September 2012
Volume 9, Issue 9
The Official Publication of the Willowlake Homeowners Association
The 29th National Night Out, held on Tuesday, October 2nd from 6:30 - 8:00pm, is an annual event held on the first Tuesday of October in Texas. National Night Out is sponsored by the National Night Out Association of Town Watch. This past year’s National Night Out campaigns involved citizens, law enforcement agencies, civic groups, business, neighborhood organizations and local public officials from more than 9,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories, Canadian cities and military bases worldwide. NATIONAL NIGHT OUT IS DESIGNED TO: • Heighten crime and drug prevention awareness • Generate support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts • Strengthen neighborhood spirit and law enforcement – community partnerships • Send a strong message to criminals to let them know neighborhoods are organized and fighting back • Great way to get together with your neighbors, find out what’s going on in your community • Visit with local law enforcement officers about what you can do to help reduce the opportunities for crime to occur Along with the traditional display of porch lights and frontyard vigils, cities, towns and neighborhoods celebrate NNO with a variety of events and activities such as block parties, cook outs, visits from local law enforcement officers, parades, flashlights walks, contests and youth programs. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please mark the evening of Tuesday, October 2, 2012, 6:30 – 8:00 PM on your calendars for National Night Out. Crime Watch block captains and Neighborhood Social Committee are organizing food and family entertainment. We’ll have events at our parks and around the neighborhood to promote safety and cooperation. Contact James Deitiker at Deitiker@sbcglobal.net to volunteer or for more information. Copyright © 2012 Peel, Inc.
Around the Neighborhood POOL CLOSES SEPTEMBER 30 The Willowlake pool will be closing for the season on September 30, 2012. Please keep your pool cards, as they will be used again next year. Hope you had an enjoyable summer cooling off at the pool! By Linda O’Pry MOSQUITO SPRAYING IN WILLOWLAKE Because some of you have asked, here are the facts on mosquito spraying in Willowlake: The Willowlake HOA contracts with Cypress Creek Pest Control, Inc. to spray for mosquitoes. Normally, they service Willowlake every Tuesday after 11:00 PM. Because of the rain we had during the summer and the recent reports of West Nile Virus, the board approved extending mosquito spraying to Tuesday and Friday through the end of August. We hope it takes care of the problem or curbs it to a large degree. We will never be able to rid ourselves of mosquitoes, but reducing the number is a great help. By Miguel Trevino, Asst. Manager Randall Management
September 3 Labor Day, September 3, 2012, celebrates the achievements of workers and the labor movement; marks the unofficial end of the summer season.
Willowlake Watch - September 2012