Stone Canyon - March 2012

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

March 2012

Volume 7, Issue 3

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association

Easter Egg Hunt It’s Easter Bunny time again! Join us Saturday, March 31st for the annual neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt. We’ll meet at Fern Bluff Park at 10:00am. After the hunt we’ll enjoy a light lunch of Nathan’s hotdogs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We’ll have bouncy rooms and face painters to entertain children. The Easter Bunny will also make a special appearance. If you’d like to volunteer, please email

Hi Neighbors! By the time this article is in your hands, we will be just a couple of weeks away from the pool opening for another fun-filled, action-packed swim season. As we have in the past, the pool will open on April 1st, 2012. Lifeguard and pool hours will be posted on the Stone Canyon web site. One modification to the pool hours that was requested later in the summer last year is that our pool key cards allow us into the pool at 5:00am for a before-work swim. We have decided to continue that this year. We have our new pool contractor (Austin Pool Pros) hard at work making improvements to the filter and chlorine systems at the pool, as well as the deck and awnings. We are adding a liquid chlorine/muriatic acid automated injection system. This will keep the pool ph much more constant, greatly reducing the need for either chlorine or acid shock treatments. This should also lead to the pool water being much more comfortable to the eyes and skin. The pool awnings and deck are also scheduled to get a good pre-season power washing. We look forward to seeing everyone at the pool and having another great swim season. Greg Martinez and the Stone Canyon Pool Committee Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Lawn Care It is obvious as one walks through the neighborhood that last summer was very tough on our lawns. More than likely we will still be under water restrictions for the 2012 growing season. With a few tips maybe we can save our lawns from disappearing completely and being replaced by weeds. Let’s start with the simple basics: watering & mowing. Make the most of once-a-week watering by dividing your sprinkling time into 2 shifts. Instead of each station running for 20-30 minutes at a time, set the timer to water for 10-15 minutes at each station and then go around a second time. This will allow the water to sink in before the second pass-through. Deep watering once a week is far more beneficial than sprinkling lightly several times a week. This encourages deeper roots & enables the lawn to better withstand drought conditions. Early morning is the best time to water as you will have less evaporation. Evening watering encourages fungus & mold. Check the irrigation system for leaks and faulty sprinkler heads to avoid wasting water. When mowing; raise the height of the mower blade and don’t cut more than 1/3 of the grass height, as more will stress the grass. This will also allow you to leave the clippings on the lawn for nutrients. Taller grass blades shade the roots and weed seeds, preventing weeds from germinating. Most websites I checked say 3-3.5 inches in height. Chemical fertilizers during a drought have to be used very carefully as it could do more harm than good. There are several nurseries in the area that offer alternative products. Alternative fertilizers include compost for top-dressing the lawn to help keep moisture in the soil and several lawn fertilizers such as liquid seaweed and fertilizer made from sterilized bio-solids along with bat guano. Though considered organic, these fertilizers still need to be used with care as listed in the directions for use. Organic fertilizers are often kinder to our environment. I have used manure compost on thinning areas of the lawn (tree roots) with much success. I’ve never been a big fan of the weed-and-feed products from the big box stores. I think the smell is nauseating and it makes me sneeze. A few weeds here and there are not a problem; they are green and blend in with the grass. This year, since the lawn is pretty stressed from the drought, I have more weeds than usual! I am going to try something that is new to me: horticultural cornmeal. It’s not what you buy in the grocery store. Horticultural cornmeal is also supposed to be good for brown patch, which I also see in the lawn. For more information, go to: and search cornmeal. For more lawn & garden information: Here’s hoping our lawns survive another summer! Cathy Soukup Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - March 2012


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