Meadows of Brushy Creek - April 2012

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Meadows of Brushy Creek

Meadows of Brushy Creek

April 2012

Official Publication of Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA

FENCE PROJECT UPDATE TO THE MEADOWS OF BRUSHY CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERS The primary function of our HOA is to protect the property value in a neighborhood. In an effort to protect the value of our community the HOA is moving forward this year with plans to upgrade the fences along O’Connor and Great Oaks. A LITTLE HISTORY ON THE FENCE PROJECT: By the mid 2000’s, it was becoming painfully obvious that most if not all of the cedar fences in the Meadows were over 10-15 years old. Many had deteriorated to the point of becoming major eyesores and were affecting the overall property values of our community. The relatively new Board (at that time) tried valiantly to float a special assessment to replace at least the fences along our major arteries, i.e., Great Oaks and O’Connor. Using monies at hand, they built the short length of fence at the corner of Great Oaks and O’Connor to demonstrate what it could look like. Unfortunately, the proposal failed to gain the necessary two thirds majority for a variety of reasons and the project ground to a halt. The Board decided to take a different tack and which was to fund the fence entirely out of dues, operating cost reductions, and outside income/donations. But given the situation with the management company costs, this was simply not possible. It was at this point the Board restructured the management company role, took deed enforcement in house, and hired a company to simply handle the books and home sale transactions, thus saving the difference until enough money to pay for the fence could be accrued. The Board is happy to announce the fence project is now financially feasible and we are going to break ground in 2012 on the fence upgrades. The affected homeowners will be contacted in the near future to expedite the planning process and we are looking forward to seeing the fences go up! The Board of Directors, Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA

Volume 5, Issue 4

An Important Message

First, the Board would like to extend their thanks to the 95+ percent of the Meadows residents for your past, present and ongoing co-operation in complying with the deed restrictions and dues requirement! You are all to be commended for honoring this responsibility with little or no complaint. In the past year, the HOA board has received a growing number of complaints that it is not doing enough to enforce deed restriction violations. Apparently there are enough deed restriction violations that our neighbors are asking us to take action. The only function of an HOA is to protect the property value in a neighborhood. This is done by maintaining the common properties and working with the homeowners to keep the neighborhood in compliance with the deed restrictions. ENFORCEMENT POLICY CHANGE The board is moving forward this year with an increased emphasis on enforcing the deed restrictions. We are focusing on establishing and executing enforcement policies that will address the issues our neighbors are asking us to solve. Be assured by acting responsibly and keeping the good of the neighborhood as a whole in mind, you will not have a problem with the HOA. As an example: If you want to store your boat or camper in your driveway overnight or for a few days, the HOA is not going to object. But long term storage of your boat, camper or trailer on the driveway will get the attention of the HOA. If you are going to do something on your property and you have the least doubt as to whether it will be of concern to the HOA. Please (Continued on Page 3)

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2012 1

Meadows of Brushy Creek At no time will any source be allowed to use the Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA Newsletter contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the newsletter is exclusively for the private use of Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association residents only.



Bob Grahl, Secretary.............................term expires 09/2013 Mel Callender, President.......................term expires 09/2012 Justin Roush, Director..........................term expires 09/2012 Mike Baranowski, Director...................term expires 09/2012 Paul Regier, Treasurer...........................term expires 09/2013 Gene Bennett, Director.........................term expires 09/2013 Larry Haig, Chairman..........................term expires 09/2012

Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is not responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.


Mike Baranowski....................


PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (Deed restriction violations and general information) Debra Johnson - Goodwin Management, Inc. 11149 Research Blvd, Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78759 Office (512) 502-7043 • Cell (512) 745-1511 Fax (512) 346-4873 HOA Web Site

IMPORTANT NUMBERS Williamson County (main line) ������������������������� 512-943-1300 Williamson County Sheriff (non-emergency).....512-943-1300 Sam Bass Fire Department (non-emergency)......512-255-0100 Animal Control (domestic pets and stray livestock)..................512-943-1389 Poison Contrl ���������������������������������������������������� 800-POISON For Emergencies �������������������������������������������������������������� 9-1-1 Non-Emergencies.............................................................3-1-1 Community, Healthy, Mental Services.............................2-1-1


ADVERTISING INFO Please support the businesses that advertise in the Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA Newsletter. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Meadows of Brushy Creek residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. No homeowners association funds are used to produce or mail the newsletters. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 512-263-9181 or The advertising deadline is the 9th of each month for the following month's newsletter.

Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - April 2012

DON'T WANT TO WAIT FOR THE MAIL? Receive the Meadows of Brushy Creek Newsletter in your inbox. Sign up online at Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Meadows of Brushy Creek Fit and Fun:

Health Tips for You and Your Children Getting fit and staying fit can be a fun process. That’s true for individuals, and it’s especially true for families. Fitness is an important topic, especially when your daily routine involves a lot of sitting, whether at work, at school, or at home in front of a computer or TV screen. The habits that we learn as children are often the habits we carry into adulthood. As parents, we can help our children build healthy habits and find new, fun ways to motivate ourselves and our children to get active. Below are some ideas for getting off the couch and having some fun while getting fit: • • Take an active vacation: It’s tempting every day to think of your vacation as a time to sit and relax. But isn’t that what your body does everyday? Instead, you can plan a trip that includes hiking, biking, skiing, and other activities that the whole family can do together. • Visit a local park: It doesn’t have to take a whole day, but you could spend a few hours playing at a park. Take a ball (football or soccer), a Frisbee, or a hacky sack, and play. You can invite some friends to join you, too. And remember: It’s not just about the

early development, n, and exploration. se referred to as,

kids moving around – it’s your time, too! • Hold a block party: Call your neighbors, and block off the closest cul-de-sac for a get together that includes fun and active games. From freeze tag and relay races to hide-and-seek and kickball, there are hundreds of activities to choose from that are fun for everyone. • Go for a hike: Find a local area where you and your family can go and hike for a few miles. Spend time outdoors, and enjoy what nature has to offer while you all get fit! For more ideas about fun activities, visit the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance’s Web site at: The Goal: Be instrumental in encouraging children to develop the good habit of moving through space, nurturing their physical power, and getting fit. For more information about healthy activities, contact your health care provider or your Concentra health specialist. For more information on the importance of fitness for children, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Web site at: healthyyouth/physicalactivity/ By: Concentra Urgent Care


Nurturing early development, Nurturing early development, socialization, and exploration. socialization, and exploration. Otherwise Otherwise referred toreferred as, to as,



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PEEL, INC. community newsletters Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2012 3

Meadows of Brushy Creek FOR SummER and FaL REGISTER Important Message - (Continued from Cover Page) OPENINGS STILL AVAILABLE – CALL FOR DETAILS contact our property manager or the board. (Goodwin Management


