Cherry Creek on Brodie Ln. - February 2012

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Cherry Creek View

February 2012 Volume 8, Number 2

NEWS FROM THE BOARD Dear Neighbors: Our thanks to everyone who helped make 2011 a successful year and we look forward to all our upcoming events in 2012. Our 2012 Membership Drive is now underway, so please take a moment to send in your $60 dues checks. As you all know, our major expenses throughout the year are for maintenance and improvement of the landscape and lighting at the entrance to Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane. Currently, a group of board members is working to repair and/or replace the lights at the entrance monuments. We hope to have that project finished within the next month. We were thrilled this past year to have several new neighbors volunteer for committees and we especially thank our Gardening Gals, who have ably taken over Yard of the Month ! They spent many hours selecting the winning yards, interviewing the homeowners and writing great articles for the newsletter. Thank you Val and Beth ! Another first in 2011 was the patriotic display of American flags at the entrance to CCOBL. This is a service provided several times a year through Bowie High School, with the installation provided by our VP, Carla Trautwein and her husband, Ken. Hope you all are enjoying this as much as we do ! We will also be holding our Annual Meeting at the end of February and will announce the date, time & location on the marquee, so please keep that event in mind. It will be especially important because we are looking for new board members and officers. Per our Association bylaws, board members are to serve two years terms. Several board members have already served over this time and we need neighbors to step up and help fill these positions. We need your fresh ideas and enthusiasm. It is crucial to keep our association in compliance with our bylaws and articles of incorporation, as well as to maintain our non-profit status with the IRS and the Secretary of State of Texas. Generally, it is the job of the President or Vice President to provide the agenda for board meetings, to manage those meetings and maintain the Association’s records. The Secretary takes notes at the meetings and writes up the minutes for approval at the next meeting. The Secretary also checks our post office box at the Mockingbird Station, logs in dues payments and delivers the checks to the Treasurer, who makes the deposits. The Treasurer also prepares a balance sheet for the bank account and reports on same at board meetings. The board as a whole discusses any issues or complaints brought to our attention by neighbors and votes on what actions to take, including sending out notice letters to homeowners who are not in compliance with deed restrictions. If you have any questions, please email the and we will get back to you. Other duties of the board members include organizing Association events

(Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Let’s make it a GREAT 2012 in Cherry Creek! Let’s begin by taking care of the place we live and being considerate to our neighbors. Our homes are where our hard earned money lies. Keeping up on our homes and neighborhood goes a long way towards maintaining and enhancing our property values. But being a good neighbor is also just as important. One of the issues that has been a problem is vehicles parked in front of mail boxes. There has been several occasions this past year when mail delivery could not be made because the mail carrier could not get to the mail boxes. This has been very frustrating for both the neighbor as well as the mail carrier. Imagine if you are expecting something important arriving in the mail and not being able to get it! If you are having a party or get together please be sure your guests do not block the mailboxes. This is not limited to, but it is especially important on Saturday afternoon. Also, make 2012 the year you get more involved with your neighborhood. It starts with paying your membership dues. There is no one that is going to take care of our front entrance but us. The front entrance makes a statement about our neighborhood. It is only through our dues collections that we are able to provide landscaping, irrigation, maintain lighting, etc. Thanks to those who have been active members. You have enabled us to maintain our entrance. We have many more improvements we would like to make but we NEED YOUR HELP! Thank you in advance for sending in your payment. Please take the time to help out on a committee or by becoming a board member. We have several board members who have served for quite some time and will be stepping down. We’d love to have your input, ideas, and energy. Look for information on the marquee for the date and time of our annual meeting. Carla Trautwein Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter -February 2012 1

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