Willowlake - February 2012

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February 2012

Volume 9, Issue 2

The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association

Mark Your Calendar

Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29................... Waste/Recycle Pickup Feb. 14.................................................Valentine's Day Feb. 18 - Mar. 18..................Livestock Show & Rodeo Feb. 20................................................. Presidents' Day Feb. 29.......................................................... Leap Day

Volunteers Still Needed!!

While we have seen some great participation in our new Willowlake Watch Program and have new volunteers on board, we are still showing some vacancies in several committee positions. Willowlake has not had a social chairperson for several years now and a big reason is that people who have volunteered in the past became super frustrated because of a lack of participation. In order to make our community more family friendly, more festive, safe or whatever ideas you have that would be good for all, we need to have people willing to invest their time and creativity to make it happen. This is your community and it is what you make of it. You can choose to get involved and improve it or you can sit back and allow others to serve you. The one thing you cannot do, at least with any credibility, is complain if you are one of those who aren't participating. In the absence of volunteers year after year, the board made a decision this past Christmas to pay a company to put up and take down our neighborhood decorations. This is money that comes out of our assessments and could be used elsewhere if we have people willing to show up and lend a hand for a few hours. Thank you to those of you who have faithfully served your neighbors in various ways year after year, we appreciate you!! Debi Bon Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.


2012 is a leap year, yea! Here are some leap year facts: • Leap years are needed to keep our calendar in alignment with the earth's revolutions around the sun. • A leap year consists of 366 days, whereas other years, called common years, have 365 days. • The Gregorian calendar has a 400-year cycle until it repeats the same weekdays for every year-February 29, 2008, was a Friday and February 29, 2408, will be a Friday. • The Gregorian calendar has 97 leap years during those 400 years. • The longest time between two leap years is eight years. The last time that occurred was between 1896 and 1904. The next time will be between 2096 and 2104. Special Leap Years Leap years that share the same day of week for each date repeat only every 28 years between the years 1904 and 2096. The year 2008 was a leap year. If you look at a 2008 calendar, you will see that February has five Fridaysthe month begins and ends on a Friday. February comprised five Fridays in 1980 as well, and the next occurrence will be in 2036. February 29, the leap day, has been associated with age-old traditions, superstitions and folklore.

Happy Valentine's Day February 14

My wife was hinting about what she wanted for Valentine's Day. She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds." I bought her a bathroom scale. And then the fight started…..

Willowlake Watch - February 2012


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