JULY 2012
News for the Residents of Hidden Glen
Taking Care of our Caves
With all of the recent pool construction, there have been several questions about the karst features in (and under) our neighborhood. Karsts are caves or sinkholes. When set aside for protection, they are called karst preserves. Since the beginning of the Hidden Glen development ten years ago, we have been contracting with the Texas Cave Conservancy to inspect the karst lots and perform maintenance. Texas Cave Conservancy is a nonprofit organization founded in 1994 to protect urban caves, cave life, and aquifers. They recently provided the Board with some additional details regarding our property that we thought would be of interest to residents. There are three named karsts: Tres Amigos Cave, Eclipse Cave, and Dos Ojos Cave. These caves contain mostly insects like centipedes, crickets, worms, spiders, and springtails; however, the Tres Amigos Cave also contains an endangered species: the Bone Cave Harvestman. Texas Cave Conservancy inspects each of the caves monthly to monitor their condition. In addition to performing insect counts, they record the temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels and inspect for any trash, chemicals, or sewage. They also make sure the gates and locks are secure. Since the protected insects would be harmed by insecticides, any fire ant mounds are treated using boiling water. The area around the cave is known as the critical habitat area. Each evening crickets leave the cave to eat, and when they return to the cave, they lay eggs. The other cave species then eat the eggs.
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This is why the karst lots exist and why the HOA and Hidden Glen residents are restricted from doing anything that would potentially harm them. This also means that residents should be especially cautious when excavating on their lot, such as when building a pool. There are a number of requirements to meet in order to be compliant with state and federal law, and residents should not just assume their pool builder will take care of everything. These requirements, which include hiring a third party professional engineer to provide a geotechnical report ensuring that karst features will not be harmed during construction, are outlined in the Hidden Glen Declarations Exhibit B. Though the ARC has been waiving the individual lot inspection requirement since we are having monthly inspections done at the neighborhood level by the Texas Cave Conservancy, this does not absolve the homeowner if any cave features are discovered during construction. If they are, construction must be halted immediately and an inspection performed. Texas Cave Conservancy works directly with the State of Texas and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and can perform these inspections or recommend an associate. They will generally try to have someone out the same day, and if the feature is not significant, construction can be allowed to continue. If you would like any additional information, please contact Mike Walsh, President, at tcc-caves@austin.rr.com or 512-249-2283.
Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
HIDDEN GLEN HAPPENINGS BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Liaison to the Landscape and Pool Committees Paul Pulley................................ pwptcp-hghoa@yahoo.com VICE PRESIDENT / SECRETARY Liaison to the Social Committee and ARC Michael Davolt.................................. madavolt@gmail.com TREASURER Liaison to the Communications and Safety Committees Eric Poortinga............................ eric.poortinga@yahoo.com
BUSINESS CLASSIFIED BUY-SELL-TRADE Need a new or used car or truck? Considering buying versus leasing? Mike Cuming (512) 970-3143 Don Hewlett Chevrolet Buick. Wood Glen resident since 1999 Pick up, drop off deliveries, shuttle service and loaner vehicles IH-35 and Westinghouse road (exit 257) North of the outlet mall
Classified Ads
Personal classifieds (one time sell items, such as a used bike...) run at no charge to Hidden Glen residents, limit 30 words, please e-mail to pkyler@austin.rr.com
COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR Peggy Kyler.........................................pkyler@austin.rr.com
Business classifieds (offering a service or product line for profit) are $50, limit 40 words, please Peel, Inc. Sales Office at 512-263-9181 or advertising@PEELinc.com.
LANDSCAPING COMMITTEE CHAIR Mark Gesch................................. mark_gesch@myway.com
POOL COMMITTEE CHAIR Michelle Quick ............................michelle.q@sbcglobal.net
To subscribe to the Hidden Glen Yahoo Group allowing you to receive email communications from the Board, committees, and residents of the community, please go to http://groups. yahoo.com/group/hidden_glen_hoa/ and request membership.
