Cherry Creek View
News from the Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood
June 2012 Volume 8, Number 6
Yard of the Month
News from the Board
Mike and Barbara Tankey (along with Paddy their playful 2 year old golden retriever) recently converted their ailing front yard into a beautiful and refreshing shade garden. Like many of us in the neighborhood, last year’s drought took its toll on their lawn. Another factor that was working against them was the increasing shade provided 3323 SILK OAK DRIVE by the Bradford pear tree that they planted approximately 14 years ago after buying their new home. Every spring they put sod down in the increasingly large bare patches in an attempt to keep their lawn lush, but it soon became a losing battle. This Spring they tried a different tactic. They portioned-off the densely shaded section of their front yard and rotatilled the remaining grass into the soil. After stripping out the grass roots and leveling the soil, they mulched the entire area, then added splashes of color by planting clusters of shade-loving plants and flowers. Several pieces of yard art and pottery further enhance the setting. The front yard transformation actually started a couple of years ago with Mexican feather grass and rosemary along the driveway. The recent additions include coleus, hostus, fern, Hawaiian ti, caladiums, vincas, and mondo grass. One plant that really loves the shade garden is the Japense aralia planted in the tall pots. Like finding Waldo, take a moment to search out the little surprises tucked throughout – look for the toads, fish, cats, and fossils among many others. Beside its beauty, another benefit of the shade garden is that it requires much less water than the St. Augustine grass it replaced. Although the plants and flowers they selected are generally not native to Texas, they are well-adapted to our hot, dry environment. Being perennials they are cost-effective because they will come back year after year. Now the front yard matches the beauty and serenity of the backyard (where they previously concentrated their efforts). So thank you Tankeys for the inspiration and the lovely new addition to the neighborhood. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Dear Neighbors: Once again we had a successful Neighborhood Yard and Garage Sale the first weekend in May. Our thanks to all the neighbors who participated and to those of you who helped by placing signs advertising the event. Be sure to check further along in the newsletter for photos of the occasion ! 2012 is flying by and I know all the young people are looking forward to their summer break after a long school year ! This is an especially good time to remind everyone to please keep a close watch on your speed when driving through the neighborhood since the number of pedestrians and bicyclists is always higher in the summer months. As of May 15th, we have 50 dues paying member families. Our thanks to those of you who have joined us already in 2012 and we also wish to encourage everyone else to join. Without our dues income, we would not be able to maintain the landscaping at our entrance or have any social or special events we enjoy each year. The next event will be our Fourth of July celebration, so anyone who wishes to help plan this year’s event, please send an email to or post your suggestions or offers of help on our Facebook page. I also hope those of you who have recently received letters regarding the parking of trailers, RV’s, campers and/or boats in their driveways and on the streets in the neighborhood are giving serious thought to moving those eyesores into your garage or to a storage facility. As mentioned before, adherence to deed restrictions is one of the best ways available to us to maintain our neighborhood values and keep Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane an attractive and desirable place to live. Sincerely,Barbara Statum, President
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - June 2012 1
Cherry Creek View Association Info Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood Association Barbara Statum, President Carmen Martin, Secretary Carla Trautwein, Vice-President Ed Neuhaus, Treasurer
We invite you to join our neighborhood association. Annual dues are $60. (See application form: CCoBLNA- it's your neighborhood.) Please mail your dues to: Barbara Statum, President CCoBLNA PO Box 150127 Austin, Texas 78715-0127 Our address for other correspondence: CCoBLNA PO Box 150127 Austin, Texas 78715-0127 We also have a drop-box attached to our entrance marquee. This is not a US Mail box, so please don’t put your utility bill, checks, etc in it. The drop-box is intended to promote feedback to the neighborhood association, and board members check it regularly. Be sure to raise the red flag.
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Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - June 2012
CCoBLNA – it’s your neighborhood Make your check payable to CCoBLNA – $60 for the 2012 calendar year – & mail to:
CCoBLNA Ed Neuhaus, Treasurer PO Box 150127 Austin, TX 78715-0127
Your name(s):...................................................................... Address:............................................................................... City, State, ZIP:................................................................... Phone: (h).................... (c)...................... (w)........................ E-mail address:....................................................................
Do you: __ Own __ Rent • How long in CCoB: ___ yrs Note: Renters may not be voting members under our by-laws.
I am (We are) willing to serve on a committee: _______ Neighborhood Watch / National Night Out _______ Landscaping / Sprinkler System / Front Entrance _______ Development on surrounding properties _______ Social events (4th of July, Annual Garage Sale, Etc.) _______ Communications (Newsletter, Marquee, Website) _______ Join the board Other:___________________________________________ Suggestions for Issues to be addressed by CCoBL, N.A. 1.________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________
We want your submissions!!
Are you an expert at something or just dying to share an opinion? Share your expertise by writing a feature article for the View. Contact the board at to submit an article or to request more information.
