The Dominion - June 2012

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JUNE 2012


OUTLOOK News for the Residents of The Dominion

Plant Some Pigment

By Erin Conant Color is one of the first things we notice when we cast our eyes on a new place. Dark, light, bold, muted, bright, rich and soft are all words we use to describe the color palette of a space. In landscape design, color truly dictates the character of a garden and sets the stage for the kind of experience you’ll have there. HERE ARE A FEW WAYS THOUGHTFUL COLOR CHOICES CAN IMPACT YOUR LANDSCAPE

Accentuate the positive – Planting bright red roses or sunny yellow esperanzas next to a bench will draw attention to the area, inviting guests to take a seat and enjoy. Set the mood – Cool colors such as blue, green and grey can induce a sense of calmness and relaxation, while a warm color like orange is energizing. Attract wildlife – Hummingbirds are notoriously attracted to red, orange and yellow flowers, so planting trumpet vine or cape honeysuckle could attract those zippy, nectar-loving creatures. To aid in your plant color choices try using a color wheel and refer to SAWS plant list as a guide. Before long, you’ll have a beautiful, colorful and drought-tolerant landscape! Erin Conant is a conservation consultant for San Antonio Water System.

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

The Outlook - June 2012


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