Office (512) 502-7043 or email a board member). When you have specific questions the “Deed Restrictions” can be found on our website “www.” under the “Resource Center” button. ENFORCEMENT PRIORITIES 2012 3805 Stonebridge Dr., Round Rock • Vehicle Violations (Across from Brushy Creek Elementary) • Unsightly Properties • Delinquent Dues A FEW COMMON SENSE REQUESTS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS: • Please store your trash and recycle bins out of sight promptly after the pickup is completed. • Program hours 9-1 p.m. monday-Friday • Please respectful your neighbors when you park your vehicles, • 18bemonths – 5ofyears and not park in front of you neighbor’s home repeatedly or for long • do Kindergarten Preparation Class periods of time. (unlike any Other) • Please do not park on ordevelopment, block sidewalks, this traffic and and c Activities Include: Language, motor & social/emotional math, art,impedes science,foot music, spanish, is safety hazard. • Please store unlicensed or inoperative vehicles out of public view. • Please complete construction in a timely manner unfinished construction is unsightly and disruptive. Short term construction jobs in or on your house or yard are welcomed, but progress must be seen on a continuing OPENINGS STILL AVAILABLE - CALL FOR DETAILS basis or the HOA will be having a talk with you. If you see that your neighbor is replacing his fence and has material stored in his driveway, OPENINGS STILL AVAILABLE – CALL FOR DETAILS give them a reasonable amount of time to do that before you file a complaint. Their new fence benefits your property as well as theirs. DELINQUENT DUES COLLECTION: Unfortunately a small percentage of homeowners have not paid the HOA Assessment for more than 2 years. As of this writing there are 10 homeowners 3805 Stonebridge RoundRock Rock 3805 Stonebridge Dr., Round that owe $400 or more in delinquent dues for a total of $6330. Further, (Across from Elementary) (Across fromBrushy Brushy Creek Creek Elementary) there are an additional 15 that owe between $200 and $400 for a total of an additional $3280. These are simply not acceptable numbers. It is not reasonable to expect the 629 homeowners that do pay their dues promptly and in compliance with the governing documents to have to be penalized • Program hours 9-1 p.m. monday-Friday financially to cover for 25 owners that simply don’t or won’t meet their • 18 months years | Monday - Friday • Program Hours:– 59-1pm • Kindergarten Preparation Class obligation to the community to the tune of almost $10,000! Considering • 18 months 5 years (unlike- any Other) that our total annual income from dues (if they were all paid on time) is ities Include: Language, motor & social/emotional development, math, art, science, music, spanish, and computer skills. about $64,000, this is a very significant shortage. • Kindergarten Preparation Class It is the Board’s duty to correct this deficiency and we are going (Unlike Any Other) TILL AVAILABLE – CALL FOR DETAILS to implement the repayment plan expecting to make a dent in the delinquencies this year. The State law governing collection of delinquent dues just changed on January 1, 2012. The new state law provides that upon notification, you 3805 Stonebridge Dr., Round Rock (the homeowner) must enter into a repayment agreement within 30 days ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: cross from Brushy Creek Elementary) of notification not to exceed 120 days (including the notification period) Language, motor & social/emotional development, math, art, science, in total duration. The State further allows a $200 charge plus all legal fees music, spanish, and computer skills. incurred to be applied to this action at your cost. The repayment policy can be found under the “Deed Restrictions” button on our website “www. gram hours 9-1 p.m. monday-Friday”. months – 5 years The neighborhood has weathered the recent financial turmoil and dergarten Preparation Class draught as well as possible thanks to the commitment of our neighbors. like any Other) Keep up the great work and be looking for fence upgrades this year! cial/emotional development, math, art, science, music, spanish, and computer skills. The Board of Directors, Meadows of Brushy Creek HOA

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Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - April 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

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Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2012 5

Meadows of Brushy Creek Legacy We Leave For Our Children Undoubtedly, as parents, we have thought about the have left for me. Legacy is a priceless gift that we can pass down money we will leave behind for our children. Have we to the generations that come after us. Legacy unites us with ever thought about the part of our spirits that we want our ancestors, children and grand-children. Legacy is our children to inherit? Granted, our children are unique thinking about what qualities our ancestors have blessed individuals. But, we can still leave footprints in us with, that we will continually strive to transmit the sands of time that will continue to connect in our kin. us with our children, long after we die. It is important to ask ourselves some questions. Our children will learn their own life Which qualities do we value: Humor and Power lessons. But, that should not stop us from of laughter; Faith and Spirituality; Forgiveness; modeling survival skills to our children that Pride; Compassion or something else? Do our have helped us handle the struggles of life. We children know of our values? What effort am can nurture resilient children by talking to them I making in leaving a physically, mentally, about our core values through sharing photographs, emotionally and spiritually strong legacy for conversations and dining table games. Our children my children? What difference can I make in will learn from us, both consciously and subthe lives of my children in April 2012 through consciously, the skills that can help them weather the physical and mental daily affirmations and encouragement? storms of life. The time spent in reflecting on what really matters to us We leave a legacy when we make a positive impact on our children’s and communicating the same to our children can make our bonds with souls. This legacy is pure, powerful and long-lasting. Just like wood our children richer and more meaningful. becomes stronger and harder when immersed in water, our legacy My parents actively reinforced the value of gratitude in me. Being can preserve the resilience of our children. mindful and expressing thankfulness for every experience has attracted Sugandha Jain is a Master Registered Texas Trainer. She is the Director manyPrmrs_66435 positive forces in life. Gen Gratitude is the legacy parents Accreditation7.5 at axlocal _-my Rdns Ad #1802 THIS that AD my CAN NOT BEof EDITED5 preschool.

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Meadows of Brushy Creek 308 Meadowlark St. Lakeway, TX 78734-4717






Meadows of Brushy Creek Homeowners Association Newsletter - April 2012

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

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