Chandler Creek
May 2012
Volume 2, Issue 5
Official Publication of The Chandler Creek Homeowners Association
President’s Corner
We now find ourselves in May, with another annual HOA meeting behind us. The 2012 annual meeting was held on April 12th and was the most attended meeting that many of us can remember in recent years. We’re not sure if the increased attendance was due to the delicious BBQ from PoK-e-Jo’s, the 5 Kindle Fires that were given away, or just a simple desire to be involved in HOA matters. Whatever the reason, the HOA is grateful and would like to say “Thanks” to everyone who attended. Your involvement in your neighborhood is important and it is appreciated. As a result of the meeting, Kim Bennink, Shelley Janda and Bob Wohlford will serve another year on the Board of Directors. The HOA is thankful for their service and their dedication. We also discussed the issue of quorum requirements for annual meetings. Currently, the quorum requirement for Chandler Creek HOA is 33%, or 507 lot owners. As many can attest, getting 507 lot owners to attend an annual meeting is near impossible. The Executive Committee and Directors have been discussing the steps needed to lower the quorum requirement to 10%, or 152 lot owners. Further discussion and research is needed, but the HOA will tackle this issue in the coming year. As a result, it is quite probable that the HOA will call a special meeting of all lot owners regarding this issue. Notices and proxy statements will go out once a date has been selected. As always, be sure not to disregard any mail you may receive from the Chandler Creek HOA or Alliance Association Management. We also are in need of a volunteer who can serve on the Executive Committee in the position of Treasurer. If you are interested, please let us know! We are also currently in the process of replacing the bulletin board and bike rack that were damaged as a result of a vehicle accident. We hope to have both of these items replaced as soon as we can. As always, if there are issues or concerns that you need to bring to our attention, please contact Alliance Association Management at 512-347-2888 ( or by contacting the HOA directly at Woody, HOA President PS - Congratulations to the 5 individuals who won a new Kindle Fire! Visit us on Facebook:
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Collection Update
At the time of this writing (April 15, 2012), there 262 (out of 1,521) delinquent accounts with a balance greater than $50. In mid-February, the HOA sent out a little over 200 collection notices to those homeowners who had not paid the 2012 annual assessments. Of those 200+ homeowners, there are currently about 40 who still have not paid their annual assessments. The HOA sent a second notice giving those homeowners 10 days to pay the balance and advising that an assessment lien would be filed against their property if they failed to pay or enter into a payment plan agreement. The Executive Committee is working closely with Alliance and the HOA’s attorney to make sure that all efforts to collect the 2012 assessments are completed while also trying to minimize the collection costs. If you have not yet paid your 2012 assessments or still have a balance from previous years, please contact the HOA immediately. The HOA will work with you on a payment agreement; however, the HOA must hear from you. In addition, access to the swimming pool and tennis courts will be denied to all delinquent owners. Pool keys assigned to delinquent owners have already been deactivated. Chandler Creek Chronicle - May 2012