BrookMeadows Brook Meadows
The Official Publication of the Brook Meadows Homeowner's Association Volume 7, Number 5
May 2012
Trash Days
Cans and Bags at the Curb could be Costly
My there was quite a buzz at the Annual Meeting about the change in Trash Pickup Days recently. Here is the issue, with the second pick of the week, now on Friday, we are experiencing numerous complaints about Trash and Lawn Clippings sitting out all weekend long. While unsightly for the neighborhood, it could potentially cost the homeowner a nice fat fine from the City of Colleyville. City Code 82-2.d. requires that Trash and Lawn Clippings must stay behind your gate and out of sight until 24 Hours before scheduled Trash Pickup. The fine from the City is $200.00!
IMPORTANT DATES MAY 29 LAST TUESDAY - 6:30 PM Glorias - in the Market Street Shopping Center JUNE 26 LAST TUESDAY - 6:30 PM The Flats - Hall - Johnson next to Sonic
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Brook Meadows Homeowner's Association Newsletter - May 2012