Round Rock Ranch - September 2012

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Official Newsletter for the Residents of Round Rock Ranch September 2012

Volume 2, Issue 9

Dear RR Residents, Fall is right around the corner which is the perfect time for new plantings of trees and shrubs here in our Central Texas climate! Many of you might be considering replacing lawns and landscaping and there is no more perfect time of the year than now. Whether you own or rent your home you are still responsible for the up keep and appearance of the property you live in. We all take pride in living in a neighborhood that looks and feels good as you drive thru; with a special pride in saying “I live in Round Rock Ranch”! We have a special challenge here in our neighborhood with more and more homeowners renting out their property. Please be mindful of your renters and let them know the rules of the neighborhood before they sign on the dotted line. Deed restrictions still apply to all properties regardless if you are an owner or a renter residing in the home. School has started and the school zones are now in effect both for the elementary and high school here in our neighborhood. Please slow down and stay off the phone in school zones, it is for the safety of our children. Remember! The Neighborhood Wide Garage Sale is coming up next month!

2012 SOCIAL EVENTS CALENDAR FALL GARAGE SALES Saturday October 20th, 8:00am to 12:00pm CHRISTMAS SNOW PARTY Saturday December 8th - Sundrop Cul-D-Sac or field area

*Please note that these are tentative dates. Due to factors beyond our control, some dates may need to be changed.

Lea Beth Munoz RRR HOA - President

Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

Round Rock Ranch - September 2012


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