Pemberton Heights - June 2012

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The Pemberton Journal

The Pemberton Journal O fficial Publication


Pemberton Heights Neighborhood Association

June 2012, Vol VI, Issue VI

Book about Pemberton History to be Published What talented neighbors we have around us. Two of our neighbors have written a book about the history of the neighborhood, its’ people and its’ great homes. Suzanne Deaderick and Elizabeth Cash will be publishing a volume detailing the history of the Pemberton Heights neighborhood which will be available this fall. Elizabeth and Suzanne will be available at the November neighborhood lunch to discuss the book and sign copies available which will be available for sale. As this is just in time for theChristmas present season, you may want to purchase lots of copies, so be looking out for it! Pictured on the cover are 2 young children and a donkey. Suzanne and Elizabeth invite everyone to try and guess why these two children and their donkey are involved in the history of the area. See if you can guess what this picture has to do with the history of Pemberton Heights and win a copy signed by the authors. Send your guesses to Suzanne at

PembertonHeightsNeighborhoodLunch Inviting all neighbors to join us for a monthly lunch to meet, get to know each other, and discuss issues of importance to you. We welcome all neighbors, especially new neighbors! Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

WHERE & WHEN The second Wednesday of each month. 11:45 at Russell’s on Kerby Lane COST Each attendee pays for their own lunch by separate check. CONTACT: Betty Trent at to rsvp, however you are welcome to come without rsvp, just look for us at the table with a PHNA sign. The Pemberton Journal - June 2012


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