Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter
February 2012
Volume 7, Issue 2
Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association
All Of You
Yard of the Month's
Holiday Lights & Decorations Recognition By Joanie Brown and Amelia Dansby As noted in our January newsletter, the deadline for submitting articles for each month’s newsletter falls on the 15th of the previous month. Since nominating and final voting weren’t scheduled to take place until the week following January’s deadline, we had to delay announcing our winners until this month. FYI: It’s never been easy for committee members to recognize 5 “winners” from the 12 nominated homes; however, this year’s task was particularly challenging. Buckets of long-overdue rain caused blown circuit breakers and few Christmas lights. But, on Tuesday, December 20th, the night sky was clear and Stone Canyon’s lights were brilliant. Thanks to everyone for creating great “eye candy” for all of us: Homes resembling Courier-and-Ives greeting cards; others, like crystal Gingerbread Houses; then, the fun, colorful child-magnets with animated toys and runways for Santa’s sleigh; and, the Stable and Manger tableaus to remind us of why we celebrate Christmas. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FAVORITES: • 1st Place: 8319 Lofty Lane • 2nd Place: 8427 Sea Ash Circle • 3rd Place: 6023 Spindletop Terrace Honorable Mention: 6004 Bar Harbor Cove; 8303 Full Moon Trail; 7004 Cool Canyon; 8109 Broken Branch; 8204 Broken Branch Hope you were able to gather your family together during the holidays to enjoy Stone Canyon “after dark” and were able to spot the winning decorations.
really came through this year! Breakfast with Santa was a great success, more than 100 families came to see Santa and the choirs from Fern Bluff Elementary, Chisholm Trail Middle School and Round Rock High School. The neighborhood joined in with Fern Bluff Elementary again this year by adopting families who need a little bit of help, collecting items for Brown Santa, the Nursing Home and the Round Rock Serving Center. The total collected this year was approximately $3000 along with many gift items. We supported eleven families in total. All of the families that we supported either have kids at Fern Bluff Elementary, or they are a part of our school community in some way. The staff at the school really embraced this project when it appeared the giving was down. They taught lessons to the kids about the difference between needs and wants and collected money from their classes to buy something off of the tree instead of doing a classwide book exchange. Many of our kids brought in their allowance, several teachers matched what their class brought in, and some staff members recruited donations from their personal families that don’t even live in this neighborhood. Toward the end of the collection period, the donations really came in, which allowed us to share several loads of toys and supplies and approx $600 worth of gift cards to assist the homeless families at Round Rock High School. Isn’t it wonderful to live in a neighborhood that has so many caring and giving people! Thanks to each of you! Laura Kouns, Good Neighbor Committe and Recreation Chair
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - February 2012