Volume 8, Issue 4 www.winchestertrails.com April 2012
Letter from the President Greetings, In the last edition of the newsletter, I indicated that the pool will be closing on Sundays at 8:00 PM. A further update is that the pool will be closing at 8:00 PM all days. This year, the way the school calendar worked out, we had an extra week in which the pool was to be open. So in order to control costs, the Board decided to remove the extra hour from all evenings. We certainly value your input, and if you have a concern over the hours, please let us know. Pool tags will be available in late April, and applications for the tags can be found on the website, in a mailing, or during the registration hours by the pool. Also, if you have not done so already, please consider providing your email address on the pool tag application form. This is a way for us to be in touch with the Trails. Many volunteers work to make sure our means of communication are effective and timely. These volunteers send out e-blasts for security issues, lost pets, and other pertinent information. The next Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 4 in the clubhouse. Should the date of the meeting change, the new time will be posted in various locations including the website. We hope to see you there. Until next month…
GREEN THUMB CORNER Spring is here again and the onset of warmer weather is promoting vigorous growth, so it’s time to get busy in the yard and garden to keep pace with nature. There are lots of colorful bedding plants in all the nurseries and April is a good time for planting if you didn’t take care of it last month. For best results, make sure the beds are raised and take the time to cultivate the soil and add lots of organic material. Keep the transplants well watered and give them a boost with a weak “starter solution” made by mixing a tablespoon of 12-24-12 in a gallon of water. Avoid heavy feeding until plants are well established.
April Fool’s Day
Maintenance Board Meeting 7p.m.
Children's Easter Party at the clubhouse
Good Friday - CFISD Student Holiday
Community Garage Sale 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Community pool tag registration at the pool 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Earth Day
Good Friday; CFISD Student Holiday
23 pool
Community pool tag registration at the (10AM - 2PM)
TIME FOR THE WINCHESTER TRAILS GARAGE SALE! Get out and meet your neighbors at the neighborhood-wide garage sale on April 14th!
(Continued on Page 7) Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Winchester Trails Trailwriter - April 2012