Sonoma - July 2012

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The Grapevine July 2012, Volume 6, Issue 7

The Grapevine

Official Publication of Sonoma Homeowners Association



At a recent Board meeting we implemented rule changes that are effective immediately: • Water balloons are prohibited in the pool area. The pieces of the balloons have the potential to cause damage to the pool filters, resulting in costly repairs. • Only toys meant for pool use are allowed in the pool. No sports balls, such as footballs, or toys that can disintegrate in the water. Such as hacky sacks. We want to ensure the safety of all swimmers and protect pool equipment. • Regarding Yard Maintenance, ONE warning that will include a forced mow warning will be sent on the 1st violation. The 2nd violation will result in a $25 fine and thereafter forced mows can be ordered at the owner’s expense. Please contact us if you have any questions. Regards, Donna Kohn

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Via Sonoma Pool

The newly renovated via Sonoma Pool opened for the season June 1, 2012. The maintenance plagued water features have been replaced by a splash pool geared towards our younger swimmers. Our lap pool has re-plastered, new stronger pumps were installed and new lights were added where necessary. Everyone will notice the non-slip cool decking that replaced the old hot, slippery concrete. We hope to add a sun canopy over the splash pool next season if the budget allows. The Board appreciates everyone’s patience with the unexpected delayed opening and hope you have the opportunity to visit via Sonoma Pool sometime this summer! The Grapevine - July 2012


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