June 2012
Volume 9, Issue 6
The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association
What's Happening in Willowlake? WEBSITE GETS NEEDED REVAMPING
Happy Father’s Day To All Willowlake Dads!
Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
The Willowlake HOA Board is pleased to announce the recently revamped Willowlake website. It sure has been due for some updating and it’s finally completed. All kinds of important and useful information for Willowlake residents are available, and just a few clicks away. Forms, Legal Documents, Board Meeting Minutes, Contact Numbers, and much more can be accessed in the website, but you have to visit it to find out how resourceful it is. The website is located at www. willowlake.siteblast.com. As always, we value your feedback so feel free to contact me or any board member with your comments and suggestions. Thanks for your attentiveness, and happy surfing! By Nancy Kapell, HOA Vice President TEENAGERS ORGANIZE PARK CLEAN-UP Volunteers Needed! On Saturday, June 9th, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. there will be an organized clean-up of the Willowlake park. We’ll meet at the Gazebo. Teenagers who would like to participate in this event will be supplied with gloves and a trash bag to dispose of the garbage they collect. The park is littered with all sorts of trash, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, broken glass, etc. Although this event is coordinated by teenagers to show their civic spirit, grown-ups and others may join in as well. If you would like further information or would like to express your interest in volunteering, please contact 281-9556902.
WILLOWLAKE ICE CREAM SOCIAL Who: All residents of Willowlake subdivision are invited What: An opportunity to meet and talk to your neighbors while enjoying treats. Ice cream and typical toppings will be there for your enjoyment. Invitees are welcome to bring treats to share. When: Sunday, June 10th from 11:00am - 1:00pm Where: Willowlake Gazebo For more information, contact James Deitiker at 281-955-6902. FLAG DAY In the United States, “Flag Day” is always celebrated on June 14th. It commemorates the adoption of the flag of the United States, which happened that day by resolution of the Second Continental Congress in 1777. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that officially established June 14th as Flag Day; in August 1949, National Flag Day was established by an act of Congress. FIREWORKS…DO’S AND DON’TS The Willowlake Board of Directors requests that this 4th of July, all residents execute caution regarding fireworks, and that they use fireworks responsibly and away from children. We ask that you stay out of busy streets and away from parked cars for the same reasons. Be sure to sweep up debris after setting off fireworks and dispose of it in the trash. Please do not dump debris and waste in the sewer or in our lake or wetlands area near the gazebo. NOTE: Please end the firework festivities by or before 1:00 a.m. in consideration of your neighbors. Also, watch for possible fireworks ban due to drought conditions. Willowlake Watch - June 2012