding our Annual Meeting at the end of February and will announce the date, time & location on the marquee, so please keep that event in mind. It will be especially important because we are looking for new board members and officers. Per our Association bylaws, board members are to serve two years terms. Several board members have already served over this time and we need neighbors to step up and help fill these positions. We need your fresh ideas and enthusiasm. It is crucial to keep our association in compliance with our bylaws and articles of incorporation, as well as to maintain our non-profit status with the IRS and the Secretary of State of Texas. Generally, it is the job of the President or Vice President to provide the agenda for board meetings, to manage those meetings and maintain the Association’s records. The Secretary takes notes at the meetings and writes up the minutes for approval at the next meeting. The Secretary also checks our post office box at the Mockingbird Station, logs in dues payments and delivers the checks to the Treasurer, who makes the deposits. The Treasurer also prepares a balance sheet for the bank account and reports on same at board meetings. The board as a whole discusses any issues or complaints brought to our attention by neighbors and votes on what actions to take, including sending out notice letters to homeowners who are not in compliance with deed restrictions. If you have any questions, please email the and we will get back to you. Other duties of the board members include organizing Association events
(Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Let’s make it a GREAT 2012 in Cherry Creek! Let’s begin by taking care of the place we live and being considerate to our neighbors. Our homes are where our hard earned money lies. Keeping up on our homes and neighborhood goes a long way towards maintaining and enhancing our property values. But being a good neighbor is also just as important. One of the issues that has been a problem is vehicles parked in front of mail boxes. There has been several occasions this past year when mail delivery could not be made because the mail carrier could not get to the mail boxes. This has been very frustrating for both the neighbor as well as the mail carrier. Imagine if you are expecting something important arriving in the mail and not being able to get it! If you are having a party or get together please be sure your guests do not block the mailboxes. This is not limited to, but it is especially important on Saturday afternoon. Also, make 2012 the year you get more involved with your neighborhood. It starts with paying your membership dues. There is no one that is going to take care of our front entrance but us. The front entrance makes a statement about our neighborhood. It is only through our dues collections that we are able to provide landscaping, irrigation, maintain lighting, etc. Thanks to those who have been active members. You have enabled us to maintain our entrance. We have many more improvements we would like to make but we NEED YOUR HELP! Thank you in advance for sending in your payment. Please take the time to help out on a committee or by becoming a board member. We have several board members who have served for quite some time and will be stepping down. We’d love to have your input, ideas, and energy. Look for information on the marquee for the date and time of our annual meeting. Carla Trautwein Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter -February 2012 1
Cherry Creek View Association Info Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood Association Barbara Statum, President Carmen Martin, Secretary Carla Trautwein, Vice-President Ed Neuhaus, Treasurer
We invite you to join our neighborhood association. Annual dues are $60. (See application form: CCoBLNA- it's your neighborhood.) Please mail your dues to: Barbara Statum, President CCoBLNA PO Box 150127 Austin, Texas 78715-0127 Our address for other correspondence: CCoBLNA PO Box 150127 Austin, Texas 78715-0127 We also have a drop-box attached to our entrance marquee. This is not a US Mail box, so please don’t put your utility bill, checks, etc in it. The drop-box is intended to promote feedback to the neighborhood association, and board members check it regularly. Be sure to raise the red flag.
Classified Ads
Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail to board@cherrycreekonbrodie. org. Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please contact Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-263-9181 or
We want your submissions!!
Are you an expert at something or just dying to share an opinion? Share your expertise by writing a feature article for the View. Contact the board at to submit an article or to request more information.