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Cherry Creek View New Community Life Center at Bethany Bethany Lutheran Church, 3701 W. Slaughter Lane, is embarking in a new phase in their ministry in South and Southwest Austin and Northern Hays County. On Sunday, June 3, they will dedicate their newly completed Community Life Center. Bethany, originally located at 6215 Manchaca Road, began serving our community in 1962. At that time approximately 100 people gathered to begin a congregation in what was then far south Austin. Present membership is 2300. This new facility of 26,000 square feet includes a gymnasium, fellowship hall, commercial kitchen, classrooms, and a special area for youth gatherings and activities. It is the second phase of a master plan, the first phase being the construction of a sanctuary, classrooms, and fellowship areas completed in 2000. Bethany presently has four worship services each Sunday. One is a traditional liturgical service, one follows a contemporary format, and two are a blend of both. 2012 is Bethany’s “Jubilee” year, its 50th year as a congregation. During these years Bethany has served our community in a variety of ways. It has been a meeting place for numerous community groups, including Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, AA, Better Breathers, neighborhood associations, James Bowie High School choirs, Austin Civic Orchestra, Austin Symphonic Band, professional training associations, divorce and grief support groups, and others. In addition, it’s preschool has impacted thousands of families over the years and continues to be a vital part of Bethany’s ministry. Bethany, as its leadership often says, is a “Belonging Place”,
where people are connected to Jesus Christ and one another and a “Launching BASE” from which her people go into our community to serve others and share God’s love. Integral to Bethany’s mission as a Christian congregation is service to the people in our community. These new facilities were planned and designed to “facilitate” additional opportunities for such service. In addition to opening additional physical space for community group meetings, the gymnasium will meet a need for athletic, exercise, and a large meeting space for people of all ages in our community. Bethany will host its third annual health fair on July 28. Plans are also being made for seminars focusing on parenting, family relationships, and the challenges posed by issues related to anxiety, stress, and depression. The topics will be approached from a Christian world view perspective and open to all. One of the first activities that will fill the new facilities is Bethany’s Vacation Bible School, to be held June 18-22. A second event is Camp Bethany, which will offer activities for children in grades 1-8 for five weeks this summer beginning June 25. For more information regarding either of these two exciting, child friendly events go to
At no time will any source be allowed to use the Cherry Creek View contents, or loan said contents, to others in anyway, shape or form, nor in any media, website, print, film, e-mail, electrostatic copy, fax, or etc. for the purpose of solicitation, commercial use, or any use for profit, political campaigns, or other self amplification, under penalty of law without written or expressed permission from the Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood Association and Peel, Inc. The information in the Cherry Creek View is exclusively for the private use of Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane residents only.
Teenage Jobseekers
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Window Washing
Car Washing
Lawn Care
Plant Sitting
Pet Sit/Dogs or Cats
Pet Sit/Cages or tanks
The following young people are interested in making a little extra money. If your child would like to be included, removed or updated on the Web and in the next issue of our newsletter, please contact your Association at board@ All information for the newsletter must be received by the 5th of each month. We will update the Web as necessary. Names and phone numbers must accompany parental permission. Parents or guardians must submit and validate all information. We would like the young person’s first name, last initial, age, phone number and what jobs he or she can do. If you have a skill that is not listed, please submit it and if possible, we will add it to the list.
DISCLAIMER: Articles and ads in this newsletter express the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Peel, Inc. or its employees. Peel, Inc. is notg responsible for the accuracy of any facts stated in articles submitted by others. The publisher also assumes no responsibility for the advertising content with this publication. All warranties and representations made in the advertising content are solely that of the advertiser and any such claims regarding its content should be taken up with the advertiser. * The publisher assumes no liability with regard to its advertisers for misprints or failure to place advertising in this publication except for the actual cost of such advertising. * Although every effort is taken to avoid mistakes and/or misprints, the publisher assumes no responsibility for any errors of information or typographical mistakes, except as limited to the cost of advertising as stated above or in the case of misinformation, a printed retraction/correction. * Under no circumstances shall the publisher be held liable for incidental or consequential damages, inconvenience, loss of business or services, or any other liabilities from failure to publish, or from failure to publish in a timely manner, except as limited to liabilities stated above.
William B. Knippa Senior Pastor Bethany Lutheran Church 512.292.8778
Abby R., 16................. •.............•...... •......................................... 282-2145 Morgan R. 14.............. •.............•...... •......................................... 282-2145 Kellyn S.#*, 18............ •................................................................. 282-5215 Sarah S.,18................... •.................................................................282-9678 * Denotes CPR training + Denotes first-aid training # Denotes Safesitter training at Brackenridge Hospital, which includes CPR and first-aid
Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - June 2012 3
Cherry Creek View
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Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - June 2012
Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.