Meadows of Brushy Creek
Meadows of Brushy Creek
February 2012
Official Publication of Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA
Volume 5, Issue 2
Important Road Refinishing Update As many of you have observed, loose gravel still remained throughout our subdivision for many months since the project started. Part of the curing process is to allow for expansion and contraction to take place via the change in temperature. This allows for the gravel to settle as well as come loose for sweeping. On Tuesday, January 10th, Williamson County Road and Bridge was scheduled to sweep the remaining loose gravel. Unfortunately, they did not provide adequate notice. (We did post an update on our website though.) If you are not satisfied with the remaining loose gravel, please contact Terron Evertson, You may also contact him directly at 943-3849. As he is mailing out in the field, you may alternatively call the main office line at 943-3330 and ask for someone else that can address your concern. Other parts of our MUD seem to have had better service during this process. This may be a result of homeowner complaints. Homeowners off of Braesgate Dr., Pepper Rock Dr., Dorman Dr., and Rustic Ln. are encouraged to compare your surrounding street conditions to Liberty Walk and other parts of the MUD. Again, contact Terron or Williamson County Road and Bridge as needed. The following is a map indicating Homeowner Associations part of the project.
Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K.
H. C.
G. F. I.
D. K. J.
Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - February 2012 1