Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter
April 2012
Volume 7, Issue 4
Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association
Yes,The Watering Ban Is Still In Effect! The watering ban has not been lifted at this time. (3/14/12) There have been many sprinklers in use the past few weeks without regard to the ban. Stone Canyon residents are to irrigate only as follows: Odd-numbered residential addresses may irrigate on Saturday. Even-numbered residential addresses may irrigate on Sunday. Irrigation hours for all customers; midnight to 7 am and 7 pm to midnight. Hand watering with a hose allowed any day, at any time. Car washing only on designated days Refilling or adding of water to swimming pools is allowed only on designated watering days Please be kind to our water supply & check your irrigation system to make sure it is set for your appropriate day of the week & time. Thank you-Cathy Soukup
Happy Spring! Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Great news! Nineteen of our neighbors have signed on as Block Captains; but, we still need more volunteers to cover Stone Canyon’s remaining neighborhoods. Not only do we depend on info received from our county Sheriff’s office, word of mouth within our community is the most effective means of bringing attention to and sharing information about safety issues. In most cases, law enforcement officers depend on community watchfulness to help solve neighborhood crimes. Last month, we identified two specific incidents which occurred in December--one auto burglary and the other, an auto theft. As a result, one of our residents has provided links to two videos he posted on Youtube, each showing a group of thieves checking out cars (one on Dec 10th, and one instance actually stealing this resident’s hubcaps last May! Our Watch Block Captains began circulating these links to the residents on their streets, many of whom, in turn, are forwarding info on to their own Stone Canyon friends and neighbors. Hopefully, someone in the chain will recognize the culprits and/ or their car (looks like a gold-colored Suburban or GMC). Law Enforcement has reviewed both videos and continues to investigate both instances. Here are both links so you can take a look at them: If you or anyone you know has info regarding this or any other criminal or suspicious activity, please contact Williamson County Deputy Sheriff Matt Kreidel at (512) 943-1353. Also, notify your Block Captain, as well as me. You’ll find my contact info at the end of this article. These are just two examples of what to watch out for and how our Neighborhood Watch network can facilitate information flow throughout our neighborhoods. The Bottom Line: no matter how much we rely on local authorities to protect us, when we watch out for each other, we become that “village” that protects our own and each other’s families. We’re connected to, and depend upon, each other simply by sharing the same living space. If you are interested in helping out with your own or a neighboring street, please let me know. Remember that the Neighborhood Watch network is a major weapon we residents can use against anyone who enters our neighborhoods with wrong intentions. It’s our way of staying aware and keeping our neighborhood the safe place we want and need it to be. Please help by volunteering for this important program. Thank you., hm: 733-2913; cell: 784-3512 Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - April 2012