Stone Canyon - September 2012

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Stone Canyon Neighborhood Newsletter

September 2012

Volume 7, Issue 9

Official Publication of Stone Canyon Homeowners Association

Letter from The President Welcome fall! I may have heard a collective sigh on August 27th as schools once again opened their doors to students. We’ll need to adjust to the traffic challenges of students being dropped off and picked up at Fern Bluff Elementary, as well as students and parents walking or biking to and from school. Of course we’ll have school buses picking up and dropping students, so make sure to look for their blinking lights and students boarding or departing. Have you noticed the surveyors in the neighborhood, especially at the intersection of Wyoming Springs and Brightwater Blvd? The City of Round Rock is working to gather data to start the Creek Bend Blvd Extension. We’ve known for several years that the city planned to extend Creek Bend Blvd over Brushy Creek to the intersection of Brightwater Blvd and Wyoming Springs Drive to provide better north-south connections west of IH 35. The city’s website shows a start date of 2014 with a duration of 18-24 months. Once we get notice of a more specific start time, we’ll notify the community. For more information, check the City of Round Rock website at: http:// I’ve had a few residents contact me with some concerns and requests that I’d like to pass along. Part of yard maintenance is the disposal of the debris caused by cutting grass and trimming. Some neighbors have noticed that sometimes debris is left on the sidewalk or blown into the street. Clippings on the sidewalk can cause walkers to slip, and yard waste blown into the street can clog the drainage sewers. Please be courteous and help maintain a nice look in the community by properly disposing of debris and yard waste. Also, please be considerate of your neighbors with respect to trees overhanging the sidewalk. Preferably, trees should hang over the sidewalk no lower than eight feet (8’). I’ve noticed a few challenging areas on walks around the community. If you have any trees with branches that need to be lifted, please take care of them so that you avoid a deed violation. In addition, plants and shrubs need to be kept off the sidewalk. Another issue that has many residents concerned is parking in driveways that block sidewalks. I did some research and found that this is governed by state law in the Texas Transportation Code, Sec. 545.302. STOPPING, STANDING, OR PARKING PROHIBITED IN CERTAIN PLACES. (Continued on Page 3) Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.

SAVE THE DATE! by Joanie Brown

WHAT Stone Canyon’s National Night Out—aka Neighbors’ Night Out WHEN Tuesday, October 2nd TIME 6:00 pm WHERE Pavilion at Brightwater Park

As in the past, we’ll have lots of family food and fun for all. It’s a great opportunity to gather with the neighbors you already know and meet those you haven’t met yet. Watch for more info to come as plans develop. Don’t forget to mark your calendars. Joanie Brown hm: 733-2913; cell: 784-3512

Stone Canyon Homeowner's Association Newsletter - September 2012


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