SAFETY COMMITTEE CHAIR Doug Meek........................................dmeek@austin.rr.com SOCIAL COMMITTEE CHAIR Nicole Kindred............................nicoleb702@hotmail.com
MANAGEMENT INFO Goodwin Management Inc 11149 Research Blvd., Suite 100 Austin TX 78759 Marilyn Childress.....................................Cell: 512-750-2883 marilyn.childress@goodwintx.com.........Fax: 512-346-4873
NEWSLETTER INFO PUBLISHER Peel, Inc........................ www.PEELinc.com, 512-263-9181 Article Submission..........Peggy Kyler, pkyler@austin.rr.com Advertising................................ advertising@PEELinc.com ADVERTISING INFORMATION Please support the businesses that advertise in the Hidden Glen Happening. Their advertising dollars make it possible for all Hidden Glen residents to receive the monthly newsletter at no charge. If you would like to support the newsletter by advertising, please contact our sales office at 512-263-9181 or advertising@ PEELinc.com. The advertising deadline is the 8th of each month for the following month's newsletter. 2
Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
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By Emsud Horozovic, Forestry Manager for City of Round Rock This is the time of year, temperatures usually go sky high and I write articles to remind citizens to water their newly planted trees. According to the weather man we had only one rainy day in June and seven somewhat rainy days in July. It is the month in which all of us snowbirds rethink our moving to Tejas. It is the month of three digit temperatures and when most of us pull out hoses to water our yards and plants that turn brown. It is the month in which I usually feel obligated to write an article on tree watering. Rain is reminding me how funny our plans for the day are. Never the less, here are few tips on tree watering because I am sure we will continue with these baking temperatures. While attempting the near impossible task of maintaining a green yard in the middle of a Central Texas summer, it is important not to neglect your trees when watering your yard. Frequent drought conditions and the Texas heat can take a toll on any shrub or tree, but it can be especially damaging to newly planted trees. The most limiting factor for newly planted tree growth and survival is a lack of adequate water. Without enough water, young trees experience slowed root and shoot growth which can cause the tree to become stunted. Once stunting occurs, it is very difficult for a tree to make up the lost growth. Drought injury on tree leaves include wilting, curling at the edges, yellowing; leaves might be smaller size drop early or stay on the branches even though dead and/or brown. Drought stress might not kill trees immediately but it might set them up for decline, insects and diseases and other problems in following years. In order to ensure healthy and sustained growth, newly planted trees should be watered consistently for the first two to three growing seasons. Depending on soil conditions and rainfall, newly planted and young trees should be watered once a week. Weekly watering should continue throughout the summer and fall months, or until the tree is well established in the landscape. So, what are some of the watering guidelines? Keep the soil moist but not soaked. Too much water, especially in heavy clay soil, can severely damage the tree by eliminating air from the soil and suffocating the roots. The soil should not stay saturated, but should have time to dry out between watering. A good indicator is the mulch around the tree. If the soil is dry below the surface of the mulch, it is time to water. If the mulch is still moist, do not water. This time of year, the standard rule is to water at least once a week at the rate of ten gallons for every diameter inch of the tree. For example, a two-inch diameter (caliper) tree will need twenty gallons per watering. I often see people watering leaves and tree trunks. There are two problems with this. The first problem is that the tree gets most of its water through the roots, not the leaves and bark! The second problem is that water on the leaves may result in sun damage to the leaves and diseases
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due to insects. Water the ground within the drip line (the outer edges of the tree’s branches) to disperse water down to the roots. A soaker hose is ideal as it can water a greater area at one time and does not need to be moved as often. Also, a soaker hose allows for gentle watering. Blasting water under the drip line may remove nutrients, washing away useful soil. Other good thing is using watering wand to water trees. If you have an irrigation system, create separate zones for trees and grass as watering frequency and volume is different among trees, the beloved St. Augustine, and other summer color, deer-candy plants. During long dry periods, trees must be given top watering priority over your lawn because your brown grass might green up and come back but your brown leafed trees will not survive. The five-gallon bucket method (or watering bags) provides another easy and effective way to water your trees. Simply drill