Willowlake - April 2012

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April 2012

Volume 9, Issue 4

The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association WILLOWLAKE POOL OPENING MAY 1

Hello, Neighbors! It’s almost pool season again! Our pool will be open from May 1 through September 30, 2012. The hours remain the same: 6:00 am to 9:00 pm daily, except for Tuesdays (maintenance), open 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Annual pool registration is required to use the Willowlake pool. You must be a resident in good standing to receive a pool card. You must complete and return your Pool Registration Form every year to Randall Management. They will reactivate your pool card from last year or provide a new one if you’ve never had one. It will be turned on May 1st. Late registration begins June 1st. Once you miss the deadline, it takes extra time to activate your pool card again and incurs a $10.00 processing fee per home, no exceptions. Lost or damaged cards can be replaced, but incur a $10.00 replacement fee, and if you go in person to get a new card, only a check, no cash and no credit card, is accepted. Please report any lost or stolen cards immediately to Randall Management. It’s important that a lost or stolen card be deactivated to ensure no unauthorized use by unregistered persons. The 2012 Willowlake Pool Registration Form is also available online at our Willowlake neighborhood website:


Please contact me anytime with your concerns, observations, and suggestions. A common seasonal problem is unauthorized pool use. This can be avoided if all of us work together and (1) Do not open the gate for anyone, and (2) If you see that the gate has been propped open in any way, shut it. Your calls and emails save us hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars every season when there are safety and maintenance issues that need attention. Have a great summer and we will see you at the pool! Lynn Piwonski 832-704-1252 Pool Chairperson Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

SAN JACINTO DAY - APRIL 21 San Jacinto Day, Saturday, April 21, is the celebration of the battle of San Jacinto on April 21, 1836. It was the final battle of the Texas Revolution where Texas won its independence from Mexico. It is an official holiday according to the state of Texas. An annual festival, which includes a reenactment, is held on the site of the battle. The Sabine Volunteers, a reenactment group from East Texas, participate in the San Jacinto Reenactment annually. This group is named for an actual militia group during the Texas Revolution. The reenactment group consists of four members and has appeared on the History Channel. EARTH DAY APRIL 22 Earth Day, Sunday, April 22, is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth’s environment. The first Earth Day was in 1970 and it is celebrated in many countries. Earth Day is spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. ARBOR DAY - APRIL 27 Arbor Day is a day for planting trees.

Mark Your Calendar April 1...................................................................... April Fool’s Day April 4, 11, 18, 25........................................... Waste/Recycle Pickup April 6............................................................................Good Friday April 8......................................................................................Easter April 17................................................................................ Tax Day April 19...................................................................... Board Meeting April 21.................................................................... San Jacinto Day April 21.........................................................NW Mom’s Group Sale April 22............................................................................. Earth Day April 27.............................................................................Arbor Day May 1.............................................................................. Pool Opens May 3............................................................ National Day of Prayer Willowlake Watch - April 2012


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