Shady Hollow - May 2012

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May 2012

Volume 6, Issue 5

KIWANIS CLUB of SHADY HOLLOW The Kiwanis Club of Shady Hollow held a Candidates Forum for the Prescient 3 County Commissioners race on Tuesday March 27th. The program began with a Flag ceremony and Invocation given by Boys from Scout Troop 256 and Pack 82. Then each candidate gave a short bio. The candidates were then given questions by members of Troop 256 and the public. Later the candidates met with the public for refreshments and discussion. The event was very informative and all candidates were able to explain their positions on several issues.

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

All six candidates for the Pct. 3 race were invited and all initially accepted.

This was a forum, not a debate and the questions were from her constituents, not the Republican or Libertarian THE CANDIDATES WHO candidates. After cancelling on this ATTENDED WERE Gerald Daugherty, Pat Dixon, Jim forum, Commissioner Huber did Strickland, and Ira Yates. Albert Gonzales accept an offer to attend a debate between cancelled a day earlier due to a recent surgery, her and Albert Gonzales on a date to be and Commissioner Huber cancelled just agreed on in May. (May 22)
Thanks to hours prior to the forum stating that if Albert all candidates who attended this forum. Gonzales wasn’t going to be there then she Thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Shady didn’t think she needed to be there either. She Hollow for Hosting this event and the claimed that since this is “primary time” she Scouts of Troop 256 and Pack 82 for was going to be there to answer Albert assisting, and thanks to the citizens of Precinct 3 for attending. Gonzales not the Republicans.

The Shady Side - May 2012


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