Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter
June 2012
Volume 7, Issue 6
Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association
Ya rd Of The Mon th by Joanie Brown and Amelia Dansby
Our committee had a definite mix of both “Happy” and “Tough” during both nominating and final voting decisions. Lots of eye candy provided the “Happy” for our members with so many great-looking yards, especially so early in the season. However, the “Tough” part was narrowing down to the best of the best. FYI: there are 2 factors that determine delay in announcing each month’s winning yards: 1) nominating and final voting take place during last 2 weeks of each month; 2) deadline for submitting articles for newsletter is 14/15th of month preceding following month’s publication (i.e., April’s winners were selected end of April, after deadline for May’s newsletter, so had to wait for June’s—result: April’s homeowners will keep signs in their yards during May; pattern continues throughout cycle, with October’s signs “planted” through November). CONGRATULATIONS and appreciation go out to April’s winners:
follows our water restriction guidelines (Wed/Sat for oddnumbered addresses; Thurs/Sun for even-numbered). FYI: If you do not have an installed irrigation system, many experts recommend that you consider placing a soaker hose around the perimeter of your foundation—again, only on your designated watering days. Extreme drought conditions dry up the soil and can cause cracking along a home’s concrete foundation. Intermittent dripping from a soaker hose can help protect your home from this type of foundation damage. Note: Though we’ve been able to return to our 2x/week watering schedule, the heat of our Texas summers has already begun which is an ever-present reminder to use caution in our watering habits; the more wasteful we are, the sooner we’re likely to be forced back into mandatory stages again.
1ST PLACE 18009 Rosebud ($50 Home Depot Gift Card) 2ND PLACE 8303 Full Moon Trail ($25 Home Depot Gift Card) 3RD PLACE 7101 High Bluff ($15 Home Depot Gift Card) Honorable Mention: 8105 Broken Branch; 8204 Broken Branch; 7205 W.Magic Mountain; 6005 Bar Harbor Cove; 8329 Lofty Lane Okay, everyone—these folks have set the bar higher than ever for the rest of us. Let’s step up to their challenge! Reminders: * Mow, Edge, Clear Debris… Nothing gives immediate satisfaction like regular mowing and edging, including along sidewalks and adjacent curbing. (If you live on a corner, a reminder that you’re also responsible for the areas along the streets adjoining your property). Please ensure all clippings are placed in your garbage cans for disposal; not swept or blown into the street. * Watering… Our lawns need water. Whether by an irrigation system or hand-watering, do set and maintain a schedule which Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - June 2012