one-quarter inch holes in the bottom of five-gallon buckets of water and place them beneath the drip line of the tree. The gradual release of water will effectively soak the critical root zone of the tree and provides an inexpensive alternative to sprinklers or other watering methods. In Central Texas you should continue watering weekly during the winter if there is no rain. Newly planted trees should be watered regularly, particularly April to September, for 2-3 years so that they may have the best chance of surviving and becoming well established. You do not generally need to water established trees. However, observe your older trees to see if they need additional water. The need for watering will most likely occur during periods of extended drought. If you do water an older tree, you can either water the entire area under the crown or foliage, or concentrate water on 1/3 of the area. The best time to water in this blistering heat is between 10 pm and 8 am. Trees relieve water deficits overnight. There is also less evaporation during the late night hours, providing more water in the soil. Finally, pest problems are minimized when watering during the night. To conserve water you could drain your kid’s pool and pour water under a tree or redirect your rain gutters toward your trees. If you really want to save, reuse the water you save waiting for the shower to warm up (or would that be being too radical!). Plant drought tolerant species so they have better chance for survival and need less watering. Forget your desire to plant water loving trees (such as magnolia, bald cypress, pecan and some other trees) on rocky shallow soil because they will not do well. Rather plant oaks and elms unless you have rich deep soil. Nourishment during the hot summer months is crucial to the survival and growth of a young Texas trees. Always remember to mulch, water, and care for your trees so that you may enjoy the beauty, and the shade, of your trees for many summers to come.
Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
Pruning Guidelines
for Prevention of Oak Wilt in Texas
Oak wilt, caused by the fungus Ceratocystis fagacearum, is the most destructive disease affecting live oaks and red oaks in Central Texas. Most of the tree mortality results from treeto-tree spread of the pathogen through interconnected or grafted root systems, once an oak wilt center becomes established. New infection centers begin when beetles carry oak wilt fungal spores from infected red oaks to fresh, open wounds on healthy oaks. Wounds include any damage caused by wind, hail, vehicles, construction, squirrels, birds or pruning. Research has shown that both oak wilt fungal mats on infected red oaks and insects that carry oak wilt spores are most prevalent in the spring. Below is a brief description of how you can reduce the risk of fungal spread when pruning. • Always paint fresh wounds on oaks, including pruning cuts and stumps, with wound dressing or latex paint immediately after pruning or live tree removal at all times of the year. • Clean all pruning tools with 10% bleach solution or Lysol™ between sites and/or trees. • If possible avoid pruning or wounding of oaks during the spring (currently defined as February1 through June 30). Reasons to prune in the spring include: • To accommodate public safety concerns such as hazardous limbs, traffic visibility or emergency utility line clearance. • To repair damaged limbs (from storms or other anomalies) • To remove limbs rubbing on a building or rubbing on other branches, and to raise low limbs over a street. • On sites where construction schedules take precedence, pruning any live tissue should only be done to accommodate required clearance. • Dead branch removal where live tissue is not exposed. Pruning for other reasons (general tree health, non-safety related clearance or thinning, etc.) should be conducted before February
Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
1 or after June 30. Debris from diseased red oaks should be immediately chipped, burned or buried. Regardless of the reasons or time of year, proper pruning techniques should be used. These techniques include making proper pruning cuts and avoiding injurious practices such as topping or excessive crown thinning. If you are uncertain about any of this information, you should consult with a Texas Oak Wilt Certified arborist, ISA Certified Arborist, or an oak wilt specialist from a city, county or state government agency such as the Texas Forest Service or Texas AgriLife Extension Service.
References (available at http://www. TexasOakWilt.org): Appel, D.N., and R.F. Billings (eds.). 1995. Oak wilt perspectives: Proceedings of the Nation Oak Wilt Symposium, June 22-25, 1992. Austin, TX. Information Development, Houston, TX. 217 p. Billings, R.F., and D.N. Appel (eds.). 2009. Proceedings of the National Oak Wilt Symposium. June 4-7, 2007, Austin, TX. Texas Forest Service Publication166. 267p. Prepared January 12th, 2011 in cooperation between Texas Forest Service, Texas AgriLife Extension Service and International Society of Arboriculture Texas Chapter.
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Event Pictures!!
Do you have a picture of an event that you would like to run in this newsletter? Send it to us and we will publish it in the next issue. Email the picture to Peggy Kyler, pkyler@austin.rr.com. Be sure to include the text that you would like to have as the caption. Pictures will appear in color online at www.PEELinc.com.
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Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
HIDDEN GLEN HAPPENINGS TECH-ETIQUETTE: IS THERE AN APP FOR CIVILITY? Submitted by Darcy Folsom In today’s age of apps and gadgets, it’s likely that you or someone you know has benefitted handily from the ubiquitous smartphone in today’s digitally-dependent society. If the question were posed to our current generation, “What item would you never want to be without?” it is fair to say that most individuals living in 21st century America would answer: “My phone!” Without our phones, it is certain that many of us would be lost. We would be unable to text, tweet, phone, email, face time, and even friend or like another individual. Would we really? Is American society becoming so dependent upon these technological devices that we are challenged to even recognize our our humanity within? How many young men and women know the value of the age-old adage “Never leave home without a smile?” Is who we were created to be, in such competition with what we hold in our hand, that we have forgotten the simple value of kindness - shared in a smile, of gratification - by greeting another with a genuine handshake? Is it technology that propels our lives, or are we doing our best to prepare our lives to propel the technology that supports them? Regardless of how many apps and buttons and gadgets, and even insurance, we carry on our smartphones, could it be that we have something even better when it comes to insuring our ability to connect with the people we like? Or to be-Friend those to whom we’re attracted, or bring restitution to those un-Friended? Today’s digitally-dependent generation has a challenge before them that
none before have known. That is, being able to successfully pair technology with common courtesy. Remembering what our grandmothers taught us about the civilities of life (carried in our hip pockets) may apply more today, than any app could ever provide. But pairing the art of civility with the current age of technology requires practice. The 21st century can only get better as those old-fashioned manners make their way from our pockets to the person next to us. After all, the words we speak are far more significant than the technology that transmits them. Why not polish a few points of etiquette this summer and complement your savvy skills on your smartphone? By doing so, you and your smartphone may just move from merely getting the message delivered, to doing so with principles that shape our character and improve our attitudes about both our electronic devices, and the lives of those who use them. TIP #1 - When you take a call in the presence of another person, you are communicating, “You are secondary; the caller is more important than you are.” If you are expecting a call, let your companion know in advance, and excuse yourself before taking the call, limiting the call to under one minute. Never use a cell phone on a date, unless there is an emergency. TIP #2 - If you find it necessary to use your smartphone while driving, make it a habit to get into your car, buckle up, and prepare your hand’s free device to activate the call BEFORE starting your engine. TIP #3 - Allow your personality, not your PDA to impress others. Avoid using novelty
ringtones, and choose the vibrate option as much as possible. TIP #4 - Remove your earpiece when not on the phone. Always keep your phone in a pocket or a purse, rather than laying it on the table next to you. TIP# 5 - When in a public place, refrain from using your ear buds to listen to your favorite playlist. Instead, be prepared to greet those who are near you, looking oncoming passersby in the eye, with a smile and “Hello!” This is not only courteous, but it is also a way to remain sure about your surroundings. As you travel to the lake or the seaside with friends, consider the value that a few manners may add to the dynamics of your summer relationships. Ask the question – is there something more fundamental than a fancy app, or gadget insurance to satisfy our lack? What have we already been given as a way to connect with the people we like, and those we want to be-Friend? Rather than search your smartphone for the latest apps, ask your companion’s permission to practice with them, as you begin to apply these principles of TechEtiquette. These courtesies will both benefit the words we speak and the actions we offer, as we engage those around us with the very acts of courtesy we desire for others to share with us. Practicing the art of civility alongside the technology that propels our lives, I believe we will see our digitally-dependent generation become the one to re-engage our culture with civility and the accomplished principles of common courtesy.
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Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
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Take the Colin’s Hope Water Guardian Pledge I WILL constantly watch children around water. I WILL NOT become distracted. I WILL maintain a valid CPR certification. I WILL be on duty until relieved by an adult.
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Hidden Glen Happenings - July 2012
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