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Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - February 2012
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DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is notg responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
Cherry Creek View News From the Board (Continued from Cover Page)
Box Tops for Education
such as our Annual Meeting, Easter Egg Hunt, Neighborhood Garage Sale, Fourth of July Parade & Celebration, National Night Out and Christmas Lighting Contest. Board members also serve on various committees, including the Landscaping Committee, who manage the lawn service company, assisted by non-board members who enjoy gardening. Please check the Membership Drive form further along in the newsletter for a list of the committees you might like to join. Ever yone please give this serious consideration, as the more folks who volunteer, the more we can accomplish for our neighborhood. Have a wonderful February and we’ll see you at the end of the month at the Annual Meeting. Sincerely, Barbara Statum, President
Have you seen these in your kitchen and wondered what to do with them? Here is the answer. Clip them off the package and put them in the dropbox at the front entrance marquee! They will then be donated to our local schools to provide much needed money. Each box top is worth ten cents to a neighborhood school. It may not sound like much but if the whole neighborhood saves them, it could add up to big money. Here is a brief history of the Box Top$ program. 2005 - Box Tops has now helped our nation’s schools earn over $130 million and includes over 86,000 participating schools. For the first time ever, the program expands to include brands outside of General Mills. 2006 - 10 Years. Over $175 million donations. More than 95,000 Box Tops schools. Box Tops continues its tradition of making a difference for more schools... and more kids... year after year. Box Top$ are collected ALL YEAR LONG, so start clipping and keep clipping!
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Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter -February 2012 3
Cherry Creek View Congratulations to the winners of the
2011 Cherry Creek Winter Holiday Decoration Contest! Visions of sugar plums danced in everyone’s heads this holiday season in our Cherry Creek neighborhood. So many people did an outstanding job on their holiday decorations! Many of the houses glimmered and twinkled with beautiful lights and fanciful glowing creatures. Upon entering our neighborhood, one would see a winter wonderland where giant toy soldiers stood guard at a sparkling house with brightlycolored snowflakes. I almost felt the frosty snow crunching under my feet and heard the jingle of sleigh bells while strolling through the neighborhood on a winter’s night. One homeowner’s lawn was overrun by mischievous longhorns and a cowboy Santa wishing us a “Merry Texmas”. The creative, Texas-style decorations and hand-painted bovines were amazing! Another yard was aglow with gigantic lollypops, candy canes, glittery gifts and shining polar bears. Many beautifullydecorated yards received votes to win the 2011 Cherry Creek Winter Holiday Decoration Contest, but here are the three houses that received the most votes. First place in the Holiday Decoration Contest goes to 9309 Silk Oak Cove. Second place goes to 3217 Silk Oak Drive, and third place goes to 9301 Silk Oak Cove. Thanks to all who participated in the contest and helped to make Cherry Creek a “holly jolly” neighborhood this holiday season!
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - February 2012
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Cherry Creek View CCoBLNA – 2012 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE Make your check payable to CCoBLNA – $60 for the 2012 calendar year.
Your name(s):________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________ City, State, ZIP:______________________________________________________ Phone: (h)__________________ (c)____________________(w)_________________ E-mail address:_______________________________________________________ Do you: Own:_______ Rent:______ How long in CCoB:__________ yrs (Renters may not be voting members under our by-laws)
Mail to:
CCoBLNA Ed Neuhaus, Treasurer PO Box 150127 Austin, TX 78715-0127
Suggestions for Issues to be addressed by CCoBL, N.A. 1._____________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ 2._____________________________
I am (We are) willing to serve on a committee:
_______Neighborhood Watch / National Night Out
_______Landscaping / Sprinkler System / Front Entrance _______Development on surrounding properties
_______Social events (4th of July, Annual Garage Sale, Etc.)
_______Communications (Newsletter, Marquee, Website)
_______Join the board Other:______________________________________________________________
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Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter -February 2012 5
Cherry Creek View Neighborhood School News Be a part in knowing about and supporting your neighborhood schools. Even if you don’t have a student you can be a PTA community member. By joining the PTA you are helping support the school, teachers, and students. PTA membership is $8.00 at Cowan and Covington, $16.00 at Bowie. Other easy ways of supporting yo neighborhood schools is shopping.
• Office Depot - ask the cashier to donate 5% of you purchases. • Randalls - sign up to have 1% of your purchases donated. • Target - with your Target card 1% of your purchases is donated. Cowan Elementary
Cowan School Day..................................................... 7:45-2:45 January 5............................................................ Back-To-School January 16...........................................Martin Luther King Day February 17-20........... Student Holiday........Elementary Parent Staff Development Conference Covington Middle School
School Day.................................................................. 8:15-3:30 January 5............................................................ Back-To-School January 16...........................................Martin Luther King Day February 17-20...........Student Holiday......... Staff Development Bowie High School
School Day.................................................................. 8:50-4:15 Late Start Days..........................................................10:15-4:15 January 5............................................................ Back-To-School January 12 ............................................................. late start day January 16...........................................Martin Luther King Day January 26.............................................................. late start day February 2.............................................................. late start day February 9.............................................................. late start day February 17-20...........Student Holiday......... Staff Development
Yo u m ay b e s u r p r i s e d t o k n ow that at spring semester each year, the student/counselor ratio jumps from approx. 500/1 to about 625/1. Many parents desire a private appointment with their child’s counselor at course selection time. For this reason, it is very important that families take advantage of our various presentations. Please know that you and your student are important to us and while we will be available at the times listed below (middle school dates TBD) to address any questions or concerns, we will make every effort to answer calls and emails as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting our incoming Class of 2016 in August 2012! 8th Grade Orientation and Course Fair - February 6, 2012 @ 6:00 in the Fine Arts Building. Bailey and Small MS Course Contract Advising for Parents - in February - date to be determined Gorzycki and Covington MS Course Contract Advising for Parents - in February - date to be determined
Ryan Lundberg Sales Manager
PEEL, INC. community newsletters 6
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - February 2012
1-888-687-6444 ext 23 Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Cherry Creek View Austin Newcomers Club February Luncheon Austin Newcomers Club is a non-profit social and recreational organization of 500 member- households celebrating is 60th year. It is dedicated to introducing residents to the Austin Community and giving them the opportunity to meet and make new friends. The February luncheon speaker will be Daris Word Hale, who was a lecturer and researcher in Tanzania as a Fulbright Scholar from the United States for the 2010-2011 academic year. She taught music at Makumira University in Arusha, and collaborated with East African composers to create new music for western orchestral instruments. Just freshly repatriated, Daris teaches music at Texas State University, and is a bassoonist in the Austin Symphony Orchestra and Austin Lyric Opera Orchestra. She is a founding member of the international touring groups Wild Basin Winds and Trio 488 which have released four albums. • When and Where: Wednesday, February ?, 2012 at Green Pastures Restaurant, 811 West Live Oak Street, pre-payment $20.00. Reservations are required. • Time: 11 a.m. Social Hour, Luncheon begins at noon. • For Luncheon Reservations Email: LuncheonDirector@ • WELCOME BACK! To the 67 members who enjoyed the ANC Western Carribbean Cruise in January. • MARK YOUR CALENDAR for our March ??Luncheon Speaker, Austin Police Chief Art Asavado To Join Austin Newcomers Club: Any person who has a zip code beginning with 787 is eligible for a new membership with the annual dues payment of $40.00. Membership includes The Welcome Mat, the monthly newsletter, and the annual Members’ Directory. Contact Dotti Thoms, New Member Services, at (512) 314-5100. You are invited to attend a morning or evening Welcome Coffee and Orientation. For more information visit the website at:
You make us look good! A neatly landscaped and well-cared-for yard says a great deal about the homeowner and the entire neighborhood. It says we take pride in our property and in our neighborhood. Well-landscaped properties add to our home values as well. If there is a home in Cherry Creek that you would like to nominate for Yard of the Month, please email your suggestion to or leave your written Yard of the Month address nomination in the front entrance drop box. There is no Yard of the Month during the winter months, December through March.
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Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter -February 2012 7
Cherry Creek View 308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - February 2012
Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.