Cherry Creek View
News from the Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Neighborhood
August 2012 Volume 8, Number 8
Message from the President The Fourth of July parade was a hit with the kids in the neighborhood and many adults also participated. Neighbors supported the kids by cheering them on as they circled the subdivision. The line-up began at the front entrance park and the parade picked up additional participants along the way. The kids decorated their bikes and wagons and others marched along. It ended at the back park on Silk Oak Drive where a jumping castle arrived at 10am. Erica Taylor did face painting which was a smash hit and I tied balloons for the kiddos. There were good eats and treats, along with sausage wraps and lots of covered dishes your neighbors brought. Everyone visited until about 12:30. We even had a few folks sign up with the home owners association. We could sure use some more members. Their dues support activities like the July Fourth Parade, National Night Out, Easter Egg Hunt for the kids, Halloween awards, Christmas light awards, and upkeep of our beautiful front entrance. We are in dire need of new lights for the front entrance and they are expensive. Keeping that entrance attractive keeps your property values up and welcomes your guests to a neighborhood that is proud of itself. Dues are only $60 a year, that’s only $5 a month! Please consider supporting your neighborhood. There is a Neighborhood Watch program planned for August 7, Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Police Station at 404 Ralph Albenedo. This is just north of Slaughter and west of Congress. Officer Ristow will be presenting a slide presentation and talk and answering questions on keeping your neighborhood safe and recognizing suspicious activity. We have not had one of these in a few years and would be a good opportunity to brush up on your observation skills. The next major activity planned for the neighborhood will be National Night Out and we would like to have one house on each street host a get together. Contact any of the Board members if you would like to do this. The Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association will furnish refreshments and will be letting you know the exact date as it gets closer. Thank you for allowing me to serve as your President. Sam Taylor Copyright Š 2012 Peel, Inc.
Yard of the Month
Contemporary meets traditional at 9404 Lightwood Loop. Holly and David Parnos just completed a beautiful transformation of their shaded front yard to garner the August YOM. The Garden Girls were driving by and literally did a double take. Where there had been a traditional, if not a little threadbare front yard, there is now an eyecatching oasis. Holly recently indulged her artistic side and developed a formal landscape plan. Working with a professional landscaper (Continued on page 2) Cherry Creek on Brodie Lane Association Newsletter - August 2012 1