Cherry Creek View
News from the Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood
June 2012 Volume 8, Number 6
Yard of the Month
News from the Board
Mike and Barbara Tankey (along with Paddy their playful 2 year old golden retriever) recently converted their ailing front yard into a beautiful and refreshing shade garden. Like many of us in the neighborhood, last year’s drought took its toll on their lawn. Another factor that was working against them was the increasing shade provided 3323 SILK OAK DRIVE by the Bradford pear tree that they planted approximately 14 years ago after buying their new home. Every spring they put sod down in the increasingly large bare patches in an attempt to keep their lawn lush, but it soon became a losing battle. This Spring they tried a different tactic. They portioned-off the densely shaded section of their front yard and rotatilled the remaining grass into the soil. After stripping out the grass roots and leveling the soil, they mulched the entire area, then added splashes of color by planting clusters of shade-loving plants and flowers. Several pieces of yard art and pottery further enhance the setting. The front yard transformation actually started a couple of years ago with Mexican feather grass and rosemary along the driveway. The recent additions include coleus, hostus, fern, Hawaiian ti, caladiums, vincas, and mondo grass. One plant that really loves the shade garden is the Japense aralia planted in the tall pots. Like finding Waldo, take a moment to search out the little surprises tucked throughout – look for the toads, fish, cats, and fossils among many others. Beside its beauty, another benefit of the shade garden is that it requires much less water than the St. Augustine grass it replaced. Although the plants and flowers they selected are generally not native to Texas, they are well-adapted to our hot, dry environment. Being perennials they are cost-effective because they will come back year after year. Now the front yard matches the beauty and serenity of the backyard (where they previously concentrated their efforts). So thank you Tankeys for the inspiration and the lovely new addition to the neighborhood. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Dear Neighbors: Once again we had a successful Neighborhood Yard and Garage Sale the first weekend in May. Our thanks to all the neighbors who participated and to those of you who helped by placing signs advertising the event. Be sure to check further along in the newsletter for photos of the occasion ! 2012 is flying by and I know all the young people are looking forward to their summer break after a long school year ! This is an especially good time to remind everyone to please keep a close watch on your speed when driving through the neighborhood since the number of pedestrians and bicyclists is always higher in the summer months. As of May 15th, we have 50 dues paying member families. Our thanks to those of you who have joined us already in 2012 and we also wish to encourage everyone else to join. Without our dues income, we would not be able to maintain the landscaping at our entrance or have any social or special events we enjoy each year. The next event will be our Fourth of July celebration, so anyone who wishes to help plan this year’s event, please send an email to or post your suggestions or offers of help on our Facebook page. I also hope those of you who have recently received letters regarding the parking of trailers, RV’s, campers and/or boats in their driveways and on the streets in the neighborhood are giving serious thought to moving those eyesores into your garage or to a storage facility. As mentioned before, adherence to deed restrictions is one of the best ways available to us to maintain our neighborhood values and keep Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane an attractive and desirable place to live. Sincerely,Barbara Statum, President
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - June 